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Abbott Laboratories Abbott Park, IL 60064 

Laboratory Automation System 
Standard Interface Manual 
© 1998, 2014 Abbott Laboratories 
Table of contents 
Read me first ..............................................................................Read me first-1 Customer service 
................................................................................................. Read me first-2 Proprietary statement 
...........................................................................................Read me first-3 Disclaimers 
........................................................................................................... Read me first-4 ARCHITECT System 
warranty statement for USA customers only ...................Read me first-5 ARCHITECT System Agency 
approvals ..............................................................Read me first-6 Trademark statement 
...........................................................................................Read me first-7 System labeling 
.................................................................................................... Read me first-8 LAS configuration 
........................................................................................ 1-1 Configure LAS settings 
.............................................................................................................1-2 Configure LAS serial port 
settings ...........................................................................................1-3 View the LAS timeout setting 
...................................................................................................1-4 View the LAS serial port settings 
.............................................................................................1-5 Verify LAS communications 
..................................................................................................... 1-6 LAS requirements 
........................................................................................ 2-1 Processing module-specific requirements 
.............................................................................. 2-2 Standard components 
.............................................................................................................. 2-4 Port connections 
.......................................................................................................................2-5 System LAS skins kits 
.............................................................................................................. 2-6 Third-party vendor LAS 
guidelines .......................................................................................... 2-7 General responsibilities 
..................................................................................................... 2-7 Safety provisions 
................................................................................................................2-8 Sample pipettor safety guard 
............................................................................................2-9 Mechanical interface 
......................................................................................................... 2-9 Emergency stop 
............................................................................................................... 2-10 Physical requirements 
..................................................................................................... 2-15 Processing module drawings 
.......................................................................................... 2-17 ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification ................................................... 3-1 Assumptions and dependencies 
.............................................................................................. 3-2 Communications overview 
........................................................................................................3-3 Message format 
........................................................................................................................3-5 Cyclical redundancy 
checks .................................................................................................... 3-6 Sequence numbers 
...................................................................................................................3-7 Interface initialization 
sequence .............................................................................................. 3-9 Messages 
................................................................................................................................3-10 ACK (message 
acknowledged) .......................................................................................3-10 NAK (message not 
acknowledged) ................................................................................ 3-11 LAS to processing module 
messages ............................................................................ 3-11 Processing module to LAS messages 
............................................................................3-17 LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
...................................................................... 3-27 Establishing communication 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Table of contents-i 
Table of contents 
Running samples ..............................................................................................................3-28 LAS sample 
startup interrupted by sample on the i 2000 processing module sample 
carousel .....................................................................................................................3-31 LAS sample 
startup interrupted by sample on the c System processing module 
sample  carousel  ........................................................................................................3-32  Using 
sequence  numbers  ................................................................................................3-33  Running  samples 
with  Pipettor  bypass enabled ............................................................ 3-36 Error scenario 1 - Double sample 
in  position  ................................................................  3-37  Error  scenario  2  -  Probe  failure  in  tube 
.........................................................................  3-39  Error  scenario  3  -  Failure  of  sample  to  remain  at 
aspiration point until processing 
module completes sampling .....................................................................................3-40 Error scenario 4 - 
Using virtual messaging with Pipettor bypass disabled .................. 3-41 Processing module/LAS/LIS 
configurations ..................................................... 4-1 

Risk mitigation ............................................................................................ 5-1 

Table of contents-ii ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Read me first 

This manual has been designed to help you familiarize yourself with all aspects of the LAS (laboratory 
automation system) standard interface with the ARCHITECT System. 
Read me first topics include: 
• Customer service, page Read me first-2 
• Proprietary statement, page Read me first-3 
• Disclaimers, page Read me first-4 
• ARCHITECT System warranty statement for USA customers only, page Read me first-5 
• ARCHITECT System Agency approvals, page Read me first-6 
• Trademark statement, page Read me first-7 
• System labeling, page Read me first-8 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Read me first-1 
Customer service Read me first 

Customer service 
For questions about the ARCHITECT System, contact your local representative or find country-specific 
contact information at 
Read me first-2 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Read me first Proprietary statement 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

Proprietary statement 
The ARCHITECT System software programs and system documentation are protected by copyright 
(©1998, 2014 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Illinois). All rights are reserved. 
The software and manual were developed solely for use with the ARCHITECT System and for In Vitro 
diagnostic applications as specified in the operating instructions. 
The information, documents and related graphics published herein (the "Information") are the sole 
property of Abbott Laboratories. Permission to use the Information is granted, provided that 
• the copyright notice appears on all copies; 
• use of the Information is for operation of ABBOTT products by Abbott trained personnel or 
informational use only; 
• the Information is not modified in any way; and 
• no graphics are used separate from accompanying text. 
Each person assumes full responsibility and all risks arising from use of the Information. The Information 
is presented "AS IS" and may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Abbott Laboratories 
reserves the right to make additions, deletions, or modifications to the Information at any time without 
any prior notification. 
Read me first-3 
Disclaimers Read me first 

All samples (printouts, graphics, displays, screens, etc.) are for information and illustration purposes only 
and shall not be used for clinical or maintenance evaluations. Data shown in sample printouts and screens 
do not reflect actual patient names or test results. 
The Information was developed to be used by Abbott Laboratories trained personnel, by other persons 
knowledgeable or experienced with the operation and service of the product identified, or under the direct 
supervision and with cooperation from Abbott Laboratories technical sales or service representatives. 
In no event shall Abbott Laboratories or its affiliates be liable for any damages or losses incurred in 
connection with or arising from the use of the Information by persons not fully trained by Abbott 
Laboratories. This limitation shall not apply to those persons knowledgeable or experienced with the 
operation and service of the product identified, or under the direct supervision and with cooperation from 
Abbott Laboratories technical sales or service representatives. 
No confidential relationship shall be established in the event that any user of the Information should make 
any oral, written or electronic response to Abbott Laboratories (such as feedback, questions, comments, 
suggestions, ideas, etc.). Such response and any information submitted therewith shall be considered non- 
confidential, and Abbott shall be free to reproduce, publish or otherwise use such information for any 
purposes whatsoever including, without limitation, the research, development, manufacture, service, use, 
or sale of products incorporating such information. The sender of any information to Abbott is fully 
responsible for its content, including its truthfulness and accuracy and its non- infringement of any other 
person's proprietary rights. 
Abbott Laboratories is not engaged in rendering medical advice or services. 
Updates to the Information may be provided in either paper or electronic format. Always refer to the latest 
documents for the most current information. 
Incremental manual updates may cause the master Table of contents or master Index page numbering to 
No part of this media may be reproduced, stored, retrieved, or transmitted in any form or by any means 
without the prior written permission of Abbott Laboratories. 
Read me first-4 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Read me first ARCHITECT System warranty statement for USA customers only 

ARCHITECT System warranty statement for 

USA customers only 
Abbott Laboratories warrants new instruments sold by Abbott Diagnostics Division to be free from 
defects in workmanship and materials during normal use by the original purchaser. This warranty shall 
continue for a period of one year from the date of shipment to the original purchaser, or until title is 
transferred from the original purchaser, whichever occurs first (the "Warranty Period"). 
If any defects occur during the Warranty period, contact your Abbott Customer Service Representative 
immediately, and be prepared to furnish information including the serial number, the model number, and 
pertinent details concerning the defect. 
This Warranty does not cover defects or malfunctions which: (1) are not reported to Abbott during the 
Warranty Period and within one week of occurrence; (2) result from chemical decomposition or 
corrosion; (3) are caused primarily by failure to comply with any requirements or instruction contained in 
the applicable Abbott Operations Manual; or (4) result from maintenance, repair, or modification, 
performed without Abbott's authorization. 
Abbott's liability for all matters arising from the supply, installation, use, repair, and maintenance of the 
instrument, whether arising under this Warranty or otherwise, shall be limited solely to the repair or (at 
Abbott's sole discretion) replacement of the instrument or of components thereof. Replaced parts shall 
become the property of Abbott Laboratories. In no event shall Abbott be liable for injuries sustained by 
third parties. 
The ICT module Warranty is 20,000 samples or three months post-installation, whichever occurs first. 
The cuvette warranty is one year post-installation. 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Read me first-5 
ARCHITECT System Agency approvals Read me first 

ARCHITECT System Agency approvals 

The ARCHITECT System has been tested and found to comply with the following agency standards: 
• UL 61010A-1 or UL61010-1 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, 
and Laboratory Use - Part 1 General Requirements 
• CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 1010.1 or CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010.1 Safety Requirements for Electrical 
Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - Part 1 General Requirements 
• 21CFR Part 1040.10: Performance Standards for Light Emitting Products 
• IEC 60825-1: Safety of Laser Products (Class 1 Laser Products) 
• Directive 2002/96/EC: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment 
• CE Marking 
Read me first-6 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
In Vitro Diagnostic Directive 98/79/EC Legal Manufacturer Abbott Laboratories Diagnostics Division Abbott Park, 
IL 60064 USA Authorized Representative in the European Community 
Abbott Max-Planck-Ring 2 65205 Wiesbaden Germany +49-6122-580 
Read me first Trademark statement 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

Trademark statement 
AbbottLink, ARCHITECT, i1000 

, c4000, c8000, c16000, ci4100, ci8200, 

ci16200, Chemiflex, AxSYM, and MasterCheck are registered trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in 
various jurisdictions. 
i4000, i6000, i8000, c System, i System, ARCHITECT ARM, FlexRate and SmartWash are trademarks of 
Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions. 
trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions. 
All Abbott Laboratories product names and trademarks are owned by or licensed to Abbott Laboratories, 
its subsidiaries or affiliates. No use of any Abbott trademark, trade name, trade dress, or product name 
may be made without the prior written authorization of Abbott Laboratories, except to identify the 
product or services of Abbott Laboratories. All other trademarks, brands, product names, and trade names 
are the property of their respective companies. All rights reserved. 
Except as permitted above, no license or right, express or implied, is granted to any person under any 
patent, trademark, or other proprietary right of Abbott Laboratories. 
The following U.S. Patents are relevant to the ARCHITECT c System or its components. 
4,533,457 4,619,739 4,647,362 4,678,755 4,797,192 5,025,389 5,413,770 
The following U.S. Patents are relevant to ARCHITECT i Systems or components. 
5,468,646 5,536,049 5,543,524 5,545,739 5,565,570 5,669,819 5,682,662 5,723,795 5,795,784 Des. 397,938 Des. 
401,699 Des. 401,697 Des. 401,700 5,783,699 5,856,194 5,859,429 Des. 404,829 Des. 406,901 5,915,282 5,915,583 
5,938,120 Des. 413,539 5,965,828 6,022,746 6,063,634 6,150,113 6,153,377 6,162,645 6,413,780 6,562,298 
There are other such patents and patent applications in the United States and worldwide. 
, i2000, i2000 

