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Tai liéu luyén thi t6ng hop VSTEP BAC 2 (A2) Khung nang luc ngoai ngif sdu bac ding cho Viét Nam Nghe + Doc « Viét » Ndi Answer Key & Audio Scripts | 1.8 2.A 356: 4A 5..B Cae a 4.nextto 2. behind 3. in frontof 4. corner _5. between (RRS dia 2.¢ LIALEX 4. a 7 1. library 2. swimming pool 3. cinema 4. Arts Museum Ez = Ae 2 3.8 4.8 5.A CE 1. simple 2. there 3. first 4. easy 5. wait 6. near here 7. Walk 8. through 9. keep 10. cross 2X) z | © 08:15 @ 08:30 @ 11:15 @ 09:20 @ 11:00 @07:15 @ 03:25 @ 09:45 © 06:28 @ 05:30 | ® 10:00 ® 02:30 ® 08.15 haa B 01661467928 | 1. Linh 2. Naazir 3. Bari (oVnaayg Name City Name France B London N Vietnam L San Francisco B Saudi Arabia N Ho Chi Minh City = L Linh 0903 796 855 Naazir 20390375293 Bari 707839116 Er 2. C3 1XQ 3. LSR 3F6 4, GA 31302 5. 115123 CEE : 1T2€ 2.A 3.A 4A 5B PLi.2 EXON é i 1. address 2. line up 3. attention 4. hotline 5. lobby 6. 9.30 7. luggage 8. special 9. 8.00 10. available cease c 2G 3.h 4.4 Saat 6.9 7.b 8.d 2h 3.a 4.f 5.b 6.c 7.9 8.d Caz 2h 3.a 4f 5.b 6.¢ 7.9 8.d kz, : 1A 2UG 3..C 4.8 Buc 6.8 7A [Li.3.EX5.N 1.G 2.8 3.B 4.8 id Ceara i A 1. textbook 2. available 3. ambulance 4. office 5. landing 6. devices 7. 5/five 8. limit 9. broke 10. cleaning E (GERRMAS 1. pillow 2. bed 3. desk 4. sink 5. cooker 6. cupboard 7. fridge 8. television 9. armchair 10. bookcase 11. sofa 1x Dix 37. ee 5 e év 1.nextto 2. between 3. opposite 4. in front of 5. behind Se Answers (from left to right) Top row: 7, 5, 3, 1 Middle row: 8, 2 Bottom row: 4, 6 1. right 2. next to 3. above B. 1. in the corner 2. in front of 3. 8. in the far left corner 9. to the left left 4. next to 4, right 5. against 6. in front of 7. near 10. against 5. on 2h 3.a 4g Sac 6.b 7d 8. f 2h af 4a 5.b 8.g |, Aisa 8 C2EA. fe 2.A Ea 1.8 2.C gue 4A 5.B 6.8 ie 1. repairing 2. computer 3. bus fare 4. post office 5. third stop 6. tickets 7. band 8. for a concert | 9. order 10. delivered 11. pick it up 12. rain | 13. late 14. to get home LA 28 3A 4A 58 6B 7A 8B iA = 1.8 2.4 3.8 4.8 5.A 6.B 7.4 B.A Gio Su viéc 7:00 The girl has got a birthday party. 7:30 The boy is going to the concert. b. “LIE 2.A 3.8 4.E 5.D. 6.C Ti YES 2. NO 3. NO 4. ‘NO 5: YES. 6. YES = aa a [1.4 2.4 3b 4.¢ 5.€ 1, (at least) 12 2. Thursdays 3. Stelham 4. hat 5. London EA te 2.d 3.b 4.f 5. 2. 105 3. pizza 5. Mandy 28 3.a 4.b 5.d 1. 1 hour/one hour/an hour 2. 2019 3. (chocolate) eggs | 4. café 5. £4.00 z_ = Labs 1, Saturday 2.3.45 3. £1.50 4. red and white 5. 9766947 REA = 1. Saturday >. Friday 2.f2 ce £5 | 3. Barley > Barnley 4. 730 > 6.45 5. scheet a bus station 3 se 1. Saturday > Sunday 2. Pop, jazz, and eeuntry > Pop, jazz, and rock 3. 430 > 6.00/6 o'clock 4. 9303547 > 9305547 5. £10 > £7.50 1. Monday 2. dance/Dance 3. bird 4, 625 5. 42 = 1. 17/17th 2. Centre/Center 3. 7.30 4. helicopter 5. Boyle 1, comics 2. textbook 3. menu 4. magazines 5. newspaper 6. diary 7. passport 8. postcard 9. ticket 10. article 1.f 2°¢ 3.e 41 5.g 6.d 7a 8.j 9.h 10. b WG ZC 3A 4.8 5.8 1.8 2K 3G 4.8 5 | 1. water 2. final 3. exploring 4, skiing 5. postcard B. 6. words 7. fantastic 8. passed 9. town 10. arrive 1. 3 months 2. 7,610 metres 3. 10 dollars 4. 21 degrees 5. 520 6. 35 miles = 24,5 ¥F 1, 235, 6 «3,4 GE 1.6 26 3. 4a 5.a 6.b | 1. bandc 2.aandb 3.aandc 4.a, band c 5. a, band c 6. a andc 1. download 2. mobile phone 3. Internet 4, video games 5. web page 6. digital camera 7. online 8. keyboards 9. mouse 10. emails fA, = AL 2.A 3.8 4.B 5:¢ BETA 1A 2.8 3G 4.B 5.B EEE A 1. Tired 2. written 3. choose 4. heavy 5. carried 6. days 7. assistant 8. memory 9. improve 10. awful B 1. Interested 2. others 3. quite 4, grass 5. enough 6. drive 7. colour/color 8. all 9. different 10. good ee 2.A 3.A 4.8 BuG 6.B LEP, = 1. never 2. forget 3. safe 4. light 5. easy 1 2.8 3G 4A SiG 6.8 7. G 8.C 9.C 10.4 Chaz fo 2e 3b 4h 5g 6i 7d Bj %a 10¢ \41.q 12,0 13.7 14.1 15.t 16.5 17.p 18m 19.0 20. k [1A 2.8 Ess 4c 5.B an 1A 2.6 3.A 4c 5.A x A 1. couldn’t 2. offers 3. staff 4. prefer 5. found B. 6. favourite/favorite 7. notes 8. instruments 9. choose 10. classical PAU PTO RSet aK mon Nghe @ BE O1.mp3 Woman: Excuse me, sir. Is there a bank around here? Man Yes, just go straight for one block and turn left at the intersection. Woman: Go straight and turn left? Man That's right. The bank is the first building on your right. Woman: Sounds pretty simple. Thank you very much. Man You're very welcome. 2. | Woman: — Excuse me, where can | buy stamps? | Man: | know there is a post office on Rose Street. | Woman: | think | know where it is. Is it next to the bank? Man: No, it’s actually between the bookstore and the restaurant. Woman: You're right. Now | remember. Thanks | @ee Same @ au 2 02.mp3 Example: Man: Excuse me, where's the Rex Hotel? Woman: No problem. Go straight ahead at the first intersection, and then turn left. Take the next right. And the hotel is on the left. BE: British English AU: Australian English AmE: American English AE: Asian English Man: Woman: Is there a cinema in this town? Yes, there is. Take the first right, then turn left at the next intersection. The cinema is on the left. Excuse me. Could you tell me where the swimming pool is? Sure. That's easy. Go straight on. The swimming pool is on the right before the third intersection. Excuse me. How do | get to the Arts Museum? Sure, go straight. No, wait. That's not it. Instead, take the first right, then turn left, go straight ahead. And the Arts Museum is on the left after the next intersection. Excuse me, is the library near here? Of course, | go there all the time. Go straight ahead and turn left at the second intersection. The library is on the right. @ se @ au 03.mp3 Hi, May. I'm coming to your house now. You live across from the school, right? Actually, no. Where are you now? I'm at the intersection of 1st Street and Lakeside Street. OK. Walk one block to 2nd Street and turn right. Yes, | remember now. You're next to the post office. That's right. See you soon. 2. Woman: Excuse me. I'm looking for the public library, but | can't | seem to find it. | Man: Oh, it's easy to find. First, just go straight through the next intersection. | Woman: Oh, go straight? | thought | had to turn left. Man No, just keep going in this direction. After the intersection, the library is the second building on the right. a Woman: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the post office is? Man: The post office? Sure... it's just ahead on the left. Woman: | have to cross Lemon Street, right? Man No, you don't. It's right over there, before the intersection. 4. Man: Excuse me. What time does the next train to Nha Trang leave?| Woman: One moment. Let me look. There's one at twenty-five past nine. Man: But it's twenty-five to ten. Woman: Oh, yes. You're too late for that one. OK, the next one is in ten minutes from Platform 5. | sl Man Where do you think we should put the plant? Woman: How about between the table and the chair? Or on the table? | Man: No, it’s too big to put on the table. And | don’t think it will get enough sunlight there. Woman: OK, then let's put it right under the window. sa ’ o4.mp3 Xin xem L1.1. EX 3.