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Vascular diseases of nervous system

1. Endogenous factors of risk of development of vascular diseases of brain all of the below indicated,

1. Hypertension

*2. Mental stresses

3. Hypercholesterinemium

4. Infringement of tolerance to carbohydrates

5. Hereditary propensity

2. Exogenous factors of risk of development of vascular cerebropathies indicated,all except:

*1. Hereditary propensity

2. Intoxication nicotine / smoking /

3. Hypodynamia

4. Mental stresses

5. Feeding habits

3. Etiological factors of sharp cerebral circulatory disturbances all of the below indicated, except:

1. Hypertension

2. Vasculitis

*3. Infections

4. Atherosclerosis with hypertension

5. Aneurysm of cerebral arteries

4. Basic clinical forms of infringements of blood circulation of cerebrum except:

1. Insults of cerebrum

2. Passing infringements of cerebral circulation (TI)

*3. Discirculatory myelopathy

4. Cerebral infarction
5. Discirculatory encephalopathy

5. Characteristic for general cerebral crisis are all of the below-mentioned symptoms, except:

1. Headache

2. Tinnitus

3. Daze

4. Nausea or vomiting

*5. Bottom paraparesis

6. Basic symptoms of initial displays of insufficiency of blood supply of the brain are all of the below-
mentioned, except:

1. Impairment of memory

*2. Diplopia

3. Noise at the head

4. Headache

5. Daze

7. Pathogenetic mechanisms of transient ischemic attacks are all, except:

1. Cardiac pathology

2. Failure of autoregulation of cerebral circulation at harsh lift CT

3. Microthromboses and microembolism

4. Steal syndrome

*5. Increase of liquor pressure

8. Clinical displays of transient ischemic attacks in carotid system are all of the below indicated, except:

1. Lingual-Facial-Brachial paresis

*2. Dysarthrium

3. Infringement of sensitivity in paraesthetic finitenesses

4. Hemiparesis
5. Motor or sensory aphasia

9. Clinical displays of transient ischemic attacks in vertebrobasillar system all of the below indicated,

1. Rotatory vertigo

2. Bulbarof dissonances

*3. Motor aphasia

4. Alternating syndromes

5. Nistagmus

10. All are kinds of cerebral ischemia, except:

1. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

2. Parenchymatous

3. Embolic

*4. Transient infringements of cerebral circulation

5. Ventricular haemorrhage

11. Kinds of hemorrhagic cerebral circulatory disturbance are all of the below indicated, except:

1. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

2. Subdural hemorrhage

*3. Hemothorax

4. Parenchymatosal-ventricular haemorrhage

5. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

12. Pathogenetic mechanisms of coronary disease will be all, except:

1. Thrombosis of brain vessels

2. Vascular-brain insufficiency

3. Phenomenon of stealing

4. Embolism of arterio-arterial and cardiac

*5. Blood loss

13. Indicate basic pathogenetic mechanism of hemorrhagic insult:

1. Vascular brain insufficiency

2. Embolism

3. Phenomenon of stealing

4. Thrombosis of vessels

*5. Break of pathological changed vessel

14. Indicate, what attributes are not characteristic for infringement of blood circulation in pool of middle
cerebral artery:

