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Da Orks

A Warhammer 40,000 Role-playing Game

Written by Rob Leigh

This role-playing game is written as a fan supplement and is intended as a work of entertainment. Endorsement by
Games Workshop, or copyright of any Games Workshop game terms or property, is not intended or implied.

This fan work is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Adeptus Astartes, Blood
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Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, Fire Warrior, Forge
World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One,
Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of
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Waaagh! Da Orks

Chapter 1: Introduction.....................................................................................................................3
Chapter 2: Stats....................................................................................................................................4
Primary Stats ....................................................................................................................................4
Secondary Stats ...............................................................................................................................4
Chapter 3: Skills ...................................................................................................................................6
Skill Checks .......................................................................................................................................6
Difficulty Classes .............................................................................................................................6
Rolling 10s and Fumbles...............................................................................................................6
Unskilled Characters ......................................................................................................................7
Skill List ..............................................................................................................................................7
Weirdboys ........................................................................................................................................10
Chapter 4: Character Generation .................................................................................................11
Chapter 5: Gear...................................................................................................................................12
Weapon Descriptions ...................................................................................................................13
Weapon Upgrades: .......................................................................................................................15
Ammo ................................................................................................................................................17
Orky Forts ........................................................................................................................................21
Crafting .............................................................................................................................................23
Crafting difficulty ..........................................................................................................................23
Chapter 6: Vehicles ...........................................................................................................................25
Vehicle stats....................................................................................................................................25
Chapter 7: Bioniks .............................................................................................................................32
Installation surgery......................................................................................................................32
Replacement limbs (donors).....................................................................................................33
Chapter 8: Rules .................................................................................................................................34
Melee combat .................................................................................................................................34
Ranged combat ..............................................................................................................................34
Combat actions ..............................................................................................................................34
Explosives ........................................................................................................................................36
Armour Piercing weapons ..........................................................................................................36
Catching fire/ Flame weapons .................................................................................................36
Radiation ..........................................................................................................................................36
Vehicle combat...............................................................................................................................37
Injury and Death ...........................................................................................................................38
Experience points..........................................................................................................................39
Chapter 9: NPCs..................................................................................................................................41
Orks ....................................................................................................................................................41
Squigs ................................................................................................................................................43
Kroot ..................................................................................................................................................46

Waaagh! Da Orks

Chapter 1: Introduction

Orks are the most populous, most violent and (some would say) the most successful species in
the entire galaxy. For thousands of years the Orkoid race has spread across the stars, colonising
planets and spacehulks alike in their unceasing quest for battle and glory.

Orks are warlike, crude and highly aggressive. Their entire ‘kulture’ is based around combat and
physical prowess, and battle is the only place an ork is truly happy. Orks believe in two gods:
Gork, the god of cunning brutality; and Mork, the god of brutal cunning, (the subtle difference
being that one hits you when you aren't looking, the other does so hard when you are).

However, due to their aggressive and warlike nature, the massive ork race is split into hundreds
of tiny empires, warring as much between themselves as against other races. In the purely
theoretical event all the Orks were to unite, they would undoubtedly crush all opposition.

About this Role-playing game.

I’ve always loved orks. They’re noisy, crude and love a good fight; how can you not admire that?

A number of years ago Games Workshop released a table top game called GorkaMorka. Heavily
inspired by the Mad Max movies, players put together gangs of orks who raced around a desert
planet in ramshackle trukks and bikes, fighting over scrap metal and resources. All in the hope
that they could one day put their ruined spacehulk back together and it would do sumfing.
I was inspired by this game; for once orks were portrayed as having a bit more depth than just
being green-skinned aliens for your Space Marines to shoot at. Orks could be people too.
Very loud, violent people.

This idea stuck with me and when, a few years ago, my usual role-playing group were trying to
think of something new to play, I suggested I create a GorkaMorka game for them.
It was an instant success, and the notes for that game became the early version of this fanbook;
Waaagh! Da Orks.

The rules have been refined a bit since then, and hopefully if you’re reading this you’re interested
in running a game as well.

I hope you have as much fun as we did.


Waaagh! Da Orks

Chapter 2: Stats

Primary Stats
There are five primary stats in Waaagh da Orks; Brawn, Brains, Size, Nimbleness and Luck.

A balance exists between an Ork's Brawn/ Brains and Size/ Nimbleness. Normally all stats are
capped at 10 points each but, by lowering the maximum of an opposing stat, a character can
raise a stat beyond 10.
For example, if a character wishes to raise his Brawn to 14, his maximum Brains would be 6.

If a character's stat is already at 10, then he cannot voluntarily lower it to raise the opposite stat.
The balance CAN be overridden using bioniks.

Strength and power. Brawn measures how physically strong an Ork is, which is possibly one of
the most important attributes of an Ork. Brawn affects damage done in close combat and how
much gear an Ork can easily carry.

Smarts and cunning. While many might not think so, Orks can be exceptionally intelligent,
especially when it comes to devious animal cunning. Smartboyz, Spannaboyz, Painboyz and
Mekboyz are some of the more common Brainy Orks.

Physical size and resilience. An average Ork stands around 6 foot tall, whereas the smaller Grots
are usually around 3 foot tall. For every 2 points of Size above 4 a character has he gains an
extra foot of height.
For example; an Ork with Size 6 stands at 7 feet tall. A Grot with a size of 6 is only 4 feet tall.

Due to Ork social dynamics, Size also governs leadership and interaction skills, as well as the
amount of hit points an Ork has.

Agility and speed. Nimbleness measures how quickly an Ork can react, how agile he is and also
how good his hand-eye co-ordination is. Nimbleness is crucial to ranged combat and initiative.

How often Gork and Mork smile on the character. For every point of Luck a character has, he
gains a Luck Point. Luck points can be spent during a skill test to add an extra 1d10 to the roll,
increasing the chance of success. Once spent, Luck points are gone (although the stat remains at
the original level). A GM may reward characters with Luck points following a particularly good
session. Be aware, using a Luck Point also doubles your chances of a Fumble!

Secondary Stats
There are also 7 secondary stats, derived from the primary stats.

Movement (Nimbleness x 3m)

How fast a character can move in combat. A character can move this distance and also act
normally. If a character takes no other action he can move double his movement in a round.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Leap (Movement /4m)

How far a character can long-jump from a running start. Without a run-up a character can leap
half this distance.

Carry (Brawn x 10kg)

How much a character can carry comfortably. Characters can exceed this limit, but must make an
endurance check (the DC set by the GM based on the amount over the load is) every hour he
carries the load or be forced to stop of a rest.

Lift (Brawn x 40kg)

How much a character can dead-lift. A character can lift this amount for 5 rounds, but after that
he is required to make a DC 15 Endurance check each round to maintain the lift.

Hits (Size x 6)
How much damage a character can sustain before he dies. Due to the robust nature of Ork
physiology Orks suffer no penalties for being wounded; they simply carry on fighting until they
Orks (and Grots) also slowly regenerate damage; healing 1 Hit per hour until fully healed.
Surgery and certain drugs used by Painboyz can increase the amount of Hits regenerated (see
Combat chapter later).

Toughness (Size /3)

How much damage a character's skin can absorb before he begins to loose Hits. This amount is
taken off damage after armour. Toughness always counts against physical damage, even Armour
Piercing weapons, but can be ignored by poisons, radiation and similar effects.
Round up fractions when calculating this stat.

Damage bonus (Brawn /3)

How much extra damage a character adds to brawl and melee damage. Round up fractions when
calculating this stat.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Chapter 3: Skills

Skill Checks
Skill checks are made by rolling 1 d10 and adding the result to your skill levels and the associate
stat, aiming to get over the GM-set Difficulty Class.

For example: Grotstikka tries to shoot Snazzgrabba as he charges towards him. The GM tells
Grotsikka the DC for the shot is 15. Grotstikka's Smallarms skill level is 5 and his Nimbleness is 7
(a total of 12) and he rolls a 7 on the d10 for a total of 19. Success!

Difficulty Classes
When making a skill check, the GM will assign a Difficulty Class (DC) based on how easy (or not)
the task is.

Task Example DC
Easy Kicking a Grot a few feet with a running start. 10
Average Climbing a rough wall with good hand-holds. 15
Difficult Spotting a hiding kommando. 20
Hard Intimidating a Skarboy. 25
Very Hard Punching out a Warboss. 30

Rolling 10s and Fumbles

When making a skill check there is the chance of rolling either a 10 or a 1 on the dice.
Rolls of a 10 are a good thing; a sign that your character has done especially well. When a 10 is
rolled, you may roll a second d10, adding the result to the first. If another 10 is rolled, you may
roll a third d10. Any further results of 10 do not result in extra d10s.

Conversely, a roll of a 1 is a bad thing; a sign that your character has failed in an especially
unfortunate manner. When a 1 is rolled, you must roll another d10; this determines how badly
you have failed. Consult the following charts to see the result:

Non-combat Fumbles (Sneak, Awareness, etc.)

1-3 No Fumble, you just fail at what you're trying to do.
4-6 Wow, do you fail. It's painfully obvious to everyone around you how useless you are.
7-8 Epic fail! You screw up what you're working on; raise the difficulty by 5 and try again.
9-10 You completely fail at what you are trying to do, but are completely oblivious to your
error. If you are crafting something, the device will not function, or possibly explode
when used!

Combat fumbles
1-3 No Fumble, you just miss your target.
4-6 Dropped weapon. You must spend a turn picking it up again, or draw another weapon.
7-8 Weapon Jam! You must clear the jam before you can use it again. If using a melee
weapon, it embeds itself in the ground.
9 You injure yourself. Roll a random location and damage from your weapon.
10 You somehow manage to injure one of your friends. Roll a random location and damage
from your weapon.

Waaagh! fumbles
1-3 You get a splitting headache and the power fails.
4-6 Coloured lights flash in front of your eyes. The next Waaagh! Power you attempt is
at +5 difficulty.

