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A Research
Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School
St. Nicholas Catholic School of Marivels
Mariveles, Bataan


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for Practical Research I
Humanities and Social Sciences



Railey S. Masiglat
Chasmine Magbag
Emman Hipol
November 2020

The researchers entitled this study “The Perception of Senior High School Students on Having Online Classes”.

Education is one of the most affected sect by the Covid-19 pandemic. As a prevention of wide spread of the

virus and to continue the 2020 school year the government create a alternative way of learning by having online

class or e leaning were the teachers teaching the students through virtual class. And the 2nd alternative is the

modular learning class. The Department of Education introduced this alternative mode of learning this June

2020 which gained criticisms from the experts and from the people, because it is said to be unfair and will not

be effective especially for those students and teachers who are less fortunate.

The mass shouts for academic freeze for this year’s academic year. For them, aside from learning online won’t

be effective, this will also cause a serious health problem. There are a lot of struggles and difficulties that the

teachers and students were facing on having online classes. The most common struggle that both teachers and

students are facing is having slow or weak internet connection this makes the online class difficult and stressful.

One of the most raised problem is the rapid increase of students taking their lives due to pressure of the

submission of their school works. Some teachers are not giving considerations when it comes to giving school

works to their students which lead the students to take such actions like suicide. This new normal for academic

year doesn’t only affect the student. Teachers are struggling to with the same intensity as the students. Change

is constant and inevitable; therefore, anything in this world tends to be obsolete with every new advancement or

development, and intelligence lies in the ability to adapt to change. E-learning is primarily referred to as the use

of technology and network communication for teaching and learning. It is also referred to as a technology-

enabled transfer of skills and knowledge to a large number of recipients (Economic Times, 2020). It is one such

fastest growing trend in the educational uses of technology (Means et al., 2013). An online class is a system

where students can learn subjects, discuss issues with fellow students, clarify doubts with instructor and share

material and check academic progress with help from internet-oriented technologies. Today, online classes are

becoming so popular that they are likely to be expected in any formal education curriculum.

Moreover, increase in the COVID pandemic worldwide has also added to the importance of online classes. In

Philippines there are more than 370m users are on the Internet and helping online education to grow at a fast

pace. At present, more than 3bn users are using the e-learning platform (Arora, 2017). Even though we witness
rapid progress in e-learning, it remains at an early stage of development. In this scenario, the role played by

teachers and students gains due importance as it is their perceptions and attitude, which is critical to motivation

and learning (Koohang and Durante, 2003). With this regard, the study tries to analyze the perceptions of

students on the effectiveness of online courses. Teachers are making ways for them to teach their students

online. Some are renting computers in an internet café just to make their discussion happen. Teachers who are

less fortunate need to include load expenses which result to budget cut. Distribution of modules is also a hard

task faced by them. They would sometimes walk a hundred kilometer just to distribute it to their students.

Students, teachers, and even parents are struggling just to survive this new normal.

The spread of COVID-19 pandemic has gripped the entire world and caused widespread public health concerns

and education system. Online classes have been an alternative to give continuity to the theory classes. The

objective of this study is to assess the various aspects of online classes and perception of Senior Highschool

Students of St. Nicholas Catholic school of Mariveles during COVID-19 pandemic. The academic year’s

slogan “No one should be left behind” is now a hypocrisy for it can be seen by the naked eye that this so-called

alternative being implemented just left every single student and teacher who can’t comply with the requirements

and things needed to conduct classes every day. The Department of Education and Commission on Higher

Education stand to their decision that there will be no academic freeze amidst of this pandemic. For them,

education shouldn’t come last. For the people, this will cost the safety of everyone. This creates a big impact on

the mental health of the students and teachers as shown to every day reports. This government’s response to

academic year shows that it is not solution that they are building, but just another problem above the previous.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

The aim of this research is to get the perception of the senior high school students on St. Nicholas

Catholic school about having online classes. The researcher will respectfully interview the participants.

1. Based on their experiences in the past few months, what are the perceptions of selected SHS about

online class?

2. What are the advantage of having online classes in terms of having stable internet connection and

building the confidence of the students?