~EX 5. Example: Man: Woman: i Woman: Woman: @ se & Ame Hi. Have you got the time? Yes. It's a quarter to six. Excuse me, sir. Do you have the time? Sure. It's a quarter after eight. Hello. Do you know what time it is? Huh? Yep. It's half past eight. Excuse me. Do you know what time it is? It's quarter past eleven. Hello. Have you got the time? It's 9.20. When do you go to bed? | go to bed at eleven o'clock. Hi, Sarah. Do you know what time it is? It's a quarter after seven. Excuse me. Do you have the time? Yes, it's 3.25. When did you have breakfast today? | had breakfast at quarter to ten. 05.mp3 | Woman: Hi Jake. Do you know what time it is? | Man Sure. It's 6.28. 10. Allie wakes up at half past five 11. Allie goes to bed at ten o'clock. | zs Man: Hello. Have you got the time? Woman: Ah, yes. It's almost 2.30. 13. Woman: Excuse me. Do you know what time it is? Man: It's a quarter after eight. L. SBE 06.mp3 Man: What's your phone number? Woman: My mobile number is 619-408-713. Man: 619-408-713. Okay, and what's your work number? Woman: It's 01661467928. Man: 01661... 467928. Great. Thanks. 07.mp3 (RASA Ge GS AUB Ame ls in Da Nang. Her phone number is 0903 796 855. 2. Hi, I'm Naazir. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I'm an accountant. I'm in 3 mobile number is 707839116. Linh is Vietnamese. She's a student in Ho Chi Minh City. Her family is London. My family is in Riyadh. My phone number is 20390375293. Bari is a doctor. He's from France. His office is in San Francisco. His @ Be 08.mp3 1.520751 2.C31XQ 3. L5R3F6 4. GA 313025. 115123 @ Be & Ame 09.mp3 1 Hello. This is Mrs. Joanna Smith. My phone number is 202-555-3434. My address is 3647 (thirty-six forty-seven) Denver Lane. That's 3-6-4-7 Denver Lane. Be sure to put “Lane” because there is also a Denver Road and a Denver Circle. 2s Flight 39 for Tokyo is now boarding at Gate 7. All passengers with boarding passes please line up at Gate 7. The flight is full today so please pay attention to your seat number. 35 This is your movie hotline. We have three shows today at 2 o'clock, 4.30, and 6. The box office opens half an hour before the first show. We have hot popcorn and cold soda for sale in the lobby. 4. The 9.30 train to Madrid will begin boarding in ten minutes at Gate 18. Passengers who still wish to check luggage should do so now. Passengers with small children or those needing special assistance are asked to arrive at the gate five minutes before boarding time. 5. Thank you for calling Odeon movie theatre. Today we are showing the hit comedy The Face You Know. We have shows at 2.00, 4.00, 6.00, and 8.00. Snacks and drinks are available in the lobby. 10.mp3 Xin xem L1.2. EX 5. M. Woman: Man: Woman: Woman: See Same @ au 11.mp3 I'd like to have some flowers delivered to this address. Certainly. What kind of an arrangement would you like? I'll leave that up to you — you know better than me. Hello, this is the front desk. Yes, I'd like to order some food. Can you bring it to my room? Oh, then you'll need to call room service. Just dial 1-1-7. First, let's set up the tent and get out the sleeping bags. Then we can build a fire | don't know if we can build a fire here. The woods are pretty dry. There was a forest ranger back at the gate to the park. We could go ask him. What color paper do you want me to use? Off-white, | think. And will you please collate them? Sure. Our machine does that automatically. Do you want them stapled as well? | like this shirt, and | think it's about the right size. It's a nice style. Would you like to try it on? That's a good idea. Where's the dressing room? Man: | can't find that new book by Philips Todd. Is it checked out? Woman: You're looking in the wrong section. It's not a novel, it's a non-fiction book. Man: Oh, then where are the non-fiction books? hs Man Where did you get the recipe for this soup? Woman: Oh, I'm not following a recipe. | just threw some ingredients in the pot and stirred it up. It'll be ready in a few minutes. | Man: Well, it sure smells good. 1.3. EX 5, ih cS 2 SS _12.mp3 1. Welcome to Introduction to Music and Arts. The textbook for this course, Music and Arts for Life, is available at the university bookstore. Please bring your books to the next class. There will be two exams — a midterm and a final. Also, you will write several short research papers. 2. You have reached Dr. Lin's office. If this is an emergency, please hang up and call an ambulance. If you would like to make an appointment or ask for medical advice, please call back during our regular office hours. We are open from nine to five Monday through Friday, and from ten to twelve on the first Saturday of each month. Bs Remind the passengers that we will be landing in a few minutes. Check to make sure all seat belts are fastened and ask the passengers to turn off all mobile phones and recording devices. Find out if there is anyone with small children who needs help or if anyone wants to get to a connecting flight. 4, We are having a sale on Vietnamese coffee. Today only you can get two pounds of coffee for the price of one. You can find this high-quality coffee on aisle 5 next to the food section. There is a limit of four pounds per customer. 5. Hi, this is Vu Nguyen calling. I'm wondering if Dr. Tran would be able to see me sometime today. | think | broke a tooth and I'd like to have him look at it. | know I already have an appointment for a cleaning in a few weeks but | would like the doctor to look at my tooth right away if possible [Li.3.EX6.N 13.mp3 Xin xem L1.3. EX 5. (eA Fe __14mp3 This is your room, Mrs. Green. | hope you'll be comfortable here. The light switch for the bathroom is to the right of the door. The phone's next to your bed and there's a phone book in the drawer underneath. If you'd like some coffee or tea, there's a kettle and a cup and saucer on the shelf above the desk. On the desk you'll find some information about the hotel. There's an ashtray next to the phone on the bedside table. (ARS eB Ame i 15.mp3 1s Jack: Do you think | should put the magazine rack next to the window? Pam: No. Not next to the window. I'd put it in the corner next to the sofa. It will look nice there. Jack: Where do you think | should put the coffee table? Should | put it next to the sofa? Pam: | think it will be better in front of the sofa. It'll be more useful there, | think. 