Waaagh! Da Orks

7-8 You vomit excess energy and collapse. You cannot use your Waaagh! Powers again for
1d6 rounds.
9 Excess Waaagh! energy bleeds out in all directions. Inflicting 3d6 damage on anything
within 10m.
10 Your head explodes, killing you. The backlash of energy inflicts 4d6 damage on anything
within 20 metres.

Unskilled Characters
If a character does not have a skill but needs to make a check, they can still roll but obviously
only add their stat to the roll (as they have no skill to add).

Skill List

Brawn Skills
Athletics allows an Ork to run, jump, climb, swim and throw things. This is the skill used when
throwing grenades, spears and knives.

The skill of fighting unarmed with fists, feet and head.

The skills of fighting with close-combat weapons such as choppas, chainswords and clubs.

Brains Skills
Awareness covers sight, hearing and smell, as well as less-tangible senses, and allows characters
to spot hiding foes, hidden objects and potential ambushes.

Basic Tech
Basic Tech covers creating and repairing items such as firearms, bikes, buggies and armour. It
also covers a knowledge of basic mechanical principles and theories.

This skill allows a character to create and repair bionik implants.

The preparation of all forms of Ork alcohol from Fungus Ale to Grimnosh's Old Peculiar. Brewing
also allows a character to create fuel for bikes, trukks and other vehicles, as well as weaponised
fuel for Burnas and Skortchaz.

This skill allows a character to create, rig and disarm explosives. It also allows a character to
create weapons such as stikkbombs, kannon shells and burna bombs.

Gamble covers the multitude of games of chance that Orks play, such as “Poka”, “Cripple Mista
Grot” and “Run Squiggy Run”.

High Tech
High Tech covers creating and repairing items such as blastas, force-fields, traktor beams and
mega armour. It also covers a knowledge of advanced scientific principles and theories.

Waaagh! Da Orks

This skill allows a character to find his way around on a planetary surface.

Perform covers all manner of entertainment such as playing drums, singing (as much as Orks can
sing) and generally entertaining others.

This skill covers general knowledge, mathematics and other such un-Orky thinking.

Speak (language)
This skill allows a character to speak a non-Ork language such a Human, Eldar or Kroot. The
language spoken must be picked when the skill is taken, and different languages must be
purchased separately.

Squig Keeping
This skill allows a character to train squigs, from squighounds to squighawks. It also covers the
knowledge of various squig properties and attributes.

Surgery covers repairing damage to Orky bodies, as well as installing Bioniks. Also allows an Ork
to manufacture various drugs.

Survival covers finding food and shelter in wilderness surroundings. It also covers huntsman skills
such as tracking, skinning and basic leatherworking.

Generally Orks have little need for torture (Orks being rather dense and pain-resistant) but
sometimes it can come in handy when interrogating humans or wayward Grots.

Size Skills
Endurance allows an Ork to ignore pain, resist poisons and sustain strenuous physical activity.

Impress allows a character to command and inspire other Orks through sheer force of personality
(and size).

Intimidate allows a character to scare and dominate other Orks through threats and violence. It
is also a valuable skill for keeping Grots in line. Intimidate is countered by the targets Dead 'ard

Dead 'ard
This skill allows a character to resist intimidation, fear and similar mental attacks.

Nimble Skills
Dodge allows a character to attempt to avoid an incoming Melee or Brawl attack. Without ranks
in Dodge, a character in close combat has to reply on parrying blows to avoid harm. Dodge
checks can also be made to avoid explosives such as grenades, and to evade falling debris.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Drive Bike
This skill covers all bikes and bike-type vehicles, such as Warbikes, Trakks and Monobikes. Drive
checks are generally only required when executing a dangerous manoeuvre.

Drive Trukk
This skill covers all trukks and trukk-type vehicles, such as Wagons, Buggies and Tanks. Drive
checks are generally only required when executing a dangerous manoeuvre.

Heavy Weapons
This skill allows a character to fire all heavy weapons, such as Big Shootas, Rokkit Launchas and
Zapp Kannons. The skill also covers emplacement and vehicle weapons.

Pilot Flying Thing

This skill allows a character to operate all flying vehicles, such as jetpacks, fighta bombaz and
coptas. Pilot checks are generally only required when executing a dangerous manoeuvre.

Pick Lock
Pick Lock allows a character to try and open a lock without resorting to simply smashing it open.
Generally a character must have a set of lock-picks to hand to use this skill.

Pick Pocket
Pick pocket allows a character to attempt to steal items from others without being noticed. It also
covers feats of prestidigitation, which is a word most Orks don't know.

Pilot Walker
This skill allows a character to pilot all manner of two-legged war machines such as Deffdreads,
Stompas and even the great Gargant-class titans. Pilot checks are generally only required when
executing a dangerous manoeuvre.

This skill allows a character to fire all sidearm weapons, such as sluggas, six-shootas and blastas.

This skill allows a character to fire all smallarm weapons, such as shootas and blunderbuss. The
skill also covers primitive weapons such as bows and crossbows.

Squig Riding
This skill allows a character to ride all manner of beasts, most commonly squigs and boars.

This skill covers both moving silently and hiding. It allows sneakier Orks to 'get da drop' on

Luck Skills
This skill allows an Ork to harness the latent psychic field that all Orks project and shape it to his
will. Taking this skill marks the character as a Weirdboy, forever an outcast of Ork society;
treated as both a conduit for Gork and Mork's will and also a danger to those around him. See
the Weirdboy chapter for details of how this skill works.

Waaagh! Da Orks


Weirdboys, also known as Warpheads, are Orks who are able to tap into the ambient psychic
field projected by all Orkoids and manipulate the psychic energy to produce powerful blasts,
protective fields and to bolster nearby allies.
However, as useful as Weirdboys may be, Orks are always cautious around them due to the
unfortunate accidents that can occur when they become 'overstimulated' by too many nearby


'Ead smasha
This power allows a Weirdboy to harness Waaagh! energy into a destructive blast. This power
can inflict up to 6d6 damage, but the more damage, the more difficult it is to control. 'Ead
smasha attacks ignore all armour.

Damage dice Range DC of power

2d6 10m 10
3d6 20m 15
4d6 40m 20
5d6 80m 25
6d6 160m 30

Waaagh! Shield
This power allows a Weirdboy to shape Waaagh! energy into a protective shield. The protective
bubble projected by this power is centred on the Weirdboy himself.

SP of shield Size of shield DC of power

SP 10 Weirdboy only 10
SP 15 3m 15
SP 20 6m 20
SP 25 9m 25
SP 30 12m 30

'Ere we go!
This power allows a Weirdboy to tap into the collective psychic field generated by all Orks and
boost the confidence, strength and overall effectiveness of nearby allies.

Bonus DC of power
+1 to hit 10
+1 to hit and +1 to damage 15
+2 to hit and +1 to damage 20
+2 to hit and +2 to damage 25
+3 to hit and +3 to damage 30

Waaagh! Da Orks

Chapter 4: Character Generation

Step 1: Choose Race

There are 2 playable races in Waaagh da Orks; Orks and Grots.
Orks are the primary race on all Ork worlds; tough and strong and bred for war. They only
emerge from fungus groves once the groves reach a certain size.
Grots are the lesser race of Orkology, spawned from the fungus groves earlier and intended to
server their larger brethren, although they benefit from faster reflexes and sharper minds.

Ork Characters
Orks are the default character race. They have no special rules outside of the normal rules laid
out in this document.

Grot Characters
Grot characters have a maximum Brawn of 5 (but conversely a maximum Brains of 15) and a
maximum Size of 4 (and thus a maximum Nimbleness of 16).
Grots also suffer from a much lower social standing to Orks, occupying the station of slaves,
servants and, sometimes, food for Orks.

Step 2: Buy Stats

All characters have 25 points to distribute amongst their stats.
The maximum starting stat for any character (Ork or Grot) is 8.

Step 3: Buy Skills

All characters have 50 points to spend on skills. The maximum level for any skill is 10, both at
character gen and afterwards.

Step 4: Purchase Equipment

A starting character begins with 1d6 x 10 teef. A benevolent GM might let a starting character
punch his own teeth out at character gen for bonus cash (3d6 teef).

If the players are all starting as an established gang they may pool teef to purchase gang

Step 5: Waaagh!
Wot you waitin' for you lousy grot? Waaagh!

Waaagh! Da Orks

Chapter 5: Gear

An average Orky mouth contains between 20 and 30 teef at any one time.
Teef are shed and replaced once every month, giving the Ork a monthly income of 5d6 teef.
Loose teef slowly erode and become unusable as currency after a year or so.

Punching out another Ork’s teef will usually yield around 3d6 teef.