*1. Alternating syndromes

2. Motor aphasia / at left-hand centers /

3. Pathological reflexes of extensor type

4. Infringement of sensitivity in paretic extremities

5. Paresis of opposite center of finitenesses

15. Indicate, what symptom is characteristic for infringement of blood circulation in pool of forward
cerebral artery:

1. Hemiplegium

2. Hemianopsium

3. Unilateral anesthesia of all kinds of sensitivity

*4. Paresis of leg

5. Hemiataxium

16. For thrombosis of basilar artery characteristic all of the below indicated attributes are correct,

1. Oculomotor dissonances

2. Tetraparesis

*3. Sensory aphasia

4. Bilateral pathologic reflexes

5. Infringement of salutatory functions

17. Indicate basic symptoms of thrombosis of internal carotid artery:

1. Alternating klippel-trenaunay syndrome

2. Blindness or decrease of sight on opposite side

3. Hemiplegium or hemiparesis on party of thrombosis

*4. Hemiparesis on opposite side and blindness on party of thrombosis

5. Hemihyperaesthesia on opposite side

18. For thrombosis of vertebral artery characteristic all of the below indicated attributes are correct,

*1. Djeckson?s epilepsy

2. Dysarthrium

3. Rotatory vertigo

4. Syndrome Wallenberg-Zaharchenko

5. Nistagmus

19. For heart attack of brain in pool of back cerebral artery characteristic all the below indicated
attributes, except:

1. Visual agnosia

2. Homonomous quadrantanopsium

3. Metamorphopsium

4. Homonomous hemianopsium

*5. Sensitive epilepsy

20. Which is not characteristic for hemorrhagic insult:

1. Significant total brain one?s symptoms

2. Available meningeal symptoms

*3. Meningeal symptoms are absent

4. Xanthochromatic spinal fluid

5. Sharp development of focal symptoms

21. Which are not characteristic for thrombosis of vessels of cerebrum:

*1. Sudden development of focal symptoms

2. Gradual development of focal symptoms

3. Absence of general-brain symptoms

4. Arteriosclerosis of vessels of retina on fundu of eye

5. Prevalence of focal neurological symptoms above total brain one?s

22. What attributes are not characteristic for embolism of cerebral vessels:

1. Transient loss of consciousness

2. Sudden onset disease

*3. Slow development of focal symptoms

4. Absence of changes of liquor

5. Impairment of cardiac rhythm

23. Basic attributes of subarachnoid hemorrhage are all of the below indicated, except:

1. Sanguine spinal fluid

*2. Spinal liquid not changed

3. Kernig's sign, stiff neck

4. Lesion of third cranial nerves

5. General brain symptoms and psychomotor excitement

24. Which additional methods of research are not used for diagnosis of vascular cerebropathies:

1. MRI

2. Computed tomography

*3. Radioisotope myelography

4. Ultrasonic doppleroscopy

5. Cerebral angiography

25. What does not confirm hemorrhagic character of insult:

1. Center of raised density in cerebrum at computed tomography

*2. Center of lowered density in cerebrum at computed tomography

3. Sanguine or xanthochromatic spinal fluid

4. At Echoencephaloscopy displacement of brain on 5-7 sm

5. Hemorrhage on fundu of eye at ophthalmoscopy

26. Basic principles of treatment of Cerebral vascular crises are all of the below indicated, except:

1. Decrease raised CT

2. Improvement of intimate activity

3. Prevention of brain hypostasis

*4. Treatment antibacterial preparations

5. Improvement of psychic state tranquilizers

27. General principles of basic treatment of sharp cerebral circulatory disturbances are all except:

1. Dehydrational mean

2. Prevention and treatment of respiratory failure

3. Treatment of sharp intimate-vascular infringements

*4. Anticoagulants

5. Normalization of system hemodynamics

28. Differentiated therapy at hemorrhagic insult include all indicated means, except:

*1. Anticoagulants

2. Hypotensive drugs

3. Coagulants and anti-fibrinolytic means

4. Dehydrating preparations
5. Operation removal of hematom at haemorrhages in brain hemispheres and cerebellum

29. Differentiated therapy includes all below indicated means at coronary disease, except:

1. Preparations, that normalize intimate activity

2. Anticoagulants and thrombolytic agents

*3. Coagulants and anti-fibrinolytic means

4. Antiplatelet agents / rheopolyglukin, trental /

5. Vascular active mean / cavinton, euphillinum

30. Updated therapy includes all low indicated means at cerebral circulatory disturbances, except:

1. Corrective gymnastics, massage

* 2. Coagulants

3. Physiotherapy

4. Vascular active mean

5. Nootropic preparations

31. Basic principles of preventive maintenance of cerebral circulatory disturbances are all of the below
indicated, except:

1. Early detection and treatment of hypertension

2. Avoidance of stresses

3. Duly treatment of patients with intimate-vascular diseases

*4. Spicy and salty foods

5. Favorable conditions of work and life

32. Indicate kinds of cerebral vascular crises:

*1. General, regional

2. Vegetative

3. Cardiac

4. Renal
5. Cardiorenal

34. Indicate kinds of coronary disease:

1. Transient cerebral circulatory disturbance

*2. Thrombotic and embolic

3. Discirculatory encephalopathy

4. Discirculatory myelopathy

5. Sharp hypertensive encephalopathy

35. Indicate indications to surgical treatment of hemorrhagic insult:

1. Heavy dissonances of essential functions

2. Deep point

*3. Occurrence of dislocation symptoms

4. Recourse of neurological disorders

5. Decrease of raised blood pressure

36. Indicate syndromes, characteristic for haemorrhages in brain ventricles:

*1. Meningeal syndrome and hormetonic spasms

2. Lesion of cranial nerves

3. Pseudobulbar paralysis

4. Syndrome of Brown-Sechar

5. Jacksonian epilepsy

37. Indicate additional methods of research, that confirm diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage:

1. Electrocardiography

*2. Research of spinal fluid

3. Craniography and Radiography of spine

4. Rheoencephalography

5. Coagulogram of blood
38. Most possible method o determine intracranial aneurysm:

1. Magnetic-resonant tomography

2. Computed tomography

3. Electroencephalography

4. Electroencephalography

*5. Angiography

39. Most often reason of brain infarct:

*1. Atherosclerosis

2. Inflammation of vessels of meninxes

3. Fibrous-muscular dysplasium

4. Craniocerebral trauma

5. Demyelinisation disease

40. Factors of risk of development of cerebral infarctare all of the below indicated except:

*1. Hypothyroidism

2. Hypercholesterinemium

3. Atrial fibrillation

4. Hypertension

5. Smoking

41. Suddenly arose at patient "stabbing" headache in occiput, vomitting. At review meningeal symptoms
will be provoked.

Liquor sanguine.

Put clinical diagnosis:

1. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

2. Haemorrhage in brain ventricles

*3. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

4. Epidural hematoma

5. Subdural hematoma

42. Strong diffuse headache, nausea, vomitting, unconsciousness suddenly appeared.

brought to neurological department in severe condition:

brething has pauses, face is red general hyperhidrosis.

In neurological status:

Rigidity of muscles of occiput.

Eyeballs are returned to the left, swelling of right cheek, high tendon reflexes on the right, bilaterial
symptom Babiski.

What diagnosis is most likely:

1. Internally-ventricular haemorrhage

* 2. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

3. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

4. Ischemic thrombotic insult

5. Ischemic embolic insult

43. 48 yr old woman, suffers from languid rheumatic carditis, suddenly began vomitting and severe
headache occured.

There was transient loss of consciousness.

In neurological status slight right-hand hemiparesis, right-sided hemi-hypoesthesia, hemianopsium are


In half an hour all neurological symptoms disappeared.

What diagnosis is most possible:

1. Internally-ventricular haemorrhage

2. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

3. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

4. Ischemic thrombotic insult

*5. Transient infringement of cerebral circulation (TI)

44. In woman that suffered from combined cardiac defect, day developed at work short-term
unconsciousness, paralysis of left hand and leg.

In neurological status:

Anisocoria, left-hand hemiparesis, hemianopsium.

Skin covers of person pale.

ART.BL.PR. 210 / 120.

Pulse arrhythmic, 110 for min What diagnosis most possible:

1. Transitional ischemic attack

2. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

3. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

4. Ischemic thrombotic insult

*5. Ischemic embolic insult

45. Patient has post meridium violent vomiting, unconsciousness suddenly appeared.

In neurological status:

Condition is heavy, derma hyperemic, general hyperhidrosis, breath it stritorous.

Muscular tone in hands and legs replaceable, mainly low, quadriplegic, bulbar palsy, meningeal

What diagnosis most possible:

1. Lacunar heart attack

*2. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

3. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

4. Ischemic thrombotic insult

5. Ischemic embolic insult

46. In patient appeared nausea, vomitting, numbing right hand and leg.

In neurological status:

Skin of face is pale, pulse of little filling, rhythmic, arterial pressure low, right-hand deep hemiparesis,

What diagnosis is most possible:

1. Internally-ventricular haemorrhage

2. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

3. Transitional ischemic attack

*4. Ischemic thrombotic insult

5. Hypertensive crisis

47. Patient on background of often headaches unconsciousness suddenly arose.

In neurological status:

Floating eyeballs, unsteady breath, general hyperhidrosis, sharp hyperemium of person, syndrome of
hormetony is seasonly observed.

