Resident Evil 4 - IGN

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Dark mansion halls, lonely paths through deserted woods,

and eerie silence should be familiar settings among
veterans of the STARS Bravo team. Chances are, you
haven't made it this far in life without conquering a Resident
Evil of the past, and chances are that you think you've got
respectable zombie killing skills. But while Resident Evil 4
keeps the scares familiar, one thing most definitely is not
the same...

These are not zombies.

Resident Evil 4 is a whole new game. With smarter, more

vicious enemies than ever before, you'll have to make
expert use of the game's new control scheme and aiming system if you want to get out of this mess alive. If the
challenges of survival horror have got you beat, read our complete Resident Evil 4 strategy guide for:

Basic tips to get you started, and some expert info you'll take with you throughout your nightmarish journey.
Weapons and items info, so you don't buy the wrong weapons or drop the wrong items.
Full walkthrough to get you through this long and grueling adventure. Every chapter broken down with maps
showing item locations, and tips of defeating all enemies and bosses.
Secrets to let you get the most out of your game. Free weapon upgrades, unlockables, and more.

Guide by: Mark Ryan Sallee

Weapon Stats by: Stephen Ng and Henry Ng

This PDF Guide is property of IGN Entertainment. Any unlawful duplication or posting of this document without the
consent of IGN Entertainment will result in legal action.


Break Open You'll often notice doors inside buildings that are barred off with chains and locks.
While you'll need keys to get through the majority of locked doors in the game, you
Locks can take matters into your own hands to get past exposed chains. You can either
kick in the door multiple times to break through the lock or take aim with your
weapons to shoot them apart. Once the chain locks are destroyed. the door will be
open to you.

Disable The enemies of Resident Evil 4 are smarter than your average zombie (remember,
they're not-zombies). A sign of their intelligence is in the numerous traps the
Traps villagers set up, including beartraps and explosive trip-wires. These traps can be
set off from a safe distance with pistol fire, disabling them and removing the danger
they pose. Beartraps can even be disabled with knife swipes if you can inch close
enough to reach them.

Dirty You'll find a few valuable pendants dangling over dirty pools of stinky water. If you
shoot the pendants, they'll drop and you can collect them, though having fallen in
Pendants the stinky water their value will drop dramatically. To collect these items and still
get full price for them when you sell 'em, shoot the small wooden dowel that holds
up a board overhanging the pool of water. The board will cover the water, giving
you a clean landing spot for the precious jewelry.

Reload You can't reload your weapons from the menu screen, which means that you have
to reload in real time, all the time. Reloading takes time, and you definitely don't
Carefully want to reload while you're swarmed with enemies. If you finish a huge battle, take
time to stop and reload all of your weaposn before continuing and finding more

Health From Since health restoring items are pretty rare in the game, it's important to get the
most of what you've got available. That's why it's important to look to alternative
Animals sources of health items—animals. If there are chickens in the area, they'll often lay
eggs you can pick up if you leave them alone. Some boxes you break will reveal
serpents that will also leave behind eggs (though you have to kill them). You can
even get health from fish if you can shoot them out of the water. Desperate times
call for desperate measures, so don't feel too bad about capping an innocent

Mixing Herbs are a very valuable comodity in the world of Resident Evil, and this game is
no exception. When you collect herbs, it is almost always in your best interest to
Herbs mix them with other herbs. Not only will the mixed herbs take up fewer slots in your
inventory, but they'll also gain effectiveness. For more tips on mixing herbs, read
the dedicated Herbs section below.

More now than ever, combat skills are absolutely vital to success in Resident Evil 4. You've got a solid arsenal of
weapons available to you, and knowing how to properly use them—and when not to use them—is key to avoiding
unnecessary risks and low ammo stocks.

One thing that's always important is conserving your ammo. You typically won't have enough bullets to kill everything in
sight unless you apply some tactics to your combat. For example, despite the pistol's relatively weak firepower, it's
actually a fantastic weapon for taking out your typical not-zombie enemies. However, it can take a lot of bullets to put
down an enemy, even with constant fire to the body and head. If you use some cunning, though, you'll be able to take
down lone not-zombies with just a bullet or two from your pistol.

Aim for the enemy's lower leg and it'll take just one or two bullets to drop the enemy to his knees. Once the not-zombie
is on his knees, run up to him and press the action button to kick him to the ground. While the not-zombie is slowly
recovering from the blow, stand over his body and slice at him with your knife—keep slicing as the not-zombie stands
up, and the enemy should die before it stands up entirely.

This tactic works great for taking out enemies that are alone, and is even effective versus very small groups of enemies.
However, when you're fighting three or more not-zombies at a time, you won't have the time to stand over a body and
slice with your knife. However, that doesn't mean that all strategy goes out the window. There's still room for smarter

One simple thing you can do to increase the effectiveness of your weapons is to wait for your enemies to get close.
Weapons such as the pistol and shotgun have significantly more power at close range than they do from afar. If you wait
for your enemies to get close to you, you can often get one- or two-shot kills with well placed shots to the head. The
chance for blowing off a not-zombie's head increases significantly the closer the enemy is to you, making close proximity
combat well worth the risk.

However, this tactic isn't always effective on its own. If you let too many not-zombies get in close, you'll be overwhelmed
as enemies inevitably break through your defenses. Because this risk always exists, it's best to keep most of the
enemies at bay while you let only one or two come in close at a time. As a group of not-zombies approaches, shoot a
couple in the legs to knock them to their knees. While the few enemies struggle to stand up, you'll have time enough to
get off your close range head shots and will hopefully have killed the other enemies before the others get back on their

Using this crippling tactic is especially useful when fending off attackers while other enemies stand in the background
and throw hatchets at you. The hatchet-throwers are often out of range for powerful shots, but they're still susceptible to
crippling knee shots. Knock them to their knees before taking on the other not-zombies that rush in closer. When you've
killed the brawlers, you can then safely focus your attention on the hatchet-throwers.

While the horror of the series has always taken the spotlight, Resident Evil gameplay has always really been about
resource management (that's the "survival" part of the genre's name). Managing your inventory, conserving items, and
making the most of your limited attaché space are all more important (in the long term) to surviving the horrors of
Resident Evil 4 than are your skills with a gun.

Conserving your items is very vital to your mission. One important thing to remember throughout the game is that you
only have one health bar for the entire adventure. Resident Evil 4 doesn't copy the gaming status-quo of refilling your
health bar at the end of each level; your damage carries over from level-to-level, and since the resources to heal
yourself are limited, it is absolutely dire that you guard your life with all you've got. The last thing you want is to get to the
end of the game and be without the healing items you need to get through a certain tough spot.

Likewise, but to a lesser extent, you have to carefully manage your ammo supplies. Making the best use of your ammo
is key, so be sure to follow the combat tips described above. Your ammo supplies aren't quite as limited as your health
resources—enemies often drop ammo for your, replenishing your stocks—but there definitely isn't an infinite amount of
ammo in the game. As with your health, you don't want to get to a point in the game where you don't have enough
ammo to deal with a given situation.

The other part of resource management in Resident Evil 4 is managing the limited space in your inventory. You can only
hold a certain number of items, so picking and choosing what you take and what you leave is a constant challenge. As
described below, mixing herbs is a great way to conserve space and still hold the same healing power. Another way to
conserve space is to pick and choose your weapons carefully. You don't need to have five different weapons in your
inventory. Not only is it completely unnecessary, but multiple weapons will take up space that could be better used by
more ammo. Try to keep the number of weapons you carry limited (three max), giving you more space for the things you
need, such as ammo and health—you don't want to pass up on these rare essentials.

Mixing herbs is important for more than one reason. First of all, mixing herbs is the best way to conserve space in your
inventory. Combining two herbs will cut in half the amount of space they take up, and because you can mix herbs
outside of the inventory you can pick up new herbs and combine them with other herbs, even if your inventory is
completely full.

Even more importantly, mixing herbs will increase the effect of the herbs. You can combine up to three herbs, and
depending on which herbs you combine the effects will differ.

green + red: On its own, a red herb is useless. However, if you combine it with a green herb the mixture will
heal you completely, no matter how hurt you are and no matter how large your health bar is.

green + yellow: Like the red herbs, yellow herbs are useless on their own. Once you combine a yellow herb
with a green herb, the mixture gains the ability to increase your maximum health (it actually makes your health
bar longer), as well as refilling a small portion of your health.

green + red + yellow: This mixture combines the effect of both recipes listed above. Not only will this mixture
refill your health completely, but it also increases your maximum health capacity.

green + green + green: Combining three green herbs will create a mixture that refills your health completely,
exactly like a green/red combination. And while having this combination is great for conserving space, it does
have on negative effect. If you mix all of your green herbs, you'll be left with nothing to combine with any red and
yellow herbs you find later on. And since both red and yellow herbs are useless on their own, you'll essentially
have wasted potential healing power.
Weapons and Items

NOTE: All weapons have a SPECIAL upgrade available. This SPECIAL upgrade will only be available after you've
maxed out every other stat for that weapon, though it may not be available right away. Just like other upgrades, you may
have to wait to meet other merchants before purchasing the special upgrade.

Handgun Your starting equipment isn't the most powerful tool in the shed, but it sure is a
versatile little sucker. You can spend a lot of ammo trying to kill enemies with it,
though you can conserve your rounds by fighting strategically and combining your
pistol fire with knife swipes. Because ammo is most plentiful for your pistol, it's
important to always have one in your inventory.


Firepower 1.0 2.0 (6) Headshot x5 - Chance of getting a critical
headshot increases 500%.
Firing Speed .47 .33 (3)
Reload Speed 1.73 .87 (3)
Capacity 10 25 (6)

Red9 The Red9 holds the same versatility of the Handgun, but packs a little bit more
power. More importantly, if you equip the Red9 with the stock you can greatly
improve the stability of your aim. Instead of having your laser sight bounce around
your target, you'll have a very steady aim that makes targeting enemies at long
range much, much easier. This bonus comes at a cost, unfortunately: the Red9
takes up a good deal of extra space in your attaché case.


Firepower 1.4 3.5 (6) Increase Firepower - Firepower goes
from 3.5 to 5.0.
Firing Speed .53 .40 (3)
Reload Speed 2.37 1.67 (3)
Capacity 8 22 (6)

Punisher The Punisher is actually the weakest (damage-wise) of the four pistols in the
game. However, that doesn't make it the least useful. Shots from the Punisher will
blast through their initial target and hit anything or anyone behind what you hit.
This makes the Punisher great for taking on groups of not-zombies, as you can hit
two enemies with one pull of the trigger. You can even score multiple take downs
with one shot by accurately aiming for your enemies' legs.


Firepower .9 1.9 (6) Penetration - Bullets will go through five
bodies instead of two.
Firing Speed .47 .33 (3)
Reload Speed 1.70 .83 (3)
Capacity 10 28 (6)
Blacktail The Blacktail is a happy-medium between the Handgun and the Red9. The gun
has significantly better aim than the Handgun, though it's not quite as steady as
the Red9. What the Blacktail has over the Red9, though, is that it takes up much
less space in your inventory. Since you don't need to buy an extra stock for the
gun, the Blacktail takes up no more room than the default Handgun.


Firepower 1.6 3.0 (6) Increase Firepower - Firepower goes
from 3.0 to 3.4.
Firing Speed .47 .27 (3)
Reload Speed 1.70 .83 (3)
Capacity 15 35 (6)

Broken Long time Resident Evil fans should be completely familiar with the potential power
of the now classic Magnum. This is the reincarnation of that mystic gun. The
Butterfly Broken Butterfly packs some massive power in a small package, which makes it
easy to carry around (as opposed to the Rocket Launcher and Mine Thrower).
However, because ammo is so rare for this weapon, it won't become a commonly
used weapon. If you can save it for when you need it, the Broken Butterfly can be
very helpful...if you've got the inventory space to spare.


Firepower 13.0 28.0 (6) Increase Firepower - Firepower goes
from 28.0 to 50.0.
Firing Speed .70
Reload Speed 3.67 2.33 (3)
Capacity 6 12 (4)

Killer7 The Killer7 is a healthy alternative to the already awesome Broken Butterfly. With a
bit more firepower and a larger clip capacity, it's definitely worth the cash to
upgrade. Outside of stat upgrades, you'll also notice that the Killer7 handles faster
than the Broken Butterfly, letting you swing your aim around faster and more
accurately. However, because the weapon comes so late in the game, you may
not see the SPECIAL upgrade for quite a while, making the Killer7 inferior to the
Broken Butterfly (fully powered up).


Firepower 25.0 35.0 (6) UNKNOWN -
Firing Speed .70
Reload Speed 1.83 0.93 (3)
Capacity 7 14 (3)
Shotgun The ever-ready Shotgun is a staple of the series, and is always a good weapon to
have in your inventory. Ammo for the Shotgun is pretty common, making it almost
a necessity that you have a Shotgun ready to use at all times. The gun packs great
stopping power, making it useful in close range situations where a pistol fails.
Since the Shotgun can stop multiple enemies with one shot, it's the weapon of
choice when you're swarmed with baddies.


Firepower 4.0 8.0 (6) Increase Range - Range of shotgun's
power extends further.
Firing Speed 1.53
Reload Speed 3.03 .87 (3)
Capacity 6 18 (6)

Riot Gun The Riot Gun is a pretty straight-forward upgrade from the regular Shotgun. The
Riot Gun features slightly faster aiming than its counterpart, which is useful when
targeting multiple attacking targets. More importantly, the Riot Gun can be
upgraded to be more powerful than the Shotgun. And since the Riot Gun also has
a slightly higher ammo capacity, every aspect of the gun is better—when you've
got the cash, upgrade.


Firepower 5.0 8.0 (6) Increase Range - Range of shotgun's
power extends further.
Firing Speed 1.53
Reload Speed 3.03 1.50 (3)
Capacity 7 17 (6)

Striker The Striker is one of the few no-brainer upgrades for weapons. Not only does it
pack more firepower (both at minimum and maximum), but it also fires much more
quickly than the other shotguns. Even better, it takes up six fewer spaces in your
inventory, leaving room for a lot more ammo and health.


Firepower 6.0 12.0 (6) Increase Capacity - Capacity goes from
28 to 100.
Firing Speed .73
Reload Speed 3.00 1.50 (3)
Capacity 12 28 (6)
Rifle No other weapon lets you eliminate threats well before they even know you exist
(okay, the Semi-Auto Rifle does, but you get the point). Combine the Rifle with the
scope, and you've got a long range powerhouse of a weapon capable of taking
down most targets with a single shot. As with the Shotgun and Handgun, ammo for
the Rifle is pretty common, letting you make tons of use of the weapon, and
making the most of your limited inventory. The weapon is pretty much a
requirement in some portions of the game, so don't hesitate to buy it.


Firepower 4.0 12.0 (6) Increase Firepower - Firepower goes
from 12.0 to 18.0
Firing Speed .67
Reload Speed 4.00 2.33 (3)
Capacity 5 18 (6)

Semi-Auto The benefits of this weapon are pretty huge, but they come at a cost. What the
Semi-Auto Rifle allows that the regular Rifle doesn't is successive sniper fire
Rifle without having to leave your zoomed-in view after every shot. This makes sniping
multiple targets much easier and faster, but the cost of this benefit is pretty huge.
The Semi-Auto Rifle takes up almost twice the inventory space of the Rifle—it
takes up the space that four full boxes of ammo take, making the decision to
upgrade here not quite so easy. If you've got room to spare, the upgrade is a fine
choice, but if you're packing a bunch of items, you can definitely skip this weapon.


Firepower 7.0 15.0 (6) Increase Firing Speed - Firing speed
goes from 1.43 to .40.
Firing Speed 1.43
Reload Speed 2.33 1.33 (3)
Capacity 10 24 (6)

TMP The TMP is basically a fast-firing pistol. It doesn't pack the same power as a
shotgun or rifle, making it best used to deal with enemies you can afford to play
with. In fact, the TMP doesn't even have the power of a pistol—its shots are so
weak that it takes a lot of ammo to kill most enemies. Because of the rapid fire, you
can cripple multiple enemies very quickly, but because ammo isn't super common,
your inventory space is much better spent on other weapons and items.


Firepower 0.4 1.2 (6) Increase Firepower - Firepower goes
from 1.2 to 1.8.
Firing Speed .10
Reload Speed 2.37 1.17 (3)
Capacity 30 250 (6)
Mine In general, this weapon is a waste of space. While the Mine Thrower packs some
decent power (though its explosion isn't as powerful as any other explosion in the
Thrower game), ammo for the weapon is not at all readily available. The weapon can take a
significant amount of inventory space but has very limited usability, making it dead-
weight. The Mine Thrower is good for taking out groups of lesser enemies quickly,
but because its blast radius is so small you'll have to nail your targets exactly and
hope they don't move before the mine explodes.