Weaponry forms a large part of any Orks life.
Countless 'kustom' weaponry exists on Ork worlds, but the more common weapons are listed

Weapon Type Acc Dam Rng Clip Rof Cost

Knife Melee 0 1d6 -- -- -- 1t
Club Melee 0 1d6 -- -- -- --
Choppa Melee 0 2d6+3 -- -- -- 2t
Spear Melee 0 2d6 -- -- -- 2t
Grabba stick Melee +1 Special -- -- -- 5t
Whip Melee -1 1d6 3m -- -- 3t
‘uge Choppa Melee -1 3d6+2 -- -- -- 3t
'uge Club Melee -1 3d6 -- -- -- 2t
Chainsword Melee 0 4d6 -- -- -- 10t
Power klaw Melee 0 5d6 -- -- -- 50t
Six shoota Sidearm 0 2d6+2 50m 6 1 2t
Slugga Sidearm 0 3d6 50m 10 1 5t
Blasta Sidearm 0 4d6 30m 5 1 40t
Shoota Smallarm 0 5d6 300m 30 3 12t
Crossbow Smallarm -1 3d6+3 50m 1 1 10t
Bow Smallarm 0 3d6 80m 1 1 8t
Scattergun Smallarm -2 4d6 50m 8 1 15t
Mega-blasta Smallarm +1 6d6 450m 10 1 80t
'eavy bow Heavy -1 5d6 150m 1 1 20t
Burna Heavy 0 2d10 20m 10 1 30t
Big Shoota Heavy 0 6d6 550m 100 10 50t
Rokkit launcha Heavy -1 6d10 500m 1 1 70t
Shok attack gun Heavy -2 5d6 300m 1 10 200t
Spear gun Vehicle 0 5d6 50m 6 3 40t
Harpoon gun Vehicle -1 3d10 200m 1 1 30t
‘eavy Shoota Vehicle 0 8d6 750m 100 20 60t
Skortcha Vehicle 0 4d10 50m 20 1 80t
Kannon Vehicle 0 8d10 800m 1 1 100t
Lobba Vehicle -2 7d10 500m 1 1 80t
Zzap kannon Vehicle -1 Special 800m 1 10 150t
Squigapult Vehicle -1 5d6 250m 1 1 200t
Frag Stikkbomb Thrown -1 7d6 Brawn x 2 -- -- 5t
Krak Stikkbomb Thrown -1 5d10 Brawn x 2 -- -- 10t
Tank busta Placed 0 7d10 -- -- -- 25t
Burna bomb Thrown 0 2d10 Brawn x 2 -- -- 10t

Waaagh! Da Orks

Weapon Descriptions

Any large combat knife. Knives can be thrown in a pinch, with a range of Brawn x 2.

Any blunt single-handed weapon such as a tire-iron, chain, pipe, etc.

A large one-handed axe/cleaver type weapon, the mainstay of Orks everywhere.

A simple, primitive weapon that is a firm favourite of Orks everywhere. Spears can be thrown,
with a range of Brawn x 2.

Grabba stick
Symbol of Runtherds, a grabba stick provides a +2 bonus to grapple checks.

Another piece of Runtherd equipment, used for keeping slaves in line. Because of their length,
whips can be used to attack a target up to 3 meters away.

‘uge choppa
A two-handed variant of the standard Choppa.

'uge Club
Any huge, two-handed length of wood or metal. Warhammers and flails fall also under this

A loud, dangerous weapon favoured by Bosses.

Power klaw
An expensive power weapon. Armour Piercing.

Six shoota
A small-calibre revolver, often used by Yoofs and Grots.

The standard Ork handgun.

A pistol-sized plasma weapon. Armour Piercing

The standard Ork assault rifle, capable of single-shot or 3-round burst.

A cheap, primitive weapon for the undiscerning Ork.

A simple weapon favoured by primitive Orks.

Waaagh! Da Orks

A short-range but powerful weapon that fires clusters of shot or pellets.

A large, expensive plasma weapon. Armour Piercing.

'eavy bow
A huge, oversized bow used by larger Orks.

A flamethrower which also doubles as a powerful cutting tool. Will ignite any targets hit and
ignores armour.

Big Shoota
A light machinegun, loved by shootier Orks due to its high level of dakka.

Rokkit launcha
A recoilless rifle that fires explosive shells. Shells have a 5m blast.

Shok attack gun

An expensive mekboy weapon that teleports objects into the target. Usual objects include
spanners, scrap and snotlings. Shok attack blasts Ignore all armour and Toughness.

Spear gun
A series of pipes each loaded with a spear which fires a volley of shots.

Harpoon gun
A large, primitive vehicle weapon.

‘eavy Shoota
A vehicle-mounted heavy machinegun.

A heavy flamethrower. Will ignite any targets hit and ignores armour.

A cannon that fires explosive shells. Shells have a 10m blast.

A mortar. Shells have a 5m blast

Zzap kannon
A powerful but temperamental energy weapon. To determine damage, each round roll 2d6; this
is the amount of d10 you then roll for damage. Regardless of the damage roll, firing the zzap
kannon consumes 1 round from the clip with each shot.

A simple catapult that is usually used to fire clay pots filled with buzza squigs. The squigs swarm
a 10m area, stripping anything in their path until they get full and fly off.

Frag Stikkbomb
Frag grenades with a 8m blast

Waaagh! Da Orks

Krak Stikkbomb
Anti-vehicle grenades. No blast radius

Tank busta
A powerful magnetic bomb. It can either be attached to the side of a vehicle or placed on the
ground for a target to drive over. In either case, this weapon requires a DC 12 Explosives check.

Burna bomb
A fragile container of flammable fuel. No blast radius, but will ignite any target hit and ignores

Weapon Upgrades:
Orks are very fond of customising their weapons, especially their firearms. Any sidearm or
smallarm (except bows and crossbows) can be upgraded. A weapon can only ever have 3
Other conversions do exist, but they tend to be specific to individual Mekboyz.

Cost: 30 teef
Create DC: 15
This upgrade can only be applied to melee weapons.
The weapon is sharpened, made heavier and generally made more damaging. +1 damage dice.

More Dakka
Cost: 20 teef
Create DC: 15
This upgrade adds extra belts of ammo, more barrels and increases the amount of bullets the
weapon can fire. Increases rate of fire by 10.

More ammo
Cost: 15 teef
Create DC: 12
This upgrade adds secondary clips, hoppers and ammo feeds. This doubles the clip size of the

Cost: 25 teef
Create DC: 15
This upgrade lengthens the barrel, adds basic sights and makes the weapon more accurate.
+1 Accuracy, increase range by +25%.

Cost: 40 teef
Create DC: 18
This upgrade increases the hitting power of the weapon, either by swapping the ammo for a
larger calibre, shrouding the rounds in a basic energy field or similar. +1 damage dice.

Cost: Cost of second weapon, +50 teef for fitting
Create DC: 15
This weapon adds a second weapon underneath the first. The second weapon may be any
smallarm, sidearm or heavy weapon, with the exception of Bows and 'eavy bows.

Waaagh! Da Orks

The second weapon can be fired as normal, but if both weapons are fired in the same turn then
both shots are at -2. If the second weapon is the same type as the first, then instead of
becoming an additional weapon it increased the weapon's rate of fire as below:

Base weapon RoF 1 3 10

New RoF 3 10 20

Cost: 12 teef
Create DC: 10
An extremely simple upgrade, bolting a telescope to the top of the weapon to increase accuracy.
This upgrade can be combined with Shootier. +1 Accuracy.

Spiky bitz
Cost: 15 teef
Create DC: 10
This upgrade adds all manner of spiky blades, chainsaws and other close-combat appendages to
a ranged weapon, allowing it to be used as a melee weapon. The weapon does damage based on
the weapon type; sidearms – 1d6, smallarms – 2d6 (plus damage bonus).


Armour Covers SP EV Cost

Bikin’ mittz Arms 6 0 2t
Stompin’ bootz Legs 8 0 5t
Bikin’ Leathaz Torso, Arms, Legs 8 0 8t
Light armour Torso, Legs 10 0 15t
Medium armour Torso, Legs 16 -1 24t
‘eavy armour Torso, Legs 18 -2 30t
Boss armour Torso, Arms, Legs 25 -4 75t
Mega armour All 35 -2 300t
Bikin’ helmet Head 6 0 1t
Weldin' mask Head 10 0 5t
Steel helmet Head 20 0 10t
Forcefield All 40 0 700t
Space suit All 5 -1 20t

Encumbrance Value (EV) is a penalty to the Ork’s Agility and all associated skills.
Armour cannot be stacked on the same location; that's just not Orky!

Bikin’ mittz
A pair of heavy-duty squig-hide gauntlets.

Stompin’ bootz
A pair of armoured knee-length squig leather boots.

Bikin’ Leathaz
A simple suit of tough leather.

Light armour
A suit of thick leather and pieces of flak armour.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Medium armour
A suit of flak armour and small metal plates.

‘eavy armour
A full suit of heavy metal plates over flak armour, favoured by Nobs and Skarboyz.

Boss armour
A suit of well-made heavy steel and adamantium plates.

Mega armour
A huge suit of power armour. This suit overrides the user's Brawn to 20 (regardless of their
Nimbleness) and usually incorporates a power klaw and kombi-weapon (included in price).

Weldin' mask
A mekboy favourite; a simple steel mask.

Bikin’ helmet
A thin leather helmet with built-in goggles.

Steel helmet
A traditional Ork helmet hammered from steel.

A powerful device that projects a bubble of energy around the wearer. Force field are immune to
Armour Piercing weapons and flame weapons and protect against radiation. The forcefield
projector is temperamental, however, and every round it is active the user must make a Luck
check. On a failure, the device shuts down for 2d6 rounds.

Space suit
A lightly armoured leather and steel suit designed to protect an Ork from the hazards of space.
They protect against radiation and incorporate a Breathin' tank, an Interkom and a pair of
magnetic boots (allowing the wearer to stick to metal surfaces while in zero-g).

Weapon Cost Amount
Six shoota 1t 18 bullets
Slugga 1t 10 bullets
Shoota 2t 30 bullets
Scattergun 2t 8 shells
Bow/ 'eavy bow 1t 10 arrows
Crossbow 2t 10 bolts
Big Shoota 25t 100 bullets
‘eavy Shoota 35t 100 bullets
Blasta shellz 4t 5 shells
Burna fuel 5t 10 shots
Rokkitz 3t 1 rocket
Shock cells 50t 10 blasts
Zzap cells 20t 10 zaps
Spear gun 6t 6 spears
Harpoon gun 2t 1 harpoon
Kannon shellz 5t 1 shell
Lobba rokkitz 4t 1 rocket

Waaagh! Da Orks


Item Cost Item Cost

Food and Drink Tools
5 day rations 3t Mek's toolz 5t
Squig pie & a mug of grog 1t Dok's toolz 5t
Roast squiggox 5t Copper staff 10t
Barrel of rotgut 3t Interkom 5t
Barrel of grog 10t Shoutin' box 10t
Barrel of fungus ale 15t Loud hailer 3t
Barrel of Grimnosh's Old Peculiar 20t Lock picks 3t
50 foot cable 2t
Slaves and squigs Grapnel 1t
Grot Slave 10t Breathin' tank 8t
Hair squig 1t Spyin' glass 10t
Face-eater squig 1t Huge spyin' glass 16t
Squighound 15t Metal detector 5t
Ork Boar 20t Rad detector 12t
Squighawk 30t Fightin' juice 5t
Squiggoth 400t Big horns 15t
Boss pole 20t

5 day rations
Chunks of dried squig-meat that are so tough they take 5 days to digest.

