Chm-101 Syllabus Spirit of Faith

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International School of Theology


Updated 10/2018
CHM-101 Syllabus
Superivising Instructor Information - Rev. Judy Snow

General Information
This course seeks to aid believers in overcoming the world through Christ by utilizing the vehicle of faith. This
course shows believers how to have faith in prayer to believe for the impossible and how to live a life of faith and to
speak out by faith, which pleases God and causes them to move on one’s behalf.
At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the vehicle of faith.
2. Describe how to have the ears of faith to hear God.
3. Explain how to have faith for the impossible.
4. Meditate on how to have for receiving.
5. Comprehend how to live a life of faith.
6. Demonstrate faith and praying in power.
7. Explain how the character of the believer displays true faith in God’s Word.
8. Articulate the benefits of surrendering totally to God through faith.
9. Discuss how one should obey in faith.
10. Identify key principles of how one can overcome temptations that hinder one’s faith.

Course Materials
Required Materials
* Bible with Concordance
* DVD set or computer with access to DVD streaming capabilities
* Microsoft word or open office

Required Text
* Reading outlines
* Scriptures using the King James Version or NIV Bible.

Copyright Disclaimer: Syllabus portions, Affidavits, Grading Form, Tests, Study guides, Test keys, Life Application sheets, The Biblical
Mastery Method of learning style are copyrighted by, © Heaven’s Reign! Inc., 2017. Special permission is hereby granted to: Veritas
International School of Theology and International Victory Bible Institute, for unlimited, educational use in their Bible Schools.


1. Television, monitor and DVD player

2. Laptop or desktop computer
3. Internet access
4. Open office (a free online program) or Microsoft Office, including Microsoft Word
5. Desk or table
6. Notebook paper, pens or pencils
7. Quiet room, office, or classroom for study


1. Course Lecture Video or Live Lecture: the student will view the lecture video for the required session, or if there
is a live teaching lecture being given at a seminary location, to listen to all live teaching lectures. Each learning
session will require a video or live lecture to be partaken of. Those students that are viewing the lecture through
video, may do so, either through DVD, or by video streaming the lecture through the Internet. The student is
required to watch or listen to all 21 videos or live teaching lectures for each course.

2. Video or Live Lecture Notebook: The student shall complete a lecture notebook. This notebook will house the
notes taken by the student, which outlines the information the instructor teaches, either through video teaching, or
through live classroom lectures. Students are required to write at least 10 sentences or 10 main points, of what the
instructor is teaching. Each sentence or main point that the student writes must contain at least 10 words, so that
there are no short sentences. Every video session, or live teaching lecture that the student views should have 10
sentences or main points that the student has written, that captures the instructor’s teachings, or main ideas of the
lecture session. Note-taking may be in complete sentences or in a phrase format. The student shall complete his or
her notebook, using a computer, and typing their notes with Open Office or Microsoft Word, or for students
completing lecture notebooks in a campus seminary location, notes can be on paper, if preferred.

3. Life Application Questions for Video or Live Lecture: The student shall complete the video or live lecture
questions for each lecture session, and submit them to the Instructor for grading. The course assignment schedule
will offer the dates that the assignments are due. Students shall type in their answers to the questions, using Open
Office or Microsoft Word and then email the finished product to the Instructor, or if the student is studying at a
campus seminary location, he or she may write down their answers using a pen and paper, and must submit his or
her finished answers to his or her own campus instructor. An affidavit verifying that the student has completed the
work must be signed by the student and the instructor.

4. Textbook and/or Biblical readings: Each learning session will require the student to read the textbook and/or
Scripture portions. At campus seminary locations, the instructor may read the reading portions out loud to the class
in class sessions.

5. Textbook or Biblical reading notebook: Each student shall complete a textbook or Biblical reading notebook
that will house the notes taken by the student, which outlines the information that the book teaches. Each sentence
or main point that the student writes must contain at least 10 words, so that there are no short sentences. Every
reading assignment that the student reads should have 10 sentences or notes that the student has written, that
captures the book’s teachings, or main ideas of the reading portion. Note-taking may be in complete sentences or in
phrase format. The student shall complete his or her notebook, using a computer, and typing their notes with Open
Office or Microsoft Word, unless he or she is studying at a campus seminary location. In this case, the student may
use pen and paper to complete the notebook. On-line students should submit their typed work to their instructor, via
email, while the campus seminary student, should hand deliver their completed notebook to their campus instructor,
who will verify their work through a signed affidavit form.

6. Life Application Questions for Textbook and/or Biblical Reading: Each learning session requires the student to
complete reading questions. The reading questions will be either in a fill-in the blank format, or in a life-application
style. Students shall type the session number and title of the reading, along with their full name on each answer
sheet that the student turns in for grading. Student shall use Open Office or Microsoft Word, to type his or her
answers, along with the question number, and submit it to their instructor, or use the life application question sheets
inside of each syllabus. For campus seminary students, the student may use pen and paper to complete their work,
and the instructor may read them the questions, which are located in the syllabus, or use the life application sheets.
The campus seminary student should submit their answers to the questions to their live campus instructor, who will
sign an affidavit form verifying their work. On-line students should email their answers to their assigned instructor.

7. Book Report: The student is required to complete an 5 page book report on either the course textbook readings,
or the Biblical session readings completed in the course. The book report may be typed and double spaced, campus
students may hand write it single spaced. The book report shall have a title page, with the name of the course, the
Instructor’s name, the date and the title of the book report. They may use quotes from the book, but must give credit
to the source; however, the amount of quoted material shall not exceed 20% of the report. At least 80 percent should
be the student’s original work. The student shall use complete sentences, proper punctuation and spelling. The
student may utilize spell check and punctuation check, that is included in their computer software program. Students
should type their book report using Open Office or Microsoft Word, then email it to the instructor for grading.
Campus seminary students may choose to hand write his or her book report, and should submit his or her book
report to the campus instructor, who will verify his or her work, by signing an affidavit, and then will submit it to

8. Study Guides for Tests - Students will be provided with a 20 question study guide to prepare for each test. Study
Guides cannot be used during the tests, and should only be in use during study time.

9. Tests - The student is required to complete four tests in each course. There will be 20 questions on each test.
Questions will explore knowledge of text, readings or lectures. Tests will be given on weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5, and will
cover material from the week before, or previous class sessions.


1. Students taking the tests in a class room, online, or by correspondence will need a monitor or instructor to
administer the test to him or her. The instructor or monitor must be present during the test. The monitor or instructor
must not be a relative and must be over 18 years of age. The monitor or instructor must sign the test affidavit form,
along with the student, attesting to the student’s validity of the test taking process.
2. During test taking, the student’s desk or test taking area must be clear of all study guides, notes, Bibles,
textbooks, or bags, and cannot have anything in the testing area, except the test and a writing instrument. If the
student is taking the test online, a monitor must email the completed test, and an affidavit that they have
administered the test, along with their own name and relationship to the student printed on the affidavit. If the
student is completing the test at a campus seminary location, the instructor should email the completed test, test
grade and affidavit to Veritas, who will record the student’s progress.
3. Students are to receive no help during the test from any resource. The monitor or instructor may explain the
question to the student, if the student does not understand the question, but the monitor or instructor must not help
the student answer the question. There shall be no talking during the exam.
4. The test is to be returned to VERITAS with the monitor’s or teacher’s name on the affidavit, except for campus
location schools, who will email only the grade report form to VERITAS.

Exam Schedule
Date Subject
Week 2: Test One
Week 3: Test Two
Week 4: Test Three
Week 5: Test Four
Course Policy and Grading
A. Course percentage points
Video or live Lectures with affidavits = 10%
Video or live Lecture notes = 10%
Lecture Life Application questions = 10%
Reading Assignments with affidavits = 10%
Reading Assignment notes = 10%
Reading Life Application Questions = 10%
Book report with affidavit = 20%
Four Tests with affidavits = 20%

B. Grading Scale A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C= 70-79 D= 60-69 F= 59 and below

C. Late Assignment Policy
Students are expected to turn in assignments to his/her instructor on time, by the class schedule due date, or that
student will not receive a grade for the assignment. In emergency situations (loss of electricity, Internet, or extreme
illness) the student must email the instructor before the assignment is due as soon as possible.
Students/teacher/monitors will need to complete the following forms and turn them into VERITAS. The Teacher or
a Monitor, who is not related to the student, will need to print their name on the form, to verify the student’s work.
The student, for independent learners, or the teacher/school director will need to email it to Veritas. There are three
forms for on-line or independent learners, and four forms for campus location schools.
Affidavit Form- This form is to verify that the student has viewed all the lectures for this class, either from the
videos, or from live teaching lectures, and it also verifies that the students has read all the required reading material,
it also verifies that the student completed all the notes for the lectures and readings, and that they have been
monitored and have completed all four tests, have completed the book report, all life application questions for both
the lectures and readings, and have completed all other assignments that may be assigned.
Student Ministry Form- This form is to verify that the student has completed the one hour of student ministry
requirement for the course.
Scholarship Work Study Form- This form is for those students who have received a scholarship from Veritas, or
from the campus location school, or both, and verifies that the student has completed three hours of volunteer
church or community help or ministry. This must be completed and signed by the church pastor or community
director. This is in addition to the student ministry requirement.
Grade Report Form- This form is for teachers to give a report of all of the grades that the student has received.


1. What software will I need for this class? Open Office, by Apache, is a FREE software program that is available
on the web for no charge, or you may choose to purchase Microsoft Word for typing assignments. You may email
your course assignments to your instructor.

2. How can I attain the course textbook? If a PDF copy is available for download, VERITAS will send you the link
or you may order a printed copy from Some courses have the reading material already added
into the Reading Outline. For help, email your Instructor.

3. Will I need to email all my assignments to my Instructor? If you are studying in Veritas school location, all as-
signments should be given to your instructor, at the school. Your instructor will then grade your work. At the end of
the class, your instructor will then email the affidavit form, the student’s record grade card, Student Ministry Report
Form, and the Student Work Study Form for students receiving a scholarship, into Veritas for verification and re-
cord holding. If you are an independent student, studying online, or by correspondence, email all assignments, and
work directly to your Veritas instructor, as well as, the affidavit form, student ministry form, and the student work
study form if you received a scholarship.

4. Will I need Internet for this course? Online and correspondence students will need to access the Internet in order
to download assignments, stream videos, and email completed work to their Instructor. However, student may order
videos in DVD format and request the course via US Postal Mail, but there will be an additional charge for this ser-
vice. Student’s studying at a Veritas school location are not required to have Internet, although Internet for the
school is strongly suggested.



Week Topics Lecture/Video Reading Pages __ _Exercises_____________________

1. The Vehicle of Faith 1,2,3, (1) Reading Outline/Scripture 1 View Lectures/Videos & Readings 1-5
Ears to Hear 4,5 (2) Reading Outline/Scripture 2 Lecture/Video & Reading Notes 1-5
Faith for the Impossible (3) Reading Outline/Scripture 3 Life Application Reading Questions 1-5
Praying in Power (4) Reading Outline/Scripture 4 Life Application Lecture Questions 1-5
Faith for Receiving (5) Reading Outline/Scripture 5 Prepare for Test 1: Use Study Guide 1
Do Book Report Page 1
2. Speaking Faith 6,7, (6) Reading Outline/Scripture 6 View Lectures/Videos & Readings 6- 9
The Power of Meditation 8,9 (7) Reading Outline/Scripture 7 Life Application Reading Questions 6- 9
The Power of Praise (8) Reading Outline/Scripture 8 Lecture/Video & Reading Notes 6 - 9
The Life of Faith (9) Reading Outline/Scripture 9 Life Application Lecture Questions 6- 9
Test 1
Prepare for Test 2, using Study Guide 2
Do Book Report Page 2

3. Believer’s Character 10,11, (10) Reading Outline/Scripture 10 View Lectures/Videos & Readings 10-13
General Character 12,13 (11) Reading Outline/Scripture 11 Lecture/Video & Reading Notes 10-13
Selling Out to God (Part 1) (12) Reading Outline/Scripture 12 Life Application Reading Questions 10-13
Selling Out to God (Part 2) (13) Reading Outline/Scripture 13 Life Application Lecture Questions 10-13
Take Test 2
Prepare for Test 3 using Study Guide
Do Book Report Page 3

4. Obey in Faith (Part 1) 14,15, (14) Reading Outline/Scripture 14 View Lecture/Videos & Readings 14-17
Obey in Faith (Part 2) 16,17 (15) Reading Outline/Scripture 15 Lecture/Video & Reading Notes 14-17
Commitment & Fruitfulness (16) Reading Outline/Scripture 16 Life Application Reading Questions 14-17
Biblical Illustration (17) Reading Outline/Scripture 17 Life Application Lecture Questions 14-17
Take Test 3
Prepare for Test 4 using Study Guide
Do Book Report Page 4

5.Overcoming Temptation18,19, (18) Reading Outline/Scripture 18 View Lecture/Video & Readings 18-21
Weapons of Warfare 20,21 (19) Reading Outline/Scripture 19 Lecture/Video & Reading Notes 18-21
Power Gifts (20) Reading Outline/Scripture 20 Life Application Reading Questions 18-21
Led by the Spirit (21) Reading Outline/Scripture 21 Life Application Lecture Questions 18-21
Take Test 4
Do Book Report Page 5
Submit completed Book Report pages 1-5

Book Report Instructions:
1. The book report should be 5 pages in length.
2. The book report should be in your own words and cannot contain the words of anyone else, except when they
are used in quotations marks, in your paper and giving the author credit for their quote.
3. Eighty percent (80%) of your book report must be in your own words. Only twenty percent (20%) or less can
contain quotes from the book or reading.
4. Students should report about the book or readings and should give an opinion of how they feel about the book,
and how the book has aided them or someone in some way, on the last two pages. They should also discuss what
they have learned from the book.
5. The book report should have a TITLE PAGE as follows: (all type centered)

Student Name

Course Name


Textbook Name

Book Report Name



1. What is a book report? A book report is a written composition that summarizes, explains, and
reviews a book or reading(s) that you have read. It is not an essay, term paper or dissertation. A book
report must only report on the book(s) or reading(s) assigned, that you have read, as well as, one's
opinion of the book. An excellent book report should give vital details and information about the book.
A book report should be seventy-five percent informational, (that is, giving information about the book,)
and contains, approximately, twenty-five percent personal opinion, from you, the writer, and his or her
views of the book. Eighty percent of your report should be in your own words, with only twenty percent
coming from quotations that you have quoted from the book or reading. Always give credit to the author
or idea that you have used in your report, by placing quotation marks: “ “ around the quote and by
stating the person’s name who quoted it.
You can write the ideas of the book by rephrasing what the author talks about by paraphrasing
his words, without putting them in quotation marks. What this means is that you retell or restate what
the book is about by putting the book ideas in your own words. This means that instead of directly
quoting the author or book, you tell me what he or she says by using your words instead of the book’s
words. 80% of your report must use your own working, but use the ideas of the book. This shows the
Instructor you understand what the book is saying since you are retelling it using your own words and
thoughts to tell me, instead of just taking sentences directly out of the book. Only 20% of your book
report can be quotes for the book directly. Tell me what the book says, but use your own words to do so.
Paraphrasing is explaining to the reader what the author of the book is saying, by using your own words.
One does this by using words that are different than the books quotes, but mean the same thing.

2. Read, take notes, and then make and outline. As one reads the book, one should take notes
about interesting facts, or make quotes of vital information that was shared in the book, that one
appreciated, or disagreed with. If you quote someone or something from the book, make sure to write
down who said the words that you are quoting, and place the words that you are quoting in direct
quotation marks, to prevent plagiarism (stealing words or ideas from someone else who wrote them.)
Example: Dr. John Angus stated, “No one should read the Bible as if one were a spectator standing on
the sidelines, but one should read the Bible, as if placing ones-self within its pages.” Make an outline of
all the main points that one wants to discuss to guide you in the writing of your book report, but do not
include the outline as part of your book report.