Firepower 2.0 6.0 (3) Homing - Mines home in on enemies and
blast radius is bigger.
Firing Speed 1.33
Reload Speed 3.43 2.57 (2)
Capacity 5 10 (3)

Grenades are an excellent resource to have available when push comes to shove. If you can lure a large group of
enemies into a small area (such as, through a narrow doorway), you can often kill off a bunch of not-zombies with just
one well-lobbed grenade. However, if you're inventory is full and it comes down to choosing between a box of ammo and
a grenade your best choice is usually the keep the ammo. The decision that isn't so clear is which grenades you should
keep, and which ones you should ditch.

Hand Grenades: Hand Grenades are by far the most powerful and effective grenades in your arsenal. Their
quick explosion is enough to kill most enemies in a single blow, often making it as effective as an entire box of
gun ammo.

Incendiary Grenades: While not as powerful as Hand Grenades, Incendiary Grenades have much of the same
usefulness. Because the flames from the grenade last longer than the explosion, you can use one to block off a
doorway. As any enemies come through the doorway, they instantly ignite, and while most enemies won't
instantly die to fire, you can effectively weaken many enemies with one shot and finish them off with your
weaker weapons.

Flash Grenades: Even though Flash Grenades are the first grenades you should ditch, they've still got their
effective uses. A Flash Grenade will temporarily stun multiple enemies, letting you either run through them while
they cower from the light or run up to knock them down. Flash Grenades have a special use against the
parasites, as well—one flash is enough to instantly kill any parasite within the blast radius.

Chicken Eggs are great because they offer quick health and take up very little room in your inventory. If you can find a
Gold Chicken Egg, consider yourself one lucky sun-of-a-gun—it'll refill your health entirely, no matter how long your
health bar is, and still only takes one block in your inventory.

Herbs are a Resident Evil hero's life and blood. Because they're mixable, they're a lot more versatile than animal-based
healing products (such as eggs and fish). For more information on mixing herbs, check out the dedicated part of the
Basics section of this guide.

As you examine the village and other areas of Resident Evil 4, you'll often come across various treasures, including
spinels, bangels, and masks. Any of these items can be sold for profit to the merchant, and you don't have to worry
about losing something you need later (they're all otherwise worthless). However, you can increase the value of a few
items. Items such as the Beerstein and the Elegant Mask have places where you can fit in small gems. When you collect
the correct gems, fit them into the other treasures to increase their value. If you sell them off before combining the
treasures with gems, you'll lose some potential income.


Start by walking up the path ahead of you and through a small group of crows. You'll see a truck to your right and a
house to the left. Enter the house through the front door and, as you make your way around the corner inside, get ready
to shoot down a not-zombie. After it's down, three more not-zombies will appear outside the house—before confronting
them, head up the stairs in the back of the building, grab the ammo from the table, and then jump through the window

You'll land right in the middle of the three not-zombies—quickly run away to put some distance between you and the
enemies before attempting to take them out. When they're taken care of, run down the path that the truck was previously
blocking (it's gone now) and inspect the nearby shed for items and a save point.

Head up the path a little further and you'll run into a dog that's been caught in a bear trap. Approach the wounded animal
and you can save it—do it! You'll be happy later. Continue along the path, but be on the lookout for other bear traps
scattered about. At the base of the slight hill are a couple of dynamite traps. Either disable the traps (by shooting them)
or just walk around them, and then continue up the hill. At the top is another not-zombie to worry about—take him out
and continue along the path.

You'll find another small shed on the left side of the path, and inside are a few items you should grab. You'll need to
watch out for the two not-zombies just past the shed, however—when you enter the shed they'll be alerted to your
presence, so get in and out as quickly as possible. When the coast is clear, cross the bridge just ahead.

A third shed is visible just ahead, but don't rush inside. There's a not-zombie standing inside, and you can peg him with
a shot or two through the window to flush him out. Grab the items from the shed and continue up the path and through
the door ahead.

Just down the path you'll be prompted to peer ahead through your binoculars. You'll spy on a village that's swarming
with not-zombies. You'll have to take them on eventually, but for now you should stock up on supplies. On the left side of
the path is a narrow branch that goes around the north end of the village. You can pass behind a couple of buildings
without being seen. Before you pass behind a woman not-zombie that's shoveling hay, turn right and jump through the
window of a building to enter inside and grab the items.

When you've cleared the building of items, get ready for a mad dash. You should run around the village, avoiding the
not-zombies and collecting the numerous items around town. There's ammo and health to grab, but avoid entering the
northeast building until you're done scavenging for items. When you're stocked up, enter the northeast building.
A huge swarm of not-zombies will rush the building, and Leon will automatically push one piece of furniture in front of the
door. When control is returned to you, push the shelving to the right in front of the window that a few not-zombies are
trying to break through, and then collect the items under the stairs. When you've got those, rush up the stairs and be
sure to grab the shotgun from the wall. When you've got all the items from upstairs, jump through the window to the west
(not the one that's already broken).

You'll land on a shoddy rooftop. Turn right and run around the corner to prepare yourself for a fight. Tons of not-zombies
will come towards you and, as long as you make sure there are no ladders behind you, you'll have a great position to
start popping them off as they attack. If you get swarmed with not-zombies, quickly equip the shotgun and blast 'em
away, but otherwise try to stick to your pistol. That is, of course, unless the chainsaw not-zombie appears.

The chainsaw not-zombie isn't very much affected by normal pistol fire, so you'll need to quickly equip the shotgun and
blast him down before he gets too close. One shotgun blast will knock him down for a while, but he'll eventually get back
up. Switch between weapons as needed and keep holding off the enemies from your perch. Eventually, a bell will ring
and the not-zombies will disperse.

When the coast is clear, you can drop back down to the ground and continue searching the village. Once you're
satisfied, head up the path to the northeast to continue on to the next area.
You'll see a number of villagers working around the farm just up the road. Try to stay near the beginning of the path and
get their attention with a shot or two to lure them towards you. There are two not-zombies to the left, and to the right
(behind and inside the barn to the south) are three more.

When the not-zombies are dead, walk around the farm and collect items. There's a blue piece of paper you can find
that'll put a sub mission on your map—shoot all fifteen of the blue circle pieces and you'll be rewarded. There are just
seven of the fifteen medallions in this farm area. Locate them on your map and then look around for them (they're often
placed high, tucked near rooftops and on tree branches). When you've got all seven, continue down the path to the
southeast and go to the next area.

Before you leave, however, there's an interesting jewel you can get. To the north, overhanging a stagnant pool of water,
is a pendant. If you shoot the pendant it'll drop into the water, where you can grab it. However, if the pendant drops into
the water it becomes soiled (and worth less). To get the most of the jewel, knock out the small dowel that's propping up
the large board. The board will then drop, giving you a clean surface to drop the pendant onto.
Just a bit further down the path you'll be presented with a new situation; a group of villagers shove a large boulder off a
cliff, and it's rolling your way! Rapidly mash the action button and get ready to press two random buttons together to
finally dodge the boulder.

Continue through the tunnel ahead (there are some gems you can shoot off the ceiling) and the path opens up to
another building. Inside the building are a couple of not-zombies that'll toss dynamite sticks your way (there's another
not-zombie that'll also toss dynamite at you from the north, though if you hang out just west of the shack he won't be
able to hit you). If you stay far west you'll be able to draw the attack from the dynamiter in the house, but you'll be far
enough that they won't damage you. Take aim and shoot one of the dynamite sticks before it leaves the not-zombie's
hands—you'll blow him up, and the other not-zombie in the building with him.

When you've got those two dead, take aim for the not-zombie that's just northeast of the shed to your left. Take him
down before he can nail you with dynamite, and then run around to the south end of the house (watch out for the bear
traps). You can hop through a window on the east wall, giving you a shot at another not-zombie that's in the building.

Once you've cleared the area, head down to the house to the east. You'll have to kick the door about four times to break
through the lock and get inside. Watch out for the explosive traps that are in the halls, and push the large armoire away
from the door to get access to the back room. In the room is a larger armoire that you can inspect—do so and you'll let
loose an ally, and end the level.


As you exit the small shed you're in, you'll see through a window a mysterious figure. Exit the shed and run around to
the back of it to meet up with a merchant—if you've got some cash to spare, consider picking up some items and
upgrading weapons. Though a word of warning: upgrading your shotgun and pistol right now is not a very good idea.
You'll be replacing them entirely soon enough.

What you should get, however, is the rifle. As you explore the area in front of the building you're near, a sweeping
camera shows off the village and its many inhabitants. Don't open the gates that lead out right away—instead, take a
spot behind the breaks in the wall and snipe as many of the not-zombies as you can. When they're all cleared out, open
the gate, take out the not-zombie to your right, and walk forward to see a flood of not-zombies pouring towards you from
multiple directions.
Your best bet is to retreat back behind the gate and let the mob of not-zombies file in through the narrow doorway. As
they open the door you can greet them with a shotgun blast or a grenade (a grenade will take out an entire group of not-
zombies in an instant). When the flow of enemies seems to have stopped, step back through the gate to see another
group (smaller) come at you. Hold your ground, and the flood of not-zombies will eventually cease.

Exit the compound and turn right down the stairs that lead to a narrow, precarious walkway. Almost immediately, you'll
reach a fork in the path—take the path to the left to enter a building to the north. There's some ammo inside, and
another door on the other side of the small room. Just beyond the door are two not-zombies. Lure the enemies through
the doorway and lay 'em out.

Further in the small shed (around the corner) is a third not-zombie that's waiting for you. When the shed is clear, step
outside through the east window and shoot down the not-zombie that's sitting atop the roof. Climb up a ladder to reach
the rooftop and collect the Emblem (Right half) from the small chest.

Hop down from the rooftop and approach the structure to the northwest. As you do, another stream of not-zombies
comes at you from behind! Run behind the structure and position yourself so that no one can come at you from behind
and start laying the not-zombies to waste—two groups in total. Once they're dead you won't have to worry about not-
zombies anymore.

The second half of the Emblem can be found in the southeast area, up on the walkways from where the first group of
not-zombies came. Grab the Emblem (Left half) and approach the locked door to the north. Combine the two emblem
pieces and fit them into the doorway to unlock it, and then continue on to the next area.
Enter the building ahead. Through the door to the south are a couple of not-zombies that you can lure towards you by
kicking open the door. When they're gone, step through the door and watch out for two more not-zombies that are at the
end of the hall to your left. Once you've finished them off, head down the hall and jump through one of the windows to
your right—you'll enter a large open room with four not-zombies on the other side! As two of the not-zombies march
towards you, simply take cover behind the large red dumpster. The other two not-zombies will hurl dynamite sticks
towards you, blowing up the first two not-zombies and letting you focus your efforts on the two dynamite chuckers. You
can either pick 'em off or try to shoot the dynamite at the very moment it leaves their hands to cause and explosion that'll
take out both not-zombies.

When the first four not-zombies are taken care of, start making your way towards the back of the room. Watch out for
the bear traps that litter the floor (there are some on the other side of the sandbags, so don't jump over them), along with
the two not-zombies that come through the door to the left. You can also get some extra items from the two furnaces on
your right before stepping through the doorway behind the sandbags.
Just through the door, to your left, is a boarded up window. Use your knife to break down the boards and hop over the
ledge to find a valuable item, and hop back through the window. Step through the doorway at the other end of the room
to exit the building, and walk down the steep hall. After turning left and then right again, you'll see a not-zombie very
close by. Nail him, and hop down the ladder to the left to get some items (and some free health if you shoot a fish).
Climb up the higher ladder and you'll exit the area.

There are a couple items to get in the area, along with a couple of traps to avoid. Watch out for the bear traps and the
dynamite rigging on the trees nearby as you make your way down the path and into the building ahead. A door just
around the corner has a small puzzle to solve: twist the sphere around so that the pattern of the sphere matches the
patterns on the doorway (twist up twice, then left once).
Inside the room, you'll find the glowing Insignia key, along with a few more items. Once you step through the doorway
left of the bed, the level will end.


There are a few items scattered around the inside of the house, but no not-zombies to worry about...yet. As you step
outside, you'll see a trio of not-zombies (including one with a chainsaw) just around the corner to the left. Waste no time
taking out the chainsaw not-zombie and continue down the path, where you'll run into two more not-zombies.

A bit further down the path is a shed to your right, and in a couple of trees you can see pink objects that you can target.
Shoot them down and you'll get some valuables before bumping into another group of not-zombies. Lay 'em out, and
continue through the doorway at the end of the path to return to the village.
As soon as you enter the village again, a hoard of not-zombies rushes towards you from the center of town. Quickly take
refuge in the small building to your left and use your shotgun to blast away multiple not-zombies as they file in through
the narrow doorway.

When all the not-zombies are dead, return to the center of town. There's a doorway to the southeast that you can open
using the Insignia key. There are also two not-zombies standing on the rooftops to the north—you can ignore them if you
want and just quickly run to the doorway to continue on to the next area.
There are a couple of items in the small building, and thankfully no not-zombies. You can get an extral jewel by shooting
down the lamp that's hanging in the back room before you open up the hatch in the floor and drop down to an
underground tunnel.

Again, you won't have to worry about any not-zombies. There are some jewels that are stuck in the ceiling of the small
cavern that you can shoot out. You'll also find the merchant lurking in this underground tunnel. Deal with him as you
please, and then step through the next door to find a ladder that leads to the graveyard area.
Walk up the path leading to the cemetary and, as you pass through the shoddy gate, turn right to take out the first not-
zombie. There's a small shed behind her with some items inside, and another not-zombie on the south side of the

When the base of the graveyard is clear, start making your way towards the church on the hill to the east. As you do,
three more not-zombies will come at you, and one of them has dynamite! Clear them out to get access to the church. In
one of the trees is an item you can shoot down, but be careful: if you hit the bell behind the tree, three not-zombies will
come up at you from the west side of the graveyard.

It's also worth noting that the remainder of the blue medallions can be found in this graveyard. Once you've shot at least
eleven of them, you can return to the merchant to claim a free weapon (it's basically a replacement for your current

The church is locked for now, so run around to the back of the building. In a small courtyard you'll see two not-zombies,
and one of them is armed with explosives. Quickly turn around and run away when you see the dynamite light and the
blast should take out both not-zombies for you.
Behind the two not-zombies is a pedestal with a strange mechanism you can operate. You need to light up the three
symbols that match the symbols of the twins' gravestones in the main graveyard. The trick, however, is that you can only
move the dial in increments of three and four, and whatever symbol the dial stops on will automatically light up (or go
out). To properly light up the three symbols, turn the dial in this order: three increments (3), four increments (4), three
increments (3), three increments (3), four increments (4), three increments (3), three increments (3). When all three
symbols are lit, the mechanism will open up and give you a valuable jewel you can combine with another jewel (the

Continue along the path that leads past the church (east). You'll reach a bridge with a not-zombie that'll call over two
more. Clear the path and jump over the gap. To the left is a small shed with a note inside (and a booby trap), and further
down the path is another gap you'll have to leap across. Just around the corner is another not-zombie, and a door that
leads to the next area.

There are a few items to collect in this next area, along with a flock of crows you can shoot at for even more goodies. To
the northeast is a locked door, and to the east is a hallway with two doors. Head through the door to the south and you'll
enter a new area with a save area and another merchant. Power up your weapons as desired—you're going to need all
the help you can get.

When you're done here, climb back up the ladder and return to the previous area. This time, head through the doorway
to the west.
There are a couple of items to get from the shed to your right. Grab 'em, and then continue down the hill ahead of you.
You'll get to another sprint event where you must rapidly mash the action button to avoid the rolling boulder. Again, you'll
have to dodge the boulder at the last second.

Follow the path down towards a dock, and take out the not-zombie that's standing in front of a dynamite trap (you can
blow up the trap to take him out). There are a number of other not-zombies around the docks that you can take out with
sniper fire. After taking out about five of them, a rush of not-zombies will run down the hill behind you. Position yourself
on the dock so that the long stretch of dock that connects to the first beach acts as a funnel, forcing all of the not-
zombies to come at you from one side. You can snipe them as they come, though you'll have to quickly switch to other
weapons to deal with them once they get close. When that rush of not-zombies is dead, a second group will come. Deal
with them the same, and then continue to make your way eastward.
There are a couple more not-zombies throughout the docks. As before, try to take them out with sniper fire from afar,
and watch out for the explosive traps set up in the area. As you finally reach the eastern beach, be mindful of the not-
zombie lurking in the shed to the left. Continue up the hill and through the door to the next area.

There are a couple of items to find in the area, and no dangers for the time being. Run up the hill to your left to find a red
herb, and then run down the other path to find a save point. Outside the shed is a boat near a dock—hop on the boat
and get ready for a battle.