20 Jack: Pam: Jack: Jack: Pam: Jack: Pam: Jack: Pam: Jack: Jack: Pam: Jack: Pam: Jack: Pam: Jack: Jack: Pam: Jack: What about the plant stand? It might be nice next to the window. | Yes, next to the window, either on the left or on the right. | think I'll put it on the right. Now what about the bookshelf? It's so big! Hmm. What do you think? How about next to the door, against the wall? To the left of the door? Now | need to find a place for this old chair that my mom gave me. How about over there? You mean in front of the window? We still have to find a place for this end table. Yes, where can we put it? How about next to the sofa, in the corner near the door? Yes, good. Is that okay now? Where is a good place for the TV? How about in the far left corner, to the left of the window? Yeah, that sounds good. I'll put it there. There. How does it look? What about the dinner table? Maybe we can put the dinner table against the wall, across from the sofa. In the middle of the wall. Across from the sofa, against the wall. Is that what you mean? @ ce BA Save ___16.mp3 1. Kim: Mum: Kim: Woman: I've just been for a walk by the river. I'm going to go there on my bike on Saturday. There are always lots of people fishing on Saturday. Really? | like the boats. I'd like to go on a boat on the river. | prefer to be near the river, not on it! Are you looking for your school bag, Kim? It was on the table when we got home. | put it there, then took it to my bedroom... Then | needed it for my homework. Well, you did your homework in the dining room. Have you looked in there? Oh yeah, there it is, on the back of the chair, It's getting very late. They'll be here soon. Shall | make a salad? Good idea. | haven't got time to make any soup. That's a pity. What about the cakes we bought earlier? Let's put them in the fridge. We can have them tomorrow. You're coming by bus so shall | meet you at the bus stop? You don't have to do that. I'll walk into town and see you at 3 pm outside the cinema. Actually, |'m having coffee with Rachel then, at the new coffee shop on High Street. Why don't you come there? OK! We can all go and see the film afterwards. 2 22 | Girl: Did you spend all evening doing your homework? | did. It | was so difficult! Boy: My class didn't get any homework last night! Girl: So you spent all night watching TV. Wow, you're lucky! Boy: Not very lucky... Only one programme was interesting. It was about life in Vietnam. It was really good! [ 2.1. EX 7. a 17.mp3, 18.mp3 Xin xem 12.1. EX 4.~EX 5 (Rm ES ce Ame 19.mp3 Ts Man: The train is rather late today. | wonder if there is a problem. Woman: | haven't heard anything being announced. | hope it will arrive soon, or we'll be late to work. Do you want to take a cab instead? Man: We won’t have to. | see it coming around the corner. 2. Man: Excuse me. Would it be possible to have this coffee refilled? Woman: Of course. Is there anything else | can get for you? Man: Yes, I'd like to see the menu again. | heard your pies here are really good @ BE 20.mp3 Woman: Hello, Dr. Milton's office. How may | help you? Man: | was wondering if | could come in this Wednesday for a checkup. Woman: Of course. Let me see... We have openings in the afternoon at 2 and 4. Which would you prefer? Man: | have a business meeting with a client and won't be back until after 2. | will come in at 4 then. 1. Woman: Man: Woman: @ Be @ ame 21.mp3 Did you put up the children’s book display by the front window yet? No, | haven't had the time yet. | was busy with the toys on these shelves. Do you want me to start working on the display now? Yes, we have to finish that as soon as possible. Hi, | sent in my resume a few days ago, and | am calling to see if you have received it. My name is Andy Moore. I'm sorry, but your name is not on my list. | don’t think we received it. Really? Could you give me your fax number? I'll fax one to you right now. Sure, but our fax machine is broken right now. Would you email it to me instead? @ se Gave 22.mp3 This is Ms. Mai. May | help you? Yes, |'m calling from the accounting office. May | speak with Director Quang? | I'm sorry, he's not here right now. I'm his assistant. Perhaps | can help you. What are your specials tonight? We have fresh salmon and choice beef Hmm. | think I'll just order something from the regular menu. Here's your menu. Let me know when you're ready to order. |) 23 24 Man: Man: Woman: GE @ BE i 23.mp3 fl; Did anyone call while | was out? You have a message from Mr. Adams. He says he's finished repairing your computer. Great. Please call him back and say | will pick it up this afternoon, How much is the bus fare? It’s $1.25 Thanks. Please tell me when we get to my stop. I'm going to the central post office. It's the third stop after this. Well, | made the call, and | got the tickets for Sunday evening. Great. I'm so looking forward to this. They're my favorite band. Mine too. It's at the Eastern Theater. That's the best place for a concert I'd like to order a small cheese pizza. Would you like that delivered, or will you pick it up? l'll pick it up. I'll send you a text message on your cell when it's ready to be picked up. Are you waiting for the number 4? | think the rain is making it late. Probably, but | wish it would get here soon. | hate standing out here in the rain. Man: Me too. | can’t wait to get home and take off these wet clothes. Man: You can leave me on the next block. It's that blue house. Woman: All right. The fare's seven dollars and fifty cents. Man: Here you are. Keep the change. EE. 24 mp3 Xin xem L2.2. EX 8. Sse & Ame 25.mp3 1. The class will be held between five and six thirty every Monday afternoon. After the tour, we will meet again at midday. The orientation will take place on the 13th of August. The movie starts at twenty to ten this evening. Your first day of work will be May 27th. OK, I'll see you all at the train station at half past three. The announcement will be made at a quarter to four. The company was founded in 2001. (ERR BEB Ame _ 26.mp3 1. My mobile number is 0105-667-9230. 2. The customer's credit card numb er is 5368-6578-9230-8035. 3. | remember that the membership card number ends in 2456. 4, My registration number is 04562 5. The price for this trip to the Caribbean is £615. 6. A survey showed that over 65 per cent of the population were worried about their finances. 