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DEADLINE: November 2, 2020



School Year 2020-2021


Module 8


Lesson 9 - Gifts for You

October 19 - November 2, 2020


L – Look Up

I - Internalize Principles

F – Fine Tune
To polish, to refine

E- Experience with Jesus

Values is about life transformation not only about

knowledge of the Bible.

Life’s Spiritual Manna

A devotional designed to indulge students of the spiritual principles before

they delve into the module.

Life’s Spiritual Connection

A guide of values from the learning activities in the different learning

L – Look Up
God bestows upon all members of His church in every age spiritual gifts which each member is to
employ in loving ministry for the common good of the church and of humanity. Given by the agency of the
Holy Spirit, who apportions to each member He wills, the gifts provide all abilties and ministries needed by
the church to fulfill its divinely ordained functions. According to the Scriptures, these gifts Include such
ministries as faith, healing, prophecy, proclamation, teaching, administration, reconciliation, compassion,
and self sacrificing service and charity for the help and encouragement of people. Some members are called
of God and endowed by the Spirit for functions recognized by the church in pastoral, evangelistic, apostolic,
and teaching ministries particularly needed to equip the members for service, to build up the church to
spiritual maturity, and to foster unity of the faith and knowledge of God. When members employ these
spiritual gifts as faithful stewards of God's varied grace, the church is protected from the destructive
influence of false doctrine, grows with a growth that is from God, and is built up in faith and love.

Life’s Spiritual Manna

Spiritual Gifts for Everyone

Scripture Reading:
To each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.
— 1 Corinthians 12:7

God has made us diverse in a variety of ways. The 7.3 billion humans alive today differ in age,
intelligence, ability, ethnicity, culture, personality, gender, vocation, interests, and much more.

1 Corinthians 12 says that God gave his people a variety of spiritual gifts including wisdom,
faith, healing, and speaking in tongues. Other Scripture passages mention other gifts, and each
person receives gifts. The Spirit “distributes them to each one, just as he determines.”

Though we can affirm this truth with our heads, we have trouble living it out. We must learn
to see that all people have gifts from the Spirit, including people like these:
>The woman who constantly talks about her aches and pains whenever you see her.

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>The homeless man who rarely showers and sits in the back at church.
>The refugee family who always keep to themselves at church.
>The child with autism who can’t sit still.

We hold the gifts of some people in high esteem, and we question whether some other
people have gifts at all. But God esteems each of us and the gifts he gives. To see each other as
God sees us, we must know that God gives spiritual gifts to every believer.

Whose spiritual gifts are you not seeing? Will you make it a matter of prayer to accept others
as God sees them?

Infinitely gifted God, thank you for distributing your gifts among all believers. Open my eyes
to see the gifts you give to each one. Amen.

Teaching Focus Questions:

1. Does each believer have a spiritual gift?

2. What is the purpose of these abilities?
3. How can we identify and wisely use them?

I – Internalize Principles
Lesson 9 - Gifts for You

Remember the time someone in your class was seriously ill and missed a couple of weeks
of school? How did your various friends react? Probably someone immediately volunteered to
collect all his book and make sure he got his assignment. Another phoned his home, talked with
his parents, and found out all the details: exactly what was wrong, the prognosis for recovery,
and whether friends could phone or visit. Someone else kept mentioning his name for prayer and
made sure that people got regular updates on his progress. Some people sent cards; others
paid for balloon bouquet. A few went right over to visit as soon as the doctor gave permission.

The Big Picture

Paul tells us that the purpose of any spiritual gift is “to prepare God’s people for works or
service’’ (Ephesian 4:12). As your classmates helped friend, each responded in a way that was
natural. One person would not have thought of or been able to carry out all those services, but
together they ministered in a complete way. Think of the Holy Spirit as CEO of God’s work on
this earth. Depending on the needs in each era of history, He chooses willing people and either
equips them with certain abilities or uses their natural talents for dynamic witness.’’ There are

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different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same
Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men”
(1Corinthians 12:4-6).