Drive the boat out towards the center of the lake. As you do, a giant sea monster—the "Del Lago"—appears, and gets
stuck on the end of your anchor. As the Del Lago pulls you around, you'll have to maneuver the boat to dodge both the
monster and the floating tree hazards while harpooning the beast with the limitless supply of harpoons at your side.

Right away, the Del Lago pulls you towards some floating tree hazards. Pull the boat wide right to get around them.
When you've passed the hazards, the monster will dive underwater for his first attack. Pull the boat hard either left or
right to dodge the beast as it surfaces and bites at your feeble boat. There will be a number of attacks just like this
throughout the battle, and they can all be dodged the same way. Put down the harpoon and just pull hard in one
direction (don't hesitate) and you should be fine.
After dodging this attack, the Del Lago will start pulling you again, with its back sticking out of the surface of the water.
Use this opportunity to lodge a harpoon or two into the beat's back, while dodging any hazards that get in the way. When
the Del Lago dives underwater again, put the harpoon down and pull away to dodge his upcoming attack.

Sometimes, however, you won't be able to put the harpoon down, and instead of the Del Lago surfacing nearby, the
scene will seem still for just a moment while Leon holds the harpoon. Eventually, red arrows will point you towards the
Del Lago as it resurfaces in the distance. Very quickly take aim at the Del Lago and throw one harpoon to nail it just as
the monster surfaces. Then ready another harpoon, and you can quickly get off a second shot just before it reaches you.
If you can successfully hit the monster twice during this attack, the Del Lago will dive under you, causing no harm.
However, if you don't hit it with two harpoons, you'll be struck by the sea monster as it barrels towards you.

If you do get knocked out of the boat, you'll have to rapidly mash the action button to swim back to safety. Also be
mindful of another action-button-mashing sequence that occurs at the end of the fight—we won't spoil what happens, but
you'll need to stay alert, even during the ending cutscene.

There are a couple of items scattered around the building you're in, along with a save point. You can continue the
mission by heading southeast, or you can jump back into a boat and ride over to the merchant's new roost, in an alcove
to the northeast. There are a couple of items you can find around the merchant's hideout, and you can find even more if
you push around the large boxes. You can even get onto the roof of the merchant's hut and drop through a hole to land
next to the merchant, behind his counter with a free item for you.

When you're done bugging the merchant, head back to the eastern beach and go through the door to the next area.
Almost immediately as you enter the new area, you'll be approached by two not-zombies, and one of them is sporting a
new head. Take them out quickly (the rifle works well if you're quick) by targeting the parasites, and then continue
across the dam.

You'll have to jump over a number of gaps to reach the north side of the riverbank. Head to the northeast corner of the
area and equip your rifle to snipe down the one not-zombie sitting in a small hut, and then climb down the rope to the
level below.

On the east end of the area, the path ends next to the flowing river. Shoot the chains that are holding up the nearby
crate and it'll fall into the water, giving you something to jump across to reach the other side. On the middle dock, there's
a jewel you can shoot out of one of the rafters before you shoot down two more crates to jump across to the south dock.
Climb up the ladder on the south dock and pull the lever to open up the passage to the cave.
With the opening of the passage comes a new mob of not-zombies that rush out as you jump back to the center dock.
When they come, turn around and jump back over to the south dock before taking aim at the enemies. As they hop
across the crates, take shots at them with your pistol—if you get good shots, it'll take just one bullet to knock one of the
not-zombies into the water. Clear them out, and jump back to the center dock to head through the cave under the

At the end of the cave is a large door with an item in the center. Grab the Round Insignia and head through the two
doors to enter a larger cavern. Hop in the boat that's in the cavern and Leon will drive back to a previous cavern with a
merchant and a save point.

Head up the stairs to the north and climb the ladder to the next area. In the barrels nearby is a green herb that you
should definitely grab right away, because as you step through the gate to the left you'll be confronted by one monster
enemy—El Gigante.
Luckily, El Gigante takes care of the villagers nearby, leaving just Leon as opposition. In order to take down the monster,
you'll first have to damage him with your weapons, forcing the giant to kneel down and the parasite inside him to pop
out. Once El Gigante is on his knees, run up to him and press the action button to vault up on top of him. As Leon jumps
onto the back of the monster, take note of the button that flashes at the bottom of your screen, and mash the button to
slice away at the parasite.

You'll need to drop the monster to his knees at least two times (or three, depending on how well you mash the slice
button). The hard part of the fight is in convincing El Gigante to fall. It takes a lot of ammo dumped into his flesh to fell
him, and getting shots isn't always terrifically easy. Equip your shotgun, and start taking notes.

When the fight starts, your best bet is to just run away from the monster. You can safely run around the monster in
circles, though he'll keep up with your pace, preventing you from ever getting behind him. So while you're not really
accomplishing anything by running away, you are successfully stalling him. After just a while, the white dog that you
freed from a beartrap at the beginning of the game (you did free him, right?) jumps out to help you. As El Gigante
chases after the dog, stand back and take shots at him with the shotgun or rifle (or even with grenades). You'll have a
chance to deal some good damage, though El Gigante won't chase after the dog forever.

El Gigante has a few attacks for you, as well. Occassionally, he'll uproot a tree from the ground and wield it as a club.
When he does this, your best chance is to stand still and let him approach you. El Gigante will swing the tree and, at the
last second, a pair of buttons will appear at the bottom of the screen (usually the shoulder buttons). Quickly press the
buttons and you'll dodge the attack, giving you a chance to get off one shotgun blast before running away again.
Other attacks in the monster's repertoire include a charging shoulder ram attack, and a boulder that he tosses. The
shoulder ram attack can be pretty easily avoided simply by running around El Gigante, though if you stop to take aim at
the monster and see that he's about to attack (he'll roar, and then drop his head between his legs) you'll need to know
how to avoid it. The event is much like the tree attack—just press the right buttons at the righ time (again, usually the
shoulder buttons) and you'll avoid the strike. The boulder that El Gigante throws your way can be avoided pretty easily,
simply by stepping out of the way or by running around him. Of course, El Gigante has a number of attacks he'll execute
if you get too close to him (so don't).

Essentially, you'll end up running away from El Gigante, using a quick turn to aim and shoot him once or twice before
running off again. When the dog starts distracting the monster, take the opportunity to get in some free shots (or reload
your gun) and prepare yourself for his counter-attacks. Once the monster falls to his knees, vault on top of him with the
action button and slice away at his parasite. Sooner or later, the beast will die.

Start heading westward, towards the church. After crossing over the rickety wooden walkways, stop before walking up to
the church and equip your rifle. If you look just ahead, you'll see the glowing eyes of a wolf. Shoot the wolf once with
your rifle and then quickly swap over to your shotgun. Two wolves will come at you, but you'll be able to take care of
them easily with the shotgun in hand. When the two are dead, continue up the hill and watch out for a third wolf (it can
also be sniped if you're careful).
Head into the church (unlock the door with the Round Insignia) and turn left through the doorway. There's a narrow hall
that leads to a ladder. Climb the ladder to the upper level of the church and you'll soon find out that a gate is locked. To
circumvent the gate, look out towards the center of the church and jump across the gap to land on the chandelier. As the
chandelier swings forward, jump again to cross the gap.

On the other side of the church's upper level is a control panel for the lights. Using the control panel, you can rotate
three lights. The goal is to match the lights' patterns so that when they merge they perfectly overlay with the colored
image that already exists. Rotate the red light so that the small keyhole on the perimeter is pointing down. Rotate the
green light so that the keyhole is pointing left. Rotate the blue light so that the keyhole is pointing right. When you've got
the three lights in the correct position, combine them to open up the gate on the south side of the church.

Open up the door beyond the raised gate and you'll finally meet up with Ashley. Get her to follow you and head towards
the ladder that leads back down to the floor level (you'll have to catch her at the bottom of the ladder). As you step out
into the main church hall, the level will end.

As you exit the church storage room, a brief cutscene shows you the angry mob ahead. Have Ashley wait near the
doorway and equip your rifle. Target one of the barrels that's sitting in the cart just a bit down the hill and fire away—the
cart should explode and roll backwards, taking out most of the not-zombies behind it. Stand back and shoot down any
not-zombies remaining, and then lead Ashley through the graveyard (heading west).

Climb down the ladder to the west to enter the cave with the merchant. Deal with him as you please and collect the item
or two you can find inside before climbing up the ladder to the north (near a save point) and exiting to the next area.
As you step back out into the main village, a not-zombie comes at you from the left. Lay him out, and then focus on
getting Ashley somewhere save. To your right should be the large bell tower. Lead Ashley to the top and have her wait
as you scour the village, hunting items and not-zombies.

When you're done searching the town, return to the bell tower. A path leads northeast (you took the path before) and is
your way to the next area. However, it won't be a simple walk in the park, as a number of not-zombies and beartraps
serve as obstacles. With Ashley still in her safe roost, take out the not-zombies one-by-one and set off the traps so that
neither you nor Ashley gets stick in them later. When the path is clear (there are three or four not-zombies to take care),
call Ashley down from her hideout and guide her through the door, and into the next area.
As soon as you enter the farm area, walk down the road just a bit and have Ashley hide in the red metal container to the
right. She'll be completely safe here while you clear the area of not-zombies, and there are plenty of the freaky enemies
to deal with (about eight in total). Make your way around the perimeter of the farm, using your rifle to snipe out any not-
zombies you can see in the distance. There are a couple of them just northeast of the main barn, two more that are
sitting on the wood-plank "balcony" around the barn, and even a not-zombie or two inside of the barn.

When you've got the area clear, make sure the inside of the barn is safe. There are a number of beartraps on the floor in
front of the ladder that you'll want to take out. Climb the ladder to the second floor and go through the window to appear
on the wood-plank balcony outside At the north end of this balcony is a ladder propped up, and the last not-zombie in
the area. Take it out, and then go back to get Ashley. Lead her back to the area with the last not-zombie and jump down
to the ground level again. In the northeast corner, you can piggyback with Ashley, letting her get to the other side of the
door to unlock it. Continue on to the next area.
At the beginning of the new path is a merchant you can deal with. Now's a pretty good time to upgrade your shotgun if
you haven't done so already (things like fire rate and ammo capacity are a good idea). As you cross the bridge ahead,
you'll be chased into the abandoned house where you and Luis will have to hold off the largest (by far) swarm of not-
zombies you've yet faced.

As soon as you've got control of Leon again, it's time to start setting up shop in this temporary stronghold. You've got to
hold off the zombie invasion for a set period of time (just a few minutes), though luckily your partners in crime won't be a
concern for you (Ashley hides during the entire scene, and Luis is invincible). You only have to worry about yourself, a
task that's not exactly easy. Start by pushing the three bookshelves in the area in front of the three windows that the not-
zombies are trying to break through. There are also a couple of herb plants in the downstairs area that you should
collect and mix. When you've got the herbs and have blocked off the windows, run upstairs.

Stand at the top of the stairs with your shotgun armed, looking down the stairs and waiting for any not-zombies that
come running up. Luis will try to hold them off from downstairs for a while, but that doesn't mean you won't get your fair
share of action upstairs. Your shotgun will hold off the not-zombies very well, and you can toss a grenade or two down
to the base of the stairs to help thin out the herd. Eventually, Luis will retreat upstairs with you, giving you a cue to
change your tactics.
At about the same time Luis heads upstairs, the not-zombies outside will start throwing up ladders to climb into the three
windows of the upstairs area. When possible, run up to the ladders and kick them off to hold back the flow of not-
zombies. The enemies will continue to pour in up the stairs, forcing you to keep an eye on all directions. Throw grenades
at the top of the stairs to get a bunch of enemies simultaneously (again, don't worry about Luis, even if he's in the way),
and wield your shotgun to clear out the rest. Eventually, the flow of not-zombies will cease, and the level will end.


There are no not-zombies to worry about for now, but there is a merchant you can deal with if you'd like. In an alcove to
the south is a lever you can pull that'll open up one of two doors. It's your choice which direction you'd like to go: go left,
or go right. Because we're so nice, we've got a walkthrough for both directions.
Right Path
Choosing the path to the right (the western doorway) will give you a brief (but challenging) chase. As you start running
down the canyon with Ashley, another giant monster drops in behind you. You won't have to fight the beast head-on, but
avoiding its grasp while navigating this narrow path is no walk in the park.

Keep Ashley behind you at all times. As soon as the giant appears, take aim with your pistol and look towards the
western wall (should be to your left). At the top of the canyon wall is a large boulder precariously resting atop a weak
wooden structure. Pop just one bullet into the wood and the boulder will come crashing down, giving you a valuable
obstacle to distract the ogre. As soon as the boulder falls, turn around and run towards the gate ahead. The door is
locked up, though you can break through the locks with a pistol shot to each of them (kicking them in will work, but it's
too slow).

Run through the second part of the canyon and you'll have to avoid a couple of small sheds. Once you've passed the
sheds, turn around 180 degrees and aim towards the northern wall (to your right). There's another boulder that you can
shoot down before turning around to continue your run down the canyon. Again, you'll have to shoot off the locks that
are barring the next doorway, though you don't want to run through the door right away. Instead, have Ashley wait at the
opened door and turn around to run back towards the monster. The enemy will have smashed through the sheds that
were previously in your way, revealing the Old Key that should be lying on the ground. Run between the monster's legs
to grab the key and return to Ashley.
With Ashley in tow again, you'll come up to a locked door in the third area. Use the Old Key to open up the door and exit
to the next area. If you want to chance it, there's a valuable item you can get if you go back into the canyon. The giant is
still lurking around the area, but he's on the other end of the canyon. Run back into the canyon and in the second area
you'll see the glint of an object that's inside a bucket hanging over the canyon (at about the same area where you found
the Old Key). Shoot it down and you can pick it up, or you can shoot it down, leave the area, and then return to get to it
more safely.

Left Path
Taking this path will cost you a lot of bullets, but you'll also get some decent items (including a couple of herbs). As soon
as you enter the area with Ashley, you'll see a group of not-zombies ahead of you. In the middle of them all is a cart with
explosive barrels. Target one of the barrels and pop in one pistol round to take out a bunch of not-zombies with one
blow. Once the flow of not-zombies has stopped, run forward and have Ashley hide in the red container.
As you turn right around the corner, equip your rifle and you can zoom in on a not-zombie that's walking around on the
platforms above (to the south of you). Snipe him down, and then climb up the ladder just beyond him. From the top of
the ladder, you can use your rifle to zoom in on about a four other not-zombies that are lurking around this upper
walkway. When the upper levels are cleared of enemies, load up your weapons and equip your shotgun.

Head to the northeast corner of the upper walkway, and there should be a place where you can jump down to the
ground level in the center of the wooden structure (do not kick down the ladder). As you jump down, a massive group of
not-zombies will come at you from all sides, including two chainsaw wielders. Right away, climb back up the ladder to
the upper platforms and run around the walkway to jump off in the area where you started (where you left Ashley). Back
up against the doorway and you'll be safe from attacks to your rear. As the not-zombies storm towards you, bombard
them with grenades and shotgun blasts. You should be pretty safe from your position while you take down the not-
zombies. When the flow seems to stop, make sure there are no lurkers (often, one of the not-zombies will get stuck on
the upper platform and toss axes at you when you approach him).

One of the two chainsaw enemies drops something that you'll need. Grab the Camp Key from her person, and head
back to the top level of the wooden structure (if you still hear the music, there's likely another enemy lurking about). Drop
into the center area and you can use the Camp Key to open up the door nearby. Through the doorway is narrow hall that
goes between the wooden structures, and as you round the corner to the south you'll meet another group of not-
zombies. Waste no time in taking them out (the narrow passage is good for grenades) and continue around the corner to
make sure the path is safe. Once all not-zombies are cleared away, call Ashely to you and head through the doorway to
the southeast.

No matter which path you choose to take, you'll end up in the same area with another merchant. If you'd like to get the
items from both paths, it is highly recommended that you take the left path first. You'll be able to backtrack through the
area without having to worry about any enemies, and then open up the door to the right to engage in the chase scene. If
you do to right path first, it'll be harder to get by the giant when backtracking.

The first part of this area is free of any not-zombie infestation, so you can walk around and explore at will. There's a
merchant to deal with, along with a nearby save-point, and you can see the door that leads to the village's exit (it's
locked). When you're ready to continue, head up the hill to the north to reach the lift.