, i4000 
Read me first-7 
System labeling Read me first 

System labeling 
The symbols in the following table are used on ARCHITECT System labeling. 
Key to symbols used on labeling 
Label Description 
Read me first-8 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Authorized Representative in the European Community 
Legal manufacturer 
In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device 
Date of manufacture 
Serial number 
Alternating current 
Caution, risk of electrical shock 
Electrical and electronic equipment waste 
NOTE: Indicates the item should go to a separate waste collection for electrical and electronic equipment and should 
not go into the general waste or trash. 
Read me first System labeling 
Label Description 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Read me first-9 
Temperature limitation 
Use by/Expiration date 
Consult operating instructions 
Caution, consult accompanying documents 
Batch code/Lot number 
Biological risks 
Caution, hot surface 
Caution, probe stick hazard 
Assay disk 
Conventional units 
Standard international unit 
Sample cups 
ICT Cleaning Fluid 
ICT Lyophilized Cleaning Solution 
Water Bath Additive 
Pre-Trigger Solution 
System labeling Read me first 
Label Description 
Utilizing approved procedures, the instrument is restored to original specifications. In addition, any approved 
mandatory upgrades are performed. 
Key to symbols used only on ARCHITECT iARM labeling 
Label Description 
Read me first-10 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Trigger Solution 
Concentrated Wash Buffer 
Wash buffer 
Reaction vessels 
Replacement caps 
Multi-Assay Manual Diluent 
Catalog number/List number 
Acid Wash 
Alkaline Wash 
ICT Reference Solution 
Detergent A 
Detergent B 
For use with 
Product of USA 
Caution, water inlet pressure is not to exceed 30 psig. 
Caution, surface is unsuitable for stepping onto 
Caution, surface is unsuitable for sitting on 
Read me first System labeling 
Label Description 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Read me first-11 
Flush outlet 
Gravity waste outlet 
Water inlet 
Caution, protective earth ground required 
System labeling Read me first 
Read me first-12 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Section 1 LAS configuration Introduction 
Configuration involves supplying the ARCHITECT System with information it needs to meet your site's 
specific LAS requirements. You perform system configuration at the time of installation and may 
reconfigure the system at any time if necessary. 
NOTE: Refer to the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual for a description of screens and windows 
used for LAS configuration. 
LAS configuration topics include: 
• Configure LAS settings, page 1-2 
• Configure LAS serial port settings, page 1-3 
• View the LAS timeout setting, page 1-4 
• View the LAS serial port settings, page 1-5 
• Verify LAS communications, page 1-6 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 1-1 
LAS configuration Configure LAS settings Section 1 

Configure LAS settings 

Perform this procedure to configure the LAS settings. 
To configure LAS settings: 
1. Select System from the menu bar, then select Configuration. The 
Configuration screen - System settings view displays. 
2. Select Sample handler from the System categories list on the 
Configuration screen. 
3. Select F6 - Configure. The Configure sample handler window displays. 
4. Select LAS from the Sample handler Type: list. 
5. Enter the LAS serial number in the Carousel serial no.: data entry box. 
6. Enter the desired value in the Initialization timeout data entry box. 
7. Enter the desired value in the Response timeout data entry box. 
8. If Virtual Routing is desired for the i2000 

, configure the Pipettor bypass option to On. 

9. Select Done. A confirmation message displays. 
10. Select OK to save your changes. The LAS settings take effect the next time 
the system control center power is cycled. 
See the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual for the Cycle power to the SCC procedure. 
Section 1-2 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
configuration Section 1 
Configure LAS serial port settings 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

Configure LAS serial port settings 

Perform this procedure to configure the LAS serial port settings. 
To configure LAS serial port settings: 
1. Select System from the menu bar, then select Configuration. The 
Configuration screen - System settings view displays. 
2. Select Serial ports from the System categories list on the Configuration 
3. Select F6 - Configure. The Configure serial ports window displays. 
4. Select the Port type list button, then select LAS. 
5. Select the Baud rate list button, then select the desired value. 
6. Select the desired Parity option. 
7. Select the desired Data bits option. 
8. Select the desired Stop bits option. 
9. Select Done. A confirmation message displays. 
10. Select OK to save your changes. The serial port changes take effect the 
next time the system control center power is cycled. 
See the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual for the Cycle power to the SCC procedure. 
Section 1-3 
LAS configuration View the LAS timeout setting Section 1 

View the LAS timeout setting 

Perform this procedure to display the Details for sample handler window. From this window you can 
view the current settings for the LAS (laboratory automation system) sample handler timeout setting. 
To view the LAS timeout setting: 
1. Select System from the menu bar, and then select Configuration. The 
Configuration screen - System setting view displays. 
2. Select Sample handler from the System categories list on the Configuration 
3. Select F5 - Details. The Details for sample handler window displays. 
Section 1-4 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
configuration Section 1 
View the LAS serial port settings 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

View the LAS serial port settings 

Perform this procedure to display the Details for serial ports window. 
To view the LAS serial port settings: 
1. Select System from the menu bar, and then select Configuration. The 
Configuration screen - System settings view displays. 
2. Select Serial ports from the System categories list on the Configuration 
3. Select F5 - Details. The Details for serial ports window displays. 
4. Select the Port type list button, and then select LAS. 
Section 1-5 
LAS configuration Verify LAS communications Section 1 

Verify LAS communications 

Perform this procedure to change the standard LAS timeout settings and re- initialize communications 
when you are setting up the LAS. 
To verify LAS communications: 
1. Select System from the menu bar, and then select Configuration. The 
Configuration screen - System settings view displays. 
2. Select Sample handler from the System categories list on the 
Configuration screen. 
3. Select F6 - Configure. The Configure sample handler window displays. 
4. Enter the desired value in the Initialization timeout data entry box. 
5. Enter the desired value in the Response timeout data entry box. 
6. Select the Send communications message to LAS check box to send a re- 
initialize communications message to the LAS. 
7. Select Done to send a communications message to the LAS. A confirmation 
message displays. 
8. Select OK to save your changes and send a communications message to 
the LAS. 
Section 1-6 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 2 LAS requirements Introduction 
This section describes requirements for the ARCHITECT LAS, which is a "Point in Space" interface. 
The ARCHITECT System uses a LAS port and a LIS (laboratory information system) port to 
communicate and coordinate with the LAS. The LAS port coordinates sample handling at the physical 
interface. The LIS port communicates sample data (for example, patient information, test orders, and test 
LAS requirements topics include: 
• Processing module-specific requirements, page 2-2 
• Standard components, page 2-4 
• Port connections, page 2-5 
• System LAS skins kits, page 2-6 
• Third-party vendor LAS guidelines, page 2-7 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 2-1 
LAS requirements Processing module-specific requirements Section 2 

Processing module-specific requirements 

For all ARCHITECT processing modules, calibration orders must be run in a specific order as defined in 
the assay package insert. 
For the i2000 processing module and all c System processing modules, the sample carousel has priority 
over the LAS track. 
For the i2000 

processing module: 
• The LAS vendor must provide a means for local sample handling for patient samples, calibrators, and 
controls. This solution must also support a stand- alone mode (continued sample processing when the 
LAS system is down), a separate power supply, control hardware, and a local user interface. 
• For samples that require STAT and Routine tests, samples must be presented to the STAT LAS position 
(right side of the processing module) first and the Routine LAS position (left side of the processing 
module) second, regardless of the tests ordered on the sample. If samples are presented to the Routine 
LAS position first, the processing module sends a SAMPLING COMPLETE message with the 0x01 field 
indicating "No test ordered for SID" and not process any routine tests. 
For samples that only have routine tests ordered: 
– If the LAS has the physical capability to bypass the STAT LAS position, Virtual Messaging (SAMPLE 
IN STAT POSITION / STAT SAMPLING COMPLETE) allows the LAS to position the sample at the 
Routine pipettor. These messages do not require the sample to be physically positioned at the STAT LAS 
position when they are sent. 
– If the LAS does not have the physical capability to bypass the STAT 
LAS position, the LAS must still position the sample at the STAT LAS position, send the SAMPLE IN 
STAT POSITION message, and wait for the STAT SAMPLING COMPLETE message before 
positioning the sample at the Routine LAS position. 
For samples that only have STAT tests ordered: 
– If the LAS has the physical capability to bypass the routine LAS 
position, Virtual Messaging (SAMPLE IN POSITION / SAMPLING COMPLETE) allows the LAS to 
position the sample at the STAT pipettor. These messages do not require the sample to be physically 
positioned at the routine LAS position when they are sent. 
– If the LAS does not have the physical capability to bypass the routine 
LAS position, the LAS must still position the sample at the routine LAS position, send the SAMPLE IN 
POSITION message, and wait for the SAMPLING COMPLETE message before moving the sample away 
from the processing module. 
Section 2-2 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
requirements Section 2 
Processing module-specific requirements 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

NOTE: To use virtual messages, the LAS must have knowledge of orders on samples and be able to 
determine the difference between STAT and routine assays. Additionally, the LAS must provide the 
hardware necessary to bypass the STAT and routine sampling position. If a sample bypasses a pipettor 
with orders for that pipettor, those orders for that pipettor will be sent to exception. 
• The processing module can be mounted on the left or right side of the LAS, however the LAS must not 
block service access to the processing module and the sample presentation described above must be 
Section 2-3 
LAS requirements Standard components Section 2 

Standard components 
The following table describes components supplied by Abbott Laboratories. 
Table 2.1: Standard components supplied by Abbott Laboratories 
Component Description LAS interface Communicates with the LAS via RS-232 LIS interface Communicates with 
the LIS via RS-232 or TCP-IP Sample carousel (c System) Provides local sample handling and can also be 
used as a backup to the track LAS carousel (i2000), LN8C96-07 Provides a 
backup to the track LAS skins kit Includes sample covers and track support assembly LLS antenna with cabling (i 
Section 2-4 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Provides liquid level sense capability to the track 
requirements Section 2 
Port connections 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

Port connections 
The LAS port is a RS-232 serial cable with a 25-pin connector. Only pins 1, 2, 3, and 7 of the connector 
are used. Refer to the following table and figure for pin assignment information. 
Table 2.2: PIN assignments for the 25-pin connector 
Pin No. EIA Circuit Description Direction - Abbott 
Direction - Computer 1 – Shield – No Connection 2 BA Transmitted Data Output Input 3 BB Received Data Input 
Output 7 AB Signal Ground – – 
Figure 2.1: Pin-to-pin connections (wiring diagram) 
Section 2-5 
See Configure LAS serial port settings, page 1-3. 
LAS requirements System LAS skins kits Section 2 

System LAS skins kits 

The LAS skins kit includes sample covers and track support assembly that complete the physical interface 
between the ARCHITECT processing module and the LAS. The LAS vendor must determine if the skins 
meet their needs. 
The LAS track support assembly provides the supporting structure for covers required around the LAS 
track. For the i2000 

and c System the track support assembly can be attached 

at the same three mounting points used for the RSH (robotic sample handler). Contact Abbott 
Laboratories for detailed mechanical drawings of the ARCHITECT processing modules. 
Section 2-6 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
requirements Section 2 
Third-party vendor LAS guidelines 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

Third-party vendor LAS guidelines 

A third-party LAS vendor is responsible for developing the interface between a LAS and the 
ARCHITECT processing module and performing any required verification or validation testing. 
Minimum requirements which must be met by a third-party LAS vendor are described in the following 
• General responsibilities, page 2-7 
• Safety provisions, page 2-8 
• Sample pipettor safety guard, page 2-9 
• Mechanical interface, page 2-9 
• Emergency stop, page 2-10 
• Physical requirements, page 2-15 
• Processing module drawings, page 2-17 

General responsibilities 
The table below describes general responsibilities of a third-party vendor. 
Table 2.3: LAS vendor responsibilities 
Component Description LAS track Provides tube positioning control and/or adjustments 
in X, Y, and Z axes Bar code reading capability Guarantees positive identification of patient sample 
identification Physical connection and guarding Connects LAS track to the ARCHITECT processing 
module where applicable Communication cable Connects LAS track to the ARCHITECT processing 
module Positive sample identification Ensures accurate sample identification throughout 
sample aspiration Emergency stop facility (if required by area-specific 
Provides emergency stop capability for each processing module 
Pipettor safety guard Prevents contact with the pipettor probe during 
operation LAS track to processing module level sense interface (i System) 
LAS track must provide unshielded access to the sampling position to ensure proper level sense capability by the 
processing module LAS track to processing module level sense interface (c System) 
LAS track must ensure proper level sense capability by the processing module 
Section 2-7 
LAS requirements Third-party vendor LAS guidelines Section 2 

