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Group Meeting Minutes Log #7

M od ul e Ti tle

MED3052 Community Impact Project

P rod uc tio n T itl e

Cafe Track

Date 6/11/20 Ti me 2:30 PM

Pres e nt Matt Hall, Lily Tunstall, Bethan Murfitt and Christian Brown

Absent n/a

Agenda • Upload evidence to MyPad site

• Prepare to contact back-up client
• Research into target audience
Mi n u te s Group Discussion:
2.40 - Group begin individual research tasks into Cafe Track

2.45 - Bethan creates a group document to prepare questions for the client

3.00 - Lily and Bethan add questions to the document to support current
research and pre-production documents
A c t i o n Po i n t s • Matt to contact client via phone
• Build research on target audience for client brief
• Start developing presentation
• Upload research to MyPad

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