Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology: Melissa J. Vincent, Ann Parker, Andrew Maier

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Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 90 (2017) 231e243

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Cleaning and asthma: A systematic review and approach for effective

safety assessment
Melissa J. Vincent*, Ann Parker, Andrew Maier
Department Environmental Health, University Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Research indicates a correlative relationship between asthma and use of consumer cleaning products. We
Received 18 November 2016 conduct a systematic review of epidemiological literature on persons who use or are exposed to cleaning
Received in revised form products, both in occupational and domestic settings, and risk of asthma or asthma-like symptoms to
6 July 2017
improve understanding of the causal relationship between exposure and asthma. A scoring method for
Accepted 10 September 2017
assessing study reliability is presented. Although research indicates an association between asthma and
Available online 14 September 2017
the use of cleaning products, no study robustly investigates exposure to cleaning products or ingredients
along with asthma risk. This limits determination of causal relationships between asthma and specific
products or ingredients in chemical safety assessment. These limitations, and a lack of robust animal
Hazard characterization models for toxicological assessment of asthma, create the need for a weight-of-evidence (WoE) approach
Cleaning to examine an ingredient or product's asthmatic potential. This proposed WoE method organizes diverse
Systematic review lines of data (i.e., asthma, sensitization, and irritation information) through a systematic, hierarchical
Acetic acid framework that provides qualitatively categorized conclusions using hazard bands to predict a specific
Weight of evidence product or ingredient's potential for asthma induction. This work provides a method for prioritizing
Sensitization chemicals as a first step for quantitative and scenario-specific safety assessments based on their potential
for inducing asthmatic effects. Acetic acid is used as a case study to test this framework.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction (RADS; Bernstein, 1993; Vandenplas et al., 2014) or Low Intensity

Chronic Exposure Dysfunction Syndrome (LICEDS; Baur et al.,
Asthma prevalence is rising globally. Approximately 7% of adults 2012). Thus, understanding the subtleties of evaluating asthma as
(17.7 million) and 8.6% of children (6.3 million) in the United States an endpoint in the safety and risk assessment context is an
have been diagnosed with current asthma, increasing the burden important undertaking. However, risk assessors are hampered by
on health care costs and impacting quality of life (Centers for limitations in both epidemiology and toxicology methods, specif-
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2015). Asthma is a com- ically a lack of reliable in vitro or in vivo models for asthma or
plex syndrome with multiple phenotypes (Bousquet et al., 2010) asthma-specific risk assessment guidance (Maier et al., 2014; 2015)
characterized by a combination of smooth muscle dysfunction and and inadequate exposure characterization.
inflammatory responses (Lemanske and Busse, 2010; NHLBI, 2007) Interpretation of the potential for cleaning products or indi-
that commonly presents with symptoms of cough, wheeze, dys- vidual ingredients to induce asthma (i.e., cause new-onset asthma)
pnea, and chest tightness (Tarlo et al., 2008; Association of or elicit an asthmatic response is an important driver for product
Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC), 2008). Most formulation decisions and regulatory outcomes. The use of cleaning
cases of asthma are caused or triggered by specific (IgE–mediated) products in residential and commercial applications is implicated
or non-specific (IgE-independent) inflammation (Mapp et al., as a potential inducer of asthma or as a trigger for respiratory
2005), but exposures to chemical irritants can also cause asthma- symptoms in asthmatics, which may contribute to the observed
like syndromes, like Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome morbidity (Zock et al., 2010; Folletti et al., 2014; Jaakkola and
Jaakkola, 2006; Siracusa et al., 2013). Current evidence is not suf-
ficiently robust to accurately characterize the mixture of chemicals
* Corresponding author. University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 160 Panzeca and exposures encountered during cleaning, nor to determine a
Way, Cincinnati, OH 45267, USA. clear relationship between specific cleaning product exposures and
E-mail address: (M.J. Vincent).
0273-2300/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
232 M.J. Vincent et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 90 (2017) 231e243

Abbreviations LRTS Lower Respiratory Tract Symptoms

NHBLI National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association NTP National Toxicology Program
AOEC Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics OR Odds Ratio
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention PR Prevalence Ratio
ETS Environmental Tobacco Smoke RADS Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome
EU European Union RR Risk Ratio
HCL Hydrochloric Acid SES Socioeconomic Status
IgE Immunoglobulin E TERA Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment
JEM Job Exposure Matrix TRP Transient Receptor Potential
LCL Lower Confidence Limit UCL Upper Confidence Limit
LICEDS Low-Intensity Chronic Exposure Dysfunction URTS Upper Respiratory Tract Symptoms
Syndrome WoE Weight of Evidence

