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To whom it may concern

It is pleasure for me to write this recommendation for Mr. Muhammad Wajid Ul Mulk s/o
Jamshed Ul Mulk. He was a regular student of MSc Information Technology for session 2018-
2020 under Roll # 01161811003 in the Institute of Information Technology, Quaid-i-Azam
University, Islamabad.

I taught him “Discrete Mathematics” and “Operating System” courses. I have seen numerous
cases of his abilities and was inspired by his diligence and hard-working attitude, I understand
that Muhammad Wajid Ul Mulk is applying for master position program at your institution, I
would suggest him for confirmation and acceptance.

Rest assured the applicant can easily outdo various assignments with positive outcomes, earning
the admiring of both school and administration. He has strong analytical skills and perseverance
needed for a good researcher. He has reliably shown a capacity to meet people’s high expectation
every time.

Being his mentor for two years, I have observed that Muhammad Wajid Ul Mulk has a strong
character and find it easy to work with others. Provided enough environment and resources, he
can excel in his field and come up with extra ordinary ideas that may worth noticing in future.

I wholeheartedly recommend Muhammad Wajid Ul Mulk as a prospective research student. In

fact, I would think of few students whom I recommend as highly. I can also envision Muhammad
Wajid Ul Mulk as highly competent innovative IT Professional in near future. Please contact me
if any thing else I can do on his behalf.


Dr. Munawar Iqbal

Assistant Professor
Institute of Information Technology
Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan

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