Safety provisions 
Before LAS operation begins, vendors are responsible for ensuring compliance to area-specific 
regulations which may include installing an emergency stop capacity for the ARCHITECT processing 
The LAS is responsible for ensuring the sample at the aspiration position is held in place until the 
processing module returns a sampling complete message (0xC005 and 0xC00B) for Physical messaging 
only (Message type: 0x00). The LAS must detect any condition whereby the sample is moved prior to 
receiving this message and an incorrect sample is presented for sample aspiration. If this condition is 
• the LAS must immediately stop presenting additional samples to the processing module. 
• results from the first and subsequent impacted samples must be suppressed (see Risk mitigation, page 
5-1). One method of suppressing results is by stopping the processing module by sending the 
• the subsequently impacted sample(s) must be discarded (c System only). 
• the sample probe must be replaced and calibrated before proceeding (c System only). 
NOTE: If Pipettor Bypass (Virtual Messaging) is enabled and the LAS determines that a sample only has 
tests ordered for one pipettor, virtual messages must be used to skip the appropriate pipettor position. 
Installation, design, and configuration of the interface between the ARCHITECT processing module and 
LAS track must meet applicable safety standards. These standards are listed in the following table. 
Table 2.4: Safety standards 
Identifier Title UL 61010A-1 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for 
Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - Part 1 General Requirements IEC 61010-1 Safety Requirements for 
Electrical Equipment for 
Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - Part 1 General Requirements CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 1010-1 Safety 
Requirements for Electrical Equipment for 
Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - Part 1 IEC/EN 61010-1 Safety 
Requirements for Electrical Equipment for 
Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - Part 1 IEC 61010-2-081 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment 
for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - Part 
Section 2-8 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
requirements Section 2 
Third-party vendor LAS guidelines 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

CAUTION: Prior to operation of the new equipment the vendor must perform a risk assessment to 
anticipate all possible operator hazards, including potential operator misuse. 

Sample pipettor safety guard 

The sample pipettor safety guard prevents inadvertent access to the sample pipettor's moving parts during 
normal operation. 
The sample pipettor safety guard must: 
• be installed around the sample pipettor moving parts to prevent personnel from inadvertently contacting 
the sample pipettor probe during operation. 
• prevent access to the sample pipettor except by removal of the guard with the aid of a tool. 
• be constructed of material that is sufficiently durable and rigid to prevent deformation of the guard. 
• permit operator observation of the sample pipettor motion by use of a plastic shield that is transparent of 
• have no sharp edges or corners. 
• have openings or clearances between any parts that are less than 0.25 inches (6.4 mm) to prevent finger 
access to the sample pipettor tip at any point in its travel range. 
• provide electrical insulation. 
• the mechanical design of the processing module interface shall prevent cross contamination of adjacent 

Mechanical interface 
Because individual installations can vary, expertise in mechanical design and fabrication is required to 
customize the installation to fulfill applicable safety requirements. 
NOTE: All stated dimensions are nominal and are for reference only. Systems designed to interface to the 
ARCHITECT processing module must account for 
Section 2-9 
Identifier Title 
2-081: Particular requirements for automatic and semi-automatic laboratory equipment for analysis and other 
purposes IEC 61010-2-101 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and 
Laboratory Use - Part 2-101: Particular requirements for In Vitro (IVD) medical equipment ISO 3864:1984 Safety 
colors and safety signs 98/79/EC In Vitro Diagnostic Directive 
LAS requirements Third-party vendor LAS guidelines Section 2 
hardware manufacturing tolerances and installation environment anomalies (variances). Contact Abbott 
Laboratories for detailed mechanical drawings of the ARCHITECT processing modules. 
Mechanical interface requirements include: 
• The height of the tube carrier (for example the bottom of the tube) shall be approximately 34 inches 
(868 mm) from the floor. 
• For c Systems and i2000 

, the LAS connection may use the mounting interface designed for the RSH 
(Retest Sample Handler), with adjustable hooks or similar mechanical mountings, on the LAS processing 
module interface module. 
• For the i2000, the left side of the processing module has a bolt hole pattern available for physical 
connection between the processing module and the LAS. 
• The physical connection is important to maintain the relative positions of both units (determined at 
installation), and to prevent sampling errors caused by movement of either the ARCHITECT processing 
module or the LAS. An electrically insulated mechanical connection is recommended between the LAS 
mechanical mountings and LAS to maintain alignment of the processing module probe to the sample tube 
• The LAS shall be electrically insulated from the mounting brackets attached to the ARCHITECT 
processing module. 
IMPORTANT: The c System LAS requires the sample to be capacitively coupled to the c System ground 
to ensure proper function of the c System liquid level sense (LLS). This capacitive path includes the LAS 
track. It is the LAS vendors' responsibility to ensure the c System LLS performance has not been 
The i System sample LLS (liquid level sense) is based on a principle similar to AM radio transmission. 
The sample probe transmits a fixed frequency signal over the air. This signal is received by the antenna 
PCBs (printed circuit boards) mounted on the front of the processing module at each aspiration location. 
To ensure proper function, the LAS must provide a clear electrically unshielded path between the entire 
sample tube and the antenna. It is the LAS vendor's responsibility to ensure the i System LLS 
performance has not been compromised. 

Emergency stop 
An emergency stop facility shall be installed in the sample pipettor vicinity if required by area-specific 
regulations. This allows an operator to quickly stop the processing module to avoid any potentially 
hazardous situation. 
Emergency stop topics include: 
• Electrical hookup, page 2-11 
Section 2-10 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
requirements Section 2 
Third-party vendor LAS guidelines 
• Accessibility, page 2-12 
• Restrictions, page 2-12 
• Reliability, page 2-13 
• Easily identifiable controls, page 2-13 
• Control types, page 2-13 
• Legible markings, page 2-14 
• Irreversible engagement, page 2-14 
• Integration with other emergency stop controls, page 2-15 
Electrical hookup 
The activation of an emergency stop control must halt all potentially hazardous movement immediately. 
If the processing module is to be installed in a laboratory where emergency stop systems already exist, 
then the new emergency stop control shall be integrated into the functionality of the previously installed 
system allowing the emergency stop controls to activate for the entire system at once. 
Since  the  emergency  stop  facility  involves  interruption  of  hazardous  voltages  the  installation  must  be 
performed  only  by  a  qualified  electrician.  Components  of  the  emergency  stop  facility  must  account  for 
analyzer ratings. 
For the processing module the effect of the control is the immediate removal of the main electrical input 
power to the module. This halts all movement immediately. 
Figure 2.2: Emergency stop operation 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 2-11 
LAS requirements Third-party vendor LAS guidelines Section 2 
NOTE: It is necessary (or desirable) to remove power to the SCC (system control center) to meet this 
The emergency stop engagement control shall be located: 
• for quick accessibility and for safe operation without hesitation. 
• within easy reach of the sample pipettor safety guards. 
• within visual range of the sample pipettor movement. 
For more information, see Restrictions, page 2-12. 
The emergency stop engagement control: 
• shall not be more than 63 inches (1.6 m) from the sample pipettor. 
• shall be between 24 inches (0.6 m) and 63 inches (1.6 m) above the floor level. 
• mounting, location, and activation method shall be such that engagement occurs only when intended. 
Figure 2.3: Emergency stop shall be located near the sample pipettor area 
Section 2-12 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
requirements Section 2 
Third-party vendor LAS guidelines 
Components that comprise the emergency stop facility and their installation must operate reliably in the 
environment in which they reside. Reliability considerations include: 
• vibration 
• shock 
• temperature 
• dust 
• foreign bodies 
• moisture 
• corrosive materials 
• likelihood of infrequent operation 
The control must be able to withstand significant stresses that could result from foreseeable abuse during 
activation in emergency situations. 
The design of the control shall be constructed so that it is not easily bypassed or defeated. 
The components and installation shall conform to local electrical codes and standards. 
Easily identifiable controls 
The emergency stop control shall be: 
• clearly identifiable. 
• adequately illuminated. 
• colored red. 
The background should be colored yellow (as far as practical). 
Figure 2.4: Emergency stop control 
Control types 
Acceptable actuators include: 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 2-13 
LAS requirements Third-party vendor LAS guidelines Section 2 
• mushroom-type push buttons 
• wires, ropes, bars 
• handles 
When wires, ropes, bars, or handles are used to activate the electrical switch that removes power from the 
system, ensure the LAS is brought to an immediate halt in the event of a failure of the mechanical 
operating mechanism. 
Legible markings 
Requirements for markings include the following: 
• Switch markings shall be designed to remain legible for as long as the equipment is installed. 
• Informational signs, if used, shall be unambiguous and written in the language of the country in which 
the system is installed. 
• General warning signs, such as showing only the words Danger or Hazard, shall not be used. 
Irreversible engagement 
Once the emergency stop is engaged, re-activation of the equipment shall only be possible when intended. 
Resetting the control device shall not, by itself, restore operation to the potential hazard. 
Some commercially available controls are designed to meet the requirements of European Standard 
Figure 2.5: Emergency stop switch examples 
Section 2-14 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 

The emergency stop switch on the left in the figure above is designed to be readily engaged but it can 
only be reset using a key. 
Temporary removal of the main electrical input power to the processing module is sufficient to prevent 
re-activation of the sample pipettor. This is because power loss to the module resets all of its electrical 
devices, including the sample pipettor. Restoration of operation occurs only following an initialization 
procedure that can only be intentionally invoked by an operator. 
requirements Section 2 
Third-party vendor LAS guidelines 
Integration with other emergency stop controls 
If  the  installation  environment  includes  emergency  stop  controls  for  other  related  equipment,  the control 
added shall be integrated so that all related equipment is disengaged simultaneously. 

Physical requirements 
LAS physical requirements are described in the following table. 
Table 2.5: LAS physical requirements 
Requirement Description LAS tube stop calibration The LAS shall provide a mechanical tube stop 
adjustment parallel to the X-axis. See Table 2.6. LAS to module clearance 
(pipettor reach) 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
The POR (Point of Reference) shall be no more than: 
• 1.69 inches (43 mm) from the front panel of the c System processing module 
• 1.97 inches (50 mm) from the side of the i2000 processing module 
• 1.5 inches (38.1 mm) from the front panel of the i2000 
SR The POR is defined as the outside bottom of the sample container located in the aspiration position of the LAS. 
See Figures 2.6, 2.7, and 2.12. Tube bottom elevation The POR (Point of Reference) shall be located 
approximately 34 inches (868 mm) from the laboratory floor. See Figures 2.6, 2.7, and 2.12. This dimension is 
referred to as the Z-axis. 
NOTE: A tube spacer may be required for lifting tubes on a LAS set at the CLSI standard 33.5 inches (850 mm) 
LAS positioning accuracy The LAS tube centering hardware shall position tube 
centers repeatable to the trained aspiration point within 0.04 inches (1 mm) diameter. LAS isolated electrically from 
processing module 
No electrical connection is allowed between the ARCHITECT processing module and the LAS, per UL 
(Underwriter's Laboratories), unless the LAS is also UL listed. The LAS vendor shall be responsible for any 
physical connection between the ARCHITECT processing module to the LAS tube positioning hardware. 
NOTE: The connection points are not intended to be ground points, and shall require use of an insulating 
Section 2-15 
LAS requirements Third-party vendor LAS guidelines Section 2 
Requirement Description 
material as an integral part of the connection to avoid unintentional grounding. 
If the LAS is to be physically connected to the ARCHITECT processing module, insulators to prevent electrical 
connection between the LAS and the processing module are required. If the LAS is not physically connected to the 
processing module, the LAS and the processing module shall each be immobilized by independent means. Physical 
mounting Contact Abbott Laboratories for detailed mechanical 
drawings of the ARCHITECT processing modules. LAS sample containers The LAS shall accommodate sample 
containers as described in CLSI AUTO-1, Laboratory Automation: Specimen Container/Specimen Carrier, which 
includes the following nominal sized: 
• 13 x 75 mm 
• 13 x 100 mm 
• 16 x 75 mm 
• 16 x 100 mm In addition, sample containers must meet requirements described in the ARCHITECT System 
Operations Manual. 
NOTE: Use of sample cups in conjunction with sample tubes is not recommended for some laboratory automation 
systems. Contact Abbott Laboratories and/or your LAS vendor for further details. 
LAS sample access The user must be able to remove samples from the 
LAS if a mechanical or electrical failure occurs. LAS sample access must be limited by interlocks or covers that 
require tools for removal. Emergency stop facility (if required by area-specific regulations) 
Section 2-16 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
2014-10-24 The LAS vendor must provide an emergency stop switch at the physical interface of the LAS and the 
ARCHITECT processing module. See Emergency stop. 
The following table defines the calibration adjustments provided by the LAS and ARCHITECT 
processing module. 
Table 2.6: LAS calibration definitions 
Degrees of freedom Ownership Calibration definition X-Direction LAS Adjustment of sample tube 
position along the track to a point that intersects with the 
requirements Section 2 
Third-party vendor LAS guidelines 
Degrees of freedom Ownership Calibration definition 
processing module probe travel. Y-Direction Processing module Adjustment of probe position 
to intersect with the sample travel path. Z-Direction (vertical) LAS Height adjustment to position 
sample tube in the specified height range. Rotation about X-axis and Y- axis 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
LAS Adjustment of sample tube 
axis parallel to the probe. 

