Moodle Forum Posting Examples

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Forum posting examples


325-400 original words)
The social values of the early Hebrew civilization have been made very clear and strict in
these passages. This civilization took everything very seriously. In the first passage, it stated
that marriage was a sacred thing and was valued incredibly. If a man were to sleep with a
woman who was a virgin, it was extremely critical that he would pay the bride price and make
her his wife. It was something that seemed very delicate and important to the entire society and
it slightly showed a sign of respect, especially if the father refused to give his daughter to the
man, he would still have to pay the bride price. I believe that family structure is an extremely
important factor that should be well thought out and held to the highest priority. The role of the
woman was very elaborate in the second passage. It is mentioned that a woman who is of noble
character is very difficult to find. But if a man were to find a woman who is of noble character, do
not take her for granted because she is, in other words, perfect. She is described as selfless
and constantly puts her family and society first. She is the right hand of her husband. She is
seen as working consistently, and continuing to better herself as if she doesn't think what she's
doing is enough. She contributes to society. They mentioned that she wears purple. As a
common instinct, purple represents royalty. She is looked up as a role model for younger
generations. No, the female perspective is stated in these passages. It is seen as the idealized
expectations of a woman of noble character; the perfect woman. The passages that we have
read do support that the Judeo-Christian culture has a patriarchal foundation and legacy. It is
obviously built upon that and it is clear stated within the overview of the passages.
Comparing and contrasting the Hebrew women and the Greek women is shocking. I was
surprised. Greek women were expected to stay quiet and unseen. They had to stay inside, and
it would be looked upon if the husband were to talk about her as well. In Hebrew civilizations,
the women were considered the pride of the family. If you had a hard working wife who was
selfless and was involved with society, it was the highest honor. As for the Greek women, it's
the complete opposite, regardless of the housework and labor. I see the Western Civilization's
expectations of women to be more influenced by the Hebrew civilization.


original words)
These passages from Exodus and Proverbs tell us a lot about early Hebrew Civilization.
For one, the culture was very traditional and strict when it comes to sex. For example, Exodus
states “If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged to be married and sleeps with her, he must
pay the bride-price, and she shall be his wife” showing that promiscuity was not accepted for
either men or women. Men could not simply take advantage of women and in turn women could
not have a multitude of sexual partners as once they lost their virginity they would either marry
that partner or the man would have to pay a bride-price. The passage from Proverbs is
significant because it shows that women in the Hebrew culture actually had a fairly large role
and that the husband relied on her for a lot. The “Wife of Noble Character” had many
responsibilities including care of the house, raising the children, making clothes, and supporting
the husband. While the “Wife of Noble Character” had many responsibilities, the actual
responsibilities entrusted to her support the idea of a patriarchal society. For example, she has
to be at the home doing house work and raising children while “her husband is respected at the
city gate where he takes his seat among the elders of the land”. Just as in a traditional
patriarchy women have little agency and their primary responsibility is to support the husband
and take care of the house.


175 original words)
It is very true that Spartan women were physically and mentally unique due to their
education. I believe their education helped them to be significant members of society. Women
being allowed to learn assisted men in recognizing their importance and appreciating it. From a
young age they were taught of their equality to men, very unlike the upbringing of an Athenian
woman. They were instead married off to work in their husbands home forever at a very young
age. Therefore, being uneducated, they were taught nothing but their lack of freedom.

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