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Corporate citizenship has arrived on the scene to embrace a whole host of socially conscious
activities and practices on the part of business. The terminology and concepts citizenship are
especially attractive because they resonate so well with the business communities attempts to
describe their own socially responsive activities and practices. The benefits of good corporate
citizenship to create a positive company image and enhances government affairs activities.

Our question is – A country is a prime institution that can foster an enduring corporate
citizenship culture and we are agree or disagree with this.

Yes, we are agreeing with this. Because Bhutan is a country which is fostering an enduring
corporate citizenship culture. I think other countries like Bhutan they can also foster an
enduring corporate culture. But first of all we have to know what corporate citizenship is?
Corporate citizenship involves the social responsibility of business and the extent to which they
meet legal, ethical, economic and philanthropic responsibilities as established by shareholders.
The goal is to produce higher standards of living and quality of life3 for the communities that
surround them and still maintain profitability for stakeholders. As example we can take Bhutan
which is maintaining corporate citizenship culture. Bhutan is situated between two of the most
populated countries on earth, China and India. Bhutan has been addressed as one of the
greenest countries on earth. The current prime minister of Bhutan has revealed that the
country is not just carbon neutral and also negative. It is happened because of corporate
citizenship culture. Although global warming and climate are the main problem in Bhutan but
they are almost overcome these problems by establishing citizenship culture.

By the way, earlier we came to know that corporate citizenship culture involves CSR which
encompasses the economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities.
And also there are 5 stages of corporate citizenship where an organization or institution face
different development challenges.

These two diagrams influencing on Bhutan corporate citizenship culture. In Bhutan, their
monarch have worked hard to develop their country, balancing economic growth carefully with
social development, environmental sustainability and cultural preservation all within the
framework of good governance they Call this hostistic approach which means that they are
interested in engaging and developing the whole country. Bhutan is small economic country.
Here Education, Healthcare, Medicine is completely free. Which reminds us economic
responsibilities that an institution whose objective is to produce goods and services that society
wants and to give them at fair price on free. We can also called these elementary because here
corporate citizenship activities by governmentally so we can say this it maintains legal
responsibilities. Bhutan’s government make some laws that the people of Bhutan should
maintain and also follow these laws. Such as their king imposed democracy on them by insisting
that he include it in the constitution. It is lightly related to the engaged stage where an
organization often develop policies for employees and managers. We can also know that from
this video about Bhutan that their environment, 72% of their country is under forest cover
wherein their institution demands that a minimum of 60% of Bhutan’s total land shall remain
under forest cover all time. All that forest pristine that’s why they are a carbon neutral country
and also carbon negative. They are providing electricity to which cause carbon dioxide And
they also investing in sustainable transport where the car or vehicles will run on electricity and
make country free from carbon dioxide for these activities we can consider these activities as
ethical responsibilities. Which means that those activities and practices that are expected or
prohibited by society even though they are not codified into law,These activities also involves
with the stage of innovative where corporate citizenship policies are funded and activated and
become functional with the assistance and support from other level management.
Of the 200 odd countries in the world today Bhutan is the only one that's carbon neutral and
also carbon negative. Recent figure show that the country emits around 1.5 million tones of
carbon annually, while its forests absorb over 6 million tones. They are at the core of their
carbon neutral strategy. Today, more than half of their country is protected as national parks,
nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. They are connected them all with one another through
a network of biological corridors so that their animals are free to roam throughout their
country. We can call these as philanthropic activities which means that social activities that are
not mandated, not required by law and not generally expected of business in a ethical sense we
can call this integrated stage where citizenship activities are formalized and blend in fluidity
with the organizations regular operations. The last stage is Transforming corporate citizenship
plays a strategic part in fueling sales growth and expansion to new market. According to this
stage Bhutan is playing strategic parts such as trying to go paperless, cleaning up their country,
planting trees and also they export renewable electricity from their fast flowing rivers. But
besides all these their country is affected by climate change. As a result their glaciers are
melting causing flash floods and disaster and widespread destruction in their country. They are
doing all these activities to remain carbon neutral for all time to come and they also keep their
commitments which they promised at COP21 in Paris.


After all, there are many other countries that face the same issues that Bhutan face. They too
have natural resources that can help to win the world’s fight for sustainability, fight for climate
change. If they can use these resources properly I think they can foster an enduring corporate
citizenship culture. So that

“We dream together, to work together, to fight climate change, to protect our climate
together, because the reality is we are in it together”.

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