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PART - 2
Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Stages of Production and execution:

Batching of materials

Mixing of concrete

Transportation of mix concrete

Placing of concrete

Compaction of concrete

Curing of concrete.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Batching of materials
In order to ensure uniformity in the quality of concrete it is necessary that all materials that
go into its production are measured accurately within permissible tolerances. Batching of
material can be done manually or by using batching plant. The choice of system to be
adopted for batching depends upon the magnitude of concreting work involved and the rate
at which concrete is required to be produced. While batching cement is always measured
by weight, the weight of one bag of cement is taken as 50 kg., fine and coarse aggregate are
measured by volume in case of manual batching and by weight in case of mechanical
batching i.e. by batching plant.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Two types of concrete mixing :
 Hand mixing
Machine mixing

Hand mixing : This method of mixing concrete is resorted to when the quantity of concrete
to be used in a work is insufficient to warrant the necessity of machines. Hand mixing is
done on clean hard and impermeable surface. Cement and sand are first mixed with the help
of shovels until the mixture attains a uniform colour. Aggregates are then added to this
mixture and then whole mixture is turned by shovels until the stone pieces are uniformly
spread throughout. After this, computed quantity of water is poured into the heap from can
fitted with a nose. The mass is then turned until a workable mixture is obtained.
it is usually practice to use 10 percent more cement in case of hand mixing . This is done to
take care of lesser efficiency and inferior results of hand mixing than that achieved of
machine mixing.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

MACHINE MIXING : the machine used for mixing concrete is termed as a concrete
mixers . Two types:
1.Continous mixers
2. Batch mixers
continuous mixers are employed in massive construction where a large and continuous
flow of concrete is desired. The process of feeding the mixing plant is more or less
course aggregate should be fed first, sand then cement should be put forwards. In the
revolving state, the components get mixed while water is poured with the help of a can. The
concrete should be mixed for atleast 1 ½ to 2 minutes.

Types of concrete mixers:

1. Pan mixers or stirring mixers : these are suitable for very dry concrete mix and as such
they are used extensively in factories manufacturing precast products.
2. Paver mixers : These are used for laying concrete for pavements.
3. Double drum mixers: These have facility of mixing being completed and discharge
effected at one end while the next charge is located and half mixed at the other end of
the drum.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Transportation of concrete:

Concrete should be transported from the place of mixing to the place of final deposit in the
shortest possible time so that there is no segregation or loss of ingredients and the concrete
remains workable while being placed in position. Different methods adopted for
transportation of concrete are :
By steel pans
By hand carts/ wheel borrows
By dumpers
By trippers
By truck mixer and agitator lorries
By hoists/skips
By cable-ways
By crans
By pumping

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Placing of concrete:
Concrete should be placed and compacted immediately after mixing. Mixed mass is used
within 30 minutes before it is set.

Before laying concrete, the shuttering should be cleaned of all dust and debris.

In order to prevent the shuttering absorbing the water from the concrete or getting stuck to
it , a coat of crude oil or grease etc. is usually applied to the shuttering before concreting.

Concrete should be laid in layers of 15 to 30 cm in thickness and each layer should be

properly compacted before laying the next one.

Compaction of concrete:
Consolidation of concrete should proceed immediately after placing. The function of
consolidation of concrete is to expel the air bubbles in the mass and make it impermeable
enough to attain desired strength.

Consolidation may be done either by hand or by mechanical device.

Hand compaction may be done by rodding, tamping, or hammering.

Mechanical compaction is done by use of vibrators.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

What is Compaction?
Compaction is a process of expelling the entrapped air. If we don’t expel this air, it will
result into honeycombing and reduced strength. It has been found from the experimental
studies that 1% air in the concrete approximately reduces the strength by 6%.

Different Methods Of Concrete Compaction

There are two methods of compaction adopted in the field as given below.
•Hand compaction
•Mechanical Compaction
(A) Hand Compaction:
Hand compaction is used for ordinary and
unimportant structures. Workability should be
decided in such a way that the chances of
honeycombing should b eminimum. The
various methods of hand compaction are as
given below.

Rodding :
It is a method of poking with 2m long, 16 mm
dia rod at sharp corners and edges. The
thickness of layers for rodding should be 15 to
20 cm.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

(A) Hand Compaction

It is generally used for compaction on
ground in plain concrete. It is not used
either in RCC or on upper floors.

