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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197

DOI 10.1007/s00170-014-6409-z


Forming forces in incremental forming of a geometry with corner

feature: investigation into the effect of forming parameters using
response surface approach
Khalid A. Al-Ghamdi & G. Hussain

Received: 23 January 2014 / Accepted: 17 September 2014 / Published online: 10 October 2014
# Springer-Verlag London 2014

Abstract Single-point incremental forming (SPIF) is an parameters simultaneously minimizing the force and
emerging sheet forming process. The force-parameter corre- preventing the fabrication problems.
lation is yet not well clear in this process, specifically for
geometries with corners. In the present study, a new level of Keywords Incremental forming . Force . Parameter .
understanding on the parameter-force relationship is present- Response surface . Model . Fabrication defects
ed. A simple shape with corners (i.e., frustum of pyramid
containing corners and oblique wall) is opted as the test Abbreviations
geometry. Following the response surface method, a design to Sheet thickness
of experiments (DoE) comprising of 47 runs obtained by d Tool diameter
varying five forming parameters namely sheet thickness, tool θ Wall angle
diameter, wall angle, step size, and flow stress is performed. p Step size
The analysis of the results reveals that the parameter-force σ Flow stress
relation in SPIF is complex and interactive, explaining that the σ* Ultimate tensile strength
effect of variation in a parameter on the force magnitude is f Feed rate
closely associated with the value and the type of the other ω Rotational speed
parameters employed for forming. From the analysis of the n Hardening exponent
forces involved in forming the pyramid, it is found that the K Strength coefficient
corner requires more force than does the wall. Further, the ε Tensile strain at fracture
normal force (i.e., force along normal to sheet plane) is greater Fw Resultant of force components involved in forming an
than the in-plane force. The use of very small tools, especially oblique wall of a pyramid
low d/to where d is the tool diameter and to is the sheet Fc Resultant of force components involved in forming a
thickness, is observed to cause fabrication defects leading to corner of a pyramid
substantial rise in the magnitude of forming force thus endan- Fsd Resultant force involved in stepping down the sheet
gering the machine tool. Finally, a set of force models is Fxy Resultant of force components acting in the sheet plane
proposed using which one can predict a set of forming Fz Force component normal to the sheet plane

K. A. Al-Ghamdi
Department of Industrial Engineering, King Abdulaziz University,
Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1 Introduction

G. Hussain (*) Incremental sheet forming is believed to be an economical

Mechanical Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean alternative of press forming for low batch production. In fact,
University, TRNC, Via Mersin-10, Turkey metal shaping in the incremental processes mainly relies on
the path of forming tool, contrary to the die and punch in press
G. Hussain forming operations [1, 2]. This feature leads to a reduction or
e-mail: sometimes elimination of male/female dies, thus lowering the
2186 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197

