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) Conduction
A steel sphere 3” in diameter heated to 600°F, is to be cooled by immersion in an
oil bath at 100°F. How long will it take for the sphere to reach an average temperature
of 229°C. For steel, k = 26Btu/ft-h-°F; density = 486lb/ft; Cp = 0.11Btu/lb°F.[Answer:
Assumptions: Unsteady-state conduction (q varies with time theta)
Analysis: From MSH using Fourier number.
For spheres,

Since the problem is unsteady-state conduction we should consider thermal
diffusivity (alpha) as a constant variable, initial concentration of T is uniform and body is
brought to a new condition which is constant with time.
For spherical objects, given formula should be known by its own variable value.
So starting to solve the problem using visual basic for application (VBA) macros,
temperature of new condition (Ts), initial temperature (Ta) and temperature at time theta
(Tb) firstly defined by its corresponding values in the spreadsheet
As we observe, the value of r placed as a constant which means that before
clicking, to show the answer later, the value of r should be known first. Another thing we
should consider is the word “convert” above. Any given r measurement/unit will
automatically convert to feet for more accurate computation. And since the spreadsheet
was named as “Problem”, problem sheet will show the different given values at a range
from cell C11 to cell C17 of the mentioned variables of the working formula above.
Solving the above formula leads first in the computation of the thermal diffusivity.
The given thermal conductivity of the object, density and amount of heat released (Cp)
will be use as

Subsequently, variables for the formula of the problem is finally complete and ready to
The answers can be found in the box “Calculated Values.” Base on the Legend,
the white box are the given variables, the yellow box indicates the computed values that
would be needed to solve the next equation. The green box is the final answer.

The Excel consist of a “Delete all” command button where it will delete all the
variables written. You can also change a variable in the white box and it will not make a
difference until you click the “Click to solve the problem” command button.

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