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TAFE International Western Australia manages the placement and fee collection of overseas students into

public schools, in line with the Department of Education’s Enrolment of Overseas Students Schedule.


  This icon appears in sections where additional documentation must be attached.


Mainstream tuition fees for overseas fee-paying students (short term)

School level Mainstream With IEC* With ESL**

Kindergarten (not compulsory) $7,809 - -

Pre-Primary $14,575 - -

Primary (Year 1 – Year 6) $14,575 $17,575 $16,075

Lower Secondary (Year 7 – 10) $17,286 $20,286 $18,786

Upper Secondary (Year 11 – 12) $18,980 $21,980 $20,480

School level Mainstream With IEC* With ESL**

Kindergarten (not compulsory) $7,637 - -

Pre-Primary $14,254 - -

Primary (Year 1 – Year 6) $14,254 $17,254 $15,754

Lower Secondary (Year 7 – 10) $16,906 $19,906 $18,406

Upper Secondary (Year 11 – 12) $18,562 $21,562 $20,062

*Intensive English Centre **English as a Second Language


You will be required to provide supporting documents to lodge this form including:

Academic transcripts for your child

Copy of your child’s and your current passport

Current visa grant documentation for you and your child

TAFE International Western Australia Overseas fee paying application form

Location: East Perth TAFE Campus, Building B, Level 2 CRICOS Provider Code: 01723A  |  RTO Provider Number: 52395
140 Royal Street, East Perth WA 6004 Issue Date: October 2019  |  Version 5.6
Postal address: Locked Bag 16, Osborne Park DC​WA 6916, Australia
Tel: +61 8 9218 2100  |  Fax: +61 8 9218 2160 Page 1 of 3
Web: |  Email:

Please print name as it appears in the students passport. All fields requiring date/s to be filled in DD/MM/YY format unless specified.

Title (Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mr etc): .............................. Date of birth: ................................... Gender   M  F

Family name: ............................................................................................................... Given name(s): ................................................................................................................................

Preferred name: ........................................................................................... Parent’s email address: ..............................................................................................................................

Home country address:

Number + Street: ...................................................................................................................................................................... Suburb/City: .......................................................................

Province/State: ............................................................................ Country: ................................................................................................... Postcode/Zip code: ...............................

Telephone (country code/area code/number): ............................................................................................ Mobile: .................................................................................................

Local address in Western Australia (if known):

Number + Street: ...................................................................................................................................................................... Suburb/City: .......................................................................

Postcode/Zip code: .............................. Telephone: ........................................................................................... Mobile: .................................................................................................


Family name: ........................................................................................................................... Given name(s): ....................................................................................................................

Email address: ........................................................................................................................ Relationship to student:  Mother  Father  Guardian

Visa subclass: ................................................. Visa expiry date: ..................................... Passport number: ........................................................................

Please select the level of schooling at which you seek admission for your child. Please note that in Western Australia children are placed in the Year
group appropriate for their age.

To commence Pre-Primary, children must turn 5 years old by June 30 of that year.

Kindergarten (not compulsory)


Primary    Year 1    Year 2 Year 3 Year 4  Year 5 Year 6

Secondary   Year 7   Year 8   Year 9      Year 10     Year 11   Year 12

Commencing date: ................................... Ending date: ...................................

Due to the high demand for places in Western Australian public schools, places in your local school and other nearby schools may not be available.
Although every effort will be made to place your child/children close to your home, placement in a school is based on the school having the capacity
to provide a suitable education program for your child/children.


  Please attach transcripts of your child’s most recent schooling results.

Highest education: .................................................................................................................. Year: .................................... Country: ................................................................................

Name of school: .......................................................................................................................  Year level studied: ........................................ Period of study: ..................................

Has your child studied at another school in Australia before coming to TAFE International Western Australia?     Yes     No

  If yes,   Year: .................................... Name of school: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

  Year level studied: ........................................ Period of study: ....................................................................................................

TAFE International Western Australia Overseas fee paying application form

Location: East Perth TAFE Campus, Building B, Level 2 CRICOS Provider Code: 01723A  |  RTO Provider Number: 52395
140 Royal Street, East Perth WA 6004 Issue Date: October 2019  |  Version 5.6
Postal address: Locked Bag 16, Osborne Park DC​WA 6916, Australia
Tel: +61 8 9218 2100  |  Fax: +61 8 9218 2160 Page 2 of 3
Web: |  Email:

Does your child have a long term disability, impairment or medical or health condition which may affect their studies?     Yes    No

Please indicate the type/s of disability/condition:    Hearing    Vision    Learning    Medical    Mobility    Other




This information will be referred to Department of Education for consideration.


Information provided in this application may be made available to State and Commonwealth agencies.
I certify that the information on this form and supporting documentation is complete and correct. I acknowledge that the provision of incorrect
information or documentation or the withholding of information or documentation relating to my child’s application may result in the cancellation
of their enrolment.
By signing this application form I agree to the following:
>> My child will attend school in accordance with the School Education Act 1999.
>> I understand that placement in a school approved to enrol overseas fee-paying students is at the Principal’s discretion who must determine that
the school has an appropriate education program and available classroom accommodation.
>> I will abide by the policies of the Department of Education Western Australia and the school at which my child will be enrolled.
>> I will advise TAFE International Western Australia immediately should mine or my child’s visa change.
>> I will pay all tuition fees associated with this enrolment in the specified timeframe and understand the Department of Education reviews fees
annually and this may involve an increase in tuition fees for subsequent years.
>> I will pay contributions, charges and fees, as determined by the school, directly to the school.
>> I understand that personal items such as school and sports uniforms, items for individual student use, stationery, travel to and from school,
excursions/incursions, books, swimming programs and optional courses of study all incur additional fees.
>> I understand that additional fees are required for students with disability who require specialist provision or support and are costed on the basis
of the child’s requirements in accordance with the Department of Education’s standards. More information will be provided by TAFE International
Western Australia if required.
>> I understand the fee for an Intensive English Centre is $3,000 per year and the fee for English as a Second Language classes is $1,500 per year. This
is additional to the overseas tuition fee and is subject to review annually.

Parent/Guardian’s name: .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Signature: ........................................................................................................................... Date: ...........................................

Completion and lodgement of this form does not necessarily guarantee you a place in a Western Australia Public School.

TAFE International Western Australia Overseas fee paying application form

Location: East Perth TAFE Campus, Building B, Level 2 CRICOS Provider Code: 01723A  |  RTO Provider Number: 52395
140 Royal Street, East Perth WA 6004 Issue Date: October 2019  |  Version 5.6
Postal address: Locked Bag 16, Osborne Park DC​WA 6916, Australia
Tel: +61 8 9218 2100  |  Fax: +61 8 9218 2160 Page 3 of 3
Web: |  Email:

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