Assignment - Frank Xia

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1. Write an original and unique reaction paper.

This should be no more than 1 page with 12-

point font and 1 inch margins. (2 points)
A team can be described as a group whose individual efforts result in performance is greater than
the sum of the individual inputs. A team creates positive synergy through coordinated effort.
However, team member may play a blocking role when team members behave in a way that
disrupts the flow of information in the group. In GSU case, the relationships of the employees
were tense and the culture is confrontation, blaming and favoritism. They do not value
collaboration and teamwork. Their work is not acknowledged and valued. Therefore, the unit
has the lowest employee job satisfaction score and highest turnover rate. These features can be
concluded that the GSU team is lack of climate of trust. There is definitely something “off”
within their teams. Members are reluctant to speak up and refused to help each other. Levels of
trust in the team directly impact the ability of the team to realize the team goals. The new
manager Barbara needs help the team to rebuild trust and make sure all members have an
opportunity to learn, grow, and do great work together. Bambara needs to set a team goals which
can gives everyone the opportunity to display and develop their skills and contribute their unique
experiences. The team built is very critical to Barbara to be successful as a manager to turn
around the team

2. A quick and short summary of the purpose and main thesis of the paper. (No more than a
paragraph). (2 points)

GSU nurse group has poor group dynamics. The culture of the team is full of confrontation,
blaming and favoritism. Barbara is trying to rebuild the team trust. He starts the off-site
meeting by providing a forum to begin discussion between members of the unit with the hope
to turn around the unit into a high performing organization. The forum did help her to
identify a list of problems that most frustrated the group. She starts to set realistic and
attainable goals to correct these items. The purpose of the paper is to show an example of
unsuccessful teams, how identify the problems and set team goals to solve the problems.

3. List two ideas from the paper that grasped your attention. (2 points)
1) The unit was short-staffed; stress levels were high and employee morale low. In fact,
GSU has the lowest employee job satisfaction score and highest turnover rate amount all
of the department at EMU.
2) Barbara set realistic, attainable goals for each item on the list of items that most frustrated
or de-motivated the group.

4. Relate the two ideas above to a) course material or b) work experience and/or c) current
events in the business world. (2 points)
1) Staff satisfaction, productivity and work performance are strongly connected. Knowing
what makes employees unhappy is the first step to boosting their morale and satisfaction
in order to avoid turnover.
2) Setting goals as a team helps to unite and solve problems as a group. Setting realistic and
attainable goals can put employees on track to achieve their greatest potential as
individuals and align themselves better with company goals.

5. End with a critical question for in-class discussion. (2 points)

How to make team member to believe in the team’s capabilities and are committed to a common
plan and purpose is a big challenge to the manager.
How to set realistic and attainable goals is very important for a team to be successful.

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