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Good Hygiene Practices


1.1 Location and surroundings
 Are the premises free from objectionable odours, smoke, dust or other
 Are the premises free from refuse, rubbish, overgrown vegetation and
waste material?
1.2 Roadways and areas used by wheeled traffic
 Are the roadways constructed to prevent accumulation of water?
1.3 Buildings and facilities (outside)
 Are the buildings (outside) maintained in good condition and good
repair (wall, roof, gutters, windows, wall-earth connection)?


2.1 Design and construction
 Are the buildings inside maintained in good condition (walls, roof,
windows, electrical cables)?
 Is there adequate working space for performance of all operations ?
 Does the design allow adequate cleaning?
 Are there sufficient physical borders to prevent contamination from
outside or from less to more critical areas?
 Is a regulated flow in the process, with respect to hygiene condition,
 Are temperature conditions appropriate for process and product (not
too warm or too cold during production or storage)?
 Is the building waterproof (especially flat roof areas, joints around
ducts, guttering and between floor seals)?
 Are all windows protected against birds and insects?
 Are insectocuters installed?
 Are all air intake and exit ducts protected against soiling by birds
 Are routinely open doorways protected by air curtains or plastic strips?
 Does the internal construction prevent build-up of dust deposits?
 Are all drains trapped and dried out? Is the flow within the drainage
system directing away from the process areas?
 Is all equipment, utensils, floors, ceilings, walls designed in such a way
to prevent hygienic hazards?
Good Hygiene Practices

 Is all equipment, utensils and surfaces designed in such a way to enable
thorough cleaning and inspection?
 Are up-dated process/factory drawings (line-drawings in which the
process can be followed and a factory lay-out) available?
 Are redundant pipelines removed?
2.2 Materials of construction
 Are all food contacting surfaces non-toxic, smooth, rust-free, free from
pits and crevices?
 Are there sufficient measures to prevent glass and hard plastic entering
the production line?
 Is the use of wood in the production areas minimized?
2.3 Maintenance
 Is the inside of the building kept in good repair (paint, tiles, rust
leakage, missing screws)?
 Are all production rooms generally free from stream, vapour and a
surplus of water?
 Is all maintenance and repair performed after production?
 Are screens provided when necessary during maintenance?
 Is cleaning performed between maintenance and start-up of the
 Are tools and replacement parts which come into contact with the
production line cleaned before use?
 Are irregularly opened access doors cleaned before opening?
2.3 Changing facilities and toilets
 Are adequate, suitable and conveniently located changing facilities
 Are toilets situated in such a way that they do not open directly on to
food handling areas?
2.4 Hand washing facilities
 Are hand washing facilities available at each access of each defined
 Are convenient located hand washing, drying and disinfection facilities
available where it is demanded by the process?
 Are hand cleaning (with alcohol based liquids/gels) facilities available in
the dry process areas?

3.1 Storage and disposal of waste
 Are sufficient waste storage facilities present (inside and outside)?
 Are these facilities designed in such a way to prevent access by pests
and avoid contamination of food, potable water, equipment, buildings
Good Hygiene Practices

or premises both inside and outside?
 Is waste removed from the process area as often as necessary (daily or
more often)?
3.2 Pest control
 Is there an effective and continuous program for pest control (are traps
numbered, insectocutor lamps changed, placement of
traps/insectocutors, use of fumigation)?
 Is there thorough documentation of the pest control measures?
 Is the factory yard area free of food wastes, rubbish etc.?


4.1 Hygiene training
 Is the staff adequately trained in hygienic handling of food and
personal hygiene?
4.2 Medical examination
 Are medical examinations of food handling personnel performed (when
allowed by law)?
4.3 Communicable diseases
 Does the management take care that no person having infected
wounds, skin infections or sores is working in a food handling area?
4.4 Injuries
 Are waterproof, conspicuous coloured plasters available and used
when someone of the food handling personnel is injured?
4.5 Washing of hands
 Does the staff wash their hands frequently and thoroughly?
4.6 Personal cleanliness
 Does the staff maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness?
 Does the staff wear protective clothing when necessary (hairnets
should be worn at all times)?
 Does the staff remove jewellery from their hands before handling
4.7 Personal behavior
 Is eating, drinking and smoking in food handling areas clearly
4.8 Gloves
 Are gloves, when used, regularly changed/washed?
4.9 Visitors
 Are there precautions taken to prevent visitors from contaminating
food (eg. Protective clothing in food handling areas)?
4.10 Supervision
 Is there competent supervision to ensure compliance to food hygiene
Good Hygiene Practices

regulations by the staff?
4.11 Outside
 Are outside contractors informed on the hygiene requirements of the
standard protocols?


 Is the plant in a clean condition (floors, walls, stairs, windows, lamps,
pipes, cable shafts)?
 Are all processing equipment and utensils cleaned frequently, at least
before start-up?
 Are adequate precautions taken, when necessary, to prevent food from
being contamination during cleaning and disinfection?
 Are cleaning utensils (like brooms and brushes) in good and hygienic
shape, properly stored and cleaned and disinfected after use?
 Is a permanent cleaning and disinfection schedule present, where
completion of the cleaning task can be signed and dated in?
 Is the cleaning personnel well trained in cleaning techniques?
 Is one person of the staff finally responsible for the cleanliness of the
 Are sufficient cleaning in process (CIP) systems installed?
 Are the key parameters of the CIP (detergent/acid concentration,
temperature and time) monitored and controlled?
 Is the quality of the detergent, acid and rinse water monitored and
 Are non-CIP systems monitored?
 Is all equipment, were possible, dismantled for inspection and manually
cleaned at frequent intervals?
 Is there sufficient documentation on the cleaning and disinfection
agents (list of agents used, possible safety hazards)?
 Is there an adequate environmental microbiological control (swabs)
system in place?

6.1 Description of the different critical areas
 Is there a clear classification made into critical, semi critical and low
critical areas within the plant?
6.2 Additional requirements for semi critical areas
 Is there a controlled air atmosphere (including control of the relative
humidity of air) in those factory areas where this is relevant?
6.3 Additional requirements for critical areas
6.3.1 Premises
Good Hygiene Practices

 Are there sufficient precautions to prevent condensation (insulation)
and droplet contamination of product lines in the critical areas?
 Are precautions taken to prevent air flow from dirty to clean parts of
the area?
 Are all air intakes for ventilation filtered?
 Is the staff aware of the contamination risks, when changing an air
 Is positive air pressure with filtered air available in those areas where
there is a risk of product contamination by surrounding air?
6.3.2 Cleaning and disinfection
 Are wet critical areas cleaned with potable water?
 Are dry critical areas cleaned with a vacuum cleaner?
 Are the vacuum units cleaned and tested for micro-organisms
 Is leakage of cleaning water or water vapour into the dry area
 Are wet cleaned areas or equipment dried by hot air, before re-use?
 Are product contact areas of equipment that is wet cleaned, physically
isolated from dry areas?
6.3.3 Personal hygiene
 Are effective measures installed to prevent contamination of critical
areas by the staff (eg. Shoe changing ect.)?

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