3. Begin the book report with a title page, and then an introductory sentence, or topic sentence.
The introductory sentence or topic sentence is the first sentence of your book report, where you state
what your book report will be about, in its entirety. This should be a broad enough sentence to
encompass the main idea of the entire book report. Example: The book of Ephesians, in the Bible, is
one of the most influential book ever written, as it has shaped not only the lives of the Ephesians, and
early Christians, but has also impacted and shaped the destinies of countless Christians in the present, as

4. What book report characteristics should one include in the first paragraph? When one is
beginning his or her book report, one should include in the introductory paragraph, characteristics, such
as, the title of the book, its year of publication, its author's name, and book genre: (biography,
autobiography, or fictional work.) When writing your introductory paragraph, always answer the
questions: “who, what, when, where and why? Please note that the introductory sentence is highlighted
in bold, and included in the introductory paragraph. Here is an example of the Introductory sentence,
followed by the introductory paragraph:

Example: The book of Ephesians, in the Bible, is one of the most influential book ever
written, as it has shaped, not only the lives of the Ephesians and early Christians, but has also
impacted and shaped the destinies of countless Christians, in the present, as well. The book,
Ephesians, of the Holy Bible, was written by Apostle Paul, around 60 - 62 A.D., and is the tenth
book of the New Testament. The key personality in this book is the Apostle Paul. I will seek to
show important Biblical teachings, and summarize Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Paul wrote this
epistle, or letter, while in Rome. This work is the inspired Word of God. The main subject of the
book of Ephesians is to encourage Christians to follow Christ in such a way, as to be fruitful and
to serve others in love, and in a unified front, even amidst horrible persecutions and difficulties.

5. When writing your introductory paragraph, always answer the questions: “who, what,
when, where, and why? Who wrote this book? “Paul wrote the book.” What book did he write?
“Paul wrote the Epistles.” When did he write it? “He wrote the book around 60- 62 A.D.” Where
did Paul write the book? “He wrote the book in Rome.” Why did he write it? “He wrote the book,
because He was inspired to do so, and to encourage the Christians.” If you include these main
points, plus your introductory, topic sentence, you will begin your book report on solid ground.

6. Describe the setting of your book or reading in the body of your report. The next part of
writing your book report is called, “the body” of your book report, and should include the
description of the setting or place where the book is located and its surroundings. What were the
surrounding towns? How did the people live in Bible days, and what did the country-side look
like, either where the book was written, or where the writer lived? What were the surrounding
conditions that the writer of the book faced?

7. Describe the characters of the book in the body of your report. As you continue with the
body of your book report, now describe the characters. What were the people in the book, or
reading faced with? Did they have limited access to the Bible? Did they sin, or serve God
faithfully? What did people look like in Bible days, or in the book you are reporting on? What
were the personalities, failures and successes of some of the main characters in the book, or
reading? Were they passionate? Were the rich, or poor, etc. How did they feel, and how did they
learn, and grow as individuals? Only discuss what you know, if you can't answer all of the

8. Describe the story-line of the book or reading in the main body of your report. This is
called the plot. Continue to write the main body of your book report, and as you do, describe what
the book is really about. What happened in the book or reading? What are the main points of the
book? Describe the conflict, the challenges, the main doctrines, or teachings of the book. Look
through the pages of the book or reading and pull out the main ideas that are written there and
describe them.

9. Describe your thoughts and opinions of the book. As you begin to close the book report,
the last page should contain a summary of what you thought of the book or reading. Did you learn
anything from the book? Did you enjoy it, or disagree with it? What did you find shocking,
confusing, irritating, or delightful? What part of the work encouraged you, or left you feeling
saddened? Examine whether or not others should read this book, or readings based on your
review.... why, or why not? How can this book or reading help you or others?

10. The closing paragraph - On the last page, in the last paragraph of your report, you will
write a closing paragraph. Your closing paragraph should tell the reader what you just finished

- 10 -
reporting on, as a whole. This means that you will give the reader a broad summary of everything that you
just reported on in one paragraph. Your closing paragraph should be a restating of your introductory
paragraph and include the same ideas and thoughts as your introductory paragraph. You should never
introduce new ideas in you closing paragraph, but rather report only on the main points that you have
already discussed. The point of the closing paragraph is to remind the reader of a summary of the main
points that you just finished discussing. The closing paragraph ties all the points together. Your closing
paragraph will also contain a closing sentence, which we shall discuss in the next point.

Example of closing paragraph:

Example: The book of Ephesians, in the Bible, is a fascinating and powerful book, as it has molded,
not only the lives of the Ephesians, and early church believers, but has also transformed the hearts
and futures of thousands of Christians today. When Apostle Paul, wrote the book, Ephesians, of the
Holy Bible, around 60 - 62 A.D., he understood how important God's Biblical teachings would be for
the early church, and for the host of Christians yet to come. Because this epistle, or letter is the
inspired Word of God, it will remain a true and Divine testimony of encouragement and strength, so
that the Christians of today and tomorrow may follow Christ, and be fruitful, even during the most
difficult of circumstances.

Please note that this closing paragraph contains many of the same thoughts, and ideas of the
introductory paragraph. When writing your closing paragraph, review your original introductory paragraph,
and borrow those same key elements, while changing the wording, so that your closing paragraph, still
contains fresh and interesting words, but matches the ideas of your introductory sentence.

11. The finishing touch of your book report is the closing sentence. The closing sentence is the last line
in the closing paragraph. It should encapsulate the complete main idea of your entire report. It should be the
most exciting and powerful sentence in your report. The closing sentence should tell the reader what you
have already told them and should NOT be a new idea. The point of the closing sentence is to tie your entire
book together in one line. Your closing sentence should be strong and should restate in different wording,
what your introductory sentence stated. Your closing sentence should contain similar elements of what your
introductory sentence contained, but with new, fresh words. Please notice the closing sentence, which is
highlighted in bold, and please compare and contrast it, with the introductory sentence on page 1. Notice
how it is similar in theme, yet worded differently.

Example: The book of Ephesians, in the Bible, is a fascinating and powerful book, as it has molded,
not only the lives of the Ephesians, and early church believers, but has also transformed the hearts
and futures of thousands of Christians today. When Apostle Paul, wrote the book, Ephesians, of the
Holy Bible, around 60 - 62 A.D., he understood how important God's Biblical teachings would be for
the early church, and for the host of Christians yet to come. Because this epistle or letter is the
inspired Word of God, it will remain a true and divine testimony of encouragement and strength,
so that the Christians of today and tomorrow may follow Christ, and be fruitful, even during the
most difficult of circumstances.

- 11 -
(This is the title page for the book report. Students should fill in the blank spaces with the correct information, and
attach this title page to the front of his or her book report.)



_________________ ___________________







- 12 -

(Student, please fill out the form below to help you write page 1 of your book report assignment, or have your
instructor read the information to you and write it down in a notebook. Follow your syllabus assignment sheet for
week one's reading pages that you are to report about.)

The textbook or “Reading/Scripture Outlines” for course ________________________ is written by,

_____________________________, (write the author's name of the textbook, or just write, “Veritas” if using the
“Veritas Reading/Scriptures Outlines” as your reading textbook.) Student, in your own words, please write, (or type,
for on-line students,) one full page that explains what week one's reading pages were about. Be as specific as you
can. Do not copy words right out of the reading, but use your own thoughts and words. You may use the blank
lines below, or use other paper:

- 13 -
(Student, please fill out the form below to help you write page two of your book report assignment, or have your
instructor read the information to you and write it down in a notebook. Follow your syllabus assignment sheet for
week two's reading pages that you are to report about.)

Student, in your own words, please write, (or type, for on-line students,) one full page that explains what week two's
reading pages were about. Be as specific as you can. Do not copy words right out of the reading, but use your own
thoughts and words. You may use the blank lines below, or use other paper:


- 14 -
(Student, please fill out the form below to help you write page three of your book report assignment, or have your
instructor read the information to you and write it down in a notebook. Follow your syllabus assignment sheet for
week three's reading pages that you are to report about.)

Student, in your own words, please write, (or type, for on-line students,) one full page that explains what week
three's reading pages were about. Be as specific as you can. Do not copy words right out of the reading, but use
your own thoughts and words. You may use the blank lines below, or use other paper:

- 15 -
Page 4
(Student, please fill out the form below to help you write page four of your book report assignment, or have your
instructor read the information to you and write it down in a notebook. Follow your syllabus assignment sheet for
week four's reading pages that you are to report about.)

Student, in your own words, please write, (or type, for on-line students,) one full page that explains what week four's
reading pages were about. Be as specific as you can. Do not copy words right out of the reading, but use your own
thoughts and words. You may use the blank lines below, or use other paper:

- 16 -
Page 5
(Student, please fill out the form below to help you write page 5 of your book report assignment, or have your
instructor read the information to you and write it down in a notebook. Follow your syllabus assignment sheet for
week five's reading pages that you are to report about.)

Student, in your own words, please write, (or type, for on-line students,) one full paragraph that explains what week
five's reading pages were about. Be as specific as you can. Do not copy words right out of the reading, but use your
own thoughts and words. You may use the blank lines below, or use other paper:


(Student, please express how the readings helped you grow as a person, and what you liked or disliked about the
readings. This is the part of the book report where you can share your feelings about the readings. Please use the blank
lines below, or use other paper:)_____________________________________________________________________

(Student, fill in the blank, and finish the statement at the end:)
In conclusion, the textbook or “Reading/Scripture Outlines” for course, __________________________________
is summarized by the following statement(s):__________________________________________________________
- 17 -
Introduction of Your Supervising Instructor

Rev. Judy Snow

Veritas International School of Theology Co-Director
PCG Missionary for Global Education
PO Box 891034
Oklahoma City, OK 73189,

Rev. Judy Snow resides in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, along with her loving husband, Rev. Kevin Snow.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Intercultural Studies from Messenger College in Euless, Texas and is
currently enrolled in a Master of Arts Degree program. She is an ordained minister and speaker, and has
been preaching the gospel for over twenty-eight years. During her lifetime, she has served as an evangelist,
revivalist, Native American missionary pastor, associate pastor, world missionary, youth minister, church
woman’s director, children’s evangelist, teacher and crusade worship leader. She has served as a Mexico
missionary for seventeen years, (fifteen years with the Pentecostal church of God), where she preached events
and services, and helped found and teach at “Agua de Vida Bible Institute,” in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico,”
Alpha and Omega Bible Institute,” in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, and “Veritas International School of
Theology,” based out of Euless, Texas. Rev. Judy has traveled across Mexico preaching and teaching to both
adults and children, and leading worship at Heaven’s Reign Miracle crusades. Besides Mexico and the United
States, she has also ministered in Uruguay, Guyana, and via skype, to Pakistan and Africa. Rev. Judy has co-
authored two books, “Dia de Transformacion,” with her husband, Rev. Kevin Snow, which is a training
manual for discipleship development for crusade workers, and “Summers on the Mountain,” with her father,
Floyd Lytle. Rev. Judy is also the co-founder and secretary of Heaven’s Reign, Inc. She currently serves the
Pentecostal Church of God World Missions Department as Missionary for Global Education, where she
travels the world planting Bible schools for Veritas International School of Theology. Rev. Judy, along with
her husband, Rev. Kevin have a beautiful daughter, Victoria Snow, who is a sixth grade public school
teacher, and a handsome son, Chandler Snow, who attends Oklahoma Christian University, and a precious
toy poodle, named, Tinkerbelle.



Life Application Lecture Question sheet 1: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 1: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Life Application Lecture Question sheet 2: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 2: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 3: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 3: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 4: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are
no short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 4: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are
no short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 5: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 5: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 6: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 6: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 7: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 7: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 8: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 8: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 9: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 9: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 10: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 10: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 11: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are
no short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 11: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are
no short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 12: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 12: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 13: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 13: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 14: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are
no short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 14: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are
no short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 15: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are
no short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 15: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are
no short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 16: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 16: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 17: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 17: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 18: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are
no short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 18: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are
no short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 19: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 19: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 20: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 20: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Lecture Question sheet 21: Each response should have no less than ten words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways that God is speaking to you through today’s lecture:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s lecture.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s lecture.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s lecture.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s lecture to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s lecture to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Life Application Reading Question sheet 21: Each response should have no less than 10 words so that there are no
short answers. (Student responses that are shorter than ten words for each blank line should be marked incorrect.)
Please list two ways God is speaking to you through today’s reading:
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please state two ways in which God can feed your spirit through today’s reading.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please share two ways in which the Holy Spirit can comfort you through today’s reading.
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss how God can give you peace through today’s reading.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please explain how God can use today’s reading to guide your path.
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Please discuss two ways you can apply today’s reading to the lives of those around you.
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________.




Affidavit form for course:________________________. I hereby testify that __________________________________ (clearly print
name of student,) of Veritas International School of Theology has adequately completed the following course requirements:
(instructor/monitor and student please check off the answers below and email this form, along with the student’s book report, grade
report, and four tests to Veritas at Please check-mark the lines below, if students has completed the following
course requirements:

21 Video/Live Lecture Viewing

___ Yes, student has viewed all twenty-one lectures, and has remained alert during the teaching.

21 Video/Live Lecture Note-Taking

___ Yes, student has completed the requirement of writing ten notes, of at least ten lines each, with at least ten words per line for each
of the twenty-one lectures: (210 main points, in total.)

21 Video/Live Lecture Life Application Questions

___Yes, student has completed the requirement of answering ten questions, of at least ten words each question, for all twenty-one
Video/Lecture Life Application question sheets: (210 questions, in all.)

21 Reading Assignments
___Yes, student has read (or it has been read to them) all twenty-one reading assignments.

21 Reading Assignments Note-Taking

___Yes, student has completed the requirement of writing ten notes, of at least ten lines each, with at least ten words per line, for each
of the twenty-one readings: (210 main points in total.)

21 Reading Life Application Questions

___ Yes, student has completed the requirement of answering ten questions, of at least ten words each question, for all twenty-one
Reading Life Application sheets: (210 questions in all.)

Book Report
___Yes, student has completed the requirement of writing a five page book report, based on the reading assignments required in the
syllabus, and has written it using his/her own words, except where the student has quoted and given an additional source credit, and
the student has not plagiarized, (used someone else’s words without giving them credit.)

Additional Assignments or Additional Studies/Reports

___Yes, student has completed the requirement of _______________________________, __________________________
_______________________________, _______________________________________as required by the course syllabus.

4 Tests
____ Yes, the student completed all four tests and was supervised during tests 1, 2, 3, and 4, and followed all test-taking procedures.

Grade Report (for Campus Schools only)

___ Yes, I have completed the student’s grade report and I am emailing/sending it to Veritas at

Student Ministry and Student Work Study Form

___ Yes, student has completed the student ministry requirement of one hour per course, and if receiving a scholarship, has also
completed the 3 hour student work study. I am emailing/sending the Student Ministry Form and Student Work Study form, along with
this affidavit to Veritas at

Student’s Signature___________________________ Instructor/Monitor’s Signature _______________________ Date: _______

City/Country ________________________________ Instructor/Monitor’s Printed Name ________________________________
Official Full Name of Campus School: _________________________________________________________________
Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Each student enrolled in VERITAS is required to volunteer in his or her local church or community by aiding the
church or community in ministry efforts. Each student should record his or her total hours of ministry time using
this form and have it signed by his or her ministry director / pastor or supervisor, for validation. Acceptable
ministry should bless and aid the local church, or community, and highlight Christian principles of loving
service. One hour of Christian ministry is required, in total, per course. Please email completed form to

The ministry or Christian service that the student is performing is as follows:
(Check all that apply).
___ Children’s Ministry ___ Teaching/Preaching ___ Food/Clothing Distribution
___ Music/Singing Ministry ___ Advising/visitation ___ Cleaning/Maintenance
___ Women’s/Men’s Ministry ___ Leading/Group director ___ Church/Building Construction
___ Ministry of helps ___ Evangelism/Witnessing ___ Community Outreach
___ Youth / Teens Ministry ___ Prayer Team/Intercession ___ Office/Organization/Phone
___ Camera/video/sound booth ___ Mission Feeding/Work ___ Other________________
The student affirms that he or she has performed ____ hours of service, in total, during the completion of the
seminary course of ___________________________________. (One hour of volunteer Christian service is
required, in total, per course.)
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
Student Signature Date Director / Pastor / Supervisor Signature Date
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
Print Student Name Print Director / Pastor / Supervisor Name
Veritas Int’l School of Theology
If a student receives a scholarship, either through VERITAS and / or through the local campus, the student
will be required to enter a “work-study program” in his or her local church, which is 3 hours per course. The
VERITAS work study program is to be completed in a local church, and either must be completed, in the local
campus school where the student is studying, or for online students, must be a church or community project that
is approved by VERITAS. Work study should include either Christian service work, teaching, ministry work,
witnessing and evangelism work, pastoral work, or janitorial/church maintenance work that helps both the church
and student to further the Gospel. The work study program pays for the additional tuition cost of the student who
has met VERITAS guidelines. Students studying under work study must log the hours of Christian service using
the Work Study Form and turn into VERITAS and their local church campus, if applicable. Please email
completed form to

The ministry or Christian service that the student is performing is as follows:
(Check all that apply).
___ Children’s Ministry ___ Teaching/Preaching ___ Food/Clothing Distribution
___ Music/Singing Ministry ___ Advising/Visitation ___ Cleaning/Maintenance
___ Women’s/Men’s Ministry ___ Leading/Group director ___ Church/Building Construction
___ Ministry of helps ___ Evangelism/Witnessing ___ Community Outreach
___ Youth / Teens Ministry ___ Prayer Team/Intercession ___ Office/Organization/Phone
___ Camera/video/sound booth ___ Mission Feeding/Work ___ Other________________
The student affirms that he or she has performed ____ hours of service, in total, during the completion of the
seminary course of _________________. Work-study programs are to be 3 hours per course.

