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Farren, Louie Jun M.


1. Why did the Spaniards partake in the blood compact of the Filipino.

The Sandugo began with the arrival of Miguel López de Legazpi in Bohol in 1565 and the establishment
of allegiance by Datu Sikatuna to the king of Spain. They made a cut on their left arm with a dagger and
poured their blood into a cup filled with wine, which they both drank in honour of their friendship.
About the middle of March 1565, the fleet of Captain General Miguel López de Legazpi anchored along
these shores. In the course of this visit, López de Legazpi entered into a blood compact with Datu
Sikatuna for the purpose of insuring friendly relations between the Spaniards and Filipinos.

Each of the two leaders made a small cut in his arm, drew a few drops of blood from the incision, mixed
it with wine, and drank the goblet containing the blood of the other. Thus was the first bond of
friendship between Filipinos and Spaniards.

2. What is blood compact accdg to:

a. Felomino Aguilar

• The Pacto de Sangre as a deception, for assimilation called upon the validity of an alleged agreement
to assimilate and civilize the islanders.

The late nineteenth-century views on the Pacto de Sangre of Sikatuna and Legazpi all averred that the
Spaniards came to the Philippines to offer friendship, only for them to betray it. The event in Bohol in
1565 was represented in a manner that explicitly advanced a political agenda.

b. Vicente Rafael

•A bond of friendship and mutual support characterized the initial relationship between indios and
Spaniards. This originary social contract was betrayed by Spanish duplicity and oppression, and Filipinos
would respond by rebelling.

c.Jose Rizal

• As a contractual agreement between equals, by which the Filipinos had sworn loyalty to the king of
Spain and simultaneously had become Spaniards in the full sense of the word.” For their part the
Spaniards had to do their part in “assimilating” the Filipinos.

d. Antonio de morga

• On the other hand, based on Antonio de Morga, blood compact didn’t occurred for the fact that the
Filipinos were unprotected before the coming of the Spaniards. Morga himself says, further in telling of
the pirate raids from the south, that previous to the Spaniards domination the islands had arms and
defended themselves. But after the natives were disarmed the pirates pillaged them with impunity,
coming at times when they were unprotected by the government, which was the reason for many of the

According to him that the Spaniards “brought war to the gates of the Filipinos” is in marked contrast.
Perhaps “to make peace” then meant the same as “to stir up war,” and by the Christian religion, Dr.
Morga appears to the mean the Roman Catholic which by fire and sword he would preserve in its purity
in the Philippines.

e. Your thoughts about the blood compact (individual)

• Blood compact is a sign of friendship, honesty and unity between two parties. We all know that blood
is thicker than water that is why blood compact is made to become a member of a family or a certian
group. This ritual means brotherhood, if you perform a blood compact with someone it means that you
will treat him as your brother and a family, because we all know that one of the most important things
in this world is family and love.

The blood Compact is the most important fraternity in our history here in the Philippines.

3. What were the strong points of Jose Rizal depending his position .

He fought for freedom in a silent but powerful way. He expressed his love for the Philippines through his
novels, essays and articles rather than through the use of force or aggression. He was a very amazing
person at his time. He was humble, fighting for reforms through his writings instead of through a
revolution. He used his intelligence, talents and skills in a more peaceful way rather than the aggressive

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