3. What are the disadvantage of having online classes in terms of having low internet connection, time

management in online classes?

1.2 Relevant Theories

Theory of Online Learning, Increasing number of courses are being situated and studied online,

whether for convenience or for the affordances offered by online learning. Major goals and uses of online

dialogue include promoting critical inquiry and engaging in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Xin

and Feenberg suggest further investigation into the understanding of the dynamics of learning and participating

in asynchronous forums.



OF LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. When combined, education and technology can build

dynamic teaching and learning experiences that are tailored to developing and transforming the educators and

learners needed to power the digital economy. For some reasons, however, there is still a big chunk of people

especially students who aren’t ready yet to embrace the technological change in the field of education. This

study aims to determine the factors affecting students’ e-learning technology acceptance particularly on

Learning Management Systems (LMS) in the Filipino context Manuel B. Garcia (2017)

A Theory of ‘Learning Crisis’ Highlighted With Millions Of Students Left Behind.

Across the country, millions of students are set to formally resume their education after a hiatus of almost seven

months due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic. However, despite efforts to offer different

options to make education more accessible and inclusive during the so-called new normal, not every student has

decided to return to school.Latest data from the Department of Education (DepEd) showed that there are 24.72

million who enrolled in basic education this school year, representing 89.02 percent of the student population of

27.7 million in 2019.While this exceeded the initial projections of 80-percent enrollment, the number still

translates to around three million students who may have dropped out of the school system.

Online learning is combined education and technology that can build dynamic teaching and learnings

experiences to educator and learners. However this online learning or what they called new normal still have a

big impact for some students who aren't ready yet to embrace the technological change in the field of education.

1.3 Related Literature

According to (Nortvig, A. M., Petersen, A. K., and Balle, S. H., 2018) Perception of Students towards

the Offline and Online Modes of Learning during COVID-19 Lockdown. In higher education, e-learning is

gaining more and more impact, especially in the format of blended learning, and this new kind of traditional

teaching and learning can be practiced in many ways. Several studies have compared faceto-face teaching to

online learning and/or blended learning in order to try to define which of the formats provides, e.g., the highest

learning outcome, creates the most satisfied students or has the highest rate of course completion. However,

these studies often show that teaching and learning are influenced by more than teaching format alone.

According (Horo, A. Biswas, N. and Das J. 2020) The nationwide lockdown impacted the normal

life of everyone. all the educational institutes, religious places, offices, transportation facilities were

prohibited. Work from home, online classes, social distancing, compulsory use of masks and sanitizers

became a norm for the public. Although learning is a life-long process but education gained through

institutional sources requires a systematic course of study resulting in. Going to a concrete classroom and

acquiring knowledge followed by appearing for final examinations has been an age-old practice. But the

outbreak of COVID-19 has changed the traditional educational system. All the educational activity shifted to

the virtual platform with the classes and examinations being conducted online, either via Google

forms or through personal interviews. It could only happen due to the increased adoption rate of smart-

phones and internet connections among the common masses. Several online platforms like Google Meet, Cisco

Webex, Zoom were used by the educational institutions to serve the purpose. The seminars and conferences

were also cancelled due to the pandemic and instead webinars were conducted. The major challenge for the

online learning is the limitation of internet connection in the families, as the number of children in the family

may supersede the number of internet connections. Another problem that has surfaced is that students of private
schools can afford the expensive internet connection but students of government school cannot bear to do so,

therefore the public education system of India has collapsed during the nation-wide lockdown period. The

verdict of Supreme Court regarding the cancellation of remaining board exams had imparted mixed feelings

among the student fraternity but the board results has emerged as a ray of hope for them. These underlying

issues attracted the authors attention to carry out this research and deduce results about the student’s

perception towards the traditional and virtual mode of learning. The concluding results state that students

wish for a combination of online and offline mode of learning in the times to come

according to (Carnevale, 2000; Dutton et al., 2002). The benefits of online courses include flexibility,

convenience, and cost-effective educational opportunities anywhere and anytime. Online education provides

access to information sources and teaching institutions around the world to anyone with 2 of 20access to a

computer, modem, and telephone lines. Such access to information is especiallyimportant to students in rural

and other isolated environments. Learning is also made moreinteresting and enriching when new technologies

are incorporated into the curriculum (Shrivastava, 1999).