Before stepping onto the lift, equip your rifle and look down the canyon. You'll be able to spot two not-zombies along the
left wall (you have to be standing far-right to see both) that you should definitely take out now in order to make things
easier in just a second. When you're ready, hop onto the lift to begin your descent. As you make your way down, you'll
have to shoot down the not-zombies that are riding the lifts coming your direction. The best weapon to use is the pistol
(just one shot in each enemy will knock them off the lifts), and you can get the best view if you immediately tell Ashley to
wait (the camera zooms in just a bit when you do). While riding down the lift, take aim at the not-zombies that are
coming towards you, and watch out for any hatchets they may toss at you. All of the enemies to worry about will be
coming up on the lifts (as long as you sniped the first two before getting on the lift), so don't turn away for even a second
until you reach the bottom of the ride.
There are no enemies to worry about at the bottom of the lift. Walk around the area and the path will split in two
directions. To continue, head east to reach the merchant, though if you want an extra jewel for the Beerstein you can
head through the passage to the west (there are three not-zombies to take down, including one at the top of a ladder).

Approach the large shed in the next area and a cutscene will take over, leaving you to square off against a new
nemesis, the town mayor. During the cutscene that opens the fight, be prepared to dodge an attack before the real fight
begins. The fight against the mayor is a two part event, as he changes forms mid-way through the battle. For the first
form, equip just your pistol and you'll be fine to go.
As the mayor slowly walks towards you, aim for his head and dump in as many rounds as possible before he gets too
close. There's also a gas can you can explode when the mayor's nearby to deal some damage (it's to your right at the
very beginning of the fight). When the mayor starts to get close, run by him on either side—you should be pretty safe as
long as you sprint around him (use whichever side has the most space between him and the walls). If you stand still and
wait too long, the mayor will approach you and go for a massive attack that you'll have to dodge by pressing the buttons
displayed on the screen (usually the shoulder buttons).

You can repeat this pattern pretty easily and eventually wear down the gruesome enemy. Once the gruesome enemy
falls to his knees, he'll change to a much more sinister and dangerous form.

The second form of the mayor is best dealt with using the rifle (the pistol is next best, and the shotgun is terrible). While
the creature is on the opposite end of the room, snipe at his upper body and head to deal the most damage. Try to
follow him up into the rafters during his first ascent, though if you don't knock him out of the rafters then you'll want to run
under him, to the other side of the room. If the enemy drops down to a lower rafter and is hanging right in front of you,
move! Almost immediately, he'll swipe at you with his long tentacle-like arms and cause some massive damage.
However, if you get under him before he drops down, you'll avoid the attack entirely and may even have enough time to
turn around and snipe him from the other side of the room.

One thing to be careful about is when you choose to reload. You definitely do not want to reload if you're not sure where
the mayor is, or if he's anywhere close to you. Sometimes, solid torso and head shots will knock the creature to the
ground, and he'll crawl away from you to resume his swinging pattern. Take this opportunity to reload your weapon,
even if you've only shot one bullet out of the clip. The last thing you want is a situation where you have no bullets in your
clip and can't get a chance to reload the rifle.

It doesn't take too long to kill the evil enemy, so don't rush you attacks. Focus first and foremost on avoiding his attacks
and setting up safe attack opportunities for yourself. When he dies, you can explore the inside of the building to find a
ton of items, including a number of herb items (a couple are on the second level of the shed, a place you do not want to
be while fighting). Also be sure to pick up the Fake Eye that's left behind once the nemesis is dead.
To get out of the building, look around the room for a wall that's been blown out. The hole is small, though if you get
close to it, Leon can jump over the fire and through the hole to exit and continue the mission.

With the Fake Eye in hand, return to the area with the lifts and ride them back to the top of the mountain. Use the Fake
Eye to open up the doorway to the southeast and enter the last area of the village.

As soon as you enter the area, you'll see three torches burning in the distance. Equip your rifle and snipe the enemies
down, and then start marching up the hill. As you do, a not-zombie will come crashing down the hill in a truck. Quickly
zoom in and snipe the not-zombie to send the truck crashing out of control. Out of the truck, a number of not-zombies
appear—quickly take them out with your shotgun to protect Ashley, and continue running up the path. When you
approach the castle, the chapter will end.

There's nothing to worry about in this first area. Run around the merchant's hut to collect a bunch of items (watch out for
the snake in the one of the boxes—kill it to get an egg). Talk with the merchant if you'd like, and definitely consider
buying the new larger attaché case. When you're done in the area, head up the stairs and continue to the next area.

Just around the first corner in the new area is a large crate with a box of ammo on top. Grab the ammo and equip your
rifle to take aim at the ledge ahead. There are two not-zombies to snipe down, both garbed in blue. When they're dead,
head forward and run up the stairs to the right. Once you reach the top of the stairs, a cutscene shows a follower of
Saddler readying a large catapult, and it's firing your way! Wait for the first two catapult shots to land nearby, and lead
Ashley across the courtyard, taking the first left turn you see to get some extra items.
When you've got the items from the room with the cannon, backtrack a bit to the main courtyard where you were just
being bombarded with catapult shots. To the left (west) is a set of stairs that leads upwards, and from the very base of
the stairs you can look upwards to snipe down another enemy. With this enemy dead, you'll have one less catapult to
worry about—but you're definitely not out of the water yet.

At the top of the stairs, turn right to face south. You can spot another enemy manning a catapult, so snipe him down now
to eliminate the threat. Climb to the top of the stairs and tell Ashley to wait in the northeast corner of the courtyard while
you snipe out another enemy to the southwest. Soon, three enemies will storm the area you're at—one from the south
and two from the stairs you just climbed—in an attempt to steal away Ashley. Pick 'em off with your pistol before
crossing the bridge to the south and sniping the catapulting enemy to the north.

There are some items in the nearby shed. Grab 'em, and leave Ashley here for the time being. Cross the bridge to the
east to head towards a circular platform and you'll start taking catapult fire from another enemy to the north. Once
across the bridge, take cover in the small hut to the east and use your rifle to snipe the enemy on the rooftop ahead.
When the coast is clear, activate the nearby lever to raise the cannon, and then fire the cannon to blast open the
doorway in the courtyard to the north. Head through the doorway to continue to the next area.
As you enter the small room, grab the nearby items and pull the Platinum Sword from the north wall. Leave Ashley in
this corner of the room as you start heading up the stairs in the center. Three enemies in the upper room will be alerted
to your position and will start to attack, though you can head back down the stairs and pick them off as they come
towards you. When those three are dead, call Ashley back to you before heading back up the stairs.

Right away, lead Ashley to the southwest corner of the room. After a set amount of time, a large group of not-zombie
enemies will enter the area through the downstairs door and come rushing towards you from up the stairs. Keep Ashley
behind you while you pick off the enemies at the top of the stairs. The enemies usually come in two groups, so hold your
ground until you're sure no one is left—when the not-zombies stop attacking, head to the top of the stairs and snipe
down the leader that's at the base of the staircase.
On the second floor of this area is a Gold Sword embedded in the wall. Take it, and in its place you need to put the
Platinum Sword. With that done, head downstairs and put the Gold Sword in the place where the Platinum Sword was,
opening a doorway on the second floor that leads to the next area.

After talking to Luis again, enter the courtyard ahead and you'll see that the gateway to the north is locked. Leave Ashley
near the gateway and open up the door to the west. As you step into the next room, you'll hear the cries of some not-
zombies as they open up a doorway ahead and start coming at you. Back away from the door and let them file in
towards you, popping them off to prevent them from getting to Ashley. When the first four are dead, enter the room from
which they came.

Once through the first door, turn right to see an explosive barrel at the end of the hall. Through the doorway is a small
room with two more not-zombies to take care of. Once they're dead, call Ashley back to you and leave her in that room.
With those two not-zombies dead, another not-zombie will appear to the south, waiting on an upper balcony with a
crossbow. If you exit the room through the door to the northeast, you can use your rifle to snipe the enemy from the
hallway (he shouldn't be able to see you).

With the crossbow wielding enemy dead, approach the archway ahead, but don't run down the stairs right away. Just
around the corner are two more not-zombies to worry about, and they've both got large wooden shields. You can snipe
one of them dead from the top of the stairs, though you'll have to take down the second the good old fashioned way
(shoot around the shield). When both are dead, call Ashley back to you and enter the next doorway.

Inside this room are a few items (including a green herb), along with the Castle Gate Key in a small chest. Once you
grab the key, a number of enemies storm in the room through the doorway you used to enter. You can take out a few by
exploding the barrel near the door, and don't be afraid to use your shotgun to take out groups of enemies if they get too
close. You'll have to fend off enemies from two directions, though if you can knock one entire group down you should
run by their bodies before they get back up to try and keep all of the enemies on one side of you. When the coast is
clear, head to the north castle gate in the previous courtyard and use the new key to open it up.

There are no enemies to worry about for the time being, so just run up the hall to the north. As you approach the nearby
savepoint, a wall comes up in front of you, blocking access to the hall further north. For now, head through the doorway
to the northeast.

Again, there are no not-zombies to worry about for now. Run east down the hall and turn north at the bend to enter a
room with two statues breathing fire, forming an impenetrable wall. On the wall to the east is a painting with the Prison
Key. Grab the key and take it back to the previous room. Open up the prison to the north and leave Ashley on the south
side of the door as you head down the eerie stairway.

On the east end of the prison is a cell with a single captive inside. Open up the door and step inside the cell to awaken
the captive, and immediately turn around and run out of the cell. The masked enemy is entirely blind, though his hearing
is pretty accute, letting him follow you around the room. Run around the pillar in the center of the room and you can
avoid all of his attacks pretty easily. Every once in a while, he'll charge at you with his claws—if you dodge him, he'll
continue running straight into the nearest wall before digging his claw into the brick. When he's stuck like this and
exposing his back, take aim with your pistol to shoot the parasite that's visible on his back. The enemy will writhe in pain
as he turns around to try and find you again. After he's done writhing, the masked enemy will often stop with his back to
you again—take advantage of his vulnerability and pop him in the parasite again.

Continue leading him around the room until he smashes his claws into the walls (even if you don't see him, you'll be able
to hear the sound of metal against brick when he leaves himself vulerable). You can even hit the bells on either side of
the room (north and south) to lure the enemy straight towards them, though they'll become destroyed once he strikes
them with his claws. Once he's defeated, throw the switch in his cell to extinguish the flames of the statues in the
previous room.

Call Ashley down to you and start making your way up the stairs. As you reach the top, keep Ashley behind you while
you take out the not-zombies to the east that come at you from the hall. With them dead, leave Ashley behind as you
carefully approach the eastern hall—just around the corern, beyond the horse statues, are three not-zombies, and one
of them's got dynamite. Lure the one enemy into blowing himself up by showing your face to him and quickly ducking
behind the archway. With him dead, you can safely poke your head out to snipe the two crossbow wielding enemies that
are hiding behind the statues.
With those three dead, cautiously approach the next doorway beyond the statues. Just through the door and to the left
are two more not-zombies, and one of them has dynamite. With those two taken care of, you can head thorugh the door
to the north and enter the next area.

As soon as you enter the next hall, a huge line of enemies starts marching towards you from ahead. Quickly run to either
the left or right corner of the room to take position, and start picking off enemies as they get close. Don't be afraid to use
your shotgun, and don't hesitate about running elsewhere (with Ashley right behind you) to reposition yourself. As you
fight off the foes, more will pour in through the sides of the room. Stay mobile, and they shouldn't be too much of a
problem since none of them have any long range attacks.

When you think you've got the upper area clear, start heading north while watching out for any stragglers that might still
be in the lower area to the north. When the room is clear, head through the door to the north to enter a new room with a
quick puzzle. Bring Ashley over to one of the yellow floor switches and tell her to wait while you go to step on the second
yellow floor switch. With both depressed, a lever will appear in the hall to the south (along with more enemies).
Exit the room with Ashley and head up the stairs to reach the main level of the hall. There are enemies all over the place
to deal with, so repeat what you did earlier to clear the room. When the coast is clear, operate the handle in the middle
of the hall to drop down a bridge that lets you reach the upper level of the hall.

There are a few items to grab in this upper area, including some extra ammo that you'll definitely want in just a second.
Reload all of your weapons before you take Ashley over to either the east or west walls. Ashley can piggyback, letting
her reach the top level with two more handles to turn. While she's turning them, you'll have to fend off enemies as they
slowly march towards her—equip your rifle and start sniping.

Of course, you can't just sit back and snipe without retaliation. Enemies will approach you as well, forcing you to switch
to the shotgun and pistol for close range combat. Keep holding off the enemies while Ashley turns both handles, and
when she's done you need to quickly run over to her and catch her as she jumps. You don't have to worry about killing
all of the enemies in the area—just lead Ashley over the bridge (you have to jump from platform to platform) and through
the doorway to the next area.
There's nothing to worry about in this room. There's a save station and a merchant on the far end of the room, along
with some free items. Unique to this area is the shooting gallery mini-game in the northwest corner. Here you can
practice your aiming and earn some bonus items. Everything about the mini-game is explained in the manual on the
merchant's desk.

When you're done with the mini-game, exit the room and head north through the hall to complete the level.

You won't be able to chase after Ashley the way she went, so head down the hall and go through the doorway to the

After grabbing the nearby items, drop down into the sewer to the east. Run down the first stretch and you'll near rapid
footsteps nearby. Though you don't have to worry right now, there is a new type of enemy nearby; on the far end of the
hall (to the south) is an invisible insect, lying in wait. You can use the laser sight on your weapons to spot these invisible
insects (remember that the dot only appears on things you can shoot), but you'll want to use your rifle to snipe them
down before you having to fight them head-on. One rifle shot is enough to take them down when they aren't already
attacking you (it takes about two shots if they are after you). Once you take down this first insect down the hall, continue
through the sewers, heading south and then turning north.

To the north is an area you can drop into. Don't drop in right away! There are two insects waiting at the bottom of the
sewer, so take the time now to snipe them dead before dropping down and collecting the many items in the area. When
you're done here, continue through the door to the southeast.

As soon as you step through the door, stop moving. To your right (south) is a hole in the ceiling in which you can barely
see the dangling sewer sludge from another insect. Snipe him down before he sees you and a second insect will come
charging at you from an area just southeast of the first insect. Snipe this one down and the area should be clear for the
time being.

There are a few cells you can enter to get some extra items. As you enter the north cell along the eastern wall, another
insect enemy will start coming for you, so get ready with your weapons. With that enemy dead, exit the cell and start
following the sewar halls east.

There are no enemies to worry about for now, allowing you to explore the cells and halls at your leisure. In one of the
rooms to the south you'll find a large circular valve handle—twist it to lower the water level in the previous area to allow
you to continue. Be careful as you leave the room, though; there are two insects clinging to the ceiling in the southeast
room (just beyond the doorway to the room with the valve). Shoot them down and return to the main area with the cells,
watching out for two more insects (one to the west and one to the south).

With the water level lowered, you can now jump down to the hall to the south. However, watch out for an insect that
drops right behind you as you kick in the gate to the south. Blast the enemy away and continue down the hall. There are
no enemies in the rest of the hall, though there are a couple of items you can grab before heading up the steps and
exiting the sewer.

You'll have to dodge some swinging blades in this next room, a challenge that's pretty straight-forward. Get near a blade
and wait for it to pass right in front of you before running past it. Get past the first two blades one at a time, though for
the last two you'll want to make a mad dash across the walkway to pass up both simultaneously. Once on the other side,
grab some nearby items and climb the ladder at the top to exit the area.

As soon as you exit back to this main hall, you'll hear the chanting of a not-zombies below. Turn right out the doorway
and head north a bit until you reach a part of the balcony where the railing is broken. Without looking over the broken
railing, equip a grenade and toss it into the center of the room. With one blast, you'll take out about a half-dozen guys
below. You can drop down to collect the items they drop, or just jump onto the chandelier to reach the balcony on the
west side of the room. From this balcony, turn north again to find another chandelier you can jump onto. Once back on
the eastern balcony, turn south to find a switch that opens up a few gates. Drop down to ground level and head up the
steps on the west side of the room to find the merchant, and a door that leads to the next area.
The first couple of rooms in this area are empty of enemies, though there are some very helpful items to grab. As soon
as you reach a door you need to open, ready your rifle and get ready to snipe. As soon as the door opens, two enemies
take aim at you with their crossbows from across the hall. Quickly snipe them down before entering the room. As you
explore the area, you'll find two more not-zombies to deal with (use the exploding barrel if you can) and a doorway to the

Through the doorway is a small room with a set of stairs to the east, and at the top of the stairs is an enemy waiting for
you. Take him out and head upstairs to go through a door that leads to the balconies of the previous room. Go north
across the balcony to reach the northwest corner of the room, and then jump down to the platform to the west (where
the crossbow enemies previously were). If there are still enemies on this platform, you can target the nearby explosive
barrel to take 'em out. Once you drop down to that level, the red-cloaked leader will take off across the balconies.