When you read the lists of spiritual gifts (Romans 12:6-8; Ephesians 4:7-11; 1 Corinthians
12:4-11; 12:28-31; 13:1-3 and 1 Peter 4:9-11), it’s easy to think that prophecy is more
important than showing mercy. It seems noteworthy to be an evangelist and not very
extraordinary to be a helper. But each gift is from the Spirit to the church, not to an individual.
No one has a right to arrogance or a sense of inferiority because of a particular position. It is God
who provides the inspiration and strengthen for service, “so that in all things God may be praised
through Jesus Christ” (Peter 4:11b).

Gift in Context

Because no one gift is for everyone, and no one person has every gift, it’s important to
associate with other believers for your own full spiritual development. Think about that class
meeting where everybody had a different idea about what would be a good fund-raiser. It took
a good parliamentarian to keep discussion in order and a good leader to make sure that the
group reached unity. The church, working together, comes to better decisions and has an impact
on a larger community that any person can on his or her own, no matter how talented or
dedicated that person is.

Paul illustrate this concept in 1Corinthians 12:12-31 by comparing the church to a body, the
members similar to various parts of the body. His audience would have been familiar with the
example, perhaps remembering Aesop’s fable “The Belly and the Feet”. “ The Belly and the Feet
were arguing about their importance, and when the feet kept saying that they were so much
stronger that they even carried the stomach around, the stomach replied, ‘But, my good friends,
if I didn’t take in food, you wouldn’t be able to carry anything’. “If one part suffers, every part
suffer with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26).

More Power to You

Pharaoh recognized that Joseph possessed the Spirit of God(Genesis 41:38). The Spirit came
upon Gideon, spurring him to summon an army (Judges 6:34). God told Moses that He’d chosen
Bezalel and “filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of
crafts” (Exodus 31:3). Quoting from Isaiah 61, Jesus announced His ministry by proclaiming,
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim for the year of the Lord’s freedom for the prisoners and recovery of
sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke

The Holy Spirit empowers believers for service. He may choose someone voted “least likely
to succeed” and use that person to foster faith, bring healing, or teach God’s Word. You can be
sure that when God calls you to be His witness, you will receive the power to do what He asks
(Acts 1:8). However, spiritual power is also at work in quieter, less obvious way.

One of the big responsibilities of the Holy Spirit is to “convict the world of guilt in regard to
sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8). The spirit testifies of Jesus’ life on earth,
victory over Satan, and intercession at the Father’s side. Sometimes the Spirit sweeps through

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like the rushing wind at Pentecost, but other times He is like a gentle breeze, bringing a sense of
the abiding presence of God. Our command is to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).
Perhaps our prayer should not be for “more” of the Spirit. Instead, let’s pray that the Spirit will
get “more” of us.

Last spring a friend who was moving pointed to a scrawny plant in a two-inch square plastic
pot and asked, Do you want it? If not, I’m going to throw it out.” I knew the plant could be
beautiful, so I took it home. First, I gave it more exposure to the sun. With regular watering and
fertilizing, it began to show new growth. But had it stayed in that constricting pot, it could never
have thrived. It needed a larger domain - room to send down sturdy roots so that it could branch
and spread. The twelve-inch planter I chose dwarfed the plant, but within weeks there was
spectacular growth. Six months later, beautiful curving branches cascaded from the pot, their
bright green leaves reaching for the sun. A sprig had become a showpiece!

The early church of 120 members appeared weak and insignificant even in Jerusalem. How
could it ever witness to Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth? Jesus instructed the believers
to turn to God in prayer, preparing their hearts for the promise of the Spirit. Energized with His
life changing power, that small group claimed the world for Christ. “Not by might nor by power.
But by my Spirit’, says the Lord Almighty” (Zechariah 4:6).

Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, with light and comfort from above; Be thou our Guardian,
Thou our Guide; O’er every thought and step preside.