the development of asthma, or asthma induction. Cleaning-related generally tailored for specific uses (i.e., biomonitoring or exposure
exposures are complex; cleaning can expose individuals to chem- evaluation (LaKind et al., 2014)), disease outcomes (e.g., the Quality
ical irritants and also temporarily increases intake of dusts, pollen, Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) for neuro-
dander, and molds while simultaneously reducing overall house- developmental studies (Whiting et al., 2003)) or scenarios not
hold allergen burdens over time (Nickmilder et al., 2007; Zock et al., relevant for asthma risk assessment. Other guidelines are complex
2009; Hern andez-Cadena et al., 2015). Some studies have con- and difficult to interpret and use in a WoE tool that integrates
ducted quantitative exposure assessments of cleaning scenarios multiple lines of evidence because they lack a method for ranking
(Bello et al., 2010; Vincent et al., 1993; Nazaroff and Weschler, 2004; studies by their quality. Examples include the BEES-C (LaKind et al.,
Singer et al., 2006; LeBouf et al., 2014; Bessonneau et al., 2013), but 2014), the PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and
none measured asthmatic or asthma-like outcomes for determi- meta-analyses (Liberati et al., 2009), the OHAT approach (NTP,
nation of a quantitative exposure-response relationship.1 Without 2013), the STROBE statement (Von Elm et al., 2008), and the
linking quantitative exposure assessments to asthma response, the RCGP three-star system (Nicholson et al., 2010; Baur, 2013). Our
exposure-response relationship between cleaning product in- approach aligns with the underlying principles of such methods,
gredients and asthma cannot be characterized and drawing con- but was customized to be flexible and simple in interpretation and
clusions about specific causal relationships is limited (Hill, 1965; easy to integrate with the Klimisch et al. (1997) scoring system
Meek et al., 2014). Thus, the absence of definitive exposure- widely used for toxicological study evaluation. The approach is
response data is hindering advances in risk management of expected to facilitate chemical safety assessment.
cleaning-related asthma. Our approach includes a systematic review of current epide-
Due to the lack of specificity between cleaning activities and miology literature using the quality evaluation tool. The purpose for
asthma induction and, more specifically, a lack of quality quanti- this review was two-fold: 1) to validate the proposed quality
tative exposure-response estimations, risk assessors are limited to evaluation method and 2) to determine if persons (both adults and
the use of ingredient-specific (i.e., single chemical) toxicological children) with and without a history of pre-existing asthma who
information. However, in the case of asthma, there is no single actively use or are exposed to domestic cleaning products, both in
validated asthma animal model and assessments often use surro- occupational and domestic settings, at least one time per week are
gate endpoint data (e.g., sensitization and irritation). This study at increased risk for asthma or asthma-like symptoms during their
aims to develop a weight-of-evidence (WoE) approach that can be lifetime. Domestic cleaning products are defined as products that
used to integrate multiple lines of imperfect evidence. We devel- are commonly available, can be purchased “off the shelf” at local
oped a series of risk assessment tools to address this challenge, stores, and are typically used in home cleaning scenarios. Specif-
specifically a multi-step decision system with sequential data ically, we apply Bradford Hill's criteria for causal association in a
analysis techniques and a systematic framework for evaluating chemical safety assessment context (Hill, 1965; Meek et al., 2014) to
weight of evidence to inform hazard characterization and prioriti- assess the strength, consistency, temporality, and coherence of the
zation decisions (Fig. 1). This prioritization framework is divided observed associations between cleaning product ingredient expo-
into four key steps: systematic review, hazard characterization, sures and new-onset asthma.
safety assessment, and risk management. The procedure uses In addition to our presentation of this systematic framework, we
diverse lines of evidence, specifically human data on asthma and apply the methodology to a case study on acetic acid to test the
human and animal data on sensitization and irritation to establish a robustness and accuracy of the method (refer to Supplemental
weight-of-evidence category. These tools include an objective Material 1). It is our goal that these methods can be used to enhance
study quality evaluation approach that rates epidemiological understanding of the possible relationship between cleaning
studies according to their reliability and relevance for asthma safety product ingredients and asthma despite the knowledge gaps and
and risk assessment. Although many high-quality guidelines for lack of robust exposure-response information.
evaluating the quality of epidemiological studies exist, they are

2. Methods
Medina-Ramon et al. (2005) collected short term personal exposure measure- The proposed framework for characterizing and prioritizing
ments of airborne chlorine and ammonia in a subsample of 10 subjects (four cases
and six controls). These ad-hoc measurements were used to describe common
chemicals based asthma hazard using a weight-of-evidence
exposures and not to compare exposure levels between cases and controls or to method is a multi-step process (see Fig. 1). The proposed
determine a dose-response relationship. methods provide guidance for navigating the first two steps of the
M.J. Vincent et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 90 (2017) 231e243 233

Fig. 1. An overview of a multi-step asthma hazard and exposure assessment approach.

framework: systematic review and hazard characterization. The This scoring method was designed to match the categories
third and fourth steps, safety assessment and risk management, are proposed by Klimisch et al. (1997) so that epidemiology and toxi-
described in detail in Maier et al. (2015). cology evidence can be used concordantly in a WoE evaluation.
However, other study quality evaluation methods can also be
adapted and used with the proposed WoE and safety assessment
2.1. Step 1: study Quality Assessment and categorization methods, as needed. For example, scenarios with complex exposure
considerations (e.g., biomarkers) could adopt concepts from the
The initial step of the proposed multi-step asthma hazard and BEES-C method (LaKind et al., 2014) to evaluate exposure mea-
exposure assessment approach (see Fig. 1) is to conduct a system- surement quality in more depth than the proposed method, which
atic review of the literature. In this approach, toxicology data are is based only on categorical judgments regarding population,
reviewed and ranked using the Klimisch method for assessing duration, and temporal patterns (see Fig. 2).
reliability (Klimisch et al., 1997). Relevant epidemiology studies are Although this system is intended for use in chemical-specific
critically reviewed and categorized by an internally developed assessments, we conduct a systematic review of the current, rele-
scoring method based on the modified Hill Criteria (Meek et al., vant epidemiology literature to test and validate the method across
2014), the principles developed by Klimisch et al. (1997), and a large sample of studies and provide a detailed example of its
standard epidemiological evaluation practices incorporating the intended use. A series of terms that relate to both the symptoms
internal and external validity of each study (Lewandowski and and diagnosis of asthma (e.g., wheezing, asthma and airway hy-
Rhomberg, 2005; Money et al., 2013). Studies are assigned a score perreactivity) were searched, in conjunction with terms that
ranging from 1 to 4, depending on their reliability and relevance for describe various facets of cleaning products (e.g., laundry and
use in risk assessment (see Table 1 for a description of the scores, dishwashing), in the National Library of Medicine databases
their categories, and their interpretation). Reliability, in the context PubMed and TOXLINE. Additional details, including search terms,
for this report, is defined by the strength of the study design and its databases, and inclusion and exclusion criteria are included in the
ability to validly address the hypothesis of exposure and adverse Supplemental Material, Section 1. We included any study that
respiratory health outcome(s). Lower scores are indicative of a assessed the prevalence of asthma or respiratory symptoms that
more reliable study. Key confounders and effect modifiers should might be expected from an asthmatic response, referred to as
be selected a priori, but can be modified to meet the individual asthma-like symptoms, in both domestic and occupational
needs of each chemical-specific scenario. Fig. 2 depicts the decision cleaners. Studies involving persons regularly exposed to sensitizers
process involved in assigning a study score.

