MBA640 Discussion 1 Jamie Butler

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Hello everyone, my name is Jamie Butler, I am 43 and been married for 23 years.

I am a

full-time mom/student from Cordele, Georgia. I don’t really have a professional background to

speak of mine is just educational. I decided to put all things professional and educational aside to

become a mom at 19. I have been working on my degrees since 2011 and I am finally a year

from my goal my MBA.

The HBR case study on New Earth Mining, Inc. includes both quantitative and

qualitative data that is significant to figuring out the case. They include the different financial

statements that show past, present as well as future projections which is where the quantitative

data is measured. The qualitative data is evident due to the report that the company didn’t have

any liquidity risk that could be reported. The case study research is a definite method of using

qualitative data.

Quantitative data is concerned with numbers and discovering facts about social

phenomena. It assumes facts and measurable reality, since data is collected by measuring things.

This data uses numerical comparisons and statistical inferences. This information can also be

used to construct graphs and tables. Methods of using quantitative data are experiments,

controlled observations and questionnaires. (McLeod, 2019)

Qualitative data is non statistical and is non structured or semi structured in nature. This

data is descriptive and conceptual and is categorized based on traits and characteristics. The data

is based on properties, attributes, labels, and other identifiers. This data can be used to ask the

question “why.” (Pickell,2019) Methods of using qualitative data are diary accounts, in-depth

interviews, documents, focus groups, case study research, and ethnography. (McLeod,2019)

Fruhan, W., & Wang, W. (2013, February 26). New Earth Mining, Inc. Retrieved December 01,
2020, from

Mcleod, S. (2019). Qualitative vs Quantitative Research: Simply Psychology. Retrieved

December 01, 2020, from

Pickell, D. (2019, March 4). Qualitative vs Quantitative Data – What's the Difference? Retrieved
December 01, 2020, from

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