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Vistar 2058" The Biography of the Holy Prophet [pbuh] [Life in Makkah] Sir Zafar Alam _ Dew Dolemawn The biography of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U1,H) can be divided into three parts: © Early life (Birth till prophethood (571 AD 610AD) ‘+ Life in Makkah (Prophethood till migration to Madina 610 AD - 622 AD) ‘© Life in Madina ( Migration till death 622 AD - 632 AD) EARLY LIFE OF THE ete PHET HIS BIRTH: > The Holy Prophet was born in pen cin Wade on yen motu Rabi Al-Avwal according to ee yal Mth ity snl the (MarR AA ral A y rie yw Tee i poo of Kise Caueeee nd ea ed dwn a ‘Wagians’ sacred fire died down he ip vaibab, the slave girl of Abu f Lahal as 2208 AI fis faye A th and mother Amna bint Wahab belonged la the fribe of eg fe \ re st oe e |e was gs ‘manners. The Holy Prophet was entrusted t y ee v Y v eéf came down and ripped his chest openand.took out his d said, “That was the part of Satan in thee”. BACK TO SiS MOTHER: > Haleema got scared of this incident and return him back to Amna. > Inrespect ‘of the memor ry of her late husband, Amna decided-to visit his grave in Yathrib. She set out with herboy, woman servant Umm-e-Aiman and Abdul Muttalib and spent a ‘TO HIS COMPASSIONATE GRANDFATHER: (On the way back to Makkah she had a severe illness al died in Makkah and Madina, Muttalib brouzh the boy back to Makkah and had wes (/\ \ aon venti his uncle Abu, Talib on a business journey 10 Sytia et called Bahira (his actual name was Georges) who readily recoy Rw 21 he =~ He sail, Wher you Eppstein stones and treed and trees prostrated ther hie! thy 0 @ ot Heatso ee itn through the swollen peac ack of the Holy Prophet. a He advised and will try to harm him ‘Abu Talib sent him bag] The Holy Prophet wal fi the enemies and to theln ib his His minor InvoTvemeng cat Iwas known as sac-rgjigfous war ing was unlawtt st {0 collect the arrows thrown by ears and is Yoed i ake old ang His duty was jt ustified as Quraish were on right. twas co figh TRUCE AL-FUDOUL [HALF-UL-BUZUL|: Atthe conclusion of these wars, people felt the need for forming a suppressing violence and injustice and vindicating the rights of we: yee at Makkah for kanddestitute.> me then herds of cattle. Even now in the period of IslayeT wot aitending such a meeting if 1 een earl} youth, ions ant : ‘i ¢ FIXING OF BLACK STONE > Whente Prophet was thirty five, Quraish started-rebuildiny Ciwcaring factors of nature which weakened and cracked its wa BS i ol + decide on the ® The Messenger of Allgh them to lift the stone allogkther. When it had reached the required place, Muhamihad laid it in the proper position itb-ris own hand&. > This shows the Messenger’s wisdom-and his abilit y to lead the community and to solve their issues. Life at Makkah CALL TO BE A PROPHET (P.B.U.H) > As the Holy Prophet approached the age cf forty > Lhe became: fond of jausliness and volitude as he disliked the com > He started retiring to the appeared. The holy Quran say: Angel asked him to read r ted on his heart. , he Prophet was left behind shocked and confused. x y ‘and-decided to go back home, (ae~ © g down from the cave, someone calle i, - Piel sitting in a chair and suspended betw > |Hesatd, “Muhammad you are the ti > ‘Tle rushed to his house and-asl > When he recovered, he narrate happen again SIGNIFICANCE: > The Holy Prophet was > This event marks the Keginning of revelations. > He was honoured with prophethood and his status was completely changed. > twas the result of hi meditations. The Holy Quran says, “And He found you wandering aed y he gave you guidance."[93:6] It was the first meeting with Jibrael and a unique experience of his life. y vvvy It was also the end of prohethood and last messenger and book was sent down to the earth. It was the first ray of the light of guidance in the complete darkness of ignorance. ‘The event brought a revolution that changed the entire world. ‘This event was only important for the prophet or for Arabs, perhaps it important even a the most EARLY PRE, eae z e On thisatie Ho oe area After she-inner he made a speech a invited the bisrophethood. Abu Lahab spoiled the gathering and payone accepted iose who join fals On this the Prophet k f ae them that if he told them that an army was at the backlo iNey PelieV6 him, They all replied that they would, as y had never h ea iar ‘when he invited them to the Oneness of Allah Allah-then revealed Surah Lahab-and comforted the Prophet, ‘Afler that there was open