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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

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Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration test resistance and

vertical effective stress at California bridge sites
Scott J. Brandenberg a,n, Naresh Bellana a, Thomas Shantz b
5731 Boelter Hall, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593, USA
Caltrans Division of Research and Innovation, California Department of Transportation, 5900 Folsom Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95819, USA

a r t i c l e in fo abstract

Article history: Shear wave velocity, Vs, is defined as a statistical function of SPT blow count, N60, and vertical effective
Received 9 February 2010 stress, s0v , using a data set collected at various California bridge sites. At each site, Vs measurements
Received in revised form were recorded by suspension logging in the same borehole in which N60 was measured. Regression
9 April 2010
analysis was used to derive statistical relations for sand, silt, and clay soil types. The relation between Vs
Accepted 12 April 2010
and N60 is shown to depend strongly on s0v since Vs and N60 normalize differently with overburden,
which has been mostly omitted in previously published correlations. A random effects regression model
is used to separate the error into intra- and inter-boring terms. Inter-boring errors are shown to depend
weakly on geologic age. The average shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m, Vs30, is computed directly
from the suspension logs and compared with Vs30 computed from the statistical relations. The relations
are shown to provide unbiased estimates of Vs30, with standard deviation of the error equal to the
standard deviation of the inter-boring error term. Ground motion prediction equations require Vs30 as
an input parameter, and the statistical relations may be useful for estimating Vs30 at sites where only
penetration resistance data are available. The proposed relations should not substitute for more
accurate geophysical measurements when predicted ground motions are sensitive to the uncertainty in
Vs30, but may be useful for identifying whether geophysical measurements should be performed to
better refine the Vs30 estimate.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction measurements and provide only the geologic setting, stratigraphy,

and penetration resistance (i.e. SPT blow counts or CPT resis-
A key property required to effectively estimate the dynamic tance). Lack of geophysical measurements from older site
response of soil is the small-strain shear modulus, Gmax, which is investigations is particularly pertinent for state departments of
most often computed by measuring the shear wave velocity, Vs, transportation. For example, Caltrans owns about 13,000 bridges
and mass density, r, where Gmax ¼ rVs2 . The importance of Gmax most of which were constructed before 1970. As ground motion
has been widely recognized in ground motion prediction prediction equations have advanced to include Vs values as inputs,
equations by implementation of site factors that modify ground there is a need to estimate Vs at the older bridges based on
motion based on the difference between a site Vs and a reference available information to guide retrofit evaluations. Correlations
Vs (typically for rock, e.g., Choi and Stewart [1]), or by direct between shear wave velocity and blow count, geologic setting,
incorporation of a Vs term in the ground motion regression and site stratigraphy are therefore potentially useful at least as a
equations. For example, the Next Generation Attenuation rela- screening tool for identifying a subset of bridges where geophy-
tions [2–6] include Vs30 as a constant required for ground motion sical measurements would be the most beneficial.
prediction, where Vs30 is the average shear wave velocity in the Numerous relations between SPT blow count, N, and Vs exist in
upper 30 m. Geophysical measurements are now commonplace the literature. Early efforts utilized laboratory results to develop
for geotechnical projects where vibrations are anticipated. relations, which were subsequently refined as field measurement
However, geophysical measurements were not always common- of Vs became more routine and data became available. The early
place, and older site investigations often lack geophysical correlations based on field data often involved blow counts that
were not corrected for energy, rod length, or sampler inside
diameter. Hence, it is impossible to know whether bias is
Corresponding author.
introduced by hammer efficiency, non-standard samplers, etc.
E-mail addresses: (S.J. Brandenberg), Furthermore, various methods of measuring Vs were utilized in (N. Bellana), (T. Shantz). the correlations, including cross-hole, seismic CPT, spectral

0267-7261/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Brandenberg SJ, et al. Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration test resistance and vertical
effective stress at California bridge sites. Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng (2010), doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.04.014
2 S.J. Brandenberg et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