According to (e.g., Frankola, 2001; Oblender, 2002). As a result, various research studies have found a

higher percentage of students taking online courses tend to drop those courses when compared to students

taking conventional courses. Oblender (2002) noted that online learning is plagued by high dropout rates, with

the average online college course dropout rate in the United States at 50%. Frankola (2001) indicated that

institutions are seeing dropout rates that range from 20 to 50% for distance learners, and administrators of

online courses agree that dropout rates are often 10 to 20 percentage points higher than in traditional classroom


According to (Shanna mith Jaggars). In this study, community college students discussed their

experiences with online and face-to-face learning as well as their reasons for selecting online (rather than face-

to-face) sections of specific courses. Students reported lower levels of instructor presence in online courses and

that they needed to “teach themselves.” Accordingly, most students preferred to take only “easy” academic

subjects online; they preferred to take “difficult” or “important” subjects face-to-face. To meet students’ needs,

then, colleges need to either more explicitly build instructor presence and guidance into online courses or

continue to provide ample face-to-face sections of courses for those students who prefer them.

The nationwide lockdown impacted the normal life of everyone.Offline and Online Modes of learning

during COVID 19 Lockdown is a new kind of traditional teaching and learning can be practiced in many ways.

Through the use of technology students are able to attend their online class. For some students having online

class is convinient because they don't need to go to school just to study, but for public student this kind of new

learning is a big challenge because some students can't afford to buy a smart phone and internet connection.

1.4 Related Studies

According to (Tu, Chih-Hsiung & McIsaac ,Marina,. 2010). Three dimensions of social presence-

social context, online communication, and interactivity-emerged as important elements in establishing a sense of

community among online learners. The privacy factor was also an important element in the level of comfort for

students online. An increase in the level of online interaction occurs with an improved level of social presence.

This can be fostered by considering characteristics of the learners, by selecting the appropriate computer-

mediated communication medium, and by applying appropriate instructional elements to course design.

According to (Scagnoli, Norma I., Choo Jinhe, Tian, Jing,. 2017). Video lectures (VL), considered an

effective means for delivering course content and infusing teaching presence in the virtual environment, have

become very popular in education. The purpose of this study was to investigate online student experiences with

VL focusing on their opinion of usefulness of VL, their satisfaction with them and their perception of learning

derived from them. Our findings show that students' satisfaction with VL has a strong relationship with positive

overall learning experience and perception of impact of video on learning. Furthermore, VL can enhance a

feeling of engagement with content because of learners' control of the media and instructors' presence. The

findings also alert us on the importance of careful planning and balanced integration of VL with other course

materials. This provides important information on the effectiveness of video‐lectures in college teaching and

learning and implications for practice in online course design.

According to (Xinran et al,. 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many instructors to rapidly

shift to online/distance teaching. With a narrow preparation window, many instructors are at a loss of strategies

that are both effective in responding to the crisis and compatible with their professional practices. One urgent
need in classrooms at all levels is to support social reading of course materials. To fulfill this need, this paper

aims to present a systematic literature review on using Web annotation in K-12 and higher education to provide

practical and evidence-based recommendations for educators to incorporate social annotation in online teaching.

According to (Glazier, Rebecca A,. 2015) As the prevalence of online education continues to grow, so

do concerns about student success. Online students tend to withdraw more often and earn lower grades,

compared to students in traditional classrooms. Explanations for this disparity range from student characteristics

to institutional shortcomings to course design. Attempts to counter this trend are often resource intensive and

yield mixed results. I hypothesize that the difficulty of establishing student–instructor rapport in online classes

contributes to lower student success. Without rapport, students are less likely to remember and prioritize online

classes. Thus, improving rapport with online students may lead to improvements in student success. To test this

hypothesis, I implemented rapport-building teaching strategies—including video updates, personal e-mails, and

personalized electronic comments on assignments—in some online classes (student n = 143) and compared

student outcomes in those classes to online classes taught without rapport-building strategies (student n = 322).

