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Introduction to the

of the
Human Person
Quarter 2- Module 4
Lesson 3: Interaction with the
Learning Competency: Appreciate the talents of persons with disabilities and
those from the underprivileged sectors of society and their
contributions to society (PPT11/12-IId-6.1)

Explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others

even if they are different from themselves
What’s New?

Activity 1: “I Want to Be Your Friend”

Write inside the boxes the names of four people whom you consider as
belonging to the underprivileged sector in your community. Then indicate the
level of your relationship with him or her using the following symbols:

- Intimate Friend - Acquaintance

- Casual Friend - Stranger


1. How many of them are your intimate friend, casual friend, or acquaintance?
2. Does their condition draw you to them or hinder you from befriending them?
3. How should we, as human persons, relate to the underprivileged?

What is It?
When was the last time you’ve watched Maalaala Mo Kaya (MMK)? Perhaps,
you were able to watch the episode entitled “Bangka” that talks about the struggle of
a young girl who was so motivated to reach her dreams of finishing her studies despite
her family’s experience of extreme poverty. As a student, she would regularly brace
the danger of swimming in an open sea just to arrive at school. I can still remember
even today how my heart somehow “felt” the girl’s own emotions as she constantly
struggled because of her dream, even if that story is never my own and that I do not
know her personally. Have you also experienced something similar to this? What was
it like? Write your thoughts or feelings about this on the space below:

As human persons, we have the capacity to experience the experience of

another just like the one I described to you about that MMK incident. Philosophers call
this human capacity to share the emotions of others as empathy, which is also an
important aspect of intersubjectivity. Perhaps you have already heard that empathy
can be understood as “feeling in” or “placing yourself into the shoes of another.” For
example, how would you behave around a friend who just informed you that his or her
parent has died? Empathy enables you not only to share your friend’s grief and offer
him or her comfort during this difficulty, but also to own the grief of that person even if
it was not your own parent’s death.

Can you cite another personal experience where you express empathy with
someone? Feel free to describe it to me on the space provided for below:

Another characteristic of meaningful and genuine human relationships is

availability. Availability is the
willingness of a person to be
present and be at the disposal of
another. Filipinos are actually
very good at this. For example, if
you go to an unfamiliar place and
do not know which way to go,
normally there are kababayans
who will approach you and
extend their help to you
voluntarily. The concept of
Photo by Archie Binamira from Pexels
availability means that you are willing to be at one’s side twenty four seven.
The ethics of care can help us understand why we need to make ourselves available
for others. This understanding encourages individuals to help
other people, most especially the least, the lost, and the last because it is our moral
obligation to do so. What about you? If, let us say, a stranger approaches you in the
street asking for help, will you try to help that person or will you ignore him or her? If
you choose to ignore him or her, what could be some of the possible reasons of doing
so? Please defend your answer.

Indeed, there are people who would simply ignore those who seek for their help.
They do this because they have a negative view about human relationships. People
having this negative view often suspect that any form of human action is being
influenced by selfish interests, hence, for them it should be seen as not genuine or
even deceptive (mapanlinlang). When a person adopts this kind of view, he or she is
said to be experiencing alienation. Alienation arises when a person stops to view the
other as an authentic person and merely considers the other person as a mere object
to satisfy his or her personal interests.
Have you already experienced alienation in your life? Probably yes. Will you please
describe that particular experience briefly on the space below? Thanks.

Be that as it may, in spite of our negative experiences of human interactions,

we are still called to extend our hands in building a community of harmony. This is
very important especially that our world today seems to be surrounded with all forms
of conflicts and violence. We can only do this if we recognize that the other person is
the same as ourselves—a person with dignity that needs to be upheld and respected.

What will you personally contribute for the establishment of a community of

harmony? Please elaborate.

Lesson 4: Embracing Differences

What’s New?

Activity 1: “Read Me”

Read the message below and decode its meaning. Write your answer
on the blank.

“yahaB obuk tihak itnum, gna namalah nood ya iras-iras.”

1. Were you able to decode the message? How long did it take you to do the task?

2. Do you find it difficult? Why? Why not?

3. If you were someone who endure a learning disability since birth, would it still
be possible for you to have skills and talents and excel from them? Explain.

What is It?

Not all stories, movies, or telenovelas end happily. Many of them, unfortunately,
end with a sad note. Yet, what seems to be common among these narratives is the
realization of the main protagonist (bida sa kuwento) on the necessity to accept the
things that had already gone by and to embrace all past experiences—may they be
good or bad. And when he succeeded to do that, he or she become at peace with
himself or herself.

In similar manner, the acts of accepting (pagtanggap) and embracing

(pagyakap) all our differences are also beneficial especially in building a community
of harmony. Without a doubt harmony is hindered because some people have
intentionally refused to accept and embrace our diversity (pagkakaiba-iba). Some
individuals, for instance, overemphasize our differences and choose to favor one look,
behavior, view, belief, and idea over the other. In the process, some of those who do
not carry the characteristics that are preferred to by the majority in society are the ones
who usually receive rejection (pagtakwil), discrimination (pagtrato ng hindi pantay),
abuse (pag-abuso), neglect (pagpabaya), contempt (pag-alipusta), and the like.