7. The postcode for my new flat is 814 5AP. 8. Your reservation is complete; you will be in room 13G. SN AWRwWH 25 26 @ BE 27.mp3 a. Boy: Are you going to the Rex Concert on Saturday? Girl: What time does it start? I've got a birthday party at 7 o'clock that day. Boy: 8 o'clock. But I'm going at 7:30 because | don't want to be late. A & Be z 28.mp3 | The English Alphabet: ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QRSTUV WXYZ (ese eS Ame 29.mp3 Example Girl: You can buy theatre tickets from Mr. Justin. You spell his surname J-U-S-T-I-N. 13 Boy: The pop concert will be in Ballscott Park. You spell Ballscott, B-A-double L-S-C-O-double T. 2. Man: The woman who reads the news on TV is called Kate Aillesh. Girl: How do you spell her surname? Man: A-I-double L-E-S-H. 3. Woman: The exhibition is in Orende Road. Boy: Can you spell that for me, please? Woman: Of course! It's O-R-E-N-D-E. 4. Woman: Who was the funniest person in the film? Boy: Mrs. Corduff. You spell her name C-O-R-D-U-double F. 5. Girl: Excuse me, do you know where Agher Stadium is? Man Sorry? Girl: Agher Stadium. You spell that A-G-H-E-R. Man No, sorry. | 6. Man The guidebook says we should visit Newbert Village. Girl: How do you spell Newbert? Man Ce, tae : 30.mp3 Man: Hello, can | help? | Girl: Is that Merry Pool? Man: It is, yes. Girl: Hi, I'm ringing to ask about joining your swimming club Man: OK, that’s great. Novy, let's see... First of all, how old are you? Girl: I'm 13. I'll be 14 next week. Man: That's good, because you must be at least 12 to join. Girl: Right. So which day is the club? Man: Well, it was every Wednesday evening, but we've just changed it to Thursdays now. Is that good for you? Girl: Fine. So can | start next week? Man: Yes, come along, and ask for the coach, Mrs. Stelham — that’s S-T-E-L-H-A-M. She's very nice. Girl: Right, and what will | need on the first evening? I'll bring a costume and a towel, of course 27 28 Man: Well, you'll also need a hat. You can’t use the poo! without that. Girl: OK, and my parents will bring me. Where can they park their car? Man: Well, West Road is normally full because of the sports centre opposite, so they can try London Road. There are usually spaces there. Girl: OK, thanks. @ au 31.mp3 Now here's some information about our new school cooking club. It will begin on the second of November and will meet every Thursday until the end of the school term. It will start at four fifteen. You'll spend about an hour cooking, so you'll finish by five fifteen. The club will be in Room 105, next to the gym. There is a cooker in there and everything else you'll need. You'll learn how to cook simple dishes like fried rice and pasta. And if you've ever wanted to bake your own pizza, you can learn how to do it here! Students can pay fifteen dollars for the whole term, or two dollars each week. And you'll get to take your food home with you. Our new English teacher, Mrs. Mandy, that's M-A-N-D-Y, is running the club. She's a brilliant cook, so speak to her soon if you want to join because this club is going to be very popular and there aren't very many places. @ Ame 32.mp3 Hello everyone, and welcome to the chocolate factory! I'll be your guide today. My name's Billy, and I'll show you the main parts of the factory. The tour will take an hour, and then you'll have half an hour to look around by yourselves. Now, there have been chocolate makers in this town for centuries, but this factory is quite new. The building was started in 2017 and just finished last year, in 2019, when it opened. And as you'll see, we make lots of boxes of chocolates, but we also make other things like chocolate eggs — they're the most popular thing we make here! So don't forget to have a look for them downstairs in the shop. And you should also go upstairs to the café — try our delicious chocolate cake! So, first of all I'll take you to the reception desk where you can buy your tickets. They’re £8.50 for adults, but if you're younger than 15, it's only £4.00, and £16.00 for family tickets. This way then, everyone... EEE &: 2c fees amps I'm phoning about the football match that's against the Wild Bulls. Mr. Black told me that you are in the under-15s schoo! team this time. | Well done and thanks for playing | It's on Saturday, not Sunday. | hope you can play that day. The match | will begin at 3.45 but please meet at the school at three o'clock because we'll travel together to the sports ground on the school bus. Please bring £1.50 with you to pay for the journey. You don't pay anything to play in the game. You'll need to wear a red and white football shirt. If you haven't got one, please borrow one. We can't play in green shirts because the other team wears that colour. If you have any problems, call or text the coach. His mobile number is 9766947, but don't call him after 10 pm, please. Enjoy the match! 29 30 CZ, Fame 34,mp3 | Boy: Hi, Angie. Girl: Hi, Chris. Do you want to come to the theatre with me? Boy: What's on? Girl: There's a musical show called Ruby and Friends. It’s about an American rock star. Boy: When are you going? Girl: I've got two tickets for Friday evening. | really wanted to go on Saturday, but they were sold out. Boy: How much are the tickets? Girl: They're usually twelve pounds, but | got them for five pounds each because I’m a student. Why don't you come? Boy: All right then, | will. Thanks. Which theatre is it? Girl: The one in Barnley Street. Boy: Barley Street? Girl: No. Barnley. That's B-A-R-N-L-E-Y, | Boy: I'm not sure how to get there. Why don't we go together? Girl: Good idea. The show starts at seven thirty. Let's meet at quarter to seven. That'll give us lots of time. | Boy: OK. Will you be at school? | Girl: I'm not at school that day. Meet me at the bus station. Don't be late! Boy: Don’t worry, Angie. | won't. SBE 35.mp3 Good morning and welcome to University Radio 100! Are you looking for something to do this weekend? Then why not go to the band competition in the International Center? The competition’s always been on a Saturday in the past but this year it's on Sunday evening, with more than ten bands entered. They’re all hoping to win the fantastic prize: a chance to make their own CD in a recording studio. They'll play music for everyone: pop, rock, and even some jazz. The doors open at four thirty and the competition itself starts at six, but if you want to be close to the stage, you should get there by a quarter past five. This is a popular show and tickets are selling fast. Get yours by calling 9-3-0-double 5-4-7 or go to the International Centre website. If you have a student card, you'll pay seven pounds fifty; otherwise theyre ten pounds each. Don’t miss the most exciting music event of the summer! (EERE Ebr 36,mp3 Tom: Hi, Alisa! I'm really excited. I've made a short cartoon film and it's going to be shown on the Internet! Alisa: That's fantastic, Tom! What's the address? I'll write this down. Tom: It will be on www dot myfilm dot co! But you can't see it until the beginning of next week. Alisa: Sunday? Tom: Monday, actually. Alisa: This is so exciting! What's it called? Tom: It's called Dance but it isn't about a disco! Alisa: What is it about then? Tom: It's about a bird. I've always liked drawing animals. Alisa: You drew it? Tom: That's right. | had to make 625 drawings to make the film! Then | used my dad's camera, his Sony 350. It's brilliant. Alisa: And how long is the film? Tom: It's 42 seconds from start to finish. Alisa: Is that all? Tom: | wanted to make one that was 60 seconds long, but it takes so long! I've worked on this for three months! Alisa: Sorry, Tom! | promise I'll watch it! 32 @ au 37.mp3 Some important news now if you play an instrument and enjoy competitions! If you're between 12 and 15, why not come along to our Radio A2 Winter Music competition? It's on the 7th - sorry, I mean 17th of October so you've gat some time to practise! The competition isn't