Table 1
A detailed description of the scores assigned to each reviewed epidemiological study.

Score Definition Interpretation

1 Relevant and reliable without restriction A study that is both internally and externally valid. A longitudinal study that addresses key
confounders and biases and is relevant to the population of interest.
2 Relevant and reliable with restrictions A study that is most likely internally and/or externally valid. A study that may or may not address
key confounders or biases and may or may not directly evaluate the population of interest.
3 Relevant, but not reliable for this assessment A study that is likely not internally and/or externally valid. A study that does not address key
confounders or biases or directly measure the endpoint of interest, and/or is not directly evaluating a
population of interest.
4 Relevant, but reliability cannot be determined from limited A study that is a literature review or a study with very poor study documentation that precludes
documentation. Not useful for this assessment evaluating the robustness of its findings.
234 M.J. Vincent et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 90 (2017) 231e243

Fig. 2. A description of the decision-making process used for determining the quality (score) of an individual epidemiology study.

that are not ingredients found in domestic cleaning products (i.e., to be age, race, sex, smoking status, socioeconomic status (SES, a
nurses who work with glutaraldehyde, Chloramine-T, chlorhexi- predictor of household indoor air quality), and atopy.2
dine, formaldehyde, or benzalkonioum chloride) were excluded
(e.g., Lipinska-Ojrzanowska et al., 2014, 2017). Studies involving 2.2. Step 2: weight of evidence and hazard characterization
persons working in manufacturing of cleaning products were also methodology
excluded (e.g., Abdel Salam et al., 1966; Pham and Mire, 1978;
Oleru, 1984; Hendrick et al., 1988; Bernstein et al., 1994). The steps in the overall WoE process are shown in Fig. 3. Because
Although these studies and case reports may be useful for the no validated animal models for asthma currently exist, evidence of
assessment of health effects and risk associated with specific respiratory sensitization or irritation in animals are evaluated as a
products (e.g., detergent soaps) or ingredients (e.g., acetic acid, as potential precursor or inducer of asthma. The analysis assumes one
shown in the case study), the associated exposure levels and du- can infer likely respiratory tract responses from assays that involve
rations are likely drastically higher than those encountered by exposures by routes other than inhalation (e.g., dermal). However,
cleaners who use domestic products. For this review, we did not since inhalation data are often not available, the method accom-
include information regarding enzyme detergents. Only English- modates the use of data from other routes. The use of surrogate
language studies were considered. health endpoints for asthma and non-inhalation routes of exposure
For this review, only physician-diagnosed cases were considered are reflected in the data hierarchies applied in the WoE process.
to be confirmed cases of asthma. We separately analyzed studies Respiratory sensitization is categorized as either present or ab-
that included clinically-diagnosed cases of asthma from those that sent in the WoE analysis. To assess respiratory sensitization po-
only evaluated non-specific symptoms. Studies including in- tential, multiple lines of evidence are used. Epidemiology studies,
dividuals with no prior diagnosis of asthma (i.e., new-onset asthma case reports and controlled exposure studies in volunteers are
cases) were evaluated regardless of underlying etiology (e.g., given more weight. However, for most chemicals, human effects
immunogenic or non-immunogenic). We also included studies on data on respiratory sensitization are not available. Because there
prevalence of respiratory symptoms expected from an asthmatic are no fully validated, predictive tests available to identify with a
response, referred to as elicitation or exacerbation of asthma-like high degree of specificity whether or not a chemical is a respiratory
symptoms. Key confounders and effect modifiers are considered allergen in humans (Anderson et al., 2011; Dotson et al., 2015;
Kimber et al., 2011), the WoE also includes findings from stan-
dard sensitization protocols, including those conducted via the
dermal route. Due to the complexity of the immune system, species
Other factors are linked to asthma response, specifically parental history of differences in respiratory tract and immune system physiology and
atopy or the presence of household pets, but were not used to judge a study's
reliability. The key confounders and effect modifiers listed here are intended to
anatomy, and experimental challenges involved in conducting
represent the minimum of factors that should be considered in a robust epidemi- inhalation exposure experiments compared to dermal application
ological study on asthma response. studies (Arts et al., 2006; Pauluhn et al., 1999), validated, predictive
M.J. Vincent et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 90 (2017) 231e243 235

Fig. 3. Weight of Evidence (WoE) Analysis Process for Potential Chemical Asthma Hazards. The process incorporates multiple lines of evidence. The data are sorted by endpoint to
align with endpoint specific WoE categorizations that are combined to inform the overall asthma hazard characterization. Data are arrayed showing highest weight (i.e., greater
value to the determination of asthma potential) at the top of each column.