initial investment needs to be spent in order to realize a Duflou et al. [21] employing a conical test geometry,
product. The incremental forming can be classified into two depicted as an inset in Fig. 1b, performed a series of experi-
types of processes namely conventional and modern [3]. The ments in order to investigate the influence of forming param-
conventional processes include metal spinning and flow eters, namely tool diameter (d), sheet thickness (to), step size
forming, and the modern ones comprise of single-point and (p), and wall angle (θ) as defined in Fig. 1, on the forming
two-point incremental forming. The application of the con- force. Based on the obtained findings, they reported that the
ventional incremental forming techniques, such as metal spin- force increases with the increase in all of these parameters.
ning and flow forming, is limited to the rotational shapes (e.g., Extending work on the forces, Aerens et al. [22] employing
cones and cylinders). The new methods like single-point and cone geometry and considering each parameter separately
two-point incremental forming, however, are more flexible in developed a set of linear empirical models to describe the
part shape [3]. parameter-force relationship in SPIF. Then by averaging the
Amongst several incremental forming processes, the lat- coefficients and exponents of linear relations and incorporat-
est one called single-point incremental forming (SPIF) of- ing the FE-based information on the contact band, they de-
fers the highest flexibility due to a fact that it employs low- duced an analytical formula to predict the forming force. The
cost tooling [4]. As shown in Fig. 1, a clamping rig to hold formula was reported to work well with some exceptions.
and a simple spherical end tool to deform the blank are the The above-cited studies have made significant contribution
main accessories of the process. The forming tool is guided in advancing knowledge on the SPIF forces. However, there
through a predefined series of loops called trajectory. The are some aspects that yet need to be addressed to further
tool following the trajectory progressively deforms the improve understanding on the forces involved in SPIF. A
sheet in a set of incremental steps [5]. In addition to de- sharp curved feature (say corner), which is part and parcel of
creasing product cost, the process also offers high formabil- several engineering products, in a component (say pyramid) is
ity in comparison to conventional pressing [6–9]. Owing to believed to have higher geometric stiffness than a planar
these promising aspects, the process is gaining increasing feature (say oblique wall as indicated in Fig. 1b) [23]. Due
popularity in the automotive and biomedical sectors [10, to this reason, during forming, the former feature may require
11]. Recently, many innovative ideas, such as high speed more force than does the latter one. Further, very small tools
incremental forming, and use of electric heating and elastic have been reported to cut the sheet surface [24, 25]. Such a
support have been introduced to improve the performance forming condition could raise the force needed to process the
of the SPIF process [12–14]. The implementation of these material. Know-how on the combined effects of parameters is
proposals on industrial scale will widen the applications of also necessary in order to thoroughly understand the
the process. parameter-force correlation and to select an optimum set of
The knowledge on the forces involved in a manufacturing forming conditions minimizing the forming force.
process is important not only to design but also to preserve In the previous studies [21, 22], it has been shown that the
relevant tooling and machine tool. In SPIF, most of the pub- normal force component Fz in SPIF is greater than either of
lished work deals with the formability and accuracy. Only a the in-plane force components Fx and Fy, defined in Fig. 1b.
little amount of efforts have been devoted to gain knowledge However, by which factor and if this factor is influenced by
on the SPIF forces, a brief account of which is given as the choice of the forming parameters, knowledge related to
follows. Iseki [15], assuming a plane-strain deformation mod- these important points has not been documented in the litera-
el, proposed a formula to predict the forming forces. The ture. These data are important for the machine tool designers
applicability of this formula, however, is limited by the as- in order to set the structural stiffness among various compo-
sumed contact area and deformation model. Silva et al. [16] nents of spindle and machine axes. The significance of gath-
performed a comprehensive membrane analysis to estimate ering information on the relative magnitude of force compo-
the stresses and strains in the contact zone of the forming tool. nents is further increased when the forming equipment is not
The results were not extended to the evaluation of forces, stiff such as a robot where even a little excess in the force can
however. Bagudanch et al. [17] conducted a force study cause deflection of the arm during forming consequently
showing that the magnitude of forming force varies with a inducing deviation from the defined tool path. These devia-
variation in the bending condition. They also found that the tions in turn could affect the profile accuracy and forming
force reduces as the spindle speed increases. Ambrogio et al. limits of the process.
[18] suggested that the force gradient can be used as a failure In the present study, the above discussed points are ad-
precursor in SPIF. Henrard et al. [19] and Arfa et al. [20] dressed systematically. During the entire course of investiga-
performed a number of numerical and experimental investi- tions, the commercial aluminum sheet (AA1060) being exten-
gations to conclude that the finite element analysis can be sively used in the structural applications is employed as the
employed as a tool to predict the SPIF forces with an accept- experimental material. In order to quantify the force required
able accuracy. to form a sharp curved feature, a shape with corners (i.e.,
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197 2187

Fig. 1 a Forming equipment and (a) (b)

b SPIF terminology and test
geometry employed in the current Cone employed as test geometry
study: Inset shows cone geometry in Duflou et al. [21]
used in Duflou et al. [21]

Tool Tool


2 to

3 θ

frustum of pyramid) is opted as the test geometry. To investi- denoted as Fc and Fw in Fig. 2a. The resultant of each of these
gate the influence of using smaller tools causing sheet-surface two forces was determined summing the corresponding X, Y,
cutting, tool diameter is varied over a wide range especially and Z components using the following relation:
toward the low limit until the metal chips are observed. To
recognize the combined parametric effects on the forces in- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
volved in forming, the other parameters namely sheet thick- F¼ F x2 þ F y2 þ F z2; ð1Þ
ness (to), step size (p), wall angle (θ), and flow stress (σ)
besides the tool diameter (d) (see Fig. 1 for definitions) are
where Fx and Fy are the force components which act in the
also considered. The test plan is formulated using a design of
sheet plane and Fz is the force component that acts along the
experiments (DoE) approach based on a response surface
normal to the sheet plane. Each of these components was
method. As a result of this study, a new level of understanding
obtained by processing the force signals in two steps: (1)
on the parameter-force relationship is identified in SPIF.
windowing the respective force curve over the entire forming
path and (2) then averaging the force from all loops. For more
details on the procedure, a previous study [21] is referred.
2 Experiments According to the previous studies [19–22], five forming
parameters namely sheet thickness, tool diameter, step size,
For the sake of simplicity, a frustum of pyramid was employed wall angle, and material strength influence the SPIF forces.
as the test geometry (Fig. 1b). Using this geometry, in fact, it Therefore, all of these were included in the list of variables to
was possible to simultaneously determine the forces involved be examined. The spindle speed also affects the forming force;
in forming the curved and planar features, thus eliminating the however, it was set to zero for safety reason. Likewise, the
need of separate test for each feature. To know the force feed rate was also kept fixed as 2 m/min. In order to fix the
necessary to form a sharp curved feature, the corner radius range of parameters, preliminary tests were carried out. The
in the pyramid was set comparable to that in the tool, i.e., r/rc ≈ following standard parameters were employed: diameter=
1, where r and rc are the tool radius and corner radius, 13 mm, sheet thickness=2.6 mm, steps size=0.1 mm, and
respectively, as defined in the figure. The base length of the feed rate=2 m/min. To examine the effect of using smaller
pyramid was set fixed to 110 mm, and the depth was truncated tools on the forming force, the tool diameter was decreased
to 15 mm. The wall angle θ to be included as a predictor starting from an arbitrary value until significant surface cut-
variable in the test plan was varied from 20° to 55°, however. ting was observed, which achieved with a tool of 8 mm, so this
To perform experiments, a 3-axis CNC milling machine was value was set as the low limit of tool diameter. The high limit
employed as the forming equipment. The forming forces were was fixed as 20 mm as further increase in the tool size
measured using a table-type dynamometer (9265B). This dy- surpassed the force capacity of machine tool. The range of
namometer, when mounted under the forming rig as shown in sheet thickness (from 0.7 to 2.6 mm) was selected keeping in
Fig. 1a, can record forces in all of the three Cartesian directions view both the material availability and the machine tool ca-
(i.e., X, Y, and Z as presented in Fig. 2a), while the forming tool pacity. The low limit of step size was opted as 0.1 mm because
traces the given trajectory. Two forces were of most interest in very small step size was not feasible from the productivity and
respect of measurement, i.e., for the corner and the oblique wall cost view point of manufacturing. The high limit of step size
2188 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197

