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The role of chief Executive Officer


Various research on role of CEO is conflicting and outdated, as there is gap between

the literature and current practice on role of CEO[CITATION Gli11 \l 1033 ]. The main

purpose of the article is to provide insight on major roles played by CEO and how they

manage their time in various critical function. The paper also aim serve those with

responsibility to identify CEO candidates, coach CEO and helping to develop in making

performance metrics for Board of directors to supervise CEO’s work.

Findings of Article

The research concluded that there are basically six roles of CEOs namely

interpersonal, informational, operational, decisional strategic and diplomatic roles. Under

informational role there is disseminator, spokesperson and commander role while

interpersonal role includes leader , motivator and director role. Similarly, operational role

comprises analyzer, controller, operator and consultant role while in decisional role includes

entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator and problem solver role.

Further, strategic role constitute of Coordinator, Innovator, Planner, Vision Setter, Strategist,

Transformer and creator and maintainer of corporate culture. Lastly, diplomatic role of a

CEO comprises Statesperson, Figurehead and liaison role.

It was also found that CEOs work for longer hour and were attending more meetings

and dealing with people. There most of the time were spent on sharing vision and influencing

team work to attain firms goal.

Relating with PA2 Assignment

Our PA2 assignment deals with evaluation of CEO’s job understanding its

complexities. Further, a case study of Apple was provided which has to be analyzed on the

basis of internal managerial labor market as Tim Cook was successor to Steve Jobs. It also
require us to explain these two CEOs leadership style. The article above insight about the role

of a CEO in an organization. No matter the difference in leadership style the key role of

CEOs in general will be the same that is blending and sharing vision with team to achieve

long term goals.

Industry Example

Currently I am associated with NMB Capital Limited, a leading merchant bank of

Nepal in the capacity of Scheme manager. Mr. Shreejesh Ghimire, CEO of NMB Capital has

been a phenomenal mentor to me. Basically, he is the one that has connected all our team

member into one through communicating vision of the organization and motivating us to

achieve those set milestones. He is active learner and key resource allocator, believes in

delegation and providing autonomy to staff to perform task. He also emphasizes on team

work and innovation. He is also a product of NMB bank and has been promoted to CEO like

that of Tim Cook. The internal managerial labor market has been working as he is already

familiar with the value of NMB and its working methodology. He is able to carry forward

and maintain the NMB value system in our organization which could not be easy if it was

from any other organization of industry.


Child, J. (n.d.). International Co-operative Strategy. Retrieved from


Glick, M. B. (2011). The Role of Chief Executive Officer. Colorado State University.

Retrieved from


Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2019). Strategic Management:

Competitiveness & Globalization (13 ed.). Boston, United States: Cengage Lerning.

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