Lead Management: Getting Started Product Proposals

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Lead Management

Getting Started Product Proposals

Marketing Planning &

Personalized Forms
Campaign Management

Key Figure Planning &

Campaign Execution
Closed Loop Data Flows

Business Partner
Lead Management

ã SAP AG 2001
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Contents / Objectives

l Lead generation
l Lead qualification
l Lead transfer from Marketing to Sales
l Lead reporting

At the end of this unit, you will be able to:
l Generate and qualify Leads
l Integrate Leads into the sales process
l Understand how Business Workflow automatically supports the
transfer to sales team
l Explain Lead reporting

ã SAP AG 2001
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Business Scenario

l As a Lead Manager of IDES Inc. you want to generate

and qualify Leads to increase sales revenue.
l As a part of the Lead Management process you first
need to generate Lead information about your
Business Partners (either prospects or known
customers) gathered across all interaction channels
(Web, Phone, Fax, E-mail, Mobile, Face-to-Face).
Two basic scenarios can be identified: outbound and
l After Lead generation, Leads may be qualified in
different levels (e.g. hot, warm, cold) and transferred
from marketing to sales as new opportunities for
further follow-up.
l Finally Lead Reporting

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Lead Management: Definition and Integration

Lead Management is designed to automate the initial

pre-sales process, freeing up the sales department to
focus on the most valuable prospects and opportunities.

Lead Management covers the following individual processes

and functions:
l Lead Generation
l Lead Qualification
l Lead Reporting
Integration to:
l Channels ( CIC, Internet, Mobile, 3th Party )
l Opportunity Management
l Activity Management
l Business Information Warehouse (BW)
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Business Process Overview

3rd Party
(e.g., D&B) Mobile Web Tele

Status Process
Business Lead Gathering
Partner and Targeting

Lead Warm Lead Qualification
Qualified Lead Qualified Lead
Opportunity B Sales Pipeline
Customer Selling,
Analyze, Contracting
learn, grow
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Definition: Lead in mySAP CRM

Lead is a transaction in mySAP CRM system, not a prospect!

A lead is used to describe , store , update and manage the

potential interest of a business partner (in certain
timeframe and for a specific product)

Leads can be connected with : Basic Lead Information:

l Business Partner: l Status
customer or prospect l Origin
l Organizational Model l Lead Group
l Activities l Priority
l Texts l Qualification Level
l Documents l Campaign

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Lead Management: Overview Screen



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Lead Generation (1)

l A Business Partner or prospect could get in contact across various
channels (e.g. Email, Fax, Phone, Face-to-Face).
Leads can be created manually by different employees
( CIC employee, Lead Manager, Lead Qualifier).

l Lead Generation via activity management
® Leads can be generated via activities either directly or
via CIC based on a call list.
l Lead Generation directly via Marketing Campaign
® Leads are directly created by system and sent to the relevant
employees for qualification
l Lead Generation without campaign relationship (only focusing on
specific target group)

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Lead Generation (2)

Lead Generation
Generation via
marketing campaign

Lead generation
campaign relationship

Lead Generation
in CIC
CIC via
interactive scripting

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Lead Qualification

l “Iterative and interactive process by which leads are repeatedly

processed with a view for establishing and improving the level of
interest of a business partner“
l Qualification Level can be set by:

certain Indices using Survey tool

l Predefined questionnaire
l Lead qualifier collects all kind of
information l Single or multiple choice answer
l Last orders, activities, service l Free text
orders, products purchased etc. l Based on given answers a score
l No interaction with business is calculated
partner l Qualification level is set
l Decision based on experience automatically based on score
l Interaction with business partner

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Leads Qualification by Using the Survey Tool (1)

l Creation of surveys with customer specific questions

n Easy to create
n Drag & Drop function for the Q & A options

l Survey rating and scoring range

n Define rating of each question in your survey
n Define the lead status from cold to hot

Leads Qualification via Survey Tool

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Leads Qualification by Using the Survey Tool (2)

1 Define
Lead questionnaire

Assign qualification
levels to
2 questionnaires

3 Assign
Assign aa
questionnaire to to aa
transaction type
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Lead-to-Opportunity Workflow

Call Center
Agent LEAD Key Account

l SAP Standard Business Workflow in Lead Management

l Lead to Opportunity Workflow (preconfigured template available)
l System routes Hot Lead to responsible Sales Employee
l Sales Employee can either reject the lead or create an opportunity
l Automatic creation of opportunity based on lead-specific
attributes Priority and Lead Group .

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Lead Transfer to Sales

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Lead Reporting

l In CRM:
n Business Partner Cockpit
u Displays open leads by dates, priority and qualification level
n Document Flow
u Displays the interlinkages to a business transaction

l In BW:
n Comprehensive report and analysis queries
u Channel analysis
u Efficiency reporting
u Original Qualification Level Reporting
u History reporting
u Lost leads

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Business Partner Cockpit

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Document Flow in Lead Reporting

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Lead Reporting with the Business Information


Lost Leads:
Analysis of lost Leads for improving your work with the Lead. The Query
displays the reasons why the Leads were lost and what where the main
reason for the loses. If you know that reason you can try to figure out new
strategies to overcome those points.

History Reporting
Query helps to analyse and compare Leads from different time periods. The
analysis can help to see if general characteristics of the works with Leads
have changed over the correspondending time intervals.

Original Qualification Level Reporting

Query helps to analyse the grade of difficulty to transform a Lead into an
Opportunity by using the initial qualification level of a Lead. The assumption
for this query shoul be that it is more difficult to transfer a cold Lead into an
Opportunity than to transfer a hot lead.

ã SAP AG 2001
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Now you are able to:

l Generate and qualify Leads

l Integrate Leads into the sales process
l Understand how Business Workflow automatically
supports the transfer to sales team
l Explain Lead reporting

ã SAP AG 2001

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