This red-cloaked enemy is holding the Gallery Key that you need to continue, which is why he's running away. From
this platform you just jumped onto, turn around and you should be able to spot him to the east. Equip your rifle and drop
a few bullets in him—if you can kill him now, awesome, but chances are that he'll retreat to the room to the south. To
follow him, go to the hall just northwest of you to get back to the balcony, and run to the northeast corner of the room.
Instead of chasing him through the door to the south, jump down to the ground level and go through the doorway to the

Just beyond the doorway, you'll spot the red-cloaked enemy who quickly takes off. Very quickly, run after him and use
your pistol to shoot him in the leg as he runs up the stairs. He should stumble, giving you enough time to switch to a
shotgun and blast him dead. If he gets away this time, he'll take to machinegun turret in the center of the main room, and
it's difficult to kill him without losing any health. Once you do kill him, grab the Gallery Key and watch out for the second
not-zombie enemy at the top of the stairs.

Upon entering the gallery, you'll be presented with a quick puzzle. You need to flip the pictures around so that there are
just six people in the paintings combined. If you get bored of flipping around the pictures, the solution to the puzzle is
this: first, hit the second switch (2), then hit the third switch (3), then hit the first switch (1), and finally hit the fourth switch
(4). The entire wall will slide away, revealing a door that leads to the next room.

As you enter the next room, a small army of not-zombies attacks you from just about all sides. On the upper levels of the
room are crossbow archers (they stick to the very corners and run away if you get near), but the upper level is still the
safest place to be. Immediately run forward and turn left to find a stairway that leads up. Ready a grenade and wait for a
small group of enemies to amass at the bottom of the stairs. You'll have to keep mobile in order the avoid the shots of
the archers while you chase them down, and you'll also need to watch out for a couple of bazooka wielding enemies that
pop out from behind a trick wall to take just one shot at you. As long as you stay mobile, you should have little problem
dodging their attacks and you pick off the archers one by one.

When the room is clear, head to the upper level of the west end. There's a switch on the north wall that will deactivate
the security system, raising up a pedestal in the center of the room and revealing two more bazooka enemies. Quickly
run to the southern part of the room and smash the vase to reveal a second red button that raises a small bridge to the
center pedestal.

As you exit the hall you're in, watch out for two more bazooka enemies that are waiting on the center pedestal. You can
retreat to the hall behind the doorway until after they fire their rockets before coming back out to take them down (one
pistol shot a piece will do it). Run around to the other side of the upper level and cross over the small bridge to grab the
Goat Ornament from the chest.

Once the puzzle piece is in hand, a couple of doors in the area open up. Go through the door to the west (upper level) to
enter the next area.

There's nothing in this entire area, save for a few items, locked doors, and crows. Freely run down the long halls until
you reach the doorway to the northwest that leads to the next area.
The door opens up to a large hedge maze. To the southeast is a door that leads to the rest of the castle, but it's locked
and needs a Blue Moonstone to open it. There are two halves of the Blue Moonstone on opposite ends of the hedge
maze below, though the maze is guarded by ravenous wolves. On the map above, we've marked the locations of many
awesome items in the maze, as well as the spots that, when you reach them, will spawn the enemy dogs nearby.

The locations of the two halves of the Blue Moonstone are also marked on the map above (in blue). They're very
simple to get to if you use your map, so the only thing you need to worry about are the attack dogs. Your shotgun is your
best friend in this area, letting you shoot down the dogs as they come in close. Clear the way to get to the two halves of
the Moonstone and combine them in your inventory. You can then use the combined Blue Moonstone piece to open up
the door to the southeast and complete the level.

The immediate area has nothing to worry about. Go around collecting the nearby items and make use of the merchant
as you want. When you're done here, head through the door to the south to enter the next area.

Again, you won't have to worry about enemies for the time being. There are a number of helpful items to grab in the
area, along with a door you can open to the southeast. The door leads to a room of a previous area—now that you're on
the other side of the door, you can break open the lock to get easy access to the outside halls. As well, you can grab the
many items in the room before returning to the dining hall.

Once back in the dining hall, head to the east end of the room to find a bell. Ring the bell and a picture will flip across the
hall. With any weapon (pistol works fine), target the bottle of wine in the upper-left corner of the painting and break it. If
you shatter the bottle, a door to your left will open up, letting you enter a large room.
Before stepping into the room, equip your shotgun and load it up with ammo. As you approach the chest in the center of
the room, a cage drops around you, as well as a number of enemies (including another blind claw creature). Skip the
cutscene to get a head-start on your enemies and quickly blast away the lock that's on the door to the east (about three
shotgun shots). With the door open, exit the cage and quickly run through the door you used to enter the area. As the
not-zombies slowly march towards you through the door, pick 'em off until the only enemies left are the ones in the cage.

As long as the open door of the cage is on the side opposite from you, the enemies inside will never figure out how to
get out. You can then easily pick off the enemies from outside the cage, targeting the blind enemy's back parasite to
take him down. When the coast is clear, you can run in to grab the Hourglass from the chest (it's valuable), or just exit
the area through the door to the northeast.

You'll exit out to a balcony overlooking a room with not-zombies chanting. They'll come at you from the ladder to the
north, though they shouldn't be much of a worry. When the room below is clear, jump down and pull the lever in the
center of the room, raising a bridge that connects the two balconies.
Climb up the ladder on the west side of the room to return to the first balcony (watch out for more not-zombies) and walk
across the newly-formed bridge to reach the west side of the upper level. From here, turn north to enter the north section
of the area, but watch out for the crossbow firing not-zombie on the west side of the room. There are a ton of items to
get in here, including a Rocket Launcher. If you don't have room in your case for everything, just leave it here for now—
in the very next hallway (through the door to the southeast) is another merchant that can sell you a larger attaché case.

When you've grabbed all the items you want, return to the south side of the area through the door to the west and
continue down the hall to find the merchant. There's also a save point nearby, by as soon as you go through the
doorway to the southeast, the level ends.

From the lower level are this large hall you can hear the screams of Ashley who's still fastened against the wall. For
now, just run around the top level are the area to stock up on items. When you've got your fill, find the small island that's
floating in the center of the room. From there you can take aim with your pistol to shoot off the three belts that have
Ashley tied against the wall. When aiming, be sure that you target the very ends of the belts—if you shoot the belts in
the middle, you'll hit Ashley as well.

Once you've freed Ashley, a number of not-zombies will slowly march towards her. Equip your rifle and take aim at them
before they get to her. When you've killed the first batch, a second batch will come, and one of them has a key that'll let
Ashley escape. Again, protect Ashley (she automatically returns to the same spot she was before), and especially watch
out for the crossbow wielding not-zombie below.

When all of the enemies are dead, Ashley will automatically grab the key dropped by one of the enemies and open up
the door to enter the next area.
Now taking the role of Ashley, you need to reach the hall to the southeast. Ashley doesn't have much in the way of
attack options (only thing she can do is throw lamps at not-zombies, and it takes two lamps to fully kill one) so you'll
have to rely on quick mobility and her ability to crawl under tables in order to avoid the not-zombies in the next few
areas. You'll run into one enemy in the very next room. There's a crank on the eastern wall that you can turn to open up
a gate that leads to the next room, and there are also a few lamps you can toss at the not-zombie to take care of it.
However, if you don't want to bother with any of that, you can simply crawl under the table in the southwest corner of the
room to find a crawl space that leads to the next room.

There's a second not-zombie in this room, and two cranks to turn. This time you have to turn the cranks to continue, so
focus first on killing the enemy. With the enemy dead, turn both cranks to open up the gate and continue into the next
hall. To the north is a room with a few items to grab, and a mechanism that you can't yet operate. To continue, head
through the doorway to the southeast.
You'll enter a dark room with a crawl hole to your left and a few items just in front of you. Along the south wall is a large
shelf that Ashley can push aside to reveal a switch. Press the switch, raising a gate on the north side of this cluttered

With the first gate raised, crawl under the table to the west to reach the north end of the room. There's a second red
switch in this area—press it, raising another gate while dropping the first. Step through the newly opened gate and you'll
find the Stone Tablet embedded in the front of the fireplace mantle. With this in hand, press another red switch to open
the gate behind you, and then go back to press the switch behind the shelf again. You can now access the doorway to
the north, letting you into the next hall.

The hall is dark, but there's nothing to worry about for the moment. Continue through the halls until you reach a room
with a large sliding puzzle, and push around the pieces until the emblem matches up correctly. You can look at the
screenshot below for the correct image, though most of the challenge is in actually forming the image. It's hard to give
much help in solving these sorts of puzzles—to be honest, we just mashed buttons until it solved itself—though you can
look into nine-piece-sliding-puzzle solution theory if you get desperate. Our best advice is to not get hung up on keeping
pieces in their correct places. If you just start shoving stuff everywhere, the solution will eventually find you.
Once the puzzle is solved, you'll have to go into your inventory and insert the Stone Tablet into the hole in the puzzle. A
nearby door will open up, granting access to a back room. Again, there's nothing to worry about for the time being. Grab
the items in the room before you reach for the Salazar Family Insignia and Serpent Ornament that're located above
the fireplace to the south. Upon grabbing the insignia, three of the knights you previously passed will enter the room
through the door behind you. To avoid them, wait at the southeast corner of the table until all three have filed into the
room. When they have, quickly run north and turn left to run behind them and through the door.

As you make your way back with the Insignia, the knights will constantly be after you from behind (they're slow, don't
worry too much). But that's not your only problem; along the way, you'll run into quick button tapping sequences that will
have you press either two action buttons or two shoulder buttons in order to dodge the swing of the knights in the hall.
There are three dodging sequences in all before you reach the door in the first room to exit back to the previous area.

Go through the doorway to the north to return to the room with the mechanism you couldn't operate. Once you place the
Salazar Family Insignia in the mechanism, you'll be able to turn the handle to reveal a ladder that leads to an upper
walkway. Climb the ladder, and run down the halls to complete the level.

Now that Leon and Ashley are reunited, you can backtrack a bit to collect a free weapon. From the start of the chapter,
head west through the hall that goes by the merchant. Continue west through the next room to return to the room with
the dropped cage. The area is refilled with not-zombies, but you can easily run by them to go through the doorway to the
south, exiting back to the series of halls just south of the hedge maze.

As soon as you enter this area, do not move. There are two insects clinging to the ceiling, and you can take them out
with a single rifle blow if you spot them before they spot you. One of them just south of the doorway, and the second
insect is to the west, around the small corner to the north. With these two dead, continue out to the main hall. If you
check your map, you'll see a locked door to the north. Run there with Ashley and she can piggyback up and over the
wall, unlocking the door for you. Inside this room you'll find a number of free items, including the Broken Butterfly.

When you've got the gear, return to the start of the chapter. To the north is an unlocked door that leads to the next area.

There's nothing to worry about in this area, though there are a couple of items to pick up on either side of the room.
When you've got them, step onto the platform to the north and ride it across to the next area (leaving Ashley behind).
This fiery walkway is home another ornament piece. As you start heading down the path, a large dragon statue will
slowly move towards you. Quickly take aim at the operater of the dragon from the top of the stairs—one pistol shot will
knock him off. If you miss your shot, quickly run past the dragon to avoid the fire breath attack. Lure the dragon north a
bit, and then quickly double back to run up the stairs again. This is the best point to get clear shot at the enemy, so
make use of it until you've eliminated the threat. When you do kill the operator, a chest full of gold will appear nearby.

Further north is a platform with a fence spinning around it. Wait for an opening in the fencing to jump across and reach
the walkway to the north. When you get there, you'll see two not-zombies just north of you as another giant dragon
statue starts to move towards you. Very quickly, run past the not-zombies and turn right to take cover in the corner of a
large clearing. As you do, a third dragon will activate to the north.

The not-zombies may or may not follow you to your post. If they don't follow you, leave them be! If they do follow you,
cripple them, but don't worry too much about killing them (they'll be replaced as they die). While holding off these
enemies, equip your rifle and turn to the north. The large dragon is being suspended from the ceiling by large chains,
and if you look hard you can spot one of the chain links that's gold. Target this link with your rifle and shoot it. It takes
about five shots from the rifle before the chain will break, dropping the dragon into lava and raising a new stretch of
When the coast is clear, run up the path to the north. At the top of the stairs is a chest with the Lion Ornament that you
can grab before quickly turning around to take aim at the dragon statue to the west. Again, the top of this stairway is the
best place to target the enemy, so lure him back and forth until you've got a good shot. With this dragon down, another
chest will appear to the south that has a treasure.

With the Lion Ornament in hand, run back towards the area's exit (south). If you run into any enemies, just cripple them
to get by them (no need to waste ammo) and return to Ashley.

When you reunite with Ashley, have her follow you into the room to the west. Get in the cart with her and ride it back to
the south end of the castle. From the end of the cart ride, unlock the door to the east to enter the main hall of the castle,
where you can now use the three ornament pieces to unlock the northern path. You can continue on to the next area, or
head up the stairs to the right to collect a few items (check behind the painting) before continuing the mission.

There's another cart to ride in this room, and still no enemies to worry about. Ride the car to the north end of the castle
and be sure to grab the items from the nearby vases before you continue to the next area to the north.
Again, there are no enemies to worry about, but there are a few items you can grab and a merchant you can deal with.
Also, there's a second shooting gallery here with all-new bottlecaps to earn. When you're done messing around here,
continue down the eastern hallway to enter a new area.

Leave Ashley behind for the time being and head down the hall that's lined with knights. As you do, you'll have to time
button presses to dodge the axes, and just as before the buttons are either two action buttons or two shoulder buttons.
When you make it down to the end of the hall, head into the next room by yourself and grab the King's Grail from the
center pedestal.

Once the grail is lifted, four knights will slowly enter the room. Equip your shotgun and blast them in the gut to send them
to their knees. After a shot or two, a parasite will poke out of each knight's head. Take them out, and four more knights
will storm in the room. Give this four the same hospitality you showed the first, and when they're dead the door will open,
letting you return to the hall with the merchant.

When you're back in the hall with the merchant, go through the door to the west to enter another area. There are four
floor switches in this room, and two large statues you can push over two of them. With the two statues on two of the floor
switches, split up with Ashley so that you press down the remaining two switches. When all four switches are pressed, a
doorway to the north will open.

As you enter the room, the ceiling starts the come down at you. To stop the ceiling from falling, target the four red lights
that are scattered throughout the spikes. A single pistol shot is enough to knock 'em out, and when all four lights are
shot the ceiling will stop falling. Continue through the door to the north and head down the next hall with Ashley. As
Ashley approaches the next doorway behind you, a gate will shut in front of her as two not-zombies roll down the hall in
a strange mechanical death-mobile. Use either your pistol or the rifle to shoot down the two drivers of the death-mobile
(one pistol shot is enough to kill each) and the gate will open up, letting Ashley follow you into the room. There are a
number of items to grab in this room, including the Queen's Grail. Grab it, and return to the hall with the merchant.

Head through the north hall and you'll enter a large room with a group of not-zombies at the end. Make sure Ashley is
safe behind you, and take on the gang with your shotgun or grenades. With them dead, go into the small area behind
them and use both the King's Grail and the Queen's Grail to open up the door that leads to the next area.

There's nothing to concern yourself with in this first hall. Just head through the door at the other end to enter a large
As you enter the room, you'll notice a large organic mess hanging from the ceiling. Start crossing the room and you'll
soon find yourself confronted by a number of flying insects swarming around you. Use your shotgun to knock them out
of the sky and clear a path to the other side of the room. There's a large lever to pull that'll drop open a draw bridge.
Target the remaining chain that's holding the draw bridge up (pistol fire is fine) to drop the bridge all the way and
continue to the next area.

The next hallway is clear of threats, and there's even a merchant you can deal with. Head north down the hall when
you're done, and you'll exit to an outdoor area with a clock tower on the far end. Equip your rifle and you'll be able to
target two not-zombies that are hanging out on the balcony at the top of the tower. If you don't get them now, they'll spot
you later and call on an attack from some nearby catapults.

With the first two dead, cross the bridge to the tower and get to the balcony from the west. At the top of the stairs are
two more not-zombies to deal with before you reach the clock tower entrance on the east side of the building.

At the bottom floor of the tower is a door that's barred by a metal lattice. To move the lattice, you'll have to free the tower
gears of debris (there are three blocks of wood stuck in the gears) and then pull the lever on the top floor. Move around
the floors to find the three blocks of wood and destroy them with a pistol shot—once all three are gone, pull the lever to
open a door, letting in a bunch of enemies.

The floors below are now home to a number of not-zombies, including a few with crossbows. As you make your way
down the ladder, don't stand still for too long and you'll be able to avoid the crossbow shots. Quickly take out the
enemies as you make your way down the ladders. When you reach the bottom floor, another group of not-zombies will
pour in through the doorway. Quickly climb back up the ladder and turn right at the top to avoid the not-zombie throwing
dynamite. You can pick off the enemies as they climb up the ladder, or hope that the dynamite thrower gets them with
an explosion. Once the tower is clear, jump down and exit through the opened door to the east.

