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Fundación VERA-CRUZ
Ejercicios refuerzo
Departamento de Idiomas Fecha: __________

Alumno/a: _____________________________________________ Curso:________

PASADO SIMPLE (completar)

1.- Translate these sentences using past simple:

- Where ___________________? (she / go)

- How many days _________________? (he /wait)

- I _____________ very hard (work)

- They _______________ about the problem (not think)

- She ___________ with her family (not go)

- _________________ my new car? (you / see)

- _________________ with you? (they / study)

- What ______________? (you / say)

- They ______________ cars (rent)

- He _______________ all his friends (invite)

- We _______________ the letter (write)

- They ____________ the house (sell)

- You ______________ the fight (start)

- He ______________ to me (not listen)

- I ________________ the game (not win)

- __________________ her car? (she / drive)

- When ____________ her? (you / meet)

- __________________ to school? (you / walk)

- I _________________ the book (not read)

- She ________________ in our school (not teach)

- I _________________ to stay (want)

- He ______________ the problem (know)

- They ____________ a mistake (make)

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