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500 Polity Questions

1) The jurisdiction covering the Andaman and Nicobar Islands falls under the supervision of ?
A circuit bench of the Calcutta High Court at Port Blair
2) How long a person should have practiced in a High Court to be eligible to be appointed as a
Judge of Supreme Court of India? 10 Years
3) Via which amendments of the Constitution of India, Delhi was designated as National Capital
Territory (NCT)? 69th Amendment Act
4) The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with the administration and control of
Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes in the four states of? Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and
5) Which Schedules of the Constitution of India has to be amended to provide for the formation
of a new State ? First Schedule
6) The Constitution of India empowers the Supreme Court of India to adjudicate disputes
between the Centre and the States through? Original Jurisdiction
7) Which is a part of the electoral college for the Election of the President but does not
participate in the proceedings for his/her impeachment? State Legislative Assemblies
8) The Swaran Singh Committee recommended? Inclusion of Fundamental Duties in the Indian
9) Which Indian State has the largest number of seats reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the
Lok Sabha? Madhya Pradesh
10) Which items/Subjects belongs to the Concurrent list of the VIIth Schedule of the Indian
Constitution? Forests
11) The resolution for removing the Vice-President of India can be moved in? Rajya Sabha only
12) The Department of Border Management is a department under which Union Ministries?
Ministry of Home Affairs
13) Which is the largest Lok Sabha constituency (Areawise)? Ladakh
14) Which Indian States have a Bicameral Legislature? Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & Jammu and
15) Andaman and Nicobar( Protection of Aboriginal tribes )Amendment Regulation 2012 has
been promulgated under Article 240 of the Constitution, which tribes? Jarawas
16) Who operates the National Disaster Response Fund which was constituted under the Disaster
Management Act, 2005? Union Minister for Home Affairs
17) Which are the taxes levied exclusively by the Central Government and are mentioned in the
Union List of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India? Corporation Tax & Taxes on
advertisement in the newspapers
18) Unaided minority institutions have been excluded from the ambit of RTE Act due to which
fundamental rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution? Article 30(1)
19) Article 20 of the Indian Constitution is an important fundamental right as it provides
protection in respect of conviction for offences. The safeguard which is not provided to the
persons accused of crime under Article 20 is? Right to be produced before a magistrate within
24 hours
20) The Election Commission of India is not concerned with the elections of to the? Panchayats
and Municipalities in the State
21) Article 123 of the Indian Constitution provides for? The Ordinance Making power of the
22) President can proclaim National Emergency under Article 352 in the entire country or in any
part of it, on the grounds of? External Aggression & Armed Rebellion
23) Which writs literally means ‘We Command’ ? Mandamus
24) Which High Courts has the largest jurisdiction in the country? Guwahati High Court
25) For bills, there is no constitutional provision for a joint sitting of both the houses of the
Parliament to resolve a deadlock? Money bill & Constitution Amendment Bill
26) Many key features of the constitution such as the federal structure of government, provincial
autonomy, a bicameral central legislature and the principle of separation of powers, are
directly taken from? Government of India Act, 1935
27) Which is not one of the official languages mentioned in the VIIIth Schedule? Persian
28) Which parts/ provisions of the Indian Constitution cannot be amended? Judicial Review
29) There is a prescribed procedure for the amendment of the provisions of the Indian
Constitution. This feature has been borrowed from the Constitution of? South Africa
30) Rajya Sabha ___ of members retire every second year? One-third
31) The Rajya Sabha is not subject to____? Dissolution
32) _____ the ex-officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha? The Vice President
33) Legislature of the Union which is called ‘Parliament’ consists of? President, Rajya Sabha and
Lok Sabha
34) Right to Education Act, 2009 mandates 25 pc free seats to the poor in which schools of India?
Government Schools, Government aided Private Schools and Private unaided schools
35) The Constitution of India provides that Trade, Commerce and Intercourse throughout the
territory of Union of India is free. However, despite this provision, a state in India can make
law for imposing taxes on imports of goods from other states in India, provided the goods
produced in other states are also taxes in that state in the same manner. Who decides whether
the states can make such law or not? President of India
36) The Directive Principles of State policy, though attractive, are not enforceable by law. But
there is one among the given options, which has been so far made enforceable by a Supreme
Court fiat. Identify that DPSP from the given options? Equal pay for equal work
37) The various Amendments of Citizenship Act in 1986 have resulted in? Difficulty in acquiring
citizenship by refugees of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh etc.
38) Who will head the National Council for Senior Citizens? Minister of Social Justice and
39) Poll Monitoring System was implemented in which states of India for the first time? Goa
40) The ultras under the Karbi Peoples’ Liberation Tiger, KPLT are predominantly active in
which states? Assam
41) The National Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Bill aims to substitute which
acts? The Land Acquisition Act, 1894
42) During Elections what will happen, if the number of contesting candidates in a constituency
goes beyond 64? EVMs cannot be used in such a constituency. Voting by means of ballot box
will be used.
43) What is the maximum number of candidates which EVMs (Electronic Voting Machine) can
cater to? 64
44) Normally, under the Election Commission’s norms, how far can a polling station be from
your house? 2 km
45) What is the maximum number of votes which can be cast in Electronic Voting Machine?
