Question One: Select The Correct Answer For The Following Phrases

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Course No: PHRM 2210 University of Palestine Instructor Name: Dr.

Amjad El-Shanti
Course Title: Biostatistics Student No.: _________________
Date: 11/3/2017 Student Name: _______________
No. of Questions: (2) First Exam College Name: Faculty of Pharmacy
Time: 1hour Second term 2016/2017 Dep./Specialist: _______________
Using Calculator (yes) Total Grade: 15 Marks Using Dictionary (No)

Question One : Select the correct answer for the following phrases. (5marks)

1-Which one is NOT a type of descriptive statistics:

A) Manipulation and control
B) Frequencies
C) Measures of central tendency
D)Measures of variability
2- After data are collected, the first step is:
A) Write your recommendation
B) Selecting Measuring Instruments
C) Write your research plan
D) Converting behavioral responses into a numerical system or categorical organization.
3- When data are collected in a statistical study for only a portion or subset of all elements of
interest we are using:
A) A sample
B) A Parameter
C) A Population
D) Both b and c
4- In statistics, conducting a survey means:
A) Collecting information from elements
B) Making mathematical calculations
C) Drawing graphs and pictures
D) None of the above
5- The sum of the percent frequencies for all classes will always equal:
A) One
B) The number of classes
C) The number of items in the study
D) One hundred
6- A statistics professor asked students in a class their ages. On the basis of this information, the
professor states that the average age of all the students in the university is 21 years. This is an
example of:
A) A census
B) Descriptive statistics
C) An experiment
D) Statistical inference
7- In computing descriptive statistics from grouped data:
A) Data values are treated as if they occur at the midpoint of a class
B) The grouped data result is more accurate than the ungrouped result
C) The grouped data computations are used only when a population is being analyzed
D) All of the above answers are correct.
8- If a data set has an even number of observations, the median:
A) Cannot be determined
B) Is the average value of the two middle items
C) Must be equal to the mean
D)Is the average value of the two middle items when all items are arranged in ascending order

Course No: PHRM 2210 University of Palestine Instructor Name: Dr. Amjad El-Shanti
Course Title: Biostatistics Student No.: _________________
Date: 11/3/2017 Student Name: _______________
No. of Questions: (2) First Exam College Name: Faculty of Pharmacy
Time: 1hour Second term 2016/2017 Dep./Specialist: _______________
Using Calculator (yes) Total Grade: 15 Marks Using Dictionary (No)

9- Since the mode is the most frequently occurring data value, it:
A) Can never be larger than the mean
B) Is always larger than the median
C) Must have a value of at least two
D) None of the above answers is correct.
10-Data arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude is called:
A) Ungrouped data
B) Grouped data
C) Discrete frequency distribution
D) Arrayed data
Question Two: (10 marks)

-The following raw data for three variables (Smoking status, Age by years, and Systolic
Blood Pressure by mmHg) of 20 patients selected randomly from Cardiological Clinic of
one primary Health Care Center in Gaza strip in 2017:
S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Smoking Y N Y N N Y N N N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y
Age 32 47 47 30 49 51 42 35 47 58 44 56 34 43 57 45 59 38 46 32
Systolic 150 136 142 155 125 144 145 142 132 131 140 137 127 128 140 152 138 146 130 154

*According to the previous data, Answer the following questions showing the details:
A) Determine the type of each variable?
B) Construct simple frequency tables for the three variables separately in condition that the number
of intervals for age and systolic blood pressure are 6 intervals for each one, and comment on each
one by telling us the most important finding for each variable?
C) Construct complex frequency table showing the distribution of 20 Patients by both smoking
status and systolic blood pressure (mmHg) in condition that the number of intervals for systolic
blood pressure is 6 intervals, and then determine the relative frequency of smokers of systolic blood
pressure between 125-145 years from all patients of systolic blood pressure between 125- 145
D) Determine the relationship between age (years), and systolic blood pressure (mmHg) by
constructing the best diagram could represents this relationship, and then comment on the type of
this relationship?
E) Draw a pie chart to show the distribution of the twenty patients by systolic blood pressure
intervals (mmHg) according to simple frequency table which constructed previously in Question
two part (B)? and Find the median of systolic blood pressure from the simple frequency table?
F) Find the mode of age by(years) of the twenty patients by the four methods of grouped data and
by using a simple frequency table which constructed previously in Question two part (B) and using
the histogram and by lever method?
Good Luck

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