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Risk assessment for fusarium mycotoxins in wheat

Action points
●● F
ollow best practice to minimise fusarium
mycotoxins in cereals Further information
●● U
se this sheet or the online tool to assess risk Dhan Bhandari, AHDB
of fusarium mycotoxins
●● Assess risk pre-flowering and consider T3 Simon Edwards, Harper Adams University
fungicide (ear spray)

●● Take accurate measurements of rainfall at For other relevant publications, tools,

videos and further information, please see
flowering and pre-harvest
●● Calculate final risk score at harvest and record For rainfall information from the Met Office,
on grain passport please see
●● Check purchaser requirements to determine
whether mycotoxin testing is required

Always consider your local conditions and consult a professional agronomist, if necessary

The need for accurate risk assessment Cultivation

There are legal limits for fusarium mycotoxins Complete burial of debris by ploughing is most effective
deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZON) in wheat at reducing the risk, while risk is highest with direct
intended for human consumption and guidance limits for drilling. Intensive non-inversion tillage (three or more
grain for feed. The owner (farmer, merchant or processor) passes with discs or tines) is more effective at reducing
is legally obliged to ensure the grain is safe for human risk than reduced non-inversion tillage (one or two passes).
consumption. For information on the current legal limits,
Wheat variety
please see
The risk assessment includes varietal resistance based on
Assurance schemes the AHDB Recommended List (RL) rating for fusarium ear
blight. Learn more at
Crop assurance schemes are designed to help farmers
comply with food laws. They include an audit of the risk T3 ear fungicide
assessment and an AHDB risk assessment score is Using an appropriate dose of an approved T3 ear
required on the grain passport. fungicide with activity against fusarium and/or
mycotoxin production reduces the risk. See
Risk Factors for information on
Region fungicide performance and activity.
DON and ZON levels in wheat tend to be highest in Rainfall at flowering
southern and eastern England. Higher humidity in coastal Wet weather promotes fusarium development.
areas may increase risk. The score is based on total rainfall during flowering
Previous crop (GS59–69 – full ear emergence to end of flowering).
Crop residue on the soil surface is the major source of Rainfall pre-harvest
inoculum. The greatest risk is after grain maize or forage Based on total rainfall from GS87 (dough development
maize. Rotations should aim to minimise wheat sown stage/start of ripening stage) to harvest.
after maize.
If you require further copies of this form, please photocopy or download it from
Farm name
County Postcode
Field Field Field Field Field Field ●● Enter details of the store into which wheat from
Store name a single or multiple field(s) has been placed

Factor Details Risk Score Score Score Score Score Score ●● Enter individual field names. Note: Fields can be
grouped if grown with the same agronomy and
High 4 subject to the same rainfall
Region Moderate 2
●● For each field, enter the appropriate risk score
(see map) Low -2 for the factors stated. Note: Ensure both positive
Very low -4 and negative scores are accounted for

Maize 6 ●● Record the final risk score on the grain passport.

Previous crop Note: If a load contains grain from multiple
Other 0
fields, record the highest score on the passport.
Direct-drilled 4 Low-risk fields can have a negative final
Standard non-inversion tillage 3 risk score
Intensive non-inversion tillage 2 ●● Check purchaser requirement to determine
Plough (soil inversion) 0 whether mycotoxin testing is required

RL rating 1–5 1
Fusarium ear
blight resistance RL rating 6–9 0
rating RL rating unknown 1

Pre-flowering risk score Final risk score

<50% dose 0
High Over 15
T3 ear fungicide 50–74% dose -2
Medium 10–15
≥75% dose -3
Low Under 10
>80mm 9
Rainfall at 40–80mm 6
10–40mm 3
<10mm 0 Produced for you by:
>120mm 12 AHDB T 024 7669 2051
80–120mm 9 Stoneleigh Park E
Rainfall pre- Kenilworth  W
harvest (GS87 40–80mm 6
Warwickshire  @TheAHDB
to harvest) 20–40mm 3 CV8 2TL
<20mm 0 If you no longer wish to receive this information, please
Final risk score email us on

© Agriculture and Horticulture

Date Signature Development Board 2018.
All rights reserved

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