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Coffee Maker



E Tognana

After use. never unscrew the Coffee Maker until it has completely cooled. Do not
surfoceof the coffee maker but rather always use the handle and knob. During use. touch the
makeraway from children. During use. position the coffee maker in such a waykeep that
valveis not facing the user. Do not wash in the dishwasher. Wash by hand withoutusing ttk
detergentsor materials. Never use the coffee maker without water in the boiler.The abrasi•æ
be filled with water only. Use only powde-ed coffee. never use other extracts (e.g. cocoa must
chamomile. tea, as these may clog the fitter holes). Store the coffee maker with its powder
parts perfect;
dry,nevercompletely screw (he two parts together.

Checks before use

Check that the coffee maker is intact and comolete with all its parts (fig. I). In particular.check
safety valve (a), the coffee dosing funnel (b). the gasket (c) and the filter plate (d). Washwith
water and rinse thoroughly before use. Make a few coffees.

how to use ground coffee

Flt the boiler (fig. 2) with cold water until it reaches the lower edge of the safeWvalve.Insert
the coffee dosing funnel into the boiler and fill it up to the edge with ground coffee
compressingit (fig. 3). Remove any coffee residue from the rim of the boiler.Firmlyscrewtre
collectcr (e) onto the boiler without overtighten;ng it. taking care not to pry the handle the
coffee pot on the flame, making sure the latter doesn't protrude from the bottomof the boiler.
When the coffee is ready, take the coffee pot off the flame and pour the coffee into cups.

Periodically check the wear of the dosing funnel gasket and if it is damaged or worn. replaceit with
an original spare part. Periodically check the filter plate. looking through it to check that the holes
are not clogged. If they are. free them with a pin or replace the plate with an originalsparepart
obtainedfrom your authorised dealer. If hard or very hard water is used and if the boiler filled
above the indicated level. lime deposits may form that may subsequentlyclog the safewvatæ
This can be avoided by using demineralised water or sparkling water. If the valve is blocked.we
recommend that you proceea as follows: fill the boiler over the safety valve with a solutionof hatf
waterand half vinegar and place it on the flame without leaving it to boil Allow the coffeepot
to cool and then drain the solution. Make sure the deposits have dissolved.otherwiserepeatttE
procedureagain, rinse thoroughly with water and make two or threecoffees.

The coffee pot it sold with a warranty according to the law. It is effectivebeginningfromthe
dateof purchase indicated on the receipt The warranty shall be considercd null and void the
following circumstances: the directions contained in these operating instructionswere
followed, non-original spare parts have been used, the coffee maker has been repairedor
by unauthorised personnel.
Corpo e coperchio intacciaio
per UnaAunqa durata' nel tempo
Staintess•steel body and handles to
.Corps etcpurved• en aciar inox pour ih time
Kôkper:und Deckel aus edelstahl für durer dans le temps
Lonci poklopèi od nehrdajuéeg eelikatangeHattbarkeit
- inox za

attaall'uso sui piani ad induzione

•Aso suitable for indùEtion hobs
Auch für Induktionskoçhptattpn geeignet
Compatible avec Ses.plans à induction
*eno i za uporabu i pa indUkçijskim kuhalima

Impugnatura e manici ergonomicipratici

edal design elegante
'Functional and ergonomjc handles with elegant qesign
Poignées érgOnomiques pratiques de design élégant
Praktische•Griffe im elegan•tenDesign
Praktiëne ergonomske rutke eleganthog dizajna

Guarnizione in silicone alimentare

dilunga durata
Durable séals in food-àuality silicone
qointen silicone alimen$airelongue-durée
für Lebensmittel àeeiàneter
Dugotrajna brtva od prehrarhbenog silikona
ad induzione,
Quand. la cafettiera su piastra comincia a
il caftè
a medic bassa quando
riempëe parte supe•iore delta caffettiera.

using coffeepoton an induction plate. we
then Iower it to
starting the plateset to maximum power. to
me$um-lowpowerwhenthe coffee begins to fill the top Of the

Lorsquevous utiüsezvotre cafetièresur une plaque à induction, il
conseié de commenceravec la plaque réglée à la puissance
maximaie Réduisez ensuite à une puissance moyenne basse quand
le café commence à rempEr la partie supérieure de la cafetière.

DE Wenn Sie unsere Espressokanneauf einem
vern•enden. empfehlenwir Ihnen zu Beginn den Induktionsherd
einzuschatten-Anschlie&end.sobatd der Raffee in den Herd voll
der Espressokanneaufsteigedie Leistung des oberen Teil
mittiere bis niedrige Stufe reduzieren. Herdes auf eine
FIG. 1

FIG. 2

FIG. 3

After use, never unscrew the Coffee Maker until it hos completely cooled. DO not touch the hot
surface of the coffee maker but rather alwayq use the handle and knob, During uso, koop tho cottoo
maker away from children. During use, position the coffoe maker in such a way that tho safety
valve is not facing the user. Do not wash in the dishwasher, Wash by hand without using abrasive
detergents or materials. Never use the coffee tnaker without water in the boiler. The boltermust
be filled with water only. Use only powde eed coffee, never use other extracts (e.g. cocoa powder,
chamomile, tea, as these may clog the filter holes). Store the coffee maker with its parts perfectly
dry, never completely screw (he two parts together.

Checks before use

Check that the coffee maker is intact and comolete with atl its parts (fig. 1). In particular, check the
safety valve (a), the coffee dosing funnet (b), the gasket (c) and the fitter plate (d). Wash with soapy
water and rinse thoroughly before use. Make a few coffees.

how to use ground coffee

Ell the boiler (fig. 2) with cold water untit it reaches the tower edge of the safety valve. Insert
the coffee dosing funnel into the boiler and fill it up to the edge with ground coffee, without
compressing it (fig. 3). Remove any coffee residue from the rim of the boiler. Firmly screw the
collector (e) onto the boiler without overtighten;ng it, taking care not to pry the handle. Place the
coffee pot on the flame, making sure the tatterdoesn't protrude from the bottom of the boiler.
When the coffee is ready, take the coffee pot off the flame and pour the coffee into cups.

Periodically check the wear of the dosing funnel gasket and if it is damaged or worn, replace it with
an original spare part. Periodically check the filter plate, looking through it to check that the holes
are not clogged. If they are, free them with a pin or replace the plate with an original spare part
obtainedfrom your authoriseddealer. If hard or very hard water is used and if the boiler is filled
above the indicatedlevel, lime deposits may form that may subsequently clog the safety valve.
This can be avoided by using demineralisedwater or sparkling water. If the valve is blocked, we
recommend that you proceea as follows: fill the boiler over the safety valve with a solution of hatf
waterand half vinegar and place it on the flame without leaving it to boil. Allow the coffee pot
to cool and then drain the solution. Make sure the deposits have dissolved. otherwise
repeat the
procedure again, rinse thoroughly with water and make two or three coffees.

The coffee pot it sold with a warrantyaccording
date of purchaseindicatedon the receipt. to the law. It is effective beginning from the
following circumstances: the directions The warranty shall be considercd null and void in the
followed, contained in these operating instructions were not
non-original spare parts have been used, the coffee
by unauthorised personnel. maker has been repaired or modified
s ACC*

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