Quintos Et. Al., Vs Nicolas Et. Al., GR No. 210252, 25 June 2014

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Quintos et. Al., vs. Nicolas et. Al., GR No. 210252, 25 June 2014


Petitioners and respondents are siblings. Their parents Bienvenido and Escolastica Ibarra were owners of
the subject property in Tarlac that was transferred to the 10 of them after their parents died.

Sometime in 2002, Respondent siblings brought an action for partition against petitioners but was
dismissed for failure of both parties to appear.

Respondent siblings sold their 7/10 undivided share over the property in favor of their co-respondents, the
spouses Recto and Rosemarie Candelario by virtue of said sale, a title was issued in the name of the
Candelarios covering the 7/10 portion.

Petitioners filed complaint for Quieting of Title and Damages against respondents.

Petitioners’ arguments Respondents arguments/counter

- Petitioners alleged that they received the - Petitioners’ cause of action was already
subject property and the house barred by estoppel when one of the
constructed thereon as their share in the petitioners offered to buy the 7/10
distribution of their parent’s real and undivided share of the respondent
personal properties. siblings (this as an admission on the part
- They also averred that they have been in of petitioners that property is not entirely
adverse, open, continuous, and theirs)
uninterrupted possession of the property - Ibarra spouses mortgaged the land to
over 4 decades and are thus entitled to Candelarios but due to nonpayment, co-
equitable title. respondents offered to sell their 7/10
- The doctrine of res judicata bans the share as payment.
parties from partitioning the property.

Both the RTC and CA dismissed the case. It ruled that petitioners have not acquired title over the property
through acquisitive prescription as there was no document evidencing that the parents gave them the


For an action to quiet title to prosper, two indispensable requisites must be present:

(1) Plaintiff has a legal or equitable title to or interest in the real property subject of the action;
(2) The deed, claim, encumbrance, or proceeding claimed to be casting cloud on the title must be
shown to be in fact invalid or inoperative despite its prima facie appearance of validity.

#1 Petitioners fail to substantiate their claim. Their alleged open, continuous, exclusive and
uninterrupted possession of the subject property is belied by the fact that respondent siblings, in 2005
entered in to a Contract of Lease with Avico Lending Investor Co. over the subject lot without any
objection from the petitioners. Moreover, Escolastica Ibarra executed a Deed of Sale covering half of the
subject property in favor of all her 10 children, not in favor of petitioners alone.

#2 The doctrine of res judicata does not apply in this case. Article 494 and Article 496 of the Civil
Code supports the right of co-owner for a partition.

The law generally does not favor the retention of co-ownership as a property relation and is interested
instead in ascertaining the co-owner’s specific shares so as to prevent the allocation of portions to remain
perpetually in limbo. Thus, the law provides that each co-owner may demand at any time the partition of
the thing owned in common.

Between dismissal with prejudice under Rule 17, Sec. 3 and the right granted to co-owners under Art.
Quintos et. Al., vs. Nicolas et. Al., GR No. 210252, 25 June 2014

494 of the Civil Code, the latter must prevail. To construe otherwise would diminish the substantive
right of a co-owner through the promulgation of procedural rules.

Note: There can still be res judicata in partition cases concerning the same parties and the same subject
matter once the respective shares of the co-owners have been determined with finality by a competent
court with jurisdiction or if the court determines that partition is improper for co-ownership does not or no
longer exists.

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