Fc: force involve at corners 1, 2, 3, 4
Fw: force involve at oblique walls A, B, C, D
Fsd: force involve in stepping down Step down
1 2 3 4 1

3 1

Oblique wall of pyramid



Fig. 2 a Force components in a representative loop of forming and b various fabrication defects observed during tests

was set to 0.8 mm as further increase in turn could lead to DoE approach was adopted. This approach employs statistical
increase in force endangering the machine tool. tools to design the test parameters. For the current study, a
The high limit of wall angle was kept as 55° in view of load statistical package called as Design-Expert Dx-8 was
capacity of machine; the low limit was set to 20° because employed to perform DoE. This package offers multiple de-
further reduction was observed to produce parts with round sign methods including factorial, Taguchi, and response sur-
bottom when forming was done using a large tool (say face. The full factorial design considering five factors with
20 mm) thus causing the part shape to deviate from the three levels of each factor requires 81 tests to be performed,
truncated pyramid geometry. In order to take into account thus requiring long testing time and high cost. The Taguchi
the influence of material strength and hardening effect on method on the contrary significantly reduces the number of
the forming force, average flow stress was considered. The runs. But, it ignores interactive effects of parameters [26]
flow stress was obtained by performing tension tests following which is one of the objectives of this study. Therefore, re-
the ASTM-E8 material testing standard and using the follow- sponse surface method that serves the said purpose at the
ing relation: expense of tests quantity somewhere in between the above
two methods was employed. Among various response surface
σ ¼ Kε =nþ1 ; ð2Þ methodologies, the central composite rotational design
where σ is the average flow stress, ε is the true tensile strain (CCRD) was opted because this option equally distributes
till fracture point, and n is the hardening exponent. The high the design points. The low and high settings of the predictor
limit of the flow stress (172 MPa) was predefined by the as- variables (i.e., forming parameters) were selected as men-
received condition of the material (i.e., cold rolled to H24). tioned earlier and given in Table 1, from which it can be seen
The low limit, however, was set to 101 MPa after fully that the range of parameters especially that of normalized
annealing the sheet-metal at 320 °C for 8 h. The material parameter d/to ( which determines surface cutting) was wider
was annealed at 285 °C also in order to obtain the intermediate in comparison to the studies of Duflou et al. and Henrard et al.
setting of flow stress for DoE plan. [20, 21]. In the preliminary tests, the dynamometer was ob-
After fixing the range of parameters, designing of test plan served to show a deviation of ±11 N in the force measurement.
is the next phase in the experimental studies. To do so, the Therefore, while preparing test plan, five replicates were
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197 2189

Table 1 The levels of forming parameters employed in the previous and Table 2 Test plan prepared following the face centered composite design
current studies. method

Parameter Duflou et al. [5] Aerens et al. [22] Current study Run to (mm) θ (deg) σ (MPa) d (mm) p (mm)

