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1) Purpose

• Definition
Disinfection - Killing or inactivating pathogens
(Pathogens: Disease-producing microorganisms)
[Bacteria, viruses , protozoa ]

Purpose of Disinfection
To protect public health by preventing the spread of water
born diseases by disinfecting drinking and wastewater to an
acceptable level.

2) Properties of Good Disinfectant

1.Effective &Efficient in destroying all kinds of pathogenic bacteria.

2.Fast-acting within a reasonable contact time at normal temperature.

3.Safe to transport ,store , handle and use.


5.Gives residual asonable cost, &form and Economical. Non toxic Measureable
concentration in treated water.
6.Adaptability 3
3) Indicator microorganism
• The presence of pathogenic microorganism is shown by indicator

• Their presence shows that pollution has occurred and

suggests the TYPE and LEVEL of pollution.

•Indicator microorganism properties:

– Can be used for all types of water
– Always present when pathogen is present
– Always absent when pathogen is absent
– Easily experimented and give reliable results

• Common indicator organisms are Coliforms bacteria E‐coli

1. Physical Agents : Heat , Sunlight (Solar disinfection)

2. Mechanical Means(ultrasonic vibration, membrane filtration ,

Screening , Sedimentation 50 to 90% , and so on.. )

3. Radiation (Ultraviolet radiation , Gamma)

4. Chemical oxidants
• Halogens (Chlorine Cl2 , Bromine, Iodine ,…..)
• Chlorine dioxide (ClO2)
• Chloramines (NH2Cl, NHCl2, NCl3)
• Ozone (O3)

5) Disinfection Mechanisms
• Damaging the cell wall of pathogenic organisms
• Altering cell permeability,
• Altering the colloidal nature of the protoplasm
• Inhibiting enzyme activity
• Interfering with metabolism
• Hindering growth
• alters cell DNA so that the organism is sterilized
• Damaging nucleic acids and preventing from replicating
1. Contact time
The longer the contact time the greater the kill is.

2. Temperature
Disinfection is more effective at high water temperatures

3- Mixing
(Adequate mixing is very important to ensure the reaction)

4. Kind and concentration of disinfectant

• Type and dose of disinfectant are important to achieve the desired goal.
• The larger the disinfectant dose the greater the kill is.

5. Kind and concentration of organisms

• The larger number of organisms, the longer is the time required for a given

• Beside the need to high concentration of the used disinfectant as in case of

presence of viruses and cysts
6. pH of Water
pH value has a significant effect on the efficiency of disinfection. The lower
the pH the more effective the chlorine disinfection (pH values < 7.2 are
more easily disinfected).

7 . Characteristics of Water

• Suspended Solids may shield bacteria from the action of the

disinfectant and Particulate matter may absorb chlorine .

• Turbidity
Turbid waters tend to react with chlorine reducing its residual concentration
Turbidity is also influenced by the water source

• Some compounds may react with the disinfectant resulting in a

reduced efficiency (Ammonia, Nitrates, Iron & Manganese )
• Organic matter
It reacts with chlorine so that it has only weak disinfectant
properties. 8
7) Heat

• boil water
• Small scale, for emergencies

8) Chlorination
Chlorination is the most commonly used method of water


1.Cheap gas.

2.Stable gas which can be transported and stored along time.

3.Residual for network protection


5.Simple equipment required.

1. Very corrosive.

2. Dangerous gas which needs careful handling.

3. Produces taste and odor.

4. Chlorine reacts with organic compound in water resulting

carcinogenic compounds (disinfection by-products DBPs as
formation of TriHaloMethanes (THM))

Purpose of Chlorination

1. Destruction of bacteria. (through the germicidal effects of chlorine)

2. Destruction of some taste and odor- producing compounds.

3. Control of algae growth in treatment plants units.

4. Oxidation of Iron Fe2+ & Manganese Mn2+, and Hydrogen Sulfide H2S

9) Chloramines (Chlorine and Ammonia)

• Chloramines formation
• HOCl + NH3 <=> NH2Cl + H2O (Monochloramine) at pH >
• NH2Cl + HOCl <=> NHCl2 + H2O (Dichloramine) at pH about
• NHCl2 + HOCl <=> NCl3 + H2O (Trichloramine)

Chloramines (Chlorine and Ammonia)

• Ammonia gas NH3 is applied first and then chlorine gas is added
‫إتحاد الكلور مع األمونيا تنتج أكاسيد نيتروجينية قابلة لإلنفحار لذا نضيف األمونيا للماء ونتأكد من امتزاجها ثم نضيف الكلور‬
}‫ولذلك استخدامها محدود {يعمل الماء كوسط عازل يمنع تكون تلك األكاسيد‬

• Chlorine to ammonia ratios for chloramines formation 3:1 to 4:1.

• The dose of 0.25 chlorine to 0.06 Ammonia is most popular.
. ‫• ¼جرعة الكلور المضافة الجرعة المضافة فى حالة الكلور وحده لذلك هو أرخص‬

• The contact time in this case is usually 60 min.