Processing module drawings 

The following figures illustrate processing module layout and LAS positioning. These represent a generic 
LAS (represented by the green box in the drawings) and are meant for informational use only. Contact 
Abbott Laboratories for detailed mechanical drawings of the ARCHITECT processing modules (c System 
3D model part number 206552 and i2000 

3D model part number 206553). 

Figure 2.6: c System front view 
Section 2-17 
LAS requirements Third-party vendor LAS guidelines Section 2 
Figure 2.7: c System top view 
Section 2-18 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
requirements Section 2 
Third-party vendor LAS guidelines 
Figure 2.8: c System detailed view 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 2-19 
LAS requirements Third-party vendor LAS guidelines Section 2 
Figure 2.9: i2000 front view 
Section 2-20 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 

Figure 2.10: i2000 top view 

requirements Section 2 
Third-party vendor LAS guidelines 
Figure 2.11: i2000 detailed view 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 2-21 
Figure 2.12: i2000 

front view 
LAS requirements Third-party vendor LAS guidelines Section 2 
Figure 2.13: i2000 
Section 2-22 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 

top view 
requirements Section 2 
Third-party vendor LAS guidelines 
Figure 2.14: i2000 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 2-23 
detailed view 
LAS requirements Third-party vendor LAS guidelines Section 2 
Section 2-24 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Section 3 ARCHITECT standard interface specification Introduction 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification topics include: 
• Assumptions and dependencies, page 3-2 
• Communications overview, page 3-3 
• Message format, page 3-5 
• Cyclical redundancy checks, page 3-6 
• Sequence numbers, page 3-7 
• Interface initialization sequence, page 3-9 
• Messages, page 3-10 
• LAS/processing module interaction diagrams, page 3-27 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-1 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Assumptions and dependencies Section 3 

Assumptions and dependencies 

The following assumptions and dependencies apply to the LAS interface to the ARCHITECT System: 
• Manual (walk up) samples take priority over samples delivered by the automation system. 
• The LAS handles movement of all samples not placed on the processing module manually. 
• The LAS stops, captures, positions, and steadies the sample for aspiration. 
• As soon as the LAS decides to route a sample to the ARCHITECT System, the PREPARE TO RUN 
message should be sent to the processing module. This maximizes the time the processing module has to 
complete the host query and prevent an impact on throughput. 
• The LAS queries the processing module for its current status before sending a SAMPLE IN POSITION 
• For each sample the LAS supplies the Sample ID before it is placed in position for aspiration. 
• The LAS ensures the integrity of the Sample ID for the sample being aspirated. 
• The processing module does not control devices mounted on the automation track. 
•  The  LAS  must  comply  with  the  ARCHITECT  System  Operations  Manual  specifications  to  ensure 
processing module doors and covers open and there is easy access to empty waste containers. 
Section 3-2 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
Communications overview 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

Communications overview 
Tests may be ordered on the ARCHITECT System manually or downloaded by the LIS (laboratory 
information system). The ARCHITECT System communicates to the LAS when queried for status and 
then when the sample is complete. A typical sample process is as follows: 
• The LAS sends SIDs (sample identifications) for samples routed to the processing module through the 
PREPARE TO RUN command. 
NOTE:  The  SID  must  be  a  minimum  of  1  character  and  a  maximum  of  20  characters. Characters ASCII 
32  (space)  through  and  including  ASCII  126  (tilde)  area  acceptable.  The  ASCII  124  (vertical  pipe) 
character is excluded. 
• The processing module determines what test to run on the sample by checking its on board database for 
an order that was ordered manually or previously downloaded by the LIS. If the ARCHITECT System is 
configured for Query mode: On, an Order query message is sent to the LIS asking for tests to run on the 
specified SID. 
• The PREPARE TO RUN message should be sent to the processing module as soon as the decision to 
route the sample to that module is made by the LAS. This maximizes the time the module has to complete 
the host query and minimize impact to throughput. The PREPARE TO RUN message for additional 
samples can be sent before the LAS positions the sample at the aspiration point. 
• The LAS queries the processing module for the current status before sending the SAMPLE IN 
POSITION / STAT SAMPLE IN POSITION message. Given the proper status (processing module status 
is Ready to Run) the LAS sequence continues. 
• For routing samples to both pipettors of the i2000 

processing module: 
– When the tube carrier arrives at the STAT aspiration point the LAS sends a SAMPLE IN STAT 
POSITION message with the SID to the processing module. – The processing module initiates processing 
for each requested test by aspirating the required sample aliquot from the sample container. This 
continues until all requested STAT tests have been initiated. – The processing module sends a STAT 
message to the LAS indicating it is finished with the sample in the STAT location and is ready to receive 
a new STAT sample. – When the carrier or tube arrives at the Routine aspiration point, the LAS sends a 
SAMPLE IN POSITION message with the SID to the processing module. – The processing module 
initiates processing for each requested test by aspirating the required sample aliquot from the sample 
container. This continues until all requested Routine tests have been initiated. 
Section 3-3 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Communications overview Section 3 
– The processing module sends a SAMPLING COMPLETE message to 
the LAS indicating it is finished with the sample in the Routine location and is ready to receive a new 
Routine sample. 
• For the i2000 

processing module with Pipettor bypass enabled, see LAS/ processing module interaction 
diagrams, page 3-27. 
• For the i2000 and c System processing modules: 
– When the tube carrier arrives at the aspiration point the LAS sends a 
SAMPLE IN POSITION message with the SID to the processing module. 
–  The  processing  module  initiates  processing  for  each  requested  test  by  aspirating  the  required  sample 
aliquot from the sample container. This continues until all requested tests have been initiated. 
– The processing module sends a SAMPLING COMPLETE message to 
the LAS indicating it is finished with the sample and is ready to receive a new sample. 
• The LAS moves the sample down the track and repeats the cycle for the next sample. 
• If configured, the processing module sends test results to the LIS when they become available. 
Section 3-4 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
Message format 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

Message format 
The processing module shall transmit and receive all data using messages. The format for commands and 
status information numbers in this document uses hexadecimal notation for software written in the "C" 
language. For example, 0x02 equates to 2 Hex. The following is a list of message format guidelines: 
• Messages begin with the Start of Transmission character (STX) and end with the End of Transmission 
STX: 0x02 
ETX: 0x03 
• Messages will consist of the following information: 
Byte 1: STX 
Byte 2: Message length 
Byte 3: Message type 
Byte 4: Sequence number 
Byte 5 to N-2: Message content 
Byte N-1: CRC 
Byte N: ETX 
• The message length will be the total number of bytes in the message excluding the STX and ETX 
Example: [STX] 04 01 00 11 [ETX] has a message length of 4 
• Message types will be the following: 
0x00: Data/Physical Routing 
0x01: ACK 
0x02: NAK 
0x03: Virtual Routing 
• The optional sequence number is incremented by one with each successful message. For more 
information see Sequence numbers, page 3-7. 
• The CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Checks) calculation excludes the STX, ETX, and CRC bytes. For more 
information, see Cyclical redundancy checks, page 3-6. 
Example: [STX] 04 01 00 11 [ETX] calculates the CRC using the three bytes 04 01 00 
Section 3-5 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Cyclical redundancy checks Section 3 

Cyclical redundancy checks 

The formula for computing the CRC (cyclical redundancy check) in C code is: 
unsigned char crc; 
crc = 0x84; 
for (i = 1; i <= (data_length-3); i++) 

crc = ((crc >> 1) | (crc << 7)) ^ message_buffer [i]; 

Where the data_length is the entire message length in bytes and the message_buffer contains the entire 
The CRC calculation excludes the STX, ETX, and CRC bytes. 
Example in hex: 02 04 01 00 11 03 
The 02 (STX), 03 (ETX), and 11 (CRC) are not used to calculate the CRC. The CRC calculation is 
performed using the remaining three bytes; 04 01 00. The data_length in this example is 6. 
Section 3-6 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
Sequence numbers 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

Sequence numbers 
Sequence numbers can be used to detect message delivery errors. The use of sequence numbers in 
communications is optional and is determined by the LAS. Sequence numbers can only be enabled or 
disabled by the LAS during the interface initialization sequence. 
Messages received from the LAS (incoming) shall use one set of sequence numbers while messages sent 
from the processing module (outgoing) shall use another set of sequence numbers. 
To enable sequence numbers: 
The LAS sends valid incrementing sequence numbers in the ACK messages during the interface 
initialization sequence. This causes the processing module to use and check sequence numbers during 
communications. The incoming sequence number is set to the sequence number received in the second of 
the two ACK messages, however, the outgoing sequence number will always be reset to 0x00. 
To disable sequence numbers: 
The LAS sets the sequence number in the ACK messages during the interface initialization sequence to 
0x00. This causes the processing module to transmit 0x00 for the sequence number and to not check the 
validity of sequence numbers during subsequent communications. 
Valid sequence numbers: 
• 0 through 255 
• increment by one 
• restart at 0 after reaching 255 
Incoming sequence numbers are not incremented when the processing module sends: 
• A NAK message in response to a message received from the LAS that has a CRC error. 
• An ILLEGAL COMMAND RECEIVED message in response to an unrecognized message received 
from the LAS. 
Outgoing sequence numbers are not incremented when the processing module: 
• Resends a message if the ACK or NAK for the message sent originally was not received within the 
configured response timeout. 
• Receives a NAK message in response to a message sent to the LAS. 
If sequence numbers are enabled and the processing module receives an ACK/NAK message from the 
LAS, the processing module attempts to match the sequence number in the last message it sent out. If the 
sequence numbers 
Section 3-7 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Sequence numbers Section 3 
match the message, transaction is considered complete. If the sequence number does not match the last 
outgoing message, the ACK/NAK message is ignored, an entry is made in the processing module 
Temporary message log, and the processing module resends the message (with the original sequence 
number) after the user configurable Response timeout expires. For more information on the default and 
range of values for Response timeout, see the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual. 
If sequence numbers are enabled and the processing module receives a non- ACK message from the LAS, 
and the incoming message sequence number is out of order compared to the expected sequence number, 
the processing module takes the following action: 
• ACK the incoming message. 
• Send an ILLEGAL COMMAND RECEIVED message with error type 0x02, the expected sequence 
number, and the sequence number received. For more information see Illegal command received, page 
• Ignore the incoming message with the incorrect sequence number. 
To correct this error condition and resynchronize the sequence numbers, the LAS sends a REINITIALIZE 
COMMUNICATIONS message with one of the following recovery options: 
• Recovery type 0x00: resets both the incoming and outgoing sequence numbers to the sequence number 
• Recovery type 0x01: forces a complete re-initialization sequence of the LAS to Processing Module 
communication interface. The incoming sequence numbers is set to what is received in the second of the 
two ACK messages to the initialization sequence and sets the outgoing sequence number to 0x00. 
After the recovery option completes the LAS resends the message with the expected sequence number. 
Section 3-8 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
Interface initialization sequence 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 