The light of truth to us display, And make us know and choose Thy way; Plant holy fear in every
heart; That we from God may ne’er depart.

Lead us to holiness, the road, Which we must take to dwell with God; Lead us to Christ, the living
way, Nor let us from His presence stay.

Imagine the magnificent ocean liner Titanic beginning her maiden voyage. The designer
knew every inch of his plans. The owner knows every expense posted on his ledgers. The captain
knew the route and had maps, charts, and weather tables to guide his decisions. Their
documents gave all the basic information for a successful trip.

However, up to the minute forecasts transmitted by telegraph were needed. Accurate

information was necessary if the voyage was to be successful in the treacherous,
iceberg-studded waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.

When sin ended face to face communication between God and humans, God didn’t stop
communicating. Instead, He began to send messages through people who could be depended on
to transmit his warnings, reproofs, and encouragements. No one ever applied for the role of a
prophet; God made the selection. “Prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men
spoke from Godas they were being carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21).

Amos, God’s spokesperson for justice and righteousness, assures us that “surely the
Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7)

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The Spirit of Prophecy in the New Testament

John the Baptist prophesied when he announced Christ’s first advent. “ In the past God spoke
to Son our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways,” wrote the
author of Hebrews, “but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son”. (Hebrew 1:1).

In Old Testament times, the key role of prophets was to warn of impending doom and gloom.
God raised up prophets to be His human mouthpiece against rebellion and sin. It wasn’t an easy
job. And not all of them survived the anger of those who didn’t want to hear God’s message. But
they enjoyed successes, too, even when they didn’t think the warning they were asked to
deliverer would be rightly received. Jonah is a good example. Nineveh repent and got right with

In the New Testament, the primary role of a prophet was to explain truth effectively. The
person with the gift of prophecy is someone who is capable of making complex things simple.
New Testament prophets are used by God in helping people understand the wonder and awe of
Christ. They rivet people’s attention on the Prophet Jesus.

So New Testament prophets help establishing the church people who exalt Christ. They
inspire the mission outreach of taking His name to the world. Prophets encourage believers to
hold tightly to God’s hand, no matter what tragedies occur in their lives. They constantly alert us
to the fact that whatever our differences, the bond we share in Jesus provides a unification that
transcends petty arguing and division. Prophet’s message, while not serving as a substitute for
God’s Word, leads His people in critical decision making.

The Spirit of Prophecy Continues

Paul defined the purpose of spiritual gifts as building the church up ‘’until we all reach unity
in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole
measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).

Jesus foretold the rise of false prophets as one of the sign that His coming was near (Matthew
24:11). If false prophets were to arise, doesn’t it stand to reason that true prophets would exist
as well? Yet many Christians believer that all true prophecy ended at the close of the apostolic

The Prophetic Gift in the Remnant Church

After 1789 (the ended of the 1,260-day period referred to in Revelation 12:6 and 12:14),
Satan will attack “the rest of her offspring those who obey God’s commandments and hold to the
testimony of Jesus” (Revelation 12:17). What is the “testimony of Jesus”? Revelation 19:10
specifically defines it as “the spirit of prophecy.” Revelation 22:8, 9 is a scripture with many
similarities to Revelation 19:10, and it identifies the “brothers” as prophets.

The phrase “spirit of prophecy” is used by some Seventh - day Adventist as synonymous with
the writings of Ellen G. White. In a broader sense, the expression “spirit of prophecy” refers to
the testimony borne by Jesus Himself, either in His own life and ministry or by the working of the
Holy Spirit inspiring His servants, the prophets. It involves God’s work through the Holy Spirit to
guide His people through all time.

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We as Seventh- day Adventist believe, based on these passages, that the prophetic gift is
an identifying mark of God’s end-time church. We also believe that “the spirit of prophecy” is a
specific reference to the modern-day prophetic ministry of Ellen G. White.

