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Dear Thomas,

I hope you are well. I'm so delighted that you're coming to Vietnam next month. I
would be great if you stayed in the same city with me. I can easily book you a
reasonably priced and nice hotel in the city. 
I am writing in reply to your letter asking for advice about what to do to get a job. I
strongly recommend that you should focus on the skills and experience you have
that would make you an ideal candidate in your resume.  You should also send a
thank-you note after the interview. 
Then, about holiday, when choosing where to go in Vietnam, what you should
realize is that the answer is pretty much everywhere. Vietnam is one of the most
beautiful countries on earth and is full of destinations that will take your breath
away. This summer, it would be a good idea to spend your holiday in Sapa, which
is an absolute must visit destination. If I were you, I would also visit Da Lat. Da
Lat is located in the central highlands of south Vietnam and has a cool temperate
As you asked me in the last letter, I would like to share you the things that I helped
me to become happier in my life. Happiness comes in many forms. In my opinion,
firstly, you should know the way to forgive. Forgiving others and being able to
forgive yourself is essential for being able to move forward and regain a positive
outlook in life. Next, you should know how to eat healthy and exercise
regularly. The old saying goes ‘you are what you eat’ and even in this day and age
the saying is truer than ever. You also should know how to set your goals as well
as live your passions every day.
I hope this advice will be useful. Please write to me again to tell how things are
going on or if you need any more help.

Bài 2: In recent years, governments have invested huge money on some main
fields to create a strong country. Some people think that governments should
invest as much money as possible on improving the education system. Other
people disagree and think that this money should be spent on solving other
urgent problems.....discuss both views and give your opinion......

In recent years, governments have invested huge money on some main fields to
create a strong country. People have different views about whether developing
countries should focus on solving urgent problems or education. While there are
some benefits of solving urgent prolems, I would argue that education should be
the top priority of these nations.
There are several reasons why urgent problems should be improved. Urgent
problems include improving industrial skills, science, etc. Firstly, since
developing countries often lack workers with specilaized ability, the governments
of these countries should invest more in training and enhancing working skills to
provide sufficient work force. For example, in Vietnam, there are currently very
few people who work in the automobile manufacturing industry, so it is necessary
to increase the number of workers in this field. Secondly, when workers' practical
skills are improved, the productivity of factories would be enhanced. As a result,
more goods with higher qualities would be produced, which generates more money
for the whole nation. Secondly, an increase in scientific education and
development must not be the main measure of a country’s progress. It can be
seen that the study of many other disciplines of education can also attribute to a
countries progress.
From the other point of view, if more people are educated in a country, it is
apparent that the employment rate of that nation will be high. Moreover, education
creates a positive mentality among the people. In addition, investment in its
education system is one of the best ways to improve a country’s economy in the
long term. For example, South Korea and Finland took the decision to invest a
large proportion of their budget in education and this has reaped benefits in the
form of high-tech companies such as Samsung and Nokia. Next, education is not
just about improving the economy it also has many social benefits. Well educated
people tend to be more aware of social evils such as drugs, alcohol, etc. For
example, Singapore educates all of its citizens on the dangers of drugs and this has
resulted in one of the lowest levels of drug abuse in the world.
In conclusion, education should take precedence over urgent problems when it
comes to funding due to the many socio-economic benefits it brings. It is
recommended that governments continue to pump money into schools and
universities in order to realize long-term goals.

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