analysis of surface waves (SASW), and suspension logging. These Regarding SPT blow count corrections, typical values are
different methods provide very different resolutions for Vs mea- n¼0.5 for sand and n¼1.0 for clay. Regarding Vs corrections,
surements at different depths. For example, SASW uses progres- Yamada et al. [17] found that the exponent m is 0.25 for clean
sively lower frequency surface waves to measure shear wave sands and can be as high as 0.5 for cohesive soil depending on
velocity deeper in a profile, resulting in high spatial resolution near plasticity index. A typical ratio is therefore n/m¼2, though there
the surface and poorer resolution deep in the profile where the low- are many reasons why this ratio may not hold for a particular soil.
frequency waves average the properties of a large volume of soil. For example, cementation has been observed to affect small-
Cross hole methods and suspension logging methods use higher strain behavior (i.e. Vs) more than large-strain behavior (i.e. N60).
frequency waves that average the properties of a much smaller DeJong et al. [18] tested loose sand specimens cemented using
volume of soil, though measurements cannot often be made at calcite precipitated by bacteria and found that Vs increased by as
shallow depths. Penetration resistance measurements are also much as a factor of 4 due to cementation using small-strain
spatially averaged within a small volume of soil near the sampler bender element measurements. When the specimens were tested
since the sampler is driven through 0.3 m of soil to obtain the blow in undrained triaxial compression, the cemented specimens were
count, and because the failure mechanism extends some distance stiffer initially but converged with the uncemented specimen
above and below the sampler tip. However, this volume of soil is behavior at large strains. Since the standard penetration test
small enough that SPT is often considered a point measurement, induces extremely large strains in the soil in the immediate
and involves a spatial scale that is more comparable to suspension vicinity of the sampler, and smaller strains with distance from the
logging than to other methods for estimating Vs. sampler, it would be expected to reduce the influence of
The most common functional form for the relations proposed age-induced cementation.
in the literature is Vs ¼ANB, where the constants A and B are Since shear wave velocity and penetration resistance normal-
determined by statistical regression of a data set. The N-values are ize differently with s0v , it is surprising that nearly every existing
typically not corrected for overburden stress, but sometimes are published relation defines Vs directly as a function of N60 without
corrected for hammer energy, rod length, and sampler inside quantifying the overburden effect. As an example of the potential
diameter, in which case N is replaced by N60. Jafari et al. [7] error introduced by neglecting s0v , consider a profile of uniform
summarized more than 20 such relations (e.g., [8,9]), and more sand with (N1)60 ¼20 shown in Fig. 1. Note that N60 ¼ 20 at a depth
recently, relations of the same form have been proposed by of 5 m since this depth corresponds to s0v ¼ 1 atm, and the N60
Hasancebi and Ulusay [10] and Dikmen [11]. A few relations have values at other depths were computed using Eq. 1 with n ¼0.5.
explored using various combinations of overburden-corrected Based on the relation by Andrus et al. [13] for Holocene clean
values. Sykora and Koester [12] evaluated a relation between Vs sand, Vs1 ¼ 87:8ðN1 Þ0:253
60 ¼ 187 m=s. Substituting (1) and (2) into
and (N1)60, and found the correlation to be poorer than the the relation results in the following equation:
relation directly between Vs and N60 because both Vs and N60 vary
with overburden stress, whereas (N1)60 does not. Andrus et al. Pa
Vs ¼ 87:8N60 0:253 ð3Þ
[13] correlated the overburden-corrected shear wave velocity s0v
with overburden-corrected blow count values using a functional
b1 Notice that Vs depends on both N60 and s0v in Eq. 3 since Andrus
form Vs1 ¼ b0 ðN1 Þ60 for Holocene clean sands. This functional form
is superior because it removes the effect of overburden since both et al. included the effect of s0v by using stress-normalized (N1)60 and
Vs1 and (N1)60 are theoretically independent of overburden stress. Vs1. Fig. 1 contains two plots of Vs versus depth that show the bias
This study utilizes a data set collected at various California introduced by neglecting the influence of overburden; one plot uses
bridge sites to define Vs as a statistical function of N60 and vertical Eq. 3 with n¼0.5 and m¼0.25 such that 0.253n m¼ 0.124,
effective stress, s0v . At each site, Vs measurements were recorded while the other neglects the overburden term by setting
by suspension logging in the same borehole in which N60 was 0.253n m¼0. The two plots are clearly different with the latter
measured. Random effects regression analysis is used to derive over-predicting Vs at shallow depths and under-predicting deeper in
statistical relations for sand, silt, and clay soil types, including the profile. The two curves in Fig. 1 would only be identical in the
median predictions and standard deviations of inter-boring and special case when m/n¼0.253, but this ratio is not in the reasonable
intra-boring error terms. The proposed relations are used to
compute Vs30 values, which are subsequently compared with
those computed directly from the suspension logs.