It is a method in which the top surface is
beaten by wooden cross beam of cross
section 10 cm x 10 cm. both compaction
and leveling are achieved simultaneously.
It is mainly used for roof slabs and road

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Curing of concrete:

Curing is the process of keeping the set concrete continuously damp for some days in
order to enable the concrete gain more strength.

The strength of concrete increases with the age provided it is kept damp.

The process of curing should be continued for 7 to 10 days.

In cold weather the concrete should be cured at least for 14 days because hardening of
cement is low in such conditions.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Additives and Admixtures:

Admixtures are used to obtain following objectives:

to accelerate or retard setting and hardening.
to improve workability.
to increase strength.
to improve durability.
to decrease permeability.
to impart other desired properties.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Additives and Admixtures:

Additives and Admixtures are added to the mixture of water cement and aggregate in
small quantities to increase the durability of the concrete, to fix concrete behavior and
to control setting or hardening.

They can either be liquid or powdered additives.

These additives and admixtures are added to the concrete at the plant or at the jobsite.

Successful use of additives depends on the use of appropriate methods of batching

and concreting.

 Concrete additives have various functions depending on what the contractor wants to

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Additives and Admixtures:
There are two main types of concrete additives which are chemical and mineral.

Chemical additives reduce the cost of construction, modify properties of hardened

concrete, ensure quality of concrete during mixing/transporting/placing/curing, and
overcome certain emergencies during concrete operations.

Mineral additives make mixtures more economical, reduce permeability, increase

strength, and influence other concrete properties.

Mineral admixtures affect the nature of the hardened concrete through hydraulic or
pozzolanic activity. The pozzolanic reaction converts a silica-rich precursor with no
cementing properties, to a calcium silicate, with good cementing properties.

Pozzolans are cementitious materials and include natural pozzolans (such as the volcanic
ash used in Roman concrete), fly ash and silica fume.
Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma
Additives and Admixtures:
Admixtures are classed according to function. There are five distinct classes of chemical
admixtures: air-entraining, water-reducing, retarding, accelerating, and plasticizers

Air entraining agents

These are probably the most commonly used admixtures at the present time. They
purposely introduce and stabilize microscopic air bubbles in concrete. Based on special
surfactants, these admixtures cause tiny air bubbles < 0.3mm in diameter to stabilize within
the cement paste.

These improve workability and durability and reduce segregation during placing.

This air helps to prevent the concrete from cracking and scaling as a result of frost action.
Air also increases cohesion in the mix, reducing bleed water and segregation of the
aggregate before the concrete can set.
Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma
Additives and Admixtures:

Water-reducing admixtures usually reduce the required water content for a concrete
mixture by about 5 to 10 percent. Consequently, concrete containing a water-reducing
admixture needs less water to reach a required slump than untreated concrete.

The treated concrete can have a lower water-cement ratio. This usually indicates that a
higher strength concrete can be produced without increasing the amount of cement.

Recent advancements in admixture technology have led to the development of mid-range

water reducers. These admixtures reduce water content by at least 8 percent and tend to be
more stable over a wider range of temperatures. Mid-range water reducers provide more
consistent setting times than standard water reducers.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Additives and Admixtures:

Retarding admixtures, which slow the setting rate of concrete, are used to counteract the
accelerating effect of hot weather on concrete setting.

High temperatures often cause an increased rate of hardening which makes placing and
finishing difficult.

Retarders keep concrete workable during placement and delay the initial set of concrete.
Most retarders also function as water reducers and may entrain some air in concrete.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Additives and Admixtures:

Accelerating additives
These are used to speed the rate of early hydration of the cement. Accelerating admixtures
are especially useful for modifying the properties of concrete in cold weather. Calcium
chloride (CaCl2) is the chemical most commonly used in accelerating admixtures,
especially for non-reinforced concrete.