46) In India, the EVMs ( Electronic Voting Machines) have been devised and designed by
Election Commission in collaboration with which? Bharat Electronics Ltd and Electronic
Corporation of India
47) When was the EVM (Electronic Voting Machine) first introduced in elections (on
experimental basis) ? 1989-90
48) What has been the maximum number of candidates in any constituency in India at any
election so far? 1033
49) As per the Code of Conduct by Election Commission of India for Party in Power, Ministers
and other authorities shall not sanction grants/payments out of discretionary funds from what
time? The time elections are announced by the Commission
50) As per the Model Code of Conduct for the guidance of Political Parties and Candidates by
Election Commission of India they can’t hold public meetings during the period of _____
hours ending with the hour fixed for the close of the poll? 48
51) TRAI (Telecom and Regulatory Authority of India) was established in year ________ by
________? 1997; an Act of Parliament
52) The premises of India’s Finance Ministry are also known as ___? North Block
53) Which Constitution Amendment Bill grant citizens a fundamental right to form cooperative
societies? 111th
54) A system known as “Dyarchy” was introduced in India for the first time by the Government
of India Act 1919, which implied that the spheres of the various subjects were divided
into___? Reserved Subjects and Transferred Subjects.
55) “Right to service” is an important part of which bills / act? Right to Information Act
56) The provision for having a Finance Commission to sort out the revenue-sharing arrangement
between states and the Centre is part of the Constitution under which articles? Article 280
57) In which states, Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) was imposed for the first time?
7 North East States
58) The 8th schedule of Constitution of India , originally had how many languages? 14
59) What is the difference between Union Legislature and Parliament of India ? There is no
difference between the two
60) The implied right to privacy is a part of the right to “life” and “personal liberty” enshrined
under which articles of Constitution of India? Article 21
61) As per which articles, President of India has power to grant pardons, reprieves, respites or
remissions of punishment or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of any person
convicted of any offence? Article 72
62) ” Maulana Azad National Fellowship scheme” is available in India for the students of? 5
Notified Minorities
63) The Integrated Action Plan (IAP) is aimed at bridging the development deficit in the
extremely backward areas that are affected by ______? Left Wing Extremism
64) “Prime Minister’s 15 Point Programme” in India is related to which segments of society?
65) 14th September 1949 Constitution-makers of the country decided to accord the status of
_________ to Hindi? Official Language of Union
66) Who is heads the National Integration Council in India? Prime Minister
67) Which commission was appointed by the Central Government on Union-State relations in
1983? Sarkariya commission
68) Which taxes are levied by the Union but are collected and appropriated by the states? Stamp
duties & Excise duties on medical and toilet materials.
69) Which taxes are imposed and collected by the state government? Estate duty, Sales tax &
Land revenue
70) Which tax is levied and collected by the Union government, but the proceeds are distributed
between the Union and states? Income tax
71) Which taxes is levied and collected by the Union government? Excise duty
72) 7, Race Course Road, the official residence of Indian Prime Minister is commonly known as
___? Panchavati
73) Which terms does not get a place in Constitution of India? Budget
74) Which is the basic territorial unit of Administration in India? District
75) Who has written the book titled ‘The Perils of Democracy’? P. C. Alexander
76) Which committee is known for recommending a 3-tier Panchayati Raj System which includes
Zila Parishad at the District Level, Panchayat Samiti at the Block/ Tehsil/ Taluka Level and
Gram Panchayat at the Village Level? Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
77) Which was the smallest state among the Part A, B, C & D states after India’s independence?
78) Legislative Powers of the State of Jammu & Kashmir don’t extend to the matters with respect
to which the Parliament has power to make laws for the states under Constitution of India.
The above provision finds its place in which? Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir
79) The members of the Constituent Assembly were elected by the Legislatures of various
provinces and nominated by the rulers of the princely states. Why the members of the
Constituent Assembly were NOT directly elected? There was an array of disagreements with
the Cabinet Mission amongst the different sections in India and formation was Constituent
Assembly by directly elected members was not possible.
80) Who determines the qualifications which shall be requisite for appointment as members of the
Finance Commission in India? Parliament by an act
81) Correct definition of the Political Party in India? Political party means an association or a
body of individual citizens of India registered with the Election Commission as a political
party under provisions of Section 29A of Representation of People Act, 1951.
82) Who is called the “guardian of the public purse” of India? Chairman of Public Accounts
83) Who is considered to be the custodian of the nation’s Finances? Finance Minister
84) Who is the first citizen of a city in India? Mayor
85) “India International Institute of Democracy and Election Management” is located at? New
86) As per the provisions of the Article 94 of the Constitution of India, whenever the Lok Sabha
is dissolved, the office of the Speaker becomes vacant at which time? Immediately before the
first session of the next Lok Sabha
87) As per the Nehru Report, the composition of India’s parliament was as follows? Crown,
Senate, House of Representatives
88) As per the Government of India act 1919, the life of the Council of State and Legislative
Assembly were? 5 Years , 3 years
89) As per the Constitution of India, a new All India service can be instituted with only on the
initiative of which? Rajya Sabha
90) All Minority Educational Institutions are entitled to exercise rights enshrined in which articles
of Constitution of India? 30
91) “We must not for a moment forget, it is a birth right of every individual to receive at least the
basic education without which he cannot fully discharge his duties as a citizen.” Which
personalities of India is known to have made this famous statement? Maulana Abul Kalam
92) “All powers of Government and all authority-legislative, executive and judicial are derived
from the people and the same shall be exercised in the commonwealth of India through the
organizations, established by or under and in accord with, this constitution”. The above para
has been taken from which (which has been characterized by some scholars as “Constitution
of Commonwealth of India”? Nehru Report
93) Which articles of Constitution of India gives the power to the High courts to issue writs? 226
94) Who is the ex-officio chairman of Indian Council of World Affairs ? Vice President
95) During the tenure of which prime ministers The Lok Sabha never meet? Chaudhary Charan
96) Which bodies is in charge of enforcement of the standards of the Indian Tricolour as per the
provisions of the “Flag Code of India”? Bureau of Indian Standards
97) Till which years, the Supreme Court of India commenced its sittings from the Parliament
building prior to moving to the present premises? 1958
98) The Dispute Resolution Panel has been established under which acts in India? Income Tax
Act, 1961
99) Who appoints/ nominates the chairperson of the National Commission for Women? Central
100) Which established the Planning commission in 1950 as an extra constitutional body
through a resolution? Cabinet
101) Article 43 B in Part IV of the Constitution of India deals with? Cooperative Societies
102) A bill which affects the meaning and scope of which can be introduced in the
parliament only on recommendation of President of India? Tax on Agriculture Income
103) “Cervus elaphus hanglu” is the state animal of which states? Jammu & Kashmir
104) A person can be appointed as Attorney General of India, provided he / she is qualified
to be appointed as which? Judge of Supreme Court
105) A major failure of the judicial system in the country has been its ineffectiveness in
ensuring speedy disposal of cases under trial. This is out of line of which articles of
Constitution of India which provides a right to speedy justice? Article 21
106) In India, the responsibility for recognition and vesting of forest rights and distribution
of land rights rests with which ? State and UT Governments
107) An ordinary bill is generally circulated / put on website for purpose of eliciting the
public opinion on it during which stages? After First Reading but Before Second Reading
108) The National Disaster Response Fund, which has replaced the National Calamity
Contingency Fund on 28 September 2010, has been classified in which? Public Account of
109) “Jungapithia” is the state fish of which states of India? Arunachal Pradesh
110) The number of the Judges in the Supreme Court of India can be increased by which?
