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Assignment # 1 (Raoult’s Law and Modified Raoult’s Law )

“On my honor, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this assignment”

Question 1.0- A binary liquid mixture contains methanol (as component 1) and methyl acetate
(as component 2). The overall composition for methanol in the liquid mixture is 0.5. The liquid
mixture is kept at constant temperature of 60ºC.

a- Using Raoult’s Law, calculate the range of pressure at which both liquid and vapor
phases can co-exist.
b- Repeat the calculations in part (a) using the modified Raoult’s law with the below two
suffix Margules activity coefficient model for components 1 and 2.
c- What are the differences between the results from parts (a) and (b) and explain why the
results should be different.

d- At the above overall composition and at the pressure , using the modified

Raoult’s Law, calculate the equilibrium compositions for both components 1 and 2 in the
liquid and vapor phases and the molar fraction of the vapor phase in the VLE system.
Temperature is constant at 60ºC.

ln  1  Ax 22 ln  2  Ax12 A  2.771  0.00523 T / K

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