animal models are lacking. the general preference for human inhalation studies, these general
The ability of a chemical to trigger asthma-like responses is preferences are balanced with other considerations related to in-
assumed to correlate with the degree of irritation it induces. dividual study quality. The endpoint descriptors reflect the
Because there are inherent uncertainties in extrapolating from robustness of the database identified for each endpoint based on
irritant potential to asthma potential, data on irritation are placed the WoE from the available data.
in one of two broad categories to avoid the suggestion of an un- After assigning a strength of evidence categorization for each of
warranted level of precision in the WoE procedure. Respiratory the individual endpoints (asthma, sensitization, and irritation, see
irritation potential is categorized as (1) none or mild and (2) Table 2), the individual endpoint categories are used to assign a
moderate or severe. The degree of irritation induced by a chemical categorization for the overall WoE for asthma (Table 3). Evidence of
used for the WoE generally reflects the response to the neat ma- respiratory sensitization and irritation in humans is weighed more
terial, although concentration dependent responses are noted heavily than in animals when deciding the overall WoE for each
when such data are available and as relevant to use scenarios chemical. Evidence of respiratory effects (sensitization and irrita-
subject to the assessment. This approach of lumping irritation into tion) is weighed more heavily than evidence of dermal effects.
two categories reflects the intended use of the method to identify Although dermal irritation and sensitization data are potential
chemicals likely to have the potential to cause or elicit asthma re- surrogates in the absence of respiratory irritation and sensitization
sponses and prioritize them for more in-depth analysis or data data, the two endpoints are not completely correlated, which adds
collection. additional uncertainty to the evaluation.
In the absence of adequate respiratory effects data, data from The overall WoE categorizations can be used as a hazard-based
standard irritation protocols (skin, ocular, and in vitro-based prioritization tool for selecting cleaning product ingredients that
methods) are used to predict respiratory irritation potential. are most likely to elicit or induce an asthmatic response and,
Although eye, skin, and respiratory responses do not always therefore, need additional assessment. This approach is intended to
correlate well (Levy and Wegman, 1988), sensory irritants may act be conservative and health-protective.
locally in the skin, eye, and respiratory tract mucosae through The next steps of the framework for characterizing and priori-
shared mechanisms which mediate sensations of irritation tizing chemicals (see steps 3 and 4 of Fig. 1) are safety assessment
(Ballantyne, 1999). Rennen et al. (2002) determined that skin and and risk management. We have proposed, elsewhere, a tiered
eye irritants frequently acted as respiratory irritants. Correlations safety assessment that integrates both hazard information
between standard eye irritancy tests and respiratory tract irritancy (including quantitative exposure guidance benchmarks) and
showed a quantitative relationship between Draize eye scores (eye exposure assessments that can incorporate cleaning-specific sce-
irritation) and respiratory tract irritant effect levels (Cometto- narios (see Maier et al., 2015 for methods and details). This tiered
Muniz et al., 2010; TERA, 2010). For some types of irritants, the approach allows for assessment of most chemicals and scenarios by
underlying mechanisms are likely to be consistent across routes. using lower tiers designed to be precautionary for screening
Such mechanisms may include direct tissue reactivity for corrosive assessment purposes.
substances (e.g., hydrochloric acid) or activation of transient re-
ceptor potential (TRP) ion channels present in nociceptive neurons 3. Results
and various epithelial tissues (e.g., capsaicin, mustard oil) (Caterina
et al., 1997; Jordt et al., 2004; Katagiri et al., 2015). 3.1. Literature review
For each endpoint (asthma, respiratory sensitization, respiratory
irritation) a likelihood categorization is assigned based on the WoE Our literature search (including tree, or backwards, literature
(see Table 2, Fig. 4). Individual studies are evaluated for reliability searching) identified 1157 studies related to asthma and cleaning
and relevance (see section 2.1) and are assigned a strength of evi- (see Fig. S1 in Supplemental Material 1 for additional details). Based
dence categorization (Table 2). Although the integration of indi- on a review of titles and abstracts, 148 were determined to be
vidual studies and lines of evidence in the WoE assessment reflects potentially relevant for the scope of this assessment. Of these
236 M.J. Vincent et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 90 (2017) 231e243

Table 2
Categorizations for describing the strength of evidence, both for each individual study and the overall likelihood based on WoE of all studies, that a chemical causes asthma,
respiratory sensitization, or irritation.

