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Forest plays an important role in preventing flood.

In this case, the roots will help to anchor the

soil, holding them in position. Besides, the water also can be stored in the soil, reduce the amount of
water flow into the river. When all the trees have been cut down, the soil become loose. The soil will be
free to wash away by water and sink into the river, making the river become shallow. The soil also
cannot stored water anymore, thus increase the amount of water flow into the river. Both this cases will
lead to the happening of flash flood. Therefore, replanting is needed as it helps to slow the flow of water
into our river. Flood plains and wetlands could also help to store flood water and reduce flood risk. This
can improve water quality and create wildlife habitat. (37)

Poor drainage system is also one of the causes of flood. This is due to the size and the depth of
the drain which is narrow and shallow. When there is a heavy rain, the rapid flow of water cause the
drain cannot drain off the water properly. Uneven road and less number of drainage holes beside the
road are also the causes. Therefore, the drains should be built deeper and wider so that during heavy
rain the water can be drain off properly. Besides, the centre of the road should be build higher
compared to the edge to prevent ponding of water at the road. The number of drainage hole should be
adding more so that the water can be drained off easily. Besides, the height of drain should be higher
than the river to prevent backflow of water from river to the drain. (40)

Attitude of the human itself also contribute to the happening of the flood. Most of the human
like to throw rubbish into the river. But they don’t know that their action will lead to the happening of
flood. The rubbish will accumulate in the river and block the flow of the water. When there is heavy rain,
the water in the river cannot flow thus cause the flood to happen. In this case, the awareness of the
human itself must be high. Parents should teach their children not to throw rubbish into the river and at
the same time parent itself also need to be a role model to their children. (24)

Flood warning system should be installed by the government at the known location of flood so
that early preparation can be done. This system will give alert to the citizen as the water level reaches a
dangerous level. Besides, houses that built near to the sea have a higher chance to get flood. Therefore,
muscle wall should be installed along the seaside. This muscle wall is strong enough to withstand the
immense force of rushing water from the sea. (30)

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