_______________________________________ _____________________________________
Student Signature Date Director / Pastor / Supervisor Signature Date
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
Print Student Name Print Director / Pastor / Supervisor Name
Veritas International School of Theology
Student Grade Report
(Instructor: Please fill out form below and show the student’ s grades on the spaces provided. V eritas will send you the
student’ s final grade, after we have received all required materials:)

Student’s Printed Name: ________________________________ Instructor: _______________________

Name of Campus School: ________________________________Director: ________________________
City, State, Country of Campus School: _____________________________________________________
Course: __________________________________ Date: _________________ School Year: ___________

(Instructor, Please write the NUMBER percentage grade, NOT letter, from 1 to 100 %, for each exercise below.
Please disregard point value percentages.) Grading Scale: A= 90- 100% (Excellent) B= 80- 89% (Good) C=70-
79% (Fair) D= 60- 69% (Poor) F= 59% and below (Fail)


Video/Lecture, with affidavit: ________________________ Grade: %__ 10%
Video/Lecture Notes, with affidavit: ____ ____ Grade: %_ _10%
Video/Lecture Life Application Questions, with Affidavit: Grade: % _ ___ _ 10%
Reading with Affidavit: _____________________________ Grade: %_____ _10%
Reading Notes with Affidavit: ________________________ Grade: %____ _ _ _10%
Reading Life Application Questions, with Affidavit: _______Grade: %___ __ 10%
Book Report, with Affidavit: _________________________ Grade:__ %____ 20%
**Additional Reports, Assignments or Studies: __________ Grade:_ %________ __ _
Test 1:__________________________________________ Grade: __ %_____ _5%
Test 2:__________________________________________ Grade: __ %______ 5%
Test 3:__________________________________________ Grade: ___ %______ 5%
Test 4:__________________________________________ Grade: _ %______ _5%

*Point value percentages are for Veritas use only. Instructor, disregard these % values.

**The “Additional Reports, Assignments or Studies” grading section is for use in Homiletics, Hermeneutics, Children/Youth
Ministry, Pedagogy, Personal Evangelism, & Church Planting courses

(Instructor/Director: Please email/send the student ministry form, student work study for (if applicable),
the affidavit form, and this grade card to: )

==========================VERITAS OFFICE USE ONLY=============================

OVERALL TOTAL COURSE % GRADE: LETTER GRADE:____Grade Points:___ _ GPA:___ Credit:__

Veritas International School of Theology
Student Grade Report
(Instructor: Please fill out form below and show the student’ s grades on the spaces provided. V eritas will send you the
student’ s final grade, after we have received all required materials:)

Student’s Printed Name: __Maria Hernandez ____________ Instructor: _Lupita Canales____________

Name of Campus School: __Hope Veritas IST_________________Director: _Pastor John Doey___________
City, State, Country of Campus School: __Madrid, Spain_________________________________________
Course: _____Spirit of Faith______________________ Date: _________________ School Year: _2019-2020_

(Instructor, Please write the NUMBER percentage grade, NOT letter, from 1 to 100 %, for each exercise below.
Please disregard point value percentages.) Grading Scale: A= 90- 100% (Excellent) B= 80- 89% (Good) C=70-
79% (Fair) D= 60- 69% (Poor) F= 59% and below (Fail)


Video/Lecture, with affidavit: ________________________ Grade 97%__ 10%

Video/Lecture Notes, with affidavit: ____ ____ Grade: 99%_ _10%
Video/Lecture Life Application Questions, with Affidavit: Grade: 87% _ ___ _ 10%
Reading with Affidavit: _____________________________ Grade: 89%_ ____ _10%
Reading Notes with Affidavit: ________________________ Grade: 99%_ ___ _ _ _____10%
Reading Life Application Questions, with Affidavit: _____ _ Grade: 91%_ __ ___ 10%
Book Report, with Affidavit: ________________________ _Grade:__ 79%_ _____ 20%
**Additional Reports, Assignments or Studies: _________ _Grade:_ %________ __ _ ___
Test 1:__________________________________________ Grade: __ 91%_ _______ _5%
Test 2:__________________________________________ Grade: __ 72%_ _____ 5%
Test 3:__________________________________________ Grade: ___ 95%_ _________ 5%
Test 4:__________________________________________ Grade: _ 89%_ _______ _5%

*Point value percentages are for Veritas use only. Instructor, disregard these % values.

**The “Additional Reports, Assignments or Studies” grading section is for use in Homiletics, Hermeneutics, Children/Youth
Ministry, Pedagogy, Personal Evangelism, & Church Planting courses
(Instructor/Director: Please email/send the student ministry form, student work study form (if applicable),
the affidavit form, and this grade card to:

=============================VERITAS OFFICE USE ONLY=============================




Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam One-Answer Key
Chapters 1-6
CHM-101-Spirit of Faith
Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________
1. Faith is the vehicle which God has chosen to use.

2. In verse 3 of Hebrews 11, we see that God created everything of things that are not seen.

3. When you have an earnest expectation in God and you release your faith, it pulls hope into reality.

4. Faith in God is faith in His Word.

5. Faith is not in your mind but in your heart.

6. Jesus and the Word are the same.

7. Romans 10:17 - Faith comes by hearing.

8. Matthew 13:3-23 - The parable of the Sower.

9. The preparation of our faith needs to be done ahead of time.

10. God's Word will produce the power to heal, save, protect and provide in everyone's life who hears it.

11. Matthew 7:24-27 says that all Christians encounter storms, but only those who hear and act on the Word
can stand during the storm.

12. Do not be discouraged if you do not have an overcoming faith attitude immediately.

13. Proverbs 2:1-5 - this passage gives us wonderful instruction on how to hear God's Word.

14. Acts 14:8-10 - a biblical example of how hearing the Word produced faith for healing.

15. Paul preached the gospel of salvation which clearly included physical healing.
16. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - God's Word is inspired.

17. Hebrews 3:12 - compares the children of Israel with Christians today.

18. Hebrews 4:1-2 - says that the Word does not profit us unless it is mixed with faith.

19. Prayer is releasing what we believe in conversation with God.

20. James says that the tongue is like a bit in a horse’s mouth or like a rudder on a ship.
Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam One-Student Copy
Chapters 1-6
CHM-101-Spirit of Faith
Stop! The instructor/monitor is to administer the test. There are to be no items in the test taking area, including: no study guides, Bibles,
notes, cell phones, lap-tops, or other papers. Students are not to receive help from any source. The instructor/monitor may clarify the
question, but may not aid the student in answering the question. No talking is allowed during the test. Instructor/Monitor’s
Signature___________________________________ Instructor/Monitor’s Printed Name ________________________________

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________

1. Faith is the _____________________________which God has chosen to use.

2. In verse 3 of ___________________________, we see that God created everything of things that are not

3. When you have an earnest expectation in God and you release your faith, it pulls
_____________________________ into reality.

4. Faith in God is faith in His _________________________________.

5. Faith is not in your mind but in your ______________________________.

6. Jesus and the Word are the ___________________________.

7. ______________________________- Faith comes by hearing.

8. ________________________________ - The parable of the Sower.

9. The _____________________________ of our faith needs to be done ahead of time.

10. God's Word will produce the power to heal, save, protect and provide in everyone's life who
_______________________________ it.

11. _______________________________ says that all Christians encounter storms, but only those who hear
and act on the Word can stand during the storm.

12. Do not be ____________________________if you do not have an overcoming faith attitude immediately.
13. _______________________________ - this passage gives us wonderful instruction on how to hear
God's Word.

14. _______________________________ - a biblical example of how hearing the Word produced faith for

15. ________________________________preached the gospel of salvation which clearly included physical


16. _____________________________ - God's Word is inspired.

17. _____________________________ - compares the children of Israel with Christians today.

18. ______________________________ - says that the Word does not profit us unless it is mixed with

19. ____________________________ is releasing what we believe in conversation with God.

20. ____________________________ says that the tongue is like a bit in a horse’s mouth or like a rudder
on a ship.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Choose the
correct response from below to answer the questions above.
Hebrews 4:1-2 Preparation Romans 10:17
Prayer Hears Discouraged
James Matthew 7:24-27 Proverbs 2:1-5
Hope Paul Acts 14:8-10
Word 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Vehicle Hebrews 3:12
Hebrews 11 Heart
Matthew 13:3-23 Same
Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam One-Study Guide
Chapters 1-6
CHM-101-Spirit of Faith
Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________
1. Hebrews 4:1-2 - says that the Word does not profit us unless it is mixed with faith.

2. Prayer is releasing what we believe in conversation with God.

3. James says that the tongue is like a bit in a horse’s mouth or like a rudder on a ship.

4. When you have an earnest expectation in God and you release your faith, it pulls hope into reality.

5. Faith in God is faith in His Word.

6. Faith is the vehicle which God has chosen to use.

7. In verse 3 of Hebrews 11, we see that God created everything of things that are not seen.

8. Matthew 13:3-23 - The parable of the Sower.

9. The preparation of our faith needs to be done ahead of time.

10. God's Word will produce the power to heal, save, protect and provide in everyone's life who hears it.

11. Matthew 7:24-27 says that all Christians encounter storms, but only those who hear and act on the Word
can stand during the storm.

12. Paul preached the gospel of salvation which clearly included physical healing.

13. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - God's Word is inspired.

14. Hebrews 3:12 - compares the children of Israel with Christians today.

15. Faith is not in your mind but in your heart.

16. Jesus and the Word are the same.

17. Romans 10:17 - Faith comes by hearing.

18. Do not be discouraged if you do not have an overcoming faith attitude immediately.

19. Proverbs 2:1-5 - this passage gives us wonderful instruction on how to hear God's Word.

20. Acts 14:8-10 - a biblical example of how hearing the Word produced faith for healing.
Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam Two -Answer Key
Chapters 7-11
CHM-101- Spirit of Faith
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________
1. Meditation of God's Word involves spirit, soul, and body.

2. Psalms 1:1-3 says that man who meditates on the Word day and night will be strong and healthy like a
tree planted by water.

3. Colossians 3:16 -"Let the Word dwell in you richly with all wisdom".

4. Praise and thanksgiving are two most important elements in our fight of faith because they express true

5. Paul says in 1 Timothy 6:12 to fight a good fight of faith which means to believe the Word.

6. The prophet Habakkuk shows us what to do during tribulations in our lives.

7. Philippians 4:6-8 - The moment we pray we should begin thanking God for the provision.

8. Real faith is rest, knowing that God's Word will not fail.

9. Psalms 149:5-6 tells us the praises of God in our mouth is like a two-edged sword in our hand.

10. Isaiah 61:3 says Jesus came to give us beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, garment of praise for
the spirit of heaviness.

11. John 14:13 - we can do things Jesus did and even more - to do this we need to have faith in His name in
our circumstances.

12. Ephesians 1:19-22 - His name is above every name - it is our power source.

13. Remember that we're new in Christ and all old things have passed away.

14. Victorious faith is the God-kind of faith.

15. Ephesians 6:10-18 - put on the full armor and draw strength from Him.

16. Character is involved in our activities, personality, behavior, reputation; about every aspect of our life.

17. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, wrote proverbs.

18. Set your mind on things above, not on things on earth.

19. Galatians 5:19-20 lists fornication, adultery, uncleanness, and idolatry (covetousness) as works of the

20. Ephesians 5:3 says fornication, uncleanness or covetousness should not even be named among Chris-
Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam Two -Student Copy
Chapters 7-11
CHM-101- Spirit of Faith
Stop! The instructor/monitor is to administer the test. There are to be no items in the test taking area, including: no study guides, Bibles,
notes, cell phones, lap-tops, or other papers. Students are not to receive help from any source. The instructor/monitor may clarify the
question, but may not aid the student in answering the question. No talking is allowed during the test. Instructor/Monitor’s
Signature___________________________________ Instructor/Monitor’s Printed Name ________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________

1. _____________________________ of God's Word involves spirit, soul, and body.

2. ______________________________ says that man who meditates on the Word day and night will be
strong and healthy like a tree planted by water.

3. _____________________________ -"Let the Word dwell in you richly with all wisdom".

4. ______________________________ and thanksgiving are two most important elements in our fight of
faith because they express true faith.

5. Paul says in ____________________________ to fight a good fight of faith which means to believe the

6. The prophet __________________________shows us what to do during tribulations in our lives.

7. _______________________________ - The moment we pray we should begin thanking God for the pro-

8. Real faith is ____________________________, knowing that God's Word will not fail.

9. _________________________________ tells us the praises of God in our mouth is like a two-edged

sword in our hand.

10. _______________________________ says Jesus came to give us beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourn-
ing, garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.
11. _______________________________ - we can do things Jesus did and even more - to do this we need
to have faith in His name in our circumstances.

12. _____________________________________ - His name is above every name - it is our power source.

13. Remember that we're new in Christ and all old things have ________________________.

14. _____________________________ faith is the God-kind of faith.

15. ______________________________ - put on the full armor and draw strength from Him.

16. Character is involved in our activities, personality, behavior, ________________________________;

about every aspect of our life.

17. ________________________________, the wisest man who ever lived, wrote proverbs.

18. Set your mind on things _________________________, not on things on earth.

19. ________________________________ lists fornication, adultery, uncleanness, and idolatry (covetous-

ness) as works of the flesh.

20. _______________________________ says fornication, uncleanness or covetousness should not even be

named among Christians.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Choose the
correct response from below to answer the questions above.
Praise Psalms 1:1-3 Solomon
Philippians 4:6-8 Colossians 3:16 1 Timothy 6:12
Meditation John 14:13 Above
Rest Ephesians 1:19-22 Galatians 5:19-20
Psalms 149: 5-6 Passed Away
Isaiah 61:3 Victorious
Ephesians 5:3 Ephesians 6:10-18
Habakkuk Reputation
Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam Two -Study Guide
Chapters 7-11
CHM-101- Spirit of Faith
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Praise and thanksgiving are two most important elements in our fight of faith because they express true

2. Philippians 4:6-8 - The moment we pray we should begin thanking God for the provision.

3. Meditation of God's Word involves spirit, soul, and body.

4. Real faith is rest, knowing that God's Word will not fail.

5. Psalms 149:5-6 tells us the praises of God in our mouth is like a two-edged sword in our hand.

6. Isaiah 61:3 says Jesus came to give us beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, garment of praise for
the spirit of heaviness.