Low High Low High Low High 1 0.7 55 172 20 0.8

2 0.7 20 172 20 0.8
to (mm) 0.85 2 0.85 2 0.7 2.6 3 0.7 20 101 7 0.8
d (mm) 10 25 10 25 7 20 4 2.6 20 172 20 0.1
θ (deg) 20 60 20 70 20 55
5 2.6 55 101 20 0.8
p (mm) 0.25 1 0.25 1 0.1 0.8
6 1.65 37.5 137.5 13.5 0.45
σ (MPa) – – 50 185 – –
7 0.7 55 172 7 0.8
σ* (MPa) – – – – 101 172
8 0.7 55 101 20 0.8
d/to 5 20.8 5 20.8 2.7 28.5
9 2.6 20 172 7 0.1
f (mm/min) 2,000 2,000 2,000
10 0.7 20 172 7 0.8
ω (rev/min) Not given >0 0
11 2.6 20 172 7 0.8
Std. geometry Cone Cone Pyramid 12 0.7 37.5 137.5 13.5 0.45
Std. material AA3003O AA3003O AA1060 13 0.7 55 172 20 0.1
14 1.65 37.5 137.5 13.5 0.45
15 0.7 20 101 20 0.8
incorporated in order to account for the said deviation. Finally,
16 2.6 20 101 7 0.1
by varying each parameter over three levels, an experiment
17 0.7 55 172 7 0.1
plan comprising of 47 tests was prepared (Table 2).
18 2.6 55 101 7 0.8
In line with the objectives of the present study, the follow-
ing quantities were measured as the responses of the DoE: 19 0.7 55 101 7 0.1
20 2.6 55 172 7 0.8
& The force Fw involved in forming the oblique wall and the 21 1.65 55 137.5 13.5 0.45
force Fc involved in forming the corner of pyramid in 22 2.6 55 172 20 0.1
order to identify the interactive parameters effects and to 23 2.6 20 101 20 0.8
know the influence of using smaller tools on the forming 24 0.7 20 172 20 0.1
forces in SPIF. Also, to see how Fc and Fw are related in 25 1.65 37.5 137.5 13.5 0.45
terms of magnitude 26 1.65 37.5 172 13.5 0.45
& The relative magnitude of the normal force Fz and the in- 27 1.65 20 137.5 13.5 0.45
plane force Fxy (i.e., Fz/Fxy) to foresee the requirement of 28 2.6 55 101 20 0.1
structural stiffness for designing a machine tool. Fxy was 29 1.65 37.5 137.5 13.5 0.45
calculated using Eq. 1 with Fz component omitted 30 2.6 20 101 20 0.1
31 2.6 20 172 20 0.8
32 2.6 55 101 7 0.1
33 1.65 37.5 137.5 7 0.45
34 0.7 55 101 20 0.1
3 Results
35 2.6 20 101 7 0.8
36 2.6 55 172 7 0.1
After collecting the experimental data, it is a common practice
37 1.65 37.5 137.5 20 0.45
to perform regression analysis in order to find the parameter-
38 1.65 37.5 137.5 13.5 0.8
response relationship, and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) is
39 0.7 20 101 20 0.1
its primary step which is done to identify the significant/
101 1.65 37.5 137.5 13.5 0.45
insignificant parameters. For the present case, DX-8 software
41 0.7 20 172 7 0.1
was used to conduct the said analysis. Firstly, the quadratic
42 2.6 37.5 137.5 13.5 0.45
model was chosen as the fitting model, and in order to improve
43 0.7 55 101 7 0.8
the efficiency of the regression analysis, logarithmic transfor-
44 1.65 37.5 137.5 13.5 0.1
mation was applied on the results. Later, some terms with trivial
45 1.65 37.5 101 13.5 0.45
effects were removed using step-wise elimination option. Dur-
46 2.6 55 172 20 0.8
ing ANOVA, the terms with 95 % confidence level (or p≤5 %;
p is an indicator that decides if a parameter is significant) were 47 0.7 20 101 7 0.1
considered to be influential on the response (i.e., force). The
2190 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197

ANOVA results are presented in Table 3. It can be seen from Table 3 Summary of ANOVA
the table that besides individual parameters, their products are Force Fw Fc Fz/Fxy
also significant, which means that the parameters effects are Model type Reduced square Reduced square Reduced square
interactive. To know their role on the SPIF forces, each of the Transformation Logarithmic Logarithmic Logarithmic
significant interactions is analyzed as follows. Source p value p value p value