2. Influence of overburden stress

Vertical effective stress, s0v , is known to affect Vs and N60, and

the effect is often removed using an overburden correction factor
(e.g., [14,15]). The resulting stress-corrected quantities, Vs1 and
(N1)60, are often correlated with relative density for sands, and
perhaps their most common use is for liquefaction evaluation
(e.g., [16]). Eqs. 1 and 2 are common overburden correction
equations for N60 and Vs, where the exponents n and m are
empirical constants that depend on soil type, cementation, and
plasticity index:
ðN1 Þ60 ¼ N60 ð1Þ
0 sv
Vs1 ¼ Vs ð2Þ
s0v Fig. 1. Example of influence of overburden scaling on relation between Vs and N60.

Please cite this article as: Brandenberg SJ, et al. Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration test resistance and vertical
effective stress at California bridge sites. Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng (2010), doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.04.014
S.J. Brandenberg et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 3

range of published relations. Hence, it is reasonable to conclude that

neglecting the influence of s0v introduces errors in the relation
between Vs and N60. The influence of s0v can be included in two
different ways: (1) the regression can represent Vs1 in terms of
(N1)60 for cases where n and m can be independently estimated to
perform overburden corrections prior to regression (e.g., as done by
Andrus et al. [13]) and (2) the regression equations can include an
overburden term that is solved in a least-squares sense to best fit
the data sample. Independently estimating n and m may be difficult,
particularly in cases when geophysical measurements are not
available and Vs is being estimated from measured N60 values.
Furthermore, using incorrect n and/or m values could introduce bias
into the resulting relation with respect to s0v . Hence, approach (2) is
adopted in this study.

3. Data set

This study utilized data from a set of boreholes at Caltrans

bridge sites where SPT N-values and downhole suspension logs
were obtained. A total of 21 bridges and 79 boring logs were
identified where N60 and Vs measurements were available from
the same borehole (Table 1). Locations of the bridges are shown in
Fig. 2. All of the data were collected between 1993 and 2001.
Boring logs were provided in as-built drawings, and were
digitized by recording blow count and soil type for each SPT
measurement, and the site stratigraphy was also digitized based
on the site geologist’s or engineer’s interpretation of layer contact
elevations. Soil type was based on visual classification, and
properties such as plasticity index and fines content that could
help quantify soil behavior are not known. Corrections to the
stratigraphy were often made so that transitions in the Vs profile
better corresponded to interpreted layer boundaries. Elevation of
the top of the bore hole, ground water elevation, date, GPS
coordinates, hammer type, and sampler type were recorded for
each boring log. Shear- and p-wave velocity logs were provided as
Excel files and were recorded using the downhole suspension
logging method explained by Owen [19]. In this method, a probe
is lowered down the fluid-filled borehole and the source at the tip Fig. 2. Map of bridge locations used to develop data set.

Table 1
Bridge sites utilized to develop database in this study.

Bridge name Bridge number Latitude (deg.) Longitude (deg.) Number of borings Surface geology epoch
with Vs measurements

Noyo River Bridge 10-0298 39.429  123.807 4 Pleistocene

Benicia-Martinez Bridge (Widen) 28-0153 38.023  122.072 5 Pleistocene
Carquinez Straight Bridge 28-0352 38.066  122.226 4 Holocene
Richmond-San Rafael Bridge 28-0100 37.942  122.476 11 Holocene
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge 33-0025 37.821  122.335 2 Holocene
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge 34-0003 37.801  122.375 7 Holocene
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge 34-0004 37.786  122.391 2 Holocene
Central Viaduct 34-0077 37.7711  122.423 4 Holocene
Taylor Street Urban Interchange 37-0583 37.347  121.904 2 Holocene
San Luis Obispo Creek Bridge 49-0014 35.184  120.702 1 Holocene
Santa Rosa Creek Bridge 51-0139 34.632  120.288 1 Holocene
Pleasant Valley Road Overcrossing 52-0443 34.166  119.143 1 Holocene
San Pedro Terminal Island Bridge 53-1471 33.751  118.275 5 Pleistocene
Fair Oaks Avenue Overcrossing 53–2272 34.152  118.151 1 Pleistocene
Gavin Canyon Undercrossing 53-2790 34.350  118.540 1 Pre-quaternary
Bull Creek Canyon Channel Bridge 53-2794 34.269  118.487 1 Holocene
Route 14/5 Separation and Overhead 53-2795 34.339  118.507 1 Pre-quaternary
Route 14/5 Separation and Overhead 53-2796 34.336  118.511 1 Pre-quaternary
Mojave River Bridge 54-1110 34.902  117.094 2 Holocene
San Diego Coronado Bridge 57-0857 32.701  117.141 22 Holocene
Rockwood Canal Bridge 58-0335 32.956  115.510 1 Holocene

Please cite this article as: Brandenberg SJ, et al. Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration test resistance and vertical
effective stress at California bridge sites. Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng (2010), doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.04.014
4 S.J. Brandenberg et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

Table 3
Unit weights based on soil type position relative to groundwater.