Shrinkage reducing
Shrinkage-reducing admixtures have potential uses in bridge decks, critical floor slabs, and
buildings where cracks and curling must be minimized for durability or aesthetic reasons.
Concrete shrinks, mainly due to loss of excess water. This causes internal stresses that lead
to cracking or curling, especially in slabs. These admixtures reduce the shrinkage stress.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Additives and Admixtures:

Superplasticizers, also known as plasticizers or high-range water reducers (HRWR),

reduce water content by 12 to 30 percent and can be added to concrete with a low-to-
normal slump and water-cement ratio to make high-slump flowing concrete. Flowing
concrete is a highly fluid but workable concrete that can be placed with little or no vibration
or compaction. The effect of superplasticizers lasts only 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the
brand and dosage rate, and is followed by a rapid loss in workability. As a result of the
slump loss, superplasticizers are usually added to concrete at the jobsite.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Additives and Admixtures:
Super plasticizers, also known as plasticizers or high-range water reducers (HRWR),
reduce water content by 12 to 30 percent and can be added to concrete with a low-to-
normal slump and water-cement ratio to make high-slump flowing concrete.

The effect of super plasticizers lasts only 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the brand and
dosage rate,.

The effects of water reducing admixtures vary with:

different cement.

change in water cement ratio.

mixing temperature.

ambient temperature.
That is why trial batches are generally required to fix the dose of these admixtures.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Additives and Admixtures:

Corrosion-inhibiting admixtures are used to slow corrosion of reinforcing steel in


Corrosion inhibitors are used in concrete for parking structures, marine structures, and
bridges where chloride salts are present.

The chlorides can cause corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete. These admixtures
work for many years after the concrete has set,

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Additives and Admixtures:

Mineral Admixtures:

Finely divided siliceous or siliceous and aluminous material that reacts chemically with slakes
lime at ordinary temperature and in the presence of moisture to form a strong slow-hardening

Fly ash and silica fumes fall under this category.

Fly ash
It is precipitated as a by product of exhaust fumes of coal fixed power stations.

It is very finely divided and reacts with calcium hydroxide present in the cement in the
presence of moisture to form a cementitious material. It tends to increase the strength of
cement at ages over 28 days.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Additives and Admixtures:

Mineral Admixtures:

Silica fumes
It is highly active and combine with calcium hydroxide, the soluble product of cement

hydration, to form more calcium slicate hydrate. This is the insoluble product of cement

In contrast to fly ash, silica fume contribute mainly to strength gain at early ages, from 3 to 28
days. Both fly ash and silica fume have been important in the production of high strength

When these are used, then we will refer to water cementitious material ratio rather than water
cement ratio.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Reinforcement cement concrete:
Concrete is good in compression and weak in tension. While steel is good in compression
as well as in tension. Thus, combination of concrete and steel can handle both compression
and tension. Such combination of steel and concrete is known as ‘reinforced cement

Properties of reinforced cement concrete:

The concrete while setting grips very fast the surface of the steel bars. Therefore concrete
is able to transmit to the steel bars those stresses which it can not resist itself.

The co-efficiency of concrete and steel is almost same. Therefore, no internal stresses are
set up within reinforced concrete due to variation in the temperature.

The coating of cement grout on the surface of steel bars protect them from corrosion and
does not produce any adverse chemical effect.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Advantages of RCC :

It is economical

Its monolithic character gives much rigidity to

the structure.

It is durable and fire resisting. It does not rot or

decay and is not attacked by termits.

It is almost impermeable to moisture.

Cost of maintenance is almost nil .

The materials used in reinforced concrete

construction are easily available.

The flexibility of reinforcement and fluidity of

concrete make possible the RCC members to be
moulded in any desire shape. Thus, reinforced
concrete leads itself to a wide range of
architectural expressions.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

Causes of failure of Reinforcement cement concrete:

 When member is subjected to excessive tension

 When the loading is such that the compressive stress in concrete exceed its safe
permissible stress in steel

 When concrete is subjected to excessive shear.

 Slipping of the steel bars from concrete.

 Due to bad quality of materials used, shrinkage, creep or thermal effects.

 When the member is subject to extremes of temperature, aggressive liquids or gases.

Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

General design requirements:

RCC structure requires that the materials be economically selected, proportioned and
arranged to carry the required loads without developing stresses.

Suitable arrangement of beams, columns, foundations, etc. for the structure.

Determine all types of loads and forces to which the structure is likely to be subjected to .

To calculate stresses, moments and shears, etc.

To work out safe section and area of steel for different members.

To provide area calculated for tensile, compressive, shear or temperature renforcement in
correct position so as to ensure that the stresses remain within permissible limits.

To provide suffient anchorage for all reinforcements so that the anchorage and bond
requirements are fully met.

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Presentation by Ar. Sneha Sharma

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