Squig pie & a mug of grog

A good, hearty Ork meal. Standard fair in any slophouse or tavern.

Roast squiggox
A huge, delicious meal fit for a warboss!

Barrel of rotgut
A large barrel of very cheap, rough alcohol. Often called 'Grot-rot'.

Barrel of grog
A large barrel of tavern-quality alcohol.

Barrel of fungus ale

A large barrel of good-quality alcohol.

Barrel of Grimnosh's Old Peculiar

A large barrel of expensive, high-quality alcohol.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Grot slave
An untrained but enthusiastic Grot who’ll perform almost any task. An Ork can have any number
of Grots helping him with any crafting (Basic tech, High tech, Bioniks, etc.) or Surgery check.
Each Grot aiding grants a +1 bonus to the roll, to a maximum bonus equal to half the Ork’s skill
(rounding up). If the Ork botches, the number of Grots is added to the botch roll.

Hair squig
A small squig that attaches to a host by a small mouth, feeding off his blood. Available in many
colours, used by Orks for hair and beards.

Face-eater squig
A dangerous but tasty squig, used in eating competitions. Some Orks train face-eaters as pets,
and they can become extremely loyal to their masters.

A large squig trained to herd Grots. They are also trained as war-creatures, and sometimes
turned into 'squig-bombs' by lashing explosives to them.

Ork Boar
The trusty mount of many an Ork, boars are stubborn, smelly and dense, just like their masters.

A large flying squig, easily capable of killing an Ork. Some are captured and trained as attack
creatures. Some rebel grots train Squighawks, and ride them into battle.

A massive squig beast, trained as war mounts by Orks. Squiggoths are often armoured and used
to carry mobs of Orks into battle.

Mek's toolz
A toolbox containing spanners, hammers, wrenches and oil squigs. This kit grants a +2 bonus to
all Basic tech, High tech and Bioniks checks.

Dok's toolz
A toolbox containing saws, clamps, hammers and staples; everything a painboy needs. This kit
grants a +2 bonus to all Surgery checks.

Copper staff
A stout staff banded in copper, to better earth the destructive energies of weirdboys. A copper
staff allows a weirdboy character to re-roll the botch result on a failed Waaagh! check while he
holding it.

A small communicator, with a range of 1 mile.

Shoutin’ box
A walky-talky with a range of 40 miles.

Loud hailer
A bullhorn, allowing an Ork to increase the volume of his voice, for better yelling his instructions
at his lackies.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Lock picks
A set of slim metal picks, to help cracking locks.

50 foot of cable
Good for towing vehicles or climbing cliffs.

Breathin’ tank
A gasmask linked to a tank of air by a rubber hose. On average they carry about an hour of air
and can be easily refilled with the inbuilt compressor. Refilling the tank takes a few minutes.

Spyin’ glass
A telescope. Grants a +2 bonus to sight-based Awareness checks.

Huge spyin' glass

A big, flash telescope. Grants a +3 bonus to sight-based Awareness checks.

Metal detector
A tool that can detect metal and alloys in the vicinity. Has a range of 10m.

Rad detector
A tool that can detect nearby rad-zones. Has a range of 50m.

Fightin’ juice
A drug brewed by Painboyz. A dose of Fightin’ juice increases physical strength for 1d6 rounds
(+2 to melee damage, -2 to hit, +2 Toughness) before wearing off.

Big horns
A pair of large horns, usually from some vicious beast. Wearing a set of Big horns gives an Ork a
sense of pride, and lets other Ork's know how tough he is! Big horns grant a +1 bonus to all
Impress and Intimidate checks.

Boss pole
A Boss pole is a back-mounted banner-pole hung with various glyphs, trophies and charms that
announces a boss's victories to all that see it. A Boss pole grants a +1 bonus to all Impress and
Intimidate checks, but can ONLY be worn by a boss. A normal Ork wearing a Boss pole is asking
for trouble.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Orky Forts
Some Orks, big and powerful Orks, gather enough teef and boyz to build themselves a fort or
similar headquarters. The following structures can be bought and incorporated into a fort, and
can be bought all at once or added to an existing fort after initial construction.

Structure Cost
Shack 20 teef
Grot shack 10 teef
Squig kennel 50 teef
Squiggoth paddock 500 teef
Fort 1,500 teef
Mega fort 3,000 teef
Wall 1,000 teef
'eavy wall 2,000 teef
Brewery 800 teef
Dok's surgery 500 teef
Mek's shop 500 teef
Ripperdok's surgery 1,000 teef
Fungus patch 250 teef
Lookout tower 250 teef
Fightin' pit 40 teef
Weirdboy hut 60 teef

A simple wood or metal shack where a few Orks can shelter from the elements and cook up
some squig stew.

Grot shack
A basic wooden shack used by Slaverz to keep their Grots in one place.

Squig kennel
A secure wooden enclosure designed for squighounds and similar beasts.

Squiggoth paddock
A reinforced enclosure used by Squigherderz to contain mighty squiggoths.

A large armoured structure suitable for any minor Warboss. A fort includes barracks for around
40 Orks, a dining hall/ audience chamber, a kitchen and basic defences (crenelated walls, gun
towers, etc). The walls have an average SP of 20 and the Fort has a total SDP of 600.

Mega fort
A huge fort favoured by powerful Warlords and BigMeks. The fort includes barracks for around
100 Orks, a dining hall/ audience chamber, a kitchen, store rooms, dungeons and advanced
defences (crenelated walls, gun towers, kannon emplacements, etc). The walls have an average
SP of 30 and the Fort has a total SDP of 2500.

A 15 metre tall armoured wall, incorporating a number of gates and towers. The top of the wall is
wide enough for Orks to patrol along. The wall has an average SP of 20 and each 20m section
has a total SDP 150.

Waaagh! Da Orks

'eavy wall
A 20 metre tall reinforced armoured wall, incorporating a number of gates and towers. The top of
the wall is wide enough for Orks to patrol along. The wall has an average SP of 30 and each 20m
section has a total SDP 250.

A shack equipped with stills, mulching vats, condensers and all the other necessary apparatus for
creating the wide range of fungus-based Ork alcohols. Breweries have the unfortunate habit of
exploding if mistreated. Using a brewery confers a +2 bonus to all Brewing checks.

Dok's surgery
A shack equipped with operating tables, restraints, saws, anaesthetic-hammers and pickling vats.
Using a Dok's surgery confers a +5 bonus to all Surgery checks.

Mek's shop
A large workshop equipped with hoists, workbenches and all the necessary equipment for
creating all manner of weapons, armour and vehicles. Using a Mek's shop confers a +5 bonus to
all Basic Tech, High Tech and Explosives checks.

Ripperdok's surgery
Party Mek shop, part Dok surgery. Ripperdok's specialise in bionik replacements and upgrades,
and are a hazardous place to be if you're a healthy Ork!
Using a Ripperdok's surgery confers a +2 bonus to all Basic Tech and Surgery rolls and a +5
bonus to all Bioniks rolls.

Fungus patch
A large spoil heap filled with fungus of all sizes, harvested by Orks for food. Fungus patches,
once large enough, also begin to spawn all manner of Orkoid species; first squigs, then Snotlings,
then Grots and finally Orks.

Lookout tower
A tall tower with a reasonably armoured cupola at the top. The height granted by the tower
confers a +2 bonus to Sight-based Awareness checks. The tower has an average SP of 12 and a
total SDP 90.

Fightin' pit
A pit dug into the earth, surrounded by tiers of simple benches, the fightin' pit is both a form of
entertainment and also an important part of Ork politics. Orks who feel their current boss isn't
good enough can challenge him to single combat, and these fights for leadership almost always
take place in a fightin' pit. Other battles, between Ork boyz, Squigs and slaves are often staged
for entertainment.

Weirdboy hut
A small shack with copper panels and rods built into it, to better earth the destructive energies of
weirdboys. Such huts are always built away from other Ork structures, to minimise the latent
psychic field the weirdboy within has access to. A Weirdboy hut grants a weirdboy character a re-
roll on any failed Waaagh! Check while he is within the hut.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Orks are designed to instinctively know how to build the items they need, from guns to armour to
vehicles. Some Orks retain more of this knowledge than others; these are usually referred to as
Spannaboyz, Mekboyz and Bigmekz, depending on their level of expertise.

To create an item a character must have the appropriate skill, as indicated below, and access to
tools, a workspace and the raw materials to manufacture the item.

Basic Tech
All basic melee and ranged weapons (Choppas, Chainswords, Sluggas, Shootas, etc), armour,
vehicles and gear. Anything that runs on combustion engines, hydraulics, basic alloys and simple

High Tech
Power Klaws, Blastas and Mega-blastas, Zzap kannons and Shok attack guns, as well as
Forcefields and Mega armour. Anything that runs of fusion, energy fields, advanced electronics or
advanced alloys and metallurgy.

Alcohol brewed from fungus, which in Ork society is used for all manner of tasks depending on
the percentage of raw alcohol in it.
Fungus Ale (and all variations thereof), fuel for vehicles and also fuel for Burnas and Skortchas.

Anything explosive! Stikkbombs, Tank bustas and also Kannon rounds.