Difference of means tests, logit models, and OLS regression models all show significantly lower attrition and

significantly higher grades in the rapport-building courses. Qualitative student comments identify the high-

rapport relationship with the instructor as a key factor in student success. Thus, rapport building represents a

simple, instructor-driven intervention that can significantly improve online retention and grades.

According to (Song, Hayeon. Kim, Jihyun. Luo, Wen,. 2015). Considering the unique nature of online

environments, which limit some aspects of nonverbal communication, fostering robust and lasting teacher–

student relationships in online classes may be challenging. Moreover, the structural features of online settings

may create a learning environment where students have minimal knowledge about the instructor. The role of

teacher self-disclosure (SD) in e-learning settings rarely has been tested, although decades of instructional

communication research demonstrate its significance. Structural Equation Model analysis results suggest that

teacher self-disclosure and students' emotional responses toward teacher SD enhance teacher–student

relationship satisfaction, which in turn increases perceived knowledge gain and class satisfaction. Further, the

current study compares teacher SD and its impacts in online and FtF classes by conducting a multiple group
comparison analysis. Findings suggest that the effect of teacher SD upon teacher–student relationship

satisfaction is stronger online compared to FtF classes.


During online class teacher must used the appropriate instructional element to teach the students that will help

the students to understand the lesson. Selecting appropriate tool to used will help increase the capacity of the

student to learn during online class. Through Video Lectures, the students will feel that he/she still in the school

and through video lectures will help the students feel not left behind.


The researchers used a qualitative research because this is best way to get and understand the perception

of the senior high school students of St. Nicholas Catholic School of Mariveles. On having online classes; it will

also aid the emphasis of the importance of having online class. Furthermore, it will also deepens the awareness

of the beneficiaries and the readers of this study regarding the situation and the perception of the senior high

school students of St. Nicholas on having online classes.

This study was conducted at St. Nicholas Catholic School of Mariveles in Annex Bldg. at Zamora St,

Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan. The participants will answer the questions through a virtual virtual interview.

This respondents will be asked in order to obtain information and to get their perception about having online

classes. The researchers limit the study to senior high school students of St. Nicholas Catholic School of


Purposive sampling was applied, the participants will be grouped according to criteria by the

researchers. The researchers will ask the adviser of grade 11 St. and the strand leaders of the grade 12 St.

Clare of Montefalco. About who were experiencing the difficulties, struggles and who were not experiencing it.

The research instruments utilized in this study was virtual interview schedule.
Grade 11 St. William the Male Female
STEM 3 3 6
ABM 3 2 5
HUMSS 4 2 6
total 13 7 20

Grade 12 St. Clare of Male Female

STEM 7 3 10
ABM 4 5 9
HUMSS 3 4 7
Total 14 11 25

2.1. Data Collection Procedure

The researchers will use virtual interview to collect data. They will use the structured

interview which is a verbal questionnaire that the researchers have specified questions for the participants to

respond. The questions are made to get the perception of the senior high school students who were experiencing

difficulties while having online classes. And who were not experiencing difficulties of it; since the will be

conducted at St. Nicholas Catholic School of Mariveles, the researchers will ask first a request first from the

principal of the school. Then the adviser of Grade 11 St. William the Hermit and Grade 12 St. Clare of

Montefalco. The researchers will set a specific time that on virtual interview that is convenient for the

participants, the researcher will explain to the participants the concept of the study. In order to have a organize

and systematic flow of interview. The interview can be voice call or through video call that will be recorded.

2.2. Data Analysis Procedure

The researchers used a recorder and used it as a basis in analyzing the data given by the participants. To

analyze the data collected, the researchers used a video call interview to identify the perception of Senior High

School Students about having online classes in St. Nicholas Catholic School of Mariveles. The researchers ask

about the names, the age, what they think or see advantage and disadvantage of having online classes. The main

objective of the researchers is to know the perception of senior high school students about having online classes

because the education was one of the most affected by Covid19 pandemic.

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