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Dr.A.S.RAJA RAO M.Com, Ph.d, LL.

5-5-1/1, Naneppanagar, Hindupur-515201.
Retd. Professor in Commerce & Mgmt Studies

1st day of Jan 2011.

Shri. Sreenivasulu,
Circle Inspector of Police - I Town

Dear Shri. Sreenivasulu, Hearty and Worm


May the New Year 2011 and

“Hemantha Sankranthi”
Herad a splendid, new, bright and
glories chapter
In thy career and life as an able Police
officer and
Bring excellent and exciting
opportunities in lakhs
And raise thy glory to peaks and makes
thee a worthy
And Honest police officer of metle and
rare unique.

In these days of fast eroding moral and
ethical values
To come across a righteous and sincere
officer like you
That too in the present day police force
is a rarity Indeed !
May the “providence” be with you ,
career throughout,
As thy Guiding Director, keep on
inspiring you always .

You are an epitome of unstinting and

unflinching loyalty
To law and duty, an embodiment of courage
and commitment,
Sreenivasulu, you are indeed one of a very
few rare gems in the
Galaxy of police officers at our state nay
country levels .

Thy deep abiding love for values, adoration

and commitment to duty,

Thy indomitable will power , thy unique
style and approach to cases and
Investigation ,thy abiding loyalty to
principles, thy admirable qualities of
Head and heart ,Thy strength of power and
systematic functioning ,
Thy unassuming nature with out show,fuss
or excitement, Inspires
Every one and create feelings of admiration
for you spontaneous!!

Thy efficient and effective systematic

endeavor and Preventive
Measures taken ,ever since you took
charge of office here
Civil issues brought to thy notice
settled amicably ,by thy
Timely action firm and impartial
decisions ,without bias
To either of the parties; won
appreciation of one and all
Atrocities of potentates on weak and
meak ,cases off

Riotings of Miscreants,thefts criminal
cases and complaints of
Juvenile delinquency have come down
to the minimum !

As on today…
Poor ,innocent and gentle ones are happy
and peaceful ,
Desparate and dejected ones are juvenated
with hope,
Kidnapped cases by your sincere effort
And the missed ones Are restored to their
near and near
The worker keep active before wheel ,the
Peasant at
The plough ,and thinking mind at the
creative work
All are happy and peaceful, ready to
Gratefully sincere thanks to thy timely
effort !

May you live long with perfect health
continuing to serve the
Innocent poor and needy and be a sure
source of help to them
But be a terror to the bad and evil
elements, in the society.
May the unseen Hand guiding the
destinies, bless you
Problem –free and get yourself doubled
soon, with
Continuous and everlasting spell of
May God bless you all Excellences in life
through out ..

The mute bricks and lofty edifices of

concrete and mortor

Do not proclaim prominence and
permanence, steel and metal
Statues seldom signify the nobility and
greatness of Personalities,
But , the dedication to duty with
transparent sincerity and
Humanitarian outlook and whole- hearted
endeavor in transforming
The rugged, rough criminals into gentle
ones, dispels gloom permeated
Around and fill dazzling light producing
varied colored flowers
And blossoms of rare fragrance in the form
of, unique and exquisite
And unperishable garland of words to
Honor thee for ever and ever

With warm and affectionate greetings and


Yours ,
Srimathi & Dr. A.S.Raja Rao


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