Interface initialization sequence 

Communication with the processing module must be restarted when a communication link is broken due 
to the processing module being turned off, reset, or an interface communication failure occurred. This is 
accomplished by using the interface initialization sequence. 
When the SCC (system control center) is powered on and the processing module power up is complete 
(processing module enters the Stopped state), the processing module automatically starts the initialization 
sequence and sends the READY message to the LAS. If a communication failure occurs, the LAS may 
attempt to force the processing module to begin the interface initialization sequence by issuing a 
REINITIALIZE COMMUNICATIONS message with the appropriate parameters. 
The  operator  can  manually  initiate  the  initialization  sequence  by  selecting  the  Send  communications 
message to LAS check box on the Configure sample handler window. 
The interface initialization sequence begins with the processing module sending a READY message to the 
LAS. The READY message consists of a STX (start transmission) followed by a ETX (end transmission). 
When the LAS receives the READY message, the LAS responds with two consecutive ACK messages 
(with incrementing sequence numbers, if desired). The two consecutive ACK messages must be received 
within the configured Initialization timeout setting on the ARCHITECT System, see Configure LAS 
settings, page 1-2. For more information on the default and range of values for Initialization timeout, see 
the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual. 
The processing module then sends its own ACK message with the appropriate sequence number 
immediately followed by a processing module status message indicating whether or not the processing 
module is ready. 
If the LAS does not respond to the READY message within the configured Initialization timeouts setting, 
the processing module issues a second Ready message. If the LAS does not respond within the configured 
time again, the initialization process is terminated. 
Section 3-9 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Messages Section 3 

Messages are sent from and received by both the LAS and the processing module. These bi-directional 
messages are acknowledged (ACK) or not acknowledged (NAK) based on certain criteria. 
The criteria are explained in the following topics: 
• ACK (message acknowledged), page 3-10 
• NAK (message not acknowledged), page 3-11 
• LAS to processing module messages, page 3-11 
• Processing module to LAS messages, page 3-17 

ACK (message acknowledged) 

On receipt of every message with a valid CRC (cyclical redundancy check), the receiver sends an ACK 
message. The sequence number returned with this message, if enabled, is the sequence number for the 
command that this message is acknowledging. 
The ACK message is also used in the interface initialization sequence. To enable or disable sequence 
numbers on the processing module see Interface initialization sequence, page 3-9. 
If an ACK message is not received by the processing module after transmission of a message to the LAS 
within the configured Response timeout setting, the processing module logs an error and resends the last 
message. If enabled, the outgoing sequence number is not incremented on the resent message. To 
configure the Response timeout setting, see Configure LAS settings, page 1-2. For more information on 
the default and range of values for the Response setting, see the ARCHITECT System Operations 
If sequence numbers are enabled and an ACK message is received (within the configured Response 
timeout setting) with an incorrect sequence number, the processing module logs an error and resends the 
last message. In this scenario the outgoing sequence number is not incremented on the resent message. 
Table 3.1: Description of message acknowledged fields 
Byte Field Description Field Contents 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 Message Length 0x04 3 Message Type 0x01 4 
Sequence number 0x00 or sequence number of message being 
acknowledged 5 CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check 
Section 3-10 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
Byte Field Description Field Contents 6 ETX End of Transmission 
Example (with and without sequence numbers): 
[STX] 04 01 3d 2c [ETX] 
[STX] 04 01 00 11 [ETX] 

NAK (message not acknowledged) 

The processing module sends a NAK message when a message is received with a CRC (Cyclical 
Redundancy Check). The sequence number returned with this message (if enabled) is the incoming 
sequence number for the command that this message is rejecting. 
If a NAK message is not received by the processing module after transmission of a message to the LAS 
within the configured Response timeout setting, the processing module logs an error and resends the last 
message. If enabled, the outgoing sequence number is not incremented on the resent message. To 
configure the Response timeout setting, see Configure LAS settings, page 1-2. For more information on 
the default and range values for the Response timeout see the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual. 
When the processing module sends a message to the LAS and receives a NAK in response, the processing 
module logs an error and resends the message. If the processing module receives two successive NAK 
messages from the LAS, the message is aborted and an error is logged. 
Table 3.2: Description of message not acknowledged fields 
Byte Field Description Field Contents 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 Message Length 0x04 3 Message Type 0x02 4 
Sequence number 0x00 or sequence number of message being 
acknowledged 5 CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check 6 ETX End of 
Example (with and without sequence numbers): 
[STX] 04 02 0b 9b [ETX] 
[STX] 04 02 00 90 [ETX] 

LAS to processing module messages 

The following messages can be sent from the LAS to the processing module: 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-11 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Messages Section 3 
• Query processing module status, page 3-12 
• Prepare to run, page 3-12 
• Sample in position, page 3-13 
• Sample in STAT position (i2000 

only), page 3-14 

• Reinitialize communications, page 3-15 
Query processing module status 
This message is used by the LAS to request the current status of the processing module. In response, the 
processing module sends a PROCESSING MODULE STATUS message. The Query processing module 
status message should be sent periodically (as needed for the LAS to monitor the processing module 
status) and should also be sent before sending a SAMPLE IN POSITION or SAMPLE IN STAT 
POSITION message to ensure the processing module is still capable of processing tests. 
Table 3.3: Description of query processing module status fields 
Byte Field Description Field Contents 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 Message Length 0x06 3 Message Type 0x00 4 
Sequence number 0x00 or next sequence number 5, 6 Message ID 0xC006 7 CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check 8 
ETX End of Transmission 
Example (with and without sequence numbers): 
[STX] 06 00 39 c0 06 6c [ETX] 
[STX] 06 00 00 c0 06 22 [ETX] 
Prepare to run 
This message is used by the LAS to send a SID to the processing module. On receipt of this message, the 
processing module checks for test orders for the SID or initiates a host query if the order is not found. The 
PREPARE TO RUN message does not have to immediately precede the SAMPLE IN POSITION or 
SAMPLE IN STAT POSITION messages (for example, multiple PREPARE TO RUN messages can be 
sent sequentially). Sending the PREPARE TO RUN message before the sample tube is at the sampling 
position allows the SCC time to query the LIS for orders. 
Section 3-12 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
Table 3.4: Description of prepare to run fields 
Byte Field Description Field Contents 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 Message Length 3 Message Type 0x00 4 
Sequence number 0x00 or next sequence number 5, 6 Message ID 0xC002 7 Reserved 0x00 8 Reserved 0x00 9 
Container type 0x00 10 Sample ID length 
20 11 through N Sample ID Maximum of 20 characters N 
+ 1 CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check N + 2 ETX End of Transmission 
Example (with and without sequence numbers): 
[STX] 0f 00 0d c0 02 00 00 00 05 31 32 33 34 35 64 [ETX] 
[STX] 13 00 00 c0 02 00 00 00 09 31 30 33 33 32 34 34 33 34 3e [ETX] 
Sample in position 
Message Type 0x00: 
This message is sent to the processing module after the sample is moved to the routine aspiration point 
and serves to inform the processing module that the sample is in position for pipetting. For STAT samples 
on the i2000 

, see Sample in STAT position (i2000 


only), page 3-14. 

When the processing module receives this message, the processing module has control of the sample and 
the LAS must not move the sample until the processing module sends a SAMPLING COMPLETE 
message to the LAS. In addition, the LAS must not send another SAMPLE IN POSITION message until 
it receives the SAMPLING COMPLETE message from the processing module. 
IMPORTANT: The LAS must detect any condition whereby an incorrect sample was presented during 
aspiration. To prevent the processing module from generating results, the LAS must send a 
REINITIALIZE COMMUNICATIONS (recovery 0x03) message to stop the processing module. For 
additional information, see Safety provisions, page 2-8. 
Message Type 0x03: 
This message can be sent to the processing module when Pipettor Bypass is Enabled and the LAS 
determines that no routine test orders are present for the Sample. The sample does not have to stop at the 
routine sampling position. The processing module will respond with a virtual SAMPLING COMPLETE 
message after receiving this message. 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-13 
1 and 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Messages Section 3 
NOTE: No routine test requests will be scheduled or aspirated when this virtual message is received. 
Table 3.5: Description of sample in position fields 
Byte Field Description Field Contents 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 Message Length 3 Message Type 0x00 - 
Physical Routing 
0x03 - Virtual Routing 4 Sequence number 0x00 or next sequence 
number 5, 6 Message ID 0xC004 7 Sample ID length 
20 8 through N Sample ID Maximum of 20 characters N 
+ 1 CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check N + 2 ETX End of Transmission 
Example (with and without sequence numbers): 
[STX] 0c 00 3d c0 04 05 31 32 33 34 35 a1 [ETX] 
[STX] 0c 00 00 c0 04 05 39 31 39 34 36 fd [ETX] 
Sample in STAT position (i2000 