By a Presidential Notification
111) In issuing one of the writs, the Supreme Court orders: ” the respondent was not
entitled to an office he was holding or a privilege he was exercising”. The above declaration
can be identified as which writs? Quo-warranto
112) The Bicameralism legislature is an essential feature in which types of Governments?
Federal System
113) In which conditions the Government in the Centre would fall during the budget
procedure? If the Finance Bill is rejected by the Lok Sabha
114) In which states, Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) were used for the first time in
India? Kerala
115) Which of the article deals with the grants in aid by the Union government to the
states? Article 275
116) Which commissions was established by an amendment of the Constitution of India?
National Commission for Scheduled Tribes
117) Which articles of Constitution of India entrusts the President of India to grant
pardons? Article 72
118) Which article deals with the election of the Vice-president? Article 66
119) In which year the Traditional Forest Dwellers Act was enacted in India ? 2006
120) From which dates, the Model Code of Conduct becomes operational in an election for
a state assembly in India? The date on which election commission announces the election
121) The National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA) has been constituted to give focused
attention to the problems of rainfed areas of the country. The NRAA is a / an ________?
Advisory Body
122) Who can pardon the Capital Punishment? Only President
123) Who decides on the matter of disqualification of a Member of Rajya Sabha? President
by advice of Election Commission
124) The salary of the Judge of High Court are charged from which? Consolidated Fund of
the State
125) The “Universal Adult Suffrage” is enshrined in which articles of Constitution of
India? 326
126) Who was never a Chief Election Commissioner of India ? R.S.Verma
127) The registration of Voters is a responsibility of which? Election Commission
128) Which was the purpose of setting up the Balwant Rai Mehta Committee in 1956?
Suggesting measures for better efficiency in the implementation of the Community
Development Projects
129) Which commission is known for recommendation of abolition of the IAS and IPS?
Rajamannar Commission
130) Which is the most important condition to decide for the validity of nomination of a
College student, who seeks to be elected to the Municipal Council of his / her City? His / her
name figures in the Voter’s List
131) Which is the correct implication of the “Advisory Jurisdiction” of the Supreme Court
of India? It tenders advice to the President of India on demand
132) Which one is not a constitutional body? NITI Aayog
133) Diet’ is a joint session of the Parliament of which nation? Japan
134) The Third proclamation of emergency under Article 352 was made by President of
India on which grounds? Internal Disturbance
135) Which writs is issued against wrongful detention? Habeas Corpus
136) The Upper House of Egypt parliament is known as? Shura Council
137) Who can remove the Vice-President from his office? Parliament
138) Approval of what is needed to draw funds from Consolidated Fund of India?
139) Right to Safety, right to information, Right to Choose, right to be heard & Right to
Seek Redressal are the essential components of which? The Consumer Protection Act
140) Which former Prime Ministers of India ,never served as Chief minister of Indian
141) In the Budget session, which is known as ‘guillotine’? The speaker puts all the
outstanding demands to vote
142) Who appoints a Judge in the High Court of Indian state? President with Advice of a
collegium of Judges
143) B.G. Verghese Committee 1977 is most commonly related to which? Prasar Bharti
144) Which act was known as the Anarchical and Revolutionary Crime act 1919? Rowlatt
145) Dr. BR Ambedkar was elected to the constituent assembly from which? West Bengal
146) In which year, Peacock was declared National Bird of India? 1963
147) The term of office of the Vice-president is as? 5 years
148) which articles of Constitution of India deals with “Prohibition of Traffic in Human
beings”, ? Article 23
149) Who can be a chairman of the National Human Rights Commission? Retired Chief
Justice of India
150) In which year “The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act” was enacted?
151) Which constitutional amendment bills is known for establishment of administrative
tribunals? 42nd amendment act
152) Who was the chairman of the Special Committee to examine the Draft Constitution of
India ? Sir Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyer
153) The Vice-president is the ex-officio chairman of the? Rajya sabha
154) In which year, the protection of Civil Rights Act which provides for a punishment for
offences related to caste and religion was passed? 1955
155) Maximum number of states / union territories in India come under the Jurisdiction of
which High Courts? Guwahati High Court
156) The Higher court issued a writ to a lower court preventing it from exceeding its
jurisdiction. This is referred to as ________? Prohibition
157) Economic Planning comes under which lists ? Concurrent list
158) Which decides that there should be a Legislative Council in the state or not?
