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As reading through the poems, I am fascinated by how ingenious that he managed to

metaphorically insert what he was encountering and express his insightful thought toward that
issues. Most of his poems address the relevant topics of racial inequality, social condition, and
American Dreams. Personally, I like the way he delivers the message in each of his poems. He
does not directly show the problem in front of their eyes, but compel the readers to dedicate
time pondering about the issues.

One of his poems that left in me a sense of sympathy and upset is "As I Grew Older", it is about
an arduous dream that Langston Hughes was challenging to achieve because of racial
subjugation and discrimination. Thereby, I can see his voice changes along with the stanzas,
which demonstrates the perspective is being influenced. From having an optimistic tone when
he compared his dream was like a "bright sun", Hughes's voice then turns out to become
depressing and pessimistic as his dream is being shattered just because he is black. Ultimately,
the prominent lines which stood out the poem and captured my attention are when he writes,
"My dark hand! Break through the wall!" I love those lines because they do contain not only
metaphorical subtext but also create fantastic pictures in my head. It demonstrates his belief
and hope will shatter the barrier between him and his dream.

All along, I have been pleased by Langston Hughes' poetry in several ways. First, I enjoy the way
he presents critical issues facing individuals who are categorized as minorities. In his poem, "A
Dream Differed", Langston Hughe has utilized symbolism as powerful sensory imagery to
illustrate the kind of emotions that he went through and also to demonstrate the feeling of his
people being discriminated in the quest for freedom and equality. I also like the way he engages
questions to build the poem towards an exciting climax, despite the fact that he was exploring
the bitter truth about freedom and equality.

In conclusion, Langston Hughes has passion in his literary works. He addresses all the issues
facing the African-Americans and other minority groups in the United States. He employs
several devices to focus on matters racisms, discrimination and slavery. Having gone through all
his poems and poetry, I am obliged to acknowledge that all his works are interesting and

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