Once you step outside, you'll see a trio of enemies slowly marching towards you from across the bridge. Take 'em out to
clear the path, and make your way across the bridge. As you do, enemies start to come at you from both sides of the
bridge. Turn around quickly to take out the smaller group of enemies behind you (shotgun works wonders) before taking
aim at the not-zombies to the east. When all are dead, just go through the doorway to enter the next area.

You'll spot four enemies just up ahead, but they won't spot you yet. Two of them are regular not-zombies, and the other
two are the powerful masked enemies with claws! Equip your rifle and take out at least one of the regular not-zombies (if
you've got the semi-auto rifle, you can shoot both). You'll grab the attention of the other enemies who'll rush towards

If you've got the Broken Butterfly, now's a good time to use it. As with your encounters with these guys before, lure them
around the room until they dig their claws into a wall, exposing the parasite in their backs. The best place to run around
is in the very first area—run circles around the two pillars and the powerful enemies will eventually give you an opening
to pop 'em in the back.

As you explore the room further, more not-zombies will come through the door from the west. Be ready for them to take
'em out, and continue down the hall to the east. There are a number of items to collect along the way, and after reaching
the destination you'll be left off in a new area.

There's another merchant in the area, and he's got a nice new weapon to purchase if you want to make the upgrade (it's
recommended). There are also a number of items in this dark sewer area, and even more down the path that's at the top
of the ladder. You won't have to worry about any enemies for the time being, so just continue through to the next area.
Start heading down the long sewer hall and you'll get a glipse of something that's hunting you. As you explore the rooms
down here, be ready to time some button presses in order to dodge attacks that this lurking creature sharply launches at
you. When you've collected the items you want, head to the room to the very north...and equip your very best weapon.

At the back of the room is a switch that'll power up the elevator in the room to the southeast. However, it'll take four
minutes for the elevator to be fully operational, a timespan during which you'll be plenty occupied. At the flip of the
switch, the door to exit the room closes up. Quickly run to it and try to open it, though you'll be alerted that the door won't
open for a little while. No problem, right? Wrong. As you turn around, you'll see the sewer creature face-to-face, and
you've got to survive in these cramped quarters long enough to let the door open.

Quickly run past the creature to reach the north end of the room. You can run circles around the generator in the center
of the room, timing button presses to dodge the creature's attacks. It's at this point that you should make a decision: will
you choose to face off against this creature and kill it to attain the valuable treasure it drops, or will you simply buy your
time, dodging its attacks until the elevator comes to your rescue? Since we're hombres, we're going to assume that you
want to kill the sucker.

As you're running around the center generator, you'll notice a large canister of nitrous oxide (there are three more
identical canisters in these sewers). Press the action button near the canister and Leon will toss in on the ground,
temporarily freezing the sewer creature. It's during this time (and this time only) that you can deal damage to the beast.
Your best choice of weapons is between the broken butterfly and the rocket launcher—if you've got a rocket launcher,
one blast while the creature is frozen will do the trick to silence him forever. However, if your best weapon is the broken
butterfly, you'll have to do some more running before he falls.

After blasting the enemy a few times, he'll break free of the ice, so don't waste your shots. Resume your run around the
center generator until the door opens up, and then make a mad dash for the hall to the south. While in this hall, you'll
have to continue dodging attacks, and if the creature attacks you from the ceiling you'll have to dodge three times
consecutively. There's a second nitrous canister in this hall, so push it over as soon as you reach it to freeze the
creature again. Even if the creature isn't very close to you, it'll get frozen by the nitrous—just be quick to find him and
give him a few shots before continuing your run down the hall.

The first doorway you reach (on your right) leads to a small room with another nitrous canister. By now you know the
drill, but this time it's best to wait for the creature to get neary you (dodge an attack) before kicking over the nitrous.
When he's broken free from this frozen state, exit back to the main hall and enter the second room (this time on your
left). Repeat the process, and the creature should go down about this time. If he doesn't die now, you're pretty much out
of luck; there are no more nitrous canisters to push over, and no more chances to fire at the creature. Just wait for the
elevator to come up and take it down to complete the level.
This first area is home to another merchant with a shooting gallery. There are also a number of items scattered about
the area that you should stock up with before continuing to the next area.

Just around the first bend of this mining tunnel are a few not-zombies. Take 'em out and continue down the mine shaft
until it opens up to a large cavern. There are yet more enemies in the area, and your best bet against them is to wait on
the mine tracks and lure them towards you. The not-zombies will climb up to the tracks platform where you can easily
take them on with your pistol or shotgun. When the enemies stop coming, look around the area with your rifle to see if
there are any other not-zombies hanging out in the alcoves of the cavern.

When the area is clear, drop down to ground level and go to the northern corner of the area. There's a switch that'll send
a mine cart barreling towards you, flipping off the circuit breaker that powers the machinery. With the mine cart in place,
head up the hill to the south. At the top of the hill is another switch that'll flip the circuit breaker back on, along with a new
not-zombie to take care of. Kill it to reach the switch, and hit it, summoning a new set of enemies.
A bunch of not-zombies will come from the mine tracks you used to enter the cavern, along with a chainsaw enemy
that's near the mine cart controls. Stay back and pick them off with the shotgun as they get close, and don't hesitate to
toss a grenade into the mix. When all enemies are deceased, return to the mine cart controls and hit the switch to lower
the cart to ground level. Grab the Dynamite from the cart, and use the explosives to blow up the rock formation that's
blocking access to the eastern exit.

There are a number of helpful items scattered around the perimeter of this open cave. If you don't have room for them
yet, don't toss anything away, because as you approach the door on the other side, two massive gigante creatures
barge in to spoil the fun.

Since taking on two gigantes is just a bit too much to ask, you can thankfully eliminated one of them very quickly. Climb
the ladder to the southeast and approach the zip line to the left. As the giants try to shake you from your roost, quickly
tap the action button to slide down the zip line and land right in front of a lever. Operate the lever and the view will switch
back to show you the oncoming giants. When one is standing over the circular door in the floor, hit the action button the
open the floor, letting the lava below swallow the beast. If you miss your timing on your first try, you'll have to stall the
two beasts for a period of time before you can operate the machine again. And once you've sent one of the gigantes to a
fiery death, the mechanism will be inoperable forever after.
To take down the second gigante, you'll have to do battle the old fashioned way. Lure the giant back and forth across
the room, using your shotgun to blast him in the gut before making a hasty retreat. You can use flash grenades to
temporarily stun the enemy, letting you unload a ton of bullets into him before running away again. A good way to buy
yourself some room is to climb up the ladder, lure the gigante towards you, and slide down the zip line again. You'll put
some distance between you and the enemy, letting drop some shells into his back.

As before, when the gigante falls down to its knees, run up behind it and press the action button to vault on top of him.
Once standing on his back, mash the action button to cut away at the parasite. Depending on how good your mashing
is, you can defeat the gigante in either two or three repetitions.

When the gigante finally dies, be prepared to time a button press to dodge his final attack, and exit the cavern through
the eastern doorway.

The narrow cave opens up to a multi-level cavern that's just swarming with flying insects. Poke your head out of the
cave just enough to catch the attention of the enemies, and lure them back into the narrow confines of the tunnel and
right into the barrel of your mighty shotgun. There a lot of enemies to take care of, but steady hands will take care of
them quick.
When the coast is clear, head up the slope to your right. At the top of the slope is a small cave entrance to the right with
a switch at the back. Flip the switch, solving one half of the puzzle to open the door to the south. As you exit the tunnel
back to the main cavern, watch out for more flying insects that've reinhabited the area.

With the area clear again, exit the tunnel and head to the other small cave on the opposite end of the cavern. There's a
small group of insects inside, along with a second switch. Once you flip the switch, revealing the two lights, the main
cavern gets swarmed with a bunch more insects. Again, use the narrow confines of the cave tunnels to funnel the
insects into your shotgun, and clear the way to reach the revealed gate.

After passing through the gate, you'll have to dodge a number of falling blocks by timing your sprint across the floor
beneath them. When one of the blocks falls, start running into the block. As it rises, Leon will automatically run under it,
avoiding the hazard. After passing under the second block, you'll see a switch on the wall to your left. Pull the switch to
stall one of the falling blocks ahead, making it possible to skip by the next two blocks and enter the cave at the end.
Activate the elevator in the center of the room to end the level.

Though there's a merchant in the area, there are still enemies to watch for (further east). When you're done dealing with
the merchant, equip your pistol and slowly head through the rubble to the east.

Almost immediately, you'll spot two not-zombies with torches. If you lure them towards you, the enemies will try to blow
the fire of the torch at you. As soon as they try, pop them with just a single pistol shot and they'll light themselves on fire,
instantly dying. Further up ahead is a bonfire with a group of not-zombies huddled around. Many of them have torches,
letting you copy the technique above, but you can also take all of them out with a grenade lobbed right into the center of
the group.

With the area clear of enemies, explore around to find a number of items hidden in the mess of the rubble around you.
You'll also notice a locked door to the east, with a puzzling inscription. For now, head into the small wooden shed to the
south and turn the crank, revealing a ladder that leads to an underground passage.
The long tunnel ahead is void of enemies, but soon opens up to a large underground area that's littered with not-
zombies. From the comfort of the tunnel entrance, drop a shot into a nearby enemy to get his attention and lure the not-
zombie into the narrow tunnel to finish him. You'll likely get the attention of two or three enemies at a time, letting you
easily handle the situation. If you look through the window in the stone structure to the north, you'll see a chainsaw
enemy marching about. Leave him alone for now, and he'll leave you alone.

When you head down into the maze blow, watch out for bear traps that are lightly buried in the sand. There are probably
a couple more not-zombies in the area that you couldn't see from the western tunnel, so keep an eye out and clear the
area. When you're ready to climb the ladder to the north, stop and take a rifle shot to knock down the chainsaw enemy
inside before quickly running up the ladder.

As you enter the room, a number of not-zombies will start pouring into the room by way of the ladder you just climbed.
Immediately head for the western corner of the room and sit back with your shotgun while you mow down the enemies.
After a while, a second chainsaw wielding enemy will run up from the stairs to the north, so be quick to take out the first
one to avoid having to fight both at the same time.

When all enemies are dead, grab the Key to the Mine from the pedestal in the center of the room. Once it's picked up,
more not-zombies will start trying to climb up into the room via the ladder. When they're all dead, exit the structure and
use the Key to the Mine to open up the door to the east.

Another narrow tunnel leads the way to a new hazard. As the tunnel opens up to a room with spikes on the ceiling, the
ceiling begins to fall while a parasite pops out to attack you. You can use a flash grenade to instantly neutralize the
parasite before taking aim at the four red glass pieces in the ceiling. When you've shot all four pieces (pistol shots work),
the ceiling will stop falling and the door ahead opens up. Keep making your way eastward, collecting items along the
way, until you exit out to a new area.

Grab the nearby items and hop into the mine carts just ahead. Along the eastern wall is small area with a large lever.
You can't reach the lever, but your bullets sure can. Aim and fire a pistol shot into the mechanism to throw the lever, and
then quickly turn around to jump in the rear mine cart (furthest north) as soon as the carts start rolling.

As you roll down the tracks, not-zombies will pile into the mine carts ahead of you. Use your pistol and shotgun to take
'em out, and try to keep them from climbing into the cart you're in. Occassionally while riding, you'll reach areas of the
tunnel that are blocked off by wooden beams. If there are any not-zombies remaining, they'll destroy the beams for you,
but if you're all alone you'll need to be ready to quickly press the shoulder buttons to dodge the beam.

Eventually, a brief scene will cut away to show you an enemy flipping another lever. As the mine cart comes to a stop,
target the lever on the far end of the room. You might not be able to see it with so many enemies around, but if you start
knocking them to their knees you should be able to spot the lever to your left. With the lever thrown, the mine cart starts
moving again, though you'll still have to deal with the chainsaw not-zombie that hopped in your train.
The ride continues as before, and eventually you'll start heading downhill so fast that you won't be able to aim. Don't
concern yourself with any enemies left in the carts, but focus on readying your fingers. As the ride levels back out, you'll
have to quickly press the action buttons jump out of the cart as it crashes below.

Once back on solid ground, continue forward and grab the Stone of Sacrifice. Another door will open up, letting you
climb a ladder back to the surface. Once you reach the surface, use the Stone of Sacrifice to open up the door to the
east and take the elevator up, ending the level.

Just down the hall, the narrow path opens up to a large room with a bridge to the north. As you start heading across the
bridge, an enemy to the southeast throws a lever that drops two portions of the bridge while a number of other enemies
enter the area from different directions. Head back to the small room to the southwest (watch for enemies) and climb up
the ladder in the back of the room to reach the second level.

If there aren't any enemies on the second floor yet, there will be soon. As you approach the ledge of the balcony,
enemies hop across the rising hand to come at you. You can deal some serious damage by knocking them off their
narrow platform, though you'll have to watch out as they come at you from the ladder you just used. When the coast is
clear, hop onto the moving hand yourself and immediately turn 180 degrees. There's a third level behind you and two
not-zombies on it (one with a crossbow). Kill 'em, and hop onto the third level platform to throw the lever in the room.

Hop onto the rising hand again and then take another jump eastward to reach the center platform. There's a switch here
you can hit that makes the other hand of the large statue start to move. As it does, more enemies will come at you, so
be prepared to take 'em out before hopping across to the eastern balcony. Try to finish off any remaining enemies
before dropping into the room below to flip the lever and raise the final portion of the bridge.
Once the bridge is raised again, two not-zombies drop right behind you! You can either run out the gateway that just
opened or climb back up the ladder in the room to blow 'em away. When you've got the area clear, start heading across
the bridge, but don't put the controller down once the cutscene starts rolling!

You'll have to rapidly press the action button to run away from the walking statue while you keep an eye out for falling
pillars. As pillars fall, press the shoulder button that the game instructs to dodge them. After dodging three times, you'll
be left with control of Leon—quickly use your knife to cut the lock on the door ahead of you and bust through it to head
outside. The statue will continue the chase, and you'll have to time a couple more button presses before Leon is out of
hot water for good.

Continue into the building ahead and collect the items on the base floor. As you start heading up the stairs, watch out for
the barrels that start tumbling down towards you. If you stand at the area where the barrels smash to pieces, you can
turn around and zoom up with your rifle to snipe down the two not-zombies that are manning the control lever, effectively
stopping the flow of barrels (though you can wait for the barrels to kill the one enemy that comes at you from the narrow
wooden catwalks).

With the flow of barrels stopped, run up the stairs to reach the lever. A brief cutscene will show a massive number of
enemies that barge into the tower through the door at the bottom, and they start running the stairs towards you. Pull the
lever yourself and sit back to enjoy the sight of not-zombies getting crushed below (you can see them running up the
stairs if you look off the balcony).

Make sure to grab all the nearby items (watch for the dynamite chucker across the balcony) before stepping onto the
service lift in the center of the room. Push off the two large crates and activate the lift to start heading up. As the lift
approaches the top, a number of enemies will jump onto the small platform with you. Use your shotgun and pistol to
clear out the crowd of enemies and hold them off until you reach the top floor.

There's no longer anything to worry about. Just run along the path that leads outside and collect all of the items (there
are a bunch of good ones). The path leads up to a stairway with the merchant (be careful not to shoot him, because he
doesn't have the usual torches to let you know it's him). When you're done here, step through the door nearby to enter
another level of the tower.

As you head down the hall, you'll be met with a familiar foe who quickly changes form into a ghastly creature. Though
the enemy is huge and intimidating, you don't have much to worry about; assuming your fingers are fast, you can skate
through this battle without even getting hit.

Immediately turn right and run to the end of the platform. From here (with the ladder on your left) you'll only have to
worry about the attacks from one of the creature's large tentacles. All over attacks will miss you entirely, giving you time
to focus on doing damage. When this tentacle does attack, be ready to dodge with the press of either action buttons or
shoulder buttons. Every attack can be dodged if you're quick, which is why it's possible to get through this unscathed.

Periodically, you'll hear a few words from Salazar as his shell at the base of the creature's neck opens up. Target and
shoot the exposed Salazar with whatever you've got (rifle, shotgun, and pistol all work fine), but be quick! The shell
quickly closes up after the creature recoils from a failed bite attack, and you'll still have to look out for tentacle attacks to
Watch the patterns of the creature and time you shots so that you're not exposing yourself to a tentacle attack. Also, be
sure to time your reloads carefully. As soon as you successfully dodge an attack, reload your weapon to be sure that
you're done with the reload before another tentacle attack comes up. Alternatively, you can temporarily neutralize the
tentacle by dealing damage to it direction. Just fire a couple of shots into the tentacle and it'll retract into the wall, giving
you an even clearer shot of Salazar when he exposes himself.

