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Intended Learning Activities

Let’s Do This.


1. Construct a Lesson Plan that developed student/pupil skills. Refer to the

curriculum guide for a certain topic or lesson.

2. Demonstrate understanding of the special educational needs of learners in

difficult circumstances as to geographic isolation, chronic illness,
displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters, child
abuse and child labor practices and COVID 19. As a future teacher, how
do you deal and adjust with this kind of scenarios to meet student needs?
Explain your answer

1. Watch the movie “Every Child is Especial” and make a reflection paper
following the format below.

a. Introduction – Idea of your reflection paper

b. Body – The body is mainly an explanation of your paper
c. Conclusion – Like the introduction, your conclusion should be
written in the manner of brevity.

Pointers for writing a reflection paper

 Use Times New Roman 12-point Font, Double Spaced

 The margins should be 1’’
 In the header, you should indicate
a. Your Name
b. Your Instructor’s Name
c. Course and Year
d. Date of Submission

Intended Learning Activities
Let’s Do This.


3. From the Lesson Plan you’ve constructed from the previous activities,
Prepare an Instructional Materials suited to your chosen topic.

1. Choose from the Areas of EPP and make a visual or three dimensional
sample of Instructional materials to be used as motivation or for discussion.


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