What diagnosis is most possible:

*1. Internal-ventricular haemorrhage

2. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

3. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

4. Ischemic thrombotic insult

5. Ischemic embolic insult

48. Patient at work had a sudden onset of severe headache with prevailing localization in occiput,
nausea, vomitting, short-term unconsciousness.

In neurological status:

Missing squint through right eyeball, general hyperesthesia, stiff neck, Kernig's sign from two parties.

What diagnosis is most possible:

1. Internally-ventricular haemorrhage

2. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

*3. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

4. Ischemic thrombotic insult

5. Ischemic embolic insult

49. Female,43.On background of general wellfare suddenly appeared nausea, vomitting, severe
headache, unconsciousness.Paralysis of right extremities developed.
CT - 240 / 120 mm. ав. бв.

In neurological status:

Point, skin of face red, breath faltering, general hyperhidrosis.

Floating eyeballs.

Stiff neck and Kernig's sign at the left.

Symptom of hormetony, right-hand spastic hemiplegium are observed.

Liquor intensively sanguine, content of fiber is increased.

Name most possible pathomechanisms of disease:

*1. Break of brain vessels

2. Perdiapedesis infiltration

3. Thrombosis of brain vessels

4. Spasm of brain vessels

5. Embolism of brain vessels

50. Male, 57.On background of general wellfare suddenly appeared severe headache with prevailing
localization in occiput, nausea, vomitting, short-term unconsciousness.

Objectively --

Stiff neck, symptom of Kernig from both sides, general hyperesthesia.

Liquor - sanguine, pressure of 300 mm.

Waters. ‘в.

Indicate possible reason of disease most:

*1. Haemorrhage in subarachnoid space

2. Haemorrhage in brain ventricles

3. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

4. Thrombosis of brain vessels

5. Spasm of brain vessels and stasis of blood in vessels of brain

51. Male.30. Over 10 months of muscular weakness, paresthesia, headache, spasms in muscles of hands
and legs, polyuria.
Objectively --

BP 210 / 140 mm.

Heartrate 82 for 1 mines.

Accent of Ii tones above aorta, systolic murmur above top.

On roentgenogram of skull without pathological changes.

On retrograde pyelogram pathology is not revealed.

In blood and urine without changes.

To +

Plasma of 3 millimole (l, ‘ 2

3, 5 millimole / l. What of resulted additional research receptions it most informative for clarification of
reason of hypertension:

*1. Ultrasonic doppleroscopy of kidneys

2. Definition of level of 17-ketosteroids in the urine

3. Roentgenogram of sella turcica

4. Computer tomography of brain

5. Level determination vanil-almond acid in the urine

52. Male.29. Complains of headache, general weakness, thirst, dryness in oral cavity, nausea, vomitting.
Disease linked with use of substandard meal. Last 4 years it is noted increase HELL. Was treated with
hypotensive agents irregulars. Objectively -- T 36, 8c, Ps 78 on mines, joint-stock companies 220 / 130
mm. ав. бв. Stomach soft, small morbidity in epigastralarea. There not are rebound tenderness
symptoms. In blood: Hb 92 g (l, eras. 2, 2е1012 (L, leuc.

6, 8е109 (L, ˜§п 18 mm / з., creatinine of 0, 288 millimole (l. in the urine: Ћв. Density - 1008, fiber 0, 66 g
(l, leuc. 4-6, eras. Changed 8-10, cylinders hyaline and granular to 2-4 per Ї (z.

What caused deterioration of state of the patient:

*1. Hypertensive crisis

2. Bacterial food poisoning

3. Insult

4. Aggravation of pancreatitis

5. Chronic renal failure

53. Female.53. admitted into hospital in unconscious state. became ill about 3 hours back.

Condition suddenly worsened, appeared severe headache, daze, vomitting. Objectively --

Sopor, face is hyperaemated, breath it hoarse, rigidity occipitals, Kernig's sign at the left, mydriasis at
the left, symptom "sails" on the right, tendon reflexes they do not present, babinski's sign from right ,
hypotonia of muscles of finitenesses it great on the right.