Message Type 0x00: 
This message is sent to the processing module after the sample is moved to the STAT aspiration point and 
serves to inform the processing module that the sample is in position for pipetting. 
When the processing module receives this message, the processing module has control of the sample and 
the LAS must not move the sample until the processing module sends a STAT SAMPLING COMPLETE 
message to the LAS. In addition, the LAS must not send another SAMPLE IN STAT POSITION message 
until it receives the STAT SAMPLING COMPLETE message from the processing module. 
IMPORTANT: The LAS must detect any condition whereby an incorrect sample was presented during 
aspiration. To prevent the processing module from generating results, the LAS must send a 
REINITIALIZE COMMUNICATIONS (recovery 0x03) message to stop the processing module. For 
additional information, see Safety provisions, page 2-8. 
Message Type 0x03: 
This message can be sent to the processing module when Pipettor Bypass is Enabled, and the LAS 
determines that no STAT test orders are present for the Sample. The sample does not have to stop at the 
STAT sampling position.The 
Section 3-14 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
1 and 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
processing module will respond with a virtual STAT SAMPLING COMPLETE message after receiving 
this message. 
NOTE: No STAT test requests will be scheduled or aspirated when this virtual message is received. 
Table 3.6: Description of STAT sample in position fields 
Byte Field Description Field Contents 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 Message Length 3 Message Type 0x00 - 
Physical Routing 
0x03 - Virtual Routing 4 Sequence number 0x00 or next sequence 
number 5, 6 Message ID 0xC008 7 Sample ID length 
20 8 through N Sample ID Maximum of 20 characters N 
+ 1 CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check N + 2 ETX End of Transmission 
Example (with and without sequence numbers): 
[STX] 0f 00 3e c0 08 08 50 61 74 69 65 6e 74 31 bd [ETX] 
[STX] 0c 00 00 c0 08 05 31 32 33 34 35 ac [ETX] 
Reinitialize communications 
The LAS issues this command to the processing module in an attempt to recover from errors. The type of 
error recovery desired must be specified as a parameter in this message. The LAS may use this to 
resynchronize the processing module to the LAS. 
Table 3.7: Description of reinitialization communications fields 
Byte Field Description Field Content 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 Message Length 0x07 3 Message Type 0x00 4 
Sequence number 0x00 or next sequence number 5, 6 Message ID 0xC00A 7 Recovery type 0x00 - Restart sequence 
numbers using 
the sequence number byte in this message 0x01 - Recovery attempt from an interface communications failure 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-15 
1 and 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Messages Section 3 
Byte Field Description Field Content 
0x02 - LAS Sample Handler for this analyzer has been stopped 0x03 - Stop processing module See the following 
table for a description of recovery types. 8 CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check 9 ETX End of Transmission 
Example (with and without sequence numbers): 
[STX] 07 00 3e c0 0a 00 d8 [ETX] 
[STX] 07 00 00 c0 0a 01 1e [ETX] 
The following table describes the recovery type field content. 
Table 3.8: Description of recovery type field content 
Recovery type field content Description 0x00 - Restart sequence numbers using the sequence number byte in this 
Section 3-16 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
2014-10-24 This recovery type is sent in response to a sequence number error that is reported by the processing 
module whenever an unexpected sequence number is received from the LAS. Both the incoming and outgoing 
sequence numbers are reset to the sequence number specified in this message. This REINITIALIZE 
COMMUNICATIONS message should be sent when the ILLEGAL COMMAND RECEIVED with "Sequence 
number error was detected" (0x02) message is received by the LAS. 0x01 - Recovery attempt from an interface 
communications failure 
This recovery type is sent in response to an interface communication failure. If this type of recovery is possible, the 
processing module acknowledges (ACK) this message then issues a READY message to start the initialization 
sequence (see Interface initialization sequence, page 3-9). The processing module does not check the sequence 
number of this message. If the processing module does not ACK the message and start the initialization sequence, 
the error recovery cannot occur and operator intervention is required. 0x02 - LAS Sample Handler for this analyzer 
has been stopped 
This recovery type is sent when the LAS needs to clear the sample handler queue at the processing module. This 
message causes the processing module to purge all scheduled test orders and send them to exceptions, except for the 
sample at the sampling position. If these samples are rerouted to this processing module, the PREPARE TO RUN 
message must be sent for each tube since the test orders have been purged from the processing module run queue. 
0x03 - Stop processing module This recovery type is sent when the LAS detects a scenario 
that requires the processing module to be stopped. This 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
Recovery type field content Description 
message causes the processing module to enter the Stopped state and send all tests in process to exceptions. Operator 
intervention is required to transition the processing module back to the Running state. Example: This message 
should be sent when the LAS cannot ensure that the sample at the aspiration position was held in place until the 
processing module returned a SAMPLING COMPLETE / STAT SAMPLING COMPLETE message (0xC005 and 
0xC00B). For more information see Safety provisions, page 2-8. 

Processing module to LAS messages 

The following messages can be sent from the processing module to the LAS: 
• Ready, page 3-17 
• Illegal command received, page 3-17 
• Processing module status, page 3-20 
• Sampling complete, page 3-22 
• STAT sampling complete (i2000 

only), page 3-24 

The interface initialization sequence begins with the processing module sending a READY message to the 
LAS. For more information, see Interface initialization sequence, page 3-9. 
Table 3.9: Description of ready message fields 
Byte Field Description Field Contents 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 ETX End of Transmission 
[STX] [ETX] 
Illegal command received 
This message is used by the processing module to inform the LAS that an unrecognized command was 
received or logical errors were encountered. A logical error is categorized as a sequence number or a 
command received out of order for the current operations being performed. 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-17 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Messages Section 3 
Table 3.10: Description of illegal command received fields 
Byte Field Description Field Contents 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 Message Length 0x09 3 Message Type 0x00 4 
Sequence number 0x00 or next sequence number 5, 6 Message ID 0xC009 7 Error type 0x00 - Non-existent 
0x01 - Command violates the logical order of operations 0x02 - Sequence number error was detected 0x03 - Invalid 
data in the message 0x04 - Unexpected virtual routing message received See the following table for a description of 
error types. 8 Error word byte 1 See the following table for a description of 
error types. 9 Error word byte 2 See the following table for a description of 
error types. 10 CRC Cyclical redundancy check 11 ETX End of 
Example (with and without sequence numbers): 
[STX] 09 00 5a c0 09 03 00 00 a9 [ETX] 
[STX] 09 00 00 c0 09 01 c0 02 99 [ETX] 
Table 3.11: Description of error type field content for error word byte 1 and 2 
Error type field content Description 0x00 - Non-existent command A message was received that was not defined in 
the LAS to 
processing module interface specification. This could be a message with a message ID that is not defined. Error 
word byte 1 - First byte of message ID of non-existent command. Error word byte 2 - Second byte of message ID of 
non- existent command. 0x01 - Command violates the logical order of operations 
Section 3-18 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
2014-10-24 A message was not received in the order that is defined in the LAS interface specification. This message 
is sent under the following conditions: 
• A second SAMPLE IN POSITION message sent before the processing module sends a SAMPLING COMPLETE 
message for the first SAMPLE IN POSITION message. 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
Error type field content Description 
NOTE: For ARCHITECT Systems running software versions prior to 8.00, when the ILLEGAL COMMAND 
RECEIVED message is received for an illegal SAMPLE IN POSITION message, the LAS must send the 
REINITIALIZE COMMUNICATIONS (recovery type 0x03) message to stop the processing module and to prevent 
the misassociation of patient sample IDs. For ARCHITECT Systems running software version 8.00 or higher, this 
scenario is detected by the ARCHITECT software and the orders are automatically sent to exception. 
Example: [STX] 09 00 00 c0 09 01 c0 04 9f [ETX] 
• A second SAMPLE IN STAT POSITION message sent before the processing module sends a STAT SAMPLING 
COMPLETE message for the first SAMPLE IN STAT POSITION message. 
NOTE: For ARCHITECT Systems running software versions prior to 8.00, when the ILLEGAL COMMAND 
RECEIVED message is received for an illegal SAMPLE IN STAT POSITION message, the LAS must send the 
REINITIALIZE COMMUNICATIONS (recovery type 0x03) message to stop the processing module and to prevent 
the misassociation of patient sample IDs. For ARCHITECT Systems running software version 8.00 or higher, this 
scenario is detected by the ARCHITECT software and the orders are automatically sent to exception. 
Example: [STX] 09 00 00 c0 09 01 c0 08 93 [ETX] 
• Incorrect LAS responses to the initialization sequence. The LAS must follow the initialization sequence. For more 
information, see Interface initialization sequence, page 3-9. Error word byte 1 - First byte of message ID of illegal 
command. Error word byte 2 - Second byte of message ID of illegal command. 0x02 - Sequence number error was 
detected The processing module shall issue this error if the use of 
sequence numbers was enabled during initialization by the LAS and the processing module receives a message with 
a sequence number that does not match the expected sequence number. When the ILLEGAL COMMAND 
RECEIVED message is received, the LAS must send the REINITIALIZE COMMUNICATIONS (recovery type 
0x00) message. Error word byte 1 - Sequence number expected. Error word byte 2 - Sequence number received. 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-19 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Messages Section 3 
Error type field content Description 0x03 - Invalid data in the message A data field from the previous message 
unexpected or invalid data. Example: [STX] 09 00 00 c0 09 03 00 00 7b [ETX] Error word byte 1 and 2 - 0x00 0x04 
- Unexpected virtual routing message received A virtual routing message was received from the LAS and 
processing module Pipettor Bypass is disabled. Error word byte 1 - First byte of message ID of illegal command. 
Error word byte 2 - Second byte of message ID of illegal command. 

Processing module status 

This message is used by the processing module to convey its status to the LAS. The processing module 
sends this message after receiving a QUERY PROCESSING MODULE STATUS message, after the 
processing module completes the initialization sequence, or after REINITIALIZATION 
COMMUNICATIONS (recovery type 0x01) is processed. 
Table 3.12: Description of processing module status fields 
Byte Field Description Field Content 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 Message Length 0x07 3 Message Type 0x00 4 
Sequence number 0x00 or next sequence number 5, 6 Message ID 0xC007 7 Processing module status 0x00 - 
Processing module is ready to 
sample 0x01 - Processing module is busy performing an external sample at the routine LAS position 0x02 - 
Processing module is busy performing an internal sample (i2000 only) 0x03 - Processing module is busy performing 
an external sample at the STAT LAS position (i2000 
only) 0x04 - Processing module has a fatal error 0x05 - Processing module is not available 
0x06 - Processing module is busy performing an external sample at the primary and secondary positions (i2000 
SR only) See the following table for a description of processing module 
status types. 
Section 3-20 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
Byte Field Description Field Content 8 CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check 9 ETX End of Transmission 
Example (with and without sequence numbers): 
[STX] 07 00 5d c0 07 00 32 [ETX] 
[STX] 07 00 00 c0 07 00 99 [ETX] 
The following table describes the processing module status type field content. 
Table 3.13: Description of processing module status types 
Processing module status field content Description 0x00 - Processing module is ready to sample This status is sent 
when the processing module is in the 
Running state and no samples are present at the LAS aspiration points. The c System processing modules return this 
status even if samples are running on the internal sample carousel. Samples on the internal sample carousel are 
processed first. 0x01 - Processing module is busy performing an external sample at the routine LAS position 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
This status is sent when the processing module is processing an external sample on the LAS. The LAS must wait for 
a SAMPLING COMPLETE message to be sent by the processing module before presenting any new samples to the 
processing module. For the i2000 
, this message is sent when the processing module is currently aspirating a sample at the routine position and the 
STAT position is available. 0x02 - Processing module is busy performing an internal sample (i2000 only) 
This status is sent when the processing module is processing an internal sample on the processing module. These 
samples are processed before LAS presents samples. The QUERY PROCESSING MODULE STATUS message 
should be sent until the processing module status returns to "Processing module is ready to sample" (0x00). 0x03 - 
Processing module is busy performing an external sample at the STAT LAS position (i2000 
SR only) 
This status is sent when the processing module is processing an external sample at the STAT position on the LAS. 
The LAS must wait for a STAT SAMPLING COMPLETE message to be sent by the processing module before 
presenting any new samples to the processing module. For the i2000 
, this message is sent when the processing module is currently aspirating a sample at the STAT position and the 
routine position is available. 0x04 - Processing module has a fatal error This status is sent when the processing 
module status is offline or a probe failure occurred that may have left the probe within the sample tube during 
aspiration of a previous sample. The QUERY PROCESSING MODULE STATUS message should be sent until the 
processing module status returns to "Processing module is ready to sample" (0x00). 
Section 3-21 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Messages Section 3 
Processing module status field content Description 
CAUTION: Do not move the sample until the QUERY PROCESSING MODULE STATUS message returns to 
"Processing module is ready to sample" (0x00). The processing module recovery for this condition involves state 
transitions that will cause the processing module to return a PROCESSING MODULE STATUS of "Processing 
module is not available" (0x05) before the probe is removed from the sample. 
0x05 - Processing module is not available This status is sent when the processing module is not in the 
Running state and is not experiencing a condition represented by a status code 0x04. The QUERY PROCESSING 
MODULE STATUS message should be sent until the processing module status returns to "Processing module is 
ready to sample" (0x00). During this time the LAS should not route samples to this processing module. 0x06 - 
Processing module is busy performing an 
This status is sent when the processing module is processing 
external sample at the primary and secondary 
an external sample on the LAS at both the routine and STAT 
positions (i2000 
LAS positions. The LAS must wait for a SAMPLING COMPLETE or STAT SAMPLING COMPLETE message to 
be sent by the processing module before presenting any new samples to the processing module. 