Legislative Assembly
159) On the recommendations of Santhanam Committee, which offices was set up in
India? Central Vigilance Commission
160) Which article deals with the appointment of the Prime Minister and other ministers?
Article 75
161) Which Government gets the stamp duty collected on promissory notes? State
Government 100%
162) National Judicial Academy is located at? Bhopal
163) India became a party to the UN in? 1945
164) Justice MM Punchi Commission is related to? Centre state relations
165) Under the provisions of, 5 Zonal Councils were established in India? States
Reorganization act 1956
166) Which was first Municipal Corporation of India (Established in 1687)? Madras
167) Sylheti language is a dialect of which languages ? Bengali
168) which parts of Indian Constitution deal with the local administration? Part IX and part
169) Which committees had recommended the Panchayat Raj Finance Corporation ? K.
Santhanam Committee (1963)
170) No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth,
residence or any of them, be ineligible for, or discriminate against in respect of, any
employment or office under the State” Which article says this ? Article 15
171) The Prime Minister is appointed by whom? President
172) The Constitution of India gives a right to audience in all courts of India, to whom?
Attorney General of India
173) The concept of Judicial Review in the Constitution of India is borrowed from which?
174) What is the current number of High Courts in India? 24
175) Which is the Official language of Nagaland? English
176) The word “Politburo” is used for the executive committee of communist political
parties. This term has originated from which countries? Germany
177) Which is NOT a classical language? Bengali
178) Which was NOT a political party at the time of its foundation? Shiv Sena
179) Who is widely remembered for his efforts in achieving the Official Language of India
status for Hindi? Purshottam Das Tandon
180) Who introduced the Preventive Detention Bill in 1950 in the Indian parliament?
Sardar Patel
181) The famous “Ripon Resolution” of 1882 is most closely related to which? Local Self
182) The Recommendations of the Ashok Mehta Committee led to which constitutional
Amendments? 73rd Amendment
183) Which was the first French enclave of Pondicherry to merge with the Dominion of
India? Pondicherry
184) Who was the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha? Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar
185) Which article was inserted in the Indian Constitution by 42nd amendment 1976, in
purview of India being a signatory of Stockholm Conference of 1972? Article 48 A
186) he Supreme Court’s Samata judgment (1997) nullified all mining leases granted by
the State government of Andhra Pradesh in the Scheduled areas and asked it to stop all
mining operations, thus protecting the land of tribal people. Under which is the schedules of
Indian Constitution, Supreme Court protected the land of the tribal people through this
judgment? Schedule 5
187) Which is constituted by the President of India under Article 280 (1) of the
Constitution? Finance Commission
188) Who has been given the power by the Constitution of India to “Impose Reasonable
Restrictions” on the fundamental rights? Parliament
189) Jawahar Lal Nehru headed the Interim Cabinet as _________? Vice President
190) In which year Indian Citizenship Act was passed? 1955
191) Which of the fundamental right is also known to have incorporated a “Necessary
Evil” of the Constitution of India? Protection against arrest and detention in certain case
192) Who founded the Indian Statistical Institute? Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis
193) Who was President of United States when Cripps Mission visited India? Franklin D.
194) The Cripps Mission was welcomed and accepted by which? No party
195) Who headed the Union powers Committee of the Constituent Assembly? Jawahar Lal
196) Which article throws all public places to all citizens? Article 15 (2)
197) “Socialist” was implicit in the constitution, but made explicit by _______? 42nd
Amendment Act
198) Who quoted “Preamble” as Political Horoscope? K M Munshi
199) How many times the word “Secular” appears in our constitution? 2
200) Which was the outcome of kesavanand Bharti Case v/s State of Kerala Case 1973?
Preamble is Part of the constitution and subject to amending power of the parliament.
201) Who shall communicate to the president all the decisions of the council of ministers
under article 78? Prime minister
202) The total number of ministers including the prime ministers shall not exceed? 15%
members of the Lok sabha
203) The Supreme Court at present contains what number of Judges? 28
204) Who appoints the Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court? President
205) Which article of the constitution of India provides the composition and jurisdiction
of the Supreme Court of India? Article 124
206) The National Judiciary Appointments Commission (NJAC) consists of? Chief Justice
of India, Two senior most Supreme Court judges & The Union Minister of Law and Justice
207) The executive power of the Union is vested in? President
208) Which article deals with the pardoning power of the President? Article 72
209) The impeachment of the President is carried by? Parliament
210) Which article deals with the tenure of the President? Article 56
211) Which article deals with the impeachment of the President? Article 61
212) The Pressure groups are? Organisations of universal character
213) he Pressure Group tries to promote the interests of their members by exerting pressure
on? Executive, Judiciary & Legislative
214) Which are known as Pressure Groups? Trade unions, Caste groups & Tribal
215) When was the first Parliamentary Forum on Water Conservation and Management
constituted? 2005
216) When was the first Parliamentary Forum on Youth constituted? 2006
217) When was the first Parliamentary Forum on Global Warming and Climate Change
constituted? 2008
218) When was the first Parliamentary Forum on Disaster Management constituted? 2011
219) When was the first Parliamentary Forum on Children constituted? 2006
220) “The independence of Judiciary” in Indian constitution is taken from? Britain
221) In a parliamentary form of Government, the real powers of the state, are vested in
the….? Council of ministers headed by the Prime Minister
222) Which amendment acts amended the Preamble of the Indian constitution? 42nd
Amendment act
223) Supreme Court held that the Preamble is not a part of the constitution in cases/case?