7. Ephesians 5:3 says fornication, uncleanness or covetousness should not even be named among Chris-

8. The prophet Habakkuk shows us what to do during tribulations in our lives.

9. Psalms 1:1-3 says that man who meditates on the Word day and night will be strong and healthy like a
tree planted by water.

10. Colossians 3:16 -"Let the Word dwell in you richly with all wisdom".

11. John 14:13 - we can do things Jesus did and even more - to do this we need to have faith in His name in
our circumstances.

12. Ephesians 1:19-22 - His name is above every name - it is our power source.

13. Remember that we're new in Christ and all old things have passed away.
14. Victorious faith is the God-kind of faith.

15. Ephesians 6:10-18 - put on the full armor and draw strength from Him.

16. Character is involved in our activities, personality, behavior, reputation; about every aspect of our life.

17. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, wrote proverbs.

18. Paul says in 1 Timothy 6:12 to fight a good fight of faith which means to believe the Word.

19. Set your mind on things above, not on things on earth.

20. Galatians 5:19-20 lists fornication, adultery, uncleanness, and idolatry (covetousness) as works of the
Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam Three-Answer Key
Chapters 12-16
CHM-101-Spirit of Faith
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________
1. Abraham - His life was marked with three crises that tested his obedience.

2. Elimelech and Naomi and their two sons emigrated to Moab, a country to the east of Judah.

3. Esther was born while the Jewish nation was in captivity in Babylon.

4. Paul was a Roman and a Jew.

5. Gehazi was a servant of Elisha.

6. Naaman, a high military leader in Syria, had leprosy and came to Elisha for healing.

7. Samson’s mother pledged to raise him a Nazarite.

8. Obedience is the underlying theme of the entire Word.

9. Matthew 6:33 - “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be giv-
en unto you”.

10. Faith and obedience are inseparable.

11. Obedience is related to humility.

12. Romans 6:16 - “Obedience leads to righteousness”.

13. Deuteronomy 4:30-31 indicates when you are in trouble and you turn to God and obey His voice (where
is the voice of God?) He’ll get you out of trouble.

14. Ephesians 2:2 - Satan is the author of disobedience.

15. Hebrews 3:18-19 - disobedience is the evidence of unbelief.

16. When Israel won a battle, it was required sacrifices be brought back to offer to God for Victory.

17. John 6:38 - Jesus never chose His own way--He never lived for himself but lived a life loving God with
his whole heart.

18. Hebrews 5:8-9 - “though He was a Son, yet he learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And
having been perfected...”

19. Faithfulness and commitment are closely associated and dependent on each other.

20. Hebrews 11:6 - “without faith it is impossible to please God”.

Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam Three-Student Copy
Chapters 12-16
CHM-101-Spirit of Faith

Stop! The instructor/monitor is to administer the test. There are to be no items in the test taking area, including: no study guides, Bibles,
notes, cell phones, lap-tops, or other papers. Students are not to receive help from any source. The instructor/monitor may clarify the
question, but may not aid the student in answering the question. No talking is allowed during the test. Instructor/Monitor’s
Signature___________________________________ Instructor/Monitor’s Printed Name ________________________________

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

1. __________________________________ - His life was marked with three crises that tested his obedi-

2. __________________________________ and Naomi and their two sons emigrated to Moab, a country to
the east of Judah.

3. ___________________________________ was born while the Jewish nation was in captivity in Babylon.

4. __________________________________ was a Roman and a Jew.

5. _________________________________was a servant of Elisha.

6. _______________________________, a high military leader in Syria, had leprosy and came to Elisha for

7. Samson’s mother pledged to raise him a _____________________________.

8. ________________________________ is the underlying theme of the entire Word.

9. ________________________________- “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all
these things shall be given unto you”.

10. Faith and obedience are ______________________________.

11. Obedience is related to ____________________________.

12. ______________________________ - “Obedience leads to righteousness”.

13. ______________________________ indicates when you are in trouble and you turn to God and obey
His voice (where is the voice of God?) He’ll get you out of trouble.

14. ________________________________ - Satan is the author of disobedience.

15. ___________________________ - disobedience is the evidence of unbelief.

16. When _____________________________ won a battle, it was required sacrifices be brought back to
offer to God for Victory.

17. _______________________________ - Jesus never chose His own way--He never lived for himself but
lived a life loving God with his whole heart.

18. ______________________________ - “though He was a Son, yet he learned obedience by the things
which He suffered. And having been perfected...”

19. Faithfulness and _______________________________ are closely associated and dependent on each

20. ____________________________________ - “without faith it is impossible to please God”.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Choose the
correct response from below to answer the questions above.
Hebrews 5:8-9 Naaman Matthew 6:33
Commitment Inseparable Romans 6:16
Hebrews 11:6 Humility Deuteronomy 4:30-31
Esther Gehazi Ephesians 2:2
Israel Abraham
John 6:38 Elimelech
Nazarite Hebrews 3:18-19
Paul Obedience
Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam Three-Study Guide
Chapters 12-16
CHM-101-Spirit of Faith
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________
1. Hebrews 5:8-9 - “though He was a Son, yet he learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And
having been perfected...”

2. Faithfulness and commitment are closely associated and dependent on each other.

3. Hebrews 11:6 - “without faith it is impossible to please God”.

4. Esther was born while the Jewish nation was in captivity in Babylon.

5. When Israel won a battle, it was required sacrifices be brought back to offer to God for Victory.

6. John 6:38 - Jesus never chose His own way--He never lived for himself but lived a life loving God with
his whole heart.

7. Samson’s mother pledged to raise him a Nazarite.

8. Paul was a Roman and a Jew.

9. Naaman, a high military leader in Syria, had leprosy and came to Elisha for healing.

10. Faith and obedience are inseparable.

11. Obedience is related to humility.

12. Gehazi was a servant of Elisha.

13. Abraham - His life was marked with three crises that tested his obedience.

14. Elimelech and Naomi and their two sons emigrated to Moab, a country to the east of Judah.

15. Hebrews 3:18-19 - disobedience is the evidence of unbelief.

16. Obedience is the underlying theme of the entire Word.

17. Matthew 6:33 - “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be giv-
en unto you”.

18. Romans 6:16 - “Obedience leads to righteousness”.

19. Deuteronomy 4:30-31 indicates when you are in trouble and you turn to God and obey His voice (where
is the voice of God?) He’ll get you out of trouble

20. Ephesians 2:2 - Satan is the author of disobedience.

Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam Four-Answer Key
Chapters 17-21
CHM-101-Spirit of Faith
Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________
1. Nehemiah was a man of prayer.

2. Deborah showed great faith in God when she obeyed God’s call to be the spiritual leader and prophetess
over all of Israel.

3. Esther showed great courage by going to the King and eventually telling him of the problem, and in ask-
ing for help.

4. Romans 7:22-25 - A war continues throughout our lives, but we are winners just like Paul.

5. Temptation is from the devil and never from God.

6. Ephesians 2:22 - You are a dwelling place of God.

7. 1 John 1:1 - Goal is not to sin, but if we do we have God's help, which is forgiveness.

8. Joseph overcame temptation by fleeing.

9. Repentance drew David back to God.

10. Every believer has a right to use every gift.

11. John 14:12 - “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also;
and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father”.

12. God used Gideon and 300 men to destroy tens of thousands of the enemy.

13. Spiritual gifts are given to equip us for God's service, not to puff us up.

14. We can expect God to move the same way today as He did in the early church recorded in the Bible.
15. There are gifts of the Spirit that are given to believers who are baptized in the Holy Spirit.

16. Mark 11:24 - “Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them”.

17. Galatians 5:22-23 - “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
faith (faithfulness), gentleness, self-control...”.

18. Romans 12:3 - “...God has dealt to each man a measure of faith”.

19. Daniel did nothing yet he received the miracle of deliverance.

20. John 16:13 - the Holy Spirit speaks not of Himself but only what He hears.
Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam Four-Student Copy
Chapters 17-21
CHM-101-Spirit of Faith
Stop! The instructor/monitor is to administer the test. There are to be no items in the test taking area, including: no study guides, Bibles,
notes, cell phones, lap-tops, or other papers. Students are not to receive help from any source. The instructor/monitor may clarify the
question, but may not aid the student in answering the question. No talking is allowed during the test. Instructor/Monitor’s
Signature___________________________________ Instructor/Monitor’s Printed Name ________________________________

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________

1. ____________________________________was a man of prayer.

2. _________________________________ showed great faith in God when she obeyed God’s call to be the
spiritual leader and prophetess over all of Israel.

3. __________________________________ showed great courage by going to the King and eventually tell-
ing him of the problem, and in asking for help.

4. _________________________________ - A war continues throughout our lives, but we are winners just
like Paul.

5. ________________________________ is from the devil and never from God.

6. _________________________________ - You are a dwelling place of God.

7. __________________________________ - Goal is not to sin, but if we do we have God's help, which is


8. _____________________________________ overcame temptation by fleeing.

9. _________________________________ drew David back to God.

10. Every believer has a right to use every _____________________________.

11. __________________________________ - “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the
works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father”.
12. God used _____________________________ and 300 men to destroy tens of thousands of the enemy.

13. Spiritual gifts are given to equip us for God's __________________________, not to puff us up.

14. We can expect God to move the same way today as He did in the
___________________________________________ recorded in the Bible.

15. There are gifts of the Spirit that are given to believers who are ________________________________
in the Holy Spirit.

16. ____________________________________ - “Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when
you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them”.

17. __________________________________ - “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
kindness, goodness, faith (faithfulness), gentleness, self-control...”.

18. ________________________________ - “...God has dealt to each man a measure of faith”.

19. Daniel did nothing yet he received the miracle of _____________________________.

20. ______________________________________- the Holy Spirit speaks not of Himself but only what He

Choose the correct response from below to answer the questions above.
Romans 12:3 Deborah Romans 7:22-25
Deliverance John 14:12 Temptation
John 16:13 Gideon Joseph
Baptized Service Repentance
Mark 11:24 Early Church
Ephesians 2:22 Galatians 5:22-23
1 John 1:1 Esther
Nehemiah Gift
Veritas Int’l School of Theology
Exam Four-Study Guide
Chapters 17-21
CHM-101-Spirit of Faith
Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________
1. Romans 12:3 - “...God has dealt to each man a measure of faith”.

2. Daniel did nothing yet he received the miracle of deliverance.

3. John 16:13 - the Holy Spirit speaks not of Himself but only what He hears.

4. There are gifts of the Spirit that are given to believers who are baptized in the Holy Spirit.

5. Mark 11:24 - “Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them”.

6. Ephesians 2:22 - You are a dwelling place of God.

7. 1 John 1:1 - Goal is not to sin, but if we do we have God's help, which is forgiveness.

8. Nehemiah was a man of prayer.

9. Deborah showed great faith in God when she obeyed God’s call to be the spiritual leader and prophetess
over all of Israel.

10. John 14:12 - “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also;
and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father”.

11. God used Gideon and 300 men to destroy tens of thousands of the enemy.

12. Spiritual gifts are given to equip us for God's service, not to puff us up.

13. We can expect God to move the same way today as He did in the early church recorded in the Bible.
14. Galatians 5:22-23 - “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
faith (faithfulness), gentleness, self-control...”.

15. Esther showed great courage by going to the King and eventually telling him of the problem, and in ask-
ing for help.

16. Romans 7:22-25 - A war continues throughout our lives, but we are winners just like Paul.

17. Temptation is from the devil and never from God.

18. Joseph overcame temptation by fleeing.

19. Repentance drew David back to God.

20. Every believer has a right to use every gift.





Lecture and Reading/Scripture Course Outline

Lecture/Reading 1
The Vehicle of Faith

Lecture/Reading 2
Ears to Hear

Lecture/Reading 3
Faith for the Impossible

Lecture/Reading 4
Faith & Praying in Power

Lecture/Reading 5
Faith for Receiving

Lecture/Reading 6
Speaking Your Faith

Lecture/Reading 7
The Power of Meditation

Lecture/Reading 8
The Power of Praise

Lecture/Reading 9
The Life of Faith

Lecture/Reading 10
Character of the Believer, Displays True Faith

Lecture/Reading 11
General Character of the Believer Who Has Faith
Lecture/Reading 12
The Benefits of Selling Out Totally to God, Through Faith, Part 1

Lecture/Reading 13
The Benefits of Selling Out Totally to God, Through Faith, Part 2

Lecture/Reading 14
Obedience in Faith, Part 1

Lecture/Reading 15
Obedience in Faith, Part 2

Lecture/Reading 16

Lecture/Reading 17
A Biblical Illustration of Spiritual Faith in God

Lecture/Reading 18
Overcoming Temptations That Hinder Your Faith

Lecture/Reading 19
The Weapons of Our Warfare to Overcome the World

Lecture/Reading 20
Power Gifts
< Gift of Faith >

Lecture/Reading 21
How to Be Led by the Spirit, Which Increases Your Faith
Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outlines

Video Lecture:
Instructor/Monitor: Please teach each lecture by showing the video lecture
for this course to the students during class, unless permission has been
granted by, Veritas International School of Theology, to teach each lecture,
“live”. If you teach by showing the video teaching to the students, have them
take notes, as they view the lecture, and have them answer the questions
for the lecture/video, that are included in the syllabus. Students: Please
take notes as you view each lecture, and answer the lecture/video
questions, that are included in your syllabus.

Live Teaching Lecture:

Instructor/Monitor: If special permission has been granted by, Veritas
International School of Theology, to teach each lecture, “live,” please use
the following outlines as your lecture base, and have students take notes as
you teach it, and answer the lecture/video questions that go along with each
lecture, that are included in the syllabus.

Reading/Scripture Outlines:
Student and/or Instructor/Monitor: Please note that the lecture and
reading/Scripture outlines are identical. Students, please read all of the
outlines and all of the Scriptures in these outlines, or if you are an
instructor/monitor, please read them out loud to the class, even if you have
previously used these outlines in your lecture. Students learn by repetition,
and by hearing the information again. Hearing identical, or similar
information a second time, will help to cement the information into the minds
of the students, and help them with better recall. This is part of the Veritas,
“Mastery” method of learning: to help student’s to not just learn, but to
master the material, with excellence.
Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 1

What is faith: Faith is like a car; it is the vehicle to bring God's will. Faith is the car; knowledge is the
fuel for this car; hope is the destination for this car; understanding and wisdom is the map; holiness is
the highway; trust is the speed the car travels; and love is the driver.

I. Hebrews 11:1-3
A. Faith is the vehicle which God has chosen to use
1. You see that God could have used any vehicle to bring about His divine Will, but
He chose to use faith
2. Since God has chosen to use this vehicle and since we are made in His image,
we too must use this vehicle. It is the only instrument
B. Faith is the proof of the things we cannot prove by our senses or by our reason
(hearing, sight, taste, touch, smell)
C. In verse 3 of Hebrews 11, we see that God created everything of things that are not
1. All that we see was created from that which we cannot see, by the faith of God.
2. He spoke forth, and believed that what He said would come to pass, acted upon
that belief, and it came to pass.
D. Since faith is a vehicle, it must be moving to work; it must be in action
E. You have to expect God to move for God to move
1. God expects us to act as He acts
2. If you have no expectations or goals, there is nothing for your faith to give
substance to
a. Just like a vehicle, faith must have a destination to complete its journey
b. That destination is called hope.
3. When you have an earnest expectation in God and you release your faith, it pulls
hope into reality.
4. It is the expectation in God that draws you close to your destination, or hope
a. Example: I have a hope for revival, so I get in my car of faith and head
toward that direction. My fuel is prayer and confessing the promises of
God found in the Bible.
II. Hebrews 11:6
A. Faith is believing that God exists and what He says is truth
1. It takes faith to believe that God is.
2. We have trouble believing in a small healing sometimes, yet we believe that one
day our bodies will be resurrected from the grave.
B. Faith in God is faith in His Word.
1. If God has given His Word concerning a certain issue, then we can trust Him to
perform what He has spoken.
2. You have to believe His Word.
3. You have to learn to trust Him.
4. If we put our faith in God's Word, we can be assured it will come to pass.
III. Faith is a way of life
A. Once you know the Word of God, you have the fuel for the vehicle
B. Faith is believing the Word and moving on it.
C. Faith is expecting to receive what God promises in the Bible.
1. It is more than just knowing God's promises; it is experiencing them
2. Anyone can believe for someone else, but God wants us to experience.
D. Faith runs better when you are convinced that you have truth
1. Good fuel runs a strong engine and good knowledge produces strong faith
2. Knowledge that you are right with God in Christ Jesus is good knowledge.
E. Faith is not in your mind but in your heart
1. It includes hearing, believing, praying, receiving, confessing, meditating, praising,
and doing.