Soil type Unit weight above Unit weight below

water table (kN/m3) water table (kN/m3)

Sand 18 20
Silt 19 17
Clay 16 18
Gravel 19 17

sometimes not recorded for some borings, in which case the

p-wave velocity profile provided in the downhole suspension logs
was used to identify the approximate elevation of the ground
water table. Typically an abrupt transition from p-wave velocity
lower than 500 m/s to higher than 1500 m/s was apparent in the
boring logs, clearly indicating the position of the groundwater
table with approximately 1 m resolution. For cases where
presence of a liner was unclear, a liner correction factor of 1.0
was applied. Unit weights were recorded for only a small number
of fine-grained soil samples (i.e. based on water content for
saturated specimens), and unit weights for coarse-grained soils
were assumed based on judgment. Table 3 presents unit weights
used for the data sample depending on soil type and position
relative to the ground water table.
Example data from the Noyo River Bridge is shown in Fig. 4.
The first two graphs show the Vs profile and N60 profile at the site.
Fig. 3. Distribution of soil type for recorded N60, V s pairs. The Vs measurements were typically recorded at 0.5 m intervals,
whereas the N60 values were recorded at much coarser sampling
intervals typically 1.5 m or larger. A number of possible
Table 2 approaches were considered for selecting an appropriate Vs
Rod length blow count correction factors [16]. value to associate with each N60 value for statistical regression.
The first possibility considered was to select the Vs value at the
Rod length (m) Correction factor
elevation that is nearest to the elevation where the N60 value was
o3 0.75 recorded. This approach was dismissed because high-frequency
3–4 0.8 spatial variations in the Vs profiles could introduce errors in the
4–6 0.85 regression. SPT N-values are not true point estimates, but rather
6–10 0.95
410 1
average out soil properties over a finite region, and it is therefore
important to obtain a Vs estimate that exhibits similar averaging.
The approach adopted in this study utilized a weighted
average of the Vs profile with the weighting values inversely
of the probe excites a wave that propagates through the boring proportional to the difference in elevation between the N60
fluid into the soil and is recorded by two receivers at 1 m spacing measurement and the Vs measurements. The weights were based
attached to the probe above the source. The data were on a normal distribution centered at the N60 elevation with a
subsequently evaluated for quality by Owen [19], and poor standard deviation of 1 m. This weighting scheme is intended to
quality data for which the recorded traces were difficult to quantify the average shear wave velocity in a spatial region that
evaluate were eliminated from the data set. may affect an SPT blow count value. The resulting averaged shear
From the combination of boring logs and suspension logs, a wave velocity values were not sensitive to the standard deviation
total of 911 N60 values were available where Vs values were of the weighting function. The probability density function was
recorded at the same depth. Fig. 3 shows the distribution of truncated at layer boundaries (i.e. weights were set to zero
available data by soil type. For some boreholes Vs values were not outside of the stratum containing the N60 value) and scaled to
recorded at shallow depths where N-values were available, and Vs sum to unity. The weighted average shear wave velocity, Vs , was
values often were recorded deep in the profile where N60 was not computed using the following equation:
recorded. Only the combinations where N-values and Vs-values
X sÞ
were recorded at the same depth were included in the data
Vs ¼ wi ðVs Þi ð4Þ
sample. The standard SPT sampler was used for all of the borings
and the hammer type was either a safety hammer with an
estimated efficiency of 60%, or an automatic hammer with an Fig. 4 shows the weight functions and resulting Vs values for
estimated efficiency of 82% (Caltrans internal memorandum). A three different N60 values in the boring log. Point 1 shows an N60
rod length correction factor was applied based on the information value near the center of a stratum, where the weighting function
in Table 2, and a liner correction factor of 1.0 was applied for is not significantly truncated at layer boundaries. Point 2 shows
samplers with liners and 1.2 for samplers without liners (e.g., an N60 value near the bottom of a stratum that is truncated in the
[16]). Caltrans does not utilize large-diameter borings for sand layer, and does not contain any influence of the underlying
geotechnical site investigations, hence a borehole diameter silt layer. Point 3 shows an N60 value near the top of a dense sand
correction was not needed. Some information was not included layer that is truncated so that the upper looser sand layer does not
in every boring log. For example, groundwater elevation was provide influence. Fig. 4 also shows an N60 value in the upper

