Importance of Information Technology in Heathcare

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Early Information Systems were designed to largely take care of regular, routine and repetitive

tasks such as the storage of patients records and basic inventory monitoring. While these are

certainly important tasks, they are considered the first generation of healthcare information

systems. Today, the modern healthcare IT has evolved significantly from routine inventories into

a whole scale digital healthcare infrastructure that is directly tied to patient health and clinical

operations. Todays systems are developed and tasked with the responsibility for collecting,

managing and integrating the bulk of clinical, financial and operational information that

institutions generate every day.


 Organized & Coordinated Treatment Process

Health Information System is a technology-driven system that makes the process of sharing

protected health information (PHI) between organizations and providers really hassle-free. Also,

because of this system, patients are able to get seamless and coordinated treatment from

healthcare providers. Especially, the patients whose diagnoses need cross-specialty treatment

coordination and substantial medical information management get the maximum benefits from

HIS. And above all, it improves the delivery of the care and outcomes of the patients.

 Improved Patient Safety

As one gets easy access to patients’ data with the help of Health Information Systems, one can

save all the information and share across multiple databases to improve the safety of the patients.

Even one can get alert notification whenever there are any issues related to patients’ health. For
example, the healthcare providers can receive an alert from program security checking about the

harmful effects patients may experience on any particular medicine if they have that without

being prescribed. This way one can avoid committing any serious mistake that happens due to

the lack of details available during making the decisions.

 Betterment in Patient Care

By collecting and saving patients’ information, including diagnosis reports, medical history,

allergy reactions, vaccinations, treatment information plans, test results, etc., Health Information

Systems provide the healthcare providers a complete and orderly framework that helps them

interact with their patients in a better way and eventually deliver care to them in a more efficient


 Hassle-free Process of Performance Analysis

Using Health Information Systems enables multiple avenues through which you can access your

staff performance, analysis patient care, check the efficiency and stability of your organization.

HIS reduces the paperwork and makes every record computerized. One can take any decision

related to your staff based on their skill sets. Also, you can take decisions after focusing on

previous performance details. With HIS, your patients get the chance of sharing review regarding

the level of care they are receiving from your staff so that one can stay aware of the performance

of your staff and analyze the effectiveness of your organization.

 Transfiguration in Clinical Procedures

HIS, one can address any kind of stressed situations for patients. One can have a virtual view of

patient flow and what every individual patient experiences during their meeting with health care

providers, administrative personnel, lab technician and financial assistants. Careful attention to

this helps one spot the areas where one can bring betterment.

 Improved Processes

Automation is one of the main benefits here. It helps to optimize the user experience. Medical

specialists, patients, and hospital authorities can interact online, make the appointments and

exchange information.

 Digital medical records  

The hospital database includes all the necessary patient data. The disease history, test results,

prescribed treatment can be accessed by doctors without much delay in order to make an

accurate diagnosis and monitor the patient’s health. It enables lower risks of mistakes.

 Staff interaction
It is vital to engage all of your employees for improved coordination and teamwork. They do not
need to make special requests and wait for a long time for an answer. Each specialist will be in
charge of certain process stage and can share outcomes with colleagues just in one click.

 Facility management
Hospitals authorities are able to manage their available resources, analyze staff work, reduce the
equipment downtime, optimize the supply chain, etc. Another fact to mention is that hospital
staff deal with the digital data instead of endless paperwork.
 Financial control and tax planning
The management has the ability to monitor different financial operations including expenses,
profits, and losses, paying bills and taxes, in and outpatient billing. The financial awareness helps
to analyze business prospects quite clear and move in the right direction.

 Marketing strategy
Due to the high market competitive nature, the medical industry is also open to all the different
innovations that enable communication between patients, doctors, suppliers, and marketing
services providers.

 Insurance claims processing

Integration with health insurance services improves the experience of the patients and brings
benefits to the institution. It allows you to be innovative and helps both the patient and hospital
to handle many aspects of the insurance process successfully.



Trojan Virus Worm

Malicious program used to Self-replicating program Illegitimate programs that
Definition control a victim’s computer that attaches itself to other
replicate themselves usually
from a remote location. programs and files over the network
Install backdoors on
Disrupt normal computer
Steal sensitive data, spy on victim’s computer, slow
Purpose usage, corrupt user data,
the victim’s computer, etc. down the user’s network,
Counter Use of anti-virus software, update patches for operating systems, security policy on
Measures usage of the internet and external storage media, etc.
To protect against such attacks, an organization can use the following methods.

• Anti-virus software must be installed on all user computers. The anti-virus

software should be updated frequently, and scans must be performed at

specified time intervals.

• Scan external storage devices on an isolated machine especially those that

originate from outside the organization.

• Regular backups of critical data must be made and stored on preferably read-

only media such as CDs and DVDs.

• Worms exploit vulnerabilities in the operating systems. Downloading

operating system updates can help reduce the infection and replication of


• Worms can also be avoided by scanning, all email attachments before

downloading them.

• Turn on user account control – this will allow control of unnecessary items

into the system or network

• Install a personal firewall program. This is a security system consisting of

hardware and or software that prevents unauthorized network access.

• A policy that prohibits users from downloading unnecessary files from the

Internet such as spam email attachments, games, programs that claim to speed

up downloads, etc.
• Updating the operating system. One of the main activities of an operating

system is to prevent attacks from viruses, worms and Trojans infections.

Updated system will provide the latest measures against the latest viruses,

worms, and Trojan infections.


 Use passwords that are strong – passwords should contain more than 8 characters,

alphanumeric with special characters to avoid cracking. A passphrase or statement would

be ideal

 Encrypt messages –This would safeguard against information theft, a process of

converting plain text (Readable data) into ciphertext (Unreadable Characters)

Encryption key (Formula) often uses more than one method.

To read the data, the recipient must decrypt, or decipher the data.

 Restrict access to organization mail – only authorized personnel to access organization


 Remove application and browser extensions – install only essential applications and

browser extensions on devices that have access to sensitive information. Avoid installing

applications from unknown sources.

 Log in and Log out – follow the procedure of logging in and when finished Log out of

organization mail. Use of VPN to mask your traffic.

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