Strength of Asthma Respiratory Sensitization Respiratory Tract Irritation


Likely There is evidence of a statistically significant There is evidence of a statistically significant This chemical is likely to be a moderate or severe
positive asthmatic effect following exposure to positive sensitization effect in humans by the respiratory irritant. This descriptor is used for
this chemical. This descriptor reflects data sets inhalation route. This descriptor also reflects data chemicals with a high irritancy or corrosive
with strong evidence to induce asthma or asthma- sets with one or more standard assays (including potential based on inhalation data or very strong
like responses in humans and/or in animal models those via dermal application) or data sets showing indirect evidence from skin or ocular irritancy
in conjunction with, at minimum, weak evidence high sensitization potential or data sets where a information with a mode of action that is likely to
of asthma in humans. preponderance (i.e., a clear majority) of studies be relevant across routes.
show sensitization potential supported by limited
human effects information.
Suggestive There is convincing, but not strong evidence of a There is evidence of a positive effect, but it is not This chemical has evidence that suggests it may be
positive asthmatic effect. This descriptor reflects strong. This descriptor reflects data sets with a moderate to severe respiratory irritant, but a
data sets with reports of marginal effectsa and/or reports of marginal effects and situations where mild irritancy potential is also probable under
situations where overall data are of limited quality overall data are of limited quality, or provide some conditions consistent with chemical use.
or provide mixed or inconsistent evidence for an mixed or inconsistent evidence for an effect.
effect. Generally, no reliable evidence following
inhalation is available or positive inhalation
studies are contradicted by high quality
sensitization assays.
Unlikely There is strong evidence of an absence of an There is strong evidence of an absence of effect. This chemical is unlikely to be a moderate to
asthmatic effect following exposure to this This descriptor reflects data sets with multiple severe respiratory irritant. It is shown to have only
chemical. This descriptor reflects data sets with standard bioassays showing negative results or a a mild or no irritancy potential following
strong evidence that the chemical does not induce data set where a preponderance (i.e., a clear inhalation or based on a robust data set from skin
asthma or asthma-like responses in humans and/ majority) of studies shows no significant effect or eye irritation studies at concentrations
or strong evidence that the chemical does not supported by negative findings in human effects consistent with chemical use.
induce asthma or asthma-like responses in studies.
animals in conjunction with an absence of asthma
in humans.
Inadequate This descriptor reflects data sets that are too This descriptor reflects data sets that are too This descriptor reflects data sets that are too
limited to evaluate the endpoint directly limited to evaluate the endpoint. limited to evaluate the end point.
Marginal effects are defined as risk ratios or test results (e.g., ANOVA) that are not statistically significant, but are reasonably close (i.e., a p-value of 0.06 or an OR LCL of
0.99). Although these results are not statistically significant, this lack of significance may be due to study design issues, such as insufficient power, or study variability. In order
to be health-protective, this method is conservative in its approach and does not consider borderline, or marginal, LCLs or p-values to be strong evidence of a lack of effect.
Since this is a screening approach, it is preferred to err on the side of caution and potentially mislabel chemicals as asthma inducers, rather than the converse.

studies, 69 were reviewed and included for consideration in this between cleaning and asthma are moderate (i.e., an OR of
assessment (i.e., given a reliability score of 1e3. Studies given a approximately 2.5 or less), especially in studies that assess
score of 4 were not included). Of the 69 reviewed studies, 17 were physician-diagnosed asthma. This is also generally true for studies
case studies or case series (see Supplemental Material 1 for addi- that assess self-reported asthma with the exception of Medina-
tional details including inclusion and exclusion criteria). Ramon et al. (2005), which reports an OR of 12 (95%CI 3.2e46)
An ideal study was defined as one that evaluates the incidence among non-domestic workers. Besides this exception, there is no
of asthma through a definitive diagnosis (i.e. determined by a apparent difference in effect among studies that base their con-
physician through standard clinical criteria including lower respi- clusions on physician-diagnosed asthma versus those that rely
ratory tract symptoms and bronchial hyper-responsiveness deter- solely on self-reporting (Table 4). Combined with a lack of robust
mined by spirometry before and after bronchodilators and/or dose-response information, the currently available evidence is not
methacholine challenge) and quantitatively measures exposures sufficient to establish causal relationships between exposure to
potentially associated with an asthmatic response. The current cleaning agents and new onset asthma. Additional research on
database, however, contains no such study. No study, to date, has exposure, including non-chemical (e.g., aeroallergens, such as
quantitatively linked exposure to asthmatic response. Some studies pollen or mold) contributions, associated with cleaning tasks is
do use categorical exposure metrics to assess dose-response needed.
regarding either the duration of occupational exposure (e.g., de The epidemiology data, based on the Hill criteria, indicate that
Fatima Macaira et al., 2007) or frequency of product use (e.g., there is a positive, but limited relationship between cleaning and
Zock et al., 2007), but these consider neither specific ingredients asthma due to an inability to establish causality (Table 5).
nor concentration, hindering their utility for use in safety and risk
The group of most reliable studies (scored as 1 or 2) considered 3.2. Case study: acetic acid
jointly provide some indication of increased risk of developing
asthma and asthma-like symptoms among cleaners, although these To test our proposed framework, we conducted a case study
findings are not consistent (Table 4, Fig. 5, See Section 2 of the using acetic acid as an example. Acetic acid was chosen because it is
Supplemental Material 1, Tables S2 and S3, for additional study data-rich and commonly used as an ingredient in both commercial
reviews, details and scores); the majority of odds ratios (ORs) are and home-made (i.e., vinegar-based) cleaning products, is a known
greater than 1, indicating a possible trend of increased risk among irritant, and was labeled an “asthmagen” by the AOEC (2012).
cleaners, but the statistical significance of the results is mixed. As indicated in Fig. 1, the first step of this multi-step hazard
Moreover, the strength of the significantly positive associations characterization approach is to assess, through systematic review,
whether there is evidence of a potential asthma hazard in a human
M.J. Vincent et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 90 (2017) 231e243 237

Fig. 4. The decision-making process used for categorizing the strength of evidence for each individual study and the weight of evidence for a chemical's database of asthma
elicitation, respiratory sensitization, or respiratory irritation information.