Model <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

3.1 Forces involved in forming the oblique wall and corner to <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0002
of pyramid
d 0.071 <0.0001 0.0019
θ <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0038
From Table 3, it can be observed that there are seven interac-
σ <0.0001 <0.0001 –
tions which significantly influence the forces during the
p <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
forming of pyramid. These interactions, respectively for
tod 0.048 0.0495 0.0260
oblique wall and corner, are portrayed as response surfaces
toθ 0.0008 <0.0001 0.0002
in 3D space in Figs. 3 and 4. The resultant of forces involved
toσ 0.0022 0.0040 –
in forming wall is represented by Fw and that involved in
top 0.0003 0.0043 0.05
forming corner is represented by Fc. The vertical axis of the
dθ 0.0005 <0.0001 <0.0001
surfaces is labeled with the force, and the two horizontal axes
θσ – 0.0215 –
are labeled with the forming parameters.
θp 0.0926 – –
As can be seen from the response surfaces, with the other
σd 0.0502 0.0912 –
parameters held fixed, both Fw and Fc increase with the
dp 0.0025 0.0047 0.0029
increase in the three parameters namely sheet thickness (to),
to2 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0377
wall angle (θ), and step size (p). However, the nature of effect
of the remaining two parameters, i.e., tool diameter (d) and d2 – – 0.0008
flow stress (σ), is dependent on the value of interacting pa- θ2 – – –
rameter. For instance, for low thickness (0.7 mm), Fw in- σ2 0.0145 0.0170 –
creases as the tool diameter increases; however, for high
thickness (2.6 mm), Fw substantially decreases (Fig. 3a). Also,
This is to be noticed from Figs. 3a, 4a, for low thickness
for low wall angle (20°), Fw decreases with the increase in the
(0.7 mm) and any size of tool, and the forming of corner needs
tool diameter, but for high wall angle (55°), Fw increases
higher force than does the oblique wall. This seems to be
(Fig. 3g). The effect of flow stress on Fw is very interesting.
rational because the corner is stiffer than the wall [23]. On
For most of the parameter settings shown in Fig. 3c, f, it
the contrary, for high thickness (2.6 mm), the trend amazingly
increases with the increase in the flow stress to a certain value
becomes reverse: The combination of high thickness (2.6 mm)
(136 MPa) and then begins to decrease. The similar interactive
and low tool diameter (7 mm) requires more force to form the
effects can be observed for Fc in Fig. 4.
oblique wall than that to form the corner. In fact, as expected
Not only the nature of influence (i.e., decrease or increase)
before, this is due to surface cutting of sheet which during
but also the degree of influence (i.e., amount of change) of
experiments was observed to occur when the diameter relative
variation in a parameter on the force also depends on the value
to thickness (d/to) was very small (e.g., 2.7 for the said test).
and type of interacting parameter. For example, for equal
This point will be further discussed in the coming section to
change in the step size (from 0.1 to 0.8 mm), the rise in Fw
clarify how these two forces (i.e., Fc and Fw) should be related
is significantly high for high thickness while low for low
for successful forming (i.e., without cutting) of pyramid.
thickness (Fig. 3d). The same is true for Fc (Fig. 4d). The
similar trend can be seen for a change in the step size in
Figs. 3g, and 4g. 3.2 Comparison between the force Fz and Fxy (Fz/Fxy)
This means that the forming force greatly depends on the
combination of parameters. For example, forming using the Figure 5a–e presents the influence of variation in the param-
combination of low diameter (7 mm) and high thickness eters on the ratio of the normal and in-plane forces (i.e., Fz/
(2.6 mm) requires more Fw force (about 550 %) than does Fxy). As can be noticed from Fig. 5c, e, the ratio Fz/Fxy
the combination of high diameter (20 mm) and low thickness regardless of the value of interacting parameter decreases as
(0.7 mm) (Fig. 3a). The similar fact can be seen for Fc in the step size increases. However, the said force ratio does not
Fig. 4a. As another example, the combination of low wall constitute such a straight relationship with any of the remain-
angle (20°) and high thickness (2.6 mm) involves higher ing parameters. In most of the response surfaces, the middle
forming force than does the combination of high wall angle values of sheet thickness (1.6 mm) and tool diameter
(55°) and low thickness (0.7 mm) (Figs. 3b and 4b). (13.5 mm) and low value of step size (0.1 mm) show high
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197 2191

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)


Fig. 3 Response surfaces showing the effect of significant interactions on the resultant force Fw

force ratio which means that, like other force quantities, the presented in Fig. 5, therefore, can act as guidelines for design-
relation between the force ratio and forming parameters is also ing machine and for defining the load limits.
interactive. The maximum force ratio equals 5.1 which is
observed for the combination of low step size (0.1 mm) and
middle tool size (13.5 mm) (Fig. 5e). From the ANOVA
(Table 3), it is to see that the effect of flow stress on the force 4 Discussion
ratio is not so significant. This points out that the force ratio
mainly depends on the parameters that affect the contact area Duflou et al. [21] have reported that the forces required to
such as wall angle, tool diameter, step size, and to some extent form the walls of cone and pyramid (corner are not included)
sheet thickness. are almost same in magnitude. Therefore, the Fw trends pre-
This is worth noticing from Fig. 5 that the force ratio in all sented in Fig. 3 can be used for comparing the findings of the
of the shown response surfaces is greater than 1. This follows present study with those of the previous studies obtained using
that, for any set of parameters, the forming tool applies higher cone geometry [21, 22]. According to the earlier studies, the
force in the normal plane than it does in the horizontal plane forming force decreases as the tool diameter is decreased. On
(or sheet plane). Moreover, the factor by which Fz is greater the other hand, the present study has shown that the force
than Fxy depends on the magnitude of the parameters increases even with the decrease in the tool diameter when a
employed. These findings propose that, in order to ensure thick sheet (e.g., 2.6 mm) is processed.
machine safety, the spindle structure should be stiff enough There are two possible reasons of this discrepancy: (1) The
to withstand high normal loads. The response surface previous works were carried out employing single variable
2192 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)