Sampling complete 
This message is used by the processing module to indicate to the LAS that processing of the sample at the 
aspiration point (Routine aspiration point for i2000 

) is complete. This message serves as a way to hand over control of the sample to the LAS and 
communicate the sample status. A status of 0x00 indicates that sampling completed successfully. All 
other status codes indicate that there was a problem sampling and that operator intervention may be 
Table 3.14: Description of sampling complete fields 
Byte Field Description Field Content 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 Message Length 3 Message Type 0x00 - 
Physical Routing 
0x03 - Virtual Routing 4 Sequence number 0x00 or next sequence 
number 5, 6 Message ID 0xC005 7 Completion status 0x00 - Successful completion 
0x01 - No test is ordered for the SID 0x02 - Consumable error 0x03 - Complete with errors 
Section 3-22 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
Byte Field Description Field Content 
0x04 - Manual (internal) sample has priority (i2000 only) 0x05 - Reagent allocation error 0x06 - Not used 0x07 - 
Processing module is not available 0x08 - Aspiration failed in the sample (do not move the sample, see the caution 
described in the following table) See the following table for a description of the completion status types. 8 Sample 
ID length 
20 9 through N Sample ID Maximum of 20 characters N 
+ 1 CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check N + 2 ETX End of Transmission 
Example (with and without sequence numbers): 
[STX] 11 00 02 c0 05 00 09 50 41 54 49 45 4e 54 31 33 74 [ETX] 
[STX] 0b 00 00 c0 05 00 03 31 30 31 8a [ETX] 
The following table describes the completion status type field content. 
Table 3.15: Description of completion status types 
Completion status type field content Description 0x00 - Successful completion Message type 0x00 - The processing 
module has 
successfully completed aspiration of the sample. Message type 0x03 - The processing module has successfully 
bypassed the routine sampling position. 0x01 - No test is ordered for the SID If a sample is presented for testing by 
the LAS and the 
system finds no corresponding orders for the sample, the sample is not aspirated. 0x02 - Consumable error Sample 
processing could not be completed due to an 
insufficient consumable. The LAS should not route samples to this processing module until it returns to "Processing 
module is ready to sample" (0x00). 0x03 - Complete with errors Sample processing could not be completed due to a 
integrity error. 0x04 - Manual (internal) sample has priority 
(i2000 only) 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
The processing module is currently processing internal tests. The LAS should not route samples to this processing 
module until it returns to "Processing module is ready to sample" (0x00). 0x05 - Reagent allocation error Sample 
processing could not be completed due to an 
insufficient reagent. 0x06 - Not used This status is not used. 
Section 3-23 
1 and 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Messages Section 3 
Completion status type field content Description 0x07 - Processing module is not available The processing module 
is not in the Running state and 
cannot currently process samples. The LAS should not route samples to this processing module until it returns to 
"Processing module is ready to sample" (0x00). 0x08 - Aspiration failed in the sample During a sample aspiration, a 
probe failure occurred that 
could potentially leave the probe within the sample container. 
CAUTION: Do not move the sample until the QUERY PROCESSING MODULE STATUS message returns to 
"Processing module is ready to sample" (0x00). The processing module recovery for this condition involves state 
transitions that will cause the processing module to return a PROCESSING MODULE STATUS of "Processing 
module is not available" (0x05) before the probe is removed from the sample. 

STAT sampling complete (i2000 


This message is used by the processing module to indicate to the LAS that processing of the sample at the 
STAT aspiration point is complete. This message serves as a way to hand over control of the sample to 
the LAS and communicate the sample status. A status of 0x00 indicates that sampling completed 
successfully. All other status codes indicate that there was a problem sampling and that operator 
intervention may be required. 
Table 3.16: Description of STAT sampling complete fields 
Byte Field Description Field Content 1 STX Start of Transmission 2 Message Length 3 Message Type 0x00 - 
Physical Routing 
0x03 - Virtual Routing 4 Sequence number 0x00 or next sequence 
number 5, 6 Message ID 0xC00B 7 Completion status 0x00 - Successful completion 
0x01 - No test is ordered for the SID 0x02 - Consumable error 0x03 - Complete with errors 0x04 - Not used 0x05 - 
Reagent allocation error 0x06 - Not used 0x07 - Processing module is not available 0x08 - Aspiration failed in the 
sample (do not move the sample, see the caution described in the following table) 
Section 3-24 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
Byte Field Description Field Content 
See the following table for a description of the completion status types. 8 Sample ID length 
20 9 through N Sample ID Maximum of 20 characters N 
+ 1 CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check N + 2 ETX End of Transmission 
Example (with and without sequence numbers): 
[STX] 0d 00 23 c0 0b 00 05 31 32 33 34 35 30 [ETX] 
[STX] 10 00 00 c0 0b 00 08 39 31 33 31 30 35 30 33 c7 [ETX] 
The following table describes the completion status type field content. 
Table 3.17: Description of completion status types 
Completion status type field content Description 0x00 - Successful completion Message type 0x00 - The processing 
module has 
successfully completed aspiration of the sample. Message type 0x03 - The processing module has successfully 
bypassed the STAT sampling position. 0x01 - No test is ordered for the SID If a sample is presented for testing by 
the LAS and the 
system finds no corresponding orders for the sample, the sample is not aspirated. 0x02 - Consumable error Sample 
processing could not be completed due to an 
insufficient consumable. The LAS should not route samples to this processing module until it returns to "Processing 
module is ready to sample" (0x00). 0x03 - Complete with errors Sample processing could not be completed due to a 
integrity error. 0x04 - Not used This status is not used. 0x05 - 
Reagent allocation error Sample processing could not be completed due to an 
insufficient reagent. 0x06 - Not used This status is not used. 
0x07 - Processing module is not available The processing module is not in the Running state and 
cannot currently process samples. The LAS should not route samples to this processing module until it returns to 
"Processing module is ready to sample" (0x00). 0x08 - Aspiration failed in the sample During a sample aspiration, a 
probe failure occurred that 
could potentially leave the probe within the sample container. 
CAUTION: Do not move the sample until the QUERY PROCESSING MODULE STATUS message returns to 
"Processing module is ready to sample" (0x00). The processing module recovery for this condition involves state 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-25 
1 and 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification Messages Section 3 
Completion status type field content Description 
transitions that will cause the processing module to return a PROCESSING MODULE STATUS of "Processing 
module is not available" (0x05) before the probe is removed from the sample. 
Section 3-26 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
The following topics include diagrams of LAS/processing module messaging for these procedures: 
• Establishing communication, page 3-27 
• Running samples, page 3-28 
• LAS sample startup interrupted by sample on the i 2000 processing module sample carousel, page 3-31 
• LAS sample startup interrupted by sample on the c System processing module sample carousel, page 
• Using sequence numbers, page 3-33 
• Running samples with Pipettor bypass enabled, page 3-36 
• Error scenario 1 - Double sample in position, page 3-37 
• Error scenario 2 - Probe failure in tube, page 3-39 
• Error scenario 3 - Failure of sample to remain at aspiration point until processing module completes 
sampling, page 3-40 
• Error scenario 4 - Using virtual messaging with Pipettor bypass disabled, page 3-41 

Establishing communication 
The following diagrams show the interface initialization for establishing communication. For more 
information on establishing communication, see Interface initialization sequence, page 3-9. 
Figure 3.1: Interface initialization sequence (LAS does not respond to READY within the initialization 
configured timeout) 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-27 
Figure 3.2: Interface initialization sequence (Processing module does not respond to double ACK from 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
Section 3 

Running samples 
The following diagrams show the interaction when running samples on the different processing modules. 
For more information on running samples from the LAS, see Communications overview, page 3-3. 
Section 3-28 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Figure 3.3: Running samples on a c System or i2000 processing module 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-29 
Figure 3.4: Running samples on an i2000 

ARCHITECT standard interface specification LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 

Section 3 
processing module 
Section 3-30 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
LAS sample startup interrupted by sample on the i 2000 processing 
module sample carousel 
When a sample arrives at the LAS aspiration point while there is a sample being processed on the i2000 
sample carousel, the processing module sends a SAMPLING COMPLETE (completion status 0x04) 
message communicating to the LAS that the sample on the LAS will not be aspirated at that time. The 
processing module also responds to QUERY PROCESSING MODULE STATUS messages with 
PROCESSING MODULE STATUS (status 0x02) messages while samples are running on the sample 
Figure 3.5: LAS sample startup interrupted by sample on i2000 sample carousel 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-31 
LAS sample startup interrupted by sample on the c System 
processing module sample carousel 
When a sample arrives at the LAS aspiration point while there is a sample being processed on the c 
System sample carousel, the processing module continues processing all samples on the sample carousel 
before processing any sample from the LAS. Prior to the LAS sending a SAMPLE IN POSITION 
message to the processing module, the processing module responds to a QUERY PROCESSING 
MODULE STATUS message with a PROCESSING MODULE STATUS (status 0x00) message, while 
samples are being processed on the sample carousel. After the LAS sends the SAMPLE IN POSITION 
message, the processing module responds to a QUERY PROCESSING MODULE STATUS message 
with a PROCESSING MODULE STATUS (status 0x01) message for the sample that is at the LAS 
aspiration point. 
Figure 3.6: LAS sample startup interrupted by sample on the c System carousel 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
Section 3 
Section 3-32 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Using sequence numbers 
The following diagrams show the use of sequence numbers in certain scenarios. For more information on 
using sequence numbers, see Sequence numbers, page 3-7. 
Figure 3.7: LAS reset sequence numbers 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-33 
Figure 3.8: LAS reinitializes communications (recovery type 0x01) sequence numbers 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
Section 3 
Section 3-34 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Figure 3.9: Normal run using sequence numbers 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-35 
Running samples with Pipettor bypass enabled 
The following diagrams show the interaction when running samples with Pipettor bypass enabled on the 

processing modules. 
Figure 3.10: Virtual Message - STAT Bypass 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
Section 3 
Section 3-36 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Figure 3.11: Virtual Message - Routine Bypass 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 

Error scenario 1 - Double sample in position 

The LAS must not move the sample or send additional SAMPLE IN POSITION messages to the 
processing module before a SAMPLING COMPLETE message is sent from the processing module for a 
sample that has already been placed at the aspiration point. 
For ARCHITECT Systems running software versions prior to 8.00, when the ILLEGAL COMMAND 
RECEIVED message is received for Command violates logical order of operations (error type 0x01) with 
the message ID of the message that was received out of order (0xC005 or 0xC00B), the LAS must 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-37 
send the REINITIALIZE COMMUNICATIONS (recovery type 0x03) message to stop the processing 
module and to prevent the misassociation of patient IDs. 
For ARCHITECT Systems running software version 8.00 or higher, this scenario is detected by the 
ARCHITECT software and the orders are automatically sent to exception. 
This also applies for the SAMPLE IN STAT POSITION and STAT SAMPLING COMPLETE messages 
for the i2000 

processing module. 
For more information, see Communications overview, page 3-3, Sample in position, page 3-13, and 
Illegal command received, page 3-17. 
Figure 3.12: LAS sends two SAMPLE IN POSITION messages without waiting for the SAMPLING 
COMPLETE message to be returned for the first sample (ARCHITECT software versions prior to 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
Section 3 
Section 3-38 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Figure  3.13:  LAS  sends  two  SAMPLE  IN  POSITION  messages  without  waiting  for  the  SAMPLING 
COMPLETE  message  to  be  returned  for  the  first  sample  (ARCHITECT  software  versions  8.00  and 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 