exposure environment. As indicated above, the larger database of factor for causing new onset asthma is limited, based on application
epidemiological assessments indicated a link between cleaning and of the Hill Criteria (Hill, 1965; Meek et al., 2014).3 A number of the
asthma. Many cleaning products including acetic acid as an ingre- Hill Criteria are not fulfilled, specifically consistency/concordance,
dient were used or evaluated in the epidemiological literature. No dose-response, strength of the association, and specificity of the
definitive causal link can be determined from the currently avail- association (Table 5). Due to the lack of robust quantitative expo-
able information on cleaning activities. Therefore, an ingredient- sure analysis, no exposure-response relationship between potential
specific hazard assessment is warranted. exposures and new onset asthma can be ascertained from the
See section 3 of the supplemental material for a detailed currently available data. Moreover, cleaning exposures are not
example of this framework using acetic acid as a case study. A specific to cleaning product ingredients, and may include a number
summary of the findings is shown in Table 6. Because this hazard of other potential risk factors, such as increased airborne dust and
assessment indicates that acetic acid, as neat, undiluted material, is microbial exposures (Knibbs et al., 2012). Although the causal
likely to induce or exacerbate asthma, a more definitive safety relationship between asthma induction and use of cleaning prod-
assessment would be conducted. A scenario-specific safety ucts is unclear, it is biologically plausible and disease prevention
assessment is presented by Maier et al. (2015) for acetic acid. strategies should be used until additional information on specific
risk factors, effect mechanisms, and exposure characterizations and
4. Discussion quantifications is obtained (Siracusa et al., 2013).
There are multiple surrogates for exposure (e.g., the number of
4.1. Framework challenges and considerations products used, or duration of cleaning activity, or employment as a
cleaner), but their reliability for characterizing an exposure-
Our systematic review found a positive association between use response relationship is uncertain. There are multiple scenarios
of domestic cleaning products and asthma response, consistent and circumstances in which surrogate exposure metrics would not
with the findings of Siracusa et al. (2013) and Folletti et al. (2014). account for actual exposures. Specifically, product misuse (e.g.,
However, the evidence linking exposure to cleaning agents as a risk mixing bleach with acids) is not uncommon among cleaners
(Medina-Ramon et al., 2005; Zock et al., 2001) and may play a large
role in the onset of respiratory disease including asthma, as is
This review and our subsequent conclusions do not include manufacturing evidenced by multiple case reports/series (Deschamps et al., 1994;
238 M.J. Vincent et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 90 (2017) 231e243

Table 3
A decision matrix for determining the overall weight of evidence for asthma induction potential based on the weight of evidence categorization for each individual endpoint,
specifically asthma, moderate to severe respiratory irritation, and respiratory sensitization.

Asthma Respiratory Sensitization Respiratory Irritation Overall WoE Categorization for Asthma

Likelya Any Category Any Category* Likely

Suggestiveb Likely Likely Likely
Suggestive Suggestive Any Category Suggestive
Suggestive Inadequate Any Category Suggestive
Suggestive Unlikely Any Category Suggestive
Inadequatec Likely Likely Likely
Inadequate Likely Suggestive Suggestive
Inadequate Likely Inadequate Suggestive
Inadequate Likely Unlikely Suggestive
Inadequate Suggestive Likely Suggestive
Inadequate Suggestive Suggestive Suggestive
Inadequate Suggestive Inadequate Suggestive
Inadequate Suggestive Unlikely Inadequate
Inadequate Inadequate Likely Inadequate
Inadequate Inadequate Suggestive Inadequate
Inadequate Inadequate Inadequate Inadequate
Inadequate Inadequate Unlikely Inadequate
Inadequate Unlikely Likely Inadequate
Inadequate Unlikely Suggestive Inadequate
Inadequate Unlikely Inadequate Inadequate
Inadequate Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely
Unlikelyd Any Category Any Category Unlikely

*“Any Category” indicates that the same ultimate weight of evidence descriptor (i.e., likely, suggestive, inadequate, or unlikely) will be assigned regardless of the descriptor in
this endpoint.
Definitions of Overall WoE Descriptors.
“Likely” indicates robust evidence the chemical causes asthma in humans, or limited human evidence for inhalation exposures coupled with robust evidence that the
chemical is both a respiratory sensitizer and severe respiratory irritant (since these are potential asthma triggers).
“Suggestive” indicates evidence that suggests the chemical induces asthma or triggers asthma-like responses in humans, but it is not conclusive, or there is evidence of
respiratory sensitization and moderate-to-severe respiratory irritation in the absence of human asthma data.
“Unlikely” indicates there is strong evidence of lack of asthma potential in humans, or strong evidence of absence of respiratory sensitization and weak or no irritation
“Inadequate” indicates that available data are not sufficient to affirm whether or not the chemical can cause asthma. This reflects poor or non-existent data that this
chemical is related to asthma responses, or there is mixed or inconclusive evidence of respiratory sensitization and severe irritation, or there is a lack of information on asthma
and respiratory sensitization. “Inadequate” is a common descriptor in the asthma category due to the absence of validated animal or in vitro models for this endpoint and does
not infer the absence of required safety testing.

