GLT1009 Transitions Cloze 1 PDF

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TEN (10) transitional words or phrases have been omitted from the text below.

Complete each blank with ONE suitable transition from the box. Each transitional
word or phrase can be used only ONCE. Not all the transitions are used.

although and meanwhile though even consequently

not only while but furthermore for instance or

The crumbling buildings housing Kamuli General Hospital's wards and clinics are
almost entirely deserted. With most of medical personnel not coming to work,
patients who would usually attend this hospital in rural eastern Uganda have taken
their cue, and nearly all the beds are empty. (1) ______________ it doesn't mean
people don't need care. Many Ugandans will tell you that, with or without the strike,
the country's health system simply does not work. (2) ______________ are medical
drugs not available, but there is also a chronic shortage of doctors.
(3)_____________, more than 40% of positions are unfilled, according to the Health
Ministry, not to mention the absenteeism by health workers who moonlight at private

Patients with enough money have turned to private hospitals during the strike. Milly
Namusobya (4) ______________ cannot afford the cost . Eight months pregnant
with her first child, she is experiencing pain in her abdomen.But Kamuli General
Hospital could not help. "I was shocked to find how bad things were.
(5)______________, there was only one doctor on call and machines needed to help
patients breathe were broken. There was (6) ______________ no medicine at the
government hospital. (7) ______________ we were there, we were advised that
there are some elderly ladies who can help us understand our pregnancy, our
complications (8) ______________ how our babies are growing in the womb. That is
how I ended up coming to this traditional birth attendant " Ms Namusobya says.

With the strike affecting many across the country, the official position is that there is
not enough money to boost doctors' wages.

Don Wanyama, the president's spokesman, explained: "We have a very small
resource-envelope as a country and with many competing needs. (9) ____________,
public servants perhaps have not been given the money they really need. But the
president has indicated that [when] the pressure on other investments reduces, there
should be some money to spend on workers of government."

Ms Namusobya, (10) ______________, is hoping the strike ends before she gives
birth. Otherwise the traditional birth attendant's office without any proper facilities is
her only option.

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