Fig. 4 Response surfaces showing the effect of significant interactions on the resultant force Fc

approach, which means that each parameter was treated sep- defects in SPIF have been given in the other recent studies
arately keeping the others fixed; (2) mutual value of tool by the authors [27, 28].
diameter and thickness (d/to) was not sufficiently low. In fact, The relationship between the forming forces (Fw and Fc)
when the d/to ratio is very small (say 7/2.6=2.7), fabrication and parameters in the presence of fabrication problems is
defects develop. In the present work, three defects were ob- separately presented in Table 4. Most important, comparison
served namely wall, pillow, and corner fold. These have been among various tests listed in the table confirms that the afore-
shown in Fig. 2b, from which it is to see that the folding takes mentioned defects primarily appear when forming is per-
place only at the corners of the pyramid. These defects re- formed with unduly small tools. Further, although the mutual
spectively represent squeezing, bulging, and folding of metal value of d and to (i.e., d/to) is the most influential parameter,
due to use of pointed tool. The squeezing occurs due to the other forming parameters also affect the defects. As sum-
excessive compression in the deformation zone, which hin- marized in Table 4, if the other parameters are held fixed, the
ders the flow of material under the tool end consequently squeezing and folding increase with the increase in to, p, θ, and
forcing the metal to flow out of the sheet plane. Bulging σ and with the decrease in d. The bulging increases with the
occurs due to in-plane stresses and hindrance to metal flow. increase in to and p and with the decrease in d, θ, and σ. These
Corner folding takes place due to the absence of adequate trends can be attributed to variations in the stresses with
forming force and pressure required to shape metal into stiff variations in the magnitude of parameters [27, 28]. This is to
corner feature. More details on the causes of fabrication be noticed that some of the parameters have contradictory
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197 2193

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Fig. 5 Response surfaces showing the effect of significant interactions on the ratio of forces Fz and Fxy

effects on the defects. For example, the increase in σ on one the forming force. For instance, test 2 which suffers from
hand causes increase in the metal squeezing and folding but on defects despite using a small tool (7 mm) employs higher Fw
the other hand concurrently causes a reduction in the bulging force (27 %) than does test 1 which does not suffer from
(see tests 2 and 6). The same is true for θ (tests 2 and 8). This defects and employs a large tool (20 mm). The same is true
means that, like the parameter-force relation discussed before, for tests 4 and 3. On the other hand, when the defects are not
the parameter-defect relationship is also interactive. so significant, test 10 which uses a small tool (7 mm) employs
From the parameter-defect-force relationship shown in 6 % less Fw than does test 9 which uses a large tool (20 mm).
Table 4, it can be seen that the appearance of defects affects These findings provide possible reason of force trends

Table 4 The parameters, forces, and fabrication defects observed during experiments

Test Forming parameters Forces Defects Remarks

to d θ p σ d/to Fw Fc Fsd Fc/ Fc/ Pillow Wall Corner
(mm) (mm) (deg) (mm) (MPa) (N) (N) (N) Fw Fsd (mm) (mm) fold

1 2.6 20 55 0.8 101 7.7 1467 2160 1471 1.5 1.47 0.9 0.05 nil 1. Bulging increases as the value of to and
2 2.6 7 55 0.8 101 2.7 1870 1233 1888 0.66 0.65 1.64 2.39 high p increases and decreases as the value
3 2.6 20 55 0.1 101 7.7 1054 1760 1032 1.7 1.7 0.6 0.15 nil of d, θ, and σ increases.
2. Squeezing and corner folding increase
4 2.6 7 55 0.1 101 2.7 1077 741 1063 0.69 0.7 0.65 1.8 medium
with the increase of to, θ, p, and σ and
5 2.6 20 55 0.8 172 7.7 2140 3051 2093 1.4 1.46 0.1 0.06 nil decrease with the increase of d.
6 2.6 7 55 0.8 172 2.7 2549 1301 2459 0.51 0.53 0.2 2.48 very 3. The effects of parameters σ and θ are
high the same for walling and pillowing, but
7 2.6 20 20 0.8 101 7.7 979 1127 1045 1.15 1.08 1.52 0.03 nil contrary for pillowing.
8 2.6 7 20 0.8 101 2.7 2289 1696 1984 0.74 0.86 2.8 0.26 low
9 0.7 20 55 0.8 101 28.5 274 742 333 2.7 2.23 0.54 0 nil
10 0.7 7 55 0.8 101 10 260 368 364 1.42 1.01 0.8 0 nil

