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Midoun Secondary School A foreign student in Britain Mrs Louhichi Besma

2017/2018 4 th form sciences

Most students have a remote desire to study abroad.

They opt for pursuing their postgraduate studies a broad


For different reasons:

1) It provides high quality international academic programs and services→ students

become much worldier persons.
2) To learn to communicate across cultures.
3) It is an opportunity to see the world(you won’t be limited to travelling in just the nation
in which you are studying you can see neighbouring countries as wellll to witness a
completely new way of life.
4) You immerse yourself in a new culture and go beyond a purely academic experience.
5) You will return with a new perspective on culture, language skills, a great education…
Needless to say all of these are very attractive to future employers.
6) It offers many activities and interests that you may never have discovered if you‘d stayed
at home.
7) To meet new lifelong friends from different backgrounds → rewarding personal
relationships→ these friends can also be important networking tools later.
8) It brings out your independent nature→ ability to adapt to diverse nations.
9) Get ready for an international work place→ globalize yourself and increase your
employment prospective.
Though there are many advantages consider some of the drawbacks before you decide
whether it is right for you.
1) Home sickness can occur frequently. It is less suitable for students who have strong
attachments to their home town.
2) Academic programs a broad may be less rigorous.
3) You may experience culture shock when you return home.
4) Programs can be expensive/ nothing is free.
5) Credits may not transfer
6) Reality can be disappointing
→The idea of studying a broad can seem like a fabulous opportunity but there are also
plenty of potential down sides: practical, financial and psychological.

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