Please cite this article as: Brandenberg SJ, et al. Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration test resistance and vertical
effective stress at California bridge sites. Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng (2010), doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.04.014
S.J. Brandenberg et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 5

Fig. 4. Example plots of Vs, N60, weights, and V s for a boring at the Noyo River Bridge.

gravel layer, which lies above the elevation where Vs measure- Table 4
ments commenced. This N60 value is therefore not associated with Regression parameters.
a Vs value and was not included in the regression. Furthermore,
Soil type b0 b1 b2 s t
the N60 values terminate when the underlying greywacke
rock formation is reached, though Vs values continue into Sand 4.045 0.096 0.236 0.57–0.07 ln(s0v ) if s0v r 200 kPa 0.217
this formation. Values of Vs are therefore also not available in 0.20 if s0v 4200 kPa
the greywacke formation and this layer is not included in the Silt 3.783 0.178 0.231 0.31–0.03 ln(s0v ) if s0v r 200 kPa 0.227
0.15 if s0v 4200 kPa
statistical regression. Layer corrections were not applied to the
Clay 3.996 0.230 0.164 0.21–0.01 ln(s0v ) if s0v r 200 kPa 0.227
N60 or Vs values. 0.16 if s0v 4200 kPa

4. Statistical regression
minimizes errors. The alternative approach would have involved
The form of statistical regression utilized in this study estimating n and m for each sample and regressing on Vs1 and
expresses Vs (in m/s) in terms of N60 (in blows/ft), s0v (in kPa), (N1)60 without including a s0v term (i.e. as done by Andrus et al.
and regression constants, b, using a random effect model as [13]). However, n and m could not be accurately estimated for the
shown in the following equation: data since important properties such as plasticity index and fines
    content are not known. Including erroneous n and m terms could
ln Vs ij ¼ b0 þ b1 lnðN60 Þij þ b2 ln s0v ij þ Zi þ eij ð5Þ
result in an expression for Vs that is biased with respect to s0v ,
where Zi is the random effect for the ith boring (i.e. the inter- whereas Eq. 5 eliminates this potential bias. The b2 parameter
boring variation) and eij is the variation of the jth measurement provides a measure of the relative overburden scaling between Vs
from the ith boring (i.e. the intra-boring variation). The Zi and eij and N60 that minimizes residuals with respect to s0v .
are assumed to be independent normally distributed variates with Regression was performed for sand, silt, and clay soil types
standard deviations t and s, respectively,
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi and the standard using the lmer function in R, the open-source software environ-
deviation of the total error is sT ¼ t2 þ s2 since Z and e are ment for statistical computing [21]. The number of data points for
presumed uncorrelated. Error was partitioned into two variables gravel was deemed insufficient for regression. The resulting
using the random effects model to permit the possibility that Vs regression parameters are summarized in Table 4, and trends
might be systematically over-predicted for some borings and are plotted in Fig. 5 as Vs versus N60 and Vs versus s0v . Regression
systematically under-predicted for others. Utilizing a single error lines using Eq. 5 and Table 1 are plotted through the data points
term would neglect this important feature, which can only be corresponding to various s0v values for Vs versus N60 and for
captured by partitioning the error into inter-boring and intra- various N60 values for Vs versus s0v . All regression lines are the
boring terms. Random effects models are often applied in median values, with e ¼ Z ¼0. Multiple trend lines are required
regression analysis of earthquake ground motions (e.g., Abra- since the regression includes both N60 and s0v , and the trend lines
hamson and Youngs [20]), wherein error is partitioned into intra- are useful for identifying the relative influence of N60 and s0v for
event and inter-event terms because an earthquake may produce the regression of each soil type. The trend lines correspond to the
ground motions that are systematically over-predicted or system- median and plus and minus one standard deviation for s0v and N60
atically under-predicted by ground motion prediction equations. so that a fair comparison can be made about their relative
The random effect is very important for estimating the variance of influence on the regression prediction.
Vs30, the average shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m,
computed from the correlation as shown in detail later. Previously
published regressions of Vs with N60 have not partitioned the error 4.1. Relative influence of N60 and s0v on regression
term into inter-boring and intra-boring components, and it is  
therefore not possible to distinguish the two types of error. For sand, Vs is more significantly related to s0v than to N60.
The form of the regression equation used in this study also This trend is apparent by examining how closely-spaced the trend
includes s0v as a regression variable and solves for b2 that lines are within a given plot. For example, the trend lines are

Please cite this article as: Brandenberg SJ, et al. Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration test resistance and vertical
effective stress at California bridge sites. Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng (2010), doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.04.014
6 S.J. Brandenberg et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