Max. Avg. dev in force: ±11 N

2194 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197

discussed before in the d-to response surface (Fig. 3) and also from the regression analysis:
explain the source of discrepancy between the present findings
Lnð F w Þ ¼ −0:18 þ 2:65to þ 0:013θ þ 0:046σ−0:037d
and the previous studies [21, 22], clarifying that for a thick
sheet (2.6 mm), the force increases with the decrease in the þ 0:95p−5:3E−03θt o −2:31E−03σt o −7:24 E−03dt o
tool diameter (from 20 to 7 mm) because the fabrication þ 0:3pt o þ 8:06E−04θd − 6:63E−03θp þ 2:03E
defects, which are outgrowth of stresses or hindrance to metal
−04σd−0:03dp−0:37t o 2 −1:44E−04σ2
flow under the tool [27, 28], appear with increasing intensity.
And, for a thin sheet (0.7 mm), the force decreases with the
Lnð F c Þ ¼ 0:45 þ 2:33t o þ 0:018θ þ 0:044σ−0:06d
decrease in the tool diameter because the defects do not appear
significantly or, in other words, the flow of metal is not þ 0:7p−9:97E−03θt o −1:96E−03σto þ 4:42dt o
hindered. Coupling Fig. 3 with the findings of Table 4, it þ 0:2pt o −8:3E−05θσ þ 1:93E−03θd þ 1:61E−04σd
can be said that in the normal forming conditions, the findings
−0:028dp−0:34t o 2 −1:28E−04σ2
of the present and previous studies are in agreement. Howev-
er, a disagreement is observed when the fabrication problems  
Ln F z = F xy ¼ 0:09 þ 0:3t o − 1:2E−003θ þ 0:27d−1:06p
occur because the parameters employed in the previous stud-
ies were not sufficiently low to perceive such problems. þ 9:97E−003θto þ 0:015dt o −0:23pt o − 1:64E ð5Þ
This is to be observed from tests 2 and 4, which employ −003θd þ 0:06dp−0:28t 2o −0:01d 2
low d/to (2.7) and suffer from defects, that Fw is greater than
Fc. On the contrary, Fw is lesser than Fc in tests 9 and 10 which
employ high d/to (10 and above) and do not suffer from
Fz is the greatest of all components. Therefore, it is of
defects. This follows that a condition Fc >Fw should be main-
interest to the process user and machine designer. Its model
tained in order to realize defect-free forming as well as to
is also given as below:
control forming force to ensure danger-free machine opera-
tion. This fact can be further witnessed from the Fc/Fw column Lnð F z Þ ¼ −0:34 þ 2:48to þ 0:05θ þ ;0:04σ−0:04d
in Table 4. In the force curve, the same appears in the form of þ 0:54p−2:8E−03θt o −2:46E03t o σ þ 0:19pt o
peak corresponding to corner location as indicated in Fig. 2a. ð6Þ
þ 3:61E−04θd þ 2:16E−04σd−0:02dp−0:37t 2o
Therefore, the condition Fc/Fw >1 and the force curve with
peaks can be used as indicators of defect-free SPIF of pyramid −5:2E−04θ2 −1:36E−04σ2
(i.e., shape with corners). To determine the threshold d/to ratio
minimizing the formation of defects, a series of tests were
carried out by varying d/to. It was found that the objective is where Fw is the resultant of forces involved in forming the
achieved when the said ratio approaches the value of 4.5. oblique wall (planar feature), Fc is the resultant of forces
After completing a loop of trajectory, the tool in SPIF steps involved in forming the corners (curved feature), Fz is the
down to the next loop. The force involved in stepping down, normal component of resultant force Fw, and Fxy is the in-
denoted as Fsd as indicated in Fig. 2a, was also quantified in plane component of resultant force Fw.
the current study. This is to notice from Table 4 that, when no The correctness of the above four force models was exam-
defect appears, Fsd is greater than Fw but less than Fc (see ined by performing two fitness tests, i.e., R2 (multiple corre-
column Fc/Fsd). This highlights that Fc is the greatest of all the lation factor) test and normal distribution test. As presented in
forces involved in forming a pyramid. Table 5, the R2 value for each of the model is very high (i.e.,
Summarizing the discussion, the effects of parameters on >90 %). Also, as can be seen from Fig. 6, the residuals follow
the SPIF forces are highly interactive and complex. Due to this a normal distribution. These results follow that the models
reason, the choice of a low value of a parameter does not well fit to their respective empirical data and, therefore, can be
necessarily lead to force reduction. Further, the use of unduly reliably used to navigate the design space. The correctness of
small tools, more specifically low d/to, should be avoided the models was further verified by conducting five tests. As
because such a choice depending on the pyramid feature shown in Table 6, the maximum prediction error is below 5 %
(i.e., wall or corner) leads to substantial raise/drop in the which indicates that the experimental results are in good
forming force consequently causing fabrication problems. agreement with the predicted ones and thus the models are

5 Force models Table 5 R2 value for

various force models Fw Fc Fz Fz/Fxy

A force model is a compact way to describe the force- 98.5 % 98.3 % 98.4 % 91 %
parameter relationship. The following models were obtained
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197 2195

Fig. 6 Normal probability plots Fc

99 99

Normal % probability
95 95
90 90
80 80
70 70
50 50
30 30
20 20
10 10
5 5
1 1

-2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Internally studentized residuals Internally studentized residuals

Fz /Fxy Fz
Normal % probability 99 99
95 95
90 90
80 80
70 70
50 50
30 30
20 20
10 10
5 5
1 1

-3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Internally studentized residuals Internally studentized residuals

The above proposed force models can be utilized for a However, at present, the given force models are valid for
variety of applications: the investigated range of parameters.

