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Date: November, 30 2020


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Plagiarised Unique Words Characters

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Covid-19: Epidemiologic Features and Current Treatments Infectious disease outbreaks are threats to human life and the economy. They
cause great social, political, economic, and psychological distress. When a coronavirus appeared in China, around 2003 in Guangdong
province, it was named SARS coronavirus (SARS-COV). It has been the etiological agent of mysterious pneumonia. The illness was
brought to neighboring countries and even found its way to North and South America; later becoming a pandemic in weeks (Yang et al.
102434). Data from the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) accounts that the disease has an average mortality rate of 10 –
20 % leaving a mark with a total of 8,098 people worldwide became sick with SARS during the 2002 outbreak; a total of 774 people died.
SARS-COV stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus. SARS manifests as fever of rapid onset, usually paired
with cough, with an average of 6-day incubation period that usually progresses to severe acute respiratory syndrome (Demmler and Ligon
243). In addition, the mode of transmission of this disease is via “person-to-person contact; making it highly contagious. When a person
sneezes, the virus can be spread via respiratory droplets or when another person touches the surface of a contaminated object. Although
SARS-COV affected thousands of people, through global effort, it was contained before the end of the year 2003. Nevertheless, it was an
outbreak the world cannot forget. Fast forward, after 17 years, another coronavirus has appeared. Its first case appeared in Wuhan, China
and was reported by the WHO Country Office in China, on December 31, 2019. It was known again as mysterious pneumonia of unknown
cause and attributed to a virus that is a member of the coronavirus (CoV) family. Zeng has described thoroughly the members of the family
Coronaviridae to which the coronaviruses as “enveloped viruses that possess extraordinarily large single-stranded RNA genomes ranging
from 26 to 32 kilobases in length” (1679). First identified in the 1960s, coronaviruses are described to have a non-segmented, positive-
sense single-strand RNA (Yang et. Al 102434). The coronaviruses have, on their surface, crown-like spikes that they use to attach to their
host. Their usual hosts are vertebrates, including humans. However, studies have shown that coronaviruses can transmit the disease
through other species as intermediate hosts (Lau 2810). SARS-COV was transmitted to humans through palm civets as an intermediate
host. As for SARS-COV-2, a study conducted by Xu et al. (459) showed that the genomic sequence of the virus belongs to the
betacoronavirus genus with a fruit bat as its probable intermediate host. Moreover, the study concluded that the Wuhan coronavirus has a
common ancestor with the SARS coronaviruses and it has a strong affinity for human ACE2, presenting a high risk for species to species
transmission (460). On February 11, 2020, the virus was officially branded as the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
CoV-2) by the World Health Organization. Consequently, the disease it causes was named COVID-19.

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