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The Importance of Explicit Classroom Rules

Anne Kissinger
EDU 348 Classroom Organization & Management
The Importance of Explicit Classroom Rules

The Importance of Classroom Rules

Rules are an integral part of functionality. Where there are rules, there are expectations

and guidelines of how to act and behave. Rules affect our everyday life and are there to keep us

safe. Rules apply with jobs, public property, homes, and most other places. Rules are put into

play as an integral part of functionality so individuals know what is expected of them. Parents

establish rules within the house so their children learn respect and understand that things are not

just given to them. Just the same, schools establish rules and guidelines so that the school can

operate. The purpose of establishing school-wide rules is to promote a healthy environment that

students can feel safe at, are respected, treated equally and know how to behave. All individuals

thrive on consistency and clear expectations.

Managing classrooms has continued to be a difficult task that many educators struggle

with today. Problems like verbal disruptions, students being easily distracted and off-task, and

noncompliance are some of the most common behaviors that pose a challenge in classrooms

(Alter, Walker, & Landers, 2013). While typically all schools have rules and expectations set

into play, the effectiveness lies in how explicit these rules are. Without explicit rules, students do

not see the importance as there is a lot of grey area. For example, the rule, “ Be good in the

hallways,” is not clear enough and allows students to infer that they can be loud, touch other

people and run around because it was not explicitly stated otherwise. Classroom management

becomes a problematic task without setting clear rules.

In order to establish a healthy and safe environment in a school setting, faculty and staff

need to create explicit school rules where acceptable and unacceptable behavior are clearly
The Importance of Explicit Classroom Rules
stated. Not only do these rules need to be explicit, but they need to apply outside the classroom

as well. Places like the hallway, lunchroom, recess area, the gym, the auditorium and many other

locations need to be highlighted as well within these rules. Through students' understanding of

the schools’ explicit rules and expectations, positive student behavior is enhanced and bad habits

and behaviors diminish. This establishment in turn creates an orderly, healthy environment

where learning can thrive.

A simple way to begin instilling explicit rules in the classroom and school is by teaching

rules like any other lesson. This could be the first lesson of the school year taught and explained

to the students. By discussing each rule individually, explaining the rationale behind each one,

and giving concrete examples, students can gain a better understanding of positive and negative

behaviors in the classrooms and what is expected of them (Shalaway, 2010). If possible, the

teacher should make an effort to create classroom rules through a class discussion. Making the

list with the students allows students to have a better and deeper understanding of why they need

to follow certain rules and how they affect others. Either way, the list should be written explicitly

with set expectations and placed as a constant visual not only in the classroom, but throughout

the school.

Classroom rules are largely beneficial as they are a key part of effective classroom

management. In order for these rules to be effective, expectations must be clear, simple, and be

focused on preventing difficult and challenging behaviors before they happen (Alter & Haydon

2017). Rules such as, be kind, be good all the time and listen, are too vague for students and

leave a grey area for students to misinterpret. Rules should always be meaningful, specific and
The Importance of Explicit Classroom Rules
enforceable. Two of the most important characteristics of effective classroom rules are teaching

and modeling the rules to students and tying the explicit rules to positive and/or negative

consequences (Alter & Haydon, 2017).

Classroom rules are defined as the statements and expectations that teachers present to

the class to describe what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable (Alter & Haydon, 2017).

Multi-tiered systems of support like the School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and

Supports (SW-PBIS) are able to establish rules that they can enforce that become a fundamental

part of the system that helps the school run smoothly (Reinke, Herman, & Sotormont, 2013).

This intervention and support system uses charts that integrate school slogans or acronyms into

school-wide behavior expectations for students.

An example of a group of explicit rules at WD Williams Elementary that is outlined in

their rubric for the school hallways is keeping quiet hands, feet and objects to yourself in the

hallway, knowing where you are going and going directly there, having walking feet,

maintaining a single file, and following directions. WD Williams Elementary uses the acronym

BEST to promote an attitude of being respectful, engaged, safe and trustworthy. These attitudes

are reflected in the explicit writing of the rules. For school hallways, restrooms, buses, cafeteria,

playground, auditorium and classrooms, students are expected to behave a certain way and

understand the importance of these rules.

Another example of an explicit rule is one that a teacher can enforce in the classroom.

For seat work activities, students are expected to hold up a “help” card for help (or a hand

raised), clear the desk of unneeded supplies, sharpen pencils when entering the classroom, and
The Importance of Explicit Classroom Rules
read a book when work is completed. These rules are explicit and can be used in the classroom to

prescribe specific behaviors of the students. These rules should be posted within the classroom as

a constant visual. When rules are created efficiently and monitored closely like these rules for

seat work activities, consequences rarely occur as most students will have an understanding of

how to behave during this time (C. Boynton & M. Boynton, 2005).

Modeling explicit rules is of high importance when dealing with classroom management.