Have you experienced being bullied? What does the bullying experience
looked like? Why did it happen? Feel free to share your thoughts here:
I am sure that you are already aware that there
are people in our society who have endured a lot of
hardships and discrimination because of their physical
or mental condition. As a group, we call them
differently-abled persons (may kakulangan sa
pagkatao). However, have you realized that despite
their limitations, these individuals can actually master
the same skills as those who are fully able? Have you
also realized that these individuals are actually having
their hopes and aspirations too, like us? And are you
aware that many of them are actually able to rise above
their disabilities and become productive and happy
individuals? Photo by Archie Binamira from Pexels
Do you know of someone who is differently-abled in your community? Describe and
explain the level of your relationship with him or her in the space below:

Another group of people who are of the same condition with that of the
differently-abled persons are the underprivileged (walang kakayahan sa buhay). They
are called like that because they are poor materially. They are constantly struggling to
find means for living. Have you seen some them in your community? How do you and
your neighbors treat them? Why do you and your neighbors treat them that way?
Please share your thoughts on the space below:
Apart from people with disabilities and the underprivileged, there are also
others who are excluded from groups or society because they have been deemed
different. Who among your neighbors is considered by many to be “weird” or
“different”? How does this view affect the way you treat this person? Do you see
yourself befriending him or her? If you reflect on the way you relate to him or her, can
you say that you have been treating him or her as a person? Share your thoughts on
the space below:

Now I want you to reflect on the people closest to you and evaluate if you have
been engaging in genuine dialogue with them. Can you say that your friends have
helped you become a better person? Think of the other people in your life. Who do
you feel can benefit from having a friend?

Reflecting on our interactions with others can better inform us of the motivations
of why we need to reach out for others. The knowledge of our capacity for
intersubjectivity will enable us to make better choices as we continue to relate with
others and uphold positive relationships in our

A. Encircle the letter that corresponds your answer. Write your answers in your
activity notebook.
1. It refers to the unique relationship between distinct subjects.
a. human interaction c. self-awareness
b. intersubjectivity d. transcendence
2. Which of the following allows the person to give himself or herself to others and
receive others in his or her life and relate with them?
a. individuality c. shared emotions
b. interiority d. social context
3. Which is considered as a deeper level of self-other interaction?
a. knowledge of the existence of the other
b. awareness of the self as being seen by others
c. attentiveness to the surrounding environment
d. understanding the unique behavior of the others
4. What is the defining characteristic which sets apart human interaction from the
interaction of other animals as illustrated in Lesson One?
a. human freedom c. human touch
b. human gaze d. human words
5. What is the term used to describe a situation where an individual presents
himself or herself in a certain way when dealing with others?
a. “mirroring” c. “pretending”
b. “performing” d. “seeming”
6. A deeper and more genuine interaction is called _________.
a. awareness c. dialogue
b. conversation d. Interiority
7. How does authentic or genuine relationship occur between two individuals?
a. When the self realizes that the other is a unique individual
b. When two individuals begin to view each other as an other
c. When they acknowledge each other as distinct individuals
d. All of the above.
8. Which of the following statements about dialogue is correct?
a. Dialogue is confined to words.
b. Dialogue is exactly similar to conversation.
c. Only beings with inner life can engage in a dialogue.
d. It is possible to have a dialogue with material objects.
9. Which situation below clearly illustrates a dialogue?
a. asking a bystander for direction
b. talking about politics with a stranger
c. seeking for forgiveness from a parent
d. inquiring on goods from a storekeeper
10. Which of these statements indicate that the speaker is ready to engage in a
genuine dialogue?
a. “I tend to ignore strangers.”
b. “I wish you were gone.”
c. “I always treat people with respect.”
d. “I think my idea is always better.”
11. It refers to an important aspect of intersubjectivity that enables us to experience
another person’s emotions.
a. alienation c. dialogue
b. availability d. empathy
12. Which of the following circumstances depicts empathy?
a. laughing at the mistakes or shortcomings of others
b. feeling a friend’s grief over the death of a loved one
c. calling intellectually-challenged classmates as lazy students
d. All of the above.
13. It refers to the willingness of a person to be present and be at the disposal of
a. alienation c. dialogue
b. availability d. Empathy
14. What is the ethics of care?
a. It encourages individuals to help others especially the vulnerable.
b. It emphasizes the moral dimension of relationships and interactions.
c. It emphasizes our moral obligation to respond to the needs of others. d. All
of the above.
15. What is alienation in the context of human interaction?
a. viewing people positively
b. considering the other people as mere objects
c. regarding others as distinct and authentic persons
d. believing that human actions are governed by selflessness

B. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.

_______ 16. We have to accept that people have different views and beliefs from us.

_______ 17. Differently-abled persons share with the same dignity with all people.

_______ 18. The act of giving must be done in the spirit of mutual respect.

_______ 19. We help those in need to feel a lot better about ourselves.

_______ 20. Reflecting on our own interactions with others fosters

positive relationships.

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