ART.BL.PR. - 260 (120 mm. ђв. бв. , Temperature - 38, 30‘ . Your diagnosis:

1. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

2. Coronary disease

*3. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

4. Virus meningoencephalitis

5. Subdural hematom

54. Male.50.admitted into hospital in unconscious state It is known from anamnesis that became sick
one hour ago. Neurological status: Sopor, face crimson-red, stiff neck, Kernig's sign, symptom "sails" at
the left, pupils wide, photoreaction lowered. ART.BL.PR. 200 / 100 mm. ав. бв., temperature-38, 70‘ . At
doctor in primary examination arising suspicion about sharp cerebral circulatory disturbance. What
inspection can confirm this idea:

1. Myelography

2. Electroencephalography

*3. Lumbar puncture (LP)

4. Rheoencephalography

5. General blood test

55. Male.46. over 3 years ART.BL.PR. is treated concerning increase. For this period survived 2 passing
infringements of cerebral circulation on type of hypertensive crises.

ART.BL.PR. is changed from 220 / 110 to 180 / 100 mm. ав. бв. Which is least effective for preventive
maintenance of acute infringement of cerebral circulation in this instance:

1. Rational employment

*2. Control of sugar in blood

3. Control ART.BL.PR. daily

4. Regular moderate physical exercises

5. Reception of hypotensive drugs

56. Woman 48 years acted in grave condition in specialized stroke branch. Is ill with hypertension about
7 years. Is established after inspection diagnosis - intracerebral haemorrhage. ART.BL.PR. 200 / 100 mm.
Level of consciousness - sopor.

What of low listed actions it little expedient in that case:

1. Abstention of decrease ART.BL.PR.

*2. Introduction of anticholineesterase preparations

3. Control of respiratory function

4. Support of watar-electrolytic balance

5. Intravenous introduction of glycerin

57. In woman 68 years cerebral ischemia developed. In neurological status: Right-hand hemiplegium,
unilateral anesthesia and hemianopsium. Pathological center is where located:

1. Frontal lobe at the left

2. Frontal lobe on the right

*3. Internal capsule at the left

4. Internal capsule on the right

5. Brainstem

58. Male.57.On background of general wellfare severe headache with prevailing localization in trace
suddenly appeared, nausea, vomitting, transient loss of consciousness.

Objectively -- Stiff neck, symptom of Kernig from both sides, general hyperesthesia, missing squint for
account of left eyeball. Liquor - sanguine, pressure of 300 mm. Waters. ‘в. What is contra-indicated of

*1. Heparin

2. Lasix

3. Nimotop

4. Aminocapronic acid

5. Trental
59. Patient.68.Ill about 15 years with cerebral atherosclerosis, discirculatory encephalopathy is
diagnosed. Over last 10 years balance worsened, instability of gait appeared. What infringement is seen:

1. Blood circulation in internal carotid arteries

*2. Blood circulation in vertebrobasillar pool

3. Generalized brain insufficiency

4. Regulation of liquorodynamics

5. Thermoregulation

60. 31 yr old patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage, on 3rd day of illness oppression of consciousness
to level of coma appeared. Indicate most possible reason of this condition:

*1. Toxic disintegration of elements of blood with Generalized vasospasm

2. Cardiogenic shock

3. Overdosage of medicine

4. Arterio-arterial thromboembolism

5. Increase of synthesis of nitric oxide

61. Patient.43yrs old. 3 day sick with coronary disease. Sudden stop of breath. Indicate most possible
reason of this condition:

1. Thrombosis of extracranial vessels

*2. Myocardial infarction

3. Endocellular accumulation of calcium

4. Hypostasis of brain with syndrome of wedging-in

5. Syndrome of stealing

62. Patient 33 years old is delivered in ambulance to hospital in grave condition.

It is revealed by words of attendants that she did not ache with anything. Abuse with alcohol.

