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. , . frT?ffil$iurryEns¡r¡r¡r


Name vt ll 2o2o

Estimado Estudiante una vez nado el examen deberá env¡arlo

Únicamente al Campus Virtual en el horario n cronograma.

f ) Fill in the blanks with the conect form of the verb "TO Be"(am,is,arel lr2 Puntos)
a) You c¡r € student.
b) t\ly father b an engineer
c) I C¡il\ ateacher.
d) Julio and Victor rr.r c friends.
2) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "a, an" {2 Puntos)

a) (1,t1 American
b) Peruvian
c) Ll\ Photographer
d) ün ish teacher
3) Answer these questions .Use full answer. (2 Puntos)

a) l¡,t::
b) Are you an English student?
y'r:,, .\ .,¡ ¡

c) ls Mary a
üo, sh" (A A,"l-,
d) Are you Peruvian?

4) Complete the conversation with these words: (a, am, an, are, is, you.) (2 Puntos)

A.' fiil I ¿\vv\ John Smith. What 5 your name?

B: I ¿ur\ l\4arie.
A: And what I 1 your last name?
B: Illy last name , 5
the United Stated, Marie? ,'ll ,,' '-i,. - i r.;¡ r | ' ,' r; 1 i.J ¡Ll*= ?
B: No, I (\Yv\ from Canada.
A: Oh? What city ¿\( (: you from?
B: I (\\.. 1 from [\,4ontreal.
A: Well, good-bye.see you later.
B: Yeah, see you .take care.

5) Chose THIS or THESE. (2 Puntos)

-'Itr] .':
a) r are your books.
"J t¿rrs book is interesting
c) 1 V\LS lesson is simple.
o) ñ.s.- questions are difficult.

6) Trarrslate the phrases into English language. (2 Puntos)

1. El Niño saludable. x.'J
2. Computadora nueva. n?j,
3. Hombre guapo.
4. La mujer delgada. rn n
5. El hombre gordo.

7) Translate the verbs in parentheses to the English language. (2 Puntos)

a) Elizabeth ,-J,,, I her hcmework well.

b) lviarcos usuaily trr-t:. lu¡ch at noon


c) we rtr"Ar English every day


d) Margaret andl WYt le retters.


8) Transform these sentences into questions. (Use do - does) (2 Puntos)

a) The students study hard every day

"0. +{". \A*á------ú----!

e^ret1 Jo-1p
"l"J*L "&.\ .f .

b) ivlary takes a bus to school.

Oo* l{* .¡. tus "L .ü.o I ?

c) i iisten to the radio in the evening

oo i \i' 1"nt 1" {". roá,o ,^'Dq eve nl


9i Change to plural nouns. (2 Puntos)

Reqular lrrequlars
Egg áqRt Foot f-"1
Bus B,¡ses [\lan l*ten

Body 8oJ;.. 6¡¡¡6 ohi\J""1

Monkey-t'[olr:E Woman \Á*leY^Q i^

10) Put have or has in these sentences. (2 Puntos)

a) She i'r..Li to study Engiish.

b) I \ri-'-u ' I; go now.

c) i- r ' to go to ihe dentist.


d) tVlarcos \.,'.! to get up early tomorrow.

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