Fig. 5. Results of regression equations for (a) sand, (b) silt, and (c) clay, with trend lines corresponding to the mean and 71s for s0v and N60.

further apart in the plot of Vs versus N60 than in the plot of Vs 4.2. Overburden scaling parameters implied by regression constants
versus sv , which indicates that sv exerts a more significant
0 0

influence than N60. For example, considering sand with the The statistical regression parameters provide information
median value N60 ¼39, the regression equation returns median about the relative overburden scaling for Vs and N60. Individual
values of Vs ¼ 230, 275, and 329 m=s for s0v ¼84, 179, and values of n and m cannot be solved from the regression, but a
381 kPa, respectively. On the other hand, for s0v ¼179 kPa, the linear relation between n and m can be defined by rearranging
regression equations return median values of Vs ¼ 254, 275, terms in Eqs. 1, 2 and 5 to obtain b2 ¼m  nb1, and values of m can
and 297 m=s for N60 ¼17, 39, and 87, respectively. This indicates be computed for assumed values of n. For example, if we assume
that, in the range of common engineering interest, Vs is more n¼0.5 for sand, then m¼ 0.28, which is reasonably close to the
strongly related to overburden stress than to blow count. Hence, commonly assumed value of 0.25. If we assume n ¼1.0 for clay,
  sv alone would provide a statistically superior estimate
knowing then m ¼0.39, which is reasonably close to m¼0.5 suggested for
of Vs than knowing N60 alone, though knowing both is better. clay by Yamada et al. [17]. The range of n for silt would be
This observation is significant since the effect of overburden has anticipated between 0.5 and 1.0 since silt could vary from non-
not been directly quantified in nearly every previously published plastic to highly plastic, which corresponds to m in the range
study, and may help explain the large differences among the 0.32–0.41. The overburden scaling implied by the regression
numerous published relations. constants is therefore reasonably consistent with observations
The influence of s0v on the regression becomes smaller for silt from other published studies.
and is the lowest for clay. For silt s0v and N60 exert approximately
equal influence on Vs , whereas for clay, N60 exerts more
influence than s0v . For example, considering clay with the median 4.3. Intra-boring residuals
  N60 ¼19, the regression equation
value returns median values of  
Vs ¼ 227, 254, and 283m=s for s0v ¼109, 217, and 431 kPa, Intra-boring residuals defined as eij ¼ ln Vs ij -½b0 þ b1
respectively. On the other hand, for s0v ¼217
 kPa, the regression lnðN60 Þij þ b2 ln sv ij þ Zi  are plotted versus N60 and s0v in Fig. 6.
equations return median values of Vs ¼ 208, 254, and 314m=s The mean value of the residuals is zero, and there is no trend in
for N60 ¼8, 19, and 48, respectively. Hence, Vs is more strongly the residuals with either N60 or s0v , which indicates that the
related to blow count than overburden stress in the range of regression has removed bias with respect to these input variables.
engineering interest for clay, which is opposite to the trend for The standard deviation of the intra-event residuals decreases as
sand. However, in all cases Vs was influenced by s0v , and neglecting s0v increases, indicating a weaker relationship at low confining
the overburden effect would introduce bias into the results. stress (i.e. at shallow depths). The cause of the decreased

Please cite this article as: Brandenberg SJ, et al. Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration test resistance and vertical
effective stress at California bridge sites. Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng (2010), doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.04.014
S.J. Brandenberg et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 7

Fig. 6. Intra-boring residuals, e, versus N60 and s0v for (a) sand, (b) silt, and (c) clay. Plots of e vs. s0v include lines showing 7 1s for e.

Fig. 7. Quantile–quantile plots showing degree to which intra-boring residuals are normally distributed.

correlation at low s0v is unclear, but could be an indication of standard deviations were then plotted versus the natural
reduced measurement accuracy at shallow depths in the logarithm of the subsample mean s0v values, and a linear trend
suspension logging. Since the standard deviation term depends was fit to the data. The subsample standard deviations were
on s0v , the residuals are heteroscedastic. The variation in s with s0v observed to be fairly constant when s0v 4200 kPa, as reflected in
was quantified by (1) sorting the residuals in order of increasing the equations for s in Table 2. The sand residuals exhibit the most
s0v , (2) selecting a subsample of data points with the lowest pronounced heteroscedasticity, whereas the standard deviation of
confining stress values, (3) computing the standard deviation of the residuals for silt and clay depend only weakly on s0v . Trend
the subsample, (4) computing the mean s0v for the subsample, (5) lines corresponding to 71s are included in Fig. 6.
shifting the subsample window by one data point and repeating Normality of the intra-boring residuals is examined using the
(3) and (4), and (6) repeating (5) until the subsample window quantile–quantile (Q–Q) plots in Fig. 7. The Q–Q plots represent
reached the last residual value with the highest s0v . The subsample the sorted residuals (i.e. the quantiles) versus the theoretical