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 2

Ears to Hear

I. Hearing the Word - Romans 10:11-17

A. John 1:1,14
1. Jesus and the Word are the same.
2. Our faith comes through Jesus
a) Knowing Him is to know His Word
b) To know His Word is to know Him
B. Romans 10:17 - Faith comes by hearing
1. It is impossible to have faith in God apart from His Word.
2. Hearing the Word with an open heart enables us to pray with faith
a) Jesus often said, "he who has ears to hear, let him hear."
b) There were not a lot of earless people, but not all were willing to receive
what He was saying choosing to remain ignorant.
C. So, to hear is a choice, and to heed is a choice
1. After a person hears the gospel of salvation, he has the faith to accept it if he
wants to
2. If he believes, he can pray the prayer of faith and be saved (Romans 10:13-14)
3. In the same way, a person cannot receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, healing,
prosperity, or any other promise in the Bible unless he hears the word
concerning it.
4. Once we have heard, and we believe, then we can have confidence that we will
receive the promise of the Word.
II. Matthew 13:3-23, The parable of the Sower
A. This is a parable of a farmer who went into his field and began to sow seed for a crop.
B. There are four different places the seed fell, and the parable tells what happened to the
seed in each of these four areas. We call these places the types of soil.
1. The first seed fell by the wayside and was devoured by the birds. This seed is
like those who hear the Word, but do not try to understand it causing it to be
snatched away by the devil.
2. The second seed fell on stony ground. This seed is like those who hear the
Word and receive it at first, but later are offended when tribulation and
persecution arise and let go of the Word.
3. The third seed fell among thorns. This seed is like those who hear the Word but
put other things first such as a job, money, cares or worries. This allows the
Word to be choked out of their lives.
4. The fourth see fell on good ground. This seed is like those who hear the Word,
understand it, act upon it and it bears fruit in their lives.
C. We all have a type of soil within us, sometimes several types.
1. Sometimes it is easy to believe God for what we want. We receive that seed,
and it bears good fruit.
2. Sometimes we do not want to believe the Word because of fear of persecution,
lack of commitment to the things of God or idolizing of things, to name a few
3. Because of this we must always strive to hear the true, pure Word of God.
4. We must strive to break up our fallow ground, clear out the rocks and thorns, and
guard our gardens, or hearts.
D. God's Word will produce the power to heal, save, protect and provide in everyone's life
who hears it.
1. One key to receiving this power is not to wait until there is a crisis or storm in
your life to read the Word.
2. The preparation of our faith needs to be done ahead of time.
3. Keep your heart and attitude right before God -
a) Always be prepared to learn
b) Always be teachable
c) Be willing to change
4. Matthew 7:24-27 says that all Christians encounter storms, but only those who
hear and act on the Word are able to stand during the storm.
5. Do not be discouraged if you do not have an overcoming faith attitude
E. Seed that is sown takes time to sprout, grow and produce
1. The important thing is to continue to sow God's Word in your heart.
2. Soon you will see the sprout, then the growth, and then the harvest (Mark 4:28)
3. Let us take temptation as an example
a) If you were being tempted in a certain area, perhaps anger, and you were
sowing good seed in your heart, then eventually you will find that you are
not getting angry like you once did
b) The seed is bringing a harvest.
III. Proverbs 2:1-5 - this passage gives us wonderful instruction on how to hear God's Word.
A. Receive the Word
B. Hide His commandments
C. Incline your ear
D. Apply your heart
E. Cry after knowledge
F. Lift up your voice
G. Seek as silver
H. Search as for treasure
IV. Acts 14:8-10, a biblical example of how hearing the Word produced faith for healing.
A. Paul preached the gospel of salvation which clearly included physical healing.
B. The man "heard" Paul speak
C. Faith reached out from the man's heart and took hold of the words of life and healing.
D. The miracle was completed when he acted on what he heard.

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 3

Faith for the Impossible

I. Believing the Word

A. Our believing is greatly influenced by our thinking
1. Belief and thought (believing & thinking) are formed by what we hear.
2. It is important we hear words of faith if we want to have faith.
3. Words of doubt and fear can hinder our ability to believe.
4. God made it very clear in Proverbs that we are not to fellowship with those of
doubt and unbelief - those who scoff and mock things of God.
B. Right thinking produces right believing.
1. Right thinking begins with knowing God's Word.
2. Right believing can open us up for the impossible -Mark 9:23
3. Remember the car of faith?
a) Knowing God's Word gives you destination points or goals.
b) If you did not know they existed, you would not know that you could drive
to them.
c) Right thinking gives us hope.
C. We must not only hear God's Word but also believe it.
1. Believing God is believing His Word.
2. Trusting God is trusting what He has spoken through the scriptures.
a) Trusting the scriptures as they apply to you
b) Trusting Him personally in whatever situation that you are in. Do not quit,
do not give up, and do not get discouraged - believe that you are special
to Him.
II. The basis of believing God's Word.
A. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - God's Word is inspired. That is why it is just as powerful today as it
was when it was written.
1. It is His mind, His thoughts, His heart, His inspiration on paper
2. It will endure forever (1 Peter 1:25)
3. Because the Word comes through human beings, we can believe it as truth (2
Peter 1:20-21)
B. We can base our faith on God's Word because he has promised that His Word will not
return to Him void, but that it will accomplish that which he pleases, and it will prosper in
the thing where it is sent. (Isaiah 55:11)
III. Matthew 18:3
A. Little children believe everything an adult says. As long as an adult continues to keep
his word to a child, that child will never doubt that adult’s word.
B. Our heavenly Father has never failed to keep His Word (Numbers 23:19)
C. We can be just like little children and take our father at His Word, and align our lifestyle
with it.
IV. The sin of unbelief
A. Hebrews 3:12 compares the children of Israel with Christians today. Just as God
promised Israel a land of rest flowing with milk & honey, He promises Christians today
an abundant life in Christ.
B. Numbers 13:26-33 - when Israelites reach the border of Canaan after being led from
Egypt by Moses, God instructed Moses to send 12 spies into Canaan to survey the
land. All 12 spies told of bounty found in the land. But 10 began to tell of strong
people, walled cities, and giants in the land. Only Caleb and Joshua began to
encourage the people to possess the land saying they were able to overcome the
1. The sin on Israel was unbelief
a) God had promised to give them the land
b) They would not go in and possess it
c) Instead of believing the faith report of Caleb and Joshua, they chose to
believe the doubt report of the other 10 spies.
d) They once again began to murmur to Moses and said that they would
rather have died in Egypt or the wilderness than face the obstacles -
Numbers 14:2
2. Because of their hardness of heart, God gave them their request instead of His
promise. They remained in the wilderness for 40 years until everyone 20 years
or older (accept Caleb and Joshua who lived to enter the promise land) died -
Numbers 14:29
C. Many good people have failed to enter the promised land because they focused their
eyes on circumstances instead of God's Word.
D. Decide you're going to believe God's Word no matter what circumstances look like.
1. God calls unbelief sin and unbelief causes a person to draw back from God just
as sin does.
2. To draw back from faith is to draw back from God - Hebrews 11:6
3. Hebrews 4:1-2 says that the Word does not profit us unless it is mixed with faith.
V. The only way to know if you really believe God's Word is to act on it.
A. To believe is not to rely on your own mind but to totally trust in what God has spoken.
B. God's Word and man's word are contrary to one another until man begins to submit to
C. Nothing God does or says makes sense to the natural man - 1 Corinthians 2:14
1. Set your affections on things above - Colossians 3:2
2. Live as God has planned for you to live by believing His Word.
3. Every Word that comes from God is life - Matthew 4:4

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 4

Faith & Praying in Power

I. Praying according to God's Word

A. Just as it is important to Hear God's Word, and Believe God's Word, it is important to
pray God's Word.
B. Why prayer is powerful:
1. Prayer is releasing what we believe in conversation with God.
2. Prayer is to the spirit as exercise is to the body
a) Continual prayer that gets results will cause our faith to grow and mature
b) Prayer is requesting from God what many times He already desires to give
to us.
C. Our faith is either increasing or decreasing; it rarely stands still.
1. To increase faith, it must be fed and exercised.
2. Hearing God's Word, believing it, and praying it is what keeps our faith growing.
D. Hebrews 4:9-11
1. Our prayer life is two-sided
a) We fight the good fight of faith
b) We rest in God trusting Him to accomplish his Word.
2. Faith is both a fight and a rest.
II. Praying in Righteousness - James 5:16
A. Our prayer life is powerful, it changes things
B. Righteousness is important in prayer - 1 Peter 3:12
1. It is important to stay cleansed from all unrighteousness
2. Faith will deteriorate where there is continual sin without repentance
C. The work of righteousness is peace and the effect of it is quietness and assurance
forever - Isaiah 32:17
D. We should go boldly before the thrown of grace. That is a difficult thing to do when we
are in condemnation of our conscience, or ashamed
III. Asking in prayer
A. Although God knows our needs before we ask, we're instructed to ask for these needs
to be met - Matthew 6:8
B. Matthew 7:7, Mark 11:24, John 16:23, John 14:13, John 15:7 - all tell us everything we
ask in prayer believing, we will receive (God intends for us to receive all we ask for)
C. If God says we will receive all things we ask for in prayer, then why do not we receive all
1. God has set up divine instructions in prayer
2. If our prayers fail, it could be because we are not following God's Instructions
D. God's principles
1. Ask the Father in Jesus' name - John 16:23-24
a) The name of Jesus is key to opening up the prayer line
b) If we receive by faith the moment we pray, joy can be ours before what we
pray for comes into actual existence.
2. Ask according to God's will - James 4:3
a) In Mark 11:24 Jesus said we can receive whatever we desire
b) There is a difference between spiritual desires and flesh desires
(1) Spiritual desires come from the heart of a recreated being in
fellowship with God.
(2) Flesh desires come from lust of the mind and flesh that are in
fellowship with the devil or the world's system.
3. Abide in the vine - John 15:1-5
a) To cultivate spiritual desires, we need to "abide in the vine" (John 15:1-5);
when we abide in the vine, God's words abide in us and when we ask in
prayer under these conditions, it will be done for us (John 15:7)
b) Hebrews 4:12-13 tells us that the Word is like a two-edged sword that
divides soul from spirit, and discerns thoughts and intents of the heart.
(1) The Word reveals what is pure and what is not
(2) As we abide in the Word, god will reveal his desires to us.
4. Before praying, settle God's will in your heart
a) God's Word is His will
b) 2 Corinthians 13:1, Deuteronomy 19:15 say to establish God's Word by
two or three witnesses
c) This will keep us from misusing the Word and taking it out of context in
which it was written.
d) We want to take whole counsel of god to establish God's will
(1) All of God's Word is His will - Collectively
(2) His will concerning a specific area may not be given entirely in one
(3) You must compare scriptures throughout the Bible - Isaiah 28:10
e) A lot of Jesus' teachings came from various places in the Old Testament
(1) The sermon on the Mount teaching found in Matthew 5,6,7 include
portions from Psalms 1, 2 Chronicles, Exodus, Deuteronomy,
Leviticus, 1 Kings, Isaiah, 2 Samuel as well as other books of the
f) Because we can be assured God hears us when we ask according to His
will, we know He will give us our request - 1 John 5:14-15
5. Fix your heart and mind on His will
a) Storms may come between time you pray and time you see the answer
b) James 1:5-8 says a double-minded man receives nothing
c) A heart fixed on God's Word generates life from inside out - Psalms 111:7-
6. Be persistent - especially in the impossible
a) The book of Daniel is a perfect example of being persistent
(1) In chapter 10 Daniel prayed and he was believing God for the
(2) God heard Daniel immediately (Daniel 10:12 “Thy words were
heard, and I am come for your words”)
(3) It took 21 days for God to answer Daniel in what seems to be a
desperate situation. - Why?
(a) Not because God was not listening - God was listening
(b) But because Gabriel was resisted by the Prince of Persia
(c) A heavenly war had begun in the spirit because the evil
Princes did not want man to have this divine knowledge (the
vision which Daniel received from Gabriel)
(4) We must remember that our prayers are powerful, and we must
pray expecting to receive from God. God will send the mightiest
angels to fulfill His plan in this world, and He will fight the mightiest
fight if we will stand strong and believe that He will answer us.

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 5

Faith for Receiving

I. Receiving the promises of God

A. Receiving means accepting or taking what is given
B. God wants us to trust Him to the point of actually receiving before we see or feel
anything - Mark 11:24
C. Faith is our evidence - Hebrews 11:1
1. We are confident that we have already received, and we hold faith as our
evidence or receipt.
2. The world wonders at our confidence in the resurrection from the dead but we
have our faith as evidence or receipt.
3. Faith says, "I have it because I believe I have received according to God's Word"
4. Doubt says, "I will believe it when I see it."
D. 2 Corinthians 4:18 says that everything in the physical world is temporary and subject to
1. We have the ability to change temporary conditions by mixing faith with the Word
- Hebrews 4:1-2
2. Mixing faith with the Word is similar to a chemical reaction caused by mixing two
substances. Apart from each other they are inactive but when they come
together a reaction takes place.
3. We can say the Word out of our mouths but without mixing it with faith it will be
inactive. When faith reaches out to believe and receive the Word, a powerful
force is created which is strong enough to change circumstances.
II. Bartimaeus - a biblical example of receiving from God - Mark 10:46-52
A. Bartimaeus was blind and sat by the road everyday begging
B. When he heard Jesus walking down the road, he began to cry to Him to have mercy on
C. Jesus asked him what he wanted Bartimaeus answered to receive his sight
1. Bartimaeus had already determined what he wanted
2. His thoughts were centered more on receiving answer than the problem
3. It is important that we center on the answer not the problem
D. Jesus told Bartimaeus that his faith had made him whole
III. How to receive from God
A. Find out what God's will is:
1. To save the lost - John 3:16-17
2. To free men completely - John 8:36
3. To Heal - Luke 4:18
4. To have abundant life - John 10:10
B. Believe, pray, and receive by faith (it is easier to believe by faith when assured of God's
C. Have an attitude of humility and confidence
1. Pride comes before a fall - Proverbs 18:12
2. Are to be confident God will answer us because of Jesus - Hebrews 4:14-16
D. Believe you receive when you pray - Mark 11:24