here at the radio station. We're having it at the Community Center this year... And the time? Let me check. Yes, it begins at 7.30 but if you want to play for us... violin, guitar, or sing for us if you like, you must be there with your instruments by 6.30 at the latest. If you're the best on the night, you'll win a ride over the town in a helicopter! Can you believe it? If you want to know more, call us here at Radio 33 and ask to speak to Laura, that's Laura Boyle, B-O-Y-L-E. It'll be a great night! Bi AE 38.mp3 May: Are you excited about your holiday, Minh? Minh: Yes, | am! Actually, will you feed my dog for me while I'm away? May: Of course, no problem. You fed my cat while | was in Hong Kong, Minh: Thanks. His food's in the cupboard under the window and his bowl is on the floor by the door. If | leave the plants on the kitchen table, will you water them too? May: Sure. How long are you away for? Minh: Four weeks, but some friends are going to stay at my house for three weeks so you'll only need to go there for the final week. I'll be home on the 30th. May: OK. That's good. You haven't told me where you're going yet. Minh: To Seattle and Berlin. May: Wow! | Minh: Yes. There are flights to Germany from Ho Chi Minh City every day so I’m spending a few days exploring Berlin before | fly to Seattle. May: That sounds amazing. Have you ever been to the USA? Minh: No, | haven't. | went to Mexico when | was younger and | went skiing in Canada last winter, but I've never been to the USA. May: And how long is the flight to Seattle? Minh: It's ten hours, which is OK, but the return journey will take over 20 hours because | have to spend five hours waiting in New York! | May: That's a long time! Do you want me to meet you at Tan Son Nhat airport when you get back? Minh: That would be great. ... Let me check the times on my phone. ... OK, | arrive at Gate 1 at five thirty-five in the afternoon. The flight number's 1105. Shall | email you the information? May: — Yes, please! And don't forget to send me a postcard while you're away! Minh: | won't! @ ae 38.mp3 Binh: Hi Nam. Have you heard the new Bright Tomorrow's song? | love the drums! Nam: Yeah, it’s great! My brother has already learnt to play it on the piano and he knows all the words too! I’m learning to play it | in my guitar class. Binh: Cool! I've got an old guitar at home, but | can’t play it! | Nam: You should learn, Binh! | love it! | go to classes in the Amber Music School with Nguyen from football. We're in the same class. Our teacher, Phuong, is fantastic! He used to play with the group The Big Rock. Binh: Really? Wow! They were a great band! Is there a class on Friday? Nam: | don’t know. | go on Tuesdays now, but | have to change to Thursdays next term because I’ve just passed the Level 5 * exams. 33 34 Binh: You must be very good. How often do you practise? | Nam: Every day! | spend an hour and sometimes two in my room, and on Saturday mornings my band spends three hours practising. We're called The Lemonade! Binh: Cool. Nam: Actually, we're playing in the town music festival on Saturday. I've got a free ticket. Do you want to come? | Binh: Yes! Thanks very much. Is it at the music school? Nam: No. Last year it was in the music school, but this year it’s in the park, near the Arts Museum. It's going to be great. Can you bring your camera to take photos? Binh: Of course! What time will you be on stage? | Nam: Well, | need to arrive at quarter past six and there’s a singing | competition at quarter past seven, but | think we're starting at quarter to eight. Binh: OK. We can have dinner in the Limelight Café afterwards. Nam: That sounds great. See you on Saturday! Binh: OK. Bye. Esa 40.mp3, 41.mp3 Xin xem L4.1. EX 3.~EX 4. Gee Fs 42.mp3 Dad: We're going to visit Abuto Island while we're in Australia Girl: Will we fly to the island, Dad? Dad: That's right. Most people go there by plane. It takes too long to go by boat. Girl: | What does the island look like? | Dad: Well, the rock there is black in some parts, and you can find blue lizards there. Girl: | Wow! It'll be spring when we're there, won't it? Dad: Yes. Spring is the best time of year to be there. It gets too hot in summer. Girl: Dad: Girl: Dad: Girl: Dad: Girl: Dad: Oh... 40 degrees! That's hot! Which places will we visit there? Well, there's a special! place that we want to see. The water in the lake is very good for your skin. We'll go swimming there. Great! And where will we sleep? We'll stay on a special campsite and we'll sleep outside. Because it's so hot? No, visitors sleep outside so they can watch the stars, but How hot? we'll have special sleeping bags. Don't worry! | Lee: Linh: Lee: Linh: Lee: Linh: Lee Linh: Lee: Linh: Lee: @ AE 43,.mp3 Hi Linh. How are you? Tired! | went to bed at midnight, so | need a coffee! Were you writing text messages to your friends again? No! My sister May's written a blog about her trip to Ninh Binh. | | was reading it. The photos look amazing on my new laptop Really? | need to buy a new computer. Where did you get it? In town. | went to the store on Vo Van Tan Street and | also | looked in Lam’s Computer Store on Ham Nghi Avenue but they | were very expensive, so | bought it in the little shop on Vinh | Vien Street. | How did you choose it? Well, first of all, | looked at some web pages on my phone. | There wasn't much information on “new_laptop dot com” but “buy_a_computer dot com" was great. If | buy a laptop, I'll have to take it to university with me every day. Is yours heavy? | No, it’s one and a half kilogrammes, but my old one was three | kilogrammes. | carried it in my backpack every day. The best | ones these days are only one kilogramme! Wow! Was the one you bought expensive? 35 Linh: Well, the one | really wanted cost $900! Lee Really? Linh: Yes, but | didn’t get it. The shop assistant also showed me one for $550 but it didn't have a very big memory. | spent $750 in the end. Lee: Are you going to use it at university too? | Linh: Yes, that's why | bought it. I'm going to need it for my course next year! But first I’m going to help my brother to improve | the website for his camera shop. He’s got one, but it’s awful! | Lee: Cool! That sounds interesting! CP Gar Same 7 ‘ __44.mp3 Nguyen: Hi, Sam. We need one more player for the football match. Interested? | Sam: Sorry, Nguyen. I'll be busy on Saturday. | Nguyen: Actually, it's on Friday after school because a lot of the | others are busy. Sunday is difficult, too. Sam: Oh, I'd like to play then. Where's the match? Nguyen: At Stars... no, at Riverside School. Sam: Is that quite near the coach station? | think | know it. Nguyen: No, it's the one down by the lake. The grass is always better there. Sam: Fine. And are you going by coach or by bike? | Nguyen: There aren't enough of us for a coach. Some of the teachers are going to drive us there. Have you got any white shorts? | Sam: I've got some black ones. | Nguyen: They're no good. Don't worry. | can give you some. We | usually wear blue ones, but the other team wears that colour. | Sam: OK. Who are the other team? 36 Nguyen: They're all students at the Saigon International School, so | they all speak English, but most of them come from Korea. They don't have a school team. The students play for different teams. | Sam: Good players then! Nguyen: Yes, the Korean students have a good team, but not as good as the German team we played last week! | - 45,mp3, 46.mp3 Xin xem 14.2. EX 7.