preaching and open opposition REASONS OF OPPOSITION _ There were various reasons of their opposition of Islam, We can divide these factors into four categories. RELIGIOUS FACTORS: > Moakkans were idel worsh nd save their ijrefiers doing Adal worshipping since centuries. ‘They remarked hi y \/ will SOCIAL F: : = >| They hwerg/clas conscious people who.did not treat their slaves and the poor as Iyfman eA. Istamlis religion of equality as infapticiyes, ec >| Many-ofthe vices which were very common were not allow (Soting others property, immodest activities ete. S > Islam raised the position of wom > “They object that why also choose any leader fiom Makkal\or Ta + There was enmity bet}vgen Band Hashin 1¢ Holy Prophet was from Banu Hashim but th Mal ot > The sulers knew that if Tae Prophet then they would have to relinquish their powers é > They also believed thbt if they a whole of Arabia and flom & ECONOMICAL FACTORS: > Makkah was a trade place in the days of pilgrimage. And if they accept Islam people would not come and they would suffer financial loss The donations from the pilgrims and tribes oF Arabia would stop. 7 (Slam they would have to face the opposition from the litical point of view it would be difficult. cathe seas y Whey co heb © of a Pihe oppes \ > {They dalied hi Ba > | Aboutfthe Ho 5 a story book, a poetry book, a word of magic. Mmade a recitation they plugged their ears and madelot of sob abi they place the sun on m After RSECUTIONS: this event the peop Id of\Makkahgtarfed physical persecutions. ‘THE HOLY PROPHETS PHYSICAL TORTURE: > ‘The wife of Abu Lahab, Umm-e-Jamil placed therns-in-the-Hely Prophet's path. > An oleTwoman used to throw garbage on the Holy Prophet. > Once the Holy Prophet.was praying and was in sajda Ugba Ibn Abi Muit threw the entrails of camel on him. - > People sometimes attacked him simultancous!y HIS MENTAL TORTURE: > The people used bad words far him and. = When the Holy Prophet's son died people his neck and he wasg@ove— “ghooe, #00 eos lou, dor tsed) weak coals, His back was WSS oor) while he was attacked by a mob and was ecepted Isla ¥ here alf subjected to severe torture and his parents, Ya , Nagrand Su umay RS “ piace: ematTave te bi vot In on MosealifiGRATION TO,ABYSSI cor? Ated ani Radi | cre, ee > Inthe fifth year of prophethood th H, Jaffar made a speeth. e right path. We worsi rts idots ¥f stone “and led unclean lives. we had no respect for ZA tuuman beings, neighboal ze or gui a used to kill and steal. Allah had been kind to us 4 B44 and sen nis Prophet % “BS He invited us to Isiwit ae taught Tawheed, the worship of Allah alone. He teaches us to f 4 speak the truth and to keep our trust, to respect the rights of our women and orphans, our g 5 He low ca very well, he is kind, truthful, trustworthy and pious. poor and our neighbours. We believed in Muhammad as a Prophet. Because of the acceptance of the truth of Islan our own people have become our enemies. They S persecuted us in Makkah and now they have followed us here. They want to kill us because cof our faith.” 2 > The king was very impressed by the speech and asked the Muslims to recite the Quran. > Jaffar chose to rceite Surah Maryam [19:1-36] about the birth of John and Jesus. This showed his wisdom. ® The king was impressed and understood that the Quran was Allah's book. > ‘The next day Makkan-teaders again went to the king Najashi and told him, “The rot believe in the divinity of Jesus and have differen ideas about the Okrktian doctrines.” oY > On this Jaffar said: “The Messenger of Allah taught us that Jes int of Allah and | SIGNIFICANC! > Muslims got a place of sa They Got] some rel} f > They gotla plack toffractibe their a : a ia ibe bt cxfasel E grition was ha aN: lee eh dahy ds) \re. NG The offer consisted of © Leadership of BANU HASHIM ~-G Sos) oarcchor- > In the seventh year it wag devisled by the leaders of Makkah to put a socio-economic Loven of banu Hashim. PAL Conontr od serial Loycaltes — YO Pee > Abu Talib, leader of Banu Hashim, took the tribe outside the city to Shib-e- Abi Talib. sot © There was no proper supply of food and water in the valley and no shelter from hot and cold weather Parrak Urednel@Porrd mewaye bee Corsen Halae mn Jion Rizomn \onirs Food! to hers Miow Tal shee an Ahep atgveck WAL Modal Galrtet (leader of ichaalija Qa) E Hite) comand slagped Atay Jatt pecan he carne > They sometimes ate leaves or sucked boiled leather and sometimes bought food from cuavars’ Migncsetticisn dite. > They stayed there for three years 