Though it takes some time, Salazar will eventually die, leaving you to roam the area and collect the nearby items. The
doorway behind Salazar's remains leads to an outside walkway. Climb down the rope and watch out for the snake that's
inside one of the barrels at the base before continuing down an elevator to run into a merchant. Keep going just past the
merchant and you'll reach the chapter's end.

There are no enemies to worry about for the time being, so don't worry. Just run around the island until you reach a fork
in the path. You can get some items by taking the path to the left, but to continue the mission you'll have to backtrack
and take the path that leads across a small wooden bridge. As you cross the wooden bridge, stop before jumping over
the gap in the land and target the spotlight with your pistol. One shot will put out the light and prevent you from having to
fight an entire pack of not-zombies. When the light is out, jump across the gap and approach the buildings ahead.

There are a number of not-zombies scattered throughout this rubble, and if you're careful you can make sure that only
one attacks you at a time. When fighting most of the regular not-zombies, you can lure them back to the gap that you
had to jump across. When they try to make the jump, you can pop them in the knees to knock them into the water for an
instant kill. It's good for conserving ammo, though you'll miss out on any items the enemies would've dropped.

However, not all enemies can be dealt with so easily. One of the first enemies you run into will be rockin' a chaingun,
and he's got more durability than the chainsaw enemies from before. Since he has a long range attack, you can't just
stand in the open and lure him towards you. Instead, stay around the corner of a building or climb up the ladder in the
southeast corner of the rubble. When he gets near you, lay into him with your shotgun to keep him stunned, and be sure
to keep a health distance between the two of you! If he gets in close, he'll be able to attack you without getting stunned
by your shotgun. When he finally dies, continue clearing the area by running in to lure enemies towards you (you can
hear them scream when they see you), and then retreating back to the gap in the island to kill them easily.

When you've got the area clear, head up the stairs to the northeast. On the left side of the locked door is a laser light
you can activate. With the light turned out, head to the building to the northwest and find the ladder behind it that leads
to the rooftop. From here you can rotate a mirror that will reflect the laser beam. Turn the beam until it hits the reflector
to the southeast and then go to that reflector to direct the beam into the light receptor that's to the right of the locked
door. With the beam connected to the receptor, the door will rise, letting you inside.

Head through the tunnel and be ready for a quick time event to dodge a boulder some not-zombies push at you. Also,
be armed with your pistol as you round the corner just beyond the boulder—there's a crossbow-wielding enemy that's
waiting to strike. Kill the foe and continue up the ladder to the next area.

Once at the top of the ladder, creep forward a bit and watch for the not-zombie that's to your left (and completely
unaware). There are a few items you can grab before continuing around the corner to the right. You can likely see the
shifting glow of a spotlight above, but don't concern yourself with it—you can't shoot this one out, but you also won't
have to worry about it alerting anyone to you. For now, hop through the window to the right to enter a small cave tunnel.
You should be able to see an enemy or two down the hall to the right. Keep your back to the window and lure out the
three enemies to clear the caves. There are a number of great items to grab, including an herb and another valuable
treasure piece (to get to the treasure, blow up the red barrel). When you're done in here, hop back out of the building
through the window and equip your rifle.

As you start heading through the area with the spotlight, enemies will start to congregate on the hills to the northeast
(some of them with crossbows). When you hear the faint groans of enemies, sit back from a distance and target them
with your sniper scope to eliminate the threat early. When you think the coast is clear, cautiously continue along the
hillside path. There are a few enemies armed with dynamite around the corners (beyond the reach of the spotlight). You
want to avoid their attacks while luring other enemies into the blast of the dynamite.

The path to the north branches. For now, take the path to the left that leads to a narrow tunnel. As the tunnel opens up,
you'll be able to spot a not-zombie on the ground below. Take him out, releasing a cart full of burning barrels that
would've otherwise been a hazard for you. With that threat neutralized, continue along the tunnel path to get some items
and watch out for the newly arrived enemies as you start to make your way back down the path. With the road clear,
head up the path to the right and continue through a hall past a merchant. At the bottom of the hill are just a few
enemies to worry about (you can snipe them from afar) before you reach the door to the next area.
Head down the hall to the south and you'll soon run into a door. Just beyond the door and left around the corner is a not-
zombie waiting for you, along with a couple of great items to grab. Be careful as continue down the hall and keep your
shotgun ready. As you round a corner that's lined with hanging carcasses, be ready to shoot down the flaming enemy
that bursts out of a nearby standing oven. Just beyond him is a doorway to the next part of the building.

Equip your rifle and slowly make your way down the hall. Through the mesh on your left, you can spot a not-zombie just
around the corner. Take your shot now if you've got the ammo to spare, and then run around the corner. If you look
through the mesh again, this time looking to the floor below, you can see yet another not-zombie that's waiting for you to
blast him. Take your shot and head downstairs. As you explore the area, a few enemies will swarm you, so be ready
with your shotgun to knock 'em away before collecting the valuable items in the area (including a treasure and an herb).

When you're done downstairs, head back upstairs and go through the door to the east. You can hear the faint cries of
Ashley as you walk around the corner, but there's nothing to worry about for now. Just continue through the door to the
north to enter a hall with a merchant.

Just west of the room with the merchant is a hall with an automatic door to the north. The door opens up every couple of
seconds, letting the not-zombies behind it launch their attacks. The first enemies to deal with are a couple of dynamite
chuckers that you can easily kill by waiting with the shotgun and shooting just once when the door opens. You'll hit the
dynamite sticks and blow up both enemies, but they're not the only threat. The door will continue to open and close while
a number of enemies with crossbows set up. Ready a grenade and toss it under the door once the door opens to blow
away the group and stop the door from closing.

In the next area is a save point to the west, along with a couple of great items nearby. You can unlock the door to the
west now, but you don't need to go through it yet. Just continue up the steps to reach the second floor of the building.

Start by heading down the hall that leads southeast. You'll enter a lab room with a body on an operating table.
Ominous? You bet. Use the contol panel to open up the door to the east (rotate the arrows so that they point the
connection from the top arrow to the bottom arrow) and you'll see another strange operating scene. Grab the few items
in here, long with the Freezer Card Key.

As you head towards the small room's exit, you'll hear a crash. Stand back and wait for the regenerator enemy to slowly
come through the door. You can blast off the enemy's leg with your shotgun, but don't count the creature dead. Quickly,
run past the regenerator and exit through the door to the southeast to re-enter the first hall.
Now that you and the regenerators have been properly introduced, you can expect to find even more of them. In fact,
just around the corner to the north is a second regenerator, and since you still can't kill the creatures your best bet is to
cripple 'em. Blow off its leg and continue past him. Just past the hall that leads to the stairs is a doorway to the north that
you can unlock using the card key you just grabbed. Do so, and enter the freezer.

In a small part of the freezer to the east is a card key re-writer. Use it, giving your card the ability to unlock the door to
the garbage disposal unit. However, you're not done here. Also in this small corner of the freezer is a valve that turns off
the freezing mechansim. Turn the valve and enter the small corner of the freezer that's just north of you. In the back of
the room is another valve you can turn, opening up a small door with the Infrared Scope. Immediately go into your
inventory and connect the scope with your rifle, equip your rifle, and turn around to watch the hall to the south.

One of the regenerators in the main freezer has thawed out, and it's slowly moving your way. With the infrared scope
equipped, you can spot the parasites on the body of the enemy. Snipe all of the enemy's parasites and the regenerator
will instantly explode. Exit the freezer back to the hall to the south and run down the dead-end hall in the corner of the
area. From here, turn around and snipe the parasites of the regenerator that's in the hall to the west before running
down the hall and using the card key to unlock the garbage disposal door.

Head down the hall and through the first door. You'll enter a room with the controls to the garbage disposal mechanism
below. Use it to pick up and drop two of the not-zombies into the waste disposal—since you can only pick up two before
the mechanism shuts off, make sure you take out the two that you want. When you've sent two to their death, the other
two will climb up a ladder to the east. Get ready with your weapons and blast 'em away before dropping down into the
garbage disposal area and continuing through the door to the south.

The next hall has a number of great items to grab, so be sure not to miss anything. As you enter the next area to the
north, you'll begin to hear the cries of Ashley once again. Just around the corner to the north are two large enemies
guarding a door. And while you can't open up the door right now, you'll still want to dispose of the enemies. Knock 'em
down with a shotgun blast and then stand over their bodies to lodge another round of shotgun pellets into their skulls.
With any luck, they'll die instantly, letting you continue into the hall to the north.
Run down the hall and open the door at the end, getting the attention of three not-zombies in the next room. Back up
and lead them through the doorway where you can easily cap 'em off. When the first three are dead, enter the next room
and take out the remaining not-zombies inside. Grab the nearby items and continue down the hall to the south where
you'll find a save point. Make use of it.

Just east of the save point is a door that leads to another lab area. Head to the back of the room and you'll see a brief
cutscene that shows an oncoming danger: another regenerator! Quickly take aim at the doorway to the south and snipe
off the first three parasites that you can see with the thermal scope. There's a fourth parasite, but that one is on the
enemy's back. To get a clear shot of his back, equip your shotgun and quickly blow out one of the beast's legs and then
switch back to the rifle to target the parasite on its back while it's laying prostrate. With that one dead, the enemy will

There are no other enemies to worry about in the area, so just run around collecting items, making sure you grab the
Storage Room Card Key. The outdoor walkway to the south leads you to a merchant, along with an elevator that leads
up to a communication tower with some extra free items. Stock up, and start backtracking towards Ashley's cell.

On your way back to see Ashley, you'll run into another group of not-zombies that are waiting at the top of the stairs in
the room just before you reach your destination. Equip the rifle and snipe down any enemies you can, and use your
shotgun to finish off the rest. When the coast is clear, run up the stairs and return to Ashley's holding cell. Use the
Storage Room Card Key to open up the door and run around the corner of the room to end the level.
You'll have to backtrack a bit with Ashley to return to the garbage disposal unit from before. For now, leave Ashley in her
room as you step outside to clear out the not-zombies in the next hall (they're just around the corner). Sit back with your
shotgun and take 'em out fast to clear the path. When you can, get Ashley to follow you while you head south and into
the next area.

As soon as you enter the next room, back up a bit and get Ashley behind you. There are a few enemies just around the
corner, including one with a crossbow that likes to take cheap shots. If you can get far enough around the corner, you
should be able to use the wall as a shield against the crossbow shots while you first deal with the other not-zombies.
When you've killed the first couple of enemies, run forward with your shotgun to quickly blast away the crossbow enemy.
Another guy will run over and lock the room, so take him out as well.

Make sure Ashley is safe near the door to the east (the same door you used to enter the room) before you unlock the
door to the room. As you do, a bunch of not-zombies will rush into the room. Quickly turn around witih the shotgun and
blast 'em down, and then run over to Ashley to start playing defense. When all of the enemies are cleared away,
continue westward until you reach the garbage disposal.
When you reach the underground area with Ashley, start walking towards the gate to the south. As you open the gate,
the regenerator behind you will stand up! Quickly pass under the gate with Ashley and pull the lever on the other side of
the gate to close it behind you. Make sure Ashley is a safe distance away from the gate and equip your rifle with the
infrared scope to take out the regenerator (the creature will eventually open the gate if you don't kill it fast enough),
making sure to get the one parasite on the enemy's back.

After opening a second gate, you'll find a large metal bin that you need to push out of the way. Call Ashley to you and
she'll assist in pushing the heavy thing out of the way. When the path is clear, have Ashley hide in the metal crate
behind you and continue across the path. As you approach the southwest corner of the room, another regenerator starts
coming at you from down the southern hall. Run back across the bridge near Ashley's hiding spot and take out the
regenerator as it marches towards you. If you're quick enough, you can target the parasite on the creature's back before
it turns around to face you head-on, making it easier to kill.

With the second regenerator dead, call Ashley to you and head down the southern hall. There's another large metal bin
to push away before exiting to the next hall.

The moment you set foot in the next hall, three enemies up ahead start coming at you. Back up as far left as you can get
and keep Ashley behind you while you lay into the not-zombies with your shotgun. The one in the back will likely keep
his distance, taking shots at you with flying hatchets. Clear the room, grab the items, and head down the hall.

The hall opens up to a large room with a wrecking ball in the center, but don't jump down into the room just yet. If you
look to the northwest corner of the room, you'll see a small control room for the wrecking ball—that's your target. As
soon as you drop down, start making a mad dash for the control room because a bunch of enemies are about to invade
the area.

When you get to the control room, wait for Ashley to catch up and command her to operate the wrecking ball. She'll
continue to pummel away at a nearby wall until it smashes to pieces, while your job is to hold off the attack. There are
two entrances to the control room that you'll have to guard, so be on your toes, going back and forth with the shotgun to
blast down the enemies. You don't have to worry about killing everything, though; just make sure that nothing gets into
the room and you'll be fine. When Ashley finally breaks away the wall, call her to you and quickly run for the gate that
she's opened. You can go through it and leave the not-zombies behind.

The next hall is calm...for now. Enter the room to the right and as you explore it you'll hear the music change pace.
When it does, quickly get to the back of the room and watch the doorway with your rifle. A regenerator will slowly march
in, so take out the parasites on its front side (there are none on its back). With the enemy dead, exit back to the main
hall and you'll find the door to the right opened.

Head south down the hall and you'll hear another change in the music pace. Look down the hall with your rifle and you'll
see another regenerator coming at you. Again, there are no parasites on the regenerator's back, so take your time to
take it out. You'll have to activate the power to a shutter in a nearby room, and since it doesn't open all the way Ashley
will have to crawl under and open it for you. There are a couple of items to find in the hall and its connecting rooms, as
well as a merchant and a save point to the south. Make good use of them.
To continue to the next area, bring Ashley to one side of the doorway to the south and leave her there. Approach the
opposite side of the door and press the action button to operate the locks. As the red lights above the door move
towards the center light, press the action button to complete the series and unlock the door.

Grab the few items in the area and be sure you're stocked up on shotgun ammo. When you're ready for a ride, hop onto
the back of the large tractor. As Ashley drives down the tunnel, hold off the enemies that try to jack the vehicle from the
rear. As the enemies run near the back of the tractor, launch a shotgun blast to temporarily stun the lot. You can
effectively stall them long enough so that they give up chase.

Eventually, a large truck will start barreling down the hall towards you. It takes just a shotgun blast or two to the grill of
the truck to ignite it in flames, temporarily stopping the truck. As Ashley continues the drive, keep holding off enemies
until the truck rolls again. You don't have to worry about shooting it this time, but the truck will wipe out any remaining

Just up ahead, the truck will come to a stop on a large lift. Quickly jump out of the truck and climb up either nearby
ladder. The upper catwalk is littered with not-zombies, so mow 'em down to get to the control ever in the center of the
room. Flip the control lever and quickly run back to the truck to save Ashley from some approaching enemies.
Once the truck reaches the top of the lift, you'll go through another stretch of road where you have to blast away
enemies. You'll soon hear the honk of another truck, and this time the truck is coming towards your tractor, head-on.
Blast it once with the shotgun to the grill and the ride will end.

There are no enemies to worry about once you're off the tractor ride. Just collect the nearby items and make use of the
merchant in the next room. As you exit the room with the merchant, the chapter will end.

Head upstairs and through the next doorway. The next hall has a couple of items to grab, along with a couple of not-
zombies downstairs and behind a door. Lure them out and continue through to the boiler room, where you'll hear the
moans of more enemies. The not-zombies will come at you from the south, so be ready with your weapons and watch
out for crossbow shots. There are some items to grab from the small room at the top of the ladder, though you'll want to
watch out for more not-zombies.

Continue through the next hall to the south and take the elevator to an upper platform. As you start heading across the
platform, a cutscene will trigger, but don't put down the controller just yet. Throughout the cutscene, you'll have to keep
an eye out for quick time events that force you to press either two action buttons or two shoulder buttons to stay alive.
Stay alert throughout the entire cutscene and, when it's over, climb down the ladder and head into the next hall.

This glowing white hall may remind you of something if you've seen the first Resident Evil movie. To get by the first two
sets of lasers, simply wait for a large gap in the beams and run between them. The sets of lasers afterwards won't be
dodged so easy, so be ready for more quick time events. The door at the end of the hall is locked, and you'll have to
activate a switch to the right to unlock it. As you hit the switch, another wall of lasers comes at you, and fast. Dodge the
beams (quick time event) and continue through the door.

There are a couple of items in this next room, along with a curious option to sit in the throne. Strange. Behind the chair is
an elevator that'll bring you down to the next area.