~EX 8. @ ar 47.mp3 Nguyen: Have you been to the new supermarket, Linh? Linh: Yes, Nguyen, it’s great! Nguyen: | went this morning. And | couldn't believe it’s so large when you get inside! Linh: Were there many people? Nguyen: Not really. But it was early. Linh And you can save money on your shopping. Nguyen: Yeah. Every week, there are special offers on one kind of food, like meat for example. It's fruit at the moment. Linh: And next week it might be... vegetables? Nguyen: — | suppose. Linh: So, what did you like best? Nguyen: Well, one of the staff told me about the café, but | didn’t have enough time to go. People don’t usually like the songs they hear in supermarkets, but | loved them there! Linh: Me too. Nguyen: But | had a problem Linh: You had to wait to pay? Nguyen: Not really. | had to pay by cash, but | prefer using my credit card. 37 38 Linh: What a shame. Nguyen: Did you use the car park? Linh: Yes, | found it easily. You have to walk a long way to get to the supermarket, but at least anybody can park all day. @ ame @ AE 48.mp3 Sam: Have you started the project for Mr. Thanh yet, May? May: The one about Japanese music? Mum loves that. She'll help me. Sam: But it's about Vietnamese music! Remember? May: Oh yes! | don’t know anything about that! My favourite is Korean pop! Sam: | can help you. I've got some good information | May: Have you got a book about it then, Sam? Sam: | haven't read anything, but | heard something on the radio and made some notes. Maybe we should get a CD, too May: Good idea! When do we have to give the project to Mr. Thanh? Sam: On the last day of the month, just before the holidays start May: That means we've only got seven days! | | Sam: That's right! May: Can we work on the project together after lessons this afternoon? Sam: Tomorrow's better. I've got other homework tonight. May: OK. And do we have to write about all the different instruments? Sam: No. We can choose which one to write about. | love the guitar and | like classical piano music, too, but drums are more exciting so let's write about those! May: OK. Casa 49.mp3, 50.mp3 Xin xem L4.3. EX 5.~EX 6. 1.€ 2.8 Re 5.¢ 6A ZA A 10..A aa 1.8 2.8 x 5.8 6.C 7.8 8.8 10. 8 aa 1.8 aC B.C 5.8 6.A Te RE 10..A GEA [1A 2.8 B.A 5.B (6.8 7A 8.8 10.A A 2.8 ae 5. 6.C 7. 8.8 10. 1.8 Ze 3.B 5.8 6.C 1 B.A 10.C 39 40 1A 2.B 3.B 4c 5.A 6 diva 8.A (SR ee AS: 2.0 3D 4S 5.D 6.5 FeO 8.5 [PAWS o> 1. picnic __2. instead 3.ontime 4. walk 5. borrow 1. airport 2. hospital 3. station 4, underground 5. motorway 6. bus stop et A1.T 2. F 3.T 4.7 B1T 2. F 3 F 4.T (aEeae TC 2.8 3.0 [1.8 2A 3.C 4.8 paz 1.H 2.F 4.1 5. B 6.C Tek B.A Eh ae 1. mustn't 2. should 3. can’t 4. must 5. shouldn't 6. may 7. can/may EEA 1. must/have to 2. can 3. should 4. mustn't 5. cannot 6. may 7. shouldn't GP 3. 29 August/August 29/29.08 4, Andre Martini 1.B 2A 3.0; 4.D 5.B BE Caan 1. need 2. must 3. can 4. should 5. will R2.2. EX 5. _ 1a 2.b 3.b 4a aaa - 1.D 4 A 4.E Bye) 6.F 2G 8.H a. Ie 2A 3.8 b. 1. 0312 456789 5. $12.30 2. Full Moon 6. 7.00 (pm)/19.00 7. Cameron Royal Theatre 8. $5.75 4. 2.€ 5.h 6.d 1. Forest Hotel car park (Text 2) 2. 077659 (Text 1) 3. 5.45 (Text 1) 4, Forest Cycling Club (Text 2) 5. 12 (Text 1) 7 (Text 1) 7. 065548 (Text 2) 8. 6 (Text 2) 9. (school) playground (Text 1) 10. 12 (Text 2) 4 42 1. 4. Nha Trang 2.18 5. $50/fifty (dollars) | 3. 23 June/June 23/23.06 She .E2 1, badminton 3. 7 (pm) 5. credit card 2. Friday 4. £5/5 pounds : 1, 0345 48234 4. 8 (pm) 7. 2. Italian 5. 6/six 3. Wednesday 6. 7:45 pm ch ee 1. Sunday 10th May 4. comfortable walking shoes 2. 11/11.00 (am) 5. (a) (long) walk 3. (a) sandwich and (some) lemon juice 1, Storm 2. 11(.00)/eleven (o'clock) (am/in the morning) 3. (Sunday) 23(rd)/twenty(-)third June 4.3 5. (£) 6(.00)/six (pounds) 1. Brian Ward 5. 2. Best Services Ltd. 6. (by) email 3. Sydney 7. 6101 1115578 4. flats and rooms = fate Bee 3.b 4e | 5.h 6.8 7.4 8g Gen. 1. goes 2. arrive 3. ends | 4. day 5. is coming back 6. in the morning 1. The game begins at ten. 5. The party will be on 14 July. 2. The film runs from 4.45 to 6 pm. 6. The factory visit is on 17 3. The bus leaves at two o'clock. September. 4. The school is closed on 4 May. 1. Highstep (Dance School) 2. advanced 3. 2/two 4. September 3rd 5. £30/thirty (pounds) iA 1. Lost World 2. 18 June 3. 7.30 4, 837 4990 5.0913 1212666 6. (VND) 45,000 7. (outside) (the) station rm 1.8 2.C 1. 17 (years 4. Kinsai old) 2. ship; horses 5. 1324 3. Kublai Khan CA 1.8 24 3..€ 4A 1.8 2.4 4.C 43 44 1A 2.C BA AC 5.A — 1. lines 1-2 4, line 10 2. lines 5-6 5. lines 11-12 3. lines 9-10 B | 4. nearly 5 years 4. at the end of the month | 2. on the third floor 5. with a “shop and save” card | 3. 10% REA TA | 1. Para. 1 2. Para. 4 3. Para. 2 4, Para. 3 | 5. Para. 2 6. Para. 2 7. Para. 3 8. Para. 4 B. 1. Alice | 2. in her/the cupboard 3. because she had to rewash all the sheets and towels | 4. outside his workplace 5. it had been/was abandoned by its mother 6. some milk 7. He rubbed/by rubbing an old towel from Dizzy's nest against the new kitten 8. Wally 2A uC 4.8 6.8 TC 1A 2 3.C 4.C | 5.¢ 6 7.8 1A : ac 3B 4.c [5A 6.8 TRE 45 Dap an mon Viét za 1. watches 2. wake up 3. leave 4. go 5. has 6. works 7. eat 1, False 2. True 3. Not given 4. True 5. True 6, False “ 2. but tonight she's watching a good movie 3. but today he's eating at a restaurant. 4. but this evening I'm going to bed early. 5. but she usually works in an office. 6. but today he's wearing a business suit. 7. but this morning he's having eggs 8. but this year we're visiting Italy. 9. but today I'm walking as my car won't start. 10. but he normally drinks beer. 11. but today you're wearing a skirt 46 1. Kate isn’t going on vacation this year. 2. Tracy is taking the dog for a walk. 3. Irena isn’t coming to the party. 4. We are walking to school today. 5. Trevor is cooking his dinner. 6. Mr. Smith is travelling to Singapore. 7. They aren't playing soccer today. 8. | am buying a new pair of shoes. 9. You aren't wearing a coat today. an 1. 1am doing... 7. She is driving... 2. He is making... 8. He is taking... 3. She is reading 9. They are doing... 4. They are running... 10. | am eating... 5. Lam writing.. 11. You are riding.. 6. We are listening... 12. We are going... CHEETA 1. Where is Kim going? | 2. Who are you phoning? 3. Why are you crying? 4. When are you meeting John? 5. What are you cooking? 6. Where is your band playing? 7. Why are you shouting? 8. What are you drinking? 