7" to 10" year of prophethood. AO cle > The Holy Prophet informed Abu Talib that the document was eaten by termites except the = word Allah: Yeo 5 > Soon after the fi > Tins year is known as the year of si eee SOS The persecutions increased after thei See eros Wyott, wanceleah es yeti A ing of the boycott H. Khadija and Abu Talib esl fide Lae b £(MameulHuen) thorn Bam CR fe ees exes Sty e fi os Gon tt. 2 oD ere en AhgGdht that\pe shipuld try to preach the Leech a, ese oe Te cme Ral Sey i ‘ 45 Ae pen Rradlecsh 9 TE en does Za cee Ae peoy Re pal at aus awe > They objlscted ot him. ae ree * oa When thf Hoty Prbpket vas put ofthe tonne was bleeding severe. Poets MuasSed SS \e The anes! of mpanfans appear destroy thi oye tofn. But the | ty ope e them fe, sep \ NS . in Se / ard in They will spread Jst ar Tos © They will protes |e Prophet when he will be in their town d* ea ts : S977 In the 12" year 12 people came [1* pledge of Aqaba] and asked fora teachep 9p the Holy sur Prophet H. Musa’b Ibn Umair with them, "~~ J oy Ps Yon tora one » In 13" year 75 people came and accepted Islam [2™ pledge of Aqaba] they also invited the _ ed holy Prophet to Yathrib. # Pies ROTEL RISA § eee ULE AMLS Bos THO & yan wlio tore) SIGNIFICANCE: > ‘The Holy Prophet finally got success Due 1d the pledges number of Muslims increased. Muslim became confident. > Due to the pledges Islam spread out of Makkah to Yathrib. > Plegs of Aqaba beeame the reson fo the migration of Muslims to yey Af y ISA AND MIRAJ ae Now Allah decided to Bagour Hg last yhophet Bp iw show Myhammad His sigs. JDrgel o} slegpraind hipn to wif Heaygn. Jibiyel 104k him\yo Itshows Allah’s limitless powers. He can do everything nothi possible for Allah % It shows the high rank of the Holy Prophet in the sight of Allah, Na ofe reyched that height where Allah called His most beloved messenger, ile led all prophets in a prayer which sign\fies his position-amon3vhem. ce of Masjid al-Aysa in\he Mdslim beliefs. The event also throws light on th } Itstrengthens our faith in the exigtencdof Hedven/and Nell \ > Italso shows the importance of p) ty nN gifty the Rrophebby catling him in is presence Coe Di eepeperr ot MeSH AN ae | \ LO ENE ROPHET il ane oe me Hedy peer or Msi i{ion. Su.ampeting Was called in Dar-ul-Nadwah (Makkan parliament) and its said hhat Sgtdh Was es tn form in this mecting. © Three subgestions\were prt up: Bas: Lis murder > I was decided that one member of@ach tribe y simultaneously. & Prophet) > The Holy Quran says, “Rem alien De anes pre we Due to \, “in bonds or kill you or get Fou'gut of you town They plotted dud Ally tod, ploseed, but the best of planner is Al OK ‘ \ =) WX 0X0 YTD Al > Inthe 13" year of prophethood; 622AD, afer the plarof killing Allah commanded the Holy Prophet to migrate. . aN > ‘The Holy Prophet asked |1. \slito slegp aris hed and returned the valuables to the respective owners. > His house was surround unhurt He left Makkah with Abu Bakr due south and stayed in cave Thawr, > Announcement of hundred camels* prize was made by (Quraish, > in Cave of Thawr Abu Bakr’s foot by bit and the Holy Prophet apptied his saiiva and the pais vanished. (afd the Holy Prophet a handful of dust at the enemies and escaped che! oy a a er malfe a net at entrance : ers rae bat ee go inshe and check and returned hopeless from there. The Holy-tyuryn Age: ay not.for Allah did ed lclp him when the disbefievers Gre hip ont Ne seoyad Of the tivo, when they A ides nthe cave, he saidto his con ene no fear) for atateis ih U8" soon” [IAL et : eyed fy H\das ee me Dor In Wwe quadters\uf BapeSaleéam; when he was on the way Sei Shen fir ada ifrayyrya Heer Noen. 7 w foached Ni fret armlywelbortéd, 4 AE s aumhe{housdoO Ahi Ayu Ansari and the Holy Prophet stayed there, of > Mere he pte Ti pModsla Thw Gragg ce qed a sich by Bos Gane see OTN ‘ nace Bact ond Zhan IedK/E ae > Rbiigio achieved, ee: tee ae ‘ Number of Mus eased. a ses = eae $s oa “ a > - atl the mle x perl = > Die to its importanc’ ghe datas sh ie (his late Muslims moved from Wve poo seine s ein u Doo ee ee be nyo A Seheg a ir * aS ae seer ~d eee . - vied ee a * 4 Qos a Neal: . aX ae or oS Wee = ABRulire Conmnnntlyen ce Fabersted- g ae pene OF Bound Wncbfe RA : Ncemoeamere) Cla A Conca fete in fs vasaike bin ware SPO Canbetia conueted: — enone 7 WSR AIO, —Rdaleiongl fvesol ) Tie Romar SE Udhest (alle) Ghner story, mAlvercal) oe ie acad ghey Bern - we yao ei . ee. <—Pen 8 ce Be ponds okt a Tafa decd,

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