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KL - C H N

TN e-Registration

Provisional Registration {You may exit the airport o n l y after updating Vehicle/Driver details)

Registration N u m b e r TN/KL-CHN/DF/3010/595252

Name Girish Gopalakrishnan

Mobile Number 9884439149

Father's N a m e Gopalakrishnan

Age 40

Vehicle Type

Additional Passengers

Airport T h i r u v a n a n t h a p u r a m Airport - C h e n n a i Airport

Flight Number 6E6344

PNR Number znfdrd

Seat N u m b e r 20e

From No 17, Mulvilla Road, Varkala,Trivandrum,Kerala,695581

To No 2/5, TNP 1st Lane,Perambur Chennai,Tamil Nadu, 600011

I D Proof A a d h a r Card - 9238

Issued By Government of T a m i l N a d u On 29/ 11 / 2 0 2 0

I n case of any d i ffi c u l t i e s or for verification c a l l 24/7 A m m a c a l l center n u m b e r 1 1 0 0 or 24/7 S EO C n u m b e r 1 0 7 0 or toll-free

n u m b e r 1 8 0 0 - 4 2 5 - 1 3 3 3 between 8 : 0 0 A M and 8 : 0 0 P M .

KL - C H N
TN e-Registration

I m port a n t Conditions;:

1 . T N eRegistration is not transferable. Misuse of eRegistration or making il l i c i t copies or any m o d i fi c a t i o n of the

eRegistration is a c r i m i n a l offence.

2. The TN eRegistration copy must be carried by the registrant and produced for any verification by authorities

3 . Must use face mask, fo l l o w physical d i s t a n c i n g and a l l other health protocols.

4. None of the passengers should come from or go to any of the containment zones

5. Forging an eRegistration or o b t a i n i n g an eRegistration by s u b m i t t i n g forged/fake/invalid documents or by g i v i n g wrong

data is an offence p u n i s h a b l e u n d e r the I P C and E p i d e m i c Diseases Act.

6. The i n d i v i d u a l h a s to c o n fi r m that she/he has not come into in contact with any Corona positive cases for the past 1 5


7. The TN eRegistration copy must be carried by the registrant and produced for any verification by authorities. The

eRegistration copy may be printed and pasted on the windscreen of the v e h i c l e a n d an electronic copy s h o u l d be m a d e

a v a i l a b l e to the p o l i c e and other p e r s o n n e l at various checking points. registrants may note that many States have

imposed various restrictions in respect of Inter State travel. Hence, the registrant must verify the same with the

concerned authorities of the destination/transit States before they commence the travel. registrants must adhere to

the directions issued by those State Governments as well.

8. Registrants must adhere to the various p u b li c health advisories i n c l u d i n g use of face mask, social d i s t a n c i n g a n d all

other hygiene protocols.

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