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Well-Known Business:

Samsung is a well-known business worldwide, for their innovations in technology.

Samsung has already shown they have entered the realm of robotics, by introducing two

categories of ‘Samsun Bot’, home care robots and retail robots. (Samsun Research,2020) They

first introduced this technology at CES2019. Samsung has the right idea for investing in robotic

technology as they are trying to use AI to make life easier for the elderly and disabled. In the

current environment in which they work they could go a step further and make learning bots.

These robots could teach children or adults with learning disabilities, with like teaching them to

read and write. This would prepare young children for school and it would help adults who need

to have these skills in order to further/ start a career.

Not-For-Profit organization:

American Diabetes Association is a prominent not-for-profit organization that wants to

improve the lives of all people living with diabetes. (About Us,2021) This organization takes

donations to help with research to help make it bearable for people with diabetes to cope. They

should invest in research of a medicine that is reasonable priced and would be convenient for

diabetics in certain careers. My husband is a diabetic and he is a truck driver their food choices

are limited so he is having horrible trouble controlling his diabetes. I am also a diabetic and I

keep my controlled with a pill as I am home and haver better choices then he does. If they could

make a pill or a shot that was affordable and could be taken every once a week or month. The

prices for the current medicines like this are way to expensive even with medical insurance.

State, Provincial, or National Government:

The state government of Texas should invest in their roads, specifically the care of the

roads in bad weather. Texas is slow to clear their roadways when its snowing especially on the

interstates. Truck drivers traveling across their state have a hard time be able to keep moving due

to their lack of scrapers/ plows to clean the roads. As I mentioned above my husband is a truck

driver, and this recently was something he and his codriver experienced. They were sitting in

traffic on the interstate for over 12 hours due to the roads being so bad. It took him a day and half

to get across Texas instead of the usual 6 hours. They had to stay awake the whole time and that

could be dangerous to them being so tire and having to continue driving.


Research, S. (2020). Robot: Samsung Research. Retrieved January 07, 2021, from



Us, A. (2021). About Us. Retrieved January 07, 2021, from https://www.diabetes.org/about-us

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