9. How are you getting to the concert? 47 48 RR 2972 Déng tif chi hanh déng: go, learn, read, eat Dé6ng tt chi trang thai: want, love, hate, remember NA 2.3 Action verbs: eat, sing, learn, play, go, listen State verbs: have, love, want, remember, know, hate 1. She is going... 5. Jo remembers. 2. Fred doesn’t like... 6. Li is playing 3. | always sing... 7. We don’t want.. 4. He is reading... st 1, Samantha has three children. 3. She hates snakes. 2. They’re running to school. 4. She's listening to music. 1 Bs 3. 4. 5s . My little brother does not/doesn't like eating/to eat fish and beef. Duy’s/Duy is playing tennis with his boss‘s son right now. Her little daughter has a lot of gold fish. He goes to work five days a week/per week. At the moment, we're/we are studying hard for/to take an/the/ our exam at the end of this month Ts Si 35 4. 5. Simon was an actor for 30 years. It was really cold in Canada. Were there any stores in the town? Phil wasn't good at dancing. Was Rebecca in Arizona in 2010? 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. False 7. True 8. True 9. False 10. False 1. played 2. phoned 3. tried 4. cleaned 5. visited 6. invited 7. walked 8. cooked 1. cleaned her kitchen. 3. visited her grandmother. 2. watched TV with her boyfriend 4. danced at a party. (EAA Sophie took her cat to the vet. . | wrote you a letter. Did you get it? . We met some interesting people today. . Roger bought a new car on Wednesday. . Jane saw a really good film yesterday. . | got a postcard from my brother. . Derek went home at 11 pm. . Archie made a cake for my birthday. |. My son began school yesterday. . | found my glasses under the bed. . Sid felt happy when he finished school. Bobby sang a song to his mother. RSE50bMNOuUKRWNE= 49 50 What did you see at the movie theater? Who did Sarah take to the wedding party? What did you have for dinner on Friday? Where did they go on vacation? What did Steve buy? What did Jim eat for lunch? Who did Kelly meet last week? Where did Peter put his phone? Where did you find my watch? . What did Anna make for lunch? . What did you get from Doug? . What did Peter sing for Elma? When did your sister come to see you? A. Fey Where were they at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon? | played tennis yesterday, but | didn’t win. She saw me, but she didn't speak to me. | phoned you last night, but you weren't home. In 1999, they stayed in South Korea. A. Oar auawn W1.3. EX 1. I'm taller than you are. . A train is faster than a bus. . 40°C is hotter than 30°C. . A car is faster than a bike. . Vietnam is smaller than Russia. . Everest is higher than Fansipan. 6 am is earlier than 9 am. . A tiger is bigger than a pig. . Your dress is prettier than mine. | 10. 2°C is colder than 10°C. | 11. The Sahara is hotter than the Arctic. 12. 11 pm is later than 3 pm. 13. An elephant is bigger than a mouse. 14. A plane is faster than a car. 15. Ice cream is colder than milk. 16. Bien Hoa is closer to Ho Chi Minh City than Da Lat. 17. Hanoi is older than Los Angeles. CEE. 1. Flying is safer than driving. Driving is more dangerous than flying. 2. My computer is older than my phone. My phone is newer than my computer. 3. The suitcase is heavier than the bag. The bag is lighter than the suitcase. 4. This champagne is more expensive than that wine. That wine is cheaper than this champagne. 5. 40°C is hotter than 30°C 30°C is colder than 40°C CHEE z 1. A chino is heavier than a lion, but elephants are the heaviest land animal. 2. A whale is more intelligent than a shark, but dolphins are the most intelligent sea animal. 3. The Regal is more expensive than the Grand, but the Plaza is the most expensive hotel. 4. The Statue of Liberty is taller than the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but | Big Ben is the tallest. 5. The Red River is longer than the Mekong River, but the Dong Nai River is the longest river in Vietnam. 51 52 | 1. The Rialto 2. The Grand 3. The Plaza 4. The Grand 5. The Plaza 6. The Rialto 1. Learning Japanese is/can be/may be/might be/could be more | difficult than learning Italian. 2. Elephants are/may be bigger than lions, but whales are the biggest animals in the world. 3. This car is certainly better than that one, but it's (more/very) expensive. 4. She is two years older than me. 5. He has three sisters: Lan is the oldest and Dung is the youngest. 1. | want to find a job that is near my home. 2. They work with people who are interesting and unusual. 3. It is important to eat good food that is fresh and healthy. 4, You should get daily exercise that raises your heart rate. 5. Stella has married a man who is generous and friendly. = . | like the woman who works at reception. 2. We bought some furniture that was too expensive. . They went to a restaurant that | recommended. . Jenny is going out with a man who knows you . Mr. Jason has a son who has been a lawyer since 2009. . Lance is my friend who lived in Tokyo for six months. . I'd like to meet someone who can speak Italian. . Is that the sports channel that shows baseball? It's important to have a diet that is healthy. 1. He is looking for a job that leaves him free on weekends. 2. He is not looking for a job that requires him to work on weekends. 3. He is not looking for a job that includes a lot of long-distance travel. . He is looking for a job that has minimal travel requirements. . He is not looking for a job that has a long commute. . He is looking for a job that is close to home. . He is not looking for a job that demands sixteen-hour work days. (en aus . He is looking for a job that has flexible hours. 1. We have a new student who was born in Nha Trang. 2. He works in a city that is noisy and busy. 3. There are a lot of interesting places (that) you can visit. 4. It's/It is important to have a good boss who is confident and reliable. 5. I'd love to meet some people who are fun to be with. ask.../Can |..., invite.../Would you..., thank.../Thanks for..., suggest.../Let’s..., say what time.../I think it starts..., explain why you can’t.../I can’t... 1. Let's/We could 5. Shall we 2. Would you like/Do you want 6. Would you like/Do you want 3. How about 7. How about 4. Let's/We could 8. Shall we 53 54 | Suggested answers 1. Can you help me with my/the homework? . Could you turn off your cell phone, please? . Would you show me the photo? . Will you take me to the school play? Could you lend me your magazine, please? wrRwn Your own answers We Gs 25iE 3.G 4.0 5.B 6.H 7.A 8.F 1E 2: F BA 4.G 5. B 6. Cc 7.4 8.1 10. H W2.1. EX7. The school is not far from my house. It's quite near School starts at 8 am. It’s fun because we do lots of sport. We do lots of sport, so it’s fun. Please can you help me with my homework? Could/Would you help me with my homework, please? Let's meet at my house. Shall we meet at my house? Is it all right with you to meet outside school instead? Why don't we Would you like to come to my party? Writing Part 2: WRITING A