The next hall is empty, save for a number of good items and a merchant. You can find some extra items in the room
behind the merchant, so grab 'em and make use of the savepoint nearby before continuing to the next area.
Keep moving towards the red beacon on your map. When you do, IT will make itself known to you, and quite
dramatically. For the first part of this encounter, don't bother fighting with the IT. Your main goal here is to get off this
dangerous set of cargo containers while avoiding the IT's attacks. Watch for quick time event button presses to dodge
the creature's attacks, though sometimes you'll have to resort to good ol' fashioned running to evade the monster.

There are three cargo containers, and the doors to each one are locked. To unlock the door, you have to find and press
two different red switches on that container. With the two switches pressed, you have thirty seconds to run to the door
(east end of the container) and hop onto the next container. The location of each of the red switches is marked on the
map above (in red), but getting to them isn't quite so straight forward. There are shutter doors that block access to most
of them, and the shutters are opened by destroying the green locks.

In the first container, the green locks are right next to the shutters in front of the red switches. Hit both switches and
quickly run to hop onto the second container. The two green locks on this container are somewhat hidden, mounted high
on the beams of the container. Look for the glowing green of the locks and shoot them with your pistol to unlock the
shutters and gain access to the red switches. Two down, one to go.

The first red switch on the third container is visible as soon as you jump off of the previous container. To unlock the
shutter for the second red switch, run through the very narrow passage in the center of the container (you'll have to run
right by the IT) and turn left at the tunnel's end. Through the metal bars ahead, you can see the green lock. Shoot it with
your pistol and backtrack to the west end of the cargo container to hit the red switch and open the gate.

Once you hop off of the third container, equip your most powerful weapon (a Broken Butterfly or Killer7 is
recommended) and start heading forward. As you do, the IT will climb back up to take you on. This time you have to

To put some distance between you and IT, drop a couple of magnum rounds into the creature and start running. There
are two explosive barrels in the area that you can use to damage IT, so lure the enemy towards you and drop a pistol
shot into the barrel to cause some massive damage to the enemy. Make use of both explosive barrels and then switch
back to your heavy weaponry. Don't shoot wildly, and instead time your shots so that you shoot IT just as the monster
starts to move towards you again. You'll send the creature recoiling in pain, giving you enough time to line up your next

Watch out as the IT recoils in what seems to be a death animation. IT's not dead yet! Keep the creature at bay with
constant fire—if you let up for too long, the monster will burrow underground, forcing you into a series of quick time
event dodges (mess up and you'll instantly die). Just keep up the pressure with your powerhouse weapons and IT will
eventually die.

There are a number of health items in the area, including an extra herb if you backtrack a bit and take the lift across the
chasm. When you're done here, continue eastward to the next area.
There are no enemies to worry about right away, but just around the corner is a large drop and a bunch of not-zombies
at the bottom. You can take care of most of them by shooting the explosive red barrel between them, and finish off any
stragglers from above. When the area below is clear, drop down and collect the items in the area.

Inside the tent in the middle of camp is a ladder that leads down to an underground path. Collect the items along the
path and continue to meet up with another merchant and a save point. Make use of it now—the fun's about to begin.
Climb up the ladder inside the merchant's cave and continue forward to the next area.
As you start walking westward through the area you'll run into Krauser again, and you're not getting off easy this time. At
the end of the introduction scene, equip your pistol and fire at Krauser as he pops up from behind the rubble above. It
only takes a single shot to send Krauser into hiding again, forcing you to follow him with your eyes and be ready when
he pops up again. If Krauser ever throws a grenade your way, be ready for a quick time event and press the appropriate
buttons in order to dodge the blast.

After not too long, Krauser will jump down from his perch and come at you. Keep going westward to enter a small room
with some items, and watch out for Krauser to attack you from behind. He usually attacks with some sort of knife slash
or kick, which you can avoid just by running away from him. After he does the attack, he'll backflip away from you, letting
you run up to blast him with a shotgun round. Once you've damaged him, he'll vanish under the cloak of a flash bang

When you've got all the items raided from the room, start heading north with caution. Just ahead are a number of small
walls jutting into the path, and behind one of them is Krauser. Again, avoid his attack and repeat the same process to
get rid of him temporarily. When he's gone, make your way towards the path to the east. You'll see Krauser on top of
another building, and again he's firing at you. Wait for him to stop firing and quickly run up to the building, forcing
Krauser to jump down and face you hand-to-hand. Again, chase him away to clear the path.
There are a couple of items in the building (and on top) that you should grab before continuing east. The path leads
through some rubble and up a set of stairs to the top level of the ruins. Avoid the droids as you run up the path and grab
the first Piece of the Holy Beast. As you do, Krauser will face off against you again, and this time he's not going away
so easily.

Equip any powerful weapons you have (Broken Butterfly or Killer7 works well) and blast into him. As Krauser recoils,
continue blasting him in the chest until he finally disappears again. You've now got to track down the other two pieces of
the Holy Beast. From the platform you're at now, push the statue onto a floor switch, revealing two different levers in the
ruins. The first lever is nearby, letting you backtrack to the last walkway that Krauser had you pinned down (just west of
the room with the items) while avoiding (or shooting) the droids. Just northwest of the building is a gateway that you can
open by pulling the lever, letting you drop down to a set of paths that leads past more droids and to the base of a tower.

Climb the tower and search around to collect some items. Up here, on the outer edge of a platform, you'll find the
second Piece of the Holy Beast. As you do, Krauser will appear behind you again and after the cutscene (complete
with quick time events) you'll have to fight the nemesis. And what's worse is that you've got a three minute time limit to
beat Krauser and leave the area.

Equip your shotgun and be ready for a number of quick time dodge events. Most of Krauser's attacks can be dodged,
though if he walks straight up to you he'll perform a kick that can't be dodged via quick time button presses. Just back
away from Krauser and target his legs with your shotgun. You won't be able to damage him while he's shielding his face,
though you can knock Krauser to his knees by dropping a couple of shotgun blasts into his lower legs. When he falls
down, let out a few shotgun rounds into Krauser's face before he covers himself up again.
Repeat this process of attack and Krauser will quickly go down. When he does, grab the third Piece of the Holy Beast
off of his dead body and jump down the ladder nearby. From there you should see a path (not the stairs) that overhangs
the evacuation area (marked with the large red dot on your map). Jump off into the area and quickly use all three pieces
of the Holy Beast to open the door and exit to the next area, completing the level.

As you start making your way north, your rescue helicopter finally makes an appearance. As you encounter enemies
while making your way through the area, retreat a bit and the chopper pilot will eventually mow down the enemies for
you. You can use your own ammo if you want, though when the game cuts away to show you not-zombies manning
heavy turrets, back away and let your buddy do the work for you. Throughout this scene, the chopper pilot will tell you to
take cover. When he does, retreat a bit and wait for a cutscene to show you an exploding turret before you continue
through the rubble.

Head towards the locked door to the northeast (visible on your map) and climb the first ladder to reach the upper
platform. You can open up the locked door, letting you into the northern half of the camp, but as you do a powerful not-
zombie with a chaingun shows up directly west of the doorway. Exit the building you're in through the rear door and
climb up the second ladder, a perch from which you can see the chaingun enemy and snipe him down. He won't be able
to see you, so unload with all you've got while watching out behind you for any not-zombies that the chopper pilot lets
With the chaingunner down, head into the north part of camp. Along the eastern wall is a set of stairs that leads up to a
zip line. Ride the zipline down to the chaingunner's corpse and drop down one level to unlock the door below. Drop
down again and head through the door to enter another portion of the camp.

Immediately, the door locks behind you and another turret begins to fire on you. Head left into the tunnel nearby and
climb up the ladder, watching out for the not-zombies above. Hold you ground in this upper level tunnel and the chopper
pilot will soon tell you to take cover again while he unloads on the chaingunners. With them destroyed, drop down to
ground level and start running for the door.

The door locks in front of you as you approach it. There are two levers you need to pull to open up the door, and they're
both on the balconies on either side of the door. To get to the first lock, just climb the ladder along the western wall. The
second lock is on a balcony that can only reached by returning to the small tunnel entrance where you first retreated in
order to avoid the turret fire when you entered this area. With both levers pulled the door opens up, letting you continue
to the next area.

There's nothing to worry about in this next area, though there are some good items to grab. Stock up, and continue north
to the next area.
Again, you've got no enemies to worry about for now. Just collect the items in the area and continue to the next. When
you enter the dark hall with the save point, equip your rifle with the infrared scope—along with the items in the various
cells of this prison is one regenerator enemy (in the southeast cell), so be prepared. The regenerator has four parasites
on its front along with a fifth on its back (blow out its leg to get to the parasite on its back). With it dead, head to the end
of the hall and climb up behind the stairs to exit the area.

There are some items in the immediate vicinity, so grab 'em and equip your rifle with the regular scope as you head
down the hall. Just around the corner are two not-zombies, and you can pick 'em off with the rifle one at a time. With
both dead, a following group of enemies will march down the stairs from the clearing around the corner, so be ready to
pick them off with your rifle or shotgun. When the initial batch is dead, a chaingunner will rush towards you. Be ready
with your shotgun and keep blasting him square in the face to be sure he doesn't get a chance to gun you down.

With the chaingunner dead, head into the main clearing to the west. There will be more enemies to worry about, and you
can use the explosive barrels to help you take them out. The doorway to the northwest is locked, and there are two
control panels you need to activate to open the lock. The first control panel can be found to the southwest. Climb up into
the room and, as you do, the control panels will deactivate as another swarm of not-zombies begins an assault.
Stay upstairs in this control room and take position near the doorway. Not-zombies will try to enter the room through this
doorway and up the ladder to the left, so be sure to watch both and knock out any opposition. One of the enemies will be
carrying the Emergency Lock Card Key which you'll need to re-activate the control panels to unlock the door. When
the swarm of enemies stops, find the key and grab it (it'll be on the ground where dead bodies fell), summoning a new
swarm of enemies. Again, take position in the southwest control room for the safest shooting, and keep firing until the
enemies stop coming.

You'll know the area is clear of enemies when the music finally stops. Drop back down to ground level and head to the
northeast corner of the area where you'll find a ladder that leads to another control room. Use the Emergency Lock Card
Key to re-activate the two control panels, and then return to the southwest control room to switch on the first. From here,
go through the door to the north and follow the walkway to another control room that's overlooking the center of the
clearing below. In here you'll find the second control panel that finally opens up the door to the north.

Return to ground level and go through the door you just unlocked. Down the hall and through another door, you'll run
into a couple of enemies (watch for parasites) you'll want to deal with before collecting the nearby items. With the area
clear, step through the door to the north to enter the next area.
Grab the few items nearby and continue to the next area to deal with the merchant as necessary. Just beyond the
merchant is a doorway that leads to the next hall—when you get there, get your weapons ready.

Leave Ashley near the doorway and head down the hall. Just around the corner to the right are a number of enemies,
including a couple of big rockers. Lay 'em out with your shotgun to clear the hall and then have Ashley follow you as you
continue to explore.

You can end the chapter by going through the doorway to the south, or you can get a few extra items by re-visiting the
lab room from which you just rescued Ashley. Follow the hall on the western wall to enter the room to the north, and
collect the items inside (there are no enemies to worry about). When you're done, return to the southern hall with Ashley
and step through the door to complete the level.


You don't have to worry about anything in this for one enemy. For now, just stock up on items and
continue into the next area. You'll find the last merchant of the game, and you might as well power up your gear right
now. Focus your efforts on beefing up your Broken Butterfly and/or Killer7, and then head down the stairs to the south to
take on the enemy.
Grenades will make this battle a whole lot easier, but to start off you'll want to equip some lighter fire power. There are
two explosive barrels in the area that you'll want to make use of first, and their locations are marked on the map above.
Lure Saddler next to the first barrel and shoot it to damage the enemy. Saddler will curl up a bit. When he does this, run
up to him and press the action button to jump up and stab Saddler's inhuman eyeball.

To reach the second explosive barrel, head south down the dock and wait for the bridge to rise up (the light next to the
bridge will indicate if it's up or down). When the bridge is up, run across, but be ready to press the shoulder buttons in
order to finish the jump across. Once on the other side, lure Saddler towards the second red barrel and repeat the
process to stab his eye one more time.

There are no more red barrels to utilize, so equip your hand grenades if you've got them. Toss the 'nades under Saddler
and the explosion will instantly put Saddler on his knees again. Run up and stab him in the eye again, and repeat the
process until you run out of grenades. When you have to, switch to your Broken Butterfly or Killer7 and target the
dangling body of Saddler that's visible under the main spider-like legs. Fire away with the weapon to knock Saddler
down again, and repeat the process until you've stabbed the eye a total of six times.

If you run out of grenades but want an easy knock down against Saddler, head to the north end of the western dock.
You can climb up a short ledge to reach a control panel—hit the switch when Saddler is nearby and he'll be pummeled
so hard he'll instantly fall down. Take this opporunity to run up and stab his eye again.

Even after stabbing the eye for the sixth time, you'll have to keep fighting off Saddler with your powerful weapons. Keep
up the pressure and eventually Ada will toss you a special rocket launcher. The location of the rocket launcher is marked
in blue on the map above—if you're already on the correct dock, go grab it, but otherwise you'll have to wait for one of
the bridges to come up again. As soon as you grab it, equip the rocket launcher (give up any items you need to) and
take aim at Saddler. Do not miss this shot! Let loose with the rocket and Saddler will finally die.

Of course, you're not out of hot water yet. During the cutscene that follows, a countdown will begin. You can get some
extra time to escape by skipping the cutscenes (time keeps going while they cutscenes play out). Run towards the
elevator in the northeast corner of the area and take it down to reunite with Ashley. Head into the cave and keep running
until you reach the jet ski. Hop on board the ski (using the key you got from Ada), and get ready for a crazy ride.

You can press up on the control stick to speed up the jet ski, and you can also move left and right. Dodge the rock
spires and other obstacles to run away from the explosion, and make sure you're on the gas the entire ride. Near the
end of the path, you'll have to watch for huge falling boulders that drop from the ceiling, so be ready to dodge them.
Once you've finally left the cave, give yourself a pat on the back: you've just completed Resident Evil 4.


Free Punisher Pistol
The merchant will eventually sell you the Punisher pistol, a powerful gun that can shoot bullets through enemies (letting
you hit two enemies with one bullet). It's definitely worth the money to spend on it, but you can also get it for free. During
part one of the first chapter, you'll come across a barn. Scattered around the barn are a number of blue medallions,
along with a note explaining these medallions. If you shoot down eleven or more medallions, return to the merchant and
he'll reward you with the Punisher pistol, absolutely free. Look at your map for the locations of the fifteen medallions—
only seven are in the first area, and you won't be able to find the other eight until you enter the graveyard, later in the

Free Shotgun
You can actually get the Shotgun very early in the game, and totally free of cost. During the first part of the first chapter,
you'll enter a village that's swarming with not-zombies. There are three main buildings in this area, and you'll find the
free Shotgun on the second floor of the northeast building.

Free Broken Butterfly

At the beginning of chapter four, you can backtrack a bit with Ashley and get the Broken Butterfly pistol for free. From
the start of the chapter, head west through the hall that goes by the merchant. Continue west through the next room to
return to the room with the dropped cage. The area is refilled with not-zombies, but you can easily run by them to go
through the doorway to the south, exiting back to the series of halls just south of the hedge maze.
As soon as you enter this area, do not move. There are two insects clinging to the ceiling, and you can take them out
with a single rifle blow if you spot them before they spot you. One of them just south of the doorway, and the second
insect is to the west, around the small corner to the north. With these two dead, continue out to the main hall. If you
check your map, you'll see a locked door to the north. Run there with Ashley and she can piggyback up and over the
wall, unlocking the door for you. Inside this room you'll find a number of free items, including the Broken Butterfly.

Free Ammo for Upgrades

You can automatically refill the ammo in your gun simply by upgrading the capacity of the weapon. If you're out of
rounds for a particular weapon (like the Broken Butterfly) but want more rounds to shoot, just pay to upgrade the
capacity and the merchant will automatically fill your gun with ammo!

Reward How to Earn
Mercenaries mini-game Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
Assignment Ada mini-game Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
Ada Wong (Mercenaries) Earn a 4 star rating on the Pueblo map.
Albert Wesker (Mercenaries) Earn a 4 star rating on the Waterworld map.
Hunk (Mercenaries) Earn a 4 star rating on the Island Commando map.
Jack Krauser (Mercenaries) Earn a 4 star rating on the Castle map.
Infinite Rocket Launcher (in shop) Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
Matilda (in shop) Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
Chicago Typewriter (in shop) Complete the Assignment Ada mini-game.
Hand Cannon (in shop) Earn a 5 star ranking with every character in the Mercenaries mini-game.

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