Prophets and the Bible

The cannon of Scripture is closed, and writing or speechess or prophets do not supersede
the Bible. There were many prophets who lived in the Bible times but whose testimonies never
became part of the Bible. Their messages did not contradict recorded divine revelation; the same
God who inspired the prophets whose writings became part of our Bible spoke through these
other prophets as well.

Testing the Prophetic Gift

“Do not put out the Spirit’s fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything.
Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.” (Thessalonians 5:19-22) is Paul’s excellent advice.
Here are some guidelines to distinguish genuine prophets from the false:

1. Does the message agree with the Bible? Isaiah 8:20 reminds us to check all information
by whether it is according to the law and the testimony. Later prophets must not be contradict
earlier prophets.

2. Do the predictions come true? “If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does
not take place or come true, that is a message of the Lord has not spoken” (Deuteronomy

3. Is Christ incarnation recognized? “The true prophet must confess the biblical teaching on
Christ’s incarnation must believe in His deity and pre-existence”. “Every Spirit that
acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not
acknowledge Jesus is not from God. The spirit of the antichrist, which you have been heard is
coming and even now is already in the world” (1 John 4:2-3).

4. Does the prophet bear good or bad “fruit”? After Jesus warned His disciples to “watch out
for false prophets” (Matthew 7:15), He reminded them that “a good tree cannot bear bad fruit,
and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit”. Someone claiming to have the prophetic gift should
reveal the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), not acts of the sinful nature (Galatians

Ellen G. White

When Ellen White began to deliver God’s messages, her prophetic call was scrutinized, not
just to test her words but because her youth and the fact that she was female made her even
more suspect. She had more than 2,000 visions over a period of seventy years. Her preaching,
writing, and counseling built up the church in America, Europe, and Australia.

Applying the above test to her writings, we see that they not only agree with the Bible but
consistently point readers to the Bible as God’s authority on truth. In her first book, Early
Writings, she wrote, “I recommend to you, dear reader, the Word of God as the rule of your faith
and practice. By that Word we are to be judged”.

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There are few predictions in her writing, but here are two examples of her insights that have
clearly come true:

1. The rise of modern spiritualism. In 1850 when spiritualism had just arisen, it was
decidedly anti-Christian. Mrs. White predicted that it would grow, become respectable among
Christians and be a last-day deception (Early Writings, 59).

2. A close cooperation between Protestants and Roman Catholics. During Mrs. White’s
lifetime, there was a gulf between Protestants and Catholics that neither side could imagine as
being bridged. Major changes have broken down barriers between the two groups, leading to
growing cooperation.(SDA Believe….pp223-224)

Steps to Christ, Ellen White’s most widely distributed book, has led millions to a vibrant
relationship with Jesus. Her classic book The Desire of Ages is an extensive description of the life
of Jesus. Portraying Jesus as fully God and fully man, she has emphasized Jesus’ ministry as one
of love and sacrifice.

Sometimes It’s Good to hear Bad News

Starting as early as 9:00 A.M, Titanic had received warnings of ice latitude 42N from
longitude 49-51W. Throughout the day, reports sent 1:42 P.M. Baltic reports ice. 1:45 P.M.
Amerika reports ice. 7:30 P.M California reports ice. 9:30 P.M. Mesaba report ice.

Also, at 9:30 P.M, Second Officer Lightoller warned the carpenter and engine room to make
sure their fresh-water supply didn’t freeze, since the sea temperature was at 32. Lightoller told
the crow’s nest to watch for ice.

A last warning came to 11:00 P.M from wireless operator Evans on the Californian. He tried to
break in to tell Titanic about the ice blocking his ship ten miles away. “Shut up, shut up! I am
busy!” first Operator John Philips snapped. Evans closed down his set at 11:30 P.M, his schedule
time to go off duty. Fleet, a lookout on Titanic, stared into the night as the beautiful ship raced
across the calm, black sea at 22 knots. Suddenly he saw something darker than the night.
Immediately ringing the crow’s nest bell three times to warn of danger, he quickly phoned the

“Iceberg right ahead,” he reported.