Complained the day of hospitalization in hospital after big physical and emotional stress on sharp
headache, was excited, "all shivered ". Condition afterwards worsened: Headache amplified, reusable
vomitting, excitation increased. Objectively -- faceis hyperaemated, skin damp. Pulse rhythmic, 110 per
minute, ART.BL.PR. 120 / 80. Breath it rhythmical.
Body temperature - 37, 5. Consciousness it confused, cannot tell about himselfis desorientated in space
and time. Enters in contact badly, behaviour it wrong, loud spoken, tried to get up, groaned. Expressed
stiff neck, positive symptoms of Kernig and Brudzinsky.


*1. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

2. Parenchymatosal haemorrhage

3. Subdural hematom

4. Coronary disease

5. Transitional ischemic attack

63. Patient with hypertension over several hours periodic numbness in right extremities was observed,
logopathy afterwards arose (understood speech directed to him, but could not speak), indicated breach
passed within 15 minutes.

What disease does patient have:

*1. Transient infringement of cerebral circulation (TI)

2. Coronary disease

3. Spinal infarct

4. Arachnoiditis

5. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

64. Patient with ciliary arrhythmia over 20 minutes right-hand hemianopsium was kept.

What frustration of blood circulation at patient:

*1. Transient infringement of cerebral circulation (TI)

2. Coronary disease

3. Embolic insult

4. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

5. Syncopal condition

65. 30 yr old patient complains for last 10 years of headache without rise in arterial pressure, impression
of impact on head unexpectedly arose, vomitting, rigidity of muscles of occiput, Kernig's sign appeared.
What disease is most likely:
*1. Transient infringement of cerebral circulation (TI)

2. Coronary disease

3. Embolic insult

4. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

5. Vegetative paroxysm

66. 43 yr old patient. When came home from work, felt sharp headache. Is ill with hypertension for over
12 years. During exam the following day is excited, fought back to inspection, inadequately answered
questions. Temperature 38‘ ; Pulse of 56 per minute, tense. ART.BL.PR. 190 / 140. Neurological status:

From both sides positive symptom of Њ RyneбЄг-Radovich, reflexes on hands and legs alive, uniform,
rigidity of occipitals on 3 cross fingers, Kernig's sign. Liquor: Pressure of 250 ml. Waters. ‘в., sanguine,
ozonophores - on all field of sight, leukocytes - 20 per of 1 ¬Є« (70 % neutrophils, 30 % lymphocytes).

Establish diagnosis:

1. Transient cerebral circulatory disturbance

2. Coronary disease

3. Embolic insult

*4. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

5. Vegetative paroxysm

67. 60 yr old patient over last months seasonly complained on headache, tinnitus, easy fatiguability. 3
days before hospitalization in clinic awoke during the night due to headache, marked weakness in the
right hand. Movements were completely lost in the right hand in the morning. Weakness in right leg
appeared, speech changed. ART.BL.PR. - 110 / 60 mm. Objectively -- Patient executes all tasks correctly,
speech slow, with jargon aphasias, selects words with effort. Right-hand hemiparesis.


1. Brain tumor

2. Encephalitis

*3. Thrombotic brain infarction

4. Cerebral hemorrage

5. Embolism of cerebral vessels

68. Patient 52 year old. 3 year back survived myocardial infarction, after which constantly complained of
general weakness, dyspneum on exertion, hypostasises standings. Speech in the afternoon suddenly got
broken, could not answer on question of surroundings. Is delivered in hospital.

At review: Shallowly bubbly moist rales (in bottom parts of lungs) from two parties, ART.BL.PR. 160 (100,
pulse - 76, satisfactory. Consciousness it clear, but contact compexed.