Bioniks! This is fairly obvious. If a bionik incorporates another device such as a power klaw,
shoota or similar then the device is treated as a Basic Tech or High Tech roll, rather than a

Crafting difficulty
To determine the difficulty of crafting the device, check the table below:

Device DC
Simple, no working parts, made from basic alloys. Choppers, Knives, etc. 10
Basic firearms, simple engines. Shootas, sluggas, armour, etc. 15
Complex gears, advanced alloys. Power fields. Blastas, Heavy armour, etc. 20
Advanced mechanisms, potentially dangerous items. Zzap kannons, Shok guns 25
Very rare and dangerous technology. Mega armour, Stompas, etc. 30

Time and Materials

The time required to manufacture a device is worked out by halving the total cost of the finished
device. This amount is the number of hours it takes to create the device, and also the amount of
teef the raw materials cost to build it.
For every point over the required DC to manufacture the device the character rolls, the time
taken is reduced by 1 hour.

For example: Ruzruk is building a Mega-blasta. A mega-blasta requires a DC 20 High Tech skill
check and normally costs 80 teef. The raw materials cost 40 teef. Ruzruk makes his skill check
and gets a total of 25, meaning that he succeeds in creating the weapon. Normally the blasta
would take 40 hours to build, but due to his roll is only takes 35 hours.

Waaagh! Da Orks

If the skill check to build a device exceeds the DC by more than 10 then the device is of
especially high quality, otherwise known as Flash.
Depending on the device, the effects of being Flash vary;

Flash weapon +1 Accuracy (this stacks with any upgrades that also grant bonus
Flash vehicle +1 Handling
Flash armour +1 SP
Flash bionik +5 SDP. If the bionik incorporates a weapon then it also gains +1

Other devices, such as gear and buildings, gain no bonus from being Flash. They just look Dead

Waaagh! Da Orks

Chapter 6: Vehicles

Vehicle stats
All vehicles share common stats;

The skill the vehicle falls under.

SDP (Structural Damage Points)

SDP work like Hit points. They are removed when a vehicle takes damage. When a vehicle looses
half its SDP the Handling drops by -1, when they reach 0 the vehicle explodes in an impressive

SP (Stopping Power)
The base armour value of the vehicle. Damage inflicted on the vehicle is decreased by this
amount before SDP loss is calculated.

Max Speed
The maximum speed the vehicle is capable of.

The speed at which the vehicle accelerates towards its max speed each round.

The bonus to all Drive check that the vehicle grants.

The amount of Orks the vehicles require to operate.

The amount of Orks who can (sensibly) ride inside the vehicle. More orks can cling to the outside
of a vehicle, but they must make checks whenever the vehicle performs a manoeuvre.

The amount of teef the vehicle costs.


Bikes are two-wheeled, single-seater vehicles with no armour and only light weaponry. They are
among the most popular and common Ork vehicles.
Type Bike
SDP 40
SP 0
Max speed 150 mph
Acceleration 24m
Handling 0
Crew 1
Passengers 0
Cost 20 teef

Waaagh! Da Orks

A four-wheeled, two-seater vehicle with an open back and limited covering for the crew.
Type Trukk
SDP 90
SP 10
Max speed 100 mph
Acceleration 18m
Handling 0
Crew 1
Passengers 3 (1 front, 2 back)
Cost 40 teef

A large, partially-covered vehicle that can carry entire gangs of Orks. Wagons range in size and
configuration, but the most common is a six-wheeled vehicle with an open back and fully-
enclosed drivers compartment.
Type Trukk
SDP 150
SP 16
Max speed 90 mph
Acceleration 15m
Handling -1
Crew 1
Passengers 15 (1 front, 14 back)
Cost 80 teef

A trakk is a small bike-sized vehicle with a set of caterpillar tracks as opposed to wheels. It is
slower than a bike, but handles better.
Type Bike
SDP 50
SP 10
Max speed 100 mph
Acceleration 18m
Handling +2
Crew 1
Passengers 1
Cost 30 teef

A trukk is similar to a wagon, but with 2 tyres at the front and tracks at the rear. They usually
have a soft-topped passenger compartment and a fully-enclosed crew compartment.
Type Trukk
SDP 120
SP 16
Max speed 70 mph
Acceleration 15m
Handling +1
Crew 1
Passengers 11 (1 front, 10 back)
Cost 70 teef

Waaagh! Da Orks

A fully-enclosed, heavily armoured fighting machine. Usually comes fitted with a turret-mounted
Kannon and two sponson-mounted ‘eavy Shootas.
Type Trukk
SDP 200
SP 40
Max speed 50 mph
Acceleration 10m
Handling -2
Crew 4 (driver, 3 gunners)
Passengers 0
Cost 350 teef

Grot Sail Cutta

Found mostly on the desert world of GorkaMorka, the Cutta is a Grot vehicle powered by wind
alone. They are usually constructed from wood and are rather rickety.
Type Trukk
SDP 80
SP 5
Max speed 90 mph
Acceleration 15m
Handling -1
Crew 4 (1 pilot, 2 deck-hands, 1 rudder-grot)
Passengers 8
Cost 50 teef

Fearsome vehicle of the Ork Flyin Skwadronz. Comes fitted with a pair of pilot-fired twin-linked
'eavy Shootas. Fightas cannot be fitted with any upgrades except Red Paint Job and Speed
Type Flyin Thing
SDP 180
SP 20
Max speed 380 mph
Acceleration 30m
Handling 0
Crew 1
Passengers 0
Cost 250 teef

A rather ramshackle vehicle favoured by spannaboyz and odd-minded Orks. Coptas cannot be
fitted with any upgrades except Red Paint Job and Speed boostas.
Type Flyin Thing
SDP 90
SP 6
Max speed 240 mph
Acceleration 15m
Handling -1
Crew 1
Passengers 0
Cost 190 teef

Waaagh! Da Orks

A crude rocket with a harness fitted to it that allows particularly crazy Orks to jet skyward!
Type Flyin Thing
SDP 20
SP 0
Max speed 80 mph
Acceleration 20m
Handling -2
Crew 1
Passengers 0
Cost 30 teef

A small mechanoid war machine with a drum-shaped body. Kans are always armed with a single
Power Klaw and a heavy weapon (often a Big Shoota).
Type Walker
SDP 120
SP 20
Max speed 20 mph
Acceleration 10m
Handling 0
Crew 1 (bionikally-implanted)
Passengers 0
Cost 300 teef

The larger cousin of the killakan, Deffdreads are huge, armoured machines piloted by a
bionikally-implanted Ork or Grot. Dreads have 4 weapon mounts, which can be filled with a
Power Klaw or any heavy weapon.
Type Walker
SDP 200
SP 20
Max speed 18 mph
Acceleration 8m
Handling 0
Crew 1 (bionikally-implanted)
Passengers 0
Cost 500 teef

An immense mechanised war-platform built in the shape of a great Ork, the Stompa is smallest of
the Gargant-titans. A Stompa is usually fitted with a Kannon, Zzap kannon, 6 'eavy shootas and a
Wreckin' ball. They are also studded with countless firing ports.
Stompas cannot be fitted with any upgrades.
Type Walker
SDP 500
SP 50
Max speed 40 mph
Acceleration 8m
Handling -3
Crew 16 (kommander, 9 gunners, 2 spannaboyz, 1 smartboyz)
Passengers 20
Cost 2,000 teef

Waaagh! Da Orks


Upgrade Vehicles
Red paint job All
Gun mount All
Grab-bars All
Rammin spike Buggy, Wagon, Trukk, Tank
Speed boosta All
Turbo Rokkitz Bike, Buggy, Wagon, Trakk, Trukk
‘eavy armour Bike, Buggy, Wagon, Trakk, Trukk
Wreckin ball Buggy, Wagon, Trukk
Grabba Buggy, Wagon, Trukk
Boardin’ plank Buggy, Wagon, Trukk
Stikkbom chucka All

Red paint job

Cost: 10 teef
Create DC: 10
Red wunz go fasta! The upgrade confers a +1 bonus to the vehicle’s handling.

Gun mount
Cost: 15 teef, plus cost of weapon
Create DC: 10
A gun mount bolts any heavy- or vehicle-class weapon onto the hull, which can be fired by any
passenger. A single heavy weapon can be mounted for the driver to fire, but this costs an extra
50 teef. Firing a driver-linked weapon counts as a second action, conferring a -3 to the roll to hit
as well as any driving rolls made that round.

Cost: 20 teef
Create DC: 10
Grab-bars are sets of rungs and hand-holds welded to the outside of the vehicle, which mean
Orks hanging onto the vehicle are less likely to fall off. Any Ork hanging onto a grab-bar gets a
+2 to their Athletics checks to avoid falling off.

Rammin spike
Cost: 30 teef
Create DC: 15
A vehicle equipped with a rammin spike inflicts +2d6 damage when ramming other vehicles. This
is added to the damage taken by the other vehicle after all other calculations and is not added to
the damage taken by the ram-equipped vehicle. This bonus only counts if the ramming vehicle
strikes the target with the spike.

Speed Boosta
Cost: 50 teef
Create DC: 15
A Speed Boosta increases speed for a short time by dumping high-octane fuel into the engine.
The boost gives the vehicle +20 mph to it’s current speed (even if this takes it above it’s
maximum speed) and a +10m increase to it’s acceleration.
While boosted the vehicle is hard to control, conferring a Drive penalty of -2.
Due to the unpredictable nature of the system, the speed boost only lasts for 1d3+1 rounds,
after which the tanks empty and the Boosta needs to be refuelled.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Turbo Rokkitz
Cost: 70 teef
Create DC: 20
Turbo Rokkits are two large rocket engines strapped haphazardly to the vehicle, which can be
fired to provide a brief, insane, speed boost.
Turbo Rokkitz are very unpredictable, sometimes they hurl the vehicle forward, sometimes they
misfire, other times they detonate; blowing the vehicle to scrap!
When firing a set of Turbo Rokkitz, the Drive must make a Luck check. Success indicates the
Rokkitz fire as hoped and the vehicle’s speed increases by +40 mph (even if this takes it above
it’s maximum speed) and a +20 increase to it’s acceleration. The Rokkitz last for 1d3 rounds.
While boosted the vehicle is hard to control, conferring a Drive penalty of -4.
If the roll fails then the Rokkitz splutter and short out, the drive may attempt to fire them again
next round. If the roll is a critical failure then the Rokkitz detonate, inflicting 5d10 damage to the
vehicle and any crew within 10 metres.
Once a set of Turbo Rokkitz has been fired they are spent and require replacing.