Gorguner et al., 2004; Mapp et al., 2000). Moreover, categorical IgE-mediated versus non-IgE-mediated), a one-size-fits-all
exposure assessments are neither capable of considering the approach to asthma risk assessment may not be sufficiently pro-
various mixtures of chemicals (some of which may be irritants or tective of human health. There is currently no asthma-specific risk
sensitizers) to which cleaners are exposed nor able to account for assessment guidance (Maier et al., 2014), and the use of risk
how the cleaning process may increase exposure to non-chemically assessment for surrogate endpoints alone (i.e., the IPCS (2012)
related aeroallergens (i.e., by allowing deposited allergenic partic- guidance for immunotoxicity [sensitization] risk assessment) is
ulates to re-suspend in the air). not sufficiently predictive for asthma induction prevention. The
The lack of a clear causal relationship between general cleaning methods proposed here and in Maier et al. (2015) address gaps in
and asthma induction means that safety and risk assessments need asthma risk assessment and provide methods for screening and
to more fully explore such relationships to inform risk manage- assessment of possible asthma-inducing chemicals.
ment. A logical common starting point is the safety evaluation of
individual consumer product ingredients and their potential for
inducing or exacerbating an asthmatic effect. With 2000 new 4.2. Case study: acetic acid
chemicals being introduced every year for use in consumer items
(NTP, 2016), it is impossible to comprehensively assess risks for In the case study on acetic acid, we used our proposed frame-
each use scenario for every possible ingredient. Some screening work to 1) score the quality and reliability of individual toxico-
tools are in development to rapidly predict exposure and dose es- logical and epidemiological studies 2) identify the likelihood that
timates, specifically ExpoCast (EPA, 2016a) or ConsExpo (RIVM, acetic acid causes endpoint-specific effects (e.g., asthma, respira-
2006) which can be compared to toxicity predictions (e.g., Tox- tory sensitization, or respiratory irritation), and 3) identify the
Cast (EPA, 2016b)). A framework for using and interpreting these overall weight of evidence for asthma induction potential. The re-
tools is provided by Maier et al. (2015). By using screening and sults categorize acetic acid as likely to elicit or induce an asthmatic
hazard characterization methods, such as the ones presented, effect and indicate the need for further assessment, using the tiered
safety and risk assessors can identify product ingredients that pose hazard characterization and exposure assessment approach
the greatest risk and focus efforts on higher priority assessments. detailed in Maier et al. (2015). These findings are consistent with
Data integration methods and weight-of-evidence schemes are current risk assessment guidance classifications for acetic acid,
not new to safety and risk assessment (e.g., Mohapatra et al., 2010, specifically the European Union's (EU, 2010) determination that
2011), but no widely accepted approach has been developed spe- acetic acid is irritating and/or corrosive, dependent on concentra-
cifically for asthma risk assessment. Because of the complexities of tion, and the AOEC (2012) determination that acetic acid is a res-
asthma, particularly the variation in induction modes of action (i.e., piratory sensitizer and “asthmagen”. Additional case studies need
to be conducted to further test the validity of this method.
M.J. Vincent et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 90 (2017) 231e243 239

Table 4
Summary of the literature on cleaning-related asthma that is considered reliable for assessment (score 1 or 2) .a

Study Subgroup Study Design Population Type OR LCL UCL Score

Physician-Diagnosed Asthma
Arif et al., 2003 NA cross-sectional occupational 2.37 0.53 10.58 2
Arif et al., 2009 NA cross-sectional healthcare 1.72 1.00 2.94 2
Arif and Delclos, 2012 NA cross-sectional healthcare 0.48b 0.10 2.41 2
Dumas et al., 2012 Men nested case-control healthcare 0.62 0.23 1.66 2
Women 1.04 0.64 1.7
Dumas et al., 2014 NA case-control occupational 2.16 1.03 4.54 2
Gonzalez et al., 2014 NA cross-sectional healthcare 2.26 0.95 5.35 2
Kogevinas et al., 2007* Work as a cleaner cohort occupational 1.71* 0.92 3.17 2
Exposure to cleaning products 1.80* 1.01 3.18
Le Moual et al., 2012 NA case-control domestic 1.85 1.16 2.94 2
Le Moual et al., 2014 Uncontrolled asthma after 12 mo exposure cross-sectional occupational 2.0 1.1 3.6 2
Uncontrolled asthma after 10-year exposure 2.3 1.4 3.6
Ng et al., 1994 Domestic cleaners case-control occupational 1.24 0.49 3.13 2
Municipal cleaners 1.91 1.22 2.99
Obadia et al., 2009 Men cross-sectional occupational 0.93 0.4 2.3 2
Women 1.00 0.4 2.3
Undiagnosed Asthma
dard et al., 2014
Be NA cross-sectional domestic 2.63 1.03 6.67 2
Eng et al., 2010 current asthma cross-sectional occupational 1.8 0.8 3.7 2
adult-onset asthma 1.3 0.5 3.5
de Fatima Macaira et al., 2007\ >0.92e3 years employment cross-sectional occupational 1.09 1.00 1.18 2
>3e6.5 years employment 1.28 1.01 1.63
>6.5 years employment 1.71 1.02 2.89
Ghosh et al., 2013 domestic helpers cohort occupational 1.79 1.02 3.14 2
office/hotel cleaners 1.82 1.34 2.48
Medina-Ramon et al., 2003 ever had asthma cross-sectional occupational 1.44 1.12 1.85 2
current asthma 1.73 1.44 2.07
Medina-Ramon et al., 2005 non-domestic case-control occupational 12 3.2 46 2
Mirabelli et al., 2007 disinfection cohort healthcare 1.29 0.7 2.36 2
Svanes et al., 2015 all cross-sectional occupational 1.47 1.22 1.77 2
1 year work 0.92 0.65 1.31
>1 e < 4 years work 1.44 1.05 1.97
4 years work 1.59 1.22 2.08
Vizcaya et al., 2011 current cleaners cross-sectional occupational 1.4 0.4 4.9 2
former cleaners 2.5 0.5 12
Zock et al., 2002 cross-sectional occupational 2.47 1.7 3.6 2

*Estimates are Risk Ratios (RRs).

