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My self presentation

C.N. „I.L. Caragiale”, Ploiesti

Tudor Diana

My name is Diana Tudor and I’m a sophomore in high school.

Everyone can agree that I’m not the easiest person to get along with,
but once you get to know me, you come to realize that I’m actually
quite a sociable person with a good sense of humour. I like to think of
myself as an ambitious and hardworking student, I’m also a pretty
competitive person.
My favourite subjects in school are science, physics especially, and
English. I love discovering new things and wondering about what
makes the Universe exist. My passion for English started when I was
little thanks to my English teacher back then.
When it comes to hobbies I actually enjoy cooking, especially baking.
I use to joke around that I will eventually end up as a baker. Other
hobbies include cycling, reading, and spending time with family and
friends. I also enjoy painting and sketching portraits.
I know the Universe is not a perfect place and I hope to fix its little
imperfections. What I’ve come to understand is that life is a journey,
which unluckily has a common destination for all of us. But the part
about life is that the destination doesn’t matter, what really counts it’s
the paths we choose to follow or which we craft on our own; it may
not always be smooth sailing, but that’s fine because we all learn from
zeniths and nadirs which shape us.

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