• The kill rate of bacteria is slower than chlorine gas alone, but last longer.
• Used in swimming pools


1-More economy in water treatment (Smaller chlorine dose)

2-No taste or odor are produced in water

3- More efficient as the whole chlorine dose is directed towards killing bacteria
only and not absorbed by organic matter in water.

1-More difficult because of the addition of two chemicals .

2- Danger of forming highly explosive substances [Nitrogen Trichloride]

(mixing the gases before applying to water)

3- Ammonia is a food of nitrifying bacteria which may remove ammonia before

it is available for the action of chlorine resulting in increasing nitrite content of

4- Chloramines are effective against bacteria but not viruses

10) Ozonation O3

• Ozone is unstable gas but very active in killing bacteria.

• It is stronger than Chlorine

• It has powerful oxidizing effect causing rapid & effective disinfection of clear water.

• it is a 50 percent stronger oxidizer than chlorine

• Ozone is generated by passing thoroughly filtered air through tubes or between plates
where high-voltage electric discharge occurs, changing part of the oxygen air to ozone (O2
to O3).

• Equipment installed at each treatment plant consists of air filters, blowers, dryers, ozone
generator and ozone adsorption facilities.

• Ozone systems are highly automated and very reliable.

Ozonation O3
1- A powerful oxidant oxidizes impurities over a wide temperature &pH ranges.
2- Improve potability of water.
3- More effective and need shorter contact time than chlorine.
4-Destroys and removes Algae

1. It must be manufactured on site.
2. High cost : very expensive to produce (2-3 times higher than chlorine)
3. Very unstable and cannot be stored
4. More complicated than chlorine.

11) Ultra -Violet (UV) Radiation
• An electromagnetic radiation beyond the blue end of the light spectrum.
• By exposing water to the ultra-violet radiation with wave length between 4000 and 12000 A
(angstroms) which is from just below visible light to soft X-rays.
• The contact time in this case is usually 2-3 seconds.
• Fouling of lamps is the challenge
1. An effective method in short contact periods.
2. No chemicals added.
3. Does not produce taste or odor.
4. Independent on pH, temperature, and other materials in water
5. Cost effective
6. Relative simplicity
1. The water must be clear and the lamps must be kept clean all times.
2. It is very unstable and cannot be stored
3. High cost.
4. Lack of residual in water
5. Needs well trained workers
6. Even a low concentration of iron in the water will absorb ultra violet light;
even the water is clear to visible light.
12) Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2)
• ClO2 is a very effective form of chlorination
• It is currently used in about 13% of the drinking water treatment
facilities in US
• It is generated on site from sodium chlorite and chlorine gas.
1. More powerful oxidant than chlorine
2. Effective at higher pH than other forms of chlorination
3. Oxidation of all metals including iron and manganese.
4. Improvement in taste, color, and odors
5. Algae destruction

1. Unstable (must produced on-site)
2. Expensive (costs of equipments and sodium chlorite are high)
3. Highly explosive gas [at levels above 10% in air] so needs careful handling.
4. Requires a great deal of technical expertise
5. No lasting residuals
6. High chemical hazards.

13) Chlorine Applications Processes(Modes) in Water Treatment

Position Dose Purpose

Kill bacteria, safety for network against pollution
Simple Chlorination
After filtration 0.5 -1.5 mg/l
(Post Chlorination)

Before coagulation Prevents algae growth in sedimentation tank and

Pre- Chlorination 5 – 10 mg/l
and after LLP decreases bacterial load in the filter

Double Chlorination Simple + Pre- Chlorination

Super chlorination After filtration 2 – 3 mg/l Providing safety against harmful bacteria

From the curve

Break point Chlorination After filtration To ensure the residual chlorine is free

DeChlorination Removal of excess Cl2 by Aeration , Activated Carbon

After filter or C.W. R. – & Chemical Additions

14) Selection of Disinfectant
The selection of the most desirable oxidant is dependent upon
a number of factors including :
1. Process requirements
2. Operational cost
3. Chemical safety
4. Operational complexity

Pre –chlorination

1. Improve coagulation (coagulant aid)

2. Controlling algae and bacteria in sedimentation tank and on the filter
3. To destroy taste-, odor- and color-producing materials by oxidation
4. Minimize operational problems
5. ƒReducing the amount of chemicals needed to adjust pH
6. ƒReduce frequency of cleaning sand filters
7. To provide a safety factor in disinfecting heavily contaminated waters.

• Dechlorination is removal of excess residual chlorine from
• Due to a very low chlorine demand of a specific water supply, it might happen that there is in the
water an undesirable excess amount of chlorine, which must be removed.

• High effluent residual chlorine concentrations are toxic to fish and aquatic

Methods used for dechlorination include:

1) Chemical additions:
2) Activated carbon
3) Aeration .
4) Boiling the affected water


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