‘eavy armour
Cost: 50 teef
Create DC: 15
Heavy steel plates are bolted onto the vehicle, increasing the overall SP to 25 but halving the
maximum mph.

Wreckin ball
Cost: 45 teef
Create DC: 15
A wreckin ball allows Orks riding in the vehicle to attack adjacent vehicles. It has the profile
below and is used as a Melee weapon, opposed by a Drive roll from the target vehicle’s driver.

Weapon Type Acc Dam Rng

Wreckin ball Melee -2 4d10 3m

Cost: 40 teef
Create DC: 15
A grabba is a large hydraulic claw that latches onto enemy vehicles to prevent them from
escaping. Once latched onto an enemy vehicle, the target vehicle cannot move away and
automatically matches the attacking vehicle’s speed. The grabba can be destroyed, and has a SP
of 10 and 20 SDP. It takes a full round for a grabba to latch onto it’s target, during which the
target can attempt to escape.

Boardin’ plank
Cost: 20 teef
Create DC: 10
A boarding plank is bolted to the floor of a vehicle and is used to cross from one vehicle to
another, usually during a boarding action, without having to jump between the two.
Using a Boarding plank to board a moving vehicle confers a +2 bonus to the Athletics roll
required to move between moving vehicles.
A Boarding plank may be destroyed, it has a SP of 5 and 15 SDP.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Stikkbom chucka
Cost: 35 teef
Create DC: 15
A Stikkbom chucka fires standard Stikkbomz, launching them up to 50 metres at enemy targets.
A chukka can be loaded with different types of Stikkbom and is fired by a member of the vehicle

Weapon Type Acc Rng Clip Rof

Stikkbom chucka Smallarm -1 50m 3 1

Waaagh! Da Orks

Chapter 7: Bioniks

Bioniks are artificial replacements -or sometimes upgrades- for Ork limbs and organs. Orks are
very robust, and can survive surgeries that would kill a weaker creature, so many bioniks are
very primitive in nature and design.

Installation surgery
When an Ork undergoes bionik surgery, the Ripperdok must make a surgery check, the DC of
which is determined by how complicated the device being implanted is. This DC is determined by
the surgery code.
The surgery also inflicts a certain amount of damage on the Ork undergoing the implantation,
also dictated by the surgery code.

Surgery code Surgery DC Surgery damage

Minor 15 2d6
Major 20 3d6
Critical 25 4d6


Hook hand (4 teef, Minor surgery)

Replaces an arm with a basic prosthetic tipped with an iron hook rather than a hand. It can
perform basic actions but cannot hold a weapon. Does 1d6 damage (plus SB) and has 10 SDP.

Deluxe hook hand (8 teef, Minor surgery)

The same as the hook hand, except the hook can be unscrewed and replaced with either a
choppa or a slugga. The arm is slightly better built and also has a coat of red paint. Does 1d6
damage (hook hand), has SP 5 and 12 SDP.

Bionik arm (12 teef, Major surgery)

Basic arm replacement. Does 2d6 damage (plus SB) with a punch, has SP 10 and 20 structural
damage points.

Big crusha arm (18 teef, Major surgery)

A large hydraulic arm with long claws. Does 3d6 damage (plus SB) with a punch but is at -1
Nimbleness to all actions performed with that arm. It has SP 12 and 30 structural damage points.

Gubbinz arm (16 teef, Major surgery)

A basic bionik arm that has a number of tools built into it. Does 2d6 damage (plus SB) with a
punch, has SP 5 and 20 structural damage points. It also counts as a Dok’s toolkit and Mek’s
toolkit and grants a +1 bonus to any Basic tech and Surgery rolls.

Iron Gob (12 teef, Minor surgery)

A sharpened iron trap bolted to the lower jaw. Allows the Ork to make a bite attack for 1d6+2
damage (no SB) and also adds +1 to Intimidate and Impress rolls.

Peg leg (6 teef, Minor surgery)

Very basic leg replacement. Does 1d6+2 damage (plus SB) and has 10 SDP.

Bionik leg (10 teef, Major surgery)

Basic leg replacement. Does 3d6 damage (plus SB) with a kick, has SP 10 and 20 structural
damage points.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Jumpin’ legs (20 teef, Critical surgery)

Replaces both legs, granting increased speed and jumping ability due to powerful hydraulics.
Increases a character's Movement to 40m and LEAP to 10m. Does 3d6 damage (plus SB) with a
kick, has SP 5 and 20 structural damage points.

Gyro-stabilised monowheel (40 teef, Critical surgery)

Replaces both legs with a motorised wheel, allowing the character to zoom around at high
speeds. Increases a character's Movement to 60m and granting him an overland speed of 90
mph. The wheel has a SP of 6 and 30 SDP.

Bionik bonce (20 teef, Critical surgery)

An adamantium skull, granting SP 20 to the head. Any head-butt attacks do 2d6 (plus SB)

Bionik eye (10 teef, Major surgery)

Basic eye replacement. Includes a targeting scope (+1 to ranged attack rolls) and also includes a
x10 zoom. Grants a +1 to sight-based Awareness checks per eye.

Armour plates (10 teef, Major surgery)

Large plates of armour anchored to the Ork’s skin, armouring the body location to SP 18.
For every 2 locations armoured the Ork looses takes a -1 penalty to all Nimbleness checks.

Fightin’ juice implant (16 teef, Major surgery)

A small implant that can be activated to release Fightin’ Juice from an internal reservoir. When
active grants +2 to melee damage, -2 to hit and +2 Toughness for 1d6 rounds. The reservoir
holds 3 charges, after which it must be refilled (see the equipment chapter for prices).

Brain tinkerin’ (18 teef, Critical surgery)

Implants in the Ork’s brain grant increased reaction-speed and aggressiveness. Gives a +5 bonus
to Initiative but permanently reduces Brains by 2.

Bionik organs (12 teef, Major surgery)

Artificial organs which grant increased durability. The Ork gains +4 hits and a +2 bonus to
Endurance checks.

Replacement limbs (donors)

Another alternative to bioniks are donor limbs; limbs 'donated' by other Orks that are grafted
onto the stumps of the missing limb by a Ripperdok.
Due to the rugged biology of Orkoids, donor limbs are very easy to attach Attaching a donor
limb requires a surgery check, but is usually easier than attaching a bionik.

Generally the costs of donor limbs are as follows:

Limb Cost Surgery code

Arm 10t Minor
Leg 12t Minor
Hand 5t Minor
Foot 6t Minor

Waaagh! Da Orks

Chapter 8: Rules

To determine who strikes first in combat, all characters involved in the fight roll their Nimbleness
+ 1d10. The highest score goes first, and you cannot botch an Initiative roll (just do very badly).

Melee combat
When characters engage in combat using fists, choppas, clubs or furniture then this is counted as
melee combat.

The difficulty to hit an opponent in melee combat is determined by a Dodge or Melee check,
made each time the target is attacked. If a character lacks either of these skills then the roll is
based off their straight Nimbleness.

For example: Rutzgob swings his choppa at a rebel Grot. The Grot rolls his Dodge + Nimbleness
and gets a total of 14. Rutzgob rolls his Melee + Brawn and gets a total of 16; a hit!
Somehow the Grot survives, and swings his club at Rutzgob. The grot gets a total of 12 on his
Melee + Brawn roll. Rutzgob attempts to parry the blow, rolling his Melee + Brawn. He rolls
poorly and only gets 11; he's been hit! How ever will he live this down?

Ranged combat
The difficulty to hit a target in ranged combat is determined by the weapon being used;

Distance to target Range DC

Less than 10 metres Point-blank 10
Up to ¼ max range Short range 15
Up to ½ max range Medium range 20
Up to max range Long range 25
Up to x2 max range Extreme range 30

Combat actions
Each round a character may either take 2 single actions (such as move and then make a single
attack with a weapon) or 1 double action (such as charge). A character cannot repeat the same
single action twice per round; both actions must be different. The list of possible actions are as

Attack (single action)

This is a standard attack action; the character takes a swing with a melee weapon or fires a
single shot from a ranged weapon.

Move (single/ double action)

This action allows a character to jog up to their full movement, as determined by their Movement
stat (Nimblessness x3).
If a character takes no other action in a round they can use the move double action, doubling
their Movement stat.

Charge (double action)

A character moves up to his full movement into melee combat. Charging grants a +2 bonus to hit
and damage rolls.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Reload (single action)

This action allows a character to reload a ranged weapon, as long as the character has spare
ammunition handy. This action also covers unjamming a stuck weapon.

Take Cover (single action)

This action allows a character to duck into cover for the rest of the round. See the cover rules for

Burst fire (single action)

Any weapon with a rate of fire listed as 3 (any weapon capable of autofire is also capable of
Burst fire) may fire a burst of bullets, rather than a single shot. The attack consumes 3 rounds
from the clip.
A Burst fire attack grants a +3 bonus to hit. If the attack hits then roll 1d3 to see how many
bullets hit the target, and roll hit locations for each bullet separately. A burst attack can be aimed
at a specific location, in which case any bullets which hit all strike the same location, inflicting
cumulative damage.

Autofire (double action)

Any weapon with a rate of fire listed as 10 or more may fire a sustained burst of bullets, rather
than a single shot. The attack consumes 10 (or 20, 30, etc. as listed in the RoF) rounds from the
An autofire attack grants a +1 bonus to hit for every 10 rounds fired. If the attack hits, then 1
bullet strikes the target and an additional bullet strikes for every point over the DC the result
The bonus to hit is only effective at close-range or closer, past this range, no bonus is gained
from the attack, but additional bullets may still strike the target if the roll is high enough.
Autofire attacks cannot be aimed at specific locations, so all hits require separate location rolls. If
two or more rounds strike the same location, the damage is cumulative.
Rounds from an autofire attack that hit may also be spread amongst nearby targets; any target
within 3 metres of the initial target may be hit.