1. For a given set of parameters, one can easily predict the

force required to form a component. Thus, in view of 6 Force optimization
machine limits, the process can be designed in order to
ensure the safety of the machine. The optimization of force is important for the reasons of
2. In order to prevent fabrication defects, the process user energy saving, process sustainability, and machine safety. This
may predict an appropriate set of parameters observing becomes even more critical when the machine is not suffi-
the condition Fc >Fw. ciently stiff to apply large force. The data of the current work,
3. By predicting the forming force in the horizontal (i.e., besides predicting, can also be employed for optimizing the
sheet plane) and vertical planes, a designer can define force. For a specific part, the operating parameters can be
t h e s t i ff n e s s o f s p i n d l e a n d o t h e r m a c h i n e optimized minimizing the required force. To demonstrate the
components. potential application of this study, optimization for a few sets

Table 6 Comparison between the predicted and experimental forces

Forming parameters Fw (N) Fc (N) Fz (N) Fz/Fxy

to (mm) θ (deg) σ (MPa) d (mm) p (mm) Pred Exp Err (%) Pred Exp Err (%) Pred Exp Err (%) Pred Exp Err (%)

1.65 55 137 13.5 0.45 1108 1106 +0.2 1399 1451 −3.5 906 950 −4.6 3.2 3.06 +4.5
2.6 20 172 20 0.8 1583 1572 +0.7 1746 1777 −1.7 1244 1217 +2.2 1.43 1.37 +4.4
0.7 55 101 7 0.1 176 180 −2.2 252 265 −4.9 165 170 −2.9 3.25 3.1 +4.8
2 35 101 20 0.6 811 795 +2 1136 1090 4.2 785 800 −1.8 2 1.92 +4.1
2.6 55 172 7 0.8 2339 2450 −4.5 1371 1320 3.8 1835 1861 −1.4 1.15 1.11 +3.6
2196 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 76:2185–2197

Table 7 Optimized results for the

forces and operating parameters Fixed parameters Objective parameters Optimized parameters

to (mm) θ (deg) σ (MPa) Fc (N) Fw (N) Fz (N) Fz/Fxy d (mm) p (mm) d/to

2.6 55 172 1.2Fw 1296 1089 2.9 16 0.1 6

2.6 55 101 1.2Fw 1015 856 3.5 14.2 0.1 5.5
1.65 38 137 1.2Fw 705 725 4.9 13.4 0.1 8
2 20 172 1.2Fw 705 655 4.5 15.9 0.12 8
0.7 30 152 1.2Fw 198 225 3.9 7 0.1 10

of parameters was carried out. Since the specifications of the hand, accompanied by significant defects, the force is
required component are decided by the designer, the design increased by 27 % when forming is performed employing
parameters like to, θ, and σ were set as fixed. To avoid the d/to =2.7 (test 2 in Table 4). This condition is neither
formation of fabrication defects, the Fc >Fw condition was conducive for part accuracy nor for machine safety.
maintained setting Fc =1.2Fw. The force ratio Fz/Fxy was set Therefore, it is proposed to employ a reasonable tool size
as in range. The objective was to minimize the forces Fw and preventing fabrication problems.
Fz. The optimization to simultaneously minimize the forces 3. The corner calls for greater forming force (up to 2.7 times
and to control fabrication defects was performed employing in this study) than does the oblique wall of pyramid. This
the Derringer-Suich [29] multi-criteria decision-making algo- means that the deformation of material into sharp curved
rithm. The optimization results for five different forming features is demanding in comparison to that into planar
conditions are shown in Table 7. As can be seen from the features. This point needs to be taken into account while
table, the d/to ratio for each of the listed conditions is high designing machine tool for SPIF.
enough (i.e., >4.5 necessary to avoid defects as reported 4. The normal and in-plane forces are related as Fz >Fxy.
before) to prevent fabrication problems. Further, the proposed Further, their relative magnitude varies (from 1.1 to 5.2 in
parameters are believed to produce parts with the minimum the current study) as the values of the forming parameters
possible force (or energy consumption). One following the except flow stress are varied. This reveals that the forming
optimization results can analyze if the forces lie within the tool applies more force in the normal plane than it does in
machine limits or alternatively can find a new set of forming the horizontal sheet plane, and also the factor by which Fz
conditions commensurate with the machine capacity in order is greater than Fxy depends on the values of the opted
to ensure danger-free operation. parameters. This information is helpful in designing the
machine spindle as well as for defining the operating
limits of the machine.
5. A number of force models have been proposed in this
7 Conclusions
work. Using these models, one can easily prevent the
formation of fabrication defects and their related effects
In the current study, the effect of some forming parameters on
on the force, thereby predicting the optimum set of pa-
the forces during SPIF of a geometry with corners (i.e.,
rameters needing the minimum possible forming force.
pyramid) was investigated employing response surface meth-
Thus, the user can ensure danger-free operation to pre-
od. The important findings of the study are summarized as
serve the forming equipment. The proposed models can
also guide the designer to define relative stiffness among
various machine components.
1. The parameter-force relationship in SPIF is very complex
and highly interactive. Due to this reason, opting a low
Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge with thanks the help and
value of a parameter, contrary to previous studies [21, 22], support that King Abdulaziz University provided for this research.
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