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 6

Speaking Your Faith

I. Confessing the Word

A. Confessing means what comes out of the mouth, spoken by the use of the tongue.
1. James says that the tongue is like a bit in a horse’s mouth or like a rudder on a
ship. Although it is small, you can control or direct you lives - James 3:3-5
2. The Power of life and death, and abundance and lack are in the tongue -
Proverbs 18:20-21
a) Need to choose to believe, speak and enjoy what God wants for us found
in His Word; this is choosing life.
b) James 3:6,8 - tells us if the tongue is not tamed we can destroy our life
B. The mouth speaks according to our heart, good or evil – Matthew 12:34-36
1. We will give account even for idle words because these are the words that often
come directly from the heart by-passing the mind.
C. We receive what we believe and confess, both good and bad - Matthew 12:34-36
1. When we believe and speak God's Word, we receive God's promises and enjoy
abundant life, which includes salvation, health, freedom, power, joy, love, peace,
victory, light, prosperity, kindness, gentleness, hope, faith, and everything
2. When we believe and speak what the world says, we reject God's promises and
produce death which includes doom, gloom, fear, doubt, worry, tension, strife,
sickness, poverty, confusion, bondage and everything ugly.
3. The things that we hear and think about eventually find a way into confession,
therefore we need to guard what goes into our ears and eyes and keep our mind
on the things of God - Proverbs 22:17-21
D. Two steps of believing and speaking operate continually in our faith - Romans 10:9-10
1. Hebrews 10:23 - says to hold fast to our profession (confession) of our faith
without wavering.
2. Jeremiah 1:12 - says God hastens to perform His Word
3. Continual believing and speaking of God's Word releases power of faith.
II. Jesus, our example
A. Mark 11:12-14, 20-21, Jesus spoke directly to the fig tree and His Words became
reality. Power of faith released from His mouth changed natural circumstances.
B. Mark 9:25, Jesus spoke to the dumb spirit in the boy and it left him. It released the boy
from bondage and torment in his life.
C. Mark 1:41-42, Jesus spoke to the leper to be cleansed from the disease of leprosy and
he was healed.
D. Mark 5:41, Jesus spoke to the girl who had died, and she was released from death and
lived. Jesus told us to speak to the mountain
E. The Word coming out of our mouth overcomes the powers of darkness –
1 John 5:4
1. God has given us His Word so that we can stand against the attacks of the devil
2. Matthew 4:1-11 tells us when Jesus was attacked by the devil, He spoke the
Word and the devil left Him defeated by the spoken Word.
III. Other Biblical examples of confessing faith
A. Abraham spoke forth his faith, saying he was a father of a multitude
B. David spoke forth by faith the fate of Goliath
C. Ezekiel spoke to the dry bones to come to life
D. Joshua and Caleb spoke forth promise to take Canaan land
1. These are just a few examples, and all of these had to speak forth by faith what
God said would happen. They may have had their doubts at times, but their
doubts are not recorded - and I am sure that is because they knew the power of
their words and they did not speak their doubts.
2. Many people in the Bible did speak their doubts but they were always proven to
be in contradiction to what God was doing.
IV. The Power of confession
A. Proverbs 12:13,14; 13:2,3; 18:20,21; 29:20
B. If our words are this powerful, then we ought to know how to control our tongue
C. We control our tongue by knowing what the Word says
D. We control our tongue by realizing the power of our words (Mark 11:23-24)
E. We control our tongue by holding fast the profession of our faith without wavering
(Hebrews 10:23)
F. We control our tongue by resisting the devil (Matthew 4:1-11)
V. We are not confessing our words which have no power, but we are confessing His Words
which are power
A. He is faithful who promised, and it shall come to pass.
B. His Words do not return to Him void
VI. We not only confess to change circumstances but to change us
A. We confess who we are, we tell the story about ourselves and what we know to be true
about all that we are. Therefore, we confess the following truths:
1. What God in Christ did for us in His plan of Salvation
2. What God through the Word and the Holy Spirit have done in us in the New Birth
and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
3. What we are to God the Father in Christ Jesus
4. What Jesus is doing for us now at the right hand of the Father, where He forever
lives to make intercession for us.
5. What God can do through us, or what His Word can do through our lips.
Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 7
The Power of Meditation

I. Meditating on the Word

A. 1 Timothy 4:15-16
B. Meditating in the Word is not eastern religion meditation
C. Meditating in the Word is giving yourself wholly to the Word of God.
1. Meditation of God's Word involves spirit, soul, and body.
2. When we continually think on the Word, our mind is purified, faith comes into our
heart (spirit) and our tongue is brought under control.
3. Meditating on the Word cleanses our minds, Ephesians 5:26
D. Joshua 1:8 - God gave Joshua three keys to prosperity and success
1. Keep God's Word in your mouth
2. Meditate on God's Word day and night
3. Do according to all of God's Word
E. Psalms 1:1-3 says that man who meditates on the Word day and night will be strong
and healthy like a tree planted by water, will continue to bear fruit (love, joy, peace, etc.)
and everything he does will prosper.
F. "Meditate" in the Hebrew language means to murmur, ponder, imagine, mutter, speak,
study, or utter - as we meditate on the Word we're talking it over with ourselves
G. Colossians 3:16 "Let the Word dwell in you richly with all wisdom"
1. Understanding of the Word and wisdom often come only after meditation on what
we've heard and read
2. It is understanding and wisdom that show us how to apply God's knowledge in
our lives
H. Philippians 4:8,9; whatsoever things are true...
1. Think on the things of God, keep your focus on Jesus
2. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, Hebrews 12:2
I. Our mind and thought realm is one of major battlegrounds in faith
1. As we meditate on the Word we gain control of our thought life
2. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, Ephesians 4:22-24
II. Blessings of meditating in God's Word
A. Proverbs 4:20-23 - we receive strength and health
B. Isaiah 26:3 - we are kept in perfect peace.

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 8

The Power of Praise

I. The importance of praise

A. Praise is an act of our will
B. Praise is an attitude or way of life that rejoices continually in every situation
C. Praise and thanksgiving are two most important elements in our fight of faith because
they express true faith
1. Real faith is rest, knowing that God's Word will not fail
2. Paul says in 1 Timothy 6:12 to fight a good fight of faith which means to believe
the Word, speak the Word and then confidently stand praising God knowing the
victory is yours.
3. Philippians 4:6-8 - The moment we pray we should begin thanking God for the
a) Praying and thanksgiving go hand in hand - Colossians. 4:2
b) Do not have to see the answer before we give thanks
D. Psalms 100 gives a biblical pattern for approaching God
1. Make a joyful noise
2. Serve Him with gladness
3. Come before Him with singing
4. Enter His gates with thanksgiving
5. Enter His courts with praise
6. Be thankful
7. Bless His name (all of these are associated with praise)
E. We are to come to Him with an attitude of rejoicing
F. The prophet Habakkuk shows us what to do during tribulations in our lives Habakkuk
II. Biblical example of when praise changed circumstances - Acts 16:23-26
A. Paul and Silas were thrown into the inner prison
B. They had been severely beaten and their feet were fastened in stocks
C. At midnight they were praying and singing praises
D. There was a great earthquake and all the prison doors were opened.
E. They did not allow the pain in their bodies or the circumstances keep them from praising
III. Even though we may not feel like praising God, He is still there and worthy of our praise - we
praise Him because we love Him, not because our circumstances do or do not warrant it
IV. Psalms 149:5-6 tells us the praises of God in our mouth is like a two-edged sword in our hand
V. Isaiah 61:3 says Jesus came to give us beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, garment of
praise for the spirit of heaviness

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 9

The Life of Faith

I. Living by Faith
A. The only way to please God, serve God, and live in His kingdom, is to live by faith
B. We want to live by faith to please God and to be productive
1. Many Christians spend their whole life wandering in and out of obedience
2. The way to consistently walk in obedience is to walk by faith; Galatians 2:20,
Hebrews 11:6
3. When we are in the will of God, then we have His peace
a) Living outside His will, living outside His peace is terrible
b) Living outside His peace produces doubt instead of faith
4. When we are out of the will of God, up to us to make the necessary changes -
Amos 3:3
a) When we are not walking in agreement, the problem must be with us, not
with God
b) God will not make the changes for us; we have to do it ourselves
c) Need to get back on course with God to get full blessings
d) Must do all we can to get back on course with God
II. Learn to use the name of Jesus
A. This enables us to walk and live by faith because it is in His name that we trust
B. John 14:13 - we can do things Jesus did and even more - to do this we need to have
faith in His name in our circumstances
C. Ephesians 1:19-22 - His name is above every name - it is our power source
III. We need to see ourselves as God sees us
A. Remember that we're new in Christ and all old things have passed away
B. We need to understand who we are in Him. Repeat:
1. I am loved by God
2. I am in the family of God
3. I am God's child
4. I am special to God
5. I have the mind of Christ
6. I have the righteousness of Christ
7. I am sanctified by the blood of Christ
8. I have all of the fruit of the Spirit in me
9. I am totally accepted by God, my Father, and if I obey His commands, I can grow
up and be just like my big brother
IV. Victorious faith is the God-kind of faith
A. We need to understand the schemes of the devil, so we can overcome him
1. God has already given us the victory in Christ Jesus; we just need to walk in it
2. Ephesians 6:10-18, put on the full armor and draw strength from Him
3. We have been called of God to take back all the ground Satan has stolen from
4. Must proceed daily--living by faith, possessing the land, taking back what Satan
has stolen.
B. Do not act like the problem does not exist, speak God's Word into the situation
1. Understand that Satan's power is in deception and lies.
2. Just do the Word; do not let your natural mind rebel against God
C. The price that was paid for us
1. We need to realize that Jesus bought us with a price, his blood - 1Peter 1:18-19
2. We must realize that the faith we have cost Jesus everything to give to us.
a) It is His faith that we have
We must operate in this faith for His sake and for loves sake, and Introduction

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 10

Character of the Believer, Displays True Faith

I. Definition of character
A. Definition of character (Webster)
1. One’s pattern of behavior or personality
2. Moral strength, fortitude
3. Good reputation
B. A synonym of the word character = nature
1. Definition: the whole round of human life and activity
C. These definitions show us that character is involved in our activities, personality,
behavior, reputation; about every aspect of our life
D. 2 Peter 1:3-4 “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and
godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which
have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you
may be partakers of the divine nature...(God’s nature or character)”
1. Our character should be patterned after God’s

II. Solomon’s teachings

A. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, wrote proverbs, that were later compiled into
what we know as the Book of Proverbs today, to teach his people how to live--how to
act in every circumstance
1. Proverbs 1:2, 2:1,9,10 (LB)
a. Every person who obeys the instructions found in the Book of Proverbs
will be given wisdom and good sense
b. It shows how to distinguish right from wrong, how to find the right decision every
c. By following the instructions found in this book wisdom and truth will enter the
very center of your being, filling your life with joy
2. Proverbs 3:21 (LB) - Have two goals
a. Continue to gain wisdom (knowledge and understanding of the Word)
b. Continue to develop good judgment and common sense (good sense in
everyday affairs)
3. Wisdom
a. Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do (Proverbs 4:7 LB)
1) Reverence and fear of the Lord are basic to all wisdom (Proverbs 9:10
b. Wisdom gives a long good life, riches, honor, pleasure and peace (Proverbs
3:16-17 LB)
c. Wisdom will make the hours of your day and the years of your life more profitable
(Proverbs 9:11 LB)
d. Wisdom hates pride, arrogance, corruption and deceit of every kind (Proverbs
8:13 LB)
e. Wisdom and common sense fill you with living energy and bring you honor and
respect. They will keep you safe and from defeat and disaster and from
stumbling off the trail (Proverbs 3:22-23 LB)

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 11

General Character of the Believer Who Has Faith

I. Believer’s general character -- Colossians 3:1-17

A. Colossians 3:1-5
1. Vs 2 -- Set your mind on things above, not on things on earth
a) Material things
b) Recognition
c) Man’s praise
2. Vs 3 -- Since we died to us or should have when we became born again and our
lives are hidden in Christ, then Jesus should be our example
a) 1 Peter 2:23 “When he was reviled He did not revile in return; when He
suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges
b) One version says, “when they hurled insults at him, He did not retaliate”
3. Vs 5 -- “Therefore” (therefore what? Since you are seeking things above (Vs 1),
setting your mind on things above (Vs 2), have died to self and hidden your life in
Christ (Vs 3), YOU put to death:
a) Galatians 5:19-20 lists fornication, adultery, uncleanness, and idolatry
(covetousness) as works of the flesh
b) Ephesians 5:3 says fornication, uncleanness or covetousness should not
even be named among Christians
c) Fornication - sexual immorality including adultery
(1) 1 Thessalonians 5:22 says you are not to do anything that even
looks like evil
(2) 1 Corinthians 6:13 “the body is not for sexual immorality but for
the Lord”
(3) 1 Corinthians 6:18 “Flee sexual immorality”
d) Uncleanness - moral uncleanness, dirty-mindedness, indecency,
(1) These are related to sexual immorality
(2) 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 7-8 “For this is the will of God, your
sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; For
God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness. Therefore, he
who rejects this does not reject man, but God...”
(3) Violent, sensual, suggestive, and fouled mouth movies and TV
programs breed violence, moral uncleanness, sensuality and
sexual immorality
(4) Sexually explicit magazines defile the mind
e) Passion - lust of the flesh
(1) Lust = intent longing
(2) Not all lust is bad; lust after the things of God and the Word
f) Evil desire - unholy desire
(1) God gives the desires of the heart - Psalms 37:4
g) Covetousness - all greed, the lust for other people’s goods and honor--this
is idolatry (something you give your heart, mind, attention, money, etc. to)
(1) Titus 2:11-12 says the grace of God teaches to deny ungodliness
and worldly lusts and live soberly, righteously and godly
(2) 1 Peter 2:11 says to abstain from fleshly lusts which war against
the soul and have your conduct honorable among unbelievers
B. Colossians 3:6 - “sons of disobedience” = unbelievers
C. Colossians 3:8 -- Now YOU are to put off all these
1. Anger and wrath
a) Two different Greek words and both Greek words are translated anger
and/or wrath: orge and thumos
b) Orge - (mostly translated anger) active emotion; settled abiding condition
of the mind with the view of taking revenge; less sudden in its rise but
more lasting;
c) Thumos - (better translated rage) inward feeling; quickly blazes up and
quickly resides;
2. Malice - wickedness, evil, maliciousness, opposite of excellence, any form of
3. Blasphemy - evil speaking, abusive speech, railings, speech that injures
4. Filthy language - obscenity
5. Ephesians 4:29,31 “let no corrupt word (unwholesome talk) proceed out of your
mouth...let all bitterness, wrath (rage), anger, clamor (grief, tumult from
controversy, brawling), and evil speaking (slander) be put away from you with all
malice (any form of slander)
a) NIV “get rid of”
6. Ephesians 5:4 “filthiness (obscenity), foolish talking or course jesting are not
fitting for saints”
a) (LB) “dirty stories, foul talk, coarse jokes”
b) Coarse jesting - another translation, “flippant talk”
7. Galatians 5:20 lists “outbursts of wrath” (thumos) as one of the works of the
8. James 1:19-20 “let every man be...slow to wrath (orge--anger) for wrath (anger)
does not produce the righteousness of God”
9. 1 Peter 2:1 “lay aside all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and evil speaking
(slander) and desire the pure milk of the word”
10. for the Glory of God

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 12

The Benefits of Selling Out Totally to God, Through Faith, Part 1

I. What it means to sell out to God

A. Taking up your cross - self denial
B. Being obedient to God even when you do not understand why
II. Some examples in the Bible of those who sold out totally to God
A. Abraham - His life was marked with three crises that tested his obedience
1. Crisis #1 - At the age of 70, God told Abraham to leave his homeland and family
and go to an unknown land
a) He took his wife and nephew, Lot, his only possible heir
b) At the age of 76, he was promised a son by God
c) At age 86, he tried to fulfill God’s promise on his own
(1) He took Sarah, his wife’s, maid as his wife who bore him a son he
named Ishmael
d) He assumed that this would be his heir, but when Ishmael was 13, God
told Abraham that he would establish His covenant with a soon-to-be-born
son, Isaac
2. Crisis #2 - Giving up his plans for Ishmael, his first-born son
3. Crisis #3
a) At age 100 (when Sarah was 90), Isaac was born
b) When Isaac was 16, God told Abraham to offer up Isaac as a sacrifice
c) God provided a substitute, a ram
4. When Abraham acted in the flesh he produced the father of the Arab nations,
which has been the constant enemy of the Israel nation, whom Isaac is the father
5. The result: Jesus came through his seed
B. Ruth
1. There was a famine in Judah
2. Elimelech and Naomi and their two sons emigrated to Moab, a country to the
east of Judah
3. Elimelech died and his sons married Moabite women, Ruth being one
4. The two sons died, leaving their mother, Naomi, and their two wives, one of who
was Ruth
5. Naomi decided to return to Judah, so she could be among her people and
released the obligation of her daughters-in-law to care for her and encouraged
them to stay in their homeland
6. Ruth gave up all of herself--her family, homeland, friends--to follow her Godly
mother-in-law and pledged to follow her wherever she went
7. The result: Ruth was the great grandmother of King David, a direct heir to Jesus
C. Esther
1. Esther was born while the Jewish nation was in captivity in Babylon
2. She was orphaned and raised by her uncle, Mordecai, who held an office in the
king’s palace
3. The king banished his wife because she refused to obey him and later became
very lonely without her
4. The men who counseled him gathered all the young virgins of the land for the
king to choose a new queen from
5. He chose Esther
6. She kept her Jewish heritage a secret
7. The Jewish nation was to be annihilated, and Mordecai asked Queen Esther to
speak to the king to save her nation
8. By doing this, she was subject to losing her life but chose to go to the king
9. The result: she saved her nation