“Thank you,” was the detached response. Nothing more was said.

Nothing more was said. At 11:40 P.M on April 13,1912, an iceberg at latitude 41 46’N and
longitude 50 14’W ripped a 300-foot gash in the proud Titanic, and icy seawater hopelessly
flooded five of her compartments.

It’s not easy to be a prophet, giving instruction and warning to people who are busy and
would rather not be bothered. Yet, in the concept of the prophetic gift, we are brought face to
face with God’s one and only solution to the sin problem. We ignore it only at the peril of our own
eternal destiny. It’s true that prophecy sometimes serves to warn us of the impending judgment
of God. But in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit gifts believers with the ultimate goal of

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bringing as many people as possible into the knowledge and experience of God’s love and grace.
The gift of prophecy is given to the church today primarily to point us to Christ, in whom alone
we are safe.

Seventh- day Adventist Believe…

One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant
church and was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. As the Lord’s messenger, her
writings are a continuing and authoritative source of truth which provide for the church comfort,
guidance, instruction, and correction. They also make clear that the Bible is the standard by
which all teachings and experience must be tested. – Fundamental Beliefs, 17

Anchor Text

“Jehoshaphat stood and said, ‘Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the
Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful” (2
Corinthians 20:20).

F – Fine Tune
Answer the following activity Discussion Questions page 90 in our textbook.

(Note: Do not answer in this page, but rather, proceed to the activity sheet wherein you can put
all your answers to be submitted. Thank you)

1. What are your first thoughts when you hear of someone who says he or she has received
messages from God? Explain.

2. If a prophet's predictions actually happen, is that proof that the prophet is genuine? Explain.

3. Does 'by their fruit you will recognize them' (Matthew 7:16) mean that a prophet has to be

4. How is a true prophet a gift to the church?

5. If you study the Bible, do you need to study other prophetic writings?

Page 8
E- Experience with Jesus

Practical Application.

1. Study the spiritual gifts listed in the Scriptures below..

Romans 12:6-8 1 Corinthians 12:28-31

Ephesians 4:7-11 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
1 Corinthians 12:4-11 1 Peter 4:9-11)

One religion professor suggests that most of the gifts can be grouped under the categories of
either 'speaking' or 'serving.' Reorganize the lists under those two headings. (Or use another
organizational framework you prefer.) Are there any problems with this classification?

Life’s Spiritual Connection

The Holy Spirit gives us special ability as member of the body of Christ to help the church
fulfill its divine mission. The Spirit distributes gifts to each one of us for the edification, or
building up, of the church. And since the Spirit distributes the gifts according as He sees fit, no
gift is to be despised or belittled. No member of the church has a right to arrogance because of
a particular appointment or function, nor should anyone feel inferior because of an assignment
to a humble position.


-North American Division Office of Education General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist.
Beliefs. Pacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa Idaho

Internet: https://today.reframemedia.com/devotions/spiritual-gifts-for-everyone

SDA Fundamental Beliefs 17

Mobile #: 09438106020
Messenger Account: Yor An Act
Email Address: roy_tacan@yahoo.com
Page 9

F – Fine Tune

1. What are your first thoughts when you hear of someone who says he or she has received
messages from God? Explain.

2. If a prophet's predictions actually happen, is that proof that the prophet is genuine? Explain.

3. Does 'by their fruit you will recognize them' (Matthew 7:16) mean that a prophet has to be
perfect? Explain.

4. How is a true prophet a gift to the church?

5. If you study the Bible, do you need to study other prophetic writings?
E- Experience with Jesus

Study and identify

the spiritual gifts listed in the Scriptures below..

Romans 12:6-8 1 Corinthians 12:28-31

Ephesians 4:7-11 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
1 Corinthians 12:4-11 1 Peter 4:9-11)

One religion professor suggests that most of the gifts can be grouped under the categories of
either 'speaking' or 'serving.' Reorganize the lists under those two headings. (Or use another
organizational framework you prefer.) Are there any problems with this classification?



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