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A formal letter of complaint

From each set of alternatives, select the most appropriate choice of wording for a
formal letter of complaint. Sometimes more than one option might be acceptable.

Dear Sir / Madam

a) How are you doing?
b) Hope you're well.
c) I trust this letter finds you in good health.
d) How's it going?
e) I hope you're well and enjoying life.
f) (no greeting necessary)

a) The reason I am writing is to let you know how dissatisfied I am with…
b) I am writing to say how concerned / upset I am about…
c) I am contacting you to express my disappointment with…
d) I'm really pissed off with…
e) I can't tell you how fed up I am with…
f) I’m sick and tired of…
g) I am writing to complain in the strongest possible terms about…

a) I find this state of affairs totally unacceptable.
b) This really isn't on.
c) This is really not what I would expect from reputable company like yours.
d) I really expected a lot more / better from a company with your reputation.
e) Have you never heard of customer care?
f) You must be mad to think I’ll put up with this.

a) Unless you rectify the problem / resolve this issue…
b) Unless you are prepared to make amends for the problems you have caused…
c) Unless you are prepared to offer me some form of compensation for the
d) Unless you resolve this issue without any further delay…
e) Unless you pay me off…

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A formal letter of complaint

a) …you’ll wish you’d never been born.
b) …I make sure you’ll live to regret what you’ve done.
c) …I’ll sue you for every penny you’ve got.
d) …the next letter you receive will be from my solicitor.
e) …I’ll do everything I can to destroy you.
f) …I’ll do everything in my power to make your life a total misery.

a) …I will really have no choice but to…
b) …you will leave me with no choice but to…
c) …I will have no alternative but to…
d) …I am afraid I will have to…
e) …you'll force me to…

a) You'd better reply to this or else!
b) Looking forward to hearing from you.
c) I trust that you will give this matter your urgent attention.
d) And get a move on!
e) I would be most grateful if you would look into this matter as soon as possible.
f) Please could you deal with this asap?

a) Yours sincerely,
b) Yours faithfully,
c) Kind regards,
d) Wishing you all the best,
e) Best wishes,

Now write a formal letter of complaint of your own – about something you have
bought recently that you are not happy with, a meal you had in a restaurant, a
holiday you went on, or your English teacher!

POSSIBLE ANSWERS: 1f / 2a, b, c, or g / 3 a, c or d / 4 a, b, c or d / 5d / 6 a, b, c or d /

7c or e / 8b

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