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 13

The Benefits of Selling Out Totally to God, Through Faith, Part 2

I. Paul
1. Paul was a Roman and a Jew
2. He was also a Pharisee, a high position of the Jews
3. He had all the privileges of this high position of the Jews and the privileges of
being a Roman citizen
4. He was a man who did not tolerate someone questioning him and had power to
have men killed for doing so
5. He became born again and spirit-filled
6. While preaching he was insulted, stoned, imprisoned, heckled, but made the
decision not to retaliate
7. The result: he was honored with writing most of the New Testament
II. Some examples in the Bible of those who did not totally sell out to God
C. Esau
1. Esau was a macho man; he loved the outdoors and outdoor activities (one being
hunting) was his life
2. His brother, Jacob, was not so macho; he enjoyed home life and activities such
as cooking
3. Esau came in from hunting one day hungry
4. Jacob had fixed a pottage (like stew)
5. Because of Esau’s desire to meet his natural (flesh) needs, he sold his spiritual
birthright to Jacob for pottage
a) This birthright included:
(1) The headship of the entire family including lineage
(2) A double portion of the family inheritance
(3) The title to the Covenant blessing
6. Esau was his father (Isaac’s) favorite, and Isaac intended to give him the
7. Jacob deceived his father into believing he was Esau and received the blessing
8. The result:
a) Esau became the father of the Edomites (a ruthless, barbaric people who
disappeared from history in 70 AD
(1) Malachi 1:3 says God hated Esau
(2) Hebrews 12:16 tells us Esau was a godless and immoral person
b) Jacob is in the lineage of Israel
(1) Malachi 1:2 says God loved Jacob
D. Gehazi
1. Gehazi was a servant of Elisha
2. Naaman, a high military leader in Syria, had leprosy and came to Elisha for
3. After he received his healing, Naaman wanted to pay Elisha who refused to take
the money
4. After Naaman left, Gehazi ran after him on the pretense some travelers had
come in need and Elisha had sent him to get clothing and money for them
5. He hid what he received from Naaman and returned to Elisha who exposed him
by the Spirit
6. Gehazi received Naaman’s leprosy
7. He had the privilege of walking in the light of a great man of God but missed the
significance of it because of his preoccupation with selfish gain
8. As Elisha had succeeded his mentor, Elijah, and received a double portion of his
anointing, Gehazi could have succeeded Elisha
E. Samson
1. Before Samson was born, he was destined to be a deliverer of Israel from the
hands of the Philistines, Israel’s biggest enemy at that time
2. The Angel of the Lord came to Samson’s mother, who was barren, and told her
she would have a child who was to be a Nazarite all his life
a) In his day being a Nazarite meant abstaining from wine, grapes, and any
intoxicating drink, never cutting his hair as a symbol of totally belonging to
God, and never going near a dead person
b) Today, this would mean selling totally out to God by obeying Him instead
of the flesh
3. Samson’s mother pledged to raise him a Nazarite
4. All of his childhood, adolescence and into early adulthood he obeyed those vows
and had great strength
5. God used him mightily to come against the Philistines
6. The Philistines many times tried to apprehend him but could not because of his
great strength
7. Samson had great faith and confidence in the gift God committed to him, but at
the same time he had a weakness for beautiful women
8. One of these women was Delilah who the Philistines used to find out the source
of Samson’s great strength
9. Because of his lust for her, Samson confided in her that if his hair (the symbol of
his dedication to the Lord) was cut he would lost his strength
a) His strength did not come from his long hair but from keeping his vow of
being a Nazarite
10. She cut his hair while he was sleeping and called the Philistines to come
apprehend him
11. They were able to apprehend because of the loss of his great strength, not
because his hair was cut but because of his forsaking his Nazarite vow or his
fellowship with God because of his fleshly lusts
12. They gouged out his eyes and condemned him to a life of slavery
13. His job while in slavery was the most degrading job a man could have at that
14. He repented to God and slowly his hair grew back
15. One day after it was fully grown, 3000 Philistines held a great feast in the temple
of their god
16. They had Samson brought to the feast so that they could make fun of him
17. He had his attendant place him between the two center pillars that held up the
18. With all his returned strength from God, he pushed the pillars down killing himself
and the 3000 Philistines
19. He was restored after repenting to God and God used him, but what could he
have done for God if he had not allowed his flesh to rule him?
*Good of the land

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 14

Obedience in Faith, Part 1

I. Introduction
A. Obedience is the underlying theme of the entire Word
B. Obedience shows that one has faith in what God has said. It is more than an action, it is
a life principle
C. God is not a God of compromise
1. He has been specific in His Word so that we have a clear-cut road to follow
2. We are to practice obedience without negotiations; God is final authority
D. Without obedience:
1. You cannot walk in love
2. God cannot trust you with His power
3. You have no boldness or liberty

II. Obedience
A. Definition--when I looked in Webster’s dictionary, Strong’s Concordance, and Vine’s
Expository; there were many variations of saying the same thing, but the key words
involved with obedience are attentive hearing, submission, and faith
1. Attentive hearing - hearken (hear and obey or respond) Deuteronomy 28:2 If
you hearken unto the voice of the Lord all the blessings listed in that chapter will
be yours
2. Submission - not only to God and the Word but in general
3. Faith and obedience are inseparable
a) Faith is of the heart (invisible to man); obedience is related to conduct
(may be observed)
(1) Obedience occurs because we trust
b) Every promise found in the Word (over 7700 according to Dick Mills)
carries with it a commitment for us to do something
(1) Example: Mark 11:23-25 “whoever says to this mountain > Be
removed and be cast into the sea’ and DOES NOT DOUBT in his
heart BUT BELIEVES that what those things HE SAYS will be
done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore, I say to you
whatever things you ask for when you pray BELIEVE that you
receive them, and you will have them. And whenever you stand
praying, if you have anything against anyone, FORGIVE HIM that
your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses”
B. Obedience is related to humility--putting the will and desires of God above your own
C. Romans 6:16 “Obedience leads to righteousness”
1. Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all
these things shall be given unto you”
2. Deuteronomy 4:30-31 indicates when you are in trouble and you turn to God
and obey His voice (where is the voice of God?) He’ll get you out of trouble
3. Obedience is the way to total victory
III. Disobedience
A. Definition
1. Rejection of the will of God
2. Insubordinate in actions and attitude (carelessness in attitude precedes
3. The condition of being unpersuadable (rebellious)
B. Disobedience is not obeying God in the principles of the Word
1. Example: Getting up grumbling instead of praising God is disobedience because
Psalms 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in
2. Disobedience nullifies praise
C. Ephesians 2:2 - Satan is the author of disobedience
1. 1Kg 13:26 “the man of God, disobedient to the Word of the Lord, is delivered to
the lion (Satan, like a roaring lion goes about seeing whom he can devour)
D. Hebrews 3:18-19 - disobedience is the evidence of unbelief
E. Offspring of disobedience: disillusionment, dissatisfaction, depression, fear, failure
F. Any time you do not receive from God, you need to find out if there is any area in which
you have failed to obey Him
G. You can be confessing the Word, reading your Bible daily, fellowshipping with God
regularly, going to church every time the doors are open, be involved in Christian
service--all outward appearances look like you are doing everything right; but if there is
disobedience somewhere in your life, it will nullify the rest of your efforts
H. How to deal with disobedience
1. Admit to yourself any areas in which you have failed to obey God
2. Confess to God any disobedience
3. Completely turn from those things contrary to God’s will
I. How to keep self from disobedience
1. Personal devotion time
2. Dialogue with God, not monologue
3. Read Bible daily
Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 15
Obedience in Faith, Part 2

I. Bible examples of obedience and disobedience

A. Saul - 1 Samuel 15:1-23 (read through and discuss)
1. Vs 1 - (KJV) hearken = listen carefully and then do it
2. Vs 2-3 -- “utterly destroy ALL that they have, and do not spare them”
3. Vs 9 - “Saul and the people spared Agag (the king) and the best of the sheep,
oxen, fatlings, lambs and all that was good
a) Saul did what the Law normally required
b) When Israel won a battle, it was required sacrifices be brought back to
offer to God for Victory
(1) Any other time Saul would have been acting correctly
c) Also, the victor was entitled to the spoils of war--cattle, horses, chariots,
gold, etc.
d) It was also customary for the conquering king to take the enemy king alive
and parade him in triumph through the streets of major cities
(1) This was for prestige--it gave the king great credibility among his
people and the other nations
4. Vs. 10-11 -- the Lord revealed to Samuel that Saul had disobeyed him
5. Vs. 13 - when Samuel confronted him, Saul lied to Samuel (“I have performed
the commandment of the Lord”)
6. Vs. 14 - Samuel challenged the lie
7. Vs. 15 - Saul justified himself; he blamed the people (that was silly; the people
were subject to Saul)
8. Vs. 16-21 -- “(I) brought back AGAG...but THE PEOPLE TOOK OF THE
PLUNDER...” (Saul lied again)
9. Vs. 22-23 -- obedience was better than anything else Saul could have done for
the Lord
10. Saul’s disobedience marked the beginning of his downfall as king
11. By refusing to obey, actually he gave the devil a foothold in his life, one from
which he would never fully dislodge himself
12. Toward the end of his career as king, he was forced to admit 1 Samuel 26:21
“...I have played the fool and erred exceedingly”
13. Saul lost his inheritance--his promised land--because of disobedience
a) Remember Abraham entered his promised land because of obedience
14. Saul’s sin was not readily apparent--it was the inward attitude of the heart that
finally resulted in open rebellion to what God had commanded him to do
B. Jesus, our example
1. Jesus not only obeyed the written statutes and ordinances of the Old Covenant,
he also obeyed the voice of the Father coming to him in his spirit
a) There were many voices coming to Him just as there are us
b) He was able to discern the voice of God because He had yielded His will
to Him
c) He spent a great deal of time in prayer and fellowship with God learning to
hear His voice
2. John 6:38 - Jesus never chose His own way--He never lived for himself but lived
a life loving God with his whole heart
3. Benefits of Jesus’ obedience:
a) John 14:30 - there was no open door for the devil to come in to steal, kill
and destroy
b) John 3:34 - God manifested His presence in Him without measure
(1) The result of having the Spirit without measure
(2) When he ministered the blind saw, the lame walked, the deaf
heard, the demon possessed were delivered, the dead were raised
II. Conclusion
A. Hebrews 5:8-9 “though He was a Son, yet he learned obedience by the things which
He suffered. And having been perfected...”
B. Ro 1:5 - through Jesus we have received the grace for obedience
C. Practice obedience one day at a time, moment by moment
D. Concentrate on living TODAY in obedience to God

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 16


I. Introduction
A. Faithfulness and commitment are closely associated and dependent on each other
B. Commitment is necessary to do the work God wants you to do and faithfulness is
necessary to fulfill commitment
II. Meanings of faithfulness and commitment
A. Faithfulness
1. Reliable, dependable, firmness, constancy in life style
2. Hebrews 11:6 “without faith it is impossible to please God”
a) Faith and faithfulness come from the same Greek root word
b) You cannot please God without faith nor can you please Him without
B. Commitment
1. A giving of 100% to God in a particular area and corporately
2. Commitment is non-refundable
III. What we are to be committed and faithful to:
A. Psalms 37:5 - our Christian walk
B. Proverbs 16:3 - our Christian service
C. Proverbs 13:17 - witnessing
D. Malachi 3:8 - tithes and offerings
E. Hebrews 10:25 & Acts 2:42 - church participation
IV. The greatest hindrance to commitment is procrastination (to put off doing something until
A. Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 (LB) “When you vow (a solemn promise; declare emphatically &
earnestly) to God that you will do something, don’t delay in doing it. Keep your promise
to Him. It is far better not to say you will do something than to say you will and then not
do it.”
B. Matthew 25:40 “inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did
it to me”--so when you make commitments to natural men and women, you need to see
it as making commitments or vows to God

V. Conclusion to course
A. When serving in obedience to God costs you something and it becomes unpleasant to
your flesh, keep on obeying and serving anyway
B. The effect will be increase in humility, holiness, submission, integrity, discipline and
faithfulness resulting in a greater commitment to God and a more Christ-like life style
Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 17
A Biblical Illustration of Spiritual Faith in God

Nehemiah and Debra and Esther

I. Introduction
A. Nehemiah was a man of prayer. (1:4,6 ;2:4; 4:4, 9; 5:19; 6:14)
B. He displayed courage and faith in God’s Word. (6:11)
C. He had concern for people (2:8), even in fasting and prayer (1:4-6).
D. Exhibited foresight (2:8), when he asked for letters of passage and for timber.
E. He did not act too hastily (2:11).
F. He empathized with the people in their problems (4:10-12; 5:1-5)
G. He was impartial (no respect of person). He censured the rulers and nobles (5:7).
II. Methods of leadership used by Nehemiah:
A. Raised morale by assuring them (2:20; 8:10).
B. Generous in appreciation and encouragement (2:18; 4:6).
C. Prompt to deal with potential causes of weakness.
1. Got the people’s attention on God and properly armed (4:10-16).
2. Harnessed the strength of the family unit (5:1-5).
3. Appealed for immediate restitution when the people were disillusioned by greed
and heartlessness of their rich brethren (5:11).
D. Restored authority of God's Word (8:1-8).
E. Used organizing skills (2:11-16) even down to the paper work.
F. Wise delegation (7:2).
G. Stood the test of opposition (4:9), with prayer (vs. 16), natural and spiritual effort (vs. 20)
and maintained faith in God.
H. Obtained results (6:15) and gave credit to God (vs. 16).

III. Deborah showed great faith in God when she obeyed God’s call to be the spiritual leader and
prophetess over all of Israel. She led her people to victory.
IV. Esther showed great courage by going to the King and eventually telling him of the problem,
and in asking for help, and in leading her people to pray and fast for God to rescue her nation.