Speech does not understand turned, execute simple tasks. Own speech production is vastly mentioned.
Logorhia checks out, jargon aphasia, tendons reflexes of D> S. Other semiology is not revealed. Your

1. Discirculatory encephalopathy

2. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

3. Transitional ischemic attack

*4. Coronary disease

5. Sympatho-adrenal crisis

69.Male.69. , addressed in polyclinic with complaints on daze, difficulty on swallowing, twang of voice,
unsteadiness walking. These phenomena appeared about three years volume and they gradually
progress. Objectively -- Consciousness is kept, speech disartical, Nasolalia, reflexes of throat are high,
tendon reflexes high. Symptoms of oral automatism. What from listed is most possible:

1. Trunk encephalitis

*2. Discirculatory encephalopathy

3. Coronary disease

4. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

5. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

70. Man, 74 year, addressed in polyclinic with complaints on periodic dizziness, allolalia, amnesia, more
on current events, slowed down gait. Is ill about 10 years. Objectively --

Speech is disartical, mimicry impoverished. Tendon reflexes low, symptoms of oral automatism,
muscular tone is raised on plastic type. In pose of Romberg unsteadiness.

Horizontal nystagmus. What of listed diagnoses most possible:

1. Alzheimer's disease

2. Encephalitis of Economo

3. Meningoencephalitis

4. Coronary disease
*5. Discirculatory encephalopathy

71. Man, 54 years, is delivered to neurology department in grave condition. There are no complaints.

sick with hypertonia. Objectively -- Consciousness it soporous, movement of left extremities sharply
limited, tendons reflexes on the left are higher. Stiff neck. Kernig's sign on the right. ART.BL.PR. 240 /
120 mm. ав. бв. Liquor without changes, pure, transparent, colourless.

What of listed diagnoses most possible:

1. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

*2. Parenchymatous haemorrhage

3. Coronary disease

4. Hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis

5. Brain abscess

72. Man, 49 years, complains of induction centre on headache, absence of movements in left hand, leg.
Was taken ill sharply after psychoemotional pressure. About 10 years is ill on hypertension. Objectively
-- Opens eyes only on painful irrotants, answers timelagged.

Executes childlike instructions. Muscle force is lowered in left extremities, tendon reflexes been higher
at the left, pathological babinski's sing at the left, stiff neck. What of listed preparations most efficient:

1. Rheopolyglukin

2. Heparin

*3. Aminocapronic acid

4. Sermion

5. Antisterile factor

73. Man, 57 years, is delivered in neurologic department with complaints of weakness of left hand, legs,
headache, omission of right brow, doubling in eyes. Became ill gradually over year.

At sight: Devocalization, speech is kept, missing squint of left eyes, ptosis of right brow, diplopia. Muscle
force is lowered to 3 points in left hand and leg. Tendon reflexes higher at the left. What of listed
preparations most efficient:

1. Vikasolum

*2. Actilyse

3. Depakinum
4. Lasix

5. Relanium

74. Man, 34 year, is delivered with fast medical service to neurology department with complaints of
intensive headache. Became ill sharply, after consumption of alcohol, psychomotor excitement,
convulsive attack were observed. Objectively -- Excited, platelike stiff neck. Changeable diplopia, there
not are paresises, tendon reflexes vigorous. Liquor: Pressure of 300 mm. Waters.

‘в, color sanguine. What of listed preparations most efficient:

1. Heparin

*2. Aminocapronic acid

3. Antisterile factor

4. Relanium

5. Rheopolyglukin

75. Man, 39 years, delivered to hospital by relatives. There not are complaints. Mitral cardiac defect.
Objectively -- Consciousness is kept, behaviour is inadequate, speech inconsistent.

Right-hand hemiparesis. Reflexes higher on the right. Babinski's sing on the right.

There not are symptoms by Meningealis. At cardiac auscultation - arrhythmia.

What is most effective of listed preparations:

*1. Anticoagulants

2. Intimate glycoside

3. Trental

4. Nootropine

5. Depakinum

76. Man, 34 years old, is delivered to neurology department with complaints of intense headache,
double vision while looking straight, intolerableness to light, noise. Became ill sharply while lifting
something ?felt like something hit me shaply in the head?. Objectively -- Devocalization, avoid missing
squint, diplopia. Symptoms of Kernig, Brudzinsky from both sides. There not are paresises. Liquor
sanguine. Which of the medications would be useless?

1. Epsilon-aminocapronic acid

2. Nimotop
*3. Heparin

4. Nicotinic acid

5. Sermion

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