Please cite this article as: Brandenberg SJ, et al. Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration test resistance and vertical
effective stress at California bridge sites. Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng (2010), doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.04.014
8 S.J. Brandenberg et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

residuals that would be anticipated if the error term is normally Knudsen et al. [22] who reported the surface geologic epoch at all
distributed. When measured quantiles are plotted against Caltrans bridge sites. A positive Z value indicates that the median
theoretical quantiles, a normally distributed variable exhibits a value of Vs predicted using Eq. 5 would under-predict the
linear Q–Q plot with a slope of unity, whereas deviation from measured value. A weak trend is apparent in which the Z values
normality is manifested by data points that do not lie along the decrease with geologic age, which implies that for a given N60 the
1:1 line. Some deviations at the ends of the Q–Q plots are corresponding Vs value decreases as age increases. This is contrary
anticipated based on sampling variability since the tails of to the expectation that age-induced cementation would have a
distributions are often not well-characterized by the sample. In larger effect on Vs than on N60. However, the trend is weak and the
this case, residuals for sand and clay deviate from normality at the number of data points is insufficient (particularly for Pleistocene
tails of the distribution, dropping below the 1:1 line. This and Pre-quaternary epochs) to confidently propose age-
indicates that the distributions are more peaked than a normal dependent inter-event residuals. Furthermore, sites with a
distribution, with more probability density lying near the mean Holocene surface geology may transition to older epochs deeper
and less at the tails. Indeed, kurtosis of the intra-boring residuals in the profile, such that some data points in the Holocene epoch
were 3.9, 1.1, and 1.5 for sand, silt, and clay, respectively. For may actually arise from older geologic units. Sykora and Koester
reference, a normal distribution has kurtosis of zero, and a [12] also found that geologic age had little effect on the
distribution that is more peaked than a normal distribution has a correlation between Vs and N60. Inter-event error should be
positive kurtosis, while flatter distributions have negative presumed normally distributed with zero mean and a constant
kurtosis. Despite these deviations from normality, the normal standard deviation specified in Table 4.
distribution is a convenient model for quantifying distribution of
the intra-boring residuals, and the authors suggest that the
residuals can be considered normally distributed for practical
5. Calculation of Vs30 from blow count data

A likely application of the correlations presented in this paper

4.4. Inter-boring residuals
is the calculation of the 30-m shear wave velocity, Vs30, which is
defined as 30 m divided by the travel time of a vertically
Fig. 8 plots inter-event residuals, Zi, corresponding to propagating shear wave in the upper 30 m. The Next Generation
Holocene, Pleistocene, and Pre-quaternary surface geology Attenuation ground motion prediction models utilize Vs30 as a
epochs. Surface geology mapping was based on a study by required input, and it is therefore required for seismic hazard
evaluation. Geotechnical site investigations at many older sites
contain boring logs, but no geophysical measurements. Obtaining
a rough estimate of Vs30 based on the recorded boring logs could
therefore be useful for assessing seismic hazard at sites with that
lack geophysical measurements, and for identifying whether
geophysical measurements are necessary to further refine the
estimate of Vs30. The authors are not advocating the use of
correlations as an accurate substitute for geophysical measure-
ments; rather the goal is to quantify errors that may arise so that
better-informed decisions can be made regarding which data to
collect from a site.
The set of boring logs was screened to identify borings for
which adequate spatial coverage in the upper 30 m was provided
for the shear wave velocity suspension log and the recorded blow
counts to obtain a reasonable estimate of Vs30. Borings were
excluded when fewer than 6 blow counts were recorded in the
upper 30 m, when Vs was not recorded in the upper 5 m, or when
large gaps were present in the Vs logs or the recorded blow counts.
A total of 30 borings were identified for which accurate Vs30
measurements could be made. A V€ s value was estimated for each
N60 value using the median relation in Eq. 5, and Vs30 was
computed for the Vs values recorded directly in the suspension
logs (Vs30) and for the Vs values computed from Eq. 5 (V s30 )
using Eq. 6 (e.g., [23]), where dx is the tributary length
assigned to each Vs value, and N is the number of Vs values in
the upper 30 m:

30 m
Vs30 ¼ ð6Þ
dxi =ðVs Þi

Residuals were computed as lnðVs30 ÞlnðV s30 Þ. The mean of the

residuals was found to be 8.6  10  3 which is very low and
indicates that the proposed correlation between Vs and N60 and s0v
(see Eq. 5) produces an unbiased estimation of Vs30. This is not
surprising since the data being evaluated to compute Vs30
is a subset of the same data that was used to develop the
Fig. 8. Inter-boring residuals, Z, as function of surface geologic epoch. relation.