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 18

Overcoming Temptations That Hinder Your Faith

I. Introduction
A. Temptations do not stop when we get saved, or when we become a leader.
B. To live a life pleasing to God is a battle of discipline. (1 Samuel 17:47
C. Any weakness to temptations limits the anointing and hinders our faith.
D. Romans 7:22-25 A war continues throughout our lives, but we are winners just like Paul.
E. Devil goes about as a roaring lion. (1 Peter 5:8)
II. Facts about temptation:
A. Temptation is from the devil and never from God. Difference between test and temptation.
1. Matthew 6:13 prayer for deliverance from temptation
2. Mark 4:1 led by Spirit, but tempted by the devil.
3. James 1:13 friend (teacher, God) vs. adversary
B. All are tempted, even Jesus "in all points" therefore He knows how to deliver us out of
temptation. (Hebrews 4:15, 1 Corinthians 10:13) God brings way of escape.
C. Temptation is not a sin. 1 John 1:1 Goal is not to sin, but if we do we have God's help,
which is forgiveness 1 John 1:9 God gives power and authority to overcome James
1:13-16 Deal with temptation while it is a thought, before it becomes sin Matthew 5:21-
D. Temptation is resistible because Jesus died. Galatians 2:20 See yourself as dead to
temptations. Ephesians 2:22 You are a dwelling place of God 1 Corinthians 3:16 You
are temple, so do not be led into temptation.
E. Satan always comes with deception. He lies, gives half-truths. His goal is to steal kill
and destroy (i.e. drugs, alcohol, sex outside of marriage)
F. Temptation comes through the senses
III. How to keep yourself from temptation
A. Always pray. Matthew 6:13 "Lead us not into temptation..." Help me Lord. We should
be like the 5 wise virgins who had a plentiful oil supply (Matthew 25:4).
B. Stay in the Word .John 8:32 "truth sets free..." (John 17:1-26,15:7) "abide" (Josh 1:8)
"meditate" (Psalms 119:11, 105) Temptation starts with thought, therefore renew your
mind (Romans 12:2) Cannot think on Word and evil at same time. (Philippians 4:8)
Decide to think on the Word.
C. Follow Jesus' example. Move away from those being used by the devil. Jesus changed
circumstances and would go away to pray. Watch relationships that do not direct you
toward God.
D. Act. Do what you have to do. Do not leave temptations around (music, TV,
pornography). Devil wants to stop your effectiveness by keeping you impure and
powerless. (James 1:22)
E. Show compassion. Love those who fall into sin (Galatians 6:1). Jesus with woman of
Samaria (John 4:1-26, 39-42) and adulteress that Jesus restored (John 8:3-11). By
sharing love and gentleness we overcome.
F. When tempted look for God's way of escape. God is always faithful to provide option;
sin is a choice. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
G. Look for the source of the temptation. The temptation is only the symptom, and not the
ROOT. Find the root of it and you will find the source. For example, if you are being
tempted to look at pornography, what is the source? Pray and ask God to show you the
why behind it. It may be rooted in your childhood and there may be many reason. God
deep. Do not be afraid to search your heart. God already knows why you do this, and
He is not shocked by your reasons. Uncover the sources. He that exposes and
confesses His sin will find mercy, not he or she that covers it. Proverbs 28:13. Write
down a list of how you are feeling before you are tempted, as this will give you clues to
the roots of it. For example, let’ say you are tempted with pornography and you write
down the following feelings you have before you are tempted: loneliness, fear of failure,
fight with spouse, feelings of rejection by spouse, and church, fear of never being good
enough, fear of never being loved. Now, go deeper. Ask yourself, why do I feel like a
failure, or feel rejected, or have a fear of never being good enough or being loved… you
are getting to the root. For example: I feel lonely because my spouse is always busy
with the home or church and does not make me a priority. This makes me feel rejected
and this hurts because I was rejected as a child, as well. I never feel good enough and
never feel truly worthy of love, because I was never truly accepted or shown much love
as a child. This makes me feel worthless, and brings fear. Now you have found the
roots. Here are the roots of the sin of your pornography: rejection during childhood,
fears of not being wanted or valued.
H. Healing Prayer for the roots of the sin: Now it is time to pray against the roots of your
sin, for God to remove them. This may take many times, for you may have other roots to
this sin, that you do not discover in the one sitting. To remove the root, one must
confess the sin and receive healing of it by inviting Jesus to come into the painful
memories and heal them. Pray this out loud: “Dear Jesus, please forgive me for my
sin, please come into the painful past memory of __________________(ex: abuse,
rejected by parents, etc.,) this made me feel painful memories of
______________________ (ex: rejection, shame, fear; etc.) and I ask you to come
into this memory right now of _________________ and hold me, and give me your
love, peace, hope, and _______________, for you were with me, even during this
traumatic event of ________________, for you are omnipresent, and everywhere at
all times, so I was never alone, though I felt like it. I now give you my pain, fear, hurt,
rejection, shame, and feelings of ___________________ and I watch you take those
bad feelings from me, as I now see myself give them to you, and you now give me
your peace, love, hope and ____________ instead. I see myself now reach out and
take them. I receive your peace, love, hope and ______________ in this memory. I
now watch you heal me and ______________ (state what you need) and I look back
at that memory now with peace, and healing, for you were with me. I watch you
rescue me out of the memory now and lead me out of it, forever, and I am no longer
trapped in this memory. I am free of it. You now close the door of it forever and I am
free of all those painful memories. The memory now is filled with your peace, your
glory, and your healing. I receive healing now from this pain and from
____________. Now I am free and healed. Thank you, Jesus, in Jesus name amen.”
IV. Examples
A. Joseph overcame temptation by fleeing (Exodus 39:3,5,9-20). Get away from the sin
and do not be near things that tempt you. If pornography tempts you, use a filter on
the computer that blocks pornography website, or get rid of internet. Better to not
have internet, then to go to hell.
B. David made a wrong choice to not go to war, then a wrong choice to watch
Bathsheba bath, then he began thinking lustful thoughts, and then he acted upon it.
(2 Samuel 11:1-4). Perhaps David was having fear of losing the battle against his
enemies, and was feeling unloved. Perhaps David felt rejection from his father, from
always being sent away as a child to herd the flocks alone, and had not been healed
of the pain of it. We do not know. We do know, that David prayed healing prayers of
repentance and received forgiveness and inner healing. (Psalms 32)
C. Repentance drew David back to God ( 2 Samuel 6:10)

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 19

The Weapons of Our Warfare to Overcome the World

I. The greatest unused energy in the world today is the power within the Church
A. We are continually in a battle, corporately and individually
B. The gifts of the Spirit have been given to the Church, as weapons of warfare
1. In order to win the fight, you must go to battle, with your weapons properly
2. In order to do that, must know what the gifts are, where they are from, and
how they operate
3. By understanding them you will gain the knowledge of their true greatness
and allow operating in them to become a vital part in your life
II. The ministry we do here on earth is directed by and through the power of the Holy Spirit
and functions through the framework of the gifts of the Spirit
A. Jesus, our example
1. When He came to earth, He ministered not as God but as a man directed by
the HOLY SPIRIT, functioning within the framework of the gifts
a) This ministry was directed by and through the power of the Holy Spirit
b) All the miracles He performed were the result of a gift of the Spirit
operating at that time
2. You will learn more about his in the course “Life of Christ”
B. John 14:12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I
do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My
1. Every believer has a right to use every gift
2. However, we are not to use them as we will but as the Holy Spirit wills (1
Corinthians 12:11 “But one and the same Spirit works all these things,
distributing to each one individually as He wills” (can readily see this verse
is talking about the gifts when you read the scriptures above this one which
lists the nine gifts of the Spirit)
3. To operate successfully in the gifts, we are to listen to the voice of the Spirit
and obey immediately
C. The body of Christ is always an advancing army, not one that retreats; we are to
have total victory and not know defeat
1. We are to put on the whole armor of God found in Ephesians 6:13-18
2. We are to cloth ourselves with the gifts of the Spirit
III. We are to be God’s vessels that reach out to save the world we live in
A. The world cannot be won through the government, organizations (such as Save
the Children, Save the Environment, etc.) or by strengths of numbers but by the
Spirit of God (Zechariah 4:6 “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says
the Lord of hosts”)
1. God does not need an army of men

a) A mighty battle can be won with just a few people when they use
their weapons properly
b) God used Gideon and 300 men to destroy tens of thousands of the
enemy (Judges 7-8)
2. He needs sincere and dedicated people whose hearts are fully turned to
Him and who know how to be guided by the Holy Spirit and function through
the framework of the gifts
3. This is what we will be learning about in this course
B. It is the power of God flowing through the body of Christ that convinces
people God is real and powerful
1. Our warfare is not carnal but spiritual (Ephesians 6:12 “We do not
wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual
hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”
2. When Jesus returns He wants to come back for a Church that is
winning victory after victory and setting men free by the power of
IV. The gifts as our weapons of warfare
A. Spiritual gifts are given to equip us for God's service, not to puff us up
1. When they are functioning within and through us they become the
artillery we need to destroy the works and power of the devil
2. The gifts are dynamic and dangerous to the enemy
B. Spiritual gifts are weapons God has given us to fight our battles
1. We must never underestimate their strength, power and usefulness
2. We must learn about them and continuously study them until they
function through us
a) First, we learn of their existence
b) Next, we learn how to avail ourselves to them
c) Then, we learn their proper usage
C. Spiritual gifts are to be used as much out on the streets where the people are as in
church services
1. Example: Jesus
a) The gifts of the Spirit came into operation when He faced the people such
as the Gadarene demoniac (Luke 8:26-36)
b) In this situation, like most Jesus faced, He had to know things that
normally could not be known by the physical eyes or ears
2. If you desire the gifts to function in your life, must be a person of action; one who
is doing God's work by bringing God's Word and power to the people that need it
D. We can expect God to move the same way today as He did in the early church
recorded in the Bible (Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 20

Power Gifts
< Gift of Faith >

There are gifts of the Spirit that are given to believers who are baptized in the Holy Spirit. The second
category of gifts is the power gifts: the gift of faith, the working of miracles and the gifts of healing.
Every believer has a measure of faith, and this faith can grow and mature, as one learns and believes
the Word of God, but there is also a “gift of faith” that is a spiritual gift of the Holy Spirit, which is given
to different believers who have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in
tongues. This is a different kind of faith than the measure of faith all believers receive at salvation. If
one wants to overcome the world, it is important to ask Jesus to baptize one in the Holy Spirit and to
seek the gifts the Lord wants to impart to one, because this helps one to overcome the world. It is
much easier to serve God and live a life of victory when one has been baptized in the Holy Spirit, and
because Jesus commands us to “wait for the power from on High,” and to “be filled with the Spirit.”
Remember, at salvation, the Holy Spirit lives in one’s heart, (the Indwelling) but baptism is a separate
event, (the Infilling) where one yields all its members to the Holy Spirit, and becomes baptized in the
Holy Spirit, being spiritually immersed under the Holy Spirit’s love and anointing. A great power
comes upon one who has been baptized in the Holy Spirit, and this power is from God and is the Holy
Spirits working, to overcome sin, self and to do the mighty works of God. This kind of spiritual gift,
called the “gift of faith”, which is a power gifting is discussed as follows:

I. General
A. There are different kinds of faith
1. Saving faith
a) Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that
not of yourselves; it is the gift of God”
b) This faith is in operation when a person hears the Gospel, believes it and
accepts Jesus in his heart and is saved
2. Fruit of faith - Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith (faithfulness), gentleness, self-control...”
a) The fruit of faith is actually faithfulness
b) It deals with our character, the gift of faith deals with the power of God
3. General faith - Mark 11:24 “Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask
when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them”
a) This is the faith by which we ordinarily receive answers to prayer
b) Answers come because you believe God and His Word by faith
4. Natural faith - Romans 12:3 “...God has dealt to each man a measure of faith”
a) Every person has been given a measure of faith
b) This is the kind of faith a farmer has when he sows seed. He plants the
seed believing (having faith) that it will grow into a healthy crop
B. Definition - God’s bringing to pass a supernatural change
1. It is a special faith that supernaturally achieves what is impossible to achieve in
the natural
a) Acts that take place through the gift of faith cannot be explained and
cannot normally be done by a human
b) There is no human strength involved in it
2. The gift of faith has to do with the functioning of God in you and through you but
with no human strength involved on your part
a) In whatever area it works, it works independent of you
b) You do nothing about it; God does it all for you
C. It can operate in areas of divine protection and divine provision
D. It is unlimited because God is the source of its energy
II. Examples in the Bible
A. Elijah – 1 Kings 17:2-6 when he was fed by the ravens -- supernatural provision
1. Its beyond human reasoning to think ravens would feed him
B. Daniel - Daniel 6:16-23 in the lion’s den -- supernatural protection
1. Vs. 23 “no manner of hurt was found on in because he believed God”
2. Daniel did nothing, yet he received the miracle of deliverance
III. Examples of the manifestation of the gift of faith and its working with other gifts
A. The gift of faith and the working of miracles
1. The gift of faith is given by the Spirit to believers to receive miracles whereas
working of miracles is given by the Spirit to a believer, so He might work
a) The gift of faith is passive; the working of miracles is active
b) The gift of faith is a process; the working of miracles is an act
c) Many times, they work together
2. Example: give personal
B. Raising of the dead
1. The twelve disciples were given the power to raise the dead
2. But they were the only group mentioned in the Bible who were given this power
a) The 70 were not given it
b) Nor in the Great Commission given as a charge to the Church found in
Mark 15:16-18 do we see anything about raising the dead
3. Does this mean we are not to raise the dead? No, it does not mean this
4. However, it must be the Holy Spirit telling us to do so because it takes the
supernatural gifting of all three power gifts working together to raise the dead
a) Supernatural faith to call the spirit back when it has left the body
b) Working of miracles to raise the person
c) Gifts of healing to heal the person of what he/she died from to begin with
C. Casting out devils
1. Gift of faith and either discerning of spirits or word of knowledge
D. Laying on of hands
1. Anyone can believe with another with general faith to receive
2. But when it comes to the manifestation of something taking place through one
individual to another by the laying on of hands, that is a power gift in action
3. If healing is manifested when laying on of hands, that is the gifts of healing in
4. If blessings are manifested such as being filled with the Spirit through the laying
on of hands, that is the gift of faith
E. Supernatural blessings pronounced that can change the course of one’s life
1. In the Old Testament a father imparted blessings to the oldest son that
manifested through the gift of faith

Lecture and Reading/Scripture Outline 21

How to Be Led by the Spirit, Which Increases Your Faith

I. Introduction
A. There are many Scriptural ways we can be led, some of them being
1. The written Bible, Fleece
2. Prophetic Word
3. Audible voice, Dreams/visions
4. However, we are mainly led by a still small voice that comes from within us
B. There are many voices we hear
1. Voice of the world
2. Voice of the devil
3. Voice of God
4. Also, each of our three-part being (spirit, soul, body) has a voice we hear
a) Body - flesh
b) Soul - intellect
c) Spirit - conscience
II. What we want to train ourselves to do is to know the voice of God and to know where to listen
for His voice
A. God uses our human spirit to guide us
1. Every human spirit has a voice whether they are born again or not
2. That voice is called our conscience or intuition (an inner voice of guidance)
3. When we become born again, our human spirit becomes regenerated
4. The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in our spirit and gives us the life and nature of
5. God through the Holy Spirit uses our conscience (the voice of our human spirit)
to guide us
a) We are used to listening to it (Example: a child)
b) This is how He can use it and why He uses it
B. The believer’s conscience (the voice of his spirit) becomes the voice of the Holy Spirit,
the still small voice that comes from within
1. John 16:13 - the Holy Spirit speaks not of Himself but only what He hears
2. Romans 9:1 (Amp) “my conscience, enlightened by the Holy Spirit”
III. How to train ourselves to listen to that voice
A. Meditate in the Word - Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your
mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according
to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will
have good success”
B. Practice the Word - James 1:22 “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only,
deceiving yourselves”
C. Give the Word first place in your life - Proverbs 4:20-22 “My son, give attention to my
words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them
in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to all their
D. Instantly obey the voice of the Spirit
IV. How to know the voice of the Spirit
A. Distinguishing between the mind and the spirit
1. Satan communicates through our mind and God communicates through our spirit
a) Because of this, it is important to learn to distinguish what is coming from
our mind and what is coming from our spirit
(1) It is knowledge of the Word of God that gives us the ability to
(2) Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and powerful, and
sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of
soul and spirit...”
(3) The more Word we have in us, the more we will be able to
distinguish what is coming from our mind and what is coming from
our spirit
(4) The Holy Spirit, who is the still small voice coming from our spirit,
will always agree with the Word
2. Also, we purify our mind by obeying the Spirit
a) 1 Peter 1:22 “Since you have purified your souls (mind, will and
emotions) in obeying the truth through the Spirit...”
b) The more we instantly obey the still small voice in us, the less Satan will
be able to use our minds to convince us not to obey that voice
B. Inner peace
1. Colossians 3:15 (Amp) “Let the peace from Christ act as your umpire (guide)
continually in your hearts (inner man) deciding and settling with finality all
questions that arise in your mind”
2. Romans 8:6 “ be spiritually minded (led by the Spirit) is life and peace”
3. Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You,
because he trusts in You”
V. Developing hearing the voice of the Spirit
A. Understand you hear His voice by faith
1. Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please (God)”
2. You have to believe by faith you hear His voice and act on it -- God will back you
B. Confess you hear His voice
1. John 10:3-5 “I hear His voice and I follow Him because I know His voice and a
stranger’s I will not follow”
C. Practice hearing His voice
1. One knows one’s spouses voice, and no one can deceive the spouse into
thinking he or she is not hearing his or her’s spouse’s voice when he or she is!
2. Why--because they have heard their own spouse’s voice for many years
3. It is the same with the voice of the Holy Spirit--the more you hear it, the easier it
is to distinguish it
4. Practice hearing His voice--grocery store

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