For example; Ripdakka fires his big shoota at a target, firing 20 rounds. The target is at close
range (DC 15) and Ripdakka rolls 7 plus his skill and stat total of 12 for a total of 21; success! As
Ripdakka exceeded the DC by 6, he hits with a total of 7 rounds.

Aiming (double action)

A character may aim an attack for a bonus to hit. Aiming takes an entire round, but the next
attack made gains a +1 bonus to hit for every consecutive round spent aiming beforehand, up to
a total of +3 (3 rounds of aiming). Both ranged and melee attacks may be aimed.

Aimed attacks may also be aimed at specific body (or vehicle) locations. Aiming at a location
comes at a penalty to hit, based on the size of the location or object aimed at.

Target DC penalty
Head, Arm -4
Body -1
Leg, Rifle -2
Pistol, Knife -3

Waaagh! Da Orks

Some times an Ork just needs a nice thick wall to duck behind! Taking cover is a single action.
Once in cover a character gains a bonus armour value to any locations behind the cover.

Cover Bonus SP
Thin wood (shack wall) +2
Thick wood (tavern table) +3
Thin metal (trukk door) +5
Thick metal (engine block) +8
Thin stone (brick wall) +4
Thick stone (rocky outcrop) +6
Adamantium (stompa foot) +10

Certain weapons, such as grenades and explosives, are listed as Blast weapons. When these
weapons detonate they do damage to all targets within the distance listed in the weapon
Any target hit by a blast weapon, except the initial target themself, can attempt to avoid the
explosion by making a DC 15 Dodge check. If successful they throw themselves aside at the last
moment and only take half damage (rounding up).

Armour Piercing weapons

Certain weapons, such as plasma weapons and power weapons, are listed as Armour Piercing
weapons. These weapons halve the armour of their targets, except for targets protected by a
Force field.

Catching fire/ Flame weapons

Some weapons ignite their targets, covering them in burning fuel. Every round a character is on
fire, they cannot take any other action except try to extinguish themselves. To extinguish
themselves, a character must make a DC 15 Nimbleness check. If anyone else helps them by
throwing water on them, etc. then the character may add +2 to the roll.
Every round that a character is on fire they take 1d10 damage, ignoring armour.

Radiation is very harmful to living creatures; even robust lifeforms such as Orks.
Radiation fields are often encountered in spacehulks, or near to damaged (or badly made) power
cores and reactors. Such fields are completely invisible and impossible to detect until blundered
into, at which point they can be felt as an itching or burning of the skin.

Radiation fields carry a rating from 1 to 10, indicating their strength, and a radius of effect.
When an Ork enters the radius of a radiation field, he takes the strength rating of the field in
damage every hour until he leaves the field. Radiation damage ignores normal armour and
toughness (some armour protects against radiation – noted in the individual armour

Because of their natural regeneration, all Orks are effectively immune to level 1 radiation fields.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Vehicle combat
When a character enters combat in a vehicle -either as a driver or a passenger- there are a few
more rules than normal combat.
For the description of these rules, it is assumed the character is driving the vehicle.

Vehicle movement
Each round of combat a vehicle will move it's current speed in meters. If the vehicle is
accelerating then add the Acc stat of the vehicle to this speed. If the vehicle is breaking, halve
the previous round's speed.
Vehicles move on the same round that their drivers act.

For example: Grimstabba's buggy is hurtling along at 90 mph when he enters combat. He acts on
initiative 7, so on this initiative his buggy moves 90 meters. Nearby a bike driven by Grimstabba's
opponent accelerates. Its speed is currently 100mph and its acceleration is 24m, so this round it
moves 124 meters.

Vehicles vs. Orks

If an Ork on a vehicle uses a melee weapon to attack an Ork on foot or an Ork on a slower-
moving vehicle, then the speed difference is added as a damage bonus.
Every 10 mph of difference adds +1 damage. If the combat is taking place between the crews of
two moving vehicles, then the damage bonus is calculated from the speed difference of the two
For example: Flashnob is on his bike travelling 60 mph, attacking an Ork on the back of a trukk
travelling at 40mph. Flashnob will gain a damage bonus of +2 (60-40=20).

If a vehicle hits an Ork on foot, then the vehicle inflicts 1d6 of damage for every 10 mph it was
travelling at the time of impact. The Ork may make a Luck roll to negate the first 1d6. A critical
failure on the Luck roll means the Ork has fallen under the vehicle, rather than jumping out of
the way!

If an Ork falls under the wheels of a moving vehicle, then he will take increased damage from the
weight of the vehicle. An Ork being crushed by a vehicle takes damage based on the speed the
vehicle, with no Luck roll allows to negate any damage. The damage dice are then multiplied by
the modifier below (based on the weight of the vehicle):

Vehicle weight Vehicle Damage

Very-light Bike x2
Light Buggy, Trakk x3
Medium Trukk, Wagon x4
Heavy Tank, Deffdread x5
Super-heavy Stompa x10

When two vehicles collide head-on, or one vehicle t-bones another, combine the speeds. Both
vehicles take the speed divided by 10 in d6. Following a collision both drivers need to make a DC
20 Drive check to avoid loosing control of their vehicle for the next round.

In side-on or rear-end collisions the damage is calculated from the speed difference. Both drivers
need to make a DC 15 Drive check to avoid loosing control of their vehicles for the next round.
For example: A trukk moving at 60 mph sideswipes a wagon moving at 40 mph. The damage
done to both vehicles is 2d6 (60-40=20, divided by 10=2).

Waaagh! Da Orks

Boarding vehicles
To board a moving vehicle an Ork must make an Athletics roll, the DC of which is 5 for every 10
mph the vehicle is moving. If the Ork succeeds he boards the vehicle. If the roll fails then the Ork
misses and does not board (if the Ork was jumping from one vehicle to another then he will take
damage from the fall and also get left behind!). A critical failure means the Ork has fallen under
the wheels of the vehicle and takes damage as such.
For example: Flashnob tries to jump onto an oncoming wagon that is travelling at 40 mph. He
needs to make a DC 20 Athletics check. He makes his check and gets a total of 21; Flashgit
jumps aboard.

The system is the same for Orks jumping from one vehicle to another, but the DC is calculated
from the speed difference of the two vehicles. If the two vehicles are travelling at the same
speed, no roll is required.
For example: Flashnob tries to jump from a wagon onto a speeding trukk. The wagon is travelling
50 mph, the trukk is travelling 20 mph. Flashnob’s DC for the jump is 15 (50-20=30).

Jumping and falling from moving vehicles

If an Ork jumps or falls from a moving vehicle they will take 1d6 damage per 10 mph the vehicle
was travelling.

The Ork can negate this damage by making an Athletics roll. The total result of the roll is taken
from the vehicle speed when calculating damage. This damage negates any armour the Ork
might be wearing.
For example: Flashnob has jumped from a trukk that was travelling at 30 mph. He makes his
Athletics check and gets a total of 20. Flashnob will therefore only take 1d6 damage (30 – 20 =

Hangin’ on
Orks don’t always ride inside vehicles; if a trukk, buggy or wagon is full, then often other Orks
will just grab onto the side of the vehicle and hitch a lift!

Whenever a vehicle is rammed, breaks suddenly or performs a high-speed manoeuvre any Orks
hanging onto the sides need to make an Athletics roll to avoid being thrown off. The DC of the
Strength Feat roll is the same as the manoeuvre performed by the driver.
For example: If a wagon driver is broadsided by another wagon, all hangers-on need to make a
DC 20 Anthletics roll to avoid being thrown off.

Injury and Death

All characters have a number of hit points based on their Size stat (Size x 6) that govern how
much damage they can take before they die.
When a character takes damage, the damage is reduced by their Toughness (unless the damage
is from something like Radiation, which ignores Toughness) and the character's hits are reduced
by the residual damage.

When a character's hits drop to 0 or below they are knocked unconscious, unable to act until
revived (by a Surgery check) or until they regenerate enough Hits to put them back to 1 Hit

If a character drops to -10 Hits or below, they die. There is nothing more that can be done for
them, except maybe turning them into spare parts for a Ripperdok or adding them to the menu!

Waaagh! Da Orks

Locational hits
All characters have 6 body locations they can be hit in by attacks. The location hit by an attack is
determined by the roll of a d10:

Roll Location
1 Head
2-4 Torso
5 Left Arm
6 Right Arm
7-8 Left Leg
9-10 Right Leg

Limb loss
If a character takes more than 10 damage in a single hit (after Toughness and armour) then the
limb struck has been crippled or destroyed! This only counts to Arm and Leg hits.
A lost limb will usually need to be replaced; either by a bionik or a donor limb.

Head hits
Head hits are especially dangerous. All damage after Toughness and armour is DOUBLED.
For example: Grubsnakka it hit in the head for 17 damage. His Toughness is 3, and he is wearing
a SP5 helmet, so he takes 9 damage, which is then doubled for a total of 18 damage to his head!

All Orkoids regenerate naturally, but sometimes a little surgery is needed to speed the process

All characters, both Grots and Orks, regenerate 1 Hit per hour until fully healed. A surgery check
may be made to increase the amount of hits healed; on a successful check the injured character
regains 1d10 hits.

Amount of Hits lost Time required DC of surgery

¼ total 1 hour 10
½ total 2 hours 15
¾ total 4 hours 20

Experience points
At the end of each session a Game Master may reward his players with Experience Points (XP).
XP may be spent on improving both a character's Stats and Skills, for the costs shown below:

Improvement XP cost
New skill 2 XP
+1 Skill level 1 XP
+1 Stat point 5 XP

Generally a Games Master should award 1 XP each session, plus 1-2 points for good roleplaying,
ingenious plans and other displays of cunning.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Another way of rewarding characters is by giving them Reputation points (Rep).
Reputation represents the fame and infamy that accompanies your character; tales of his exploits
and deeds that other Orks mutter in taverns and slop houses.
A character may gain 1 Rep point at the end of a particularly epic quest or exploit, and Rep
points accumulate throughout an Ork's career.

