Beauty Pageant Q and A

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1. Why do you deserve the crown as Miss Loon Campus Personality 2016?

Answer: I deserve the crown as Miss Loon Campus Personality 2016 because I have
sacrificed a lot on this competition. As a matter of fact, I just got back from the
hospital due to dengue fever. During my confinement period, I was determined to still
go on the fight because I don’t want to disappoint the people who trust me so much.
And I think the true beauty title hold must be strong and optimistic to fulfil her role no
matter what happens.
2. How will you promote the culture and the arts of our town Loon?
Answer: As we live into this modernized society, I can promote the culture and the
arts of Loon with the use of our technology such as the social networking sites by
posting videos, photos and infographics of the different tourist attractions of our town.
In my status, I will encourage prospect tourists to come to Loon and enjoy its
magnificent views and its rich cultural heritage. I would advertise how beautiful Loon
is despite of the 7. 2 magnitude earthquake that hit the town in 2013.
3. What is an empowered woman?
Answer: An empowered woman is the one who maintains her composure with pride
and confidence. She is not afraid to fight for her right and she stands up to show that
she can do things like what men can. Finally, an empowered is never hesitant to show
to the world that she is uniquely endowed with such gifts that everyone has.
4. What are the sacrifices you have made for this pageant?

War Against Drug Addiction Questions

5. Our present administration is famous for its tagline “Change is Coming”. As a student,
how will you promote the advocacy of our president?
Answer: As a student I play an important role in promoting the advocacy of the
president by way of influencing other youths to cooperate the law and use our
technology such as the social networking sites to post statuses that would inspire the
youths to stay away from drugs.
6. How would you help stop drug addiction to our society?
7. How would you help stop drug addiction to our society?

K to 12 Curriculum
8. What is your stand about the K to 12 curriculum of the Department of Education?
Answer: The K to 12 curriculum of the government, for me, is the answer to the
pressing needs of our students in the 21st century to acquire the necessary skills and
competencies that will help them prepare for tertiary education or for employment.
The additional years of education will provide ample time for the students to master
the necessary competencies needed in different working industries. It is expected that
after the senior high school, graduates can be globally competitive, and thus, give
them a chance to be at par from other countries in the world.
9. How does the present educational system help the student to be globally competitive?
Answer: Our present educational system has helped a lot to boost the skill, potentials
and abilities of our young learners. The additional years in education, the K to 12
program, is designed to enhance students’ learnings for them to be able to cope with
the pressures of the world of work. Also, the decongestion of competencies in the
present curriculum will help the students master them and be prepared to enter into
the workforce. Lastly, the new program promotes value laiden, work oriented and
highly competitive graduates who have long term vision for a better quality of life.
10. Is the Deped K to 12 advantageous or disadvantageous?
11. What is the biggest problem facing our educational system?
12. Is the Deped K to 12 advantageous or disadvantageous?
13. What is the biggest problem facing our educational system?

Climate Change

14. What will be your contribution to mitigate global warming?

15. What is you stand about climate change?
16. How will you address our present environment problems?
17. What could be the greatest contribution of the youth in solving our societal issues?
18. What do you think is the present issue that plagues our society? How would you
contribute to solve this issue on your own little way?
19. How will you address our present environment problems?
20. What could be the greatest contribution of the youth in solving our societal issues?
21. How can you help conserve our environment?
22. How do you describe Loonanons during calamities?

Duterte’s Administration
23. What is your stand about the president’s aggressive campaign on illegal drugs?
24. As a student, how can you help promote change to our society?

Extrajudicial Killings
25. What is your stand about the rampant extrajudicial killings that are rampant to our
26. As a youth, how will you save our environment from devastation?
West Philippine Sea
Teenage Pregnancy

Abolition of SK

Death Penalty


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