OR - Odds Ratio; LCL e Lower Confidence Limit; UCL e Upper Confidence Limit.
The studies included in this table are limited to a selection of reliable (score 1 or 2) studies that assess the link between asthma and cleaning in adults. Studies that evaluate
asthma risks associated with specific cleaning product exposures (e.g., bleach or sprays) were reviewed, but are not included in this table. Additional studies that assess the link
between asthma-like symptoms and cleaning exposures were also reviewed and considered. Studies examining asthma and asthma-like symptoms (e.g., wheeze) in children
were also reviewed, but are not included in this table. See the supplemental material and Tables S2 and S3 for additional study reviews, details, and rationales for score
Results are reported for workers with occupational asthma. Information on work-exacerbated asthma is presented in the supplemental material.

However, this approach was designed to be health protective; it is patterns may cause respiratory allergy, but there is insufficient in-
more likely that the approach will falsely identify chemicals as formation to determine which pattern is of greatest relevance or
possible asthma inducers rather than miss asthma inducing concern (Dotson et al., 2015).
chemicals through the screening process. Other key areas of exposure uncertainty relate to the interplay
between chemical, biological, and other stressors associated with
cleaning. The act of cleaning may temporarily increase airborne
4.3. Conclusions
dust and microbial exposures (Knibbs et al., 2012), but the use of
cleaning products (e.g., bleach) reduces the levels of aeroallergens
Although the proposed framework is useful for assessing the
and asthma triggers (e.g., mold, mildew, pet dander, dust, mites) in
safety profile of product ingredients, these current efforts do not
the home over time. It may have a net beneficial effect by reducing
resolve the many lingering exposure-specific questions encoun-
aeroallergen-specific atopy and the risk of asthma induction or
tered in real-world product use scenarios. There are many
elicitation (Zock et al., 2009; Nickmilder et al., 2007; Hern andez-
remaining questions spurred by the lack of quantitative informa-
Cadena et al., 2015; Hu et al., 2014). Although some sensitizing
tion on task-based and ingredient-specific exposures. Specifically,
and/or irritant product components may increase the risk of
there are large data gaps concerning the exposure make-up of
developing asthma, multiple studies show that cleaning, and the
combined exposures and mixtures (i.e., the use of multiple prod-
use of specific cleaning products like bleach, may actually decrease
ucts or tasks within one room or setting) and temporal patterns
the risk of developing asthma by reducing exposure to other known
(e.g., peak versus chronic exposures). There is growing evidence
household allergens (Barnes et al., 2008; Zock et al., 2009; Chen and
that non-routine, relatively high (i.e., peak) exposures, as well as
Eggleston, 2001; Matsui et al., 2003; Nickmilder et al., 2007).
chronic lower-concentration exposures, may both contribute to
Overall, the use of cleaning products may reduce the risk of IgE
asthma (e.g., RADS or LICEDS). This is consistent with our knowl-
mediated asthma associated with living in a “dirty” environment
edge of the contributions of long versus short-term patterns of
while possibly increasing the risk of asthma induction or elicitation
exposure associated with allergic sensitization; both temporal
240 M.J. Vincent et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 90 (2017) 231e243

Fig. 5. A forest plot depicting the results (ORs with 95% CI) for reliable (score 1 or 2) studies that examine the relationship between general cleaning tasks and physician-diagnosed
asthma. See Supplemental Material for additional study reviews and details.

Table 5
Application of the Hill criteria to the epidemiological database on cleaning and asthma.

Criterion Conclusion

Concordance/ Inadequate e the data have mixed results amongst studies with the highest reliability (i.e., physician-diagnosed asthma with a score of 1 or 2)
Dose-Response Limited e no quantitative dose-response information available. Some qualitative information available
Strength Limited - odds ratios were typically moderate, but not strong, suggesting limited strength
Temporality Strong e some longitudinal studies are available
Plausibility Strong e our knowledge of the mechanism of asthma induction and elicitation include irritant and sensitization responses. Some cleaning product
ingredients show these characteristics.
Specificity Limited e there are many causes of asthma and other household (e.g., mold, dander, pollen) and individual susceptibilities (e.g., atopy, exercise) are
predictive of asthma outcomes.

through chemical-induced sensitization or irritation of the respi- elicit asthma and seek to decrease their use or promote use of
ratory tract. There is, hypothetically, a balance between the use of alternate, inherently safer products. Hazard-based approaches are
cleaning products to reduce mold, mildew, dust, and dander levels intended to decrease the asthma risk associated with cleaning
that would not increase the risk of asthma induction or elcitiation products. However, use of such approaches on an ingredient-by-
associated with cleaning product use resulting in the minimum ingredient basis will likely fall short of informing actual risk dur-
asthma risk. ing product use e which requires knowledge of exposure-response
One goal, in chemical safety assessment, is to identify the relationships and data on modifying factors (such bioaerosol levels
product ingredients that pose the greatest potential to induce or from cleaning) that impact the overall risk for a specified activity.
M.J. Vincent et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 90 (2017) 231e243 241

Table 6
A summary of the key lines of evidence considered for the acetic acid weight of evidence assessment.

Key Lines of Evidence for Acetic Acid Assessment

End Point Critical Effects Key Studies Weight of


Asthma Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome Zuskin et al. (1993, 1997); Shusterman et al. (2003); Ernstgard et al. (2006); Rajan and Davies Human Data:
(RADS) and asthma (1989); Kivity et al. (1994); Amdur (1961) Likely
Animal Data:
Overall: Likely
Sensitization No data No data Human Data:
Animal Data:
Irritant Decreased respiratory rate AIHA (1972); Proctor et al. (1988); Gagnaire et al. (2002); DeCeaurriz et al. (1981) Human Data:
Animal Data:
Overall: Likely
Overall Weight of Evidence Categorization LIKELY

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