Berubari Union case (1960)
224) Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the constitution of the Parliament
of India? Article 79
225) Which article deals with the composition of council of states ( Rajya sabha) and the
manner of election of its members? Article 80
226) The representatives of the state in the Rajya sabha are elected by which one? Elected
members of the state legislative assembly
227) The number of representatives of the Rajya sabha from states and union territories are
among which one? 238
228) How many number of members are nominated by the President to the Rajya sabha?
229) The first Estimates Committee of the post-independence era was first set up in? 1950
230) Committee on Government Assurances was constituted in? 1953
231) Committee on Government Assurances, for the Lok Sabha, it consists of __
members? 15
232) Who heads the Niti aayog as its chairperson? Prime minister
233) NITI Aayog came into effect from? 1st January 2015
234) Think tank of Government of India that replaced the Planning commission is? NITI
235) Which one is the CEO of Niti Aayog? Amitabh Kant
236) Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 makes provisions for a 3-tier system of
Panchayati Raj for all the States having population of above__? 20 Lakh
237) Which state was the first to establish Panchayati raj institutions? Rajasthan
238) Which part of the constitution deals with the panchayats? Part IX
239) The panchayat system was adopted to? To decentralise the power of democracy
240) Which states have no panchayati raj institution at all? Nagaland
241) High courts enjoys the power of ? judicial review
242) Which article deals with the appointment of judges? Article 217
243) High courts issue writs under article-.........? 226
244) The chief justice and other judges of the high courts are appointed by which one?
245) Which is the oldest known system designed for the redressal of citizen's grievance?
Ombudsman System
246) Which was the first Indian state to establish the institution of Lokayukta?
247) When did The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 came into force? January 2013
248) Who appoints the Lokayukta and Upalokayukta? Governor of the state
249) Which state's Lokayukta's office is considered to be the strongest in terms of power
and scope? Karnataka
250) The fundamental duties are included in the constitution by which act? 42nd
amendment act
251) The fundamental duties are mentioned in which? Part-IV
252) Which article of the Constitution contains fundamental duties? 51 A
253) Which committee suggested to incorporate fundamental duties in the constitution?
Swaran singh committee
254) Which Articles contain the right to religious freedom? 25-28
255) Which articles guarantees equality before law and equal protection of law for all
individuals residing within the territory of India? 14
256) Which article of the Constitution abolishes Untouchability? Article 17
257) Which is correct with respect to “Right against exploitation”? Prohibition of traffic in
human beings and forced labour
258) In which part of the Indian Constitution, the Fundamental rights are provided? Part II
259) National emergency is declared under which articles? Article 352
260) National emergency proclamation is issued in case of? Armed rebellion, External
aggression & War
261) proclamation of emergency under article 352 is issued by Whom? President
262) emergency under article 356 is imposed by whom? President
263) Financial emergency is imposed under article? Article 360
264) In real sense the Governor of the State is appointed by the President on the advice?
Prime Minister
265) The Governor of the State can be removed by? President
266) Which are the discretionary powers of the Governor? Returning back the bill to the
State legislature for reconsideration.
267) Which article deals with the Governor of States? Article 153
268) Elections in India for Parliament and State Legislatures are conducted by? Election
Commission of India
269) Members of Election Commission are appointed by? President of India
270) Which article of Indian constitution says that will be an election commission in India?
Article 324
271) The number of seats reserved for scheduled caste in the Lok sabha is?
272) Which Articles in the Constitution give provisions for the electoral system in our
country? Articles 324-329
273) The elections for Lok Sabha are held every? 5 years
274) For qualifying to the Lok Sabha, a person must be a at least __ years of age? 25
275) A person belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe can contest elections
from a general seal also, and not just with the? reserved seat
276) If a member of either of the Houses votes against the directions given by his party, he
can be? Disqualified
277) What is the maximum allowed duration between the last session of the dissolved Lok
Sabha and the recalling of the Lok Sabha? 6 months
278) Which is the smallest Lok Sabha Constituency in General Elections by area? Chandni
Chowk, Delhi
279) Directive principles of State Policy is mentioned in ___ of the Indian constitution?
Part VI
280) _____ in the economic field for the interest of the consumer and product a Directive
Principle of State policy? Freedom
281) Which group of articles of the Indian Constitution contains Directive principles of
State policy? 36-51
282) Which article of the Constitution is directed to establish Uniform Civil Code? Article
283) Which Supreme Court decisions stated that the Directive Principles of State policy
cannot override fundamental rights? In State of Madras Vs. Champakam Dorairajan
284) Which Article in the Indian Constitution provides for an Election Commission in
India? Article 324
285) Currently, there are how many members in the Election Commission? 2
286) What is the tenure of office for the Chief Election Commissioner? 6 years or 65
years, whichever is earlier
287) For the Election Commission, at the district level, who acts as the district returning
officer? District Magistrate
288) Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of Election Commission? President
of India
289) The powers and functions of the Chief Minister of the state are analogous to? Prime
290) At his time of appointment, the Chief Minister need not be a member of the? state
291) It is the ____ who does the final appointment of the Chief Minister? Governor
292) The Chief Minister can recommend the dissolution of the legislative assemble to the?
293) Chief Minister of a state gives his resignation to the? Governor of the state
294) Who is the head of the state’s councils of ministers? Chief Minister of the state
295) A person is entitled to Indian citizenship if? A person is domiciled India, Born in
296) Indian constitution taken the concept of single citizenship from? UK
297) Indian citizenship can be acquired? By descent, By naturalization & By registration
298) Which is not a condition to become a citizen of India? Acquired property
299) Article 5 to 11 part II of Indian constitution deals with? Citizenship
300) Who appoints the Advocate General of states? Governor of state
301) Which Article in the Constitution on India provides for the post of Comptroller and
Auditor General of India (CAG)? Article148
302) Who appoints the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)? President
303) What is the tenure of the office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)?