Error scenario 2 - Probe failure in tube 

If the processing module sends a SAMPLING COMPLETE or STAT SAMPLING COMPLETE 
(completion status 0x08) message, the LAS must not move the sample. The completion status 0x08 
indicates that the probe failed in the sample and moving the sample could damage the probe or spill the 
sample. The LAS should continue to send QUERY PROCESSING MODULE STATUS messages until 
the processing module returns a PROCESSING MODULE STATUS of "Processing module is ready to 
sample" (0x00) message. The processing module recovery for this condition involves state transitions that 
cause the processing module to return a PROCESSING MODULE STATUS of "Processing module is not 
available" (0x05) before the probe is removed from the sample. 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-39 
Figure 3.14: Aspiration fails on the processing module, leaving the probe in the sample tube 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
Section 3 

Error scenario 3 - Failure of sample to remain at aspiration point 

until processing module completes sampling 
The LAS is responsible for ensuring the sample at the aspiration position is held in place until the 
processing module returns a sampling complete message (0xC005 and 0xC00B). The LAS must detect 
any condition whereby the sample is moved prior to receiving this message and an incorrect sample is 
presented for sample aspiration. When this failure is detected by the LAS, results from the first and 
subsequent impacted samples must be suppressed (see Risk mitigation, page 5-1). One method of 
suppressing results is by stopping the processing module by sending the REINITIALZE 
COMMUNICATIONS (recovery 0x03). 
Section 3-40 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Figure 3.15: Failure of sample to remain at aspiration point until processing module completes 
ARCHITECT standard interface 
specification Section 3 
LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 

Error scenario 4 - Using virtual messaging with Pipettor bypass 

The following diagram shows the interaction when the LAS sends virtual messages with Pipettor bypass 
disabled on the i2000 

processing modules. 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 3-41 
Figure 3.16: Virtual Message - Option Not Enabled 
ARCHITECT standard interface specification LAS/processing module interaction diagrams 
Section 3 
Section 3-42 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
Section 4 Processing module/LAS/LIS configurations Introduction 
There are two general Processing module/LAS/LIS configurations. 
Configuration type 1 does not have the order/result information pass through the LAS. In this 
configuration, the LIS/Middleware is responsible for handling sample query/order/result information for 
all connected processing modules. The LAS is responsible for positioning samples to those processing 
modules connected to the LAS. 
Configuration type 2 has the order and result information pass through the LAS. In this configuration the 
LAS serves as the Host connection to the processing module and the LAS must comply with the 
processing module's host specification. This communication is outside the scope of this manual. Refer to 
the Abbott ARCHITECT RS-232 Standard Interface Manual or the ARCHITECT System HL7 Interface 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 4-1 
Processing module/LAS/LIS configurations Introduction Section 4 
Section 4-2 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 5 Risk mitigation Introduction 
The LAS vendor assumes responsibility to mitigate risks associated with the integration of the 
ARCHITECT processing module onto the LAS. The list of potential hazards below must be considered in 
the design of the LAS interface to the ARCHITECT processing module. This list is not all inclusive since 
hazards will vary by LAS design. The LAS vendor must evaluate their LAS interface to identify 
additional potential hazards (patient safety, operator safety, and impact to the environment). These 
hazards must be eliminated or controlled through system design and/or customer labeling. Risks that are 
strictly controlled within the ARCHITECT System are not shown. 
Hazard Impact Mitigation ARCHITECT stops with sample probe inside sample 
Spilled sample When the ARCHITECT System sends a SAMPLING COMPLETE / STAT SAMPLING 
COMPLETE status 0x08 message, do not move the sample. For more information, see Sampling complete, page 
3-22 and STAT sampling complete (i2000 
only), page 3-24. 
Misalignment of LAS with ARCHITECT sampling location 
Incorrect sample aspiration 
Comply with mechanical specifications for sample tube alignment. For more information, see Mechanical interface, 
page 2-9 and Physical requirements, page 2-15. Damage to sample probe or sample container 
Use only sample containers acceptable for the ARCHITECT System. For more information, see Physical 
requirements, page 2-15 or refer to the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual. Communication failure between 
Delay in processing samples 
LAS must detect communications errors and notify the operator. LAS hardware design interferes with the 
ARCHITECT System LLS (liquid level sensing) 
Delay in processing samples 
Comply with mechanical specifications to ensure proper LLS performance. For more information. see Mechanical 
interface, page 2-9. Sample to sample carryover due to sample probe diving into samples. 
Verify ARCHITECT LLS performance when integrated to LAS. 
LAS generates electromagnetic interference which impacts the ARCHITECT System performance. 
Incorrect patient results Comply with agency specifications. For more information, see Safety provisions, page 2-8. 
Do not connect the LAS system electrical ground to the ARCHITECT System ground. If the LAS will be physically 
connected to the ARCHITECT System, insulators to prevent electrical connection between the LAS and the 
messages before receiving SAMPLING COMPLETE / STAT SAMPLE 
Incorrect patient results due to a sample misassociation. 
The LAS is responsible for ensuring the sample at the aspiration position is held in place until the processing module 
returns a sampling complete message. The LAS must detect any condition whereby the sample is moved prior to 
receiving this message and an incorrect sample is presented for 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Section 5-1 
Risk mitigation Introduction Section 5 
Hazard Impact Mitigation COMPLETE message for the first sample. 
Section 5-2 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 
2014-10-24 aspiration. For more information, see Communications overview, page 3-3, Sample in position, page 
3-13, and Illegal command received, page 3-17. If the processing module/LAS/LIS configuration is type 1, then the 
LAS must send a REINITIALIZE COMMUNICATIONS 0x03 to stop the processing module. For more 
information, see Processing module/LAS/LIS configurations, page 4-1. For ARCHITECT Systems running software 
versions prior to 8.00, when the ILLEGAL COMMAND RECEIVED message is received for Command violates 
logical order of operations (error type 0x01) with the message ID of the message that was received out of order 
(0xC005 or 0xC00B), the LAS must send the REINITIALIZE COMMUNICATIONS (recovery type 0x03) message 
to stop the processing module and to prevent the misassociation of patient IDs. For ARCHITECT Systems running 
software version 8.00 or higher, this scenario is detected by the ARCHITECT software and the orders are 
automatically sent to exception. If the processing module/LAS/LIS configuration is type 2, the LAS must suppress 
the impacted results. For more information, see Processing module/LAS/LIS configurations, page 4-1. Sample to 
sample carryover due to sample probe diving in to samples (c System only). 
The impacted samples must be discarded and the sample probe must be replaced and calibrated before proceeding. 
LAS failure leads to multiple samples transitioning through the aspiration position while the processing module is 
performing an aspiration for a single SID 
Incorrect patient results due to sample misassociation 
The LAS is responsible for ensuring the sample at the aspiration position is held in place until the processing module 
returns a sampling complete message. The LAS must detect any condition whereby the sample is moved prior to 
receiving this message and an incorrect sample is presented for sample aspiration. The LAS must provide a robust 
mechanical interface to prevent the unintentional release of sample tubes at the aspiration position. Sample to 
sample carryover due to sample probe diving in to samples (c System only). 
The impacted samples must be discarded and the sample probe must be replaced and calibrated before proceeding. 
LAS misreads sample bar code Incorrect patient results 
due to sample misassociation 
Use of bar code symbology with check digits is recommended. Configure the bar code reader safety parameters to 
require multiple bar code reads. 
mitigation Section 5 
Hazard Impact Mitigation 
Design the LAS to only allow one sample in the view of the bar code reader. Positive identification failures 
Incorrect patient results 
due to sample misassociation 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
The LAS is responsible for ensuring sample positive identification. 
LAS interface allows light to leak in to processing module (i System only) 
Incorrect results The LAS must limit the amount of light entering the 
processing module. Contact Abbott Laboratories for additional details. Ergonomics Operator injury, for 
example, injury could occur from LAS track interface requiring excessive operator reach while using or performing 
maintenance on the processing module. 
LAS vendors are responsible to ensure proper ergonomic design. Reference Human factors engineering - Design of 
medical devices (ANSI/ AAMI HE75). 
Operator entanglement Operator injury The LAS must prevent operator entanglement. For 
more information, see Sample pipettor safety guard, page 2-9. Capped tube presented to the processing module. 
Delay in patient results. Damage to the sample probe or sample container. 
Ensure that only uncapped tubes are presented to the processing module. 
Uncentrifuged tube presented to the processing module 
Incorrect patient results Ensure that only uncapped centrifuged tubes are 
presented to the processing module. Follow the reagent manufacturer's assay-specific documentation for specimen 
preparation. Sample contamination (for example sample to sample contamination or debris) 
Incorrect patient results The LAS must ensure the sample integrity 
throughout the LAS processing. 
ARCHITECT subsystem failure Delay in processing 
Query processing module status prior to presenting samples. For more information, see Query processing module 
status, page 3-12. ARCHITECT depletes consumables 
Delay in processing samples 
Query processing module status prior to presenting samples. For more information, see Query processing module 
status, page 3-12. Operator exposure to sample probe 
Operator injury Ensure the LAS covers prevent operator access to 
the sample probe. LAS sends virtual messages for 
pipettor with orders for that pipettor 
Delay in processing samples 
The LAS must have knowledge of orders on samples and be able to determine the difference between STAT and 
routine assays. 
Section 5-3 
Risk mitigation Introduction Section 5 
Section 5-4 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Exceptions Test orders that fail to complete. 
Field A subdivision of a record containing one specific piece of information such as an 
Host An auxiliary computer system that can communicate with the ARCHITECT System. 
LAS Laboratory Automated System; an automated transport system that routes laboratory 
samples to laboratory instrumentation with minimal operator intervention. 
LAS-to-module clearance 
Space that exists between the Point of Reference for the LAS and the ARCHITECT System. 
LAS-to-tube stop calibration 
Information from the LAS to the ARCHITECT System to aid in tube-to- probe calibration. 
Misassociation Assigning results from one patient to another. 
Pipettor Bypass A feature for the i2000 
processing module that when enabled allows for Virtual Routing. 
POR Point of Reference; LAS position located approximately 868 mm (34 in) from the lab 
RSH Retest Sample Handler 
SCC System control center computer workstation that provides a centralized interface by 
which the operator can control one or more processing modules. 
System software Software that controls operation of the ARCHITECT System. 
UI User interface. 
Virtual Routing Allows the LAS to communicate to the i2000 
processing module that a tube will not be delivered to one of the 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Glossary-2 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Revision History 

Revision History 
Document control numbers 
Revision date Content revised 
90937-101 February 2001 Original issue 90937-102 March 2001 All sections 90937-103 November 2006 • Added c 
System LAS requirements and 
standard interface specifications. 
• Added i2000 
LAS requirements. 
• Updated i System standard interface specifications to include i2000 
SR information. 90937-104 December 2008 • Corrected processing module references 
in Figure 3.2 from i2000 to c System. 
• Corrected 0x05 field description in Table 3.12. 
• Added safety provision description for incorrect sample aspiration and remediation of the failure. 90937-105 
2014-10-24 • Edited the content to remove duplicate content that is common for processing modules. 
• Updated incorrect messaging information. 
• Updated module drawings. 
• Combined module interface sections into one common interface section. 
• Clarified language in sequence numbers section. 
• Added descriptions for message fields. 
• Updated and added new sequence diagrams. 
• Removed Troubleshooting section. 
• Removed ARCHITECT simulator section. 
• Added Risk mitigation section. 
• Added description for the new Pipettor Bypass feature. 
ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 2014-10-24 
Revision History-1 
Revision History Revision History 
Revision History-2 ARCHITECT System Laboratory Automation System Standard Interface Manual (PN 90937-105) 

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