Please cite this article as: Brandenberg SJ, et al. Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration test resistance and vertical
effective stress at California bridge sites. Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng (2010), doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.04.014
S.J. Brandenberg et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 9

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffisVs30 was 0.221, which is less than the total

The standard deviation that the computed sVs30 value from the 30 borings in this study is 0.221,
standard deviation s2 þ t2 . For a given site, the intra-boring residuals, which is consistent with the t values in Table 4. The standard deviation
e, are presumed uncorrelated, and the averaging in Eq. 6 therefore of Vs30 should therefore be taken as equal to t. For sites with multiple
reduces uncertainty in Vs30 contributed by the e’s. However, the inter- soil types, t should be based on the predominant soil type at a particular
boring error is not reduced by averaging. Stated differently, for a given site using the values in Table 4.
boring log, errors in the estimated Vs values can be divided into the
average error for that boring log (i.e. the inter-boring error), and the
scatter of the data points about this average error (i.e. the intra-boring 6. Discussion
error). When a sufficient number of data points are available, the
influence of the scatter about the average error has little influence on The most fundamental observation in this paper is the
Vs30 because some data points are over-estimated while others are influence of s0v on the correlation between Vs and N60; hence,
under-estimated, and the errors cancel each other. However, the exploring errors associated with neglecting s0v is justified to
influence of the average error is preserved in the Vs30 estimate. The demonstrate the importance. An ordinary least-squares regres-
fact that the s term contributes little to sVs30 can be verified by noting sion was performed using the form in Eq. 7, and residuals, en, are
plotted versus s0v in Fig. 9 for sand, silt, and clay data types:
ln Vs ¼ b0 þ b1 lnðN60 Þ þ e ð7Þ
For simplicity, the error term was not divided into inter- and
intra-boring terms, hence Fig. 9 displays the total error for each
data point in the regression. Bias is clearly evident with respect to
s0v , with negative residuals at low overburden stress, and positive
residuals at high overburden, which is consistent with the trend
that is demonstrated in Fig. 2 (a negative residual indicates an
under-prediction of Vs, whereas positive residuals indicate over-
prediction). Neglecting the influence of s0v on the relation
between Vs and N60 results in statistically significant error. Such
relations can only be used accurately in rare cases where the
overburden stresses used to develop the relation match the
overburden stresses for a particular problem. However, this is a
stringent constraint that is not likely to be satisfied for practical
problems that involve a range of different overburden stresses

7. Conclusion

Shear wave velocity has been defined as a statistical function

of standard penetration resistance and vertical effective stress.
Nearly every previously published statistical relation represented
Vs as a function of N60 alone, without considering the influence of
s0v . Statistically significant errors arise from neglecting the
influence of s0v on the relation between Vs and N60, and such
relations should not be used except in rare cases when the
overburden stresses for the data used to develop a particular
relation match the overburden stresses anticipated at a particular
site. Data from previously published studies should be reinter-
preted to include the effect of overburden to remove bias and
reduce uncertainty.
Uncertainty in Vs30 computed using the proposed relations is
much larger than the uncertainty associated with geophysical
measurements of Vs30. For example, Moss [24] estimates the
coefficients of variation on the order of only 1–3% for downhole
measurements. This additional uncertainty will increase disper-
sion in ground motion predicted from Vs30 based on correlations
presented in this paper compared with directly measuring Vs30.
The cost of this additional dispersion must be weighed against the
cost of collecting accurate geophysical measurements at sites
where such measurements are not available. For sites where
accurate geophysical measurements are available, the proposed
relations should not be used.


This research was funded by the California Department of

Fig. 9. Residuals, en, versus s0v for ordinary least squares regression that neglects Transportation through the PEER Lifelines Program under
the influence of s0v on relation between Vs and N60. Contract no. 65A0215. This paper does not necessarily constitute

Please cite this article as: Brandenberg SJ, et al. Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration test resistance and vertical
effective stress at California bridge sites. Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng (2010), doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.04.014
10 S.J. Brandenberg et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

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Please cite this article as: Brandenberg SJ, et al. Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration test resistance and vertical
effective stress at California bridge sites. Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng (2010), doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.04.014

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