Rep points are added to any Intimidate or Impress rolls, on top of skill points and the base stat.

Waaagh! Da Orks

Chapter 9: NPCs

Below are the stats for typical Orks and Grots you might encounter on any Ork world or as part
of a Waaagh!

Ork Boy
A typical Ork, one of the thousand such warriors found in a Waaagh!
Brawn 7 Move 15m Hits 36
Brains 4 Leap 3.75m
Size 6
Nimbleness 5 Dam bonus +2
Luck 3 Toughness 2

Athletics 3 Dodge 1
Brawl 3 Drive 3
Melee 4 Sidearms 3
Awareness 2 Smallarms 4
Intimidate 2

Slugga, Shoota, Choppa, Light armour, Bikin' helmet

Ork Nob
An Ork leader, usually found in command of a small band of Boyz.
Brawn 9 Move 15m Hits 48
Brains 5 Leap 3.75m
Size 8
Nimbleness 5 Dam bonus +3
Luck 3 Toughness 2

Athletics 4 Dodge 2
Brawl 4 Drive 3
Melee 6 Sidearms 4
Awareness 3 Smallarms 5
Intimidate 2 Impress 3

Slugga, Chainsword, Frag stikkbomb, Medium armour, Steel helmet

Ork Mekboy
An Ork mechanic, a position of great respect in Ork society and especially on the desert world of
Brawn 7 Move 18m Hits 36
Brains 7 Leap 4.5m
Size 6
Nimbleness 6 Dam bonus +2
Luck 4 Toughness 2

Brawl 3 Drive 4

Waaagh! Da Orks

Melee 4 Sidearms 4
Awareness 3 Smallarms 3
Intimidate 2 Smartgit 4
Basic tech 5 Awareness 4

Slugga (Shootier), Choppa, Burna bomb, Bikin' leathaz, Weldin' mask, Toolkit

Ork Boss
An upper-echelon Ork leader, usually in command of a large warband or fort with several dozen
Ork boys at his command.
Brawn 10 Move 15m Hits 60
Brains 6 Leap 3.75m
Size 10
Nimbleness 5 Dam bonus +3
Luck 4 Toughness 3

Athletics 5 Dodge 3
Brawl 6 Drive 4
Melee 8 Sidearms 5
Awareness 3 Smallarms 6
Intimidate 4 Impress 6

Blasta, Chainsword(Choppier), Frag stikkbombz, Boss armour, Steel helmet

Grot Slave
A typical Grot, either a slave or pet for an Ork or a Rebel fighting for freedom.
Brawn 2 Move 18m Hits 18
Brains 5 Leap 4.5m
Size 3
Nimbleness 6 Dam bonus +1
Luck 4 Toughness 1

Stealth 4 Dodge 4
Awareness 3 Drive 2
Pick pocket 3 Melee 1
Sidearms 2

Knife; Six-shoota; Bikin' helmet

Grot Captain
Only ever found leading a band of Rebel Grots, Captains are intelligent and charismatic (for
Brawn 3 Move 21m Hits 24
Brains 7 Leap 5.25m
Size 4
Nimbleness 7 Dam bonus +1
Luck 4 Toughness 1

Waaagh! Da Orks

Stealth 4 Dodge 4
Awareness 3 Drive 2
Pick pocket 3 Melee 3
Sidearms 4 Impress 3

Knife; Slugga; Bikin' helmet, Light armour

Squigs are the simplest of Orkoid lifeforms and emerge first from fungus patches, forming the
basis of all Orkology.

Face-eater squig
These small squigs are found hanging under cliffs and ledges, waiting for prey to walk
underneath. When it does, they drop onto it, their huge mouths open wide. Face-eaters are well-
known by Orks to be delicious, and are often used in eating competitions. They also make fierce
but loyal pets.
Brawn 2 Move 12m Hits 6
Brains 1 Leap 3m
Size 1
Nimbleness 4 Dam bonus +1
Luck 2 Toughness 0

Stealth 5 Dodge 2
Awareness 3 Brawl 3
Athletics 3

Huge teeth (1d6+1 damage per bite)

A large number of large four-legged squigs are lumped together under the term 'Squighounds'.
They are used to herd other squigs and Grots by Runtherdz, and as attack creatures by other
Orks. Some Orks strap explosives to squighounds, turning them into 'Squig-bombz'.
Brawn 6 Move 15m Hits 24
Brains 2 Leap 3.75m
Size 4
Nimbleness 5 Dam bonus +2
Luck 3 Toughness 1

Stealth 3 Dodge 3
Awareness 5 Brawl 4
Athletics 4

Big jaws (2d6+2 damage per bite)

Waaagh! Da Orks

Ork Boar
Boars are found where ever there are Orks, and are used as mounts and food, especially by the
more primitive Ork clans.
Brawn 7 Move 12m Hits 42
Brains 1 Leap 3m
Size 6
Nimbleness 4 Dam bonus +2
Luck 2 Toughness 2

Athletics 4 Dodge 3
Awareness 3 Brawl 4

Tusks (1d6+2 damage per gore)

Squighawks are large, ferocious predatory flying creatures found deep underground or on
forested worlds. They swoop down on anything smaller than them (that's a lot of things),
carrying it off to eat at their leisure. Some brave Orks tame squighawks as pets and mounts.
Brawn 8 Move 18m (30m flying) Hits 72
Brains 1 Leap 4.5m
Size 12
Nimbleness 6 Dam bonus +3
Luck 3 Toughness 4

Stealth 4 Dodge 3
Awareness 6 Brawl 6
Athletics 4

Talons (1d6+3 damage per slash)
Jaws (2d6+3 damage per bite)

The largest and most dangerous of all Squiggly beasts, Squiggoths are huge quadrupeds that can
measure anywhere from 12 to 30 tall at the shoulder and are covered in thick armour. Orks train
Squiggoths as war mounts and attach armoured howdahs to their backs to carry troops.
Brawn 15 Move 45m Hits 120
Brains 1 Leap 1.5m
Size 20
Nimbleness 2 Dam bonus +5
Luck 3 Toughness 10

Endurance 5 Brawl 6 Awareness 3

Huge maw (3d10+5 damage per bite)
Huge foot (4d6+5 damage per stomp)
Stampede (Special attack, requires a full round of movement to execute and inflicts 4d10+20
damage on anything in its path.)

Waaagh! Da Orks

Humans are the second most populous race in the galaxy after Orks. They are a diverse and
fractious race, and have had a long and eventful history with Orks.

Found only on the desert world of GorkaMorka, Diggas are primitive humans who worship Orks
and try to emulate Orky behaviour.
Brawn 5 Move 18m Hits 24
Brains 4 Leap 4.5m
Size 4
Nimbleness 6 Dam bonus +2
Luck 3 Toughness 1

Athletics 3 Brawl 3
Melee 4 Awareness 3
Survival 4 Dodge 2
Smallarms 2

Spear, Club, Crossbow, Leather armour (4 SP to Torso)

Human Guardsman
A soldier of the Human Imperium, Guardsmen are a common foe of Orks and have earned a
grudging respect from the greenskins for their skill and tenacity.
Brawn 5 Move 15m Hits 24
Brains 5 Leap 3.75m
Size 4
Nimbleness 5 Dam bonus +2
Luck 3 Toughness 1

Athletics 3 Brawl 3
Melee 3 Awareness 3
Survival 3 Dodge 2
Sidearms 3 Smallarms 4
Stealth 2 Drive 2

Knife, Laspistol, Lasgun, Frag grenades, Light armour (all locations)

Human Lieutenant
A human leader, usually found in command of around 30 Guardsmen.
Brawn 6 Move 15m Hits 30
Brains 6 Leap 3.75m
Size 5
Nimbleness 5 Dam bonus +3
Luck 4 Toughness 2

Athletics 4 Brawl 3
Melee 5 Awareness 3

Waaagh! Da Orks

Survival 3 Dodge 3
Sidearms 5 Smallarms 4
Stealth 2 Drive 2
Impress 4

Chainsword, Laspistol, Frag grenades, Medium armour (all locations)

Human weapons
The majority of humans use laser weapons which have greater range than Ork weapons, but less

Weapon Type Acc Dam Rng Clip Rof

Laspistol Sidearm 0 2d6+2 75m 20 1
Lasgun Smallarm +1 4d6 450m 40 3

After humans, the Kroot are possibly Orks favourite species to fight (apart from other Orks, of
course!). Kroot are a species of highly adaptable warriors that have had contact with Orks for a
number of centuries.

A typical Kroot warrior; tall and powerful with a taste for Ork flesh.
Brawn 6 Move 15m Hits 42
Brains 5 Leap 3.75m
Size 7
Nimbleness 5 Dam bonus +2
Luck 2 Toughness 2

Athletics 4 Dodge 3
Brawl 3 Stealth 4
Melee 4 Sidearms 1
Awareness 3 Smallarms 2
Intimidate 2

Knife, Kroot rifle (counts as a Scattergun and as a Spear in close combat)

Kroot Shaper
A Shaper is a Kroot spiritual leader who also leads them in battle.
Brawn 6 Move 18m Hits 42
Brains 6 Leap 4.5m
Size 7
Nimbleness 6 Dam bonus +2
Luck 3 Toughness 2

Athletics 4 Dodge 4
Brawl 3 Stealth 4
Melee 5 Sidearms 1
Awareness 4 Smallarms 2

Waaagh! Da Orks

Intimidate 3 Impress 2

Choppa, Kroot rifle (counts as a Scattergun and as a Spear in close combat)


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