NOTE Sample answer | Hi Linh, | may come to work a bit late this morning. My bike broke down on the way and I’m now in the repair shop. Could you prepare the documents for the meeting this afternoon, please? Thanks so much for your help. C2 =. . Three chefs and four waiters work in my hotel. . There's a park, a café, and a theater in Pella. | have one aunt, two sisters, and a niece. . Ben eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner. . | play tennis and soccer. We have a dog and a cat. . [read a book and take a bath on Sundays. . Jen speaks French, Spanish, and Japanese. . Pete has two dogs and a cat. WO ONANERWNS This is my brother and these are my sisters. | speak English, but | don't speak French. | play video games and | watch TV. | have one uncle, but | don't have any aunts. There are two stores and three hotels. | eat lunch every day, but I don't eat breakfast. There's a hotel, but there isn't a store. | have a sandwich and an apple. This is my house, but these aren't my keys. Those are Sarah's magazines and that is her ID card This phone is Joe's, but this laptop isn't. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5i 6. dk 8. 9: 0. 1. 55 56 CE f 1. but 2. or 3. but 4. and 5. or 6, but 13D 2.1 3B.E 4A 5.H 6.C 7.6 8.8 . We didn't go to the zoo because of the rain. . Terry stole @ car so he went to prison. . Josh wanted a bigger garden to grow vegetables. . Marion went to bed early because she was really tired . | can't hear anything because your music is loud. oUBWNa (2.2. Writing Part 2: REPLYING TO A NOTE Sample answer Hi Lan, | didn’t send the file because | didn’t see your message. There's something wrong with my phone. So sorry about that! |'ll do it right away. Room 204 is still free tomorrow, and 30 people can sit there. Do you want me to book it for you? Minh » lam a busy man. . There is a new restaurant. . My friend is a beautiful woman. . We have a very old cat. . These are my new clothes. VibWNo 1. good 2. beautiful 3. wonderful 4. busy 5. interesting 6. old 7. large er. 1. bored 2. sad 3. excited 4. angry 5. nervous (WEIS letter envelope motorway railway station train cD fruit salad ice cream toothache knife fork | teachers sky cloud fork house garden garden car motorway ice cream school teachers game husband wife comb computer game coffee personal stereo cD | wife hair comb bridge dentist toothache cloud cup coffee train river bridge envelope Your own answers. an interesting (foot, TV programme, water) a@ high (glass, suitcase, mountain) a comfortable (chair, chicken, pencil) chair a right (car, answer, umbrella) answer TV programme mountain a sunny (day, vegetable, student) | day 57 a noisy (party, ice cream, cup) | party a married (home, woman, animal) | woman an empty (mobile phone, lemon, bottle) bottle a heavy (garden, river, bag) bag a broken (window, banana, meal) window a loud (time, hotel, noise) noise a wooden (tie, door, river) door | | a sharp (knife, book, table) knife | | a long (radio, comb, walk) walk a round (video, dog, ball) | ball a fast (car, shoe, kitchen) | car a bright (smell, colour, taste) | colour an exciting (tomato, film, lamp) | film a careful (soup, cassette, driver) driver a happy (child, living room, cooker) | child Your own answers. 1c 2°¢ 3.a 4b 5. b 6c 7.b 8. [sem 1, ... in the middle of the office 3. ... at the bottom of the sea 2. ... in the kitchen 4, ....0n the top of the mountain was oN uggested answers Si 1. Why isn’t there a phone in the office? 2. We cannot find any chicken in the garden. 3. The bag next to the red chair is mine. 4. There are lots of good restaurants near our office. 5. The cats always sleep at the bottom of her bed. Ww2. Writing Part 3: WRITING A LETTER Sample answer Hi Huong, | like The Hunger Games, but my favourite film is Harry Potter. Have | you seen this film yet? This is a series with 8 films altogether. The stars are all British. Daniel Radcliffe plays Harry Potter, and Emma Watson plays Hermione. This series is about the fight between good wizards and witches against bad ones. In the end, the good ones win the fight but have to pay a high price for that. It is a wonderful series. Yours, Mai 1. There is a computer if on the desk. 2. They aren’t en at work today. 3. There is a glass at on the table. 4. There is a mouse at in the kitchen. 5. There are strange animals i# at the bottom of the sea. 6. My friends are i on the train now. 7. The desk is ef in the middle of the office. 8. It's cold in at the top of the mountain. d. How can we get there? 3 1. in 2. in 3. at/in 4. In 5. at | | 6. on 7. in 8. on 9. in 10. in ¥ b. Where shall we play? f. When can you play tennis? 59 60 1. Your school bag is #6 the table in your room. on 2. My classmates are at France now. in | 3. We went éf a restaurant and had a curry. to 4. My family arrived at New York yesterday. in 5. You can buy the CD te the new music shop. at/in 6. | was #f a party at Jill's house. at 1. He invited me at/to his home. 2. It was on/in TV! 3. She's playing en/in the concert. 4. Call me at/on 57743. 5. You are important at/to me. 6. I'm interested at/in music. 7. Welcome in/to my town! 8. I'm on/i# holiday! 9. The book is grey in/er the front. 10. Jose's at/en his best friend's house. Writing Part 3: WRITING A POSTCARD Sample answer Hi Linh, | went to the Louvre Museum in Paris on Saturday last week. | don't remember exactly where it is, but it’s very close to Notre-Dame de Paris. There are so many wonderful paintings by artists from around the world. | liked it so much, and | want to visit it again in the spring, Love, Tien Noah decided to start right away. Everyone knew this was dil [t. On Monday, he didn’t come to class. Dear Mrs. Jones, _ Sincerely yours, , ae ce Dear Aunt Jo and Uncle Bill, aye Your friend, With love and respect, I've never told them about Grandma and Grandpa Macintosh. isan Jolly becomes Jolly Susan in the phone book! sometimes | see an interesting last name. _ Louisa May Alcott wrote the book Little Women. Perhaps you will meet the director today. The Mississippi Ri “great river.” Why i is a lake in Da Lat called Xuan Huong Lake? My house is to the east « of Main Street. Sri Lanka is a large . island to the south of India | would like to see her by Thursday. | think of the Thirtieth of April and the First of May as summer holidays. My favorite time of the year is fall. My name is Russian, but my mother is French, My family loves uv watching The Sound of A Music. | wish | could learn to speak the Greek language. 6 62 Writing Part 3: WRITING AN EMAIL Sample answer Hi Andi, How about a movie this weekend, Andi? They're showing Little Women at the Rex theater. Do you remember this book by Louisa May Alcott? We read it last year, and you said it was the best. | hear that the film is even better than the book. My mom will drive me there. If you want, we can pick you up on the way. Reply soon, will you? Bye,

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