6 years or age of 65, whichever is lower
304) Who is the current CAG of India? Rajiv Mehrishi
305) Which corporations is fully audited by Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(CAG)? Air India
306) The constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on? 26 January,
307) Constitution of India came into effect on? 26th January 1950
308) Right to property according to the constitution is? Legal right
309) Which is the highest and final judicial tribunal in respect of the constitution of India?
Supreme Court
310) The total number of Schedules in the constitution are? 12
311) When was the Anti-Defection law passed? 1985
312) Who is the final deciding authority on the question of disqualification by anti-
defection? Chairman or Rajya Sabha or Speaker of Lok Sabha
313) The anti-defection law gives for the first time a clear cut constitutional recognition to
the existence of? political parties
314) Which committee suggested the exemption from disqualification in case of a split
from Tenth Schedule (anti-defection) ? Dinesh Goswami committee
315) In which year the Central Bureau of Investigation was established? 1963
316) In which city the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Academy located? Mumbai
317) Where are the headquarters of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) located? New
318) The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) comes under the administrative control of?
Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) of the Ministry of Personnel
319) Part IV of Indian Constitution deals with? Directive Principles of State Policy
320) To whom the Speaker of the Lok Sabha gives his resignation? Deputy speaker of lok
321) What was the duration of Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy as the president of India? 1977 to
322) Who does not give his resignation to the president of India? Lok Sabha Speaker
323) Lok Sabha speaker takes the oath of the office from? No oath
324) Which is not the pillar of Directive Principal of State Policy? Democratic principles
325) Which articles is called the “Soul of the Constitution” by the Dr. Ambedkar? Article
326) Which article remains in force during the National Emergency? Article 21
327) Article 18 of the Indian Constitution deals with? Abolition of Titles
328) National Commission for Other Backward Class came into effect from? 1993
329) Which article of Indian constitution gives the power to the government to make
special provisions for the development of SC/ST/OBC against the article 15? Article 29
330) Who is the current Chairman of the National Commission for Other Backward Class?
Justice V. Eswaraiah.
331) How many members are in the National Commission for Other Backward Class? V
332) What is the current limit of creamy layer (for OBC)in India to decide the benefits of
the reservation? 6 lac /Annum
333) To become a membe r of Lok Sabha, What should be the minimum age of the
candidate? 25 years
334) What is the minimum age to be the member of the Rajya Sabha? 30 years
335) Under which condition, a member of parliament can lose his/her membership? If
he/she holds an office of profit under the Union of a State Government, If he is declared to be
of unsound mind by a court & If he is a bankrupt.
336) A person cannot remain simultaneously a member of _____the Houses of the
Parliament or a member of either House of the Parliament and a member of a state
legislature? Both
337) Which article lays down the qualifications for membership of the two Houses of
Parliament? Article 83
338) Union budget of India is referred in which article? Article 112
339) The first Union budget of independent India was presented by? R. K. Shanmukham
340) What is the current exemption limit of income tax for general citizens? 2.50
341) The only woman who holds the post of the Finance Minister of India is? Indira
342) Which ex- Prime Minister of India did not present the union budget of India? Atal
Bihari Vajpayee
343) Which committee recommended the establishment of IRDA? R.N. Malhotra
344) Along with banking services insurance sector contributes about ........percent of GDP
of India? 7%
345) When was IRDA established? 1999
346) Who is the current IRDA chief? T.S. Vijayan
347) What is the minimum age to become a member of Lok Sabha? 25 years
348) What is the strength of total elected members of 14th Lok Sabha? 543
349) What is the maximum strength of the Lok Sabha envisaged by the Constitution? 552
350) How many members are elected in the Lok Sabha from the Union Territories
(according to Constitutional provision)? 20
351) During the proclamation of emergency is in operation the term of Lok Sabha may be
extended at a time for a period not exceeding? 1 year
352) Which feature of Indian Constitution is not taken from American Constitution? Single
353) Procedure for the amendment of the Constitution is taken form? South Africa
354) The concept of Federal System in Indian Constitution is taken from? Canada
355) From which country the concept Fundamental Duties in Indian Constitution is taken?
356) Emergency provisions in Indian Constitution is taken from? Germany
357) What is the actual definition of states in the Indian Constitution? Government and
Parliament of India and the Government and the Legislature of each of the States and all local
or other authorities within the territory of India or under the control of the Government of
358) Which article of Indian constitution defines the “State”? Article 12
359) Which organisation does not come under the definition of: States”? NCRET
360) Article 2 and 3 deals with the? Establishment of new states
361) When state reorganisation committee was appointed? 1953
362) Which sector is mainly served by the Co-operative Societies in India? Farming
363) Verghese Kurien is related to? White revolution
364) National Milk Day is observed on? 26 Nov.
365) Which is not a Co-operative Federation in India? MOTHER DIARY
366) Who written the Book "I too had a dream"? Verghese Kurien
367) Central Information Commission (CIC) is established by the central government
under the? Right to Information ACT, 2005
368) Who appoints the Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners
in India? President
369) Who is the current Chief Information Commissioner of India? Radha Krishna Mathur
370) Who administers the oath of office to newly-appointed Central Vigilance
Commissioner (CVC) and Chief Information Commissioner (CIC)? President
371) Which is not a current Information Commissioner? S Y Kureshi
372) When was Central Vigilance Commission established? 1964
373) Which committee recommended the establishment of Central Vigilance Commission?