Many times, this part of rules is overlooked and not harped on. Before students can begin to

grasp the meaning behind rules, the teacher must exemplify their expectations. If the teacher

expects the students to listen attentively, follow directions, keep their hands to themselves, etc.,

the educator should make it a priority to model these behaviors constantly. This modeling gives

students an idea of respect and why rules are so important in the classroom. Educators want their

students to not only follow rules, but understand why they are expected to act a certain way.

Rules are in play to respect others, themselves, and objects.

Learning to behave can be just as beneficial and important for students as learning

academic lessons. Educators can largely benefit from this information as it helps them establish a

safe classroom for their students to learn and grow. Educators can have an easier time managing

behavior and classroom disruptions through their implementation and follow through with

explicit classroom and school rules. These rules allow classrooms and school buildings to

become more safe, help keep a positive attitude among faculty, staff and students, more time can

be spent teaching and relationships can be built and strengthened. When teachers are effectively

able to manage their classroom, student success increases and a productive and cooperative
The Importance of Explicit Classroom Rules
learning environment can flourish (Ministry of Education, 2015).

Regarding the topic of the importance of explicit classroom rules, there are some aspects

of it that should be studied more. For example, educators need to make it a priority to enforce

rules. It can be difficult for many educators and school administration to confront students,

parents and possibly other administration, but it is extremely necessary. Whether a teacher has a

hard time with confrontation, doesn’t agree with specific rules and ignores them, or believes they

have other important things to focus on, rules have often been overlooked by some educators.

This directly affects a teachers ability to manage a classroom and the administrations’ ability to

manage the school building (Linton, 2017).

Further actions that can be done to ensure that administration and educators take the

implementation of rules seriously is through meetings open for collaboration. There should be a

school-wide set of rules for hallways, the cafeteria, bathrooms, etc., that the school faculty and

staff create and mutually agree on. This ensures that teachers can be thorough with their

implementation of rules and consequences that can follow. When there is a united administration

that encourages and enforces positive behaviors, students can better understand what is exactly

expected of them.

Another further direction for research is finding how well this would work at a

highschool level. There is quite a bit of information regarding the importance of explicit rules

and how to implement them in elementary and middle school classrooms, but there was little

information about how to continue this in a high school classroom. Despite the different age and

maturity level of students in high school versus elementary and middle school, there is still a
The Importance of Explicit Classroom Rules
need for explicit rules and clear expectations of how to behave. High school is another period of

time where individuals are discovering more about themselves and need structure in their lives.

Further research should be done as to what rules and implementation processes work best for the

highschool level.

All in all, if a teacher wants to establish a classroom where students feel safe, respected

and valued, classroom rules need to be explicit and highlight what to do and what not to do. All

classrooms have rules, but many rules fail as they are too general, are interpreted differently and

not taken as seriously by students and teachers alike. The importance and effectiveness of rules

lie in the verbiage and implementation. In order for rules to stick with students and for them to

understand why they follow them, teachers need to make teaching rules and their follow through

with consequences a priority throughout the school year. Teachers need to collaborate and work

with another to form a united administration that enforces explicit rules and is consistent with

their implementation and consequences. This not only keeps the students behavior in check, but

unites the teachers together. There is room for respect as teachers gain respect for one another,

students gain respect for their teachers, and there is a general respect for the rules that apply

within the school. Whether students are in the classroom, gym, cafeteria, auditorium, library,

playground, hallways, etc., managing these places can be much easier for educators.
The Importance of Explicit Classroom Rules

Alter, P., & Haydon, T. (n.d.). Characteristics of Effective Classroom Rules: A Review of

the Literature - Peter Alter, Todd Haydon, 2017. Retrieved from

Alter, P. J., Walker, J., & Landers, E. (2013). Teacher perceptions of students’

challenging behavior. Education and Treatment of Children, 36(4).

Boynton, Mark, and Christine Boynton. “Chapter 2. Establishing Clearly Defined

Parameters of Acceptable Classroom Behaviors.” ​Establishing Clearly Defined Parameters of

Acceptable Classroom Behaviors,​ 2005,


Harrison, J. R., Vannest, K., Davis, J., & Reynolds, C. (n.d.). Common Problem

Behaviors of Children and Adolescents in General Education Classrooms in the United States -

Judith R. Harrison, Kimberly Vannest, John Davis, Cecil Reynolds, 2012. Retrieved from

Linton, Jack. “Teachers and Administrators Don't Enforce Rules: A Case against School

Dress Codes!” ​I Don't Mean to Offend, but . . . .,​ 12 Feb. 2017,


Lynch, Caroline. “Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS).” ​Positive Behavior

Intervention and Support (PBIS) - W.D. Williams Elementary​, 2020,

The Importance of Explicit Classroom Rules


“What Are the Benefits of Classroom Management?” ​What Are the Benefits of Classroom

Management?,​ Ministry of Education, Guyana, 5 Oct. 2015,


Reinke, W. M., Herman, K. C., & Stormont, M. (2013). Classroom-level positive

behavior supports in schools implementing SW-PBIS: Identifying areas for enhancement.

Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 15, 39-50. doi:10.1177/1098300712459079 (PBIS)

Shalaway, Linda. “Creating Classroom Rules Together.” ​Scholastic,​ 2010,​.

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