Santhanam Committee
374) Who is the current Central Vigilance Commissioner? K.V.Chaudhary
375) Who appoints the Central Vigilance Commissioner? President, after obtaining the
recommendation from a committee consist of Prime Minister of India, Home Minister and
Leader of opposition
376) Who have the power to remove Central Vigilance Commissioner and other Vigilance
commissioners? President & Supreme Court
377) Which sets of Bills is presented to the Parliament along with the Budget? Finance Bill
and Appropriation Bill
378) A Money Bill passed by the Lok Sabha is deemed to have been passed by the Rajya
Sabha also when no action is taken by the Upper House within? 14 days
379) Who decides whether a bill is a Money Bill or Not? Speaker of Lok Sabha
380) Which bills cannot be introduced first in the Rajya Sabha? Money Bill
381) A Bill can be introduced either by ? a Minister or by a private member.
382) Union Central Administrative Tribunal is passed to? Guarantee employment to all
citizens of the country
383) The Central Administrative Tribunals is passed in? 1985
384) Which Article of Indian Constitution have the provision of CAT? Article 323A
385) The Chairman of the CAT, should be a? A sitting or retired Judge of a High Court
386) Which article of Indian Constitution dealt with the appointment of attorney general
of India? Article 76
387) Who is the highest legal officer of the Union Government of India? Attorney General
of India
388) To be eligible for appointment as Attorney General of India, a person must possess
the qualifications prescribed for a? Judge of Supreme Court of India
389) Who prepared the preamble of the Indian Constitution? Jawahar Lal Nehru
390) Preamble of our country reads that India is a? Secular, Sovereign, Democratic,
Democratic and Republic
391) Which describes India as a secular state? Preamble of the Constitution
392) Inclusion of the word “ fraternity is proposed by? Dr. Ambedkar
393) Supreme court held that the Preamble is not a part of the constitution in which cases?
Berubari Union case (1960) and Kesavanand Bharti case (1973)
394) Who said that the preamble is the keynote to the constitution? Earnest Barker
395) Procedure for the amendment of the constitution is taken form? Russia
396) Concept of single citizenship is taken from? United Kingdom
397) Which Government of India Act has the most influence on the current constitution of
India? Government of India Act, 1935
398) The Idea of a constituent assembly to frame a constitution for India was first mooted
by? M.N. Roy in 1927
399) Article 17 of the Indian constitution is related to? Prohibition of untouchability
400) Under which Article, Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste,
sex and place of birth is mentioned? Article 15
401) Article 21A of Indian constitution deals with? Right to education
402) To which states, Article 370 if the Indian constitution is related? Jammu & Kashmir
403) Article 370 is drafted in the part………of the Indian Constitution? XIX
404) Article 370 which gives special status to Jammu & Kashmir exist in the Indian
constitution because of the agreement between Muhammad Ali Jinnah and J.L. Nehru
405) Which Indian state has its own constitution? Jammu and Kashmir
406) Under which ministry, Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) organisation
comes? Ministry of Commerce and Industry
407) When the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping & Allied Duties was was
constituted? 1998
408) Where is the head quarter of the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)?
New Delhi
409) Where is the head office of pay and accounts office (supply)? New Delhi
410) Which article of Indian constitution deals with constitutional amendments? Article
411) In which Constitutional Amendment Act, Goa was made a full fledged State with a
State assembly? 56th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987
412) In which Constitutional Amendment Act An authoritative text of the Constitution in
Hindi was provided to the people of India by the President? 58th Constitutional Amendment
Act, 1987
413) Which Constitutional Amendment Act, provided reservation in admissions in private
unaided educational institutions for students belonging to scheduled castes/tribes and other
backward classes? 93rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2005
414) Which constitutional amendment reduced the voting rights from 21 years to 18 years?
415) Under which constitutional amendment Bill, four languages: Bodo, Dogri, Maithali
and Santhali are added in the 8th schedule of the Indian constitution? 92 nd
416) Which amendment was passed during the emergency? 42nd Amendment
417) In which amendment the term of Lok Sabha increased from 5 to 6 years? 42nd
418) Which is true about the constitution (42nd amendment) Act, 1976? Precedence to
directive principles over fundamental rights
419) Which amendment Act makes the right to education as the fundamental right to all
the children under the age of 6-14 years by inserting Article 21A to the constitution? 86th
amendment, 2002
420) Which election is not conducted under the supervision of Election Commission of
India? Election of local bodies of the states
421) The Ninth Schedule to the Indian Constitution was added by? First Amendment
422) Which features of the Constitution of India is indicative of the fact that real executive
power is vested in the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister? Parliamentary
423) According to the Constitution of India, what are fundamental for the governance of
the country? Directive Principles of State Policy
424) What are the features of the regulating act of 1773? Provided for the establishment of
a supreme court at Calcutta (1774).
425) The council of ministers is responsible to the? Lok Sabha
426) Which Government of India act is called the mini constitution of India? Government
of India Act 1935
427) Supreme Court of India was established on the recommendation of? Regulating act of
428) Advocate General of the State is appointed for the period of? No fix tenure
429) Advocate General of the State submits his resignation to? President of India
430) Which article states that each state shall have an Advocate General? Article 165
431) What is the salary of the Advocate General of the State? Remuneration not fixed by
432) Which article of Indian constitution protects the civil servants from the politically
motivated or vindictive action? Article 311
433) Which have the right to start an Indian service? Rajya Sabha
434) Civil services day is observed on? 21 April
435) Which Ministry/Authority has the right to remove the incompetent, inefficient and
unproductive All India Service officers after 15 years of service? Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances and Pensions
436) The members of the UPSC are appointed by the___ for the term of ____years?
President, 6 years
437) Which article of the Indian Constitution has the provision of Finance Commission in
India? Article 280
438) Which article has the provision that the union government will provide grants-in-aid
to state government? Article 275
439) Duties levied by the Union but Collected and Appropriated by the States are? Stamp
duty and duties of excise on the medical and toilet preparations
440) Taxes Levied and Collected by the Union but Assigned to the States within which
they are leviable? Tax of sale and purchase of newspapers including advertisements
441) Which article of Indian constitution says that “Parliament has the power to make laws
on any matter in the state list if a proclamation of emergency is in operation? Article 249
442) Election of members of Rajya Sabha is taken from? Constitution of South Africa
443) The numbers of members of Rajya Sabha from states and union Territories is? 238
444) Who the representative from states in Rajya Sabha is elected by the? Elected
members of the state legislative Assembly
445) Which article of the Constitution says that Counsel of States (Rajya Sabha) shall not
be dissolute? Article 83
446) Which article of Indian Constitution says that members elected by the president can’t
vote in the election of president? Article 55
447) Which article of Indian Constitution dealt with the appointment of attorney general of
India? Article 76
448) Attorney General of India has the ____ of audience in all the courts in India? Right
449) National Commission for Other Backward Class came into effect from 1993
450) Which article of Indian constitution gives the power to the government to make
special provisions for the development of SC/ST/OBC against the article 15? Article 29
451) Who is the current Chairman of the National Commission for Other Backward Class?
Justice V. Eswaraiah
452) Which article dealt with the formation of Parliament? Article 79
453) Article 250 of the constitution says that? In case of the declaration of President's Rule
in any State under Article 356 of the Constitution, the Parliament is competent to legislate on
any matter included in the State List.
454) Joint session of the parliament is arranged under the article? 108
455) Which is not sacked/ impeached by the Parliament? Attorney General of India
456) Which is true about Parliament? The Vice- President is elected by both the Houses of
the Parliament.
457) Who is the current Chairman of National Human Rights Commission? Cyriac joseph
458) The Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) must be? Retired
Judge of Supreme Court
459) The Chairperson and members of the NHRC are appointed on the recommendation of
a committee consisting of? Prime Minister, Home Minister, Leader of Opposition in both
houses of Parliament, Lok Sabha Speaker and Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha
460) The Chairman of NHRC is appointed for the period of? 5 Years or till the age of 70
461) NHRC was established in the year? 1993
462) Which article of the Indian constitution has the provisions regarding the SC
Commission? Article 338
463) Who is the current Chairman of the National Commission for SCs? P.L. Punia
464) National Commission for SC/ST was constituted on the basis of? 1989 Act
465) ___________ inquire into specific complaints with respect to the deprivation of rights
and safeguards of the Scheduled Castes? National Commission for SC
466) Which constitutional amendment has the provision of reservation of seats for
SCs/STs in public service and legislatures until 2020? 95th Amendment’
467) Which article dealt with the formation of Parliament? Article 79
468) Article 250 of the constitution says that? In case of the declaration of President's Rule
in any State under Article 356 of the Constitution, the Parliament is competent to legislate on
any matter included in the State List.
469) Joint session of the parliament is arranged under the? Article 108
470) Which is not sacked/ impeached by the Parliament? Attorney General of India
471) Which writs is said to be a guarantor of personal freedom? Habeas Corpus
472) Which writs can be used against a person believed to be holding a public office to
which he is not entitled to? Quo warranto
473) The power to issue writs by the Supreme Court has been envisaged under which
articles? Article 32
474) Which writs can be issued to force a public authority to perform a public or
statutory duty? Quo warranto
475) The chairman and the members of the State Civil Service Commission are appointed
by which? Governor
476) What is the age of retirement of member of a Union Public Service Commission? 65
477) Who can remove the services of a member of Union Public Service Commission?
478) Only _____of the Indian parliament has the right to start an all India service? lower
479) The term of a member of a public service commission is? 6 year
480) is eligible for appointment as the chairman or member of the Union Public Service
Commission? The chairman of the state service commission
481) VVPAT has been _______ with EVM to ensure fair electoral practices in India?
482) Which bill is targeted to increase public as well as private participation in space
programmes? The Space Activities Bill, 2017
483) Union Cabinet has approved ordinance to amend which code? Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code
484) Union Cabinet has approved which national judicial pay commission for subordinate
judicial officers in country? Second
485) Union Cabinet has amended which bill to grant retrospective recognition to
central/state universities by conducting teacher education courses? National Council for
Teacher Education Act 1993
486) MHA is set to take over which MoCA bureau? Bureau of Civil Aviation Security
487) Election Commission of India will use VVPAT with EVM at which state for the first
time in Dec 2017? Gujarat
488) President of India has appointed whom as India’s first full time woman defence
minister? Nirmala Sitharaman
489) Who is the 13th Vice President of India? Venkaiah Naidu
490) NRIs will now be allowed to vote by? Proxy
491) Who is the first Dalit president of India? KR Narayanan
492) Karnataka Government has constituted a committee to design a? State flag
493) With the lowering of the Sardar Sarovar Dam, the live storage capacity would rise by
_______ MCM? 4175
494) Who is the first judge to be absconding from office on the day of his retirement?
Justice Karnan
495) The National Contact centre has been launched by EC for what purpose? Get query or
complaint relating to elections registered
496) What does RERA stand for, in the context of real estate regulation law? Real Estate
(Development and Regulation) Act
497) What does VVPAT stand for, in voting? Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
498) What are the recommendations of Law Commission to curb hate speeches? Means of
inciting people through speech need to be regulated
499) What is the AIADMK party symbol frozen by ECI